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Region III

Division of City of San Fernando (P)

San Fernando West District
San Juan, City of San Fernando (P)


(Senior High School)

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following best describes what social sciences have in common?
a. A focus on material culture c. An interest in studying human beings
b. The study of the human mind d. Research that overlaps with genetics
2. Natural sciences are the branches of science that go into the details of the natural world by
using scientific methods. ________ is the field of human knowledge that deals with all
aspects of the group life of human beings.
a. Humanities b. Life Science c. Social Science d. Sociology
3. Which of the following is a characteristic of anthropology?
a. It focuses only on prehistoric societies
b. It is concerned with both human biology and culture.
c. It is concerned with human variation, evolution, and adaptation.
d. a and b
4. The growth of Social Science followed the footsteps of:
a. Humanities b. Natural Science c. Philosophy d. Society
5. According to functionalism, society tends towards self-maintaining order which is also
known as:
a. Equilibrium b. Latent Functions c. Social Functions d. Social Structure
6. Talcott Parsons and Herbert Spencer are famous proponents of which Social Science
a. Marxism c. Structural Functionalism
b. Psychoanalysis d. Symbolic Interactionism
7. Marxism emphasizes the importance of which of the following factors in explaining the
international system?
a. Cooperation b. Economics c. Power d. Social identity
8. Symbolic Interactionism was criticized because it fails into account ________ level in the
a. Macro b. Micro c. Qualitative d. Quantitative
9. Which of the following is NOT part of Symbolic Interactionism theory’s core principles?
a. Language b. Meaning c. Symbol d. Thought
10. In Freud's theory, the part of the personality that helps the individual adapt to external
reality by making compromises between the id, the superego, and the environment is the:
a. Ego b. Pleasure principle c. Rationalization d. Reality principle
11. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social science?
a. Anthropology b. Economics c. Physics d. Psychology
12. Humanities and the social sciences each seek to understand and appreciate the human
condition it relied on contrasting ways of knowing and methodologies to do so. Science uses
the tools of empirical deduction and rational induction, based upon objectivity. How about
a. seeks to explain human behavior as groups and/or individuals
b. emphasizes empirical methods that seek to explain causality of event
c. utilizes interpretative methodologies and the goal is to understand meaning and
purpose and generate wisdom
d. applying such legitimizing tests as reliability and external/internal validity, with the goal
of replicating phenomena and generating new knowledge
13. The study of the earth’s surface; a specialized investigation of the physical structure of
the earth, including its terrain and its climates, and the nature and character of its contrasting
inhabited portions.
a. Anthropology b. Economics c. Geography d. History
14. It is used to be defined as "a study of mind and soul".
a. Anthropology b. Philosophy c. Physiology d. Psychology
15. The following are the historical factors that gave birth to the social sciences in the West
a. Rise of Individualism c. The Unprecedented Growth of Science
b. Dominance of the Catholic Church d. Dissolution of the Feudal Social Relations
16.What was the cause of the Dissolution of the Feudal Structure in the society during the
Middle Age?
a. Age of Enlightenment c. Industrial Revolution
b. Age of Exploration d. Scientific Revolution
17. Structural functionalism was criticized because it validates ______________.
a. Micro level b. Revolution c. Social Functions d. Social Inequality
18. Social function is:
a. Stable patterns of social behavior
b. consequences for the operation of society as a whole
c. set of characteristics that keep a group able to function as a unit
d. are the less apparent, unintended, and often unrecognized functions
19. Marxism was criticized because it makes people appear to be dominated by:
a. Cooperation b. Ideology c. Structures d. Struggle
20. What type of struggle is pivotal in Marxism?
a. Imperial b. Proletarian c. Slavery d. Not pivotal
21. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to Symbolic Interactionism?
a. Meaning is inherent in objects of every social interaction.
b. All communication is symbolic and based upon interaction and language
c. Individuals assign meaning to objects in order to decide how to act and behave.
d. As we interact with the world, we change the way we behave based on the meaning
we give to social interactions.
22. Which of the following DOES NOT describe about the concept of Meaning in Symbolic
a. Meaning given on symbols remains the same.
b. We act on the basis of the meaning we give something
c. Meaning is not inherent in objects of every social interaction.
d. Holds the principal of meaning to be the central aspect of human behavior.
23. According to Freud, a process that distorts reality to prevent the individual from being
overwhelmed by anxiety is known as:
a. Defense Mechanism c. Psychic Determinism
b. Projection d. The Unconscious
24. Which of the following statements best defines Freud's concept of the id?
a.The instinctual and primitive element of the unconscious mind.
b.The element of the mind that allows for logical, rational thought and problem-solving.
c.The element of the conscious mind that controls desires for food and sexual
d.The element of the unconscious mind that controls desires for food and sexual
25. In Sunstar Cebu report, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez earlier issued a statement
calling on PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” de la Rosa to resign immediately to save Pres. Duterte
from further embarrassment and restore the respect to the office of the PNP Director
General. What was the issue behind this resignation call by Speaker Alvarez?
a. The series of Extra Judicial Killing in the country.
b. De Lima’s travel to the United States and Europe.
c. Killing of a Korean business executive inside the Camp Crame.
d. Bato’s involvement in the Narco cop list of the President Duterte.
26. In year 2016, world attention was focused on the Philippines, what important event was
happening in this country?
a. A terrorist attack in Marawi City.
b. Inauguration of Rodrigo Duterte as the 16th President
c.The victory of Rodrigo Duterte against Grace Poe in the election
d. The hacking incident involving Russia in the government agency.
27. If you were to explore how people coming from the capital area of Pampanga speak the
Pampanga dialect like “Kalaut naman ing sakayan jeep”, which discipline would be the most
a.Chemistry b. Economics c. Linguistics d. Psychology
28. Philippines’ population to hit 105.7M according to a news article from, which
discipline in Social Science this topic belongs?
a. Demography b. History c. Geography d. Sociology
29. Which of the following DOES NOT describe about the Rise of Universities?
a.Secular subjects were taught
b.Curriculum was based on the need of the state
c. Subjects were based on the teaching of the Bible
d. Became a training hub for future scientist, technocrats and innovators
30. Justine is a Grade 11 student of CSFWIS who is also part of basketball team that
represents the city in the Provincial Meet. He was later offered a scholarship program by the
university of the Philippines to play for the team. Based on the structural functionalism which
best describes Justine’s scholarship at a university because of his skill in basketball.
a. Latent Functions c. Social Functions
b. Manifest Functions d. Social Structure
31. Which of the following is NOT an example of a proletariat?
a. Factory Worker c. Member of a labor union
b. Farmer d. Owner of SM
32. Which of the following groups operating in our country followed the principles of
a. Abu Sayyaf b. CPP-NPA c. Maute Group d. MILF
33. Vera believes forever in love because until now she and her boyfriend are still together
and happily in love with each other. Based on the situation which represents Meaning in
Symbolic interactionism?
a. Boyfriend b. Forever c. Love d. Vera
34. The following is an example of the micro level of society:
a. Two individuals having a conversation
b. A change in the political climate of a country
c. A new economic force emerging in the global economy
d. All of the answers are correct
35. Mark is taking a high-stakes university exam and is sitting next to the smartest student in
the class. Mark can clearly see his classmate's responses but refrains from copying the
answers. Which of the following is affecting Mark's behavior?
a. Ego b. Id c. Instinct d. Superego
36. Marco loves to bite his nails even if he is already 20 years old. Which of the following
stage of Freud’s psychosexual theory is he fixated?
a. Anal b. Oral c. Latency d. Phallic
37. Leo is a member of CSFWIS Performing Arts Guild. His skill will most likely fall under
which discipline:
a. Humanities b. Natural Science c. Political Science d. Social Science
38. A news headline form PDI entitled: PH sells $500M in bonds. Which discipline in Social
Science will interest this article?
a. Demography b. Economics c. Political Science d. Sociology
39. The following characterize the Secularization of Learning during the Middle Ages
a. Collapse of religious authority
b. Union of the Church and universities
c. Separation between different social spheres
d. Use of humanities resources such Ancient philosophy and humanities
40. Which of the following is NOT an example of social structures?
a. Church b. Community c. Family d. Individual
41. In a capitalist society Social Control is achieved through:
a. Class Struggle c. Ruling Class Ideology
b. Ideology d. Working Class Ideology
42. Language gives humans a means by which to negotiate meaning through symbols, which
of the following is NOT an example in the use of symbol.
a. Elma writes a letter to her favorite artist.
b. Charlotte texts his feelings towards his boyfriend
c. Crisliphil confronts her classmate about his attitude.
d. Rosell was shocked upon learning about the increase of gasoline.
43. Peter is a four year old who wants to possess his mother by letting her carry him every
time she is around. If his father goes near them he will always yell “get out!” Which of the
following fixation on the phallic stage is Peter manifesting?
a. Electra Complex c. Pleasure Complex
b. Oedipus Complex d. Reality Complex
44. Leo a Grade 11 student of CSFWIS was asked by his teacher to buy chalk at the
canteen. Upon giving the chalk to his teacher it accidentally fell to the floor making him shout
“ay bwisit!” which elicited laughter from the class because he was known to be religious.
Which level of mental life did he manifest?
a. Conscious b. Preconscious c. Psychic d. Unconscious
45. Karl Emil Maximilian "Max" Weber was a sociologist who relied on the method of science
to interpret the world, he proposed rationalization. Which of these describes rationalization?
a. The emergence of modern science during the early modern period
b. Social life is more and more subjected to calculation and prediction
c. Way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land
d. Possibility of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive and careful observation
of events in nature
46. Social dysfunction happened when:
a. When there is stable patterns of social behavior
b. State of balance maintained by social processes
c. Breakdowns or disruptions in society and its parts
d. State of balance maintained by social processes in the society
47. Which of the following DOES NOT adhere to Marxism?
a. Marxism is an economic and social system
b. Classes are naturally cooperative by virtue of their interests.
c. Classes are authority relationships based on property ownership.
d. Marx focuses on explaining class conflict due to the means of production
48. What lesson in life can we get from Symbolic Interactionism?
a. Human beings are evil by nature
b. Life is a struggle between the rich and poor
c. We cannot judge other people’s action immediately
d. Praying and going to church helped improved our personal relationship.

49. Nica wants to play DOTA a day before the Periodical Test schedule. Which of the
following sentence best describes Nica’s Ego personality?
a. I will play dota immediately
b. I want to review in preparation for the test
c. I will play dota only on Saturdays and Sundays
d. I will play one game after I am done with the review

50. This a field in psychology which focuses on how a person can better achieve self-
actualization through the development of his or her abilities.
a. Behavioral b. Cognitive c.Humanistic d. Psychoanalysis

Prepared by: Reviewed and Checked by: Noted by:

Ronella D. Sabado Antonia J. Canlas Mary Jane P. Mallari

Teacher-in-Charge Testing Coordinator School Head

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