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Oral Posture

The tongue is carried higher up in the mouth, resulting in the tone being
focused towards the bottom teeth and under the tongue.


A hallmark of the Scottish dialect is the musical prosody of many of its

speakers because of their varied pitches throughout sentences and words.
Especially with diphthongs, Scottish dialects have a sort of lilt that goes up.
Because this is mostly present within diphthongs, many words that fall in
lexical sets that don’t have diphthongs become diphthongs and have the
same signature lilt. The Scottish dialect tends to have a very rapid pace,
and when matched with the various pitches and the lilt on diphthongs, it
can be very hard to understand.
Phoenetic Shifts

1. 1 Example in Scene- good

a. Lexical Sets: foot to goose
b. IPA: ʊ -> u
2. 2 Example in Scene- about
a. Lexical Sets: mouth to goat
b. IPA: aʊ -> əʊ approaching oʊ
3. 3 Example in Scene- career (rolling r)
a. Lexical Sets: N/A
b. IPA: ɹ -> r
4. 1 Example in Scene- its
a. Lexical Sets: kit to dress
b. IPA: ɪ -> ɛ
5. 2 Example in Scene- its not that i dont believe in it
a. Lexical Sets:N/A
b. IPA: t -> ʔ
6. 3 Example in Scene- something, talking
a. Lexical Sets: N/A
b. IPA: n -> ŋ
Play Synopsis

Gagarin way is the first play ever produced by Gregory

Burke. Two important characters are Eddie and Gary the
loyal friend who are disheartened by the social justice
system in the UK and decide to try to get their revenge by
kidnapping a visiting factory manager, who they believe is
from Japan, named Frank. However a security guard by
the name of Tom troubles their plans of kidnapping Frank,
who is not from Japan and is unexpectedly a local boy
after all.

Playwright Encyclopedia- Gagarin Way:
Three Cultural Questions

1. How is their education system? Throughout the play,

the characters talk with a lot of slang, so that leads
me to believe that the schooling is not very good.
2. Is the justice system more relaxed and not well
enforced? The entire play is around the idea of
committing a crime, so that proposes the question of
how they are going to get away with it successfully.
3. Is Scotland a violent place? The characters are being
violent towards others, and that makes us wonder if
violence happens a lot throughout the country.
Gagarin Way​ by Gregory Burke

Gary, who has kidnapped Frank as a political act against Capitalism,

debates with security-guard Tom, a graduate with a Political Science
degree on whether rebellious acts against big money are worth it.

Tom: If it’s excitement you want, why don’t you just work for your brother?

Gary: My brother. (Pause) No, I’m old-fashioned. I dinnay agree with drugs.

They’re a waste of time.

Tom: It’s where the money is.

Gary: The money. The money’s no anywhere round about here. The

propaganda ay the deed. (Beat) What would you day if you were me?

Tom: I understand what you’re talking about…

Gary: Aye...But do you believe in it?

Tom: It’s not that I don’t believe in it…

Gary: You either believe in something or you dinnay.

Tom: I think... A social conscience... it’s a good thing. But… I want to get


Gary: Get on?

Tom: Have a career... Do things.

Gary: You’re on one side or the other.

Tom: It doesn’t have to be like that anymore.

Gary: No?

Tom: You don’t have to choose. It doesn’t have to be socialism or

capitalism. You can pick what you want from both.

Gary: You cannay fucking combine them. That’s just an excuse for those

who’ve sold out.

Tom: You have to be on the inside to change things.

Gary: But I’m not on the inside.

Tom: You could be.

Gagarin Way​ by Gregory Burke

Gary, who has kidnapped Frank as a political act against Capitalism,

debates with security-guard Tom, a graduate with a Political Science
degree on whether rebellious acts against big money are worth it.

Tom: If it’s excitement you want, why don’t you just work for your brother?

Gary: My brother. (Pause) No, I’m old-fashioned. I dinnay agree with drugs.

They’re a waste of time.

Tom: It’s where the money is.

Gary: The money. The money’s no anywhere round about here. The

propaganda ay the deed. (Beat) What would you day if you were me?

Tom: I understand what you’re talking about…

Gary: Aye...But do you believe in it?

Tom: It’s not that I don’t believe in it…

Gary: You either believe in something or you dinnay.

Tom: I think... A social conscience... it’s a good thing. But… I want to get


Gary: Get on?

Tom: Have a career... Do things.

Gary: You’re on one side or the other.

Tom: It doesn’t have to be like that anymore.

Gary: No?

Tom: You don’t have to choose. It doesn’t have to be socialism or

capitalism. You can pick what you want from both.

Gary: You cannay fucking combine them. That’s just an excuse for those

who’ve sold out.

Tom: You have to be on the inside to change things.

Gary: But I’m not on the inside.

Tom: You could be.

Gagarin Way​ by Gregory Burke

Gary, who has kidnapped Frank as a political act against Capitalism,

debates with security-guard Tom, a graduate with a Political Science
degree on whether rebellious acts against big money are worth it.

Tom: If it’s excitement you want, why don’t you just work for your brother?

Gary: My brother. (Pause) No, I’m old-fashioned. I dinnay agree with drugs.

They’re a waste of time.

Tom: It’s where the money is.

Gary: The money. The money’s no anywhere round about here. The

propaganda ay the deed. (Beat) What would you day if you were me?

Tom: I understand what you’re talking about…

Gary: Aye...But do you believe in it?

Tom: It’s not that I don’t believe in it…

Gary: You either believe in something or you dinnay.

Tom: I think... A social conscience... it’s a good thing. But… I want to get


Gary: Get on?

Tom: Have a career... Do things.

Gary: You’re on one side or the other.

Tom: It doesn’t have to be like that anymore.

Gary: No?

Tom: You don’t have to choose. It doesn’t have to be socialism or

capitalism. You can pick what you want from both.

Gary: You cannay fucking combine them. That’s just an excuse for those

who’ve sold out.

Tom: You have to be on the inside to change things.

Gary: But I’m not on the inside.

Tom: You could be.

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