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Land Titles and Deeds Finals Transcription parcel of land so you have to trace it back. Why?

Because you
have to know who registered it first.

Atty: And what date should you consider in determining who

registered it first?
September 4, 2012, 00:00 – 26:00
Ans: It is the date of transcription of the decree because that is
(CAVEAT: di kayo ko kaklaro sa answer sa atong classmates, but when you consider the OCT having to take effect. So it’s not
kung unsa ang answer kay ibalik ra man sad ug sulti ni ma’am, so enough that you know when it takes effect. You have to know
kang ma’am nlang ako gtranscribe.) unsa may gamit?

Atty: We’ve already discussed this. This is just a review. What Atty: Why do we need to know when an OCT takes effect?
happens after your land registration court grants the application
for original registration? Ans: Because it is useful in case of double registration you have to
look who registered it first.
Ans. Once it is granted, your land registration court will issue an
order granting the application. What happens after that? And, on the date of entry of decree in the LRA that is also
important because that is in fact the reckoning period of the 1
After the granting by the land registration court of your year indefeasibility of title would come in.
application for original registration, the court will order the LRA to
enter the decree of registration. Once it is in the LRA, and it is also Atty: Why do we need to know when the title becomes
already entered, and there is issuance of your certificate of title, it indefeasible?
is now sent to your Register of Deeds for transcription. Okay? So
that’s what happens. And your RD upon transcription that will Ans: First, if you are the registered owner, it is important to you
actually be now the certificate of title that will be given to the so that you will know that at that point in time, no one can attack
registered owner. your title. If you are the oppositor, the more it is useful to you
because within that one year from the entry of decree in the LRA,
Atty: Now you mentioned about decree of registration, and we you can still attack and reopen the proceedings through a petition
have been mentioning that decree of registration. What is this for review within that one year from the entry of decree in the
Decree of Registration? LRA. But beyond that one year, as an oppositor, and you still have
valid claims over that parcel of land, you still have a remedy. And
Ans: Simply, this is just a document that is issued by your LRA in that is action for reconveyance.
the name of the court, telling you that a person was granted his
application for original registration and now he is the registered Atty: However, if there is now an innocent purchaser for value,
owner of a particular parcel of land. Of course, with its technical you can no longer ask that it be conveyed back to you. What will
descriptions. you do?

Atty: And we also said that after the entry of that decree of Ans: Just ask for damages from the party who is the author of the
registration in the LRA, it will now pass on o your Register of fraud. Of course, you do not ask from the innocent purchaser for
Deeds or your RD for transcription. What do we call that book value.
where your RD will transcribe all those which were transferred
from the LRA to the RD? Atty: Now supposing that that party is insolvent, he cannot pay
you. What do you do?
Ans: We call it the registration book. And in fact, the registration
book is sequenced, such that kung kinsa tu ang una, up until the Ans: You go to the assurance fund. That’s the beauty of land
last. So that will constitute now again as we said earlier on the titles. Dili mo magtagpi-tagpi. That’s how you connect the
certificate of title that is given to the registered owner. principles. So that’s the essence why you have to know when is
the entry of decree in the LRA and when the OCT takes effect,
Atty: Now, as a review, what is the difference or what is the that’s when it decree is transcribed in the RD.
importance of knowing when the RD has transcribed the decree
of registration in its books and when it was entered in the LRA? Del Prado vs. Caballero
What are the purposes of knowing these dates?
(Di kayo ko kadungog..  pero ani ni xa.. )
Ans: In case of double sale or double registration, where the two
parties are now trying to contest the validity of the ownership of On May 21, 1987, Antonio Caballero moved for the issuance of
the other, you trace it back to the original certificate of title and the final decree of registration for their lots.
there are two original certificates of titles covering the same

Consequently, on May 25, 1987, the court ordered the National he has siblings. And then come Cipriano, he was able to transfer
Land Titles and Registration Administration to issue the decree of the property to spouses Rodolfo and Spouses Rodolfo were able
registration and the corresponding titles of the lots in favor of to sell it to Guaranteed Homes. And so there was question as to
Caballeros. whether the other siblings of Cipriano can cancel the title of
Guaranteed Homes. The SC in this case said that Guaranteed
Before ma-issuehan ug OCT ang Caballeros, they sold their lot Homes is considered an innocent purchaser for value. There was a
11909 to Del Prado on June 11, 1990. Stated in their deed of sale contention by the siblings of Cipriano that a fraudulent deed just
the boundaries of the lot, and that it contains an area of 4,000 like the affidavit of adjudication of sole heir made by Cipriano
square meters, more or less. Pagdawat na nila sa OCT on could not be a root of a valid title and they are in fact correct, that
November 15, 1990, it was found out that ang area jud diay sa lot a fraudulent deed or a forged document cannot become a root of
11909 is 14,457 square meters, more or less. a valid title. That’s the General Rule. The exception is when it has
already passed on to the hands of an innocent purchaser for
On March 20, 1991 (take note of the date), Del Prado filed a value. In fact, I think I have discussed before, that had the title
“petition for registration of document under PD 1529” so that a stayed with Cipriano, kung kutob ra xa ni Cipriano, and the other
certificate of title be issued in her name with regards to lot 11909. siblings would like to cancel the title then they can do that. I fact it
Del Prado said that the sale was for lump sum, so that ang iyang is imprescriptible because the deed is null and void. And your
bayad was for the whole area covered by the lot 11909. Obligations and Contracts tells you that dili na xa mu-prescribe
Caballeros opposed contending that what was only sold to Del because the document does not exist. But since Cipriano
Prado is 4000 square meters ra. transferred it successfully to Rodolfo, who is also an innocent
purchaser for value and Rodolfo successfully transferred it to
SC said that if there is conflict between the area stated in the Guaranteed Homes, samot nga innocent purchaser for value since
deed of sale and the actual area covered within the boundaries, the title was clean, there was nothing in the title to excite
the latter prevails, meaning kadto jung covered by the suspicion and we said that as a general rule, your buyer is not
boundaries. However, SC ruled that this applies only when there is required to go beyond the titles, save for some circumstances, like
a slight difference in the area, not in cases like this nga 4,000 if the seller and the name on the title do not correspond to each
square meters ug 14,457 sq meters. ) other or you’re not even showed the certificate of title. So again,
remember that. General rule is, a forged or a fraudulent deed
Atty: When the SC said that when you say more or less, there may
cannot become a root of a valid title except when it has passed on
be a slight difference. 4000 and 14000, of course, that is not
to the hands of an innocent purchaser for value. That is
slight. That is substantial. And so, the SC said that what is
Guaranteed Homes.
controlling now is the 4,000. That is the exception to the general
rule. (Sept. 4, 2012 part 2)

Atty: Now going back to the remedy that was used by Del Prado. Atty. Bathan: If I have a land that was granted to me through a
Del Prado filed a “petition for registration of document under free patent, for my title over that land that was granted to me
Presidential Decree (PD) 1529”. That was the name of his action. through a free patent, for it to be indefeasible, do I have to go
What year did he file the petition? through a land registration proceedings so that I may be given a
certificate of title for it to become indefeasible?
Ans: It was in 1991.
Rollan: For it to become indefeasible, maam, it would not be
Atty: When was the decree of registration entered in the LRA as
necessary for one to go to register the land to a court to affect
petitioned by Caballero?
such title to become indefeasible. Such title as a free patent, the
law recognizes that it become indefeasible.
Ans: It was on May 25, 1987.

Atty. Bathan: Upon the issuance of free patent?

Atty: Which means that the title has become indefeasible when?

Rollan: After one year upon the issuance of the title.

Ans: One year after the entry, so, the title became indefeasible in
1988. That’s why the SC said that it was not proper for Del Prado
Atty. Bathan: Alright. Your Supreme Court said that lands granted
to have filed the petition for registration of document before the
through a free patent or a homestead patent are, rather have the
same court, in that same proceeding since the title has become
same effect as those titles which were granted to you through a
indefeasible on 1988, clearly, due to the passing from the entry of
judicial proceeding, your original registration proceeding. While in
the decree in the LRA. So that’s the case of Del Prado vs.
an original registration proceeding, when you have a certificate of
title, it becomes indefeasible upon the lapse of one year from the
entry of decree in the LRA. While in a free patent or in a
Atty: In Guaranteed Homes vs. Valdez, we have already discussed
homestead patent, it becomes indefeasible still one year but of
this and this was about an heir, Cipriano, who made a document
adjudicating to himself the property as the sole heir, when in fact,

course different reckoning period-- one year from the issuance of (Real Property Tax Receipt) to evidence possession. But if there is
the free patent. a dispute between two persons, one having a certificate of title
and another which has a tax declaration, clearly the one who has
What if your free patent was later on found out to be the better right to thr parcel of land is the one possessing a
covering lands that are in fact not alienable and disposable? certificate of title.

Rollan: If it is not classified as alienable and disposable then such What is the difference between your OCT and TCT?
title you have is a nullity.
Diao: OCT is a certificate given to you after the original
Atty. Bathan: Alright, it is a nullity because those land which will registration while the TCT is a certificate given to a subsequent
be granted through a free patent or homestead patent should buyer of a parcel of land.
only be those land which are alienable and disposable. Just the
same principle to your original registration proceeding those titles Atty. Bathan: Alright. Your OCT or your original certificate of title
can be cancelled if it is to be found that your title covers land is the certificate of title that was initially issued to you. By the
which are not in fact been registered because they are not term itself original, mao gyud na xa ang nag una, by virtue of the
alienable and disposable. original registration proceedings. Your Transfer Certificate of Title
is being issued to a subsequent transferor by virtue of an
May a tax declaration defeat a certificate of title? involuntary or voluntary dealings in property.

Rollan: No maam, because a tax declaration is not just as concrete Why do we include involuntary? Dili lang voluntary?
or as good as a certificate of title itself as proof of ownership Because there are times that your property may be foreclosed
because a certificate of title recognizes one as an owner as a good and of course no one would want that their property would be
evidence that one is an owner of that particular land. foreclosed, that’s involuntary. Or pwede sad na gibira sa gobyerno
for nonpayment taxes, that is also still involuntary. And since
Atty Bathan: So it would not matter say there’s a tax declaration there is now a transfer of ownership there is now the issuance of
and a receipt of tax payments collected by one person and the the transfer of certificate of title because of the transfer of
receipt shows that he has been possessing it for 50 years. Would ownership. But of course once the TCT is issued the OCT is
that not defeat the alleged ownership of somebody else who cancelled.
holds a certificate of title?
Supposing there is the application for original
Rollan: If that would happen for a longer period, I think the registration of two or more co- owners, let us just limit it to two
acquisitive prescription will now take place. co- owners, and they were granted their application for original
registration. So there is now the question on the issuance of the
Atty. Bathan: Ah, so you mean to say, that if I am a registered certificate of title. Is the RD obliged to issue two owners duplicate
owner of a parcel of land, I have a certificate of title, then certificate since there are two co- owners?
someone enters and occupy with my parcel of land for that same
40 or 50 years. His possession would defeat my ownership? Diao: …only one

Rollan: I think so maam Atty. Bathan: Only one. Supposing the co-owners would request
the RD to issue two duplicate certificate, can the RD refused to
Atty. Bathan: Yes. (silence)… Diao. Same question. Will it defeat issue?
my ownership?
Diao: Yes….as long as the outstanding certificate will be
Diao: With a tax declaration. surrendered

Atty. Bathan: Even if that person holding the tax declaration has Atty. Bathan: Alright, if the RD has issued only one, of course,
been possessing the property for forty years? containing all the names of the co- owners. If you request that all
of the co- owners will have a copy, pwede for as long as you pay
Diao: Titled lot cannot be owned by prescription(?)—(pacenxa..dili
the requisite fee and so the outstanding certificate which was
jud masabtan kay hinay ug tingog si Jan)
already issued by the RD should be surrendered so that it can be
cancelled and another certificate will be issued to the co- owners
Atty. Bathan: Alright. A parcel of land which is already covered by
upon request by the co- owners.
your torrens system cannot be a part of someone else through
acquisitive prescription. Clearly, your tax declaration does not
Now, supposing one of the co- owners obtained a loan
defeat your certificate of title. Your tax declaration may be useful
from China Bank and so the bank required a mortgage of the
and evidencing possession if you are applying for original
property. So co- owners, we have A and B, B who was the one
registration. That’s one of the ways which you can prove that
who loaned. B now mortgaged the property of course with the
you’re in fact possessing a parcel of land. A tax dec or RPT receipt
consent of A, there is no a Special Power of Attorney saying that

he has consented to the mortgage of the property by B to China Supposing you have a parcel of land, that land was
Bank. Of course China Bank would want to protect its interest. owned by Mr. A. That parcel of land was not yet registered by Mr.
China Bank would want to annotate the Real Estate Mortgage on A but he has been possessing it, through his own possession and
the certificate of title. Is it enough that the REM be annotated on through his predecessors-in-interest for more than 50 years. He
one of the copies, say in the copy of B? can in fact apply for original registration but as of the moment he
has not file for the registration of the parcel of land. Mr. A
Diao: It must be annotated on both of the duplicate certificate. obtained a loan from Mr. x. Mr. X granted the loan but Mr. X
required a mortgage over that parcel of land. So there was now
Atty. Bathan: Why? Because Section 41 tells you that any other mortgage of the parcel of land and the loan was to be payable
dealing with property, if you wish to annotate it, it should be after two years. On the 16th month, Mr. A applied for original
annotated on all copies. Why? Because there is a duplicate. Naa registration. So, of course you have complied the requisite for
bay duplicate na lahi ug nawng. Right. So if an annotation shall application, initial hearing etc, etc. But no one had opposed the
appear in one, it should appear in the other because they are original registration and so there was now a grant of original
duplicate copies. Right. So that is the reason for Sec. 41. registration in the name of Mr. A. One and a half years have
lapsed, Mr. A sold that parcel of land, now titled, to Mr. B. Mr. B
got the property and successfully get a certificate of title in his
name. Naabot and two years, Mr. A did not pay the loan despite
Reyes vs Raval Reyes
demands of Mr. X. So, Mr. X now wants to foreclose the property.
Is Mr. B who was now the owner of the parcel of land that was
Diao: The petitioners co- owned a parcel of land together
mortgaged by A be bound by that mortgage?
with their brother Francisco. They filed an original registration and
a motion for writ of possession. However, respondent opposed
Bacquero: If the mortgage is annotated in the OCT, then Mr. B is
the possession because he said that he is already in possession of
bound to the mortgage.
the property (1/3 share of Francisco) and holds the duplicate
certificate of title. The issue is who has a better right to hold the Atty. Bathan: Based on the facts, do you think it was annotated?
duplicate certificate.
Bacquero: It was not.
Atty. Bathan: The two brothers wanted to get the duplicate
certificate but Raval Reyes hesitated to give back the title. So the Atty. Bathan. It was not annotated. In fact there was no
issue is, who should or who has the better right to possess the oppositors and so the OCT was clean. So Mr. B as the present
certificate of title. What was the ruling of the court? owner now cannot be bound to the mortgage since that was not
annotated on the title.
Diao: The ones whose name is in the certificate of title. The
Petitioners. What was your basis for saying that?

Atty. Bathan: And so the SC said the Raval Reyes should return the Bacquero: Sec. 44
certificate of title to the brothers because they have a better right
over the possession of the certificate of title. What was the Atty. Bathan. It is Sec. 44. Sec. 44 of PD 1529 tells you that a
answer of the SC on the contention of Raval- Reyes that he should holder of a title cannot be bound to the encumbrances not stated
better hold the duplicate certificate because he is to protect his save for some exceptions again.
interest because he was able to buy the 1/3 share of Francisco?
Now, supposing it was not real estate mortgage but
Diao: His rights are amply protected considering that ___ lis unclaimed real estate taxes. Mr. A had a clean title over the land
pendens. sold it to Mr. B and A failed to pay two years of real estate taxes.
Now Mr. B as the owner of the land, the government is now
Atty. Bathan: The SC said that no need to worry Raval- Reyes demanding for the payment of the real estate tax. May Mr. B
because your rights are amply protected because you already filed refuse to pay under the ground that the taxes were not unpaid.
a petition for partition. So dili na ka kinahanglan mahadlok. You
don’t need to be possessing that piece of paper, just return it to Bacquero: Yes
them because they have a better right to possess it anyway. Your
right has been amply protected. You can always avail of notice of Atty. Bathan. You may?
lis pendens.
Bacquero: Second par of Sec. 44.
What is this notice of lis pendens? That is an
annotation in the certificate of title that the property is under Atty. Bathan: Your Sec. 44 says that unpaid real estate taxes for
litigation. So you can avail of other remedies apart from you the two years immediately preceding the sale can need not be
keeping that certificate of title when your name hasn’t appeared annotated to bind the present owner. Why? Because if you will do
in that certificate of title. that then it will be very easy to evade taxes kung kelangan nimo

ipa- annotate. All you have to do, maybe, is to conspire with the if it was acquired during marriage: even if you use the phrase
city assessor and ayaw lang ipa- annotate kay I will sell this if do “married to__” that property is presumed to be conjugal
ko kabayad. This would be so easy. This provision is in fact a LITAM VS. ESPIRITU
protection to the government so that they may still be able to
In this case, the petitioners (children of Rafael Litam) they say that
collect the unpaid real estate taxes. There is also an exception on Rafael Litam had prior marriage to Sia Khin, then he came to the
public roads and highways, that it need not be annotated that the Philippines and married Marcosa Rivera. When Rafael Litam died,
title covers a public street or highway. So kay wala man ma- they said that they were entitled to the properties that were
annotate that public road is mine. He/ she cannot say that subject of this case because they were conjugal property (wa ko
because public roads cannot be registered by a private person. kasabot.. but I think since conjugal property, the children had a
However, there is an exception, if the public road was constructed claim over the property as heirs of Rafael Litam). The properties
were registered in the name of “Marcosa Rivera married to
after registration, that registered owner can ask for just
Rafael Litam.”
compensation because that is in effect and expropriation.
As to the issue of whether they were children of Rafael Litam, the
Sept. 11, 2012 SC said that they were not able to prove that they were the
Miss: What should be the personal circumstances that should be children because Rafael Litam declared under oath that he had no
stated in a certificate of title? children.

Jecca: As to the issue of whether Rafael Litam celebrated a prior

 names of the owners of the land marriage in China, the SC said that the petitioners failed to prove
 civil status that marriage because, in fact, they did not present a certificate of
 (if married) name of their spouses marriage, but only a hearsay account of Louise Litam.
 Citizenship
 residence and postal address As to the nature of the property, whether they were conjugal or
paraphernal, the SC said that they were paraphernal because:
Miss: why is there a need to put the civil status and, if married, (1) in several document that were executed by Rafael Litam, he
the names of their spouse? declared under oath that the properties were bought with the
exclusive money of Marcosa Rivera;
Jecca: Because the civil status would be descriptive of the status (2) he also declared under oath that in fact he adopted separation
of the owner because if the property is a conjugal property the of property;
certificate of title will be issued in the name of the spouses (3) just because the title was registered in the name of Marcosa
Rivera married to Rafael Litam does not make it a conjugal
Miss: So, you mean to say that if a certificate of title is issued in property because the phrase “married to Rafael Litam” is merely
my name, and I have a certificate of title now and I declare there descriptive of the civil status of Marcosa Rivera;
that I am married, that means that it is my exclusive property (4)with the several evidences that the respondent (Marcosa
since you said that when it is a conjugal property both are (d ko Rivera, represented by Espiritu) presented, overcame the
kasabot jud ) presumption of conjugal property;
(5) there was also no showing as to when the properties were
Jecca: In the case of Litam, the SC said that the phrase “married to acquired.
___(name of the spouse)” indicates that the property is the
exclusive property of the spouse who is registered in the cert. of  While there is that presumption that properties being
title because if it were conjugal property it would have been owned by married people to be conjugal property, that
issued in the name of both spouses (d ko xur) is merely a presumption. It can be overcome by
presentation of evidence, as was done in this case.
Miss: how do you know that it is a conjugal property?  There were evidences presented that that was in fact
paraphernal property of Marcosa Rivera, and that
Jecca: The SC said that an indication that it is conjugal property.. Rafael Litam was not co-owner of the property.
the only proof that is needed as to when the property was  phrase “married to __”  does not automatically
acquired because if they acquired… (cut by miss) mean that the property is a conjugal property. That is
only indicative of your status. However, it would help
Miss: Supposing that I have a cert. of title, it is issued in my name you determine if that is, indeed, conjugal property by
“Maricris Bathan-Lasco married to ___” does that automatically determining when the property was, in fact, acquired.
mean that that is my exclusive property?  Property acquired during the marriage  the
presumption would apply (merely a presumption, can
Jecca: No, maam. If there is showing that that property is acquired be overcome by evidences)
during the marriage, then they indicate that it is conjugal.
PNB VS. CA and VITUG (presumption of co-ownership in conjugal
Miss: so, the reason why you will have to put your civil status properties was not applied)
there is so that it would be easy to determine whether it is a
conjugal property or not, specially if you are married. So that the Donata Montemayor, through her son, mortgaged her land to
only evidence that you would need, as Miss Jacildo had said, is to PNB. It was foreclosed because she defaulted. There was this
determine when the property was in fact acquired. case, action for reconveyance, filed by other heirs of the land filed
against the son of Donata claiming that the land was conjugal,
therefore the mortgage with PNB void. The TC dismissed the case,

however the CA reversed the ruling saying that the mortgage is mortgage because the registered owner
valid only up to one-half of the property. was Montemayor)
Miss: why only ½ of the property?
Jovee: because it is conjugal and the other co-heirs are entitled to
their share. Malicay: In this case, the Republic is occupying a certain parcel of
However, the SC ruled in favor of PNB stating that the PNB can land, and that land was registered in the name of Mendoza.
rely on the face of the Torrens title. Eventually, the said lot is subdivided into 4 lots. Only lots 1 and 3
were issued certificate title. The 4th lot was divided for the public
Miss: what was certain on the face of the title? school (Republic), but it was still under the name of the
Mendozas. The Mendozas eventually wanted the public school to
Jovee: that the property was registered to “Donata Montemayor vacate the property, claiming that they were still the lawful
widow.” owners of the land. The Republic, in behalf of the public school,
SC also said that action for reconveyance against the son of said that they already have a right over the property through
Donata is in personam, and it cannot bind PNB and 3rd parties. prescription (they were possessors of the land for a long time
Miss: Was it proven that it was a conjugal property?
The RTC favored the Mendozas. The CA affirmed the decision,
Jovee: It was proven that the property was conjugal through the saying that the first title cannot be defeated by prescription.
action for reconveyance against the son of Donata.
Miss: was there any evidence presented that the property was SC: the Torrens title cannot be barred by prescription even against
indeed a conjugal property? the Government.

Jecca: the respondents claim that there was already a prior case Miss: the SC is, in effect, saying that the State was wrong in their
where it was adjudged that the properties were conjugal. contention that they already acquired the subject property
through acquisitive prescription because the subject property was
Miss: having presented that the property was conjugal, how come already covered by a Torrens title, and the State is even bound by
the SC sided in favor of PNB when in fact the property must be co- the Torrens title.
owned now of the heirs of the late husband? What was the ruling of the SC to the propriety of filing an action
for ejectment by the Mendozas against the State?
Jovee: Even if it was proven that it was conjugal property, the
nature of that action (ejectment case) was in personam, then it Malicay: SC said that since it was the intention of the Mendozas to
cannot bind 3rd parties like PNB. The SC also ruled in favor of PNB offer the said lot to the Government, then they cannot ask them
because it applied the doctrine of laches. The heirs are barred by (government) to vacate the property. The act of consolidation was
laches. really for the intention that they want to give it to the school.
Miss: Is it not a violation of the right of ownership of the
Miss: why were the other heirs considered to be in laches? Mendozas over the property when the SC ruled that it was not
proper for them to file an action for ejectment against the State,
Jovee: there is an unreasonable delay in claiming their right over when they are now in effect deprived of their possession over the
the property. parcel of land which they owned?

Miss: what is this principle presumption that the properties are Malicay: the SC said that the owner has already agreed to the
conjugal vis-à-vis the rights of innocent purchasers for value? taking of the property, so the proper remedy for them is just
compensation and not an action for reconveyance.
Jovee: the presumption that the property is conjugal will NOT  The SC said that this is not actually a derogation of the
apply if it is in the hands of innocent purchasers for value.. right of the owner, because the owner by tolerance, by
agreement, and by documents evidencing an intention
Miss: And when the title is registered only in one spouse and to in fact donate the property to the school that was
there was no showing as to when it was applied. owned by the Republic.. those evidences showed the
 The presumption of Art. 160 of the Family Code of owner’s intention to relinquish their right to ask for
conjugal ownership between husband and wife does formal expropriation proceedings. Wala na daw sila
not apply when: right to ask for expropriation. But the SC said that it
o The title was already in the name of one does not deprive them of their right over the property
spouse (in this case, there was an indication because they can ask for just compensation. They are
that Montemayor was already a widow) still the owners of the lot and their Torrens title is
o There was no showing of when the property binding even against the State. However, because they
was acquired have tolerated the use for more than 50 years, and
o When it has already passed an innocent there were documents that presumed that they
mortgagee (PNB was innocent because intended to donate it to the State, then they have in
looking at the title, there was nothing to effect waived their right to ask for formal
excite the suspicion of PNB; the title was expropriation proceedings.
clean; and the registered owner was  What you have waived is possession, not ownership.
Montemayor, a widow; it was reasonable You still own it, but you cannot possess it anymore, but
for PNB to assume that there was no need you can still ask for just compensation because you are
for the consent of the other heirs in the

still the owner. (do not confuse possession with There is an attack on the title when the object of the action is to
ownership) nullify or to challenge the judgment of the court. Direct attack
when the object is to challenge the judgment of cert of title.
Collateral attack is when you obtain a different relief from the
Delos Reyes: there is a parcel owned by B.C. Regalado conveyed court but the annulment of the judgment of the court with
to DBT construction through dacion en pago for services regards to the cert. of title is made an incident thereof.
rendered. In 1992, a certain Ricaredo Panes filed a complaint for
quieting of title stating that he owns the parcel of land with which What is allowed by PD 1529?
B.C. Regalado has title of. Panes only found out that there was
overlapping with the partition when in the process of complying Direct attack is allowed in PD 1529.
with the publication requirement for the notice of judicial hearing,
the LRA told them that their land overlapped in the portions of Caraan Case:
land subject of Ricaredo’s application with the subdivision plan of
B.C. Regalado. However, when they found out that there was
What is the main action in this case? ACCION REIVINDICATORIA.
overlapping, B.C. Regalado had already conveyed the property to
There was this fault as to the RD of Quezon City because during Does your accion reivindicatoria involve in determining the
the time when they filed for partition, the RD of QC found that the validity of your certificate of title?
TCT only covered one lot. But, eventually, the RD acknowledged,
and filed a motion for relief to file amended answer that they What is the main purpose of Accion Reivindicatoria? Recovery of
committed a grave mistake. possession. Nothing to do with determining the validity of cert of
The RTC rendered in favor of Panes because the latter was in
adverse possession of the land. He was in possession since he was
Caraan answered that the cert of title is null and void. That it was
15 years old, they paid tax dec. DBT filed MR. it was reversed later
invalid. So, the main action was about accion reivindicatoria and
on by the RTC because prescription does not run against a
prescriptive land because Ricarero cannot say that he is the better the respondents answered that the cert of title was invalid. So,
owner due to adverse possession because the land was already the SC said that it was in the form of a collateral attack because
titled. the relief that was mainly asked was for the recovery of
The CA reversed and set aside the ruling of the RTC and reinstated possession but the validity of the title was challenged in the form
the previous ruling of the RTC. of incidental relief. That is a collateral attack.

SC: The action was not simply for reconveyance, but an action for
So you have to look first the purpose of the main action. If the
quieting of title, which was supposed to be imprescriptible. The
prescriptive period will apply only when there is an actual need to purpose is to attack the validity of the certificate of title, that is a
reconvey the property as when the plaintiff is not in possession of direct attack. Pero kung ang punto dili ang pag determine sa
the property. If the plaintiff is the real owner of the property, and validity sa cert of title, collateral attack na.
he retain the possession of the land, then the prescriptive period
does not run against him. ATUEL ORALS – Case of Leyson vs. Bontuyan (Handled by “our”
Law Firm-Bathan)
9/11/12 2nd half
What is the difference of the case of leyson and caraan?
In this case who was the owner of the property and the holder of
the title? It was TVT. Plaza: In the caraan the case, they attacked the title through their
answer with counterclaim. In Leyson their counterclaim was in the
SC decided in favor of TVT. It has a better right.
form of a separate independent action. (PAKSIT NASAD! Siya ra
gyud nakatubag. Kaw nay anak sa Ginoo! hehe)
TVT derived their title from B.C. Regalado. The latter showed
their title to TVT. In the case of caraan it was an answer with counterclaim.That was
the title of the pleading but actually they attacked the title
SC said: You are not bound to look beyond the certificate title.
through their answer. It was an affirmative defense. They said the
TVT relied on the certificate of title of B.C. Regalado. It was clean.
court should award the ownership and possession to us bec the
Nothing therein put him on guard or caution. Thus, TVT was
title of the Cosme’s was null and void.
considered to be an innocent purchaser for value. Why
purchaser? It was a dation in payment. He gave up a certain value
In the case of bontuyan, while they have an answer and gave their
for the services he rendered. Thus there was conveyance of the
affirmative defense that the acquisition of the free patent was
property in return for the services.
defrauded, their material allegations was repleaded again. It was
not only an answer with counterclaim. It was infact an answer
AND a counterclaim. It was a repleading with material allegations.
In effect the leysons filed another case against bontuyan. It was
What is a direct attack and collateral attack?
not merely an answer with counterclaim. But it followed the

format as to the proper answer with counterclaim. Actually, it was Number 5, what is a rule on forged deeds? GR: it cannot be a root
filing an independent action. The counterclaim is in fact an of valid title. Exc: if it will pass through the hands of an innocent
independent proceeding. The main purpose of which is to set purchaser for value.
aside the title of the Bontuyan’s.
2 scenarios:
 A is a registered owner, B was able to get the
Alright, number 1 what was the separate opinion in Calalang? In certificate of title without the knowledge of A. B forged
the Calalang case the issue was who had a better right as between the signature of A and pretended to be A and sold the
property to C. Is C an innocent purchaser for value?
Lucia and Clemente.
No, therefore A can recover from C.
 A is a registered owner, B stole the certificate of title
 Lucia was asserting that she registered the sale first from A, this time he made a document showing that A
but there was no surrender of the owner’s duplicate sold it to him, there is still forgery, and then this made
certificate, but Clemente was arguing that he had a him now register it in his name since he has a
better right because he had registered it and there’s certificate of title and a deed of sale. And with that
also a concurrent issuance of new certificates of title. title, he sold it to C who doesn’t have knowledge from
 But the majority of the SC said that it shall be Lucia and the scheme employed by B. Is he an innocent
the reason by the majority was because the origin of purchaser for value? Yes, therefore A cannot recover
the titles of Clemente were already declared null and from him.
void by a previous ruling of the SC and therefore res o Remedy of A: damages from B, if he is
judicata will apply. (majority opinion in an en banc insolvent: assurance fund.
 A separate opinion of Davide: it could not have been
considered as registration because PD 1529,
Number 10, when is it? Date of the REM, time when it was stolen
specifically Sec. 55, has provided that for it to be
considered registered there must be a surrender of the or the time it was released? B (sorry nalimot na ko ani..)
certificate of title. I would want you to know that for a
probability that the SC might overturn the case, it just What’s the difference between the 1st and 2nd scenario? The
needs one case, perfectly good pleading together with difference is that there was no transfer of title in the name of the
the separate opinion of Davide and convince the court forger or in the name of a person designated, that is necessary to
to overturn the jurisprudence. make a subsequent purchaser an innocent purchaser for value.
 In the first scenario, B did not acquire title.
 But if you read the majority opinion, it did not even
 In the 2nd scenario, B was able to acquire title and so C
dwell on the surrender or non-surrender of duplicate
can rely on the title and need not go beyond the title. C
certificate. So the rule still stands that there must be a
is considered an innocent purchaser for value under PD
surrendering because the law is very clear only that
1529. Of course, as you can see, they are both
the reason why Lucia was declared to have a better
innocent because they were unaware. But to qualify,
right because the origin of the titles of Clemente was
there is an additional requirement so that your forged
null and void.
deed can be a root of a valid title, when is it? If there is
already a transfer in the name of a forged name or in
the name of a person designated by the forger to
Number 2, Cruz vs. Cabana. We said that it should be from the enable him to sell it to somebody else.
time of the second sale up to the time that the certificate of sale
was in fact issued to you, if there is registration. If there is no
registration, then from the time of the sale up until the delivery of 091912
What is the effect of issuing a TCT without surrendering the AL., respondents. (case digest)
previous TCT? It shall confer no right to the transferee. Again,
because the rule still stands, you have to surrender the previous Facts
TCT to avoid duplicity in title. If you don’t surrender, then that
title might be used again to sell the same property.
This is a petition to review the decision of the Court of Appeals
against petitioner and in favor of respondents.
Number 4, what is the remedy of the buyer if the seller refuses to
surrender the TCT? File a petition to compel the seller to
surrender his old certificate of title. That is in fact based on Sec. The spouses Abundio Madrid and Rosalinda Yu (Madrid) are the
107 of PD 1529. owners of a residential. Planning to build a house thereon, the
said spouses sought short, in November, 1953. One Carmencita de
Jesus (Camencita), godmother of Rosalinda, offered to work for
the shortening of the usually long process before a loan could be

granted and the spouses, accepting the proferred assistance, Rosalinda Yu immediately after the registration of the document
delivered to her the Transfer Certificate of Title covering the lot in of mortgage in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rizal.
January, 1954, to be surrendered to the RFC.
The appellate court below further found that the petitioner
Later the spouses were able to secure a loan of P4,000.00 from "visited the property proposed for mortgage to find out at the
their parents for the construction of their house and they decided same time who was the real owner thereof. But he contented
to withdraw the application for a loan they had filed with the RFC. himself with the information given to him by the person living
They so informed Carmencita and asked her to retrieve the then on the land that the owner was woman known as 'Taba'.
Transfer Certificate of Title and return it to them. There ended his inquiry about the identity of the prospective
Shortly thereafter, Carmencita told them, however, that the RFC
employee in charge of keeping the Transfer Certificate of Title was Issue: WON petitioner, Joaquin, is a innocent purchaser for value.
out on leave.
In August, 1954, one Florentino Calayag (Calayag) showed up in
the house of the spouses and asked for Abundio Madrid and Negative.
Rosalinda Yu. Rosalinda answered that she was Rosalinda Yu and
Abundio, that he was Abundio Madrid. Calayag would not believe
The lower court based it decision on the case of Lara, et al., vs.
them. He said that he was looking for Abundio Madrid and
Ayroso, in which we held that as the land mortgaged was still in
Rosalinda Yu who had executed a deed of mortgage on the lot
the name of the real owner when mortgaged to the mortgagees
where the house they were in then stood, and that the term of
by an impostor, the mortgagees were defrauded not because they
the mortgage had already expired, he added.
relied upon what appeared in a Torrens certificate of title, but
because they believed the words of the impostor; that it was the
Madrid then retorted that they had not mortgaged their land to duty of the mortgagees to ascertain the identity of the man with
anyone. The spouses immediately went to consult with a lawyer whom they were dealing.
who accompanied them to the Office of the Register of Deeds of
Rizal. They found out then that the land had been mortgaged to
In order that the holder of a certificate for value issued by virtue of
Constancio Joaquin, (Joaquin) on January 21, 1954.
the registration of a voluntary instrument may be considered a
holder in good faith for value, the instrument registered should be
The appellant, Joaquin, admits that Madrid, the registered owners forged. When the instrument presented is forged, even if
of the mortgaged property, were not those persons who had accompanied by the owner's duplicate certificate of title, the
signed the deed of mortgage. registered owner does not thereby lose his title, and neither does
the assignee in the forged deed acquire any right or title to the
His version of the case is as follows: property.

In the month of January, 1954 Carmencita saw Calayag and asked Petitioner herein in not the innocent purchaser for value
the latter to find a money-lender who could grant a loan on a protected by law is one who purchases a titled land by virtue of a
security of real property, showing, at the same time, a Transfer deed executed by the registered owner himself, not by a forged
Certificate of Title in the name of the spouses Madrid. Calayag deed, as the law expressly states. Such is not the situation of the
approached Joaquin who having funds to spare for the purpose, petitioner, who has been the victim of impostors pretending to be
visited the land and. finding it well situated, told Calayag to show registered owners but who are not said owners.
him the prospective borrowers.
Negligence on the part of spouse Madrid?
On the following day, Calayag brought two women to the law
office of Atty. M.S. Calayag and presented them to Joaquin as The court answer in the negative it was perfectly a legitimate act.
Rosalinda Yu and Carmencita. The alleged Rosalinda Yu claimed to Delay in demanding the certificate of title is no act of neglect
be the owner of the lot with her husband Abundio Madrid who either, as respondents have not executed any deed or document
authorized her to secure a loan on their property, she assured authorizing Carmencita to execute deeds for and on their behalf.
him, and that Abundio would come where the contract therefor It was petitioner who was negligent, as he did not take enough
was ready to sign it with her. care to see to it that the persons who executed the deed of
mortgage are the real registered owners of the property.
Thus, the deed of mortgage was signed by the persons who posed
themselves as Abundio Madrid and Rosalinda Yu on the following Atty B: let's go to the basic facts. You have the registered owner,
day. The whole amount of the loan was delivered to the supposed the mortgagee and the forger. And then where did the title go?

The owner wanted the help of carmencita to obtain a loan and already in the hands of an innocent purchaser for value, but if
subsequently they obtained help from their parents and so they they can prove that the spouses chan are not then munos can get
wanted to get back the title from carmencita. And they later back the property.
found out that it was already sold to another person.

Atty B: so what is the issue then?

Duran case
 WON the petitioners who bought the land is an
innocent purchaser for value? the petitioner was the owner of the parcel of land and there was a
 the purchaser is not an innocent purchaser for value forgery of the sale by the mother of the petitioner and the title
because the deed issued to him is a forged document that was forged by the mother was transferred into the name of
and when the instrument was presented to the the mother and subsequently the mother mortaged the property
purchaser, the seller is not the one named in the title
to a third person and the buyer now wants to take over the
and there was a forgery of the impostor. It was a
forged document. property. The daughter discovered this and is now assailing the
Atty B: what is the ruling of the supreme court whether it is an act mortgage.
of negligence by the registered owner in surrendering the
certificate of title to somebody else? Issue: is the mortgage with the private respondent valid

 you did not give any authority to the person to whom

the certificate of title was entrusted thereto and
therefore the owners are not negligent and the court held that the general rule is that a forged deed
Atty B: so what was applied here? The general rule or the cannot be a root of a valid title. But in this case the certificate of
exception on forged deeds? title was already transferred to the name of the forger and so the
rule that a party dealing with a registered land can rely on the
 the general rule was applied because validity of the title. The respondent in this case is considered as a
Atty B: there was never a transfer of the certificate of title from mortgagee in good faith because there was no any circumstance
the original owner to the forger.This is a case where some people that would further lead them to look beyond the certificate of
try to pretend to be the owners of the property and executed the title.
deed of mortgage pretending to be the owners of the property.

ATTY B: does it mean that the daughter has no remedy at all since
Munos vs yabut case the mortgage is valid?

(sorry di gyud ko kasabot ni nardo)  in this case she cannot recover the property since the
private respondent already has title over the property
ATTY B: was there a determination on the supreme court ruling ATTY B: so you what is her remedy under the law?
whether chan was an innocent purchaser for value?
 in this case she can go against the forger and incase of
 there was no determination insolvency she can go agains the insurance fund.
ATTY B: there was no determination because the supreme court ATTY B: how will you make a mortgagee at the same level as a
said that they are not a trier of facts, what they did rule rather purchaser in determining whether they are in good faith or not?is
was that it shall be remanded to the court of origin so that it may a mortgagee a purchaser?
be determined whether or not they are innocent purchaser for
value since they were not impleaded as parties to the case. And  no
since they were not impleaded as parties to the case. They they ATTY B: so why do we put them at the same level?
could not have defended themselves. And so the supreme court
said that the writ of execution againt them cannot be binding  since in so far as the situation they have to rely on the
title over the land
against BPI and spouses chan because they were not impleaded.
ATTY B: is a mortgagee a purchaser?
Was it necessary to impleade them? The supreme court said yes
because that the action for reconveyance and this action is an  no unless in even of foreclosure and he would buy the
action in personam, even if it deals with real property, yes its a property.
real action but it bind only the person who were made parties to ATTY B: so the mortgagee, we try to determine whether the
the case that is an action in personam. So that means that they mortgagee is in good faith or not in the same rule that an
have to be remanded back to the court of origin, if the court of innocent purchaser for value because a mortgagee in fact
origin will find that the spouses chan are in fact innocent become a purchaser in the event of a foreclosure sale and the
purchasers for value and such judgement will become final, can redemption period have lapsed without the mortgagor redeeming
munos get back the property? Not anymore because they are the property. In effect this is an involuntary sale. So to determine

whether a mortgagee is in good faith or not , the same rule surrender of the owner's duplicate copy of the certificate of title
applies with innocent purchasers for value. and also you pay the required fees?

 yes
ATTY B: how about a contract to sell?
Adriano case
 not yet
adriano owns a parcel of land and angelica salvador asked for the ATTY B: so if you are a mortgagee you will not be issued a new
certificate of title to obtain a loan and so adriano gave the title to certificate of title.
salvador but without the knowledge of adriano, salvador already
mortgaged the property to pangilinan and upon notice of the  only in the contract to sell where there is no fulfillment
mortgagee, angelina salvador failed to pay and now pangilinan of the contract because upon full payment a contract
of sale will be issued and only upon which you can be
was asking for the ownership of the property because it was
issued a new certificate of title.
already foreclosed that, so adriano said that the mortgage was ATTY B: in a real estate mortgage, is there an issuance of a new
invalid because it was in fact forged and the respondent contend certificate of title?
that there was a principal-agent relationship since adriano
entrusted his title to salvador and the acts of the agent was also  a mortgage will only be annotated in the certificate of
the acts of adriano. The CA ruled in favor of pangilinan because in title
a case where there are 2 innocent persons, the one who should ATTY B: how about a certificate of sale as a consequence of an
bear the loss should be the mortgagor, issue: WON there should auction sale due to foreclosure?
be the onsent of the owner of the property for there to be a valid
mortgage. SC said that tyes, there should be the consent of the  yes
owner of the property, in fact it is stated in article 2085 in the civil ATTY B: after the redemption period have lapse without the
code that the requisites for a valid title is that first there should be owner redeeming the property only when you can have a new
a security to secure a principal obligation and 2nd it should be certificate of title. How about an affidavit of adjudication of sloe
made by the owner of the property and 3rd the person heir?
constituting the mortgage have the right to dispose of the
property and the SC said that the mortgage was not valid because  yes
ATTY B: how about an extra judicial settlement of an estate?
the mortgagor was not the owner and it was angelina slavador
and not adriano. And so the mortgage is not valid. In establishing
 only where there is a partition of the heirs over the
that the mortgage is not valid then pangilinan is not an innocent
mortgagee for value. ATTY B: who is the original owner? Decedent. Where do you
usually find your annotation?

 at the dorsal portion of the title

ATTY B: was there a transfer of title form the original owner to the ATTY B: in the deed of voluntary instrument which you present,
forger? the register of deeds for registration like a real estate mortgage or
a contract to sell, particulars with regard to your grantee should
 no contain in that deed.
ATTY B: so this is a case again of someone pretending to be
pretending to be the owner? So what rule applies?
 it shall contain the ff such as the name of the grantee
 the address
 the general rule that a forged deed should not be a  the citizenship
root of a valid title.  if married the name of the spouse
ATTY B: so in the case of durano that was a case in which the
 if partnership , corporation then there should be the
daughter is the owner of the land and the mother who was able address of the principal office
to transfer the title in her name and that was why the exception  if there is a change in address then it shall be indorsed
was applied where a forged deed may become a root of a valid to the register of deeds on showing of sworn
title when it passes through the hands of an innocent purchaser statements
for value and if there is no transfer yet of the certificate of title ATTY B: if there are summons and it has to be sent then where
from the name of the original owner to the forger and the forger shall it be sent?
is an impostor like pretending to be the owner, then the general
rule will apply.  to the address in the title
ATTY B: supposing the grantee is not there he or she is in abroad,
will that notice be binding on her?

ATTY B: will there be an issuance of a new certificate of title if you  regardless og asa siya it will be binding upon her here
sa philippines or abroad.
only present to the register of deeds a deed of sale and also you

ATTY B: alright so there is only an issuance of a new certificate of the agent that is all I need and then I will just bind the real estate
title if there is divestiture of ownership or a transfer of ownership mortgage contract, that's already binding against the mortgagor?
like a contract of sale like an extra judicial settlement of estate
there's transfer of ownership from one person to another or an A: it must be annotated at the back of the title
affidavit of adjudication of a sole heir. In contracts to sell when
there is no transfer of ownership yet upon full payment then you Q: so that is enough already? So in the blank provided for under
cannot be issued a new certificate of title yet all the RD has to do the name of the mortgager, it's enough that you put there your
is to annotate it. How about certificates of sale in an auction sale, name to bind the owner?
if the redemption period has not lapsed yet, you may have it
annotated but you will not be issued a certificate of title if the A: i believe it must have the period of mortgage, the time of
redemption period has not lapsed yet. 1 year for an individual redemption.
mortgagor and 3 months for a mortgagor corporation and any
Q: in a real estate mortgage of course the mortgagor will have to
document that does not transfer ownership will only be
sign right? But since the case that we have, that we are trying to
annotated. In your deed of conveyances and any deed that will be
explain now is a case where the owner of the properties cannot
registered in the registry of deeds what shall be in the deed?
sign that's why he appointed somebody else, that's why he has an
Name address spouse if corporation there must be a statement
SPA, right? My question is, is this SPA enough such that in the real
that the corporation is qualified to acquire private lands and
estate mortgage the blank provided for under the mortgager, the
definitely corporations shall not be allowed to acquire lands of
signature now will be the signature of the agent, Richard
public domain. Notices shall be mailed to the address that is
Caminade, is that enough? Is that enough for you to bind the
stated in the deed. If the person in the addresses is not there it
owner of the property?
will still bind him or her but it is however in the discretion of the
court if it will require additional notices to be sent. What is in the
A: Yes, because there is a Special Power of Attorney and I'm acting
primary entry book? Show the annotation on when it was made
as your agent.
the date. And your RD does not have the discretion as to which
document he will enter first because it should be in order in which Q: So that's enough as that's what we see here as the agent of the
he received the documents so first received so first to be principal?
A: Yes
9/25/12 Part I
Q: Yes, it's still enough that you just give there the name of the
Real Estate Mortgage - the land is used as a security for a loan or agent? Is it enough?
an obligation.
A: No.
Requisites of a Valid Mortgage:
Q: What is missing if it's not enough?
1. The mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property
A: To bind the owner it must be signed and sealed in the name of
2. The property is used as security for a principal obligation the principal.

3. The mortgagor has the capacity to dispose of the property Q: How do you do that?

A: There is the signature of the agent, there is an indication that

this person signing is merely an agent, and there is the disclosure
Q: If you say that the mortgagor is should be the absolute owner
of the principal. So it's not enough that there is a Special Power of
of the property does that mean that the owner of the property
Attorney. To bind the owner, not only do you have a Special
may not appoint somebody else to mortgage the property for
Power of Attorney but in the signing of the real estate mortgage
contract by the agent, he must indicate that he is merely signing
as an agent and he must disclose his principal because if you just
A: Yes, he can through an agent.
merely sign there your name, even you put there as agent, maybe
Q: How will the agent make that binding against the owner or the the owner of the property I can always defend myself by saying
principal? that that is not binding against me. Jurisprudence tell you that not
only do you need an SPA but you will also need a full disclosure of
A: If the agent has a special power of attorney. who your principal is and that you’re merely acting as an agent to
bind the owner of that property.
Q: So that's enough that the agent has a special power of attorney
to bind the mortgagor? so if I’m the agent and I have a special Q: Let's say for example, this parcel of land is co-owned by A & B.
power of attorney and you didn't bind the owner in favor of me as As co-owners of the property, they decided to obtain a loan from

X and X required that there be a mortgage over this parcel of land 2. That the pledgor or the mortgagor should be the absolute
they co-owned. Prior to the loan becoming due and demandable, owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged; and
A & B decided to subdivide the property and A also decided to
extinguish his part of the obligations to X. Will his payment of his 3. That the persons constituting the pledge or mortgage have the
part of the loan application release this part of the property over free disposal of their property, and in the absence thereof, that
the mortgage that was executed over it? they be legally authorized for the purpose.

A: No, because the mortgaged property was the whole A & B. So of course the one who had a better right to the property was
the daughter of Arizaba who was the legitimate heir and she was
Q: What is the characteristic of a mortgage that supports your also the one who made the subsequent payments over the parcel
answer, that this property cannot be released? of land.

A: It's indivisible.

Q: Supposing, X owns this property OKed a loan from A, executed Q: Will the non-registration of a REM make the mortgage invalid?
a mortgage over the property but prior to the loan obligation
becoming due and demandable, X in the meantime sold this to Y. A: It will be valid between the parties to the mortgage however it
So Y now owns the property and this mortgage he executed over will not bind third persons.
A was also annotated at the back of the TCT, is Y bound on the
mortgage if A decides to foreclose upon the loan? Q: How about registration of a forged REM? Will registration cure
the invalidity of forged REM?
A: Y is bound by the mortgage of X to A because as it was
recorded in the TCT and that such mortgage that was annotated A: The registration does not cure the invalidity of the REM
at the back of the TCT must be respected by Y. because registration is merely a notice that the document exists
but it does not render an invalid document valid. It does not cure
Q: Why was that the characteristic of the mortgage? the defect.

A: that would be the inseparable characteristic of the mortgage; it Rural Bank of Oroquieta vs. CA
follows the property wherever the owner is. However, if it was
not annotated on the Certificate of Title, then Y has no knowledge SC: to be a mortgagee in good faith and you are a bank, what is
of the mortgage then Y is not bound. Even if there is no required is not just ordinary diligence but more than ordinary
annotation but Y has personal knowledge then Y is bound because diligence because a bank is vested with public interest. There
his notice is tantamount to his registry. should be ocular inspection before a bank permits a property to
be mortgaged. So in this case Rural Bank of Oroquieta failed to
Q: X is the owner of the property, Y is the lessor. X obtained a loan conduct an ocular inspection. The SC said that had they conducted
from Z; X executed a mortgage over the property. Who has the an ocular inspection they could give discovered that there were in
better right of possession? a. X; b. Y; c. Z; d. none of the above fact occupants already who were the beneficiaries to the lot in
question. Rural bank contended that they went to the register of
A: It would be B. Because the act of X leasing his property to Y, X deeds to check the status of the lot but the SC said that that was
puts a limit to the possession of such property. not enough to rely on the title. They have to do more than that
like an ocular inspection and check with the RD.
Q: Why do you not give the right of possession to the mortgagor?
Gonzales vs IAC
A: Z has no right over the property because no ownership has Facts: The spouses Asuncion Sustiguer and Dioscoro Buensuceso
passed yet from X to Z. Mortgage does not convey or transfer were the original owners of Lot No. 2161 of the Cadastral Survey
ownership to the mortgagee. of Barotac Nuevo, the property subject of this controversy.

Lagrosa vs. CA For delinquency in the payment of the real estate taxes due
thereon, the land was sold at public auction to the Province of
Julio Arizaba was not the absolute owner of the land because Iloilo in 1955.
when he mortgaged the property he had not fully paid yet the 24- Hortencia Buensuceso, daughter of said spouses, discovered in
month payment period. It was only under a contract to sell. Being the office of the Register of Deeds of Iloilo that the Certificate of
such, the deed of assignment of the mortgage was invalid as well. Title of subject land, OCT No. 3351, was still in the name of her
Article 2085 of the CC lays down the essential requirements of parents. Hortencia paid the back taxes on the land in behalf of her
pledge and mortgage namely: mother (who by that time was already separated in fact from her
father) in whose favor the Provincial Treasurer executed a deed of
1. That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a principal
repurchase on April 10, 1969.

On April 17, 1969, the spouses Gaudioso Panzo and Hortencia could be easily destroyed by a subsequent record of an adverse
Buensuceso bought the land from the latter's mother for claim, for no one would purchase at a foreclosure sale if bound by
P1,000.00. the posterior claim. A person who takes a mortgage in good faith
On February 26, 1971, a reconstituted original certificate of title and for a valuable consideration, the record showing a clear title
was issued in the name of Asuncion Sustiguer alone. in the mortgagor will be protected against any equitable titles to
the premises or equitable claims on the title, in favor of their
The said spouses then mortgaged the property to respondent persons, of which he had no notice, actual or constructive and
Rural Bank of Pavia for P5,000.00. Upon their failure to pay the that protection extends to a purchaser at a Sheriff's sale under
account, respondent bank foreclosed the mortgage on August 11, proceedings on the mortgage although such purchaser had notice
1973 and the bank was the highest bidder. of the alleged equity.

On April 18, 1974, petitioner as judicial co-administratrix of the it is the respondent bank, the mortgagee itself, which purchased
Intestate Estate of the late Matias Yusay brought an action against the subject property in the foreclosure sale. Being an innocent
the spouses Panzo and the respondent Rural Bank seeking the mortgagee with a superior lien over that of petitioner, its right to
annulment and cancellation of the title in the name of the Panzos a foreclosure of the property is reserved. The notice of lis pendens
and the issuance of a new title in favor of Yusay. which antedated the foreclosure and sale at public auction of
subject property could not affect the rights of the respondent
petitioner alleged among other things: that the subject property bank because the foreclosure sale retroacts to the date of
was first mortgaged to Yusay on April 30, 1929 by the spouses registration of the mortgage. Its character of being an innocent
Sustiguer and Buensuceso; that sometime in November, 1934, mortgagee continues up to the date of actual foreclosure and sale
said property was verbally sold to Yusay by the same spouses; at public auction. At any rate, even if the pending litigation
that since Yusay bought the property in 1948, he and his between petitioner and the Panzos be finally decided in favor of
administrator and later plaintiff administratrix the former, it will have no effect on the ownership rights of the
respondent bank over the subject property since a forcible entry
Issue: whether or not the respondent bank was an innocent suit is not conclusive as to ownership but only as to possession.
mortgagee and subsequent buyer for value in good faith of the It is well-settled that a Torrens Title cannot be collaterally
property. attacked. The issue on the validity of the title can only be raised in
an action expressly instituted for that purpose. A Torrens Title can
Ruling: The certificate of title was in the name of the mortgagors be attacked only for fraud within one year after the date of the
when the land was mortgaged by them to respondent bank. Such issuance of the decree of registration. Such attack must be direct
being the case, said respondent bank, as mortgagee, had the right and not by collateral proceeding. The title represented by the
to rely on what appeared on the certificate of title and, in the certificate cannot be changed, altered, modified, enlarged or
absence of anything to excite suspicion, was under no obligation diminished in a collateral proceeding.
to look beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the
mortgagor appearing on the face of said certificate. It has also Where the torrens title of the land was in the name of the
been held that a bank is not required, before accepting a mortgagor and later given as security for a bank loan, the
mortgage, to make an investigation of the title of the property subsequent declaration of said title as null and void is not a
being given as security. ground for nullifying the mortgage right of the bank, which had
acted in good faith. Being thus an innocent mortgagee for value,
The well-known rule in this jurisdiction is that a person dealing its right or lien upon the land mortgaged must be respected and
with a registered land has a right to rely upon the face of the protected, even if the mortgagors obtained their title thereto thru
torrens certificate of title and to dispense with the need of fraud.
inquiring further, except when the party concerned has actual
knowledge of facts and circumstances that would impel a
reasonably cautious man to make inquiry. Can I not argue that since the foreclosure sale was made AFTER
the annotation of notice of LIS PENDENS, then the bank should
— It is true that the notice of lis pendens is an announcement to not be considered in good faith, as it was already notified by the
the whole world that a particular real property is in litigation, and annotation of notice of LIS PENDENS which was before the
serves as a warning that one who acquires an interest over said foreclosure sale.
property does so at his own risk, so that he gambles on the results
of the litigation over said property. Answer: No. Foreclosure sale retroacts to the date of registration
of mortgage which was prior to the notice of LIS PENDENS. So
it has also been held that any subsequent lien or encumbrance between the 2 encumbrances, one that had a prior right will have
annotated at the back of the certificate of title cannot in any way to be respected. SC explained that if it be allowed that the
prejudice the mortgage previously registered, and the lots subject subsequent lien or encumbrance to defeat a prior claim would run
thereto pass to the purchaser at the public auction sale free from amuck the Torrens System, coz it would then be very easy to
any lien or encumbrance. Otherwise, the value of the mortgage defeat a prior lien or an encumbrance.

will not amount to P2M or P3M. For instance if the interest is P1.2
M if you allow automatic transfer, alkansi ang mortgagor because
you are paying more than what you owe. That is why it is void
What is Notice of LIS PENDENS? being against public policy.
Answer: it serves as a notice to the whole world that the subject
property is subject to litigation. it serves as a warning to third 98% of the mortgages, the properties are always more thn the
persons that they assume the risk that depends to the outcome of value of the principal obligation.
What is a foreclosure?
What if it was the notice of LIS PENDENS that was annotated - a process wherein when the mortgagor defaults in payment,
before the annotation of the mortgage, can the bank still say that then the proceeds thereon will be applied to the payment for the
it was a mortgagee in good faith? indebtedness.
Answer: No. because there was already a notice of LIS PENDENS
prior to the REM, then when the bank accepted the mortgage Supposing the highest bidder gave a bid of P1M where total
over the property, it should have already put it on guard that obligation is P800,000 and the proceeds amounted to P1M, how
should the litigation be not in favor of the mortgagor then they much will you give the mortgagee?
have no choice but to release the property to the winner of the Answer: only to the extent of indebtedness which is P800,000 and
pending litigation. the remaining P200,000 will be given to the mortgagor.

May a real estate mortgage be cancelled? Requisites before you can foreclose a mortgage:
Answer: Yes. When there is already due payment of the 1. The debt must become due and demandable
obligation. 2. The debtor must be in delay or default
A REM will be discharged or cancelled upon full payment of the 3. There must be a demand. Without the demand you cannot
principal contract. So upon the extinguishment of the principal consider the debtor in default.
contract then the accessory contract will also be extinguished
following the principle that the accessory follows the principal. In case the debtor defaults, what other remedies aside from
foreclosure available to the mortgagee?
In a REM, may the parties agree in writing that upon default in the Answer: Mortgagee may file an action for collection of sum of
payment of the amount of the principal obligation, the title of the money.
mortgage property will automatically vest in favor of the
mortgagee? If the mortgagee chose the action for collection of sum of money,
Answer: No. It would be void since it would be then a pactum may he change his mind and consider the filing for foreclosure?
commissorium. In order to transfer title to the mortgagee, it must Answer: No. The remedies are alternative. If you choose one that
undergo followers proceedings and in a public auction, the is the waiver of the right to avail of the other remedy
mortgagee is given priority in bidding, it is only when the
mortgagee is the highest bidder that the title be given to him. Suppose I chose to foreclose the property, the highest bidder bid
for P800,000 when the obligation is P1M, may I file an action to
What is the reason why it has to undergo auction sale when in collect deficiency?
fact in most cases the mortgagee is the only bidder? Answer: Yes. That is the only time when the mortgagee can avail
Answer: (Ms. Toledo) Because it would be in a form of Novation. of the action to collect the sum of money only when there is
As the mortgage is applied to payment of debt as if a title to a deficiency. This is not Recto Law on chattel mortgage. This is REM.
land is considered a payment to the mortgage then it is
considered novation. What is the prescription or prescriptive period in the filing for
The subject of indebtedness will be changed. So that's why it must action of judicial foreclosure?
be in public auction as only the proceeds of auction will be Answer: 10 years from the time the right of action accrues which
applied. is from the time debtor defaulted payment.

A pactum commissorium is void because it is against public policy, > Suppose Jan 1997, the obligation became due and demandable,
why? > on Jan 2002, it was the time mortgagee demanded payment still
Answer: if you allow automatic transfer of ownership it would the debtor did not pay
cause unjust enrichment in favor of mortgagee because the value > so another demand was made on Jan 2004, still no payment.
of property is always more than the amount of obligation. If you >>Can he file foreclosure proceeding now, Sept. 25, 2012?
allow automatic transfer, the value of the land will appreciate
over time. If the value of the land now as it is mortgaged is P1M Answer: Yes. Ledesma vs. CA: A written extrajudicial demand
and the value of obligation is only P800,000, if there is foreclosure wipes out the period that has already elapsed and starts anew the
next year, the value of that land may double or triple, so the land prescriptive period.
value would be P2M or P3M. The obligation even if with interest Thus, he can still file today as the period is to be counted from the

last demand. Because the demand wipes out the period that has So as a GENERAL RULE, after the redemption period of 1 year has
already elapsed and starts anew the prescriptive period. expired and confirmation of the sale, the mortgagor no longer has
a right to redeem. But there is an exception; the EXCEPTION is in a
What are the two types of foreclosure? JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE (remember that this is only for JUDICIAL
1. Judicial- file in the court having jurisdiction over the place FORECLOSURE) where the mortgagee is a BANK.
- when to consider the highest bidder to have the title over the
mortgaged property? During the confirmation of the sale by the BOROMEO vs CA and ESB
- is it necessary to have hearing in confirming the sale? Yes. So What are the requisites of a valid injunction?
that the mortgagor can know his remedies. Rural Bank of
Oroquieta case  The Supreme Court said that an injunction does not
necessarily lie against an extrajudicial foreclosure
2. Extrajudicial - file it before the sheriff because the right that we are talking about, from the
- hearing is not necessary. Just allow the redemption period to very beginning, has been LIMITED by the EXECUTION
expire and then once it expires, you can call the sheriff and ask OF THE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE executed by the
the sheriff to make a final certificate of sale. mortgagor himself.
 So yes, he has a right over his property but because he
executed a REM, he has RESTRICTED his rights over the
9-26-12 property and HAS CONSENTED to the FORECLOSURE
upon default in payment.
In a JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE, when will the mortgagor be divested  BUT in this case, the INJUNCTION was granted. Why?
of his ownership over the property? o Alright. In this case, the one who foreclosed
was the Equitable Savings Bank, while the
 The owner will be divested of the ownership of his REM in the promissory was in fact executed
property when he fails to redeem the property within in favour of the Equitable PCI Bank.
one year from the time the certificate of sale is  There was a contention that Equitable Savings Bank
registered. and Equitable PCI Bank must be considered as one
juridical person because Equitable Savings Bank was
Do you need a hearing in a JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE to owned by the Equitable PCI Bank.
confirm the sale?  But the Supreme Court said that
you cannot treat them as one
 Yes. A hearing is necessary to give notice to the owner juridical personality because
and to hear why he was not able to redeem the even if you are a subsidiary, your
property. During that period, the owner may still personality is separate from the
redeem the property from the mortgagee until the parent company.
confirmation of the sale.  Does this mean that the RIGHT TO FORECLOSE cannot
be assigned at all?
So after the confirmation of the sale by the court in a JUDICIAL o It can be assigned.
FORECLOSURE, can the mortgagor still redeem his property  How can you assign the RIGHT TO FORCLOSE?
afterwards? o You assign the LOAN or you sell the LOAN
because a loan is actually a receivable. It is
 GENERAL RULE: You CANNOT redeem the property
an asset on the part of the bank
after confirmation by the court of the sale in a
o So if you want to assign the right to
foreclose, you have to assign the principal
 EXCEPTION: When the mortgagee is a BANK.
contract because REM is merely an
accessory contract.
o The accessory always follows the principal.
will happen and the property is awarded to the HIGHEST BIDDER.
 What Equitable PCI Bank should have done was enter
Then there is a CERTIFICATE of SALE that is issued and you are
into a Deed of Assignment or a Deed of Sale where the
then going to register the certificate of sale. AFTER the expiration
Equitable PCI Bank will assign the LOAN ITSELF to
of one year from the registration of the certificate of sale, then
Equitable Savings Bank so that the loan will transfer to
you are going to ask the court to hold a HEARING to CONFIRM the
Equitable Savings Bank and it will give Equitable
Savings Bank the RIGHT to COLLECT the payment or
Why do you need to confirm the sale? the RIGHT TO FORECLOSE should there be no payment.
o In this case, there was no deed of sale or
 Because the redemption period has expired. assignment. Nidiritso ra ang Equitable
Savings Bank ug foreclose.

 So, the RIGHT TO FORECLOSE may also be assigned by  Sometimes, Milky can even bid
assigning, of course, the principal contract of loan. less than the obligation so that
 So on one hand, you have the right to foreclose that Milky can still go after Ralph in
can be assigned by the mortgagee by assigning the case Milky wins as the highest
entire loan. bidder.
 So Milky bids 800k, the principal
How about the right of the mortgagor to redeem to a third party outstanding obligation of Ralph
who is not a subsequent lien holder? Can it also be assigned? is also 800k.
 Then here comes Richard, the
 A mortgagor may assign to a 3rd party because that third party bidder, and he bids
property is his. So, in fact, he can sell the property to a 1M for the property. So Richard
third party and the third party can now redeem the then wins the highest bid.
property for him.  So of the 1M, 800k will be given
 Instead of the mortgagor redeeming the property, the to Milky in payment of the
third party redeems (because in most cases, the fact principal obligation, and the
that they defaulted, that means they don’t have 200k will go to Ralph.
money anymore, and therefore, you cannot expect  BUT in that case, alkansi kayo ka,
them to redeem also because they don’t have money.) why? Because you don’t have
 So what they do is they sell the property to somebody the property anymore. And you
else (a relative or close friend)and then that 3rd party only get the value equivalent to
will redeem the property. the outstanding principal
o So mahulog nga iyang gibaligya ang obligation, and NOT even the
property. So ang mulukat, in layman’s term, value of the property. Swerte
kay kato na ang 3rd party. nalang ganeh nga naae highest
 What usually happens is, let’s say the obligation is only bidder bidding more than the
800k, and then, usually, as we said, the mortgaged principal obligation. How much
property is usually much greater than the amount of more alkansi if Milky is only the
the obligation. one bidding? (Wala nay 200k, if
o So let’s say the outstanding principal that’s the case.)
obligation is only 800k and the value of the  Milky would be buying the
property is 2M. property for a very low, low
o Then the mortgagor does not have 800k to price and Ralph would be very,
redeem the property. very alkansi.
o What he does is he executes a deed of sale
to a third party, selling the property to the o That’s why the 3rd party enters into a deed
third party AT ITS VALUE. Let’s say, 1.5M. of sale with a third party so that he, in fact,
o So he enters a deed of sale 1.5M, 800k gets the ACTUAL VALUE of the property.
payable to the mortgagee and 700k payable o Of course, he should also pay his LOAN
to the mortgagor. from the proceeds of that sale because that
o SO, DILI SIYA ALKANSI. If he does not assign is his legal obligation. BUT at least there is
the right to redeem, mabira ang tibuok an exchange for the REAL VALUE of the
yuta. Samot na if the mortgagee becomes property.
the highest bidder.
o Ok lang if there is a third party who is the What is the redemption period?
highest bidder, who bids MORE than the
principal obligation.  It is one year from the registration of the certificate of
o Let’s say for example, in the bidding: sale.
 Milky is the mortgagee,  In the case of Landrito, the Supreme Court said that
 Ralph is the mortgagor, while Act 3135 says that the redemption period is 1
 Richard is a third party bidder. year from the sale, that actually means 1 year from the
 Ralph owes Milky an registration of the certificate of sale.
outstanding principal in interest  Why do you have 1 year period from the registration,
of 800k. Of course, as a and not from the sale itself?
mortgagee, Milky will not bid o Because PD 1529 says that upon
higher than 800k. She will bid registration, there is constructive notice to
only 800k. the whole world of the sale.

 In Landrito also, there was also an argument that there What is the consequence if the redemption period has expired?
was an extension of the redemption period. Why did
the court deny this? What is the requisite, then, to  The sheriff will now issue a certificate of final sale and
make an extension of the redemption period valid and it will be registered. This will in effect, cancel the old
binding upon the parties? Certificate of Title and a new Certificate will be issued
o So here, the SC said that, yes, your to the purchaser of the property.
redemption period may be extended. But to  That is what you call CONSOLIDATION of the TITLE
make it valid and binding between the
parties, not only should you agree in writing
of the extension, but it must be followed by
an offer to pay the redemption price.
o Here, the SC ruled that there was NO offer
to pay because, in fact, they filed a
Yulienco vs CA
complaint. If you file a complaint, then you
are not willing to pay. That is the ruling.
 Possession is already a matter of right after
consolidation. The issuance of the writ of possession is
What is the difference between Equity of Redemption and Right
already ministerial on the part of the court after
of Redemption?
consolidation (both EXTRAJUDICIAL and JUDICIAL
 So the Equity of Redemption is what we are talking FORECLOSURE). Why?
about. Because that is the period wherein the o Because the purchaser is already the owner
mortgagor has the right to redeem the property after it of the property.
has defaulted in payment of the obligation but prior to o So if you’re the owner already, then
the confirmation of the sale. necessarily, possession will follow as a
 Again, we said, we confirm the sale after the expiration matter of right.
of the redemption period. o So it is wrong for the petitioner to say that
 While RIGHT OF REDEMPTION is the right of the the granting of the writ of possession is a
mortgagor to redeem the property even after the matter of discretion because the RTC did
confirmation of the sale. When is that? not exercise any discretion in issuing the
o When the mortgagee is a bank in a JUDICIAL writ of possession as it was already
FORECLOSURE. ministerial.
o Once there has been consolidation, the
What is your redemption period if the mortgaged property is purchaser already becomes the owner of
covered by a Free Patent or a Homestead Patent? the property.

 2 years from the foreclosure sale if it is untitled SAMSON vs RIVERA

 it’s 2 years counted from the registration of the
certificate of sale if it has a Torrens Title  May a writ of possession be granted by the court
 But if you fail to redeem it within 2 years, you are still during the redemption period? YES.
given 5 years counted from the expiration of the  What does the mortgagee have to do for the writ of
redemption period. Why? possession to be issued in his favour even during the
o Because the Public Land Act wants to redemption period?
preserve the property within the family of o Upon motion by the purchaser to possess
the grantee or patentee. the property
o That is, in fact, an award by the government o Also, he must file a bond equal to 12
to those who tilled the land for a long time. months’ use of the property
o So even if you failed to redeem it, you still  You need to post a bond so that
have 5 years because the Public Land Act in case the mortgagor chooses to
prohibits the alienation of the property redeem the property, from the
within 5 years. time that he was dispossessed,
o So if na-mortgage nimo siya, there is no you will have to pay him the
effective conveyance yet. But if it is already value for the use of his property
foreclosed, then you are in fact alienating it o You will only file a bond if you file for a writ
involuntarily. So, you are given 5 years from of possession DURING the redemption
the expiration of the redemption period. period.
o That’s pursuant to the Public Land Act. o BUT if your action for writ of possession is
AFTER the redemption period has expired

and it was already consolidated in your o If he pays the first mortgagee, then the
name, you don’t have to file a bond second mortgagee can now ask the register
because you are now the owner of the of deeds to cancel the first mortgage so
property that he now becomes the next mortgagee
in line.
In cases where there are 2 encumbrances, 2 mortgagors. o So if the mortgagor will now default in
payment of the loan that is due the second
 Who has the better right to the property? mortgagee, then the 2nd mortgagee can
o The FIRST MORTGAGOR. foreclose the property.
o If he forecloses the property and the
CASE OF DE VERA – Same principle, so skip. mortgagor now wishes to redeem the
property within the 1 year period again
from the time that the second mortgagor
registers the certificate of sale in his favour,
 PNB was able to foreclose the property and there were
how much will the mortgagor pay?
subsequent lien holders. PNB was not the only lien
 The mortgagor will pay his loan
holder over the property. But PNB was able to
obligation to the 2nd mortgagee
foreclose the property. The redemption period expired
AND the redemption price that
and the mortgagor was not able to redeem the
the 2nd mortgagee paid to the 1st
property. So the Certificate of Sale became final and
the title was consolidated in PNB’s favour.
o So, in effect, the mortgagor still pays the
 But there is a problem. The new TCTs of PNB still
entire loan obligation to the 1st mortgagee
carried the other encumbrances.
and the 2nd mortgagee.
 So PNB is now asking to have the encumbrances
o Now supposing the 1st mortgagee has NOT
YET foreclosed the property, may the 2nd
 SC: It ruled that YES, the encumbrances should be
mortgagee ask for the cancellation of the 1st
cancelled. It is the right of the first encumbrancer to
have a clean title. The SC said that once the previous
 Still yes. As long as the 2nd
lien holder has already foreclosed the property, then it
mortgagee pays whatever the
has already foreclosed all other encumbrances.
mortgagor owes to the 1st
 The SC also said that the subsequent lien holders have
a right. What is this right? The right to redeem the
 So the 2nd mortgagee pays the
property from the prior mortgagor and avail of the 1
obligation of the mortgagor to
year redemption period. (basa sa example below to
the 1st mortgagee and the 2nd
understand this right better. )
mortgagee will be the one to
collect the 2 loans from the
o So if you have the first mortgagee and the
second mortgagee, and the first mortgagee
forecloses the property, (of course you
already know that after he forecloses the
property, he does not yet become the  Caveat Emptor – Buyer beware!
absolute owner, he still has to wait for 1  The same principle: When we are dealing with a
year from the registration of the certificate person who is NOT the registered owner, you cannot
of sale just rely on the title; you have to go beyond the title.
 not only will the mortgagor be You have to conduct an investigation on the property.
able to avail of the redemption  So much more if what is shown to you is a mere
period, so can the subsequent photocopy of the title or the contract.
lien holders, just like the second
o So after the foreclosure by the first
mortgagee, the second mortgagee can in
fact call the 1st mortgagee and ask him what VII. b. INVOLUNTARY DEALINGS
the redemption price is. SO that the 2nd
mortgagee can pay the redemption price. i. Attachments
 The second mortgagee is
In Sec.69 that would tell you that the nature actually of
actually now paying the
an attachment that is by virtue of an order in court.
obligation of the mortgagor. Such that if there is a controversy or claim, collection

of sum of money, if you are not _____ (di Another example is a lease for a very long period of
maklaro…sorry.) enough to pay and you are the loser time. Now, if you have an agreement with the owner
party, then your properties may be attached by virtue to lease the property for 10 years, you have to protect
of an order of the court. So, if there is such an order to your right. Why? because as a lessee, you cannot
attach, then that order will have to be presented prevent the owner of the property from not selling.
before your Register of Deeds for it to be annotated. Diba di man ka kaingon sa owner nga ayaw bayag
Anyway, the procedure on attachment will be delved ibaligya ha kay naa baya tay lease agreement for 10
more when you have your Remedial Law. years. You cannot do that. What you can do is
annotate an adverse claim that in fact you are under a
ii. Adverse Claims leasehold agreement for 10 years so that if the old
owner will sell it to a new owner, the new owner will
That is Sec.70. You don’t need to file an action in court be bound by the lease. Ngano ma bound man siya?
so that you may annotate an adverse claim. Unlike an Because at the time that he bought it, kaybaw man
attachment that is by virtue of an order in court, if you siya nga nay 10-year leasehold agreement. Okay...
have an adverse claim over the property and you want
your adverse claim to be protected, you have to Of course mortgage. Your mortgage is in fact an
register it. You don’t need to go through a court adverse claim. Because again you cannot ask for a new
proceeding, you don’t need to file an action in court. title because that does not convey ownership. That’s
What will you do then? You will only have to make a only a lien on the property.
sworn statement. Or in short, you just have to make an
affidavit because it is in fact a sworn statement. And in Golden Haven Memorial Park vs. Filinvest
your affidavit, there must be a statement of your This case is about a very large tract of land which was
alleged right or interest, under whom such alleged sold by the original owners. The owners entered into a
right or interest is acquired… that’s in your Agcaoili contract to sell with Golden Haven. It was only under a
book…, the description of the land in which the right or contract to sell of several parcels of land. Golden
interest is claimed, and of course the number of the Haven, to protect its interest, annotated an adverse
certificate of title. Why? Of course as to guide your RD claim and what was annotated was the contract to sell.
as to which TCT he will annotate the adverse claim. Unknown to Golden Haven, some of the owners also
sold it to Filinvest. This time, the agreement was a
Sec.70 will also tell you that the effectivity of the deed of sale. So Filinvest…you already know that
adverse claims is supposedly just 30 days, but that there’s a remedy for that and that is for an issuance of
does not mean that after the expiration of the 30 days a new title… Filinvest now applied for the issuance of a
it will automatically be cancelled. What the law means new title and it was denied because of the contract to
is that after 30 days, the owner of the property may sell. Filinvest was saying that it was an innocent
ask for a cancellation of the adverse claim. Now if you purchaser for value because according to Filinvest the
want a cancellation, it is not by a mere affidavit but annotation on the adverse claim does not pertain to all
this time it will have to be through an action in court. It the lots that it bought… naa lay uban, but not all. What
will have to heard as to whether or not it would be did the SC say?
proper to remove or cancel the adverse claim.
The SC said that when you bought it, you saw already
The adverse claim is a remedy that may be availed of the annotation. Even if it does not pertain to all the
by the claimant only when the law does not provide for lots that you bought, that should have already put you
any remedy. In other words, if your claim over the on inquiry. It should have already put you on guard. It
property is by virtue of a deed of sale, is there a should have already warned you that the sellers are
remedy provided in PD 1529? Yes, there is. Unsa may engaged in double selling. So because of that, the SC
remedy nimo? If it’s by virtue of a deed of sale, all you said that Filinvest could not be considered as an
have to do is surrender the old owner’s duplicate innocent purchaser for value because the purpose of
certificate, you show the deed of sale, and you will be an adverse claim is actually to serve as a notice, a
issued a new certificate. So, no need to annotate that warning to those who may deal with the property. So
as an adverse claim because there is in fact a remedy Filinvest should have already been warned that when it
provided for that. bought some of the properties and bought in fact a
property which had an annotation, that should have
What would be an example of an adverse claim? An already warned them to investigate further the
example would be annotating a contract to sell. Ngano property because it was a clear indication that the
man? Because you will not be issued a new certificate sellers were engaged in double selling.
of title because in a contract to sell, as in the cases that
we’ve discussed, the SC said that there is no iii. Enforcement of Liens on Registered Land and
conveyance of ownership before full payment. So, if Application for New Certificate Upon Expiration of
you want third parties to be aware that the property is Redemption
under a contract to sell, to let them know that that it is
now under an agreement to be sold to you upon full Sec.75, we’ve already discussed that if in a mortgage
payment, how do you protect your right? Through an _______ (di jud nako maklaro diri na part. sige na
adverse claim. nakog balik. (T^T) Huhuhu… ) application of a new
certificate upon expiration of the redemption period…
So if it’s a mortgage, it was foreclosed, then you have

one year redemption period unless of course it was
granted through a homestead or free patent then the We’ve already touched on this. We said that lis
redemption period would be 2 years. So if the pendens is actually an announcement to the whole
mortgagor fails to redeem it within the redemption world that there is a pending litigation over the
period, then of course if it’s a judicial foreclosure, you property. The purpose of the lis pendens as explained
will have to ask a court through a motion so that the in the case of Viewmaster Construction vs. Maulit, et.
confirmation of the sale may be heard, but if it’s an al is to first, protect the claimant, the party claiming
extra-judicial foreclosure sale, then you’ll just have to an interest over the property, and second, to
wait for the redemption period to expire and then you announce to the whole world of such pending litigation
inform the Sheriff so that the Sheriff can give you a over the property and to forewarn them that should
final certificate of sale. Then after that you can now you deal with the property then you are gambling on
process it with the RD to have a new title issued in the outcome of the case. In the case of Viewmaster,
your name and we call that consolidation. there was an issue raised because the notice of lis
pendens that was annotated was pertaining to a
Padilla, Jr. vs. Phil. Producer’s Cooperative litigation whose main issue was not the ownership of
The cooperative filed a case for collection of sum of the property. The owner of the property was saying
money against the petitioners. And in that civil case, that, you cannot annotate a notice of lis pendens on
the cooperative won. Since it was found that the the property on a litigation that actually does not
petitioners had no money to fulfill the obligation, and revolve around the issue of ownership over the
so gi attach ang mga properties nila. So now, the property. Kay dapat kuno ang notice of lis pendens,
cooperative filed for a motion to execute the judgment dapat about sa ownership sa property. What did the SC
and in fact it was sold on execution sale…mura ra say? The SC said not necessarily. You may have a
gyapun na siyag auction sale… and they became the notice of lis pendens annotated not even pertaining to
highest bidder. Now, they wanted to transfer the title a litigation involving ownership but it may only be even
in their name. They want to consolidate it because the about use or occupation or possession of the
redemption period has expired without Padilla and his property… that is also in fact an interest over a parcel
wife being able to redeem the property. Karon, when of land. Not necessarily ownership. So if mag notice of
they tried to register it with the Register of Deeds, the lis pendens ka ana nga property, not necessarily nga
RD denied the registration in their name. Why? and pending litigation is about contesting claims of
because there was no surrender of the owner’s ownership. Dili necessary. Pwede ra daw nga ang
duplicate certificate, ilang Padilla. So, the cooperative litigation is in fact about use or possession or
was now saying that how can we surrender it to you occupation. Not necessarily claiming ownership.
when clearly Padilla will refuse to give it to us. Because Because as we said, ownership is different from
this was not a voluntary sale, this was an involuntary possession.
sale. It was sold through an execution sale. So what
they did was to file a motion in court so that the court Okay… The case of St. Mary vs. RD Makati was about
may order or direct the Register of Deeds to issue the propriety of having a notice of lis pendens that was
them a new certificate of title. previously cancelled and re-annotated again. So there
was a contesting claim between St.Mary and Soriano.
The issue here when it reached the SC was the Soriano was saying that the sale to St. Mary was in fact
propriety of the motion praying to the court to order forged. It was a fraudulent sale. It was from his father
the RD to issue the certificate of title even without to ODC, and then ODC to St.Mary. He was saying that
surrendering the previous owner’s duplicate there was in fact no sale. So he is now claiming that
certificate. being an heir, he was the owner over the property. So,
because of these contesting claims, he filed a case
The SC said that the remedy they availed of was against St. Mary and of course the predecessors-in-
incorrect. Why? because PD 1529 clearly states that for interest, for the declaration of nullity of the sale and
you to be issued a new certificate of title, there must for the cancellation of the title in favor of St.Mary.
be a surrender of the old one. Now as to their Now, because of this pending litigation, Soriano caused
contention that it would be very hard for them to get the annotation of lis pendens. So clearly, naay pending
the title, the SC said that the proper remedy should litigation over a claim of ownership because somebody
have been to file a separate action in court praying is now saying that St. Mary is not the owner, I am suing
that the court will order the previous owner to St.Mary because I am in fact the owner. The trial court
surrender the certificate. Okay? Dili shortcut. Dili nga found for St. Mary and St. Mary of course filed a
mo derecho ka ug ask sa court to order the RD because motion to cancel the notice of lis pendens kay nidaog
then you are asking the court and the RD to violate the man sila. And so it was cancelled. In the meantime, St.
provision of law nga dapat man gyud mag surrender. Mary mortgaged the land, to obtain a loan, to another
And the reason for the surrender as we said is to avoid party. At the same time, Soriano elevated it to the CA.
double selling. So the correct action that they should Soriano is now asking the CA to re-annotate the notice
have done was to file a separate action in court for of lis pendens. St. Mary opposed the motion to re-
specific performance…praying the court to issue an annotate because according to St. Mary, there is no
order directing that old owner, the previous owner, to more right to have the notice of lis pendens annotated
surrender his certificate of title. because it was already decided in the trial court…they
already won. What was the ruling of the SC? The SC
iv. Lis Pendens said it is but right to re-annotate it. Why? Because the

case is not yet over. There is still a pending litigation. In the case. You need not be impleaded because you are
fact, the case has been elevated to the CA. So there is gambling on the outcome of the case.
in fact a pending litigation. A pending litigation is not
constrained only to the trial stage. For so long as there
VIII. Registration of judgments, orders, partition
is no final and executory decision yet, the case is still
pending. And apart from that, the SC said that to
protect the interest of Soriano, it is but right to re- If there’s a judgement in court pertaining to a property, there’s a
annotate the notice of lis pendens especially now that partition, you have to show the order of the court to have it
St.Mary is dealing with the property with third registered.
persons. Dapat ang third persons should be aware kay
if dili nimo sila ipa aware, mahimo silang innocent Sec 79 Surrender of owners duplicate
purchaser. Ug mahimo silang innocent purchaser, if
ever Soriano will be adjudged the true owner, luoy
kaayu si Soriano. Dili na niya ma get back iyang Duplicate certificate has to be surrendered (the previous one), for
property. But in this case, the SC did not rule on who you to have a new certificate issued.
has a better right. It was just an incidental issue. It was
just about the re-annotation. So you will not see here IX . Assurance fund
in the case who was adjudged as the owner of the
property. Only the issue here was whether it is proper
to re-annotate. And yes it is proper because the case is We have discussed in passing about claiming against the
still pending. assurance fund if the author of the fraud is insolvent.

In that case also, the SC enumerated two grounds that The assurance fund comes from you because upon registration of
a notice of lis pendens may be cancelled even if there Certificate of Title you would have to pay the Register of Deeds ¼
is a pending litigation: that the annotation was for the of 1% of the latest assessed value of your property. It would be
purpose of molesting the title of the adverse party, or managed by the National Treasurer, and he would invest it
when the annotation is not necessary to protect the somewhere else, (just like an insurance--collect money then
title of the party who caused it to be recorded. reinvest it somewhere else to gain profit);this is an insurance if
ever you will be deprived of your property due to the rigidity of
In the case of De La Merced vs. GSIS, this again is the rules of the Torrens System. Again, the custody and
about a notice of lis pendens and the effect of a notice management od the assurance fund will belong to the National
of lis pendens to a transferee pendente lite. What’s a Treasurer.
transferee pendente lite? A transferee of the property
while the case is still pending. So there was a
Sec 95 Claims against the assurance fund
controversy as to who has a better right over the
property. I’m not going to dwell on that because you
already know that, how to determine kinsay naay  This section tells you that for you to be able to claim
better right. So, I’m just going directly to the notice of against AF you must be able to prove that you have
lis pendens. During the pendency of the litigation, so exercised the proper diligence, that you had no
nag-away si De La Merced ug GSIS kung kinsay naay negligence at all-- you lost your right over your
better right. During the pendency of the litigation, GSIS property but you exercised all the diligence required of
sold it to a third party. Now, so katong third party is you.
what you call the transferee pendente lite. Ngano  When will you lose your right over the property when
man? Kay transferee cya pending litigation. So si GSIS in fact you’re the true owner?
is the transferor pendente lite. So cya na ang nag o When there’s an innocent purchaser for
gukod. Now, ang case na resolve na. And the case was value (IPV) even if you can prove that you
resolved against GSIS. The transferee pendente lite is are in fact the true owner if the forger was
now saying that you cannot get the property from me able to transfer it to his name and after
because you did not implead me in the case. So the transferring it to his name was able to
decision of the court shall not be binding against me. transfer it to an IPV you can no longer get
Ma binding ra unta to cya if gi apil daw cya sa kaso. the property back--you’re deprived of your
What was the ruling of the SC? The SC said that you property, hence, you may claim against the
being the transferee pendente lite, you seeing the assurance fund.
notice of lis pendens, you have already gambled on the  Torres v CA June 21, 1990
outcome of the case such that, if your predecessor-in- o Facts: This is a case where the claim against
interest is found to have no right over the property, the assurance fund was denied by the SC.
that means you too will not have a rightful claim over This involved a very large parcel of land
the property. You need not be impleaded because you which was also a subject of a double sale.
just take over whatever right your transferor has The purchaser claimed that he was an IPV
because of the notice of lis pendens. If wala pa toy but the SC said he cannot be considered as
notice of lis pendens, pwede pa cya muingon nga one because an IPV becomes such if you
innocent cya granting nga wala gyud cyay knowledge have a title (title of the owner ), the real
of any fact that the title is fake. But in this case, there title over the subject property, and it was
was a notice of lis pendens. So, the third party cannot through a fraudulent scheme or through
say I am not bound because you did not implead me in forgery that the title was cancelled and a

new one was issued in the name of the o File it against the RD where the property is
forger or in any other name which was located and the national treasurer (he has
chosen by the forger, and then after that the custody of the assurance fund so you
there is a cancellation of his title, a transfer must implead him) so in case you would be
to a third party which has no knowledge adjudged innocent and without negligence,
whatsoever of the scheme (an IPV). In this you may claim from the assurance fund.
case, there was a title held by the real  If it is against another person who was the author of
owner, this was a very large parcel of land the fraud or forgery:
with a building on it and it was for rent, o File it against that person plus the RD plus
there was a relative who now applied for the National Treasurer because sec 97 tells
the reconstitution of the title saying that you that in case you’re adjudged innocent
the title was lost. This person now who had and without negligence then satisfaction of
the title reconstituted but there was still in the judgment must come from the forger
fact the original title. He used this title to first. Only when he is insolvent or if you’ve
obtain a loan and he mortgaged the land, attached all his properties and it’s still not
he was not able to pay the loan so it was enough to pay the damage caused to you,
foreclosed. However, the real owner found then that's the oly time that you claim
out about this so he asked for an injunction against the assurance fund.
because he is in fact the real owner. o BUT take note, sec 99 tells you that the
o ISSUE: who has the better right? Is it the state will be subrogated in your rights to go
real owner or is it this mortgagee who against the author. So ultimately you let
claims to be an innocent mortgagee for the perpetrator pay for the damage.
value because when he saw the
reconstituted title it was clean.
Sec 102 Prescription: 6 yrs from the time the cause of action
 Granting that you have exercised
all the diligence as a mortgagee
of this title, the principle of IPV XII. Petitions and actions after original registration
does not apply because the real
title is still existing. “The doctrine Sec 107 Surrender of withheld duplicate certificate
of an IPV cannot be applied
where the owner still holds a
valid and existing Certificate of  Filing a separate court action praying that it will order
Title covering the same interest the previous owner to surrender the certificate.
in a realty because the title is  Toledo Banaga v CA January 29, 1999 [Atty B: read
indefeasible and binding against this]
the whole world.” The
reconstituted title is null and Sec 108 Amendment and alteration of certificates
void .
 The title relied upon by the
mortgagee was a reconstituted  In an original registration you have to republish the
title which on its face was amendment and alteration but sec 108 is an
written an “RT” so it’s not amendment and alteration that is done AFTER
enough that you look at the title, registration.
you have to investigate and go  PD 1529 tells you that you cannot merely request the
beyond. The SC said that this RD for the amendment or alteration but you would
involved a very large property have to through a court proceeding.
with a building why did the  Oliva v Republic April 27, 2007
mortgagee not ask who pays the o Facts: Oliva filed a petition for reduction of
real property taxes? He was not a legal easement. He was granted a patent,
considered an innocent but there was a condition that there should
mortgagee for value, there being be a 40 m legal easement. Oliva was saying
negligence on his part, he cannot that this property in Talamban was already
claim from the assurance fund. turned residential and 40 m should be
Despite loss on his part, he can reduced to 2 m. So what Oliva did was to
only go against the forger and file an action in court because he cannot
not the assurance fund. just request the RD.
o Issue: OSG contends that Oliva cannot ask
for the reduction because the easement
Sec 96 against whom should the action be filed?
was in fact public property.
o Held: From the time the patent was issued,
 If the loss or your damage or the deprivation of the use the property was already removed from the
of your property was brought about by the mistake or public domain and therefore has become
negligence of government personnel like the RD: A&D, court has already taken judicial notice
that Talamban is already a residential area.

It’s just right that Oliva first filed a petition  You will have to follow the prescribed rules under RA
to have it reduced and so it was in fact 26 on reconstitution as long they are consistent with
reduced. PD1529.
 Philippine Cotton Corp v Gagoomal February 11, 2008  [Atty B: READ the three cases-- Pascua v Republic,
o Facts: This was about a title that allegedly Republic v Cattaroja, Bienvendo Castillo v Republic] In
got razed by fire, hence lost. The owners those cases the SC cited RA 26 as to the documents
filed for petition for reconstitution of title. that you will present to prove that the title in fact
The original title had an adverse claim but exists. It is not enough that you prove that it was lost
when it was reconstituted it did not carry but it is very hard to prove that in fact the title existed.
the adverse claim (it became a clean title). Saying that the title was lost can be open to fraud
Upon finding out, the adverse claimants because it’s easy to say that it was lost but in fact you
then requested the RD to re-annotate their don’t have title over it.
adverse claim. But RD only re-annotated it  RA 26 listed SIX documents that you can present as
only on the copy of the RD. proof of existence of the title:
o Issue: WON it was proper for the RD to re- o The first five in the list are documents
annotate immediately upon request issued officially by government offices
without asking of the surrender of the including the certified true copy of the title.
reconstituted title. o The sixth enumeration is “any other
o Held: It was not proper for the RD to re- document that would satisfy the court” *in
annotate it without asking for the surrender the cases they used this sixth enumeration]
of the reconstituted titles. It it’s a duplicate the SC held that this should be interpreted
then whatever annotation that one copy by using ejusdem generis. It should be a
has, it must appear in all copies. document of similar characteristic or import
as the first five in the list. Hence these
Sec 108 Notice and replacement of lost duplicate certificate “other documents” should be OFFICIAL with
the official seal etc.

 Feliciano v Zaldivar Sept. 26, 2006

o When we speak of reconstitution you are
asking the court to order the RD to issue a October 3, 2012
new certificate of title because your old
certificate was lost. Bastowe Philippines
o It was found out that there was a
reconstitution of a title which was in fact This is about estoppel. We already learn that estoppel
not lost. The SC said that when the owner’s does not run against the State – general rule. SO,
duplicate certificate of title has not been barstowe Philippines introduces to you an exception to
lost but but is in the possession of another the general rule. SO this is a case between Barstowe
person, then the reconstituted title is void
Philippines (BP) and the republic. BP is saying that they
because the court that rendered the
decision has no jurisdiction. There is no own the large tract of land that they are developing.
jurisdiction because one of the jurisdictional And BP, they bought it from a certain Servando (X). BP
fact is not present: that the old certificate sought for the reconstitution of their titles.
should have been LOST. Reconstitution can
be validly made only in case of loss of the On the other hand, your state also applied for
original certificate.
reconstitution and then found out that there were
o Facts: This person who was allegedly the
real owner, found out that her property was already existing titles and were for that same parcel of
sold to another person without her selling land – the very large parcel of land.
it. But during the course of the trial it was
found that she has signed a deed of sale. So, there is now a controversy as to who has the better
There was the principle that there was a right over the parcels of land – BP or the state.
presumption that you know what you’re Examination of the facts, the SC said, that the
signing, but in this case it was found out
reconstituted titles (RT) of BP were in fact forgeries.
that this woman as a person of “limited
education” so the presumption will not Why? Because SC in the examination of the facts that
apply. It was now up to the other party top were unravelled during the trial – it was found that the
prove that the document she was signing RD then when he was bought to court to testify said
was explained to her. They were not able to that the signatures found on the titles were not his.
discharge the burden. And in fact there was a mistake in the … reconstitution.
At the time that the RT were supposed issued, he was
Sec 110 Reconstitution of lost or destroyed original Torrens title already the RD but what was placed in the titles was
that he was a Deputy Register. So that already
tainted… that rose (?) doubts as to the genuineness of
the title of BP as opposed to the evidence presented

by the RP. The Republic was able to present evidence are IPFV involved, and in this case Yujuico was an
of the conveyance from its predecessor in interest – innocent for value because at the time that he bought
First Philippines Holdings Corporation. the property, the title was clean. The contention of the
State that it was the State’s property was because they
Now, there is now an issue also as to w/r the state – found out that at the time that the application was
being adjudged as the real owner over the property granted, the land was still underwater. And it said that
can now get back all the lots that were involved in this if it still submerged, then it is a land of public domain.
case. Since BP was a developer, it has issued a license And we also learned an action for reversion is
to… imprescriptible, but the SC now gives an exception and
that is when an IPFV is involved.
So BP is now saying that the state is estopped due to
the mistake and negligence of its employees because And the SC even said that this right of IPFV even runs
of the fact that they were given a license to develop against the state and that is based on section 32 of PD
this area, then … should be borne by the State. The 1529, re: IPFV.
State now argues that estoppel does not run against
them. But remember that being developer, they were So the SC said, to repeat the principle, “equitable
able to sell lots already. Some of the lots were already estoppel may be invoked against public authorities,
sold. when as in this case, the lot was already alienated to
IPFV, and the government did not undertake any act to
To resolve the controversy the SC said, AS TO THOSE contest the title for a unreasonable (unclear).” In this
LOTS THAT WERE ALREADY SOLD, to innocent case, it was 27 years. And the SC further said, reversion
purchasers for value, the State can no longer recover – may no longer prosper as the land has become
that lots. They’re already estopped because an (private) lands and the fraudulent acquisition cannot
exception to the rule in estoppel is when there are affect the titles of IPFV. While the General Rule is that
innocent purchasers for value involved. However, on an action is to recover lands of public domain is
the remaining lots that were not yet sold by BP, the imprescriptible, said right can be barred by laches.
state has two options: (1) to get the property back, or Section 32 of PD 1529 recognize the rights of an IPFV
(2) to let BP pay for the value of the property. OVER AND ABOVE THE INTEREST OF THE STATE. So
that is an exception to the general rule.
So in the case, the SC stated, “that the estoppel by
laches may lie against the Republic when titles to the Had the titles still been with Castro, then even after 27
subdivision lots are already in the names of the years, the state could have the titles reverted back to
respective IPFV from BP – it may not be used by BP to them. Cause in this case, it was found that there was
defeat the title of the Republic as regards the fraud (with some employees of the government).
subdivision lots which remain – kato’ng nabaligya to (enumerates parts of the syllabus which will be
IPFV, you can apply the exception on estoppel; but on discussed in some other subject)
the remaining unsold lots, the State can get that back
or have BP pay for the value. Condominium Act! Sales and Property. We’ll also touch
a little. 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 whole. You know what
In the case of Yujuico v Republic, a certain Castro condominiums are. It is a building divided into several
applied for Original Registration/confirmation of title. units. You have also common areas: the lobbies, the
And he was awarded the registration – so she was staircase, etc2x.
issued a OCT. Having OCT, there was now a subsequent
sale from Castro to a certain Yujuico. And Yujuico Who owns the common areas? The Condominium
having bought it, have divided the parcel of land to two Corporation. What makes the Condominium Corp? The
had one lot registered in his name, and the other lot Shareholders. Who are the shareholders? The unit
registered in some other person’s name. After 27 years owners. When can you be considered a unit owner?
from the time of original registration – that was only When you have fully paid the price of the unit. And
the time that the State filed a case for annulment of when we have a unit owner who had fully paid the
the title of Castro including the derivative title of price, what is your price? The right is to have the
Yujuico and this other person. So, Yujuico is now condominium certificate of title delivered to you by
raising the issue on estoppel due to inaction of the the developer because the unit is now yours. As
state for 27 years; and also raised the ** of being an opposed to the common areas, that are owned by the
IPFV. What was the ruling of the supreme court? shareholders of the condominium.

The Supreme Court said that Yujuico is correct. The Warranties and Representations
state may be (unclear) by estoppel or laches if there

BPI v ALS Management Corp. ALS Management is a of facts. So ingon ang developer Sala na nimo BPI nga
developer and this developer was filing a complaint for misalign ka sa among brochure, naa mi disclaimer!
collection of sum of money for the registration
because BPI already fully paid the unit, so because we So what was the ruling of the SC as to how to interpret
said that it is now the right of the unit owner to have disclaimers. SC said, the disclaimer should be only be
the condominium certificate of title. So, the developer applied to the general statements – condominium-
was now asking for the payment of the registration living at its best! Kana’ puwede ka mudisclaim ana.
fees. BPI refused to pay, and in answer to the BUT! If you have already enumerated facilities that will
complaint, BPI said, we will not pay because upon our provide and in fact those are the reasons why a
investigation you have broken some of your (unclear). prospective purchaser decides to buy units. Kay nindot
ang facilities. But they were not able to provide that.
Apart from that answer, BPI filed a counterclaim. BPI is SC said, even if there is a disclaimer, sa general lang na
now claiming for damages on the ground that ALS siya nga description but not on the enumeration of the
Management has not complied with their promise. The facilities that you’ve promised to provide. Those that
promise that was embodied in the brochures. There are written in the brochures.
were several promises: first, that the condominium will 10-3-12 2nd part
be a condominium-living at its very best. Apart from
that, they enumerated also the facilities that they were (De vera vs CA)
going to provide. Bathrooms, top of the line, ilang
balcony, nindot ang ilahang, they also have closed chu  De vera bought a condo unit from a developer UPSCCI.
chu. So those were among the facilities enumerated in He was already able to pay the down payment, now
the brochure. the balance was suppose to be paid by ms.____. The
developer also obtained a loan from a bank, but there
In the lower court level, BPI won. So, the lower court was also an agreement that those purchasers who are
has decided, that indeed, the developer was not able applying for a pag-ibig loan, that there will be a bridge
to fulfil its promise as enumerated in the brochure. So financing loan by this bank. A bridge financing loan is a
this was raised by the developer to the CA. In the CA, loan that will serve as replacement to the pag-ibig loan
the developer now raised the issue on jurisdiction, ky dugay pa man xa ma release. So ang mu finance ra
because according to the developer, the one that has usa ang bangko. And then pag naa na ang laon ang
jurisdiction over controversies on breach of promise on bank na ang mu kuha. Now this bank told De vera that
a condominium project on terms of payment will be his loan in pag-ibig was granted because it was coursed
the HLURB and not the lower courts. As to that first through the bank. So De vera now believed that his
issue, the SC said that YES YOU ARE CORRECT, that it unit was already was now released. He thought the
shall be the HLURB that has jurisdiction, BUT you will unit was fully paid. So he can now demand for the
have to raise the issue of jurisdiction at the earliest certificate of title. Now unfortunately for De vera the
possible opportunity. But you did not raise that in the loan diay was denied. So wala ma bayran ang unit. So
lower courts. You voluntarily submitted to the remember the developer made a loan, so the bank
jurisdiction of the lower court because you now foreclosed. Ana si de vere, patay, na apil ako unit,
participated in the trial. Now that you have lost dira pa na bayran na man kaha ni… so he asked the bank as to
ka muraise sa issue on jurisdiction. SO SC SAID (wku the status. So dnha pa xa na informed that it was
kasabot, even during discussion, wa sad ko kasabot sa denied. So de vera filed an action for damages against
giyawyaw ni maam). Na, Ok ra nimo ang jurisdiction, the developer and the bank.
pero kay napildi ka that’s the only time you raise it.
That was the first issue that was delved upon by SC. SC said based on the condominium act. That it is now
the duty of the developer to redeem the unit
Another issue was on warranties and representations, mortgaged because de vera honestly believed that he
on whether the developer is obliged to provide for that was the owner, because he did not know that the unit
facilities that were enumerated and its warranties and was not paid for. So the developer will have to redeem
representations in the brochure. The developer was without additional cost to de vera. What de vera owes
saying that we are not obliged because in that same is only the balance. Dili na nimo xa pa apilon sa
brochure they placed a disclaimer. redemption.

And the disclaimer reads, “the particulars stated as (Gold Loop Properties inc vs CA)
well the (visuals shown) are intended to give a general
idea of the project to be undertaken and as such, are The purchaser of a Condo unit was already able to take
not to be relied upon as statements or representations over the unit without the contract to sell, but despite
demands the developer refused to give the contract to

sell. So ang purchaser ga pa ugat pd xa, di ka mu
hatag? D pd ko mu bayad ky wala ang contract to sell.

So the issue is whether the act of the purchaser to

withhold the payment was proper.

Held: it is the right of a party to a contract to be made

aware of his rights and obligations under the contract.
How can he protect his rights if he is not aware of his
obligations under the contract?
(*so justified iya pag withhold because he had a right
to demand for the contract to sell?)

(Goal ink vs ca)

The developer had a problem with his contractor. The contractor

pre terminated their contract before the bldg was finished. So the
developer had to finish the building. So the developer obtained a
loan from the bank and the bank asked for collateral. But some
floors were already finished and naa nay mga nka bayad. The
owner of the units has the right to ask for the certificate. So
nangayo na ang mga owner sa certificates, but the bank withheld
it saying that it will use it as collateral for the loan.

SC said it is wrong because it is already the unit owner’s property.

You cannot use a collateral property which you do not own. So
the condominium units have a right to demand for the certificates
of title upon full payment.

Jurisdiction of the HLURB you can read that in the case of BPI.


If you are pressed for time. Ayaw pag facebook! Hahaha

Read the cases.


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