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Land Titles and Deeds Finale †If si Ron Carlo or kung apilidi nimo kay Tamayo nga manga

Ron Carlo or kung apilidi nimo kay Tamayo nga manga naka uno sa Land
†Suppletory in nature rani ha† Tits ay nalang mog basa ani na part†

September 2 Review:
What happens after there is judgment from a registration court of a Who has a better right over one parcel of land having two
grant of proceedings for land registration? certificates of title?
- give and order and forward it to the LRA - The first person who registered it first.
- If it has passed on to several buyers then you have to
Then after the LRA will enter the judgment what will happen? trace back the derivative title, such as in the case of
- give the title to the RD and the RD will register it Manotok Realty.

There is a decree of registration made by the court then it will be given May a tax declaration defeat a certificate of title?
to the LRA and enter the decree of registration. The LRA will forward - No, a tax declaration only proves possession; it may
it to the RD for transcription. prove ownership in the absence of certificate of title.

Decree of Registration What is the difference between an OCT and TCT?

- order issued under the signature of the administrator of - OCT is the first issued title
the LRA in the name of the court stating that the land there in is - TCT subsequent transfers after OCT
registered in the applicant or the oppositor
If there are two owners of a parcel of land, is it necessary that there
The entry of the decree of registration starts the running of would also be two copies of owner’s duplicate certificate of title or will
the 1 year prescriptive period within which you may file a petition for one suffice?
review - The RD may only issue one certificate of title
- If there is more than one owner of the parcel of land
What is the book of the RD? SEC. 41 PD 1529 tells you that your RD may issue only
- Registration book one where there is a declaration of who the owners are,
but if the co-owners would wish to have a copy for
When does a certificate of title take effect? each of them then the co-owners would request the RD
- From the date of transcription to issue separate certificates of titles

What does a certificate of title do?

- Proof of ownership What should appear in the certificate of titles?
- The same thing that appears in each and every copy.
Certificate of Title - Dili tagsa tagsa kada duplicate copy gi pangalan. Naa
- proves ownership bah diay duplicate nga dili pariha ug suwat?
Title - Kung 2 mu tag.iya 2 sad na ka ngan mu tatak sa
- Ownership itself duplicate copies

†Ka basa na tingali mog caso sah? Inyu nana problema mu basa usab. Principles If one of the co-owners decide to mortgage the parcel of land and he
nalang ni† has obtained consent from the other co-owner and these co-owners
have their separate duplicate certificates. Is it enough that A would
Decree Binds the Lands annotate the mortgage in his title but the duplicate certificate of co-
Del Prado vs Caballero owner B not be updated?
- Conflict of a sale between the boundaries of a sale - The encumbrance should be annotated in both titles to
according to the previous owner which is only 4,000 sq meters and prevent double sales or fraud
when they looked at the boundaries of the title, it covered 40,000 sq - What is written in one copy should also be found in the
meters other
- GR: what define ownership over a parcel of land are the
boundaries Owner’s Duplicate Certificate
- Exception: if there is a substantial difference Reyes vs Raval-Reyes
- The SC tells us that a person alleging to have rights
40,000 sq meters is not more or less the same as 4,000. There over the property vis-à-vis a person whose name
is a very big difference. The sc said that what will prevail was what appears on the certificate of title, who has a better right
was sold according to the previous owners which were 4,000. of possessing the certificate of title?
o The one whose name appears on the
If a free patent has already been granted to you, is it necessary that you certificate
will register your free patent in the land registration proceedings to - While he has allocations over the rights of the property
make your title indefeasible? the SC says that you have already protected your right
- Not anymore by filing a counter claim and by having annotated a
- If a free patent is granted to you, so long as it is an A notice of lis pendens.
and D public land that free patent is indivisible just like
lands covered under the Torrens system. What are statutory liens affecting title?
- Limits the registered owner’s absolute title over the

1. Liens, claims or rights existing or arising under the laws or Sec 47 of PD 1529
the constitution not required to appear in the title - No title to registered land in derogation of the title of
2. Unpaid real estate taxes the registered owner shall be acquired by prescription
3. Public highway or private way or adverse possession.
4. Limitations under PD 27 (emancipation of tenants from - You don’t have to be in every square inch of the land
bondage of the soil) †baw lang unsa na di lagi na mu gawas† for your title to be registered. Even if you live abroad so
5. Rights incident to husband and wife, and land lord and tenant long as you have a certificate of title your land will be
6. Liability to attachment or levy on execution protected.
7. Liability to any lien established by law
8. Partition between co-owners Registered Land not Subject to Prescription
Republic vs. Mendoza
9. Eminent domain
Land used by Pansinisingin Primary School (PPS) operated
10. Right to relive the land from liability to be recovered by an
by the republic but registered under the Mendozas. Republic contends
assignee in insolvency or trustee
that Mendozas already relinquished their right over the land and the
11. Liabilities created by law to unregistered lands
republic was already paying the tax declarations. Mendoza counters
by saying he never relinquished his right but only let the republic use
Supposing there was a mortgage over a parcel of land before it was
his land.
registered under the Torrens system. Upon registration over the parcel - Decree of registration is conclusive upon all persons
of land, the rent was not annotated on the certificate of title. The owner
including the government but when owner agrees
sold the land. Will the third person be bound by the real estate
voluntarily the taking by the government he waives his
right for a formal expropriation proceeding.
- GR: you are not bound by encumbrances that are not
- Remedy of Mendoza is payment of just compensation
annotated on the title. not ejectment.
- Except: under the enumeration above
DBT vs Panes
Is there an instance where even if it was not annotated on the title, the Prescription will not run against a person who has actual
buyer may be bound by the rent? possession of the disputed land.
- Not bound except when he has personal knowledge of
the real estate mortgage
- Whether it is annotated or not, the buyer is already Certificate of Title not Subject to Collateral Attack
notified if he has personal knowledge What is the difference between a direct attack and a collateral attack on
the validity of a certificate of title?
What personal circumstances of the registered owner should be stated Direct Attack – the main purpose is to attack the validity of
in the certificate of title? the title like a petition for review. Main purpose is to prove in court
Sec. 45 PD 1529 that the title is null and void due to extrinsic fraud.
1. Name
2. Civil status (name of spouse) Collateral Attack – is still an action but you are asking for a
3. Residence/postal address different relief.
4. Citizenship - What you are asking for is a different relief but in the
5. Liens and encumbrances end you are still saying that the title is null and void.

Statement of Personal Circumstances Caraan vs CA

Litam vs Espiritu This was an accion reivindicatoria where there was an action
Marcosa Rivera case, Litam was married to Rivera. Children to recover the property. The relief sought was to recover the property
wanted the land. Rivera contended that it was her exclusive land and Caraan wanted the certificate of title of Cosme to also be declared
bought by her own money. Ang naka suwat sa certificate of title kay null and void.
“married to __”. It does not automatically mean that the property is
conjugal property. It is only indicative of your status and it does not Leyson vs Bontuyan (atty. B: handled by our law firm) †murag mu
necessarily mean that it is conjugal property. gawas gyud ni ai†
Gabud sold to Tabal and then to Noval then to Layson.
September 4 Gregorio Bontuyan the father-in-law of Noval despite knowledge of
PNB vs CA and Vitug
the sale applied for free patent then sold to his son Naciansino (twice).
You don’t need to go beyond the title.
Leyson wanted to annul the title of Bontuyan.
Donata Montemayor was a widow and nothing would have prompted
them to investigate further because it was right for them to presume
that Donata Montemayor could have bought it at the time that she was
What is the difference between the case of Caraan and the case of
already a widow as written on the certificate of title therefore it is not
considered as conjugal property.
- In the case of Bontuyan, he filed a counterclaim which
is considered a suit. It is an independent action. The
Supposing Mr. A owns a parcel of land and it is already registered.
Leysons in this case is also suing the Bontuyans and
May Mr. B acquire the land through prescription?
directly attacking the validity of their title.
- No, because the certificate of title has made the land
- In the case of Caraan, there was also a counterclaim the
problem was that while there was an allegation of
fraud, naa ra sa iyang defense, wala niya gi balik sa
iyang counterclaim. Ang naa ra sa iyang counter claim
was that he was already the owner through

prescription but there was nothing there alleging that
there was this spurious OCT. In the case of Leyson it Guaranteed Homes vs Valdez (supra)
was proven that there was fraud therefore he had better
right over the property. Fernandez vs CA
- The Sps were saying that they should not be compelled
+ So ani ni siya, I hapsay nato. to honor the sale because the sale was unregistered but
= Para nako, sa case ni Leyson, ni file siya ug answer sa suit the Supreme Court said that the fact being that you are
along with a counterclaim. He did not only answer the suit, he also a party to the sale, you already have knowledge of the
filed another case through a counterclaim making it an independent sale. Knowledge of an unregistered sale is already
action directly attacking the validity of Bontunyan’s title. In the case of registration. No need for annotation because they have
Caraan, he filed a counterclaim but did not attack the validity in his already actual and personal knowledge to the sale.
counterclaim. He only attacked the validity in his defense so na himu
siya ug indirect attack nalang kay ang relief iya gi pangita kay Fudot vs Cattleya Land (supra)
recovery of possession man nya secondary nalang ang declaration sa
certificate of title as void mao na na pildi siya. Double Sales
† mao na maa.u ang abugado sa Leyson case, mama na gud ni mam. Way mas Art. 1544 NCC
sipsip dha?† GR: where there are 2 valid sales in favor of two different
persons on the same subject parcel of land, to determine who has the
Oño vs Lim better right:
- In this case the SC said that it was neither a direct 1. The first person who registered it in good faith
attack on the validity of the title nor a collateral attack, 2. If there is no registration then it goes to the possessor
what Lim was only saying was that the title is valid but in good faith.
as of now it is no longer operative because there was 3. If there is no possessor then it would go the person
already a transfer. who presents the oldest title.
- Lahi manang mu ingun ka dili valid ang title because
there was fraud, dili valid because the land covered by Abrigo vs De Vera
the title is public land, lahi na xa, the title is already The property was already registered under the Torrens
inoperative because there was already a conveyance of System. The 1st buyer registered it under 3344 because according to
the property. them they were made to believe that it was not yet registered, while
the 2nd buyer, having relied on the Torrens Certificate of Title, already
Splitting and Consolidation †sabotable nani† registered the sale under the Torrens System under PD 1529. The 1st
Splitting – I buwag buyer was saying that they were the 1 st buyer and also the 1 st
Consolidation – I sagul registrant.
- The SC said that they could not be considered as the
Is there a need for a court proceeding to split or consolidate? first registrant in good faith because they registered it
- None, but there is a need to present the titles of the in the wrong registry. Gi register man 3344 nawa, malas
parcels of lot nuun, nga na register naman diay to sa Torrens System.
- They contend that it was not their fault because they
Splitting believed that it was unregistered. The SC said it could
1. Submit a subdivision plan to the RD on how to divide not be an excuse because once it is registered under the
the lot. Torrens System it is already considered constructive
2. Surrender the old certificate of title so that a new one notice to the whole world.
will be issued.
†dinhi gyud to daghan na disguido oh! Isa nako ato, sala gyud tong RL Tisoy kay
Consolidation wa ka tubag†
1. Surrender all certificates of title and then it will be Now, BONGHANOY!: Lets twist the facts, what if the land was
canceled and a single certificate of title will be issued registered under the Torrens System only after the 1 st sale where the 1st
buyer already registered it under 3344. Under the set of facts, who has
Suppose you have a large parcel of land and you want to sell a portion, the better right?
Tisoy: sipyat kay wa kasabut sa pangutana
but it is not subdivided. How will a buyer protect his right over the
Ga Tama: na mental block nya wa sugti I repeat ang question
portion that he bought? Josephine: gi balik ra ang facts kay wa sad kaybaw
- The buyer may ask the RD to annotate a memorandum BustaRhymes: dfghjktyrtuiojkjlhdlksv,mxcvwoerhasdfasdfhasdajkhfaklh
at the back of the title that you have bought a portion of Hey Big Spender!!!: kuha kaa.u
the land so that 3 rd persons will be notified that you - “Sps. Abrigo because prior to the registration under the
have bought a portion of the land. Torrens system which took place after the 1 st sale, the
- Pwede sad I subdivide para way gubot pero di ta sps. Abrigo rightfully registered under 3344 which
ganahan ana kay way caso ma hitabo para sa manga governs the registration of unregistered lands because
abugado. the land was not yet registered under PD 1529”
September 11 - Under the given set of facts it would now be the
For a conveyance or a lien on a property registered under the Torrens Abrigos who had the better right because they
System to affect a 3rd person there it must be annotated at the back of registered it under the correct registry. Considered
the certificate of title. An exception where a lien or conveyance that is valid and effective registration and is not deemed
not annotated at the back of the title and still affect a 3 rd person is that constructive notice to the whole world.
if the 3rd person has personal knowledge of such dealings or
conveyance. Section 51 and 52.

San Lorenzo vs CA Joaquin vs Madrid
- The SC did not apply the rule on double sale because - Sps. Madrid wanted to loan from RFC, De Jesus
the first contract was a contract “to” sell not a contract (grandmother) offered to work for shortening of the
“of” sale. long process of the loan. The TCT was delivered to De
- For double sale to apply there must be 2 valid sales but Jesus
in this case there was one contract TO sell and there - Sps. Madrid wanted the TCT back. Sus kay gi loan man
was a contract OF sale. sad diay ni lola didto ni Joaquin para sa iyaha.
Contract to sell – there is no transfer of ownership, there is only - SC said that Joaquin was already in the business (of
transfer only upon full payment when the owner would contract a buying lands) for 7 years and he should have verified
deed of sale. who the true owners were.
- In this case there was only a down payment, and the - This case is the exception to the exception to the general
final payment was not even received because there was rule. Joaquin was not entitled to protection under the
a disagreement as to the price. You cannot say that the law. He may be an innocent mortgagee but the problem
contract between Babasanta was a sale; it was only a was that the title was still in the name of Sps. Madrid.
contract to sell. For 1544 to apply there must be 2 valid
sales. The one who had the contract of sale has the Muñoz vs Yabut
better right. Sps. Ching lived with sister Muñoz. Sps. Ching sold to
Muñoz for service rendered. Muñoz sold to Emilia Ching then Ching
Calalang vs RD to Sps. Go. Go mortgaged to BPI and BPI foreclosed the land. It was
- Petitioner said that the judgment was not binding upon then bought by Chan. It was later found that the document containing
them because they were not served notices. The SC said the sale of Muñoz to Ching was forged.
that a reconstitution proceeding is a proceeding in rem. - SC said that although there was an exception to the
Therefore so long as the publication has been made, general rule. This case is the exception to the exception.
that is already constructive notice on the whole world. The document was still in the name of the registered
owner. There was no ruling of the SC as to whether
Cruz vs Cabana (supra) Sps. Chan were considered as innocent purchasers for
- The SC explained that when a 2 nd buyer has been value because it remanded the case back to the trial
considered as having no knowledge to be able to court.
displace the 1st buyer. When gani to ang knowledge?
- From the time of the sale up to registration. Duran vs IAC
Petitioners were the owners of the land. There was a deed of
When can you say a registration of a subsequent conveyance or sale to the mother of the petitioners and she sold it to Respondents.
dealing in a property is already registered? Were the respondents considered innocent purchasers?
- For there to be a complete registration there must be a - This case the exception to the general rule.
presentation of the owner’s duplicate certificate of title. - The forger had a title from the true owner. Title of the
It is not enough that the books of registry there is an true owner was cancelled and transferred to the
annotation of the conveyance but there must also be an mother/forger. Then she sold it to the respondents.
annotation or registration in the owners duplicate Respondents now considered as innocent purchasers
certificate. because the title is already in the name of the forger at
the time of the sale.
What is the effect if there is an issuance of a new transfer certificate of
title in favor of a party where that third party has not surrendered the Adriano vs Pangilinan
previous certificate of title? - Land owned by Adriano and title was entrusted to
- The new TCT is not valid and will not confer any right Salvador and then without authorization it was
because there is still the outstanding previous mortgaged to Pangilinan. Upon foreclosure Pangilinan
certificate of title. It must first be surrendered. bought the property. Adriano then found out and
wanted to recover the property.
What if there is transmittal in favor of a buyer and the buyer wants the - Adriano can recover because Pangilinan was negligent
certificate of title to be transferred in his name, but the seller will not in his part. He did not bother to inquire about the real
surrender the certificate of title. Is there a remedy? owner of the property.
- The buyer may petition in court to compel the seller to - Exception to the exception
surrender the certificate of title.
Will there be a new issuance of certificate of title if the buyer would
September 16 present to the register of deeds a deed of sale and the buyer would also
What is the rule on forged deeds? surrender the certificate of title?
GR: A forged deed does not convey title. - Yes
Exception: when it is transferred to an innocent purchaser How about a real estate mortgage? If you can present a real estate
for value mortgage contract and also present the certificate of title.
Exception to the exception: the purchaser has been the - No
victim of impostors pretending to be the registered owners but are not - Sec 54: No new certificate shall be entered or issued
the real owners pursuant to any instrument which does not divest the
- Simple terms: the registration is still in the name of the ownership or title from the owner or from the
registered owner and not the forger, the purchaser was transferee of the registered owners.
dealing with the impostor - There is only cancelation of previous certificate and
issuance of a new certificate if the dealing on the
property results to divestiture of ownership like a sale

or a donation but if it is only a real estate mortgage, it is What is a real estate mortgage?
only a security over a loan. It does not divest the owner - Mortgage concerning immovable properties set aside to
of title over the property. There is no new issuance; secure a loan
there is only annotation on the title. How about personal?
- Those are covered by chattel mortgage law
How about a contract to sell?
- Indi pa rin te What are the requisites for a mortgage?
3 requisites mentioned in the civil code
Where will you find the annotation? 1. Property is mortgaged in order to fulfill the principal
- Dorsal side of the certificate of title. obligation
- Back na ha 2. Done by a mortgagor who is the absolute owner of the
What should a voluntary instrument contain? 3. Person constituting the pledge or mortgage must be
- Name fully authorized to conduct the mortgage
- Civil status
- Residence The pledgor or mortgagor should be the absolute owner of the thing
- Postal address pledged or mortgaged. Supposing I am a debtor of a 5M loan with BPI
bank and BPI wants me to secure the loan with a parcel of land. Can I
How about if it involves a corporation? use the land in the name of my parents as security?
- It must also state that it is legally authorized and - Yes, if you can acquire an special power of
qualified to acquire land attorney(SPA)
Where shall notices be made? - The requisite is that the mortgagor must be the absolute
- Served upon the persons who have interest owner of the property but not necessarily the debtor
- I may ask from my parents an SPA to authorize me to
What is the Primary Entry Book? mortgage their property
- It involves all writs and processes filed in the RD - Do not confuse a debtor and a mortgagor
relating to registered lands Sec. 56 PD 1529 - You are called a debtor-mortgagor if you are both the
- Every time it enters an instrument there should be a debtor and the mortgagor at the same time
date and time and hour of entry
What are the characteristics of a mortgage?
What is the procedure in the registration of conveyances? 1. Real Right – mortgage binds a person who knows of its
- Owner who decides to convey must register a deed of existence or if the mortgage was registered.
conveyance and the RD will place in the registration 2. Accessory contract – it needs a principal contract to
book a new certificate of title and then note the date of exist. Cannot exist on its own. If the loan is
transfer, the volume and page of the certificate where it extinguished so is the real estate mortgage
is registered. 3. Indivisible – if there is partial payment, it won’t release
- There must be a date of conveyance volume and page the mortgage over the property
in the registration book in which the new certificate is 4. Inseparable – it follows the property whoever the
registered and referenced by the number of the last owner is, so long as it is registered.
preceding certificate 5. Real Property – A mortgage on real property is by itself
real property also
What happens to the transferor’s certificate? 6. Limitation on Ownership - a mortgage encumbers but
- Stamped as cancelled does not end ownership but it may lead to an end of
What happens if only a portion of the land covered by a certificate of
title is conveyed? If there are 2 co-owners who mortgaged their land to secure a loan,
- The best way for a buyer to protect his interest is by then later subdivided the land and 1 co-owner pays his share of the
annotation or an entry of memorandum of sale mortgage, it does not release the mortgage over the land because a
- No issuance of new certificate unless the buyer can mortgage is indivisible, even if it is already subdivided.
present a subdivision plan and there is a clear
indication of which part of the allotted portion of the Larosa vs CA
land is sold because the old certificate of title will be - The 1st issue in this case was whether the predecessor
cancelled and new certificates of title will be issued had the right to mortgage. The SC said they had no
based on the subdivision plan. right because his rights stemmed only from a contract
to sell. In a contract to sell, there is no transfer of
If there are encumbrances in the grantor’s title and a new title is issued ownership, and if there is no transfer of ownership you
to the grantee should the register of deeds copy all encumbrances of cannot mortgage a parcel of land. To be able to
the old title to the new one? mortgage the land the mortgagor must be the absolute
- Yes owner
- Sec. 59 If, at the time of any transfer, subsisting - The 2nd issue, granting there was a valid mortgage, and
encumbrances or annotations appear in the registration you are the mortgagee, can you eject the occupants?
book, they shall be carried over and stated in the new - No, a mortgage is only an encumbrance or a lien on the
certificate or certificates; except so far as they may be property, it does not transfer ownership. You don’t
simultaneously released or discharged. have the right of possession and right over the
property. The mortgagor is still the owner of the
property. He can still use the property.

- Hortencia, the daughter, found the land to still be in the
Who had the better right of the certificate of title? Mortgagor or name of the parents then bought the land from her
Mortgagee? mother. Then later on sold the land to Sps. Panzo who
- Mortgagor, because he is the owner then mortgaged the land to Rural Bank and later on
If there is a foreclosure from the bank, can the bank eject you right - Was the rural bank a mortgagee in good faith?
away? - SC classified the bank as an innocent mortgagee for
- No, there is still a 1 year redemption period. You can value unlike the case last meeting. Katong di mu apply
still stay within the 1 year redemption period. After the kuno ang GR sa banks.
redemption period has expired the ownership will - In this case, the bank did ocular inspection and the
become consolidated in favor of the bank, but it is not rigid procedure through their credit committee. There
automatic. The bank will still file an affidavit of was no notice of lis pendens in the title as well.
consolidation and present it to the RD. There must be - There were also 2 notices. One for ejectment and one
registration of the certificate of sale, and then show the for mortgage. The SC, the real estate mortgage is the
annotation, because the 1 year period starts from the superior lien
date of the certificate of sale, not from the issuance of
the certificate of sale. When will a mortgage be cancelled?
- Upon full payment of the principal obligation (loan)
Who gives the certificate of sale? - Cancelled only upon showing a deed or affidavit of
- The sheriff cancelation of mortgage executed by the creditor-
mortgagee. The affidavit will be presented to the RD
When the RD registers the certificate of sale that is when the 1 year and the RD will cancel the real estate mortgage
period starts to run. Then the bank will have to prove again, execute an
affidavit of consolidation then show the annotation para ma transfer Sec 62
ang ownership. Then the bank will have to pay the taxes (capital gains A mortgage or lease on registered land may be discharge or
tax) so that it will be issued a certificate authorizing registration. canceled by means of an instrument executed by the mortgage or
lessee in a form sufficient in law, which shall be filed with the Register
Principle: of Deeds who shall make the appropriate memorandum upon the
A mortgagee, since he is not yet the owner of the property, certificate of title.
cannot eject the occupants of the property. Even during the time he
became the highest bidder, so long as the 1 year has not yet lapsed. If the parties agree in writing that upon default in payment of the loan
the mortgaged property will automatically pass to the mortgagee.
Effect of a real estate mortgage: - Void agreement
1. Bind the whole world - Pacto commisorium
a. Even without personal knowledge - What is required by law in a mortgage is that once
there is a default in the payment. There should be a
Will the real estate mortgage still be valid if it is not registered? public auction. There must be foreclosure. So that the
- Still valid, registration has nothing to do with its proceeds of the sale will be used to pay the outstanding
validity. Registration only pertains to notice to bind the balance of the loan. Not that the property will be used
whole world. to pay off the debt.

Innocent mortgagee for value Foreclosure

- Same as innocent purchaser for value - Selling the mortgaged property at public auction so
- To a mortgagee, you depart with money kay gi utangan that the proceeds may be used to pay the obligation
ka sa debtor-mortgagor
Supposing the highest bidder has offered is less than the principal
Rural Bank of Sta. Ignacia vs Dimatulac obligation. May the creditor mortgagee still ask from the mortgagor
GR: The innocent purchaser can just rely on the certificate of the deficiency?
title. - Yes, kung kulang
- The GR does not apply to banks. Extra prudence and
diligence should be exercised by banks because their What if there is a mortgage over the property but the creditor, instead
business is imbued with public interest. SC said the rule of foreclosing the property, files an action for specific performance. If
with persons dealing with registered lands can rely the creditor wins the collection suit and the debtor still does not pay,
solely on the certificate of title does not apply to banks, may the creditor now pursue the foreclosure of the mortgage?
the decree of diligence required to banks is more than - No, filing the action for collection in court is considered
that of a good father of a family in keeping with the a waiver to foreclose the mortgage
responsibility to exercise the necessary care and - He may just ask for an execution sale, even on the same
prudence on registered lands. property that once was mortgaged but he will have to
- No ocular inspection by banks, it is standard procedure respect superior liens and encumbrances. He will now
but it was not done by the bank. be an ordinary creditor.
- Iya nalang untang gi foreclose kay superior man unta
September 18 to iyang mortgage
Gonzales vs IAC
- Sps. Asuncion sold in a public auction to Province of
Iloilo †kanang ginikanan sa inyung student org ug ni

Prescriptive period for foreclosing a mortgage Extra-Judicial Foreclosure
- 10 years when the action occurred Sps. Borromeo vs CA
o Upon default of the payment Whether injunction will lie, to stop a foreclosure proceeding.
 Upon demand and no payment - It will not, but in practice it is used to delay
Execution of the mortgage was done in 2000, demand was made 2003. - In an injunction proceeding, it is used to stop a
Wa bayri, wa sad gi foreclose. There was another demand in 2009, still violation of a right, there is no violation of a right in a
no payment. When will prescription end? mortgage proceeding.
- From the last demand - Nganu in this case gi grant ang injuction?
- From 2009 o The party foreclosing was not the proper
- Every time there is a demand there will be a fresh 10 party. Creditor was EPCIB and the one who
year period foreclosed was ESB. Corporation code sa ta,
different juridical personality man sila. Naa
Difference between a judicial and extra judicial foreclosure sale unta toy deed of assignment pero wa man.
- Upon the expiration of the 1 year redemption period Redemption
there is a requirement of notice of hearing by the court Landrito vs CA
for the confirmation of sale - SC said that the redemption period had already lapse
- The court may confirm the sale (divests the mortgagor and the mortgagee had every right to consolidate the
of his mortgage over the property) title in a sale. The redemption period should be counted
- Due notice and hearing may confirm the sale from the registration of the certificate of sale
- The mortgagor may redeem the property at any time - The redemption period of 1 year can be changed. It can
prior to confirmation of the sale be converted into a conventional redemption if the
- After confirmation there can no longer be redemption parties so agree. But for it to be a conventional
- But if the mortgagee is the bank, you can still redeem redemption there should be a commitment of the
the property within 1 year from the confirmation of the debtor to pay the price at a fixed period. There must be
sale from the court. a compromised agreement.
Atty. B to RC: “Kana ma perfect na gyud ka sa exam ana kay kaybaw
naka” When you mortgage a property to the bank, the value of the
loan must only be 40% of the property compared to the property.
- Just have to go to the sheriff and after the expiration of Principle ani. Pwede ghpn mo redeem kung mag sabut mo.
the 1 year redemption period you can automatically So long as there is an agreement among the parties pwede ra ghpn ma
foreclose the property. redeem even beyond the redemption period.
- Redemption period is very clear under act 3135
o Within 1 year from registration of the May a right of redemption assigned to another person?
certificate of sale - Yes, right to foreclose may be assigned to another
- After the auction sale the sheriff will issue a certificate
of sale, the issuance of the certificate of sale is not the Sa sunod nga cases pariha ra gyud na hitabo
reckoning period of the 1 year redemption period. It o Yulienco vs CA
still has to be registered in the RD. o Samson vs Rivera
o De Vera vs Agloro
†para sa manga tapulan mu basa† - Nangutang, wa ka bayad, foreclose, no lapse ang
Judicial Extra-Judicial redemption period. Gi consolidate. Ang issue kay
Redemption Period ROC Rule 68 Act 3135 possession.
At any time before Within 1 year from
confirmation of the registration of the The writ of possession is a matter of right of the mortgagee. Ministerial
sale certificate of sale siya. Writ of possession may be asked by the mortgagee during the
ONLY redemption period but there is an additional requirement. Dapat nay
filing of BOND in the value of the use of the land for 12 months.
Exception: Mortgagee is the N/A Murag ga renta sa property.
bank, you can still - Pero after the consolidation of the property after and in
redeem the property the name of the mortgagee, no more bond is needed.
within 1 year from Matter of right na siya to possess the property.
the confirmation of
the sale from the Merong tanong sa ibang klase
court. - Kanus.a man daw maka choose ug judicial or extra-
Place of Filing Court Sheriff o If you have a real estate mortgage, pwede
o Mortgagee is given the option to choose.
Why do you count from the registration of the certificate of sale and
not from the issuance?  The 1st party authorizes the 2 nd
party to sell the property at public
- Because registration serves as notice to the whole
auction in default of payment
- Notify the whole world of the existence of the under Act. 3135.  if wala gani ni
judicial gyud ka.
certificate of sale.

September 23 Padilla vs Phil Producer’s Cooperative
Rights of Subsequent Lien Holder - If the previous owner will not surrender the certificate
PNB vs ICB of title because it was an involuntary transfer like
SC said that if you are a mortgagee and you have annotated foreclosure or execution, your remedy is not motion
the mortgage prior to any other encumbrances, you have a superior from the court but an independent action. You must file
right over all others. Subsequent lien holders can protect their right by in court specific performance to deliver the title to you.
paying the previous mortgagee the value of the loan to pay off the If it is not possible because it is not with the previous
mortgage para sila nasad ang naay superior right. owner then the court will order the register of deeds to
Cavaet Emptor cancel the title and issue a new one.
Sy vs Capistrano †Na discuss na daw before midterms ang kani nga principles, inyu nana
- Basta buyer beware nana xa problema†
- If dealing with a person who is not the registered Lis Pendens (Sec. 76)
owner. You should not confine yourself to the - Land is pending litigation
certificate of title only.
- GR: you are only bound to look at the title Viewmaster Construction vs Maulit
- Exception: when dealing with someone who is not the - 2 conditions, joint venture project + collateral.
registered owner. It is incumbent upon you to Viewmaster only followed the joint venture but not the
investigate. collateral. Roxas did not “tuman-tuman” the
Involuntary Dealings Atty B.: pwede raman gud na tuman, nganu tuman²
Attachments man gyud? Na stress kos tuman²
- Legal process of seizing another’s property in - Petitioner wanted to place a notice of lis pendens on the
accordance with a writ or judicial order for the purpose title.
of securing satisfaction of a judgment yet to be - RD denied request to annotate the notice because they
rendered. said it does not contain the adequate description of the
property. (issue 1)
Adverse Claims - The notice of lis pendens only stated “a parcel of land
- A measure designed to protect the interest of a person in this area.” SC said that it is not an adequate
over a piece of real property where the registration of description however Viewmaster attached a certificate
such interest or right is not otherwise provided by the of title then the SC with the TCT attached there was
Property Registration Decree. already a technical description that cured the defect.
- There is no other remedy provided for by law to protect There was already substantial compliance.
your interest - Issue 2: the notice of lis pendens. The SC said that it is
- Claims after Original Registration correct to have a notice of lis pendens because the land
was pending suit. The notice is used to inform
If adverse claim is prior to registration subsequent purchasers that there is a pending suit over
- Can no longer use the remedy of adverse claim because the land and to protect the person in interest.
adverse claim has been brought up during the
registration proceedings. Issue 1: there must be a description of the parcel of land.
What parcel is made for litigation?
Period where adverse claim is effective upon registration of adverse - SC said there might have been a deficiency over the
claim: parcel of land but it was cured by the attachment of the
- 30 days from date of registration TCT
Issue 2: should not be subject to notice of lis pendens
After lapse of 30 days: because they had no problem with the ownership of the
- Must have it canceled to no longer be binding. property. According to the respondent, lis pendens should
only be annotated when there is a debate on the ownership
How to cancel? of the property.
- File a petition before the court so that hearing may be - SC said that lis pendens is not just for ownership; it
made. could even be for use and possession.
- Hearing is necessary so that you can have the adverse - SC further said that even if there is a notice of lis
claim canceled. pendens, it does not affect the merits of the case, only
that it warns whoever is dealing with the property is
Golden Haven Memorial park vs Filinvest that this property is involved in litigation.
SC said Filinvest could not be considered an innocent
purchaser for value because there was annotation of adverse claim in St. Mary vs RD Makati
favor of Golden Haven. Filinvest was said that it could be considered 2 purposes of notice of lis pendens
an IPV because the adverse claim was only for one lot but SC said that 1. to keep the subject matter of the litigation within the
the fact that one of the lots were under adverse claim, it should have power of the court until the entry of the final judgment
already warned you that the seller is engaged in double sale. as to prevent the defeat of the latter by successive
2. to announce to the whole world that the particular
property is in litigation.
Enforcement of Liens on Registered Land and Application for New
Certificate Upon Expiration of Redemption Period (sec. 74-75) The notice of lis pendens, before the dismissal of the case,
was canceled. In the appeal of the case in the CA. they asked

the lower courts to re-issue the notice. The lower court said Is there an instance where in claiming against the insurance fund, you
that it could no longer re-issue it because it no longer has need only to file the case against the RD and NT?
jurisdiction over the case. Pangutan.a ang CA di kami - If registration in another person’s name is caused by
the fraud or error by the RD or personnel not by any
Their contention was that the notice of lis pendens should no other 3rd person.
longer be annotated because it was already terminated in the
lower court. SC said that the fact that the case is still pending Torres vs CA
in the CA it is still in litigation. It is alright that there is re- 2 important principles:
issuance, more so petitioner St. Mary has already made 1. When dealing with reconstituted title
subsequent transactions with third persons. It is only proper a. GR on the title will not apply, you need to
that there is re-issuance. look beyond the title
Question: - ehh kasi, you only allege that the title is lost.
Will the re-issuance affect closed transactions? - If the title is reconstituted, it already serves as a
- No, if the deal was done before re-issuance then it is not warning that there is a possibility that it is not lost and
affected by lis pendens a certificate of title may be subsisting somewhere. If
- If not yet completed then it is affected by the notice of there is a subsisting title elsewhere then the
lis pendens. reconstituted title is nullified.
- Balik ta sa GR katong clear-title² pero katong bank kay
kailangan gyud mu go beyond the title ghpn. If na 2. In claiming against the assurance fund there is a
human na ang deal nya way notice then apply GR pero requirement that there must be no negligence.
if pag contract sa deal naa na ang notice, then apply - The SC found that they were negligent because they
caveat emptor nana siya. received the property as mortgage and the property
was very valuable. They should have investigated
De La Meced vs GSIS which they did not do. Cannot claim against the party
- Notice of lis pendens was only on the mother title, in but can claim against the party who defrauded you.
the decision there was nothing place as well as in the
derivative titles. The SC said that the demand of GSIS is In Sec. 97
unreasonable and absurd because the fact that there is a - Granting that there is no negligence on your part. You
notice of lis pendens on the mother title whether it is can file against the party who defrauded you, the RD,
subdivided later on or not means that the derivative and the NT but it is not automatic that you can claim
titles are in fact pending litigation. The fact that there is from the assurance fund because judgment is satisfied
already a final judgment, then it can be executed upon. by first against the party who defrauded you.
- Only when the judgment is unsatisfied you can go
If the previous owner neglects or refuses to surrender the title: against the assurance fund.
- File and independent action for specific performance What is the consequence if the assurance fund pays you?
- As the court for the previous owner to surrender the - The government is not subrogated in your rights
title. against the party who defrauded you.
- The party who is ultimately liable is the one who
Sec 79 Surrender of owners duplicate caused the deprivation of the property.
- Duplicate certificate has to be surrendered (the
previous one), for you to have a new certificate issued. Is there a prescriptive period?
- 6 years from the time that cause of action accrues
September 25 - Minority
Assurance Fund - Insane
- Fund provided for in cases where a person was - Legal disability
deprived of his property unlawfully or through any There is a 2 year period where he can file the action from the
deceitful means and could not get back the property time the impediment/disability disappears despite the 6
because it is already in the hands of an innocent year period lapsed.
purchaser for value, he can recover from the assurance
fund Alonso vs CCC
Contribution: - Dmd baga kaa.u nawng Alonso. Klaro na kaa.u nga
- Comes from all registered owners of properties wala gyud issuhi ug tarong nga patent nangusog gyud
- Pay the Register of Deeds ¼ of 1% of the latest abut sa SC.
assessed value of your property.
- Registration fee every time there is a Certificate of Sec. 103
title is issued for original title or certificate of title in - If a patent is granted, conveyance of the property is
another’s name in subsequent transfers determined when there is registration of the patent.
- It is the act of registration that shall be the operative act
File the action against: to affect and convey the land, and in all cases under this
1. Co-defendants (parties who caused injury) Decree, registration shall be made in the office of the
2. RD Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land
3. National Treasurer lies.

- There was a patent, but there were several court proceeding without surrendering the
requirements missing: approval of the DENR and reconstituted title?
registration - SC said in this case considered that there was an
- Sec 103 said that there must be registration first before amendment of the certificate because there was
the patent could be conveyed. Since it was not issuance of the reconstitution of title.
conveyed, then Francisco could not claim ownership - RD said that it was ministerial in his part to re-
because his predecessor in interest cannot be annotate. SC said that it was already an amendment
considered an owner kay wa may registration. and it must go through proper court proceeding.

Surrender Withheld Duplicate Certificate (Sec. 107) Notice and Replacement of Lost Duplicate Certificate
Toledo vs CA compared to Padilla vs PPC Feliciano vs Zaldivar
Why do you think that the SC said that there is no need for - Na baligya ang yuta kay nag tanga² si lola, kay “a
an independent action, and then in the case of Padilla SC said that person of limited education” man siya.
there is an independent action filed to compel the previous owner to - Even if you had undergone the proceeding of
surrender it? reconstitution, even if the court has already granted
Padilla and ordered the reissuance of the reconstituted title. If
- It was about money claims and therefore the decision it is later found that the title of the certificate of title still
had nothing to do with the ownership of the property. exists, then the court never acquired jurisdiction. In a
Na foreclose man siya, then it is not enough that you reconstitution of title proceeding, a jurisdictional fact is
just file a motion for the RD to cancel because wala sa that the title has been lost. If wala na wagtang, wala
decision ni ingun kinsa ang owner. Ownership of the naka kuha ug jurisdiction ang court. Any title that was
property has nothing to do with the decision of the issued in a reconstituted title preceding that was found
court. That is why a separate independent action was that the original title still exists will be declared null
needed. and void.
- If you are dealing with a person, who has limited
Toledo educational attainment, you must able to prove that the
- It was really on ownership. The court said already person signing the document has understood what he
kinsa ang owner. SC said no need to file a separate was signing. Remegia was able to prove that she was
action kay gi ingun naman sa decision kinsa gyud ang not able to understand what she was signing in the
tag.iya. joint affirmation of confirmation of sale. Wala pa gyud
nagpakita sa contract of sale, samut.
Amendment and Alteration of Certificates (Sec. 108)
Oliva vs Republic September 30
- Nag lalis sila sa easement on the land (sec 51 water Reconstitution of Lost or Destroyed Original Torrens Title
code). Kung I ilis bah ug 3 meteres kay na private land Pascua vs Republic
naman kuno xa or mu sunod sa stipulation nga public - SC said in a reconstitution proceeding, you have to
ghpn xa nya 40 meters ghpn ang easement. prove that certificate of title was lost. That is why there
- In amendments and alterations in a certificate you have are rigid list of evidence that must be produced to
to go to a court proceeding because they have to alter prove that the certificate of title existed.
the annotation on easement. - Pascua showed:
- There is a principle that. If there is a patent, and it was o Deed of sale, a deed of sale does not tell you
duly registered then it has already been conveyed. that a certificate of title exists. It only tells you
That means it was previously a public land and it was that there was a sale of the property not that
given to a private individual. Then that means that the there was a title issued for the property.
land has already been converted to private alienable o A deed of partition which was not registered.
and disposable land. Di ma himo nag issue ug patent o Certification of the LRA that a decree was
which was duly registered and you will continue to say issued, but it never stated that there was a
that it was public land. The issuance of the patent and certificate of title issued for the decree.
the registration converted the land to private land. - They could not prove that there was a certificate of title
Easement on public land is only applicable to public granted therefore the reconstitution was denied.
lands. So amendment is proper and 3 meters easement - For the list of requirements it is under RA 26. Sec 2 for
nalang I butang sa title. OCT and Sec. 3 for TCT †para sa ganahan mu perfect gyud†

Philippine Cotton Corp vs Gagoomal Republic vs Cattaroja

- Pacific Mills was the original owner of 5 parcels of land - There was insufficient evidence to prove that a
and it then sold to Gagoomal. Petitioner filed a certificate of title was issued. They showed:
collection suit against Pacific Mills and won, and then o The publication in the official gazette, but it
there was an attachment. Petitioners sought for does not prove that a certificate of title was
annotations on the land that was owned already by issued. It only proves that they started the
Gagoomal. There was a fire in the RD. Upon process of applying for original registration.
reconstitution there was no longer a notice of lis o Certification from the LRA, but it did not
pendens. Petitioner asked for re-annotation. RD only state that a certificate of title was issued. It
re-annotated only on the copy in the RD not on the was a confirmation of ownership, but still it
duplicate title. Was it proper for the RD to re-annotate did not prove that a certificate of title was
immediately upon request of the petitioner without a issued.

building. A condominium may include, in addition, a
Estoppel in Action for Cancellation of Title separate interest in other portions of such real property.
Barstowe Phils vs Republic Title to the common areas, including the land, or the
- Nakig FlipTop si DemiLynYap ni mam ani, dmd kung I appurtenant interests in such areas, may be held by a
type pa nako. corporation specially formed for the purpose
- Subdivision acquired by Barstowe. Government (hereinafter known as the "condominium corporation")
claimed the land but was not acted upon for a long in which the holders of separate interest shall
period. automatically be members or shareholders, to the
- Unreasonable length of time within which the exclusion of others, in proportion to the appurtenant
government asserted its right over the property. interest of their respective units in the common areas.
- SC said that government is not barred by estoppels but
in this case there were innocent buyers affected. To be an incorporator in a condominium corporation you should be a
- So those lots already sold to IPV will remain with the share holder. For you to be a share holder you must be an owner of a
IPV. Those unsold lands will return to the government. unit. For you to be an owner of a unit you must fully pay the price
GR: Estoppel does not run against the government
Exception: Innocent Purchaser for Value is involved. What is the concurrent obligation of the developer?
- Deliver the condominium certificate of title.
Yujuico vs Republic
- GR: action to recover lands of the public domain is Warranties and Representations
imprescriptible BPI vs ALS Management Crop.
- Except: except barred by laches if IPV is concerned - Agents warrant those specific amenities to be delivered
such as CCTV, ref sa kitchen etc.
Atty.B: “Erojo, what are the schedule of fees?” - General Concept: “condominium living at its very best”
- It is a general waiver, you do not expect when you buy
a condominium your life will be better. †Naay chance
dimalasun ka, murag lawstudent, malas malasun permi†

- The courts do not have jurisdiction. It is the
HLURB(Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board) on
si mam kay real estate business.
o Specific performance
o Delivery of title
o Complaints concerning the developer
o Suspension of payments
Relating to real estate business
- SC said that there is no jurisdiction but since the issue
was raised belatedly. It was only raised when there was
unfavorable decision therefore the developer was
already estopped.
Section 111 Atty.B: “ingana unta mo mu recite ug caso”
- Fees payable to the Clerk of Court, the Sheriff, the RD - Next year lang mam
and LRC
Redemption of Mortgaged Condominium Lot
Dealing with unregistered land, if there are any conveyances on unregistered De Vera vs CA
land, what is the effect? - Purchase of a unit wherein the purchase was forced to
- It shall only be binding between the parties pay PAGIBIG loan. There was a bridge financing loan
wherein if the proceeds of PAGIBIG will be released the
Consulta (Richleigh)
bank will first shoulder.
Section 117. Procedure. When the Register of Deeds is in doubt with - Problem was the purchaser was unaware that the
regard to the proper step to be taken or memorandum to be made in application was denied. All the while he thought that it
pursuance of any deed, mortgage or other instrument presented to him was already fully paid. He is now asking for the
for registration, or where any party in interest does not agree with the condominium certificate of title.
action taken by the Register of Deeds with reference to any such - There was no fault in the part of the purchaser.
instrument, the question shall be submitted to the Commissioner of - There was also a discussion on redemption on the
Land Registration by the Register of Deeds, or by the party in interest mortgage of a condominium unit. Pwede mu apply ang
thru the Register of Deeds. developer ug loan nya I mortgage ang building but
- Follows the Doctrine of Exhaustion of Administrative when there is a foreclosure, the developer is obliged to
Remedies before seeking aid to the court redeem the property. Condo owner will not spend
anything in the redemption loan.
October 2
Condominium Act Suspension of Monthly Amortization
- A condominium is an interest in real property
Gold Loop Properties vs CA
consisting of separate interest in a unit in a residential, - Issue on whether the purchaser is justified in
industrial or commercial building and an undivided suspending payments.
interest in common, directly or indirectly, in the land
on which it is located and in other common areas of the

- Wa man xa taga.i sa contract to sell na irit na xa wa xa
ni bayad. Now the developer contended that there was
already a contract to sell but it was proven that there
really was no contract. The developer admitted that
they have not given the contract but they contend that
it is not important because the purchaser already
knows how much he is going to pay.
- SC said that it is not enough, in a contract to sell, it is
very important that the purchaser will have it so that he
may be appraised and aware of his rights and
- That is bad business practice.

Alteration of Plans
G.O.A.L. Inc vs CA
- Alteration in adding a 5 th floor
- There was already an approval from the NHA now the
HLURB. There was an issue on a unit owner who
wanted the condominium certificate of title because he
has already fully paid it but it was withheld because gi
gamit ang title for the application of a loan. Gi himo
nasad ug collateral.

Important principles:
- You can alter only with approval with the HLURB and
consent of the unit owners (kailangan ang duha gyud)
- When you mortgage it must be with approval with the
HLURB and consent of the unit owners.

It can turn a lump of coal into a flawless diamond
Or an average person into a complete basket case


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