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RUIZ VS DIMAILIG Evelyn clari ed that she met Jovannie for the rst time

FACTS: when he went to her house and told her that Bernardo
could not have mortgaged the property to her as he
(Bernardo) was the registered owner of a parcel of was abroad
land. he entrusted the owner's copy of the said TCT to
his brother, Jovannie, 5 who in turn gave the title to
Editha, a broker, for its intended sale. However the
property was mortgaged to (Evelyn) as evidenced by a
Deed of REM without Bernardo's knowledge and RTC dismissed the Complaint. It held that while
consent. Hence, Bernardo instituted this suit for Bernardo was the registered owner of the subject
annulment of the Deed of REM property, Evelyn was a mortgagee in good faith
because she was unaware that the person who
Evelyn contended that she met Jovannie when she
represented himself as Bernardo was an impostor. It
inspected the subject property and assured her that
Bernardo owned the property and his title thereto was noted that Evelyn caused the veri cation of the title of
genuine. She further claimed that Jovannie mortgaged the property with the RD and found the same to be
the property to her. She also insisted that as a free from any lien or encumbranc
mortgagee in good faith and for value, the REM cannot
RTC declared that there was no showing of any
be annulled and that she had the right to keep the
circumstance that would cause Evelyn to doubt the
owner's copy of TCT No. T-361747 until the loan was
validity of the title or the property covered by it
fully paid to her
Bernardo argued that his alleged signature appearing
therein was merely forged 11 as he was still abroad at innocent purchaser (mortgagor in this case) for value
that time. When he learned in September or November protected by law is one who purchases a titled land by
1998 that Editha mortgaged the subject property, he virtue of a deed executed by the registered owner
personally told Evelyn that the REM was fake and himself, not by a forged deed." 31 Since the Deed of
demanded the return of his title. Not heeding his REM was forged, and the title to the subject property
request, he led a complaint for estafa through falsi is still in the name of the rightful owner, and the
cation of public document against Editha and Evelyn. mortgagor is a different person who only pretended to
be the owner, then Evelyn cannot seek protection from
Jovannie also took the witness stand. He testi ed that the cloak of the principle of mortgagee in good faith.
Editha convinced him to surrender the owner's copy of CA further decreed that Evelyn's claim of good faith
TCT which she would show her buyer. 14 cannot stand as she failed to verify the real identity of
Subsequently, however, Editha informed him that she the person introduced by Editha as Bernardo. It noted
misplaced the title. Hence, he executed an af davit of that the impostor did not even exhibit any identi cation
loss and registered it with the Register of Deeds (RD). card to prove his identity; and, by Evelyn's admission,
Editha nally admitted that the title was not lost but she merely relied on the representation of Editha
was in Evelyn's possession because of the REM. 17 relative to the identity of "Bernardo." It also held that
Upon learning this, Jovannie inquired from Evelyn if Evelyn transacted only with Editha despite the fact that
Editha mortgaged Bernardo's property to her. the purported owner was present during the inspection
Purportedly, Evelyn con rmed said mortgage and told of the property, and during the execution of the REM
him that she would not return the owner's copy of TCT
unless Editha pay the loan. 18 Jovannie also alleged
that he told Evelyn that Bernardo's alleged signature in ISSUE: WON [T]he Court of Appeals erred in holding
the REM was not genuine since he was abroad at the that petitioner is not a mortgagee in good faith despite
time of its execution. the presence of substantial evidence to support such
conclusion of fact.
Evelyn maintained that she was a mortgagee in good
faith.She testi ed that sales agents — Editha, Corazon
Encarnacion, and a certain Parani, — and a person RULING:
introducing himself as "Bernardo" mortgaged the
subject property to her. "Bernardo" failed to pay the No valid mortgage will arise unless the mortgagor has
loan a valid title or ownership over the mortgaged property.
By way of exception, a mortgagee can invoke that he
Evelyn narrated that before accepting the mortgage of or she derived title even if the mortgagor's title on the
the subject property, she, the sales agents, her aunt, property is defective, if he or she acted in good faith.
and "Bernardo," visited the property. She pointed out In such instance, the mortgagee must prove that no
that her companions inspected it while she stayed in circumstance that should have aroused her suspicion
the vehicle as she was still recuperating from an on the veracity of the mortgagor's title on the property
operation. 22 She admitted that she neither veri ed was disregarded
from the neighborhood the owner of the property nor the doctrine of mortgagee in good faith assumes that
approached the occupant thereof the title to the subject property had already been
Evelyn asserted that when the Deed of REM was transferred or registered in the name of the impostor
executed, the person who introduced himself as who thereafter transacts with a mortgagee who acted
in good faith. In the case at bench, it must be
Bernardo presented a community tax certi cate and his
emphasized that the title remained to be registered in
picture as proof of identity. 24 She admitted that she the name of Bernardo, the rightful and real owner, and
did not ask for any identi cation card from "Bernardo. not in the name of the impostor

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The burden of proof that one is a mortgagee in good Evelyn clari ed that she met Jovannie for the rst time
faith and for value lies with the person who claims such
only when the latter visited her house to inform her
that an impostor mortgaged Bernardo's property to
In this case, Evelyn insists that she is a mortgagee in her.
good faith and for value. Thus, she has the burden to
Four, the Court observes that Evelyn hastily granted
prove such claim and must provide necessary evidence
the loan and entered into the mortgage contract. As
to support the same. Unfortunately, Evelyn failed to
discharge her burden. also testi ed by Corazon, a day after the supposed
ocular inspection on the property, Evelyn and
First, the Deed of REM was established to be a forged "Bernardo" executed the Deed of REM even without
instrument. As aptly discussed by the CA, Bernardo did Evelyn verifying the identity of the property's occupant
not and could not have executed it as he was abroad as well as the right of the mortgagor, if any, over the
at the time of its execution same. Indeed, where the mortgagee acted with haste
It was only an impostor — representing himself as in granting the loan, without rst determining the
Bernardo — who mortgaged the property. This ownership of the property being mortgaged, the
impostor is not only without rightful ownership on the mortgagee cannot be considered as an innocent
mortgaged property, he also has no Torrens title in his mortgagee in good faith
own name involving said property

Second, Evelyn cannot invoke the protection given to a

mortgagee in good faith. As discussed, the title to the ESGUERRA VS TRINIDAD
subject property remained registered in the name of FACTS:
Bernardo. It was not transferred to the impostor's
name when Evelyn transacted with the latter. Hence, Esguerra spouses) were the owners of several parcels
the principle of mortgagee in good faith nds no of land covered by Tax Declaration No. 10374, half of
which (17,642 square meters) they sold to their
application; correspondingly, Evelyn cannot not seek
grandchildren, herein petitioners Esguerra; and a
refuge therefrom.
23,989-square meter parcel of land covered by Tax
Third, even assuming that the impostor has caused the Declaration No. 12080, 23,489 square meters of which
property to be titled in his name as if he had rightful they also sold to petitioners, and the remaining 500
ownership thereof, Evelyn would still not be deemed a square meters they sold to their other grandchildren,
mortgagee in good faith. This is because Evelyn did not Trinidad brothers.
take the necessary steps to determine any defect in the
Also sold to the Trinidad brothers were a 7,048-square
title of the alleged owner of the mortgaged property.
meter parcel of land covered by Tax Declaration No.
She deliberately ignored pertinent facts that should
9059, a 4,618-square meter parcel of land covered by
have aroused suspicion on the veracity of the title of
Tax Declaration No. 12081, and a 768-square meter
the mortgagor "Bernardo." 43
parcel of land covered by Tax Declaration No. 13989.
One, while "Bernardo" introduced himself to Evelyn as
Esguerra spouses executed the necessary Deed of Sale
the owner of the property, he did not present any proof
in favor of petitioners and that in favor of the Trinidad
of identi cation. To recall, he only exhibited his brothers. Both documents were executed before notary
community tax certi cate and a picture when he public Maximo Abaño
introduced himself to Evelyn. "Bernardo's" failure to suf Eulalio Trinidad later sold his share of the land to his
ciently establish his identity should have aroused daughters-respondents herein. A portion of the land
suspicion on the part of Evelyn whether the person she consisting of 1,693 square meters was later assigned
was transacting with is the real Bernardo or a mere Lot No. 3593 during a cadastral survey conducted in
impostor. She should have investigated further and veri the late 1960s.
ed the identity of "Bernardo" but she failed to do so.
On respondents' application for registration of title, CFI
She even admitted that she did not at all ask for any awarded Lot No. 3593 in their favor. CT No. 0-3631
identi cation card from "Bernardo." was issued in the name of respondents.

Two, Evelyn also ignored the fact that "Bernardo" did Meanwhile, Trinidad spouses) a portion of about 5,000
not participate in the negotiations/transactions leading square meters of the 23,489-square meter of land
to the execution of the Deed of REM. Notably, no power which they previously acquired from the Esguerra
of attorney was given to Editha who supposedly spouses
transacted in behalf of Bernardo. Despite "Bernardo's"
OCT No. 06498 9 in the name of Trinidad. Upon the
presence during the ocular inspection of the property
death of the Trinidad spouses, Lot No. 3591 covered
and execution of the mortgage contract, it was Editha
by OCT No. 0-6498 was transmitted to respondents by
who transacted with Evelyn
Three, Evelyn likewise failed to ascertain the supposed
title of "Bernardo" over the property. Evelyn admitted Petitioners, alleging that upon veri cation with the LRA
that during the ocular inspection, she remained in the they discovered the issuance of the above-stated two
vehicle. She did not inquire from the subject property's OCTs, led two separate complaints for their nulli
occupant or from the occupants of the surrounding cation on the ground that they were procured through
properties if they knew "Bernardo" and whether or not fraud or misrepresentation.
he owned the subject property.
appellate court found no fraud in respondents'
Notably, the RTC misapprehended certain facts when acquisition and registration of the land:
it held that Evelyn inspected the property and met
Jovannie during the inspection. By her own account,

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the evidence shows that appellees acquired title over area of the land in OCT No. 0-6498 was described in
the subject property by virtue of a deed of sale the deed as "humigit kumulang," that is, more or less
executed by their father Eulalio Trinidad in their favor.
The use of "more or less" or similar words in
T]hey failed to establish that appellees' acquisition of designating quantity covers only a reasonable excess
the certi cate of title is fraudulent. In fact, in their two or de ciency
complaints, appellants acknowledged that appellees
observed and took the initial procedural steps in the Numerical data are not of course the sole gauge of
registration of the land, thus ruling out fraud in the unreasonableness of the excess or de ciency in area
acquisition of the certificate of title. . .
In OCT No. 0-6498, the increase by a fourth of a
fraction of the area indicated in the deed of sale cannot
be considered as an unreasonable excess. Most
importantly, the circumstances attendant to the
inclusion of the excess area bare nothing atypical or
signi cant to hint at unreasonableness. It must be
noted that the land was not yet technically surveyed at
the time of the sale. As vendors who themselves
Fraud being a serious charge, it must be supported by executed the Bilihan ng Lupa, petitioners may rightly
clear and convincing proof. 26 Petitioners failed to be presumed to have acquired a good estimate of the
discharge the burden of proof, however. value and area of the bahaging palayan.

On the questioned interpretation and application by the the appellate court, in nding that the complaints were
appellate court of Article 1542 of the Civil Code
time-barred, noted that when the complaints were led
in 1994, more than 27 years had elapsed from the
In the sale of real estate, made for a lump sum and not issuance of OCT No. 0-3631 and more than 20 years
at the rate of a certain sum for a unit of measure or from the issuance of OCT No. 0-6498. The prescriptive
number, there shall be no increase or decrease of the period of one (1) year had thus set in
price, although there be a greater or less areas or
number than that stated in the contract. Even assuming that petitioners' actions are in the
nature of a suit for quieting of title, which is
while petitioners admittedly sold Lot No. 3591 to the imprescriptible, the actions still necessarily fail since
Trinidad spouses, they contend that what they sold petitioners failed to establish the existence of fraud.
were only 5,000 square meters and not 6,268 square
meters, and thus claim the excess of 1,268 square IN FINE, it is a fundamental principle in land
meters. registration that a certi cate of title serves as evidence
of an indefeasible and incontrovertible title to the
In sales involving real estate, the parties may choose
property in favor of the person whose name appears
between two types of pricing agreement: a unit price
therein. Such indefeasibility commences after the lapse
contract wherein the purchase price is determined by
or expiration of one year from the date of entry of the
way of reference to a stated rate per unit area (e.g.,
decree of registration when all persons are considered
P1,000 per square meter), or a lump sum contract
to have a constructive notice of the title to the
which states a full purchase price for an immovable the
property. After the lapse of one year, therefore, title to
area of which may be declared based on an estimate
the property can no longer be contested. This system
or where both the area and boundaries are stated
was so effected in order to quiet title to land
In Rudolf Lietz, Inc. v. Court of Appeals;

. . . In a unit price contract, the statement of area of

immovable is not conclusive and the price may be
reduced or increased depending on the area actually FACTS:
Arcaina is the owner of Lot No. 3230 (property in 2004,
Xxx her attorney-in-fact, Banta, entered into a contract
with Ingram for the sale of the property. Banta showed
Where both the area and the boundaries of the
Ingram and the latter's attorneyin-fact, Archinue), the
immovable are declared, the area covered within the
metes and bounds of the property and represented
boundaries of the immovable prevails over the stated
that Lot No. 3230 has an area of more or less 6,200
area. What really de nes a piece of ground is not the square meters (sq. m.) per the tax declaration covering
area, calculated with more or less certainty, mentioned it. Price was P1,860,000.00, with Ingram making
in its description, but the boundaries therein laid down, installment payments for the property otaling
as enclosing the land and indicating its limits. P1,715,000.00. 6 Banta and Ingram thereafter
executed a Memorandum of Agreement acknowledging
The courts below correctly characterized the sale of Lot the previous payments and that Ingram still had an
No. 3591 as one involving a lump sum contract. The obligation to pay the remaining balance
Bilihan ng Lupa shows that the parties agreed on the
purchase price of P1,000.00 on a predetermined, albeit Subsequently, Ingram caused the property to be
unsurveyed, area of 5,000 square meters and not on a surveyed and discovered that Lot No. 3230 has an area
particular rate per unit area of 12,000 sq. m. Upon learning of the actual area of
the property, Banta allegedly insisted that the
under Article 1542, what is controlling is the entire land difference of 5,800 sq. m. remains unsold. This was
included within the boundaries, regardless of whether opposed by Ingram who claims that she owns the
the real area should be greater or smaller than that whole lot by virtue of the sale. 9 Thus, Archinue, on
recited in the deed. This is particularly true since the behalf of Ingram, instituted the recovery case

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Ingram alleged that upon discovery of the actual area The CA denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration
of the property, Banta insisted on fencing the portion and ruled that Article 1543 does not apply because
which she claimed to be unsold. Ingram further Ingram had no intention of rescinding the sale. In fact,
maintained that she is ready to pay the balance of she instituted the action to recover the excess portion
P145,000.00 as soon as petitioners recognize her of the land that petitioners claimed to be unsold. Thus,
ownership of the whole property insofar as Ingram is concerned, that portion remained
petitioners denied that the sale contemplates the entire
property and contended that the parties agreed that
only 6,200 sq. m. shall be sold at the rate of P300.00
per sq. m. Petitioners averred that since Ingram failed ISSUE: WON LOT 3230 WAS SOLD IN LUMP SUM
to show that that she has a right over the unsold
portion of the property, the complaint for recovery of
possession should be dismissed RULING: YES

MCTC granted petitioners' demurrer and counterclaim Here, the Deed of Sale executed by Banta on March
against Ingram 21, 2005 42 and the Deed of Sale executed by Arcaina
on April 13, 2005 43 both show that the property was
MCTC declared that the survey showed that the conveyed to Ingram at the predetermined price of
property was 12,000 sq. m. or more than what was P1,860,000.00. There was no indication that it was
stated in the deeds of sale. 19 For Ingram to be bought on a per-square-meter basis. Thus, Article 1542
awarded the excess 5,800 sq. m. portion of the of the Civil Code governs the sale
property, she should have presented evidence that she
paid for the surplus area consistent with Article 1540 where both the area and the boundaries of the
of the Civil Code; immovable are declared in a sale of real estate for a
lump sum, the area covered within the boundaries of
If, in the case of the preceding article, there is a greater the immovable prevails over the stated area. 44 The
area or number in the immovable than that stated in vendor is obliged to deliver all that is included within
the contract, the vendee may accept the area included the boundaries regardless of whether the actual area
in the contract and reject the rest. If he accepts the
is more than what was speci ed in the contract of sale;
whole area, he must pay for the same at the contract
rate and he/she shall do so without a corresponding
increase in the contract price. This is particularly true
since Ingram failed to show that she paid for the value when the stated area is quali ed to be approximate
of the excess land area, the MCTC held that she cannot
only, such as when the words "more or less" were used
claim ownership and possession of the whole property.
The deeds of sale in this case provide both the
the RTC held that Article 1542, which covers sale of
boundaries and the estimated area of the property.
real estate in lump sum, applies in this case.
however, reveal that the actual area within the
Having apparently sold the entire Lot No. 3230 for a
boundaries of the property amounts to more or less
lump sum, Arcaina, as the vendor, is obligated to
12,000 sq. m., with a difference of 5,800 sq. m. from
deliver all the land included in the boundaries of the
what was stated in the deeds of sale. With Article 1542
property, regardless of whether the real area should be
in mind, the RTC and the CA ordered petitioners to
greater or smaller than what is recited in the deeds of
deliver the excess area to Ingram. They are mistaken.
In Del Prado v. Spouses Caballero, the contract of sale
CA also agreed with the RTC that the sale was made
stated both the property's boundaries and estimated
for a lump sum and not on a per-square-meter basis.
area of more or less 4,000 sq. m. Later, the technical
The parties merely agreed on the purchase price of
description of the property appeared to be 14,457 sq.
P1,860,000.00 for the 6,200 sq. m. lot, with the deed
m., more or less. Del Prado alleged that Spouses
of sale providing for the speci c boundaries of the Caballero were bound to deliver all that was included.
property we did not apply Article 1542, Del Prado is entitled only
to the area stated in the contract of sale;
Citing Rudolf Lietz, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 26 the CA
explained that in case of con ict between the area and The Court, however, clari ed that the rule laid down in
the boundaries of a land subject of the sale, the vendor Article 1542 is not hard and fast and admits of an
is obliged to deliver to the vendee everything within exception. It held: "A caveat is in order, however. The
the boundaries. use of "more or less" or similar words in designating
CA found the area in excess "substantial" which, to its quantity covers only a reasonable excess or de ciency
mind, "should have not escaped the discerning eye of . A vendee of land sold in gross or with the description
an ordinary vendor of a piece of land." 27 Thus, it held "more or less" with reference to its area does not
that the RTC correctly ordered petitioners to deliver the thereby ipso facto take all risk of quantity in the land.
entire property to Ingram
xxx xxx xxx
Petitioners moved for reconsideration, raising for the In the instant case, the deed of sale is not one of a unit
rst time the issue of prescription. They pleaded that price contract. In a contract of sale of land in a mass,
under Article 1543 29 of the Civil Code, Ingram should the speci c boundaries stated in the contract must
have led the action within six months from the control over any other statement, with respect to the
delivery of the property. Counting from Arcaina's area contained within its boundaries
execution of the notarized deed of absolute sale on
April 13, 2005, petitioners concluded that the ling of Black's Law Dictionary de nes the phrase "more or
the case only on January 25, 2006 is already time- less" to mean:

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The words are intended to cover slight or unimportant RTC ruled that Lim enriched herself at the expense of
inaccuracies in quantity, Carter v. Finch, 186 Ark. 954, petitioner and her husband by bene ting from the
57 S.W.2d 408; and are ordinarily to be interpreted as
proceeds of the sale but failing to deliver the object of
taking care of unsubstantial differences or differences
such sale. Hence, on grounds of justice and equity,
of small importance compared to the whole number of
petitioner should be awarded an adequate
items transferred
compensation for the value of the loss suffered.
Clearly, the discrepancy of 10,475 sq m cannot be
considered a slight difference in quantity.

In a lump sum contract, a vendor is generally obligated

to deliver all the land covered within the boundaries, ISSUE: PETITIONER CONTEND THE FF ERRORS
regardless of whether the real area should be greater
or smaller than that recited in the deed. 49 However, IV.3. AS A NECESSARY CONSEQUENCE OF THE ERROR
in case there is con ict between the area actually
covered by the boundaries and the estimated area GOOD FAITH, IS A REVERSIBLE ERROR
stated in the contract of sale, he/she shall do so only
when the excess or de ciency between the former and IV.4. THE DECISION, ANNEX A, ERRED IN REJECTING
the latter is reasonable. 50
Applying Del Prado to the case before us, we nd that QUESTION;
the difference of 5,800 sq. m. is too substantial to be IV.6. THE DECISION, ANNEX A, ERRED IN RULING
considered reasonable. We note that only 6,200 sq. m. THAT PETITIONER IS NOT ENTITLED TO HER CAUSE
was agreed upon between petitioners and Ingram. OF ACTION OF RECONVEYANCE
Declaring Ingram as the owner of the whole 12,000 sq.
m. on the premise that this is the actual area included
in the boundaries would be ordering the delivery of
almost twice the area stated in the deeds of sale.
Therefore, we rule that Ingram is entitled only to 6,200 Petitioner insists that PNB is not a mortgagee in good
sq. m. of the property. An area of 5,800 sq. m. more faith asserting that, if it only exercised due diligence, it
than the area intended to be sold is not a reasonable would have found out that petitioner and her husband
excess that can be deemed included in the sale were already in adverse possession of the subject
property as early as two years before the same was
sold to them.

This claim, however, is contradicted by no less than

AGATEP VS RODRIGUEZ petitioner's averments in her Brief led with the CA
wherein she stated that " [i]mmediately after the sale,
the land was delivered to Isaac Agatep . . . Since that
subject property was previously owned by herein time up to the present, Isaac Agatep and after his
respondent Lim. Lim mortgaged the lot to PNB. The death, the Appellant have been in continuous,
mortgage contract was duly annotated on TCT. Lim uninterrupted, adverse and public possession of the
was not able to pay her loan prompting PNB to said parcel of land". 24 The foregoing assertion only
foreclose the property. It sold at public auction to PNB. shows that petitioner's husband took possession of the
Lim failed to redeem the property. After the expiration subject lot only after the same was sold to him.
of the one-year redemption period allowed by law, PNB
When the lots were mortgaged to PNB by Lim, the titles
consolidated its ownership, a TCT was issued.
thereto were in the latter's name, and they showed
while the mortgage was still in effect, Lim sold the neither vice nor in rmity. In accepting the mortgage,
subject property to herein petitioner's husband, PNB was not required to make any further investigation
Agatep. However, the sale was not registered. Neither of the titles to the properties being given as security,
did Lim deliver the title. Nonetheless Agatep took and could rely entirely on what was stated in the
possession of the same, fenced it with barbed wire and aforesaid title
introduced improvements thereon. Subsequently,
Agatep died. his heirs, including herein petitioner, Petitioner asserts that the execution of a public
continued to possess the property. document does not constitute su cient delivery to PNB,
subject lot was included among PNB's acquired assets considering that the subject property is in the adverse
for sale. Later on, an invitation to bid was duly possession, under claim of ownership, of petitioner and
published. The disputed parcel of land was sold to her predecessor-in-interest
herein respondent Rodriguez), who is the daughter of
Petitioner further assails the ruling of the CA that PNB,
respondent Lim.
who was the buyer in the foreclosure sale, became the
absolute owner of the property purchased when it
herein petitioner led a Complaint 10 for
consolidated its ownership thereof for failure of the
"reconveyance mortgagor Lim to redeem the subject property during
RTC rendered judgment in favor of herein respondents the period of one year after the registration of the sale

1. Dismiss the instant complaint for in Manuel R. Dulay Enterprises, Inc. v. Court of
reconveyance for lack of merit; Appeals, Petitioner's contention that private
2. Sustain the legality of TCT No. 10559 14 in respondent Torres never acquired ownership over the
the name of defendant Roberta Rodriguez subject property since the latter was never in actual
possession of the subject property nor was the
property delivered to him is also without merit.

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Paragraph 1, Article 1498 of the New Civil Code rule must be absolute; any variation would lead to
provides: endless confusion and useless litigation. 34 In the
present case, since the mortgage contract was
When the sale is made through a public instrument, the registered, petitioner may not claim lack of knowledge
execution thereof shall be equivalent to the delivery of thereof as a valid defense. The subsequent sale of the
the thing which is the object of the contract, if from the property to petitioner's husband cannot defeat the
deed the contrary does not appear or cannot clearly be rights of PNB as the mortgagee and, subsequently, the
inferred purchaser at the auction sale whose rights were
Therefore, prior physical delivery or possession is not derived from a prior mortgage validly registered
legally required since the execution of the Deed of Sale Court agrees with the disquisition of the CA that an
is deemed equivalent to deliver action for reconveyance is one that seeks to transfer
in Spouses Sabio v. The International Corporate Bank: property, wrongfully registered by another, to its
rightful and legal owner. based on the evidence on
Notwithstanding the presence of illegal occupants on record, there was no wrongful registration of the
the subject property, transfer of ownership by symbolic property, rst in the name of PNB as the purchaser
delivery under Article 1498 can still be effected through when the property was auctioned and, subsequently,
the execution of the deed of conveyance. the key word in the name of respondent Rodriguez who bought the
is control, not possession, of the subject property. subject property when the same was offered for sale
It is su cient that there are no legal impediments to by PNB. Hence, the CA did not commit error in a rming
prevent petitioners from gaining physical possession of the RTC's dismissal of herein petitioner's complaint for
the subject property. As stated above, prior physical reconveyance
delivery or possession is not legally required and the
execution of the deed of sale or conveyance is deemed
equivalent to delivery

Thus, the execution of the Deed of Sale in favor of PNB, ALEJANDRO VS CA

after the expiration of the redemption period, is
deemed equivalent to delivery. FACTS:

it must be noted that petitioner and her husband's the late spouses Jacinto Alejandrino and Enrica
possession of the disputed lot is derived from their right Labunos left their six children a 219-square-meter lot
as buyers of the subject parcel of land. in Mambaling, Cebu City. Upon the demise of the
Alejandrino spouses, the property should have been
As Lim's successors-in-interest, their possession could divided among their children with each child having a
not be said to be adverse to that of Lim. Thus, they are share of 36.50 square meters. However, the estate of
also bound to recognize and respect the mortgage the Alejandrino spouses was not settled in accordance
entered into by the latter. Their possession of the with the procedure outlined in the Rules of Court
disputed lot could not, therefore, be considered as a
legal impediment which could prevent PNB from Petitioner Mauricia (one of the children) allegedly
acquiring ownership and possession thereof. purchased 12.17 square meters of Gregorio's share,
36.50 square meters of Ciriaco's share and 12.17
in the instant case, that Lim mortgaged the subject square meters of Abundio's share thereby giving her a
property to PNB prior to selling the same to petitioner's total area of 97.43 square meters, including her own
husband. Settled is the rule that a mortgage is an share of 36.50 square meters. a third party named
accessory contract intended to secure the performance Licerio Nique, the private respondent in this case, also
of the principal obligation. One of its characteristics is purchased portions of the property, to wit: 36.50
that it is inseparable from the property square meters from Laurencia, 36.50 square meters
from Gregorio "through Laurencia," 12.17 square
It is inseparable from the property mortgaged as it is a
meters from Abundio also "through Laurencia" and
right in rem — a lien on the property whoever its owner
36.50 square meters from Marcelino or a total area of
may be. It subsists notwithstanding a change in
121.67 square meters of the Alejandrino property
ownership; in short, the personality of the owner is
disregarded. Thus, all subsequent purchasers must However, Laurencia later questioned the sale in an
respect the mortgage whether the transfer to them be action for quieting of title and damages against private
with or without the consent of the mortgagee, for such respondent Nique
mortgage until discharged follows the property
TRIAL COURT: Court hereby renders judgment in favor
Petitioner avers that she and her husband were not of defendant and against plaintiff
aware of the mortgage contract which was executed
between PNB and Lim. The fact remains, however, that Meanwhile, petitioner Mauricia Alejandrino led a
the mortgage was registered and annotated on the complaint for redemption and recovery of properties
certificate of title covering the subject property. with damages against private respondent Nique.
It is settled that registration in the public registry is The amended complaint alleged that private
notice to the whole world. Under the rule of notice, it respondent Nique never noti ed petitioner Mauricia of
is presumed that the purchaser has examined every
the purchase of 121.67 square meters of the undivided
instrument of record affecting the title. Such
Lot No. 2798 nor did he give petitioner Mauricia the
presumption may not be rebutted. This presumption
cannot be overcome by any claim of innocence or good preemptive right to buy the area as a co-owner of the
same lot. As such co-owner, petitioner Mauricia
faith. Otherwise, the very purpose and object of the
manifested her willingness to deposit with the court the
law requiring a record would be destroyed
amount of P29,777.78, the acquisition cost of the
The rule that all persons must take notice of the facts portion purchased by private respondent Nique
which the public record contains is a rule of law. The

CLDasig 2018
in the meantime, private respondent led a motion for heirs themselves extrajudicially, (2) by the court in an
ordinary action for partition, or in the course of
the segregation of the 146-square-meter portion of the
administration proceedings, (3) by the testator himself,
property that had been declared by the trial court as
and (4) by the third person designated by the testator.
his own by virtue of purchase. An order was issued for
segregation. The trial court may not, therefore, order partition of an
estate in an action for quieting of title. As there is no
Petitioner Mauricia questioned this order of the lower
pending administration proceedings, the property of
court in a petition for certiorari and prohibition with
the Alejandrino spouses can only be partitioned by the
prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
heirs themselves in an extrajudicial settlement of
injunction led before the Court of Appeals – estate. However, evidence on the extrajudicial
DISMISSED settlement of estate was offered before the trial court.
Petitioner Mauricia does not deny the fact of the
execution of the deed of extrajudicial settlement. She
ISSUE: whether or not as an heir of the only questions its validity on account of the absence of
Alejandrino property, Laurencia may validly sell notarization of the document and the non-publication
specific portions thereof to a third party thereof

"ART. 1082. Every act which is intended to put an end

to indivision among co-heirs and legatees or devisees
RULING: is deemed to be a partition, although it should purport
to be a sale, an exchange, a compromise, or any other
Article 1078 of the Civil Code provides that where there
are two or more heirs, the
By this provision, it appears that when a co-owner sells
whole estate of the decedent is, before partition,
his inchoate right in the coownership, he expresses his
owned in common by such heirs, subject to the
intention to "put an end to indivision among (his) co-
payment of the debts of the deceased. The underlying
heirs." Partition among co-owners may thus be
rationale is that until a division is made, the respective
evidenced by the overt act of a co-owner of renouncing
share of each cannot be determined and every co-
his right over the property regardless of the form it
owner exercises, together with his co-participants, joint
takes. In effect, Laurencia expressed her intention to
ownership over the pro indiviso property, in addition to
terminate the co-ownership by selling her share to
his use and enjoyment of the same.
private respondent. Moreover, the execution of the
With respect to properties shared in common by virtue deed of extrajudicial settlement of the estate
of inheritance, alienation of a pro indiviso portion
re ected the intention of both Laurencia and petitioner
thereof is specifically governed by Article 1088 that
provides: Mauricia to physically divide the property. Both of them
had acquired the shares of their brothers and therefore
"ART. 1088. Should any of the heirs sell his hereditary it was only the two of them that needed to settle the
rights to a stranger before the partition, any or all of estate. The fact that the document was not notarized
the co-heirs may be subrogated to the rights of the is no hindrance to its effectivity as regards the two of
purchaser by reimbursing him for the price of the sale, them. The partition of inherited property need not be
provided they do so within the period of one month embodied in a public document. In this regard,
from the time they were noti ed in writing of the sale Tolentino subscribes:
by the vendor." public instrument is not essential to the validity of the
In the instant case, Laurencia was within her hereditary partition. The public instrument is necessary only for
rights in selling her pro indiviso share in Lot No. 2798. the registration of the contract, but not for its validity.
However, because the property had not yet been The validity of an oral contract among the heirs,
partitioned in accordance with the Rules of Court, no terminating the co-ownership, has been recognized by
the Supreme Court. 'An agreement among the heirs
particular portion of the property could be identi ed as
that a certain lot should be sold and its proceeds paid
yet and delineated as the object of the sale. to one of them is a valid oral contract, and the same
co-owner has the right to alienate his proindiviso share has the force of law between the parties from and after
in the co-owned property even without the consent of the original assent thereto, and no one of them may
the other coowners. Nevertheless, as a mere part withdraw or oppose its execution without the consent
owner, he cannot alienate the shares of the other co- of all.'
owners. The prohibition is premised on the elementary The deed of extrajudicial settlement executed by
rule that 'no one can give what he does not have. Mauricia and Laurencia evidence their intention to
partition the property. It delineates what portion of the
a sale of the entire property by one co-owner without
property belongs to each other
the consent of the other coowners is not null and void.
However, only the rights of the co-owner-seller are The trial court, therefore, did not abuse its discretion
transferred, thereby making the buyer a co-owner of in issuing the order for the segregation of the property.
the property. In so doing, it was merely reiterating the partition of
the property by petitioner Mauricia and her sister
The legality of Laurencia's alienation of portions of the
Laurencia that was embodied in the deed of
estate of the Alejandrino spouses was settled in Civil
extrajudicial settlement of estate
Case No. CEB-7038. When private respondent led a
motion for the segregation of the portions of the
property that were adjudged in his favor, private
respondent was in effect calling for the partition of the
property. However, under the law, partition of the
The Court nds no merit in the issue of forum shopping
estate of a decedent may only be effected by (1) the
raised by private respondent. Forum shopping exists

CLDasig 2018
where the elements of litis pendentia are present or were not innocent purchasers for value because they
where a nal judgment in one case will amount to res all participated in defrauding him
judicata in the other. 17 Because the judgment in Civil Jamilar spouses denied the allegations in the complaint
Case No. CEB-7028 is already nal and executory, the and claimed that Capistrano had no cause of action
existence of res judicata is determinative of whether or against them, as there was no privity of transaction
not petitioner is guilty of forum shopping. For the between them; the issuance of TCT No. 249959 in their
principle of res judicata to apply, the following must be names was proper, valid, and legal; and that
present: (1) a decision on the merits; (2) by a court of Capistrano was in estoppel
competent jurisdiction; (3) the decision is nal; and (4) Sy, Golpeo, and Tan denied the allegations in the
the two actions involve identical parties, subject matter complaint and alleged that Capistrano had no cause of
and causes of action. 18 The fourth element is not action against them; that at the time they bought the
present in this case. The parties are not identical property from the Jamilars and the Gilturas as
because petitioner was not impleaded in Civil Case No. unregistered owners, there was nothing in the certi
CEB-7028. While the subject matter may be the same
cates of title that would indicate any vice in its
property of the Alejandrino spouses, the causes of
ownership; that a buyer in good faith of a registered
action are different. Civil Case No. CEB7028 is an action
realty need not look beyond the Torrens title to search
for quieting of title and damages while Civil Case No.
for any defect; and that they were innocent purchasers
CEB-11673 is for redemption and recovery of
of the land for value.
Scott denied the allegations in the complaint and
It appears moreover, that private respondent's
alleged that she had no knowledge or any actual
argument on forum shopping is anchored on the fact
participation in the execution of the deeds of sale in
that counsel for both plaintiffs in those two cases is one
her favor and the Jamilars'; that she only knew of the
and the same, thereby implying that the same counsel
purported conveyances when she received a copy of
merely wanted to prevail in the second case after
the complaint; that her signatures appearing in both
having failed to do so in the first. The records show,
deeds of sale were forgeries; that when her authority
however, that Laurencia executed an a davit 19 to sell the land expired, she had no other dealings with
consenting to the appearance of her counsel in any it; that she never received any amount of money as
case that petitioner Mauricia might le against private alleged consideration for the property; and that, even
if she were the owner, she would never have sold it at
respondent. She a rmed in that a davit that she could
so low a price.
be included even as a defendant in any case that
petitioner Mauricia would le because she "fully TRIAL COURT: IN FAVOR OF CAPISTRANO

agree(d)" with whatever cause of action Mauricia CA: a rmed the Decision of the trial court with the modi
would have against private respondent. Such a
cation that the Jamilar spouses were ordered to return
statement can hardly constitute a proper basis for a
to Sy, Golpeo, and Tan the amount of P1,679,260.00
nding of forum shopping, much less evidence of
representing their full payment for the property, with
misconduct on the part of counsel. As noted earlier, the
two cases have different causes of action and the two legal interest thereon from the date of the ling of the
plaintiffs who would have con icting claims under the complaint until full payment.
facts of the case actually presented a united stand Hence, this petition with petitioners insisting that they
against private respondent were innocent purchasers for value of the parcels of
land. They claim that when they negotiated with the
Jamilars for the purchase of the property, although the
title thereto was still in the name of Capistrano, the
documents shown to them — the court order directing
SY VS CAPISTRANO the issuance of a new owner's duplicate copy of TCT
No. 76496, the new owner's duplicate copy thereof, the
tax declaration, the deed of absolute sale between
In 1980, Scott) approached respondent Capistrano) Capistrano and Scott, the deed of absolute sale
and offered her services to help him sell his 13,785 between Scott and Jamilar, and the real estate tax
square meters of land. Capistrano gave her a receipts — there was nothing that aroused their
temporary authority to sell which expired without any suspicion so as to compel them to look beyond the
sale transaction being made. To his shock, he Torrens title
discovered later that TCT No. 76496, which was in his
name, had already been cancelled and a new one, TCT
No. 249959, issued over the same property on the
same date to Jose na A. Jamilar. TCT No. 249959 RULING:
likewise had already been cancelled and replaced by
three (3) TCTs all in the names of the Jamilar spouses. First. The CA was correct in upholding the nding of
TCT Nos. 251524 and 251526 had also been cancelled the trial court that the purported sale of the property
and replaced by TCT Nos. 262286 and 262287 issued from Capistrano to Scott was a forgery, and resort to a
to Nelson Golpeo and John B. Tan handwriting expert was not even necessary as the
specimen signature submitted by Capistrano during
Thus, the action for reconveyance led by Capistrano, trial showed marked variance from that found in the
alleging that his and his wife's signatures on the deed of absolute sale. The technical procedure utilized
purported deed of absolute sale in favor of Scott were by handwriting experts, while usually helpful in the
forgeries; that the owner's duplicate copy of TCT No. examination of forged documents, is not mandatory or
76496 in his name had always been in his possession; indispensable to the examination or comparison of
and that Scott, the Jamilar spouses, Golpeo, and Tan handwritings. 5

CLDasig 2018
By the same token, we agree with the CA when it held Locsin) was the registered owner of a 760-sq.m. lot,
that the deed of sale between Scott and the Jamilars she filed an ejectment case against one Billy Aceron
was also forged, as it noted the stark differences (Aceron) to recover possession over the land in issue.
between the signatures of Scott in the deed of sale and Eventually, the two entered into a compromise
those in her handwritten letters to Capistrano. agreement. Locsin later went to the United States
without knowing whether Aceron has complied with his
Second. In nding that the Jamilar spouses were not part of the bargain under the compromise agreement.
innocent purchasers for value of the subject property, In spite of her absence, however, she continued to pay
the CA properly held that they should have known that the real property taxes on the subject lot.
the signatures of Scott and Capistrano were forgeries
In 1994, after discovering that her copy of TCT No.
due to the patent variance of the signatures in the two
235094 was missing, Locsin filed a petition for
deeds of sale shown to them by Scott
administrative reconstruction, she then requested her
The CA also correctly found the Gilturas not innocent counsel to check the status of the subject lot. It was
purchasers for value, because they failed to check the then that they discovered the following:
veracity of the allegation of Jamilar that he acquired
1. One Marylou Bolos (Bolos) had TCT No. RT-97467
the property from Capistrano.
cancelled on February 11, 1999, and then secured a
In ruling that Sy was not an innocent purchaser for new one, TCT No. N200074, in her favor by registering
value, we share the observation of the appellate court a Deed of Absolute Sale dated November 3, 1979
that Sy knew that the title to the property was still in allegedly executed by Locsin with the Registry of
the name of Capistrano, but failed to verify the claim Deeds;
of the Jamilar spouses regarding the transfer of
2. Bolos later sold the subject lot to Bernardo Hizon
ownership of the property by asking for the copies of
(Bernardo) for PhP 1.5 million, but it was titled under
the deeds of absolute sale between Capistrano and
Carlos Hizon's (Carlos'
Scott, and between Scott and Jamilar
3. The property was already occupied and was, in fact,
Also noteworthy — and something that would have
up for sale.
ordinarily aroused suspicion — is the fact that even
before the supposed execution of the deed of sale by Locsin, through counsel, sent Carlos a letter requesting
Scott in favor of the Jamilars, the latter had already the return of the property since her signature in the
caused the subdivision of the property into nine (9) purported deed of sale in favor of Bolos was a forgery.
lots, with the title to the property still in the name of Carlos denied Locsin's request, claiming that he was
Capistrano. unaware of any defect or flaw in Bolos' title and he is,
thus, an innocent purchaser for value and good faith.
Notable likewise is that the owner's duplicate copy of
TCT No. 76496 in the name of Capistrano had always Bernardo met with Locsin's counsel and discussed the
been in his possession since he gave Scott only a possibility of a compromise. He ended the meeting with
photocopy thereof pursuant to the latter's authority to a promise to come up with a win-win situation for his
look for a buyer of the property. On the other hand, son and Locsin, a promise which turned out to be
the Jamilars were able to acquire a new owner's deceitful, for, on July 15, 2002, Locsin learned that
duplicate copy thereof by ling an a davit of loss and Carlos had already sold the property to herein
a petition for the issuance of another owner's duplicate respondents Sps Guevara. spouses Guevara then
copy of TCT No. 76496 immediately mortgaged the said property to DCC.

A person who deals with registered land through Locsin filed an action for reconveyance, annulment of
someone who is not the registered owner is expected TCT No. N-237083, the cancellation of the mortgage
lien annotated thereon, and damages
to look beyond the certi cate of title and examine all
the factual circumstances thereof in order to determine TRIAL COURT: RTC rendered a Decision 6 dismissing
if the vendor has the capacity to transfer any interest the complaint
in the land. He has the duty to ascertain the identity of
the person with whom he is dealing and the latter's that: (a) there is insufficient evidence to show that
legal authority to convey Locsin's signature in the Deed of Absolute Sale
between her and Bolos is a forgery;
Finally, there is the questionable cancellation of the
(b) the questioned deed is a public document, having
certi cate of title of Capistrano which resulted in the
been notarized; thus, it has, in its favor, the
immediate issuance of a certi cate of title in favor of presumption of regularity;
the Jamilar spouses despite the claim that Capistrano
(c) Locsin cannot simply rely on the apparent
sold his property to Scott and it was Scott who sold the
difference of the signatures in the deed and in the
same to the Jamilars.
documents presented by her to prove her allegation of
In light of the foregoing disquisitions, based on the forgery;
evidence on record, we nd no error in the ndings of (d) the transfers of title from Bolos to Carlos and from
the CA as to warrant a discretionary judicial review by Carlos to the spouses Guevara are valid and regular;
this Court
(e) Bernardo, Carlos, and the spouses Guevara are all
buyers in good faith.

LOCSIN VS HIZON CA: it was erroneous for the RTC to hold that Locsin
failed to prove that her signature was forged. CA,
however, affirmed the RTC's finding that herein
respondents are innocent purchasers for value.

CLDasig 2018
Respondents, having dealt with property registered application of the mirror doctrine and inspires the
under the Torrens System, need not go beyond the Court's concurrence with petitioner's proposition.
certificate of title, but only has to rely on the said
certificate. CA ruled that Locsin can no longer recover
the subject lot. 8 Hence, the instant petition Carlos is not an innocent purchaser for value

the Court is of the view that Bernardo negotiated with

ISSUE: whether or not respondents are innocent Bolos for the property as Carlos' agent. This is
purchasers for value bolstered by the fact that he was the one who arranged
for the sale and eventual registration of the property in
Carlos' favor.

RULING: Consistent with the rule that the principal is chargeable

and bound by the knowledge of, or notice to, his agent
Precautionary measures for buyers of real received in that capacity, 22 any information available
property and known to Bernardo is deemed similarly available
a defective title — or one the procurement of which is and known to Carlos, including the following:
tainted with fraud and misrepresentation — may be the 1. Bernardo knew that Bolos, from whom he purchased
source of a completely legal and valid title, provided the subject property, never acquired possession over
that the buyer is an innocent third person who, in good the lot. As a matter of fact, in his March 11, 2009 direct
faith, relied on the correctness of the certificate of title, testimony, 23 Bernardo admitted having knowledge of
or an innocent purchaser for value Aceron's lot possession as well as the compromise
Complementing this is the mirror doctrine which agreement between petitioner and Aceron.
echoes the doctrinal rule that every person dealing with 2. Bolos' purported Deed of Sale was executed on
registered land may safely rely on the correctness of November 3, 1979 but the ejectment case commenced
the certificate of title issued therefor and is in no way by Locsin against Aceron was in 1992, or thirteen (13)
obliged to go beyond the certificate to determine the years after the property was supposedly transferred to
condition of the property. EXCEPTIONS: Bolos.
The presence of anything which excites or arouses 3. The August 6, 1993 Judgment, 24 issued by the MTC
suspicion should then prompt the vendee to look on the compromise agreement between Locsin and
beyond the certificate and investigate the title of the Aceron, clearly stated therein that "[o]n August 2,
vendor appearing on the face of said certificate. One 1993, the parties [Aceron and Locsin] submitted to [the
who falls within the exception can neither be MTC] for approval a Compromise Agreement dated July
denominated an innocent purchaser for value nor a 28, 1993." It further indicated that "[Aceron]
purchaser in good faith and, hence, does not merit the acknowledges [Locsin's] right of possession to [the
protection of the law. subject property], being the registered owner thereof."
Thus, in Domingo Realty, Inc. v. CA, 20 we emphasized Having knowledge of the foregoing facts, Bernardo and
the need for prospective parties to a contract involving Carlos, to our mind, should have been impelled to
titled lands to exercise the diligence of a reasonably investigate the reason behind the arrangement. They
prudent person in ensuring the legality of the title, and should have been pressed to inquire into the status of
the accuracy of the metes and bounds of the lot the title of the property in litigation in order to protect
embraced therein, by undertaking precautionary Carlos' interest. Instead, Bernardo and Carlos took
measures, such as: inconsistent positions when they argued for the validity
1. Verifying the origin, history, authenticity, and validity of the transfer of the property in favor of Bolos, but in
of the title with the Office of the Register of Deeds and the same breath prayed for the enforcement of the
the Land Registration Authority; compromise agreement entered into by Locsin.

2. Engaging the services of a competent and reliable The spouses Guevara are not innocent
geodetic engineer to verify the boundary, metes, and purchasers for value
bounds of the lot subject of said title based on the As regards the transfer of the property from Carlos to
technical description in the said title and the approved the spouses Guevara, We find the existence of the sale
survey plan in the Land Management Bureau; highly suspicious. For one, there is a dearth of evidence
3. Conducting an actual ocular inspection of the lot; to support the respondent spouses' position that the
sale was a bona fide transaction. Even if we repeatedly
4. Inquiring from the owners and possessors of sift through the evidence on record, still we cannot find
adjoining lots with respect to the true and legal any document, contract, or deed evidencing the sale in
ownership of the lot in question; favor of the spouses Guevara. The same goes for the
purported payment of the purchase price of the
5. Putting up of signs that said lot is being purchased, property in the amount of PhP 1.5 million in favor of
leased, or encumbered; and Carlos
6. Undertaking such other measures to make the respondents proffer their own testimonies explaining
general public aware that said lot will be subject to the circumstances surrounding the alleged sale. 26
alienation, lease, or encumbrance by the parties. However, basic is the rule that bare and self-serving
allegations, unsubstantiated by evidence, are not
In the case at bar, Bolos' certificate of title was
equivalent to proof under the Rules
concededly free from liens and encumbrances on its
face. However, the failure of Carlos and the spouses Furthermore, and noticeably enough, the transfer from
Guevara to exercise the necessary level of caution in Carlos to the spouses Guevara was effected only fifteen
light of the factual milieu surrounding the sequence of (15) days after Locsin demanded the surrender of the
transfers from Bolos to respondents bars the property from CarlosWhen Bernardo met with Locsin's

CLDasig 2018
counsel on June 13, 2002, and personally made a
commitment to come up with a win-win situation for
his son and Locsin, he knew fully well, too, that the
property had already been purportedly transferred to
the spouses Guevara, for he, no less, facilitated the
same. This, to us, is glaring evidence of bad faith

Also, the fact that Lourdes Guevara and Carlos are

siblings, and that Carlos' agent in his dealings
concerning the property is his own father, renders
incredible the argument that Lourdes had no
knowledge whatsoever of Locsin's claim of ownership
at the time of the purported sale

Sps Guevara manifested lack of interest in protecting

themselves in the case. It does not even appear in their
testimonies that they, at the very least, intended to
vigilantly protect their claim over the property and
prevent Locsin take

There is also strong reason to believe that even the

mortgage in favor of DCC was a mere ploy to make it
appear that the Sps. Guevara exercised acts of
dominion over the subject property

These circumstances, taken altogether, strongly

indicate that Carlos and the spouses Guevara failed to
exercise the necessary level of caution expected of a
bona fide buyer and even performed acts that are
highly suspect


Here, the Court notes that petitioner failed to

specifically pray that moral damages be awarded. But,
we find an award for nominal damages to be in order.
Under prevailing jurisprudence, nominal damages are
"recoverable where a legal right is technically violated
and must be vindicated against an invasion that has
produced no actual present loss of any kind or where
there has been a breach of contract and no substantial
injury or actual damages whatsoever have been or can
be shown." So long as there is a showing of a violation
of the right of the plaintiff, as herein petitioner, an
award of nominal damages is proper.

In the case at bar, this Court recognizes that petitioner

was unduly deprived of her ownership rights over the
property, and was compelled to litigate for its recovery,
for almost ten (10) years.

As to the amount to be awarded, it bears stressing that

the same is addressed to the sound discretion of the
court, taking into account the relevant circumstances.
34 Considering the length of time petitioner was
deprived of her property and the bad faith attending
respondents' actuations in the extant case, we find the
amount of seventy-five thousand pesos (PhP 75,000)
as sufficient

CLDasig 2018

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