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YAou\ Feros Eng. 202 Ne uu 14 = Memos and reports ‘Formal and Match the sentences in column A with sentences in column B with similar informal English ‘meanings. Then puta icky the sentences which are more suitable fora formal memo. Column A 1. Wehaven't decided sofar. 2 No-one willlose their job because of what we're doing. 3. Your cooperation in this matteris essential 4. He's always off sicksohe's leaving 5 Thecompany has expanded lot recently, 6 Please see your manager f you have any questions. 7 Staff should close windows and take personal belongings with them. 8 Thestaffrestaurant willbe relocated in the near future. Column 4 Thelast few months have seen a period of unprecedented growth. Havea word with yourboss if you don’t understand. © Nofirm decisionhas yetbeen reached. 4 Don't forget totake your coat and bag, and shut the windows. © You've got todo what we say. £ We're going tomove thecanteen & Therewill eno redundancies asa result of this measure hy Hehas decided to retireon the grounds of ill-health Ashen. AGcrspadence Dod clo. OuP 4 a 2 Memo about documentary credits ‘Memos and reports i 3 Memo about fraud 70 ‘The Finance Director of your company, Interbank, has asked you to writea memo reminding staff how important itis tocarefully check all details of documents associated with documentary credits. £250,000 has been lost in the past year over mistakes in effecting documentary credit transactions Select the five most relevant points from the check list below and, as his PA, unite the memo, Check that all trains are running on time, Check all transport documents, insurance certificates, invoices and custom dlearance certificates. © Check staff holidays have been arranged for this year, «Check details of hotels in the local areas, Check bills of exchange and letters of credit. Check the spelling in the names of the parties is correct. ‘¢ Check flocal events will interfere with our hotel bookings. ‘© Check that places of departure and destinations are correct. Check the right amounts for the transactions are listed and the correct ‘currencies have been written in, Check salary scales for the members of the Documentary Credit Department Terry Fairman is the Chief Accountant at National stores ple. He has just attended a Directors’ meeting about fraud when customers pay by cheque, and has been asked to write a memo to sales staffabout this problem. As Tet?) Fairman, write the memo, selecting information from thenotes he made at ‘the meeting. It should cover the following points: ‘© what the problemis ¢ what practical measures sales staff should take toreduceit 1 Sales staff should carefully match signatures on cheque cards | with those on cheques. 2 Thevalue ofbad cheques presented overthe pastyear aanounts to over £50,000. 3 Sales staffshould not make customers eel like criminals Mort customers usew credit card or each to payfor goods. $ Write the chaque cardnamber and expiry date onthe back of the chegue. 6 Supervisors should be contacted ifsalesstaffare unsure about payment. 7 Customers’ reactions should be noted for narvoustas § Cheques shouldibe examined to see that they have beer | completed properly. 2 Banks als lose great deabofimoney throughicheque fraud. 1 10 The problewvofbad cheques cannot be eliminated, but sales steoff can help reduce tt significantly. Complete the following extracts from reports, using either the present perfect continuous e.g. have been working) or the simple past (e.g. worked), Exteact 1 ‘Our organization *____ (export) precision tools tothe Middle East for over forty years, We 2 (open) our frst office in iraq in the early 1960sand it ®___ (remain) open for five years until we (move} our headquarters to Jordan.In the last few months we (negotiate) a contract with Saudi Arabia, which we hope will be ‘sodas pur sowaw = signed soon, ExrRact2 Since the beginning of this year, the departmentstore & (lose) ‘over £5,000 per month due to theft, and last month this ?____ (rise) to £8,500. We believe that agang of shoplifters $______ operate) inthe building forthe last few weeks, and that this may account forthe losses that 2 (occur) in June. Over the last few days we 28 (have) discussions with our security consultants who will produce a report shorty. EXTRACT 3 Trading in the market ___ (be slack forthe first two months ofthe ‘year as investors 2 — (feel) woried by the uncertain political imate, andinterestrates (remain) high, However inthe last few weeks, interestrates #4 __ (fall gradually and look as ifthey will continueto oso. Investors #__ return) to the market slowly and volumes, “ (increase)

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