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12A CENA CIny BE VOCABULARY Animals Pulo[sTaul FTo) 4 Complete the crossword puzzle > Aetoss 3. This insect bles humans and grnks ther blood. mosquito, 6. This animal ves in deserts anc can travel long dstances without food or water, 6 This insect produces honey. 7. This bie is large, very colourul and can lear to “alk by copying what someone says ot Down 1 This animal as eight legs and rakes wobs to catch stall fis. One of the bigest kinds is the tarantula 2 This animal isthe largest kin of monkey inthe work 4 Thebe. isthe biggest animal onthe planet. 8 This isthe largest animal of thecal family ands orange with black stipes. GRAMMAR Past perfect Complete the sentences with the past perfect forms of the verbs in the box. Steal work getup miss stop Have begin finish 1 By the ime we got to the station, my sister's rain had aleady let 2 When my grandmother shoned, |_____ just doing my homenork 3 He really har at school al yar, so he got texcallont marks in his exams, 4 Anthony artves ate for school this meming because he bite 5 When toy gotto the cinema the flm ____just, 66 When he Bot Back ftom holay he found that someone his car 17 We had Wake 2 tax home rom the station because we the lat bus, 8 Thetwomen police arrive. arguing by the time the 70 | had always thought they were b Complete the text with the past simple or past perfect forms of the verbs in brackels. Wo ‘bad (havo) 2 tore journey on the way to Barcalona The problems (begin) when we 2____—teave) nome at 6.20 inthe morning. There the) a huge trac ja on the matorway because two artes ® (crash) and the road 7 (be) completely locke (reach) the ager, we \__(miss) our fight. 2 (ake) off five minutes before we ©. (arrive attre checkin desk, We 1 ty to buy some tickets forthe next ght to Barcelona, bt they (soll all the seas, Inthe end, we lickols fora fight at 7 otlock hat evening ane (sen the whole day athe arpor. We *____ (land) in Barcolona at 21:45, but we 6 Gnatealect) aur suteases fram the areal hall unt LT ocock because there ___ (be) 4 baggage handles’ srke that cay. By the time our tax By the time we 7 (ou) arin ™ {ng} our Rte the estevzant ese, so we (go) strait \obed wioa hang dinner EX PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: /a/, />:/ and /ou/ @ GME Look at the words and listen to the pronunciation of the letters in bold. Complete the ‘able with the words in the box. Sreugt come done fallen known spoken run taught woken won ‘Sound 1/s/ | Sound2/>v | Sound 3 our (eg. dun |e. bough _| (eg. chosen) brought 12 B He said I was selfish! BEGRAMMAR Reported speech Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 Matthew said, "I want to ply football wih my tiends. S He told me said me/ told tat we want | wanted | he wanted play feteall with my/ his your fends, = 2 Naomi said, help you wth the washing-sp." 5 She told said said me that she wil! {would she would help me/ her! you wit the weshing-up. 3 Angela sic, ‘My mum’ watching a fm on TV with my ile brother” She told told me said me oat my! his her mu had watched was watching watching a Sl on TV wih herd is my ile brother. 4. Davie said, We went othe park with some tiends ‘rom ur schoo Ho said (olf said me thal they've been f they'd been / wove been to the park wth some friends from our! her their sone. 5 James sad, "Andy, my dad can't take ust the 209 on Saturday He said me told him sald him that my! her! his dad couldnt! could dnt can take us therm me'to the 700 on Saturday 6 Josh said, ‘think that well goto the beach with our ‘ousins aftr lunch.” He told told us sai us that he is thinking thought? had thought that we wil go! he woud go they would go to the beach with my/ thoi her cousins ater lunch 7. Sho said, Ive akready done all my homework: She sai! tla said me that she already aid Ive already ‘done! she's areaay dane all my! his her homework Adam sas, ‘My ite sor int going to come to my birthday party Ho told told us said us that my er his ile sister isnt going to! wasn going to! not gong to come to his herd ‘ur bithday pary. bb Read the direct speech sentences. Use reported speech to teport what the speaker said, Make any necessary changes to the highlighted words. 1 TR Waltng for bus to come.” ‘She sald she was waiting for her bus ‘tocome. OR She sald that she was waiting for her bus to come. 2 Hihinvite you and your broths to iy hause for cinner next week, He told me: 3 YOUEaR use abet odo le homework: She lola James 4 "The atic Was really bad, so WRISEY the 17:15 tan’ He said "We're goin buy JOU lovely present for JU tithcey” She tol me 6 ‘elust tried caling Fi rend, but she BAEFEBI, so Link she's away on holiday He sad ee | EAVOCABULARY Personality adjectives @ Complete the crossword puzzle. FaDOINTeTs[z > heross 2 He's so_honest_! When a shop assistant gave him too much change yesterday he didn't keep ithe told her she'd made a mistake, 5 She's extromoly = she's pot lts offends and she loves meeting new people. 7 You know, ve never seen Jim laugh and he rarely sil — he's abways so 8 She's realy — She hates having to tak to people she doesnt know at pats, 10 Hesavey. person —he worries about everthing Down 1 You're sa ! Tha’ the second time you've lst your house keys this month 3 You're sa ~ wy should wo always do what you want to do? Why can't you think about other people for & change? 4 She's avery person. Although she hasnt got ‘much maney, she bough all he frends dinner when it was her birthday 5 He's avery person — he rites poems and short stories and loves painting 8 Mike’ really. and making us laugh. EXPRONUNCIATION Word stress a GAMER Listen to the words and tick (¥) the stressed syllable in each word: Buy — he's always telling us jokes a » 1 eareess — Z}care J ess 2 serious Eso Dos 3 sesh Bsr tin 4 easygoing = Lhe Oe Sirelate Ere ou 6 conidet Jeon Ef dent 7 patient = Epa tient 8 anus Fan xo 8 generous = Egon Erous 10 creative = soe 9 Da x Everyday English UO CRS CUS ¥ EAPRONUNCIATION Main HDUSEFUL LaNGU AGE stress: contrastive Agreeing and disagreeing a Oma Listen to the exchanges @ Match 1-8 with ah to make sentences. in each of B's responses. 1 [ Hbeteve yogis great way to relax bree you go stressed word to bea, 2 [1 Ithink Braz have the bast octal teem in he wor 1 Antonia Banderas is @ Mexican acto. | Spanish ¥ 3 Ll omy opinion, venice i @ more atractiv ity han Or hes ectualy a Spenishector_} eer erence 2 Afrench food's the bestin the wot. | taran 4D] Ths ra nicer cinema tan the one wewentta last wook, | Well actualy Hhink Ratan fooa is | 1? 5] Barcelona isthe biggest oty in Span, the best. 5] Leonarco Dicapi a better actor than Brad Pit 3 Alike the Arvrcan Englsh accent Brtsh 7] inmy view, Ratan cote i beter than French cats B Do you? Ipreter British English, actly | English & Ll think tne weather in the UK in wieter i much Rares eae 4 ANeow York's the best place tov in the USA Son Francisco 2 | don't think so, | hinkthete are more pele in Madi picts thnk San Frncieooshe | best eu best plac. bb That's true. He was bilan in The Great Gatsby. = © Lagre. The seas are very comtortable end the sereen 3 Ate Chetson wl wn Barctona ae ‘Chamtons League ths year ber tm not sue about tha. hink Argentina wil beat them in |_B No way! Batcolona wil i this ea. theta ‘5A Baseballs te most popular soot in @ Defintey k's such a beaut place tows. ove the USA American football {tm ated | dot agree. Het trains so much n January 11m sory, but think American footoall | spot and February. cant stand it is the most popular sport Youre absolutely rai. | ty and do afew exercises every rien 1 tm sory, but how 6 you know? You dont nk eats! GMM Listen and check, Underline the correct words to complete the exchanges. 1A Tthink the Amazon isthe langest river n the worl B Defintely/ don" think so. / That's tue. Actual, | think the Nil is ger than the Amazon 2 A Swiss chocolat i much nicer than Betis chocolat, B You're absolutely right. Of, please. Ym not sure about that Is probably the best in the word 3A Russian isa harder language to learn than Spanish, B Oh, please. dont think s./ Deity ta my view, ‘Spanish is one of the easiest languages to lean, 4k Everybody should retire when they reach sty B That’ right. Oh please. Exact. That's much too cary Older people have so much exsevience which they can pass on to their younger colleagues. 5 A Tables are so much more practical than laptops. Bm sorry but | don't agree. J Vm afraid you're wrong. J That's the. Theyre much lighter and easier to cary. 5A His ast film was biliant Bm not sure about that. Youre right! | don’ tink so. Ws the best fim he's made sofa. Skills for Writing 12 BEREADING @ Read the text on the right and tick (V) the correct answer. 1 The ate lady lost her handloag inthe park [ED The thot gave the handtag back othe olé lady. The pote officers thought Tem had stolen a handbg D1 Tom stopped @ man who hed taken a woman's handbe. b ‘ Read the text again. Are the sentences true or false? 1 Tom was walking across the park wth Brian when he heard the old lacy. ‘The young man coulent escape because Tom was siting on him. Both palice afficers asked Tom to exoain what had happened, Tom didn’t want to accept the ald lady's money at first The ols lady didn't have much manoy. WRITING SKILLS Linkers: past time 2 3 4 5 Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 As-soon as / Suddeniy the police arrived, the man Slaried running down the sleet. 2 Ho sam the strange man with the Dlack dog at 7:30 in the moming. Suddeniy/ Later that day, ne saw him again, but this time without nis dag ‘They said goodnight anc went tack to thei hotel to sleep, AS soon as The folowing morning, tney caught tho lain to Pats, Wo wor siting outsido 2 caf, reading the uldebo0k, Aer @ while Suddenly, there was @ huge explosion and people started running in all cirections, ‘The sky was covered in dark clouds. & few minutes later Later that year, i sated train very heavy. eal N About an hour later, the rain stopped Local hero ‘One hot day last fly, Tom was walking home from university ater playing ina rugby match. 1 had just said goodbye to his bestfriend, Srian, and was walking across the park near his house. Suddenly he Iheard someone shouting ‘Stop, thet” He tamed round and saw a litle ‘old lady. She was pointing ata young man of about 20 who was running, towatds him. He stolen my handbag! she shouted. The thief was ‘coming towards Tom and the old lady shouted to him, ‘Ty, you! Stop ‘him A few seconds later Tom threw bimself atthe young man and the tefl ver on the path. Tom immediately sat on the thls back so ‘he couldn't escape. A fow minutes late Tom heard a siren and saw the ‘Dashing blue light ofa police ear Te old lady had called the police on ‘her mobile phone and, luckily a police car had been near the park a the time, ‘Two police officers got out ofthe car quickly and ran tvwards Tom and the thiefas fasts they could. As soon as they got to Tom, they Immediately arrested the young man. While one ofthem took him tothe police car the othe sterted asking Tom and the old lady some ‘questions about what had happened. Tom gave the oldlady her ‘handbag, Fortunately everything was sll inside The old lady ‘thanked Tom and asked him for his telephone number She explained that she couldn't stop because she was going to vista frend in hospital ‘When the old ady had gone, Tom told the police officer what had ‘happened end he wrote everything down in his notebook Finally, he ‘gave the police officer his phone number and went home. “The following day the old lady phoned Tor. She thanked him again and invited lms (her house, She sald that she wanted to give im a reward Laer that week Tom went (vis the old lady at her house. She lived in a bighouse near the parkand there was a Rolls-Royce in front ‘fit While they talked she made him cup oftes and gave him some delicious chocolate cake. Then, just as he was standing up to leave, she ‘opened her handbag and gave him #500. Tom told her that he did't ‘want to take but she insisted: "Please ake it ve got plenty of money ‘dT really like to thank you for being so brave! In the end Tom, agreed (o take it and ured ito buy anew laptop, Eiweitine @ David went on a walking holiday in Scotland last year, Write a story about what happened. Use the time expressions in the box ‘and the notes to help you. about an hour later suddenly after while later that day 10 minutes later as soon as the following day. later that evening soon last year when lotes on accident during walking holiday Scotland + 3 friends + accident ~ Lop of amountiin? eating sandwiches? weather changed ~ heavy snow - only see 20 metres + started walking down path: next village (spend the night?) + snow: getting deeper? + allconfident walkers: no problems? + shout from behind me: Anthony lying on the ground (Fallen over a rock?) + leg hurting badly broken? + call for help? Mobile phone: emergency services + mountain reecue team (helcopter) + arrived hospital leg not badly broken:no need to operate allfettv.relieved a | UNIT 12 Reading and listening extension EEREADING Read the magazine article above. Put the events in the correct order. Benjamin a Bojamin's me th March 2005, 2enjamin Mee received Coir rom his sister inside wos an Cedverisement for @ house thet was forsale, Iwas @ noure with 200 fll of cnimals int ‘garden Eater thal yer. Benjamin's fathor had died tends matner was ling alone in a large house in Loncion, which she was trying 12 sol for 1.2 milion, the some pce o¢ the 200. Benjamin, who was ving In France wha his wife an twa chien, though! not t would be wonclerfulfor his frm 0 sel hie others house and buy the 700 +0 thal they Cou ailive together ane tote care of each ther. He knew that hi finer, © sensible rman, would not have agreed. But Benjamin ‘was thinking of he future. Surprismay his fomly cared. Benjamin's mother was vary generous and happy fo ‘buy the 200 attr seling her house. "he year before she had spent a day at 2200 helping the 200 keepers anci nad realy enjoyed ooking ater he animate, Benjamin’ wie wat more anxious, She wat very fl and {idt want lo change ho fe, bul Benjamin Sic that i woute help ner and the chien think about something ale Unfortunately, buying the 220 was quite clifcult but Benjamin was paton! anet ‘consent, ahd ater a year of ying. In ‘Cotober 2006, they ci it Bu four cays ater the fry moved ino the 200, hore wa &| Lsester. A Jaguar. a large black eat hod ‘eroaped, after e700 keeper had forgotten lo clot @ doer. the fomiy oko neaded '£500,000 for repairs before they couks open itThen while they were doing the repaits, Benjamin's wife dled, (0n 7 July 2007, he 0 opened and tne fest valtors came to see the animals, There wore tigers. beats, monkeys, parts. snakes anc spiders, and los of others. People loved the 200, and loved what Benjamin, hls cilaren, ‘who were always sociable and friendly with Vallor. and hie family hac cone. In 2008, he wrote @ book cated We bought 1200, which became vety popu. A Hollywood producer read the story and ‘decided to make fim about, ond in 2012, the flm wos releared and the money Benjamin ecimed from it helped! to pay the bill and keep the z00 open. Ifyou'd tke to visit the 200 that Bonjerin’s family bought I's called the Darimoor Zoological Gardans, n south-west Englanc. © Read the magazine article again. Tick (/) the correct responses. Why did Benjamin want to buy Ui 2 [He had abays wanted to work with animals [The 200 opens. i] soriomin's tte dis J A atic tims made about the zo. [D] aerjamin receives» tr fom nis sister. bb Read the magarine article again. Match the adjectives and the descriptions with the people. Complete the table with the words in the boxes, ‘Adjectives Descriptions anxious ‘renal with people zenerous ave lots of money to buy something patient Se sociable was worried about changing something Adjective | Description 1 Benjamin patient | walted.ayear todo something 2 Benjamin's wife 3. Benjamin's mother 4 Benjamin's chiéren 14 is forty buy the zoo. bb [Z| He wantec to bring his fai closer at hor spends a day al 2 200 aii tim © [Hs mater was 2 200 keeper 2 How cis the jaguar escape? #1 The 00 keaper hacnt done something that was important [1 The 200 needed ta be repaired © [1] Avistor opened the doo. 3. Benjamin’ wife died 2 [] before Beniamin oought the 200. Ey before the 200 opened 1 when the zoo opened. How cic the Holwoodflm help Beriamin and the z00? 2 1 Lats of peopl visited the 200 after they saw the fil. > [1] Benjamin wrote a book abou! © 7] The money he gt helped 0 Write a paragraph about a trip that you have recently been on, Remember to include: + where you went + what you die + what preparation you hat! to do before you wen! + what you thought ofthe irs. EALISTENING 4 GMM Listen to the conversation, Put the events in the correct order, rad goes aack tre factory to alt te jowely. Bred aves the hose wth 10 clas Bred meets wo baer ino tea house {Lara runs away and ges ina tan [L] the brothers make Brad 30 necklaces The brothers tae Brad oa cash machine [1 The tree men go sehiseing together. The wo baths take Brad ther jewaley factory. b GMM Listen to the conversation again and read the sentences in direct speech. They are from Brad's story, Dut he uses reported speech. Tick (Y) the correct answers. 1 We car take you to see some tigers tomorrow" Who sad this? aOeed b Oy c¢ Dvn 2 ‘Iihbuy smal piece Who sad this? a Deed» Cy ¢ Ove 3 “eile ready tomorrow. What nil be reaay tomorrow? 2 C1 the money b Fy the owetery © Etre hasta 4 This what you asked for yesterday” What tis? @ Cla smallsiece of jewellery b [20 necklaces © Ethe money 5 "You wll have o pay 100 dollars, What or? [forthe 20 neckiaces bb Ly tortne small eve of weeny © Dy torsiseeing 6 “wil ake you toa cash machine. Who sad this? b Dry © Ove 2 Dera © Write about a good or bad experience you've had on holiday. Remember to include: + where you were + what happened + who you met. AAT 1 y e& Review and extension GRAMMAR Correct the sentences. 1 Bythe time we gato his house, the par finished, By the time we gt tohis house, the party had ished, 2 said her that she couldn't go to the beach by herset, 3 He tole me that my mother has calle ear that ay. 4 We told that he father wouldnt buy her a new computer 55 Tom never rade 2 camel bere, so he was rather nervous, 6 Curtain bas aready leit wnen we tinal arrved at the staton EA VOCABULARY Correct the sentences. 1 Thad a great time at your party on Saturday. Iwas realy funny. Thad a great time at your party on Saturday, It was really fun. 2. She's a really onest person. If shop assistants gve he too much change, she always tli therm. 3 Ho's vory easygoing. I'm sure he won't mind ifyou bring your friend with you when you go to his house for dinner. 4 Imnots very confidant person. For example, | don't ike speaking when Im in a meeting wth large group of people ‘5 Teachers have to learn tobe patent wit thelr stents because soretimes they don't learn things immediate. 6 Why are you always so caress! You've already lost your mobile phone twice this year! Ct ine the correct words to complete the sentences. My father's 48 this year, so he's detritely of mide age / ‘middle aged in the mide of age. 2 Atyour age! In your age On your age, |was working 12 hours a day in a factory. 3 Its really important for young people to save money for 4 They're ssers who are only 18 months diferent of age / apart in age! age dtterence. 5 Vearned to read at an eary age of early age/ at young age =| could read when Iwas only three. 6 He's near my age old bike me/ about my age we both went to university atthe same time, | ther older age old aged third ae. BAU Sy Look again at Review your progress on 9.126 ofthe Student's ‘Book. How well can you do these things now? B=verywell 2-=well 1 =not so.well TCAN .. ‘ella story oO ‘talk about family relationships 0 ‘agree and disagree in discussions, oO write a shart story. o 15

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