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Consultancy Services for Preparation of Road safety Audit Report for Selected Project Roads in RSA

the State of Madhya Pradesh (Machhi to Mendha) Report

Sr.No. Code Year Title the Publication
1. 2006
Accident investigation and prevention Manual
3. IRC:67 2012
Code of Practice for Road Signs(Third Revision)
4. 2013
Capacity Building for Road Safety and Public –Private-
Partnership (PPP) Support
5. IRC:SP-41 1994
Guidelines For the Design of At-Grade Intersections in Rural
& Urban Areas
6. IRC:SP-55 2014
Guidelines on Traffic Management in work Zone
7. IRC:SP-44 1996
Highway Safety Code
8. 2015
Institutional Development for Rural Roads Assets
Management-Support to the Establishment of Rural Road
Network Management Unit and Rural Connectivity Training
and Research Centers (TA 8110-ID)
9. IRC:SP-88 2010
Manual on Road Safety Audit
Operation Manual of PMGSY
11. IRC:SP-20 2002
Rural roads Manual
12. IRC:53 2012
Road Accident Recording Forms A-1 and 4 (Second Revision)
TRL, ADB and Ross Silcock (1996) “Accident Investigation
And Prevention Manual For Highway Engineers, India, TA
14. IRC:32 1969
Standard for Vertical and Horizontal clearances of Overhead
Electric Power and telecommunication lines as related to road
15. IRC:66 1976
Recommended Practice for Sight distance on Rural Highways
16. IRc:79 1981
Recommended Practice for Road Delineators
17. IRc:103 1988
Guidelines for Pedestrian facilities

Aug-19 Revision: R0 Page 1

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