DLP in Elements of Short Story

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Elements of Short Story

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
A. define short story;
B. recall the elements of short story through a guided discussion;
C. note the different elements of short story through reading and
analyzing the literary piece The Necklace by: Guy De Maupassant
D. Realize and appreciate the value of what they have before it’s too


A. Topic: Elements of Short Story
B. Materials: LED TV, Laptop, and Whiteboard
C. References: Book/ movie/ series: The Necklace by: Guy De Maupassant
D. Value Statement: “Money is just a number and numbers never end. If it
takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”
– Robert “Bob” Nesta Marley

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

Classroom Routines:
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Aligning of chairs

Before we proceed for our
next discussion let us first
have a recall on Elements of
- (The learners will participate
in the recall activity)
Today, we will discuss about
the elements of short story.
Maybe some of you have
encountered about this, Don’t
- We’re not certain sir.
Don’t worry class, today I will
make you understand better
all about elements of short
- Sure sir!
Before we go further through
our discussion. Let me first ask
what do you know about short
- A short story is a piece of
prose fiction that typically
can be read in one sitting
and focuses on a self-
contained incident or series
of linked incidents, with the
intent of evoking a “single
effect” or mood.
Very good!
Now kindly give me the 5 key
elements of short story.
- Characters
- Setting
- Conflict
- Theme
- Plot
Excellent answer!
Let’s tackle first the
Kindly give me the definition of
- A character is a person, or
sometimes an animal, who
takes part in the action of a
short story or other literary
Very good!
Can someone enumerate what
are the ways how we get to
know them?
- Through the author’s
physical description of them
- Through their actions
- Through their words
- Through their inner thoughts
- Through what other
characters say and think
about them
Any clarifications?
- None so far sir!
Very well then.
We may proceed with the next

Kindly give me the definition of

- Setting is the time and place
that a story occurs.

- Authors often use

descriptions of landscape,
scenery, buildings, seasons
or weather to provide a
strong sense of setting.
Very good!
Let me give you an example
class of what setting is.
Any clarifications?
- None so far sir!
Very well then.
We may proceed with the next

Kindly give me the definition of

- Theme is the meaning
behind events and
characters’ actions in a story.
- The theme is the central
idea, message, or purpose in
a short story.
- A theme can be expressed
as a general statement
about people or life.
- It is NOT plot summary.
- It can be either directly or
indirectly stated by the
author. Most likely indirectly.
Very good!
Let me give you an example
class of what theme is.

Any clarifications?
- None so far sir!
Very well then.
We may proceed with the next

Kindly give me the definition of

- Conflict is any of the
problems that a character
encounters in a story.

- The conflict is a struggle

between two people or
things in a short story.
Very good!
Kindly give me the general
types of conflict?
- External – conflict with
others and with nature
- Internal – conflict within
Very good!
Kindly give me the struggle
that the main character may
- Man vs Himself
- Man vs Man
- Man vs Nature
- Man vs Society
- Man vs The Supernatural
Very good!
Any clarifications?
- None so far sir!
Very well then.
We may proceed with the next

Kindly give me the definition of

- Plot is a pattern of events
that develop from the
interactions between

- A plot is a series of events

and character actions that
relate to the central conflict.
Very good!
Kindly give me the 5 elements
of a plot?
- Exposition
- Rising Action
- Climax
- Falling Action
- Conclusion

Very good answer!

To further discuss the Plot we
are going to use Footnote as
our guide in exploring the
different parts of the plot.

Let’s tackle first the exposition

Can anyone define what
exposition is in the parts of the
plot? - It gives the readers
necessary information about
earlier events, present
situation, or the characters.

Very good answer!

Now let us read the part in
Footnote to Youth where
exposition was shown

Any clarifications class? - None so far sir!

Let’s proceed then;

The next part is Rising Action.
Can anyone define what Rising
Action is in the parts of the
plot? - It is the working of the
situation by a series of
events; it also involves a
series of complications
leading to crisis.

Excellent answer!
Let me give you an example

Now let us read the part in

Footnote to Youth where
Rising Action was shown

Any clarifications class? - None so far sir!

The next one is Climax.

Can anyone define what
Climax is in the parts of the
plot? - A scene or incident that stirs
the most intense feeling or
emotions of the audience.

Excellent answer!
Let me give you an example

Now let us read the part in

Footnote to Youth where
climax was shown

Any clarifications class? - None so far sir!

The 4th one is Falling Action.

Can anyone define what
Falling Action is in the parts of
the plot? - It clarifies and simplifies the
complicated situation.

Excellent answer!
Let me give you an example

Now let us read the part in

Footnote to Youth where
Falling Action was shown

Any clarifications class? - None so far sir!

The last one is Conclusion.

Can anyone define what
Conclusion is in the parts of
the plot? - It pulls together the various
strands of actions and brings
the situation to close that
satisfies the audiences’

Excellent answer!
Let me give you an example

Now let us read the part in

Footnote to Youth where
Conclusion was shown

Any clarifications class? - None so far sir!


Now kindly give me the 5 key

elements of short story? - Characters
- Setting
- Conflict
- Theme
- Plot

Can someone enumerate what

are the ways how we get to
know them? - Through the author’s
physical description of them
- Through their actions
- Through their words
- Through their inner thoughts
- Through what other
characters say and think
about them

Kindly give me the general

types of conflict? - External – conflict with
others and with nature
- Internal – conflict within

Kindly give me the struggle

that the main character may
face? - Man vs Himself
- Man vs Man
- Man vs Nature
- Man vs Society
- Man vs The Supernatural

Kindly give me the 5 elements

of a plot? - Exposition
- Rising Action
- Climax
- Falling Action
- Conclusion

Any Clarifications class? - None so far sir!

Very well then!

E. Valuing
Always remember class that
everything in this world is
short-lived. Hence, no amount
of material possessions would
satisfy all of our needs. We
need not depend on the things
that we possess but rather the
one who created it for the
people to express our being
through work. All fruits of our
labour must be for the service
of others but not regard it as
having succeeded our being
thereby rejecting our
dependence on God.

Worksheets will be given.
Instructions: Read and analyse carefully the given questions below, encircle the
correct answer among the choices.

Advance: Read in advance about the next lesson.

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