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Sample Workbook to demonstrate the use of REFPROP in a Spreadsheet.

Dr. Eric W. Lemmon Dr. Ian H. Bell

Applied Chemicals and Materials Division Applied Chemicals and Materials Division
Theory and Modeling of Fluids Group Theory and Modeling of Fluids Group
325 Broadway 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305, U.S.A. Boulder, CO 80305, U.S.A.
Phone: +1­303­497­7939 Phone: +1­303­497­6970
Web: Web:

Dr. Marcia L. Huber Dr. Mark O. McLinden

Applied Chemicals and Materials Division Applied Chemicals and Materials Division
Theory and Modeling of Fluids Group Theory and Modeling of Fluids Group
325 Broadway 325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305, U.S.A. Boulder, CO 80305, U.S.A.
Phone: +1­303­497­5252
REFPROP.XLS Version Number:

REFPROP DLL Version Number:

Information is given below about updating
worksheets to version 10. Please read the te
save you and us time as you transf

Welcome to the New REFPROP 10 E

Welcome to the new edition of the REFPROP application for Excel. This workbook no longer uses the com
"=SpeedOfSound(…)", rather the format has changed so that every command starts with "=REFPROP(…)"
of this command. The string format that is sent to the VBA code for the fluids in the mixture and the compo

When learning how the commands work, make comparisons with calculations from the REFPROP graphica
especially important with 2-phase or saturation states for mixtures. All of the example worksheets, except f
obtain properties (as explained much further below).

Do not save your work in this workbook while in the default REFPROP directory; it will be overwritten when
REFPROP 10 comes with its own tab on the ribbon! To activate this, go to the add-ins section (File/Options
below for browsing for this add-in). This will add a tab to your ribbon that says "REFPROP". Click on this ta
the "REFPROP Addins" button for the calculations to work).

Within the macros group is a "Wizard" button that will help you write a REFPROP formula. Click on Wizard
Then select your two input properties (e.g., temperature and pressure) and enter their values. Then select
results will be shown instantly in the user form. The REFPROP string is shown at the bottom. Press "Calcu
Press "Compose" to put the property name, the formula, and the units in three adjacent cells.

The "Insert Function" button is just Excel's function button. Select the REFPROP category to see all availab
then find it).

Instructions for Use of this Workbook and

To update old xls files, a macro has been built to automatically convert (hopefully!) all functions to the new f
"=REFPROP("T",...)". Simply go to the macros section of Excel under "View", and run the macro titled REF
(press Alt-F11), then to the ConvertRefprop9to10 section, and change the first line from "Function" to "Sub"

To write commands to obtain properties, start with "=REFPROP(", then enter the property you would like to
then the input properties, such as "TP" for a temperature-pressure state. The next entry is a unit string (as
Thus, a valid entry would look like this: "=REFPROP("D","Methane","TP","SI",200,10)". This will return a va
following worksheets.

When doing a full recalculation (Ctrl-Alt-F9), every cell in every worksheet is recalculated. To increase the c
contain equations.

Workbook Layout and Infor



Predefined Mixtures

Available Properties



Unit Conversions


Color Coding Methods in the Property C

Color code




Type of calculation

Fluid name

Unit system


Property name

Input code
Output code

Input value

Calculated value

Calculated value to be used as inputs

Check sum

Equations of State
The phrase "Equation of State" is used to describe an equation developed by scientists around the world to
quite complex and take months to years to develop. For a good example of a long-period project, see the e
the most complex Helmholtz energy mixture model ever developed, see the 555 page work of Kunz and Wa There is no charge
note the substantial amount of experimental data that was required to develop the equation. The time and
amount of work that was required to make the equation.

Equations of state have the unique ability to calculate all thermodynamic properties from a single equation.
the independent properties are the temperature and density. From this equation and with given values of T
energy. For example (and simplified), the pressure is the first derivative of the Helmholtz energy with respe
the Helmholtz energy with respect to the reciprocal temperature. Properties that cannot be measured such
state when measurements for multiple properties (density, vapor pressure, sound speed, etc.) were used in
conductivity cannot be calculated from this equation, but require their own separate formulations.

Use of the Code "TD&" to Calcula

When temperature and density are not known, complex iterative schemes must be used to determine these
However, when T and D are known, but the phase of the state point (single phase or two phase) is not know
boundary, which is then used to determine the phase. For mixtures, this is a very complex algorithm and re
from the equation of state for properties in the single phase.

When the state is known to be single phase, the input code "TD&" can be used to avoid the saturation call t
use of this code will be hundreds of times faster. The best practice for obtaining properties is to first determ
example, pressure and enthalpy). The quality should also be calculated, and if the value is NOT between 0
should be used for all other calculations. But be careful! If the quality indicates that the state is two phase
metastable state is desired.
use of this code will be hundreds of times faster. The best practice for obtaining properties is to first determ
example, pressure and enthalpy). The quality should also be calculated, and if the value is NOT between 0
should be used for all other calculations. But be careful! If the quality indicates that the state is two phase
metastable state is desired.

Fixing Problems when the Workshee

If "NAME" appears, the DLL may not have been found. Go to the VBA code (press Alt-F11), search for "RE
"C:\Program files (x86)\REFPROP\REFPROP.DLL". Alternately, you can add the REFPROP directory to yo
Explorer, right click on the XLS or XLA file and go to properties, then click the box that says "Unlock" if it exi

If calculations are not done automatically, look under File/Options/Formulas and turn on the Automatic settin
will cause the workbook to start working properly.

If an error message appears about a problem with a formula that you entered, try changing the commas be
=REFPROP("M", "Nitrogen"), try =REFPROP("M"; "Nitrogen").

Verify the VBA code is running by pressing Alt-F11. In the Project window, in addition to the current spreads
"REFPROP_Ribbon(REFPROP_Ribbon.xlam)" files should be open. If these files are not open, their respe

Use of the VBA Code and X

REFPROP comes with VBA code located in both the REFPROP.XLS and REFPROP.XLA files (and which a
located in the REFPROP program directory. Before using them, it is best to copy the REFPROP.xls file to s
program directory a trusted location.

To do this, go to File/Options/Trust Center/Trust Center Settings, and select "Trusted Locations" on the left.
installed, select "Subfolders of this location are also trusted", and click "OK".

To obtain properties in a new workbook, go to File/Options/Add-ins/Go. Select "REFPROP AddIns" to turn o

new Excel Ribbon and Wizard options.

Speed of Calculations
Complex Calculations: If high speed is important, you may wish to use the 9.1 routines and avoid the new
determine the desired output. The new subroutine is meant for the casual user because it has joined all po
the DLL, and harmonized the code over all programming languages. The REFPROP 9.1 VBA code is avail
load this add-in as well and then have access to the VBA code from both versions 9.1 and 10. Additional in
Fortran directory where the program was installed.
Complex Calculations: If high speed is important, you may wish to use the 9.1 routines and avoid the new
determine the desired output. The new subroutine is meant for the casual user because it has joined all po
the DLL, and harmonized the code over all programming languages. The REFPROP 9.1 VBA code is avail
load this add-in as well and then have access to the VBA code from both versions 9.1 and 10. Additional in
Fortran directory where the program was installed.

Mixtures: In the Refprop 10 VBA code is a line that reads iFlag=1. Read the information above it for activa
for mixture properties. However, this option can be detrimental when you have many large mixtures in your
calculates cells. The fastest method is to use one Excel file for a particular mixture, that way the splines are
becomes quite fast. This also assumes that the composition of the mixture does not change, otherwise you
call the splines once with a particular composition. See the REFPROP.FOR file for further information.

New Code: You can speed up calculations on an Excel sheet by calling the REFPROP routines in your ow
Excel workbook are calculated in Excel’s order, so if cells in a workbook call for different properties of, for ex
be loaded several times, depending on Excel’s calculation order. Properties can be obtained quickly and yo
module that calls the REFPROP DLL. For example, if a cell has been assigned the name "Fluid" and is a V
Refprop", "T", Fluid, "Dsat", "C", D) will return the saturation temperature T(i) of the Fluid at density D. You c
multiple times to get different properties at that state.

Additional Options: Read through the comments in the VBA code for additional options for increasing the

Speed of calculations - Large Workbooks an

Due to Excel's erratic pattern of cell calculation, large workbooks that contain more than one mixture, espec
reduce the calculation speed because each change of the mixture requires REFPROP to reload the compo
"New code" are not used, then one option is to include all components in the mixture string even if the comp
are the only fluids in the worksheet, but only two are used at a time in an equimolar mixture, then it is better
"methane;butane|50;50", where the composition changes from cell to cell. This keeps all four components
on how often the two fluids in the binary mixture change. The FluidString10 command has an optional fourt
components, even if a blank cell is used for the composition of one of the components in the mixture.

Speed of Calculations - Cr
In workbooks where millions of calculations are made in some sort of optimization or other algorithm, the co
switching between different pure fluids or mixtures. Similar to the solution described in the box above, the c
were a mixture. Thus, if the properties of pure nitrogen and pure argon are required, rather than calling the
use two cells with the fluid names, where one says "nitrogen;argon|1;0" and the other says "nitrogen;argon|
"argon;nitrogen|1;0" for the second one since a string comparison between calls will show that the fluids ha
the need to reload the fluids. The use of the format from version 9.1 given as "nitrogen;1;argon;0" will not b
search for the bar symbol "|" to compare the string to the left of that symbol with the string from the previous
as described above.
In workbooks where millions of calculations are made in some sort of optimization or other algorithm, the co
switching between different pure fluids or mixtures. Similar to the solution described in the box above, the c
were a mixture. Thus, if the properties of pure nitrogen and pure argon are required, rather than calling the
use two cells with the fluid names, where one says "nitrogen;argon|1;0" and the other says "nitrogen;argon|
"argon;nitrogen|1;0" for the second one since a string comparison between calls will show that the fluids ha
the need to reload the fluids. The use of the format from version 9.1 given as "nitrogen;1;argon;0" will not b
search for the bar symbol "|" to compare the string to the left of that symbol with the string from the previous
as described above.

Options Available in the VBA Code to Chang

Multiple options for changing how REFPROP calculates properties are available within the VBA code (press
REFPROP.XLS or REFPROP.XLA section). There are comments written in the code that explain how to ma
Setting the path where the fluid files are stored.
Selecting a user-defined set of units.
Changing the reference state (see below).
Selecting either the GERG-2008, AGA8, or Peng-Robinson equations of state as defaults.
Changing the Joule to calorie conversion factor.
Specifying that SATSPLN should be called for mixtures for increased calculation speed and converge
If you are making changes to the XLA file, you will need to go to File/Save and make sure it resaves this file

Changing the Reference

Reference states for enthalpy and entropy vary with fluid, see the following for more info:

To change the reference state for mixture calculations, press Alt-F11 and search for the first section describ
web site above. In the GUI, there is an option for mixtures that sets the reference state to either the compo
instructions in the VBA code where you found the call to SETREF. A value of 1 sets the reference state so th
reference state so that it is applied to the current mixture.

To change the reference state for a pure fluid, skip the first section about SETREF and go on to the second
one of the predefined values: DEF, NBP, IIR, and ASH. These are defined in the SETUP.FOR file or under
own reference state is available with the command OTH (see below). Once you have made the changes as
section. Then exit completely out of Excel, restart, and the enthalpy and entropy values should change. If
the changes were saved in that file (go to File/Save and make sure it says REFPROP.XLA before clicking o
Example of Changing the Reference State
Open the REFPROP.XLS file in the REFPROP directory (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\REFPROP).
REFPROP10Code page. Find the code below:
'hIn = "SETREF": hFld = ""
‘hOut = "NBP"
'hOut = "OTH; 11.11; 22.22; 298.15; 101.325"'
'Call REFPROPdll(hfld, hIn, hOut, 0&, 0&, 2&, 0#, 0#, z(1),…
To use your own specified reference state, change the values on the hOut line to the desired values as des
appropriate lines, for example:
hIn = "SETREF": hFld = ""
'hOut = "NBP"
hOut = "OTH; 0; 0; 273.15; 101.325"
Call REFPROPdll(hFld, hIn, hOut, 0&, 0&, 2&, 0#, 0#, z(1),…
If you are editing the REFPROP.XLA sheet, save it using File > Save > REFPROP.XLA). If it doesn’t let you
that directory and put it in your User’s directory and do this again, or you can make the same changes to th
move the two files back to your REFPROP directory, or use them from the alternate location.

Advantages of the New Single REF

Although the new single function used in the REFPROP 10 Excel spreadsheet may at first be a bit awkward
"Temperature"), there are a number of big advantages gained with this new function, including the following

1) The VBA code was reduced from about 3500 lines down to about 150 lines! All of the previous code wa
of new code added to supplement what was available in 9.1. This means that any other application that cal

2) The new Fortran code in Version 10 that replaces the VBA code from 9.1 was completely rewritten to all
on. New abilities that previously required updating the VBA code for each change have now been generaliz
saturated liquid entropy for a two-phase state, a new routine called LiquidEntropy had to be written. Now, a
property-specific code (which is now in the Fortran files) as was required in the 9.1 VBA code.

3) With only one single function in Version 10, the user can easily write a new VBA subroutine that calls eit
the number of inputs, change the order of inputs, etc. For example, a routine for calculating properties of R
example, to:
"=REFPROP_SI_R410A("H", "TP", 300, 10)"
the number of inputs, change the order of inputs, etc. For example, a routine for calculating properties of R
example, to:
"=REFPROP_SI_R410A("H", "TP", 300, 10)"


s given below about updating your REFPROP 9.1 Exce
ersion 10. Please read the text before you continue, it
you and us time as you transfer to the new style.

Welcome to the New REFPROP 10 Excel Workbook!

PROP application for Excel. This workbook no longer uses the commands from versions 9.1 and earlier such as "=Temperature
t has changed so that every command starts with "=REFPROP(…)". Several sheets are available in this file that demonstrate t
t is sent to the VBA code for the fluids in the mixture and the composition has changed, but version 10 will still read the old 9.1

k, make comparisons with calculations from the REFPROP graphical interface to help ensure that calculated values are identica
uration states for mixtures. All of the example worksheets, except for CheckSum, have been color coded to aid you as you lea
rther below).

while in the default REFPROP directory; it will be overwritten when you install a new version of REFPROP.
The New REFPROP Ribbon
n the ribbon! To activate this, go to the add-ins section (File/Options/Add-ins/Go) and select "REFPROP Ribbon" as an add-in (
s will add a tab to your ribbon that says "REFPROP". Click on this tab and you will see a number of options. (You may also nee
alculations to work).

utton that will help you write a REFPROP formula. Click on Wizard to open the Wizard user form. First select the desired fluid
.g., temperature and pressure) and enter their values. Then select the calculated property. If the "Enable calculation" button is
er form. The REFPROP string is shown at the bottom. Press "Calculate" to enter the string into the current active cell on the sp
ame, the formula, and the units in three adjacent cells.

el's function button. Select the REFPROP category to see all available functions. (If it is not there, press "User defined" and

ructions for Use of this Workbook and Converting 9.x to 10

n built to automatically convert (hopefully!) all functions to the new format by changing, for example, "=Temperature(...)" to
macros section of Excel under "View", and run the macro titled REFPROPConversion. If the macro doesn't exist, go to the VB
prop9to10 section, and change the first line from "Function" to "Sub".

, start with "=REFPROP(", then enter the property you would like to calculate, such as "D" for density. The fluid of interest then
for a temperature-pressure state. The next entry is a unit string (as given on the Units tab), and then finally the values of the tw
"=REFPROP("D","Methane","TP","SI",200,10)". This will return a value of 266.2 kg/m^3. Most functions of interest are given in

F9), every cell in every worksheet is recalculated. To increase the calculation speed, delete all worksheets that you do not nee

Workbook Layout and Information


Codes for unit systems available throughout the workbook.

Methods for defining a preferred unit system.
Pure fluids available in the REFPROP 10 program, including most fixed properties such as the critical point, normal boiling po
value, T and P limits of the equation of state, and so on.

Predefined mixtures available, including the mixture name, components in the mixture, and compositions of the components.

Properties available and the codes required to access them.

Properties in this sheet are those that can be obtained once temperature and density have been determined.
Codes for fluid fixed points, such as the critical and triple points of the pure fluids, are also available on the Fluids worksheet.

Iterative routines to obtain properties from any other two properties (or from one property at saturation).
Special codes are shown to indicate that a state is in the liquid or vapor region to avoid saturation calls to determine the state
Methods to calculate melting properties or properties for metastable states are shown.

Format required to calculate properties for mixtures, including the critical point, maxcondentherm, and maxcondenbar.
Methods for obtaining the compositions of equilibrium phases for 2-phase or saturation states are given, along with an explan
two methods available for calculating the properties of air.

Methods to convert a number from one unit to another unit, such as from psia to kPa.

Test values to ensure that your version of REFPROP is producing the same results as were calculated when version 10.0 wa

olor Coding Methods in the Property Calculation Sheets




Important information that you should read carefully.

For example, single phase vs. two-phase, iterative vs. non-iterative, etc.

The name of the pure fluid, predefined mixture, or user-defined mixture being used.

MOLAR SI, SI, SI WITH C, ENGLISH, MKS, CGS, and several others defined on the Units worksheet.

The units of a calculated value.

Not used by the program, only intended for the human.

Property code sent to the program to identify the input parameters.

Property code sent to the program to identify the output parameter.

Known values of the input properties.

Unknown values calculated from the equations in REFPROP.

Often either density or temperature, which are the independent variables in the equation of state.
Once known, all other properties can be calculated without iteration.

Gives the ability to check that the calculated values in your worksheet are the same as those that came from NIST in Version
REFPROP. A block of calculated values is summed together and the NIST value is subtracted from that sum. The result sho
than some tolerance, usually set to 1e-8. The cell will be green if the numbers match or red if they do not. If red, you may ha
inputs for that section, or your worksheet is not using the DLL and fluid files from Version 10.0.

Equations of State
to describe an equation developed by scientists around the world to represent the thermodynamic properties of fluids. These e
s to develop. For a good example of a long-period project, see the equation for propane in J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54:3141-3180,
xture model ever developed, see the 555 page work of Kunz and Wagner (which required over 10 years to finish) at
publications/technical_monographs/tm15_04.pdf There is no charge to download the document. When looking through these d
ental data that was required to develop the equation. The time and money required to take the measurements easily exceeds 1
ke the equation.

ty to calculate all thermodynamic properties from a single equation. The equation is typically given in terms of the Helmholtz en
perature and density. From this equation and with given values of T and D, other properties are calculated as derivatives of the
he pressure is the first derivative of the Helmholtz energy with respect to density, and the isochoric heat capacity is the second
e reciprocal temperature. Properties that cannot be measured such as entropy are easily and accurately calculated from the eq
properties (density, vapor pressure, sound speed, etc.) were used in the fitting process. Transport properties such as viscosity
his equation, but require their own separate formulations.

Use of the Code "TD&" to Calculate Properties

known, complex iterative schemes must be used to determine these values. Once found, all other properties can be quickly ca
the phase of the state point (single phase or two phase) is not known, another iterative scheme must be used to determine the
ne the phase. For mixtures, this is a very complex algorithm and requires substantially more computation time than a simple c
in the single phase.

hase, the input code "TD&" can be used to avoid the saturation call that would have happened if only "TD" was used as the inpu
es faster. The best practice for obtaining properties is to first determine the temperature and density from the known propertie
quality should also be calculated, and if the value is NOT between 0 and 1 (0<q<1, but not including the end points), then the c
. But be careful! If the quality indicates that the state is two phase, the code TD& should never be used except in rare cases w
es faster. The best practice for obtaining properties is to first determine the temperature and density from the known propertie
quality should also be calculated, and if the value is NOT between 0 and 1 (0<q<1, but not including the end points), then the c
. But be careful! If the quality indicates that the state is two phase, the code TD& should never be used except in rare cases w

Fixing Problems when the Worksheets do not Work

ve been found. Go to the VBA code (press Alt-F11), search for "REFPROP.DLL", and change to the location where it is installe
PROP.DLL". Alternately, you can add the REFPROP directory to your Path statement. Another issue might be a locked file. In
ile and go to properties, then click the box that says "Unlock" if it exists (under Security).

y, look under File/Options/Formulas and turn on the Automatic setting. Sometimes pressing Ctrl-Alt-F9, which normally means
g properly.

oblem with a formula that you entered, try changing the commas between the fields to semicolons. For example, instead of
PROP("M"; "Nitrogen").

ing Alt-F11. In the Project window, in addition to the current spreadsheet, the "REFPROPExcelSpreadsheet (REFPROP.XLA)"
n.xlam)" files should be open. If these files are not open, their respective VBA codes will not run.

Use of the VBA Code and XLA Files

ed in both the REFPROP.XLS and REFPROP.XLA files (and which are identical), and a file called REFPROP_Ribbon.xlam that
tory. Before using them, it is best to copy the REFPROP.xls file to somewhere in your User's directory, and then make the REF

er/Trust Center Settings, and select "Trusted Locations" on the left. Click "Add new location". Browse to the directory where R
ion are also trusted", and click "OK".

go to File/Options/Add-ins/Go. Select "REFPROP AddIns" to turn on the REFPROP.xla VBA code. Select "REFPROP Ribbon

Speed of Calculations
s important, you may wish to use the 9.1 routines and avoid the new subroutine called REFPROP, which uses a lot of string co
subroutine is meant for the casual user because it has joined all possible calls into one single routine, made more options avai
all programming languages. The REFPROP 9.1 VBA code is available in the REFPRP91.XLA file in your REFPROP directory
ccess to the VBA code from both versions 9.1 and 10. Additional information is given further below and in the REFPROP.FOR
s installed.
s important, you may wish to use the 9.1 routines and avoid the new subroutine called REFPROP, which uses a lot of string co
subroutine is meant for the casual user because it has joined all possible calls into one single routine, made more options avai
all programming languages. The REFPROP 9.1 VBA code is available in the REFPRP91.XLA file in your REFPROP directory
ccess to the VBA code from both versions 9.1 and 10. Additional information is given further below and in the REFPROP.FOR
s installed.

is a line that reads iFlag=1. Read the information above it for activating the splines that are used to obtain much higher calcula
ption can be detrimental when you have many large mixtures in your spreadsheet because of the way that Excel jumps around
to use one Excel file for a particular mixture, that way the splines are calculated once and then the calculation speed after that g
that the composition of the mixture does not change, otherwise you may need to modify the VBA code that comes with the file
mposition. See the REFPROP.FOR file for further information.

ions on an Excel sheet by calling the REFPROP routines in your own VBA code, and then write the results on a sheet. Formul
s order, so if cells in a workbook call for different properties of, for example, methane and propane, the fluid file methane and p
Excel’s calculation order. Properties can be obtained quickly and you can control the output format with the Run(…) command
For example, if a cell has been assigned the name "Fluid" and is a VBA string that uses FluidString10(…), then T(i) = Run("refpr
return the saturation temperature T(i) of the Fluid at density D. You can also compute multiple properties at one state point inste
at that state.

comments in the VBA code for additional options for increasing the speed of calculations.

of calculations - Large Workbooks and/or Complex Mixtures

culation, large workbooks that contain more than one mixture, especially those with a significant number of components, can dr
each change of the mixture requires REFPROP to reload the components and mixture parameters. If the methods in the block
on is to include all components in the mixture string even if the composition is zero. For example, if methane, ethane, propane,
only two are used at a time in an equimolar mixture, then it is better to use "methane;ethane;propane;butane|50;0;0;50" rather
mposition changes from cell to cell. This keeps all four components loaded in memory and can substantially increase the speed
mixture change. The FluidString10 command has an optional fourth parameter that should be set to "1" to force the string to c
d for the composition of one of the components in the mixture.

Speed of Calculations - Crashes

ons are made in some sort of optimization or other algorithm, the code may fail after 100,000 to one million calculations when c
or mixtures. Similar to the solution described in the box above, the crashes can often be resolved by loading all the fluids at onc
of pure nitrogen and pure argon are required, rather than calling the routine for pure nitrogen and then again for pure argon, it is
e one says "nitrogen;argon|1;0" and the other says "nitrogen;argon|0;1", and then refer to these as you make the calculations.
since a string comparison between calls will show that the fluids have changed (based only on the inputs sent to the routine), t
of the format from version 9.1 given as "nitrogen;1;argon;0" will not be as fast since it has to parse the line to get the fluids rathe
e the string to the left of that symbol with the string from the previous calculation. Mixtures are similar, where all fluids are loade
ons are made in some sort of optimization or other algorithm, the code may fail after 100,000 to one million calculations when c
or mixtures. Similar to the solution described in the box above, the crashes can often be resolved by loading all the fluids at onc
of pure nitrogen and pure argon are required, rather than calling the routine for pure nitrogen and then again for pure argon, it is
e one says "nitrogen;argon|1;0" and the other says "nitrogen;argon|0;1", and then refer to these as you make the calculations.
since a string comparison between calls will show that the fluids have changed (based only on the inputs sent to the routine), t
of the format from version 9.1 given as "nitrogen;1;argon;0" will not be as fast since it has to parse the line to get the fluids rathe
e the string to the left of that symbol with the string from the previous calculation. Mixtures are similar, where all fluids are loade

s Available in the VBA Code to Change how REFPROP Works

PROP calculates properties are available within the VBA code (press Alt-F11, then look under Modules/REFPROP10Code in the
on). There are comments written in the code that explain how to make these work (the code is short, less than 150 lines!) Thes
es are stored.
e below).
AGA8, or Peng-Robinson equations of state as defaults.
nversion factor.
be called for mixtures for increased calculation speed and convergence.
le, you will need to go to File/Save and make sure it resaves this file, otherwise you will lose your changes.

Changing the Reference State

py vary with fluid, see the following for more info:

re calculations, press Alt-F11 and search for the first section describing the call to SETREF. Information about this section is giv
option for mixtures that sets the reference state to either the composition in use or to each pure fluid. To set this option in Exce
found the call to SETREF. A value of 1 sets the reference state so that it is applied to each pure component, and a value of 2 s
e current mixture.

e fluid, skip the first section about SETREF and go on to the second occurrence. There you have the ability to change the refer
P, IIR, and ASH. These are defined in the SETUP.FOR file or under the options/reference state menu in the GUI. The option to
e command OTH (see below). Once you have made the changes as described, you need to save the VBA code under the File/
cel, restart, and the enthalpy and entropy values should change. If they do not and you are using the refprop.XLA add-in, make
to File/Save and make sure it says REFPROP.XLA before clicking on that option).
ple of Changing the Reference State to User Defined Values
FPROP directory (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\REFPROP). Use Alt-F11 and go to REFPROPExcelSpreadsheet > Mod
e below:

&, 0&, 2&, 0#, 0#, z(1),…
ate, change the values on the hOut line to the desired values as described in the text on that line in the code, and uncomment th

&, 0&, 2&, 0#, 0#, z(1),…
eet, save it using File > Save > REFPROP.XLA). If it doesn’t let you save in the installation directory, then you can move the X
irectory and do this again, or you can make the same changes to the XLS file and save it elsewhere as an XLA file. If possible,
OP directory, or use them from the alternate location.

Advantages of the New Single REFPROP Function

n the REFPROP 10 Excel spreadsheet may at first be a bit awkward due to the use of codes for the properties (such as "T" vs.
big advantages gained with this new function, including the following:

out 3500 lines down to about 150 lines! All of the previous code was moved into the Fortran (and thus the DLL), with a substan
was available in 9.1. This means that any other application that calls the DLL now also has access to the same features as av

that replaces the VBA code from 9.1 was completely rewritten to allow access to nearly all of REFPROP's abilities, flags, settin
ed updating the VBA code for each change have now been generalized to avoid these problems. For example, when a user ne
state, a new routine called LiquidEntropy had to be written. Now, all properties are available regardless of the state, and witho
the Fortran files) as was required in the 9.1 VBA code.

ion 10, the user can easily write a new VBA subroutine that calls either the REFPROP DLL directly or the REFPROP VBA routin
of inputs, etc. For example, a routine for calculating properties of R410A in SI units could be written to reduce the calling functi

, 10)"
of inputs, etc. For example, a routine for calculating properties of R410A in SI units could be written to reduce the calling functi

, 10)"
Units Available in the REFPROP Interface

Unit Systems
Shortcut ® C E
Kinematic viscosity KV #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?
Thermal conductivity TCX #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO?

These are Base SI unit

systems, the first is molar, the
second is mass.
Unit Systems
#MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? Two user-definable sets are available, and are acces
#MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? string for the unit to either "USER" or "USER2" (the 4
#MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? the REFPROP command). To set the units desired, p
access the VBA code, and follow the instructions in th
#MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? #MACRO? units..." section.
ble sets are available, and are accessed by setting the
to either "USER" or "USER2" (the 4th item in each call to
ommand). To set the units desired, press Alt-F11 to
code, and follow the instructions in the "User defined
Available Fluids

New in
Short name Version 10 Full name
1,3-Butadiene ü Buta-1,3-diene
1-Butyne ü But-1-yne
1-Pentene ü Pent-1-ene
2,2-Dimethylbutane ü 2,2-Dimethylbutane
2,3-Dimethylbutane ü 2,3-Dimethylbutane
3-Methylpentane ü 3-Methylpentane
Acetone Propanone
Acetylene ü Ethyne
Ammonia Ammonia
Argon Argon
Benzene Benzene
Butane n-Butane
Butene 1-Butene
Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide
Carbonyl sulfide Carbon oxide sulfide
Chlorine ü Chlorine
Chlorobenzene ü Chlorobenzene
cis-Butene cis-2-Butene
Cyclobutene ü 1-Cyclobutene
Cyclohexane Cyclohexane
Cyclopentane Cyclopentane
Cyclopropane Cyclopropane
D4 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane
D5 Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane
D6 Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane
DEA ü 2,2'-Iminodiethanol
Decane Decane
Deuterium Deuterium
Dichloroethane ü 1,2-Dichloroethane
Diethyl ether Diethyl ether
Dimethyl carbonate Dimethyl ester carbonic acid
Dimethyl ether Methoxymethane
Docosane ü Docosane
Dodecane Dodecane
Ethane Ethane
Ethanol Ethyl alcohol
Ethylene glycol ü 1,2-Ethandiol
Ethylbenzene Phenylethane
Ethylene Ethene
Ethylene oxide ü Ethylene oxide
Fluorine Fluorine
Heavy water Deuterium oxide
Helium Helium-4
Heptane Heptane
Hexadecane ü Hexadecane
Hexane Hexane
Hydrogen (normal) Hydrogen (normal)
Hydrogen chloride Hydrogen chloride
Hydrogen sulfide Hydrogen sulfide
Isobutane 2-Methylpropane
Isobutene 2-Methyl-1-propene
Isohexane 2-Methylpentane
Isooctane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane
Isopentane 2-Methylbutane
Krypton Krypton
MD2M Decamethyltetrasiloxane
MD3M Dodecamethylpentasiloxane
MD4M Tetradecamethylhexasiloxane
MDM Octamethyltrisiloxane
MEA ü Ethanolamine
Methane Methane
Methanol Methanol
Methyl linoleate Methyl (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoate
Methyl linolenate Methyl (Z,Z,Z)-9,12,15-octadecatrienoate
Methyl oleate Methyl cis-9-octadecenoate
Methyl palmitate Methyl hexadecanoate
Methyl stearate Methyl octadecanoate
Methylcyclohexane Methylcyclohexane
MM Hexamethyldisiloxane
m-Xylene 1,3-Dimethylbenzene
Neon Neon
Neopentane 2,2-Dimethylpropane
Nitrogen Nitrogen
Nitrogen trifluoride Nitrogen trifluoride
Nitrous oxide Dinitrogen monoxide
Nonane Nonane
Novec 649, 1230 1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-Nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3
Octane Octane
Orthohydrogen Orthohydrogen
Oxygen Oxygen
o-Xylene 1,2-Dimethylbenzene
Parahydrogen Parahydrogen
Pentane Pentane
Perfluorobutane Decafluorobutane
Perfluorohexane ü Tetradecafluorohexane
Perfluoropentane Dodecafluoropentane
Propadiene ü 1,2-Propadiene
Propane Propane
Propylcyclohexane n-Propylcyclohexane
Propylene Propene
Propylene oxide ü 1,2-Epoxypropane
Propyne Propyne
p-Xylene 1,4-Dimethylbenzene
R11 Trichlorofluoromethane
R1123 ü Trifluoroethylene
R113 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
R114 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
R115 Chloropentafluoroethane
R116 Hexafluoroethane
R12 Dichlorodifluoromethane
R1216 Hexafluoropropene
R1224yd(Z) ü (Z)-1-Chloro-2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene
R123 2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane
R1233zd(E) trans-1-Chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propene
R1234yf 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene
R1234ze(E) trans-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene
R1234ze(Z) ü cis-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene
R124 1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
R1243zf ü 3,3,3-Trifluoropropene
R125 Pentafluoroethane
R13 Chlorotrifluoromethane
R1336mzz(Z) ü (Z)-1,1,1,4,4,4-Hexafluoro-2-butene
R134a 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane
R13I1 Trifluoroiodomethane
R14 Tetrafluoromethane
R141b 1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane
R142b 1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane
R143a 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane
R152a 1,1-Difluoroethane
R161 Fluoroethane
R21 Dichlorofluoromethane
R218 Octafluoropropane
R22 Chlorodifluoromethane
R227ea 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane
R23 Trifluoromethane
R236ea 1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane
R236fa 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropane
R245ca 1,1,2,2,3-Pentafluoropropane
R245fa 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane
R32 Difluoromethane
R365mfc 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane
R40 Methyl chloride
R41 Fluoromethane
RC318 Octafluorocyclobutane
RE143a Methyl trifluoromethyl ether
RE245cb2 Methyl-pentafluoroethyl-ether
RE245fa2 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl-difluoromethyl-ether
RE347mcc (HFE-7000) 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3-methoxypropane
Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide
Sulfur hexafluoride Sulfur hexafluoride
Toluene Methylbenzene
trans-Butene trans-2-Butene
Undecane Undecane
Vinyl chloride ü Chloroethylene
Water Water
Xenon Xenon

Codes to Obtain this Information Directly from the Fluid Files

Short name Full name
acetylene #MACRO? #MACRO?
Synonym Fluid file Chemical Formula
Vinylethylene 13BUTADIENE.FLD CH2=(CH)2=CH2
Ethylacetylene 1BUTYNE.FLD C4H6
Propylethylene 1PENTENE.FLD C5H10
Butane, 2,3-dimethyl- 23DIMETHYLBUTANE.FLD (CH3)2CHCH(CH3)2
Pentane, 3-methyl- 3METHYLPENTANE.FLD (CH3CH2)2CHCH3
Dimethyl ketone acetone.FLD (CH3)2CO
Narcylen, vinylene acetylene.FLD C2H2
R-717 ammonia.FLD NH3
R-740 argon.FLD Ar
Benzene benzene.FLD C6H6
R-600 butane.FLD CH3-2(CH2)-CH3
1-Butylene 1BUTENE.FLD CH3-CH2-CH=CH2
R-744 CO2.FLD CO2
Carbon oxide CO.FLD CO
Carbon oxysulfide COS.FLD COS
Chlorine chlorine.FLD Cl2
Phenyl chloride chlorobenzene.FLD C6H5Cl
Cyclobutan-1,2-diyl cyclobutene.FLD C4H6
Cyclohexane CYCLOHEX.FLD cyclo-C6H12
Trimethylene CYCLOPRO.FLD cyclo-C3H6
D4 D4.FLD C8H24O4Si4
D5 D5.FLD C10H30O5Si5
D6 D6.FLD C12H36Si6O6
bis(2-hydroxyethyl)Amine DEA.FLD HN(CH2CH2OH)2
n-Decane decane.FLD CH3-8(CH2)-CH3
Deuterium D2.FLD D2
R-150 R150.FLD C2H4Cl2
Ethyl ether DEE.FLD C4H10O
RE-170 DME.FLD (CH3)2O
n-Docosane C22.FLD C22H46
n-Dodecane C12.FLD CH3-10(CH2)-CH3
R-170 ethane.FLD CH3CH3
Methyl carbinol ethanol.FLD C2H6O
Glycol alcohol EGLYCOL.FLD OH(CH2CH2)OH
Benzene, ethyl- EBENZENE.FLD C8H10
R-1150 ethylene.FLD CH2=CH2
Fluorine fluorine.FLD F2
Deuterium oxide D2O.FLD D2O
R-704 helium.FLD He
n-Heptane heptane.FLD CH3-5(CH2)-CH3
n-Hexadecane C16.FLD C16H34
n-Hexane hexane.FLD CH3-4(CH2)-CH3
Hydrogen chloride HCL.FLD HCl
Dihydrogen monosulfide H2S.FLD H2S
Methylpropene IBUTENE.FLD CH2=C(CH3)2
Methylpentane IHEXANE.FLD (CH3)2CH(CH2)2CH3
Isobutyltrimethylmethane IOCTANE.FLD (CH3)2CHCH2C(CH3)3
R-784 krypton.FLD Kr
2-Aminoethanol MEA.FLD HOCH2CH2NH2
R-50 methane.FLD CH4
Methyl alcohol methanol.FLD CH3OH
Methyl ester(Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid MLINOLEA.FLD C19H34O2
Methyl ester linolenic acid MLINOLEN.FLD C19H32O2
Methyl ester oleic acid MOLEATE.FLD C19H36O2
Methyl ester palmitic acid MPALMITA.FLD C17H34O2
Methyl ester stearic acid MSTEARAT.FLD C19H38O2
Cyclohexylmethane C1CC6.FLD C6H11(CH3)
m-Xylene MXYLENE.FLD C8H10
R-720 neon.FLD Ne
Tetramethylmethane NEOPENTN.FLD C(CH3)4
R-728 nitrogen.FLD N2
Trifluoroamine NF3.FLD NF3
R-744A N2O.FLD N2O
n-Nonane nonane.FLD CH3-7(CH2)-CH3
Dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one NOVEC649.FLD CF3CF2C(=O)CF(CF3)2
n-Octane octane.FLD CH3-6(CH2)-CH3
R-732 oxygen.FLD O2
o-Xylene OXYLENE.FLD C8H10
R-601 pentane.FLD CH3-3(CH2)-CH3
Perfluorobutane C4F10.FLD C4F10
Perfluorohexane C6F14.FLD C6F14
Perfluoropentane C5F12.FLD C5F12
Allene propadiene.FLD C3H4
R-290 propane.FLD CH3CH2CH3
Propylcyclohexane C3CC6.FLD (C6H11)CH2CH2CH3
Methyl acetylene propyne.FLD CH3CCH
p-Xylene PXYLENE.FLD C8H10
CFC-11 R11.FLD CCl3F
HFO-1123 R1123.FLD CF2=CHF
CFC-113 R113.FLD CCl2FCClF2
CFC-114 R114.FLD CClF2CClF2
CFC-115 R115.FLD CClF2CF3
FC-116 R116.FLD CF3CF3
CFC-12 R12.FLD CCl2F2
Hexafluoropropylene R1216.FLD C3F6
HCFO-1224yd(Z) R1224YDZ.FLD CF3CF=CHCl (cis)
HCFC-123 R123.FLD CHCl2CF3
HFO-1233zd(E) R1233ZDE.FLD CF3CH=CHCl
R-1234yf R1234yf.FLD CF3CF=CH2
HFO-1234ze(E) R1234ZEE.FLD CHF=CHCF3 (trans)
R-1234ze(Z) R1234ZEZ.FLD CHF=CHCF3 (cis)
HFO-1243zf R1243zf.FLD CH2=CHCF3
HFC-125 R125.FLD CHF2CF3
CFC-13 R13.FLD CClF3
HFO-1336mzz(Z) R1336MZZZ.FLD CF3CH=CHCF3(Z)
HFC-134a R134a.FLD CF3CH2F
FC-14 R14.FLD CF4
HCFC-141b R141b.FLD CCl2FCH3
HCFC-142b R142b.FLD CClF2CH3
HFC-143a R143a.FLD CF3CH3
HFC-152a R152a.FLD CHF2CH3
Ethyl fluoride R161.FLD C2H5F
Perfluoropropane R218.FLD CF3CF2CF3
HFC-227ea R227ea.FLD CF3CHFCF3
HFC-236ea R236ea.FLD CF3CHFCHF2
HFC-236fa R236fa.FLD CF3CH2CF3
HFC-245ca R245ca.FLD CHF2CF2CH2F
HFC-245fa R245fa.FLD CF3CH2CHF2
HFC-32 R32.FLD CH2F2
HFC-365mfc R365mfc.FLD CF3CH2CF2CH3
Methyl chloride R40.FLD CH3Cl
FC-C318 RC318.FLD cyclo-C4F8
HFE-143a RE143a.FLD CH3-O-CF3
HFE-245cb2 RE245cb2.FLD CF3CF2OCH3
HFE-245fa2 RE245fa2.FLD CHF2OCH2CF3
R-764 SO2.FLD SO2
Sulfur fluoride SF6.FLD SF6
Toluene toluene.FLD CH3-C6H5
n-Undecane C11.FLD CH3-9(CH2)-CH3
R-718 water.FLD H2O
Xenon xenon.FLD Xe
Synonym Fluid file Chemical Formula
Boiling point Triple point Critical
Short Formula Molar Mass (g/mol) temperature (K) temperature (K) temperature (K)
C4H6 54.09044 268.661 164.25 425.135
C4H6 54.09044 281.23 147.44 432
C5H10 70.1329 303.101 107.797 465.74
C6H14 86.17536 322.846 174.2 490
C6H14 86.17536 331.177 145.05 500.6
C6H14 86.17536 336.379 110.263 506
C3H6O 58.07914 329.22 178.5 508.1
C2H2 26.03728 188.26 191.75 308.3
NH3 17.03052 239.832 195.49 405.56
Ar 39.948 87.302 83.8058 150.687
C6H6 78.11184 353.219 278.674 562.02
C4H10 58.1222 272.66 134.895 425.125
C4H8 56.10632 266.84 87.8 419.29
CO2 44.0098 194.686 216.592 304.1282
CO 28.0101 81.64 68.16 132.86
COS 60.0751 222.99 134.3 378.77
Cl2 70.906 239.198 172.17 416.8654
C6H5Cl 112.557 405.21 227.9 632.35
C4H8 56.10632 276.87 134.3 435.75
C4H6 54.09044 275.73 150 448
C6H12 84.15948 353.865 279.86 553.6
C5H10 70.1329 322.4 179.7 511.72
C3H6 42.081 241.67 145.7 398.3
C8H24O4Si4 296.61576 448.891 290.25 586.5
C10H30O5Si5 370.7697 484.06 226 618.3
C12H36Si6O6 444.924 518.11 270.2 645.78
C4H11NO2 105.1356 541.234 301.1 736.5
C10H22 142.28168 447.27 243.5 617.7
D2 4.0282 23.661 18.724 38.34
C2H4Cl2 98.9592 356.65 237.52 561.6
C4H10O 74.1216 307.604 156.92 466.7
C3H6O3 90.0779 363.256 277.06 557
C2H6O 46.06844 248.368 131.66 400.378
C22H46 310.601 641.298 317.04 792.2
C12H26 170.33484 489.442 263.6 658.1
C2H6 30.06904 184.569 90.368 305.322
C2H6O 46.06844 351.57 159 514.71
C2H6O2 62.06784 470.313 260.6 719
C8H10 106.165 409.314 178.2 617.12
C2H4 28.05376 169.38 103.986 282.35
C2H4O 44.05256 283.66 160.654 468.92
F2 37.99681 85.0368 53.4811 144.414
D2O 20.027508 374.549 276.969 643.847
He 4.002602 4.2238 2.1768 5.1953
C7H16 100.202 371.55 182.55 540.2
C16H34 226.441 559.903 291.329 722.1
C6H14 86.17536 341.866 177.83 507.82
H2 2.01588 20.369 13.957 33.145
HCl 36.46094 188.173 159.07 324.68
H2S 34.08088 212.85 187.7 373.1
C4H10 58.1222 261.401 113.73 407.81
C4H8 56.10632 266.15 132.4 418.09
C6H14 86.17536 333.36 119.6 497.7
C8H18 114.22852 372.358 165.77 544
C5H12 72.14878 300.98 112.65 460.35
Kr 83.798 119.73 115.775 209.48
C10H30Si4O3 310.6854 467.59 205.2 599.4
C12H36Si5O4 384.839 503.032 192 628.96
C14H42O5Si6 458.99328 532.905 214.15 653.2
C8H24O2Si3 236.53146 425.63 187.2 565.3609
C2H7NO 61.0831 443.564 283.7 671.4
CH4 16.0428 111.667 90.6941 190.564
CH4O 32.04216 337.632 175.61 513.38
C19H34O2 294.47206 628.84 238.1 799
C19H32O2 292.45618 629.13 218.65 772
C19H36O2 296.48794 627.18 253.47 782
C17H34O2 270.45066 602.269 242 755
C19H38O2 298.50382 629.56 311.84 775
C7H14 98.18606 374 146.7 572.2
C6H18OSi2 162.3768 373.658 204.93 518.7
C8H10 106.165 412.214 225.3 616.89
Ne 20.179 27.1 24.5561 44.4
C5H12 72.14878 282.65 256.6 433.74
N2 28.01348 77.355 63.151 126.192
F3N 71.019 144.138 66.36 234
N2O 44.0128 184.68 182.33 309.52
C9H20 128.2551 423.91 219.7 594.55
C6F12O 316.0444 322.202 165 441.81
C8H18 114.229 398.794 216.37 568.74
H2 2.01594 20.38 14.008 33.22
O2 31.9988 90.1878 54.361 154.581
C8H10 106.165 417.521 247.985 630.259
H2 2.01588 20.271 13.8033 32.938
C5H12 72.14878 309.209 143.47 469.7
C4F10 238.027 271.123 144 386.326
C6F14 338.042 330.274 187.07 448
C5F12 288.034 302.453 148.21 421
C3H4 40.06386 240.874 136.65 398
C3H8 44.09562 231.036 85.525 369.89
C9H18 126.23922 429.856 178.2 630.8
C3H6 42.07974 225.531 87.953 364.211
C3H6O 58.07914 307.268 161.244 488.11
C3H4 40.06386 250 170.5 402.38
C8H10 106.165 411.47 286.4 616.168
CCl3F 137.368 296.858 162.68 471.11
C2HF3 82.02455 214.06 200 331.73
C2Cl3F3 187.375 320.735 236.93 487.21
C2Cl2F4 170.921 276.741 180.63 418.83
C2ClF5 154.466416 233.932 173.75 353.1
C2F6 138.01182 195.06 173.1 293.03
CCl2F2 120.913 243.398 116.099 385.12
C3F6 150.0225192 242.81 117.654 358.9
C3HClF4 148.4867 287.767 263 428.69
C2HCl2F3 152.931 300.973 166 456.831
C3H2ClF3 130.4962 291.413 195.15 439.6
C3F4H2 114.0415928 243.665 122.77 367.85
C3F4H2 114.0416 254.177 169 382.513
C3F4H2 114.0416 282.878 238 423.27
C2HClF4 136.475 261.187 74 395.425
C3H3F3 96.05113 247.726 200 376.93
C2HF5 120.0214 225.06 172.52 339.173
CClF3 104.459 191.67 92 302
C4H2F6 164.056 306.603 182.65 444.5
C2H2F4 102.032 247.076 169.85 374.21
CF3I 195.9104 251.291 195.15 396.44
CF4 88.01 145.1 89.54 227.51
C2H3Cl2F 116.94962 305.2 169.68 477.5
C2H3ClF2 100.49503 264.03 142.72 410.26
C2H3F3 84.041 225.91 161.34 345.857
C2H4F2 66.051 249.127 154.56 386.411
C2H5F 48.0595 235.614 130 375.25
CHCl2F 102.92 282.01 142.8 451.48
C3F8 188.01933 236.36 125.45 345.02
CHClF2 86.468 232.34 115.73 369.295
C3HF7 170.02886 256.81 146.35 374.9
CHF3 70.01385 191.132 118.02 299.293
C3H2F6 152.0384 279.322 170 412.44
C3H2F6 152.0384 271.66 179.6 398.07
C3H3F5 134.04794 298.412 196 447.57
C3H3F5 134.04794 288.198 170 427.01
CH2F2 52.024 221.499 136.34 351.255
C4H5F5 148.07452 313.343 239 460
CH3Cl 50.48752 249.173 175.51 416.3
CH3F 34.03292 194.84 129.82 317.28
C4F8 200.04 267.175 233.35 388.38
C2H3F3O 100.0398 249.572 240 377.921
C3H3F5O 150.047336 278.76 250 406.813
C3H3F5O 150.047336 302.4 250 444.88
C4H3F7O 200.0548424 307.328 150.65 437.7
O2S 64.0638 263.137 197.7 430.64
SF6 146.0554192 204.9 223.555 318.7232
C7H8 92.13842 383.75 178 591.75
C4H8 56.10632 274.03 167.6 428.61
C11H24 156.30826 468.934 247.541 638.8
C2H3Cl 62.49822 259.443 119.31 424.964
H2O 18.015268 373.1243 273.16 647.096
Xe 131.293 165.05 161.405 289.733
Boiling point Triple point Critical
Short Formula Molar Mass (g/mol) temperature (K) temperature (K) temperature (K)

This is the boiling point

from the fluid file, not
calculated from the
equation of state.
Heat of
Critical pressure Critical density Heating value Formation
(MPa) (mol/dm^3) Dipole moment Acentric factor (J/mol) (J/mol)
4.3053 4.53 0 0.192 2540.77 109236
4.1416 4.65 0.81 0.28 2596.76 165226
3.598 3.45 0.51 0.233 3375.42 -21285
3.138 2.78 0 0.23 4177.52 -184356
3.161 2.8 0 0.247 4185.28 -176596
3.1845 2.78 0 0.268 4189.9 -171976
4.6924 4.7 2.88 0.3071
5.9882 8.83 0 0.178 1301.86 229008
11.3634 13.696 1.47 0.256 382.81
4.863 13.40742965 0 -0.00219 0 0
4.907277 3.901 0 0.211 3301.43 82874
3.796 3.922769613 0.05 0.201 2877.4 -125794
4.0051 4.24 0.339 0.192 2716.82 -544
7.3773 10.6249063 0 0.22394 0
3.494 10.85 0.1 0.0497 282.98
6.37 7.41 0.7152 0.0978 548.23
7.6424 8.06 0 0.07
4.5206 3.24 1.69 0.2532
4.2255 4.244 0.3 0.202 2710.76 -6604
5.1495 5.17 0.136 0.163 2588.23 156696
4.0805 3.224 0.3 0.2096 3952.96 -123086
4.5828 3.92 0 0.202 3319.59 -77115
5.5797 6.1429149 0 0.1305 2091.33 53307
1.3472 1.043 1.09 0.598
1.0934 0.82 1.349 0.637
0.961 0.6272885478 1.559 0.736
4.95075 3.3 2.78994 1.013
2.103 1.64 0.07 0.4884 6829.77 -249470
1.6796 17.23 0 -0.136 0
5.22612 4.33 1.44 0.268
3.7202 3.5617148 1.151 0.29
4.9088 4 0.899 0.346
5.3368 5.94 1.301 0.196
1.174 0.723 0 0.978 14734.332 -497000
1.817 1.33 0 0.574 8147.19 -290732
4.8722 6.856886685 0 0.0995 1560.69 -83822
6.268 5.93 1.6909 0.646 1382.761
10.5087 5.88 2.41 0.619
3.6224 2.741016 0.6 0.305 4607.15 29912
5.0418 7.63676598 0 0.0866 1411.18 52498
7.3047 7.17 1.89 0.21
5.1724 15.603 0 0.0449
21.6618 17.77555 1.9 0.364
0.22832 17.3837 0 -0.3836 0 0
2.73573 2.33 0.07 0.349 4853.43 -187787
1.47985 1 0 0.749 10777.186 -378100
3.0441 2.706 0.07 0.3 4194.95 -166926
1.2964 15.508 0 -0.219 285.83 0
8.3135 11.87 1.079 0.129
9 10.19 0.97 0.1005 562.01 -20630
3.629 3.879756788 0.132 0.184 2868.2 -134994
4.0098 4.17 0.5 0.193 2701.96 -15404
3.04 2.715 0 0.2797 4187.32 -174556
2.572 2.12 0 0.303 5496.658 -223900
3.378 3.271 0.11 0.2274 3528.83 -153705
5.525 10.85 0 -0.000894 0 0
1.144 0.864 1.12 0.635
0.96112 0.7 1.223 0.723
0.84037 0.57 1.308 0.806
1.4375 1.134 0.99 0.524
8.125 5.39 2.36992 0.573
4.5992 10.139128 0 0.01142 890.58 -74541
8.21585 8.78517 1.7 0.5625 764.09
1.341 0.8084 1.79 0.805
1.369 0.8473 1.54 1.14
1.246 0.81285 1.63 0.906
1.35 0.897 1.54 0.91
1.239 0.7943 1.54 1.02
3.47 2.72 0 0.234 4600.64 -154747
1.93113 1.653 0.801 0.418
3.5346 2.665 0.3 0.326 4593.34 16102
2.66163 24.1 0 -0.0355 0 0
3.196 3.27 0 0.1961 3514.61 -167925
3.3958 11.1839 0 0.0372 0 0
4.4607 7.92 0.235 0.126
7.245 10.27 0.1608 0.162
2.281 1.81 0.07 0.4433 6171.15 -228749
1.869 1.92 0.43 0.471
2.48359 2.031 0.07 0.398 5511.8 -208758
1.31065 15.445 0 -0.218 285.83 0
5.043 13.63 0 0.0222 0 0
3.7375 2.6845 0.63 0.312 4596.31 19072
1.2858 15.538 0 -0.219 285.83 0
3.3675 3.21 0.07 0.251 3535.77 -146765
2.3224 2.637 0 0.372
1.7416 1.825 0 0.497
2.063 2.17 0 0.436
5.2156 5.9 0.2 0.115 1943.11 190917
4.2512 5 0.084 0.1521 2219.17 -104683
2.86 2.06 0 0.326 5920.769 -193300
4.555 5.457 0.366 0.146 2058.02 19997
5.4366 5.155 2 0.249
5.626 6.11333 0.781 0.204 1938.393 186200
3.5315 2.69392 0 0.324 4593.938 16700
4.407638 4.032962 0.45 0.18875
4.5426 6 1.4 0.261
3.3922 2.988659 0.803 0.25253
3.257 3.3932 0.658 0.2523
3.129 3.98 0.52 0.248
3.048 4.444 0 0.2566
4.1361 4.672781 0.51 0.17948
3.149528 3.8888 1.088 0.333
3.337 3.55 1.47 0.322
3.6618 3.596417 1.356 0.28192
3.6237 3.68 1.12 0.3025
3.3822 4.17 2.48 0.276
3.6349 4.29 1.27 0.313
3.5306 4 2.9 0.327
3.624295 4.1033156 1.469 0.2881
3.5179 4.3 2.43 0.2604
3.6177 4.779 1.563 0.3052
3.879 5.58 0.51 0.1723
2.903 3.044 2.92 0.386
4.05928 5.017053 2.058 0.32684
3.953 4.4306 0.92 0.176
3.75 7.1094194 0 0.1785
4.212 3.921 2.014 0.2195
4.055 4.438 2.14 0.2321
3.761 5.12845 2.34 0.2615
4.51675 5.57145 2.262 0.27521
5.046 6.2839 1.9397 0.22
5.1812 5.1107656 1.37 0.2061
2.64 3.34 0 0.3172
4.99 6.05822 1.458 0.22082
2.925 3.495 1.456 0.357
4.832 7.52 1.649 0.263
3.42 3.71616644 1.129 0.369
3.2 3.626 1.982 0.377
3.9407 3.92 1.74 0.355
3.651 3.875 1.549 0.3783
5.782 8.1500846 1.978 0.2769
3.266 3.2 3.807 0.377
6.6899 7.194233 1.871 0.15
5.897 9.3 1.851 0.2004
2.7775 3.09938 0 0.3553
3.635 4.648140744 2.48 0.289
2.8864 3.329 2.785 0.354
3.433 3.432258 1.631 0.387
2.4782 2.64 3.13 0.403
7.8866 8.078 1.6 0.256 0
3.754983 5.0823174112 0 0.218
4.1263 3.169 0.36 0.2657 3947.89 49993
4.0273 4.213 0 0.21 2706.4 -10964
1.9904 1.5149 0 0.539 7488.14 -270441
5.5903 5.62 1.45103 0.161
22.064 17.8737279956 1.855 0.3443 44.016
5.842 8.4 0 0.00363 0 0
Heat of
Critical pressure Critical density Heating value Formation
(MPa) (mol/dm^3) Dipole moment Acentric factor (J/mol) (J/mol)
Lower Upper
temperature temperature Upper pressure
Family limit (K) limit (K) limit (MPa) CAS number Hash
n-alkene 164.25 426 10 106-99-0 cd07ca00
alkyne 147.44 432 10 107-00-6 4bfbe360
n-alkene 107.797 466 10 109-67-1 1f061ca0
br-alkane 174.2 575 1000 75-83-2 c9396950
br-alkane 145.05 550 1000 79-29-8 bca9ff20
br-alkane 110.263 550 1000 96-14-0 5bd6f470
other 178.5 550 700 67-64-1 342481e0
alkyne 191.75 310 10 74-86-2 6283cfc0
other 195.49 725 1000 7664-41-7 e9847540
cryogen 83.8058 2000 1000 7440-37-1 ed016370
aromatic 278.674 725 500 71-43-2 f2cfb460
n-alkane 134.895 575 200 106-97-8 7b3b4080
n-alkene 87.8 525 70 106-98-9 cd7a06d0
other 216.592 2000 800 124-38-9 77c8bee0
cryogen 68.16 500 100 630-08-0 091cb7e0
other 134.3 650 50 463-58-1 e7f902e0
other 172.17 440 20 7782-50-5 828f1c80
halocb 227.9 700 100 108-90-7 2366d210
n-alkene 134.3 525 50 590-18-1 411c4500
other 150 448 10 822-35-5 0b1a5d30
naphthene 279.86 700 250 110-82-7 6e225350
naphthene 179.7 550 250 287-92-3 43ab1810
naphthene 273 473 28 75-19-4 bc9f5400
siloxane 290.25 590 180 556-67-2 b6895470
siloxane 226 630 125 541-02-6 ccbc27e0
siloxane 270.2 673 30 540-97-6 1fad29d0
other 301.1 740 5 111-42-2 393cd060
n-alkane 243.5 675 800 124-18-5 111888d0
cryogen 18.724 600 2000 7782-39-0 639b18a0
halocb 237.52 600 100 107-06-2 042f81b0
ether 270 500 40 60-29-7 46a701e0
other 277.06 600 60 616-38-6 859e6f80
ether 131.66 525 40 115-10-6 8f27e300
n-alkane 317.04 1000 500 629-97-0 508eb840
n-alkane 263.6 700 700 112-40-3 8bc8dec0
n-alkane 90.368 675 900 74-84-0 434e2a40
alcohol 159 650 280 64-17-5 3d5f67e0
other 260.6 750 100 107-21-1 7d1768e0
aromatic 178.2 700 60 100-41-4 a4c64370
n-alkene 103.986 450 300 74-85-1 9c1062b0
other 160.654 500 10 75-21-8 557b13f0
cryogen 53.4811 300 20 7782-41-4 cdc99fe0
other 254.415 825 1200 7789-20-0 3e131610
cryogen 2.1768 2000 1000 7440-59-7 3b8eed30
n-alkane 182.55 600 100 142-82-5 b398a3b0
n-alkane 291.329 800 50 544-76-3 8cf1f140
n-alkane 177.83 600 100 110-54-3 cb03ba40
cryogen 13.957 1000 2000 1333-74-0 8d757b40
other 159.07 670 200 7647-01-0 74b17450
other 187.7 760 170 7783-06-4 c6c03020
br-alkane 113.73 575 200 75-28-5 47ade7e0
br-alkene 132.4 550 50 115-11-7 d287e4b0
br-alkane 119.6 550 1000 107-83-5 faa2db70
br-alkane 165.77 600 1000 540-84-1 c2dd9ef0
br-alkane 112.65 500 1000 78-78-4 86ee46a0
cryogen 115.775 750 200 7439-90-9 d7c8c510
siloxane 205.2 600 130 141-62-8 63e16330
siloxane 192 630 125 141-63-9 7d394df0
siloxane 214.15 655 125 107-52-8 eabdcbe0
siloxane 187.2 570 130 107-51-7 4be67b80
other 283.7 675 9 141-43-5 27b11730
n-alkane 90.6941 625 1000 74-82-8 8ae7a700
alcohol 175.61 620 800 67-56-1 c41aa690
FAME 238.1 1000 50 112-63-0 b61b9eb0
FAME 218.65 1000 50 301-00-8 298c8c80
FAME 253.47 1000 50 112-62-9 f300b9e0
FAME 302.71 1000 50 112-39-0 27c9ec60
FAME 311.84 1000 50 112-61-8 81403130
naphthene 146.7 600 500 108-87-2 0429edd0
siloxane 204.93 580 130 107-46-0 78082e80
aromatic 225.3 700 200 108-38-3 0f99ff70
cryogen 24.5561 725 1000 7440-01-9 b912fce0
br-alkane 256.6 550 200 463-82-1 5a410790
cryogen 63.151 2000 2200 7727-37-9 edbdc8e0
cryogen 85 500 50 7783-54-2 6db4e3b0
other 182.33 525 50 10024-97-2 e0647c00
n-alkane 219.7 600 800 111-84-2 7f94dc20
halocb 165 500 50 756-13-8 a9e22c00
n-alkane 216.37 730 1000 111-65-9 f174a9b0
cryogen 14.008 1000 2000 1333-74-0o 8d757b4b
cryogen 54.361 2000 82 7782-44-7 edc36840
aromatic 247.985 700 70 95-47-6 32008e80
cryogen 13.8033 1000 2000 1333-74-0p 8d757b4a
n-alkane 143.47 650 780 109-66-0 76bc0290
halocb 144 450 10 355-25-9 a8f85e00
halocb 187.07 450 40 355-42-0 31895f40
halocb 148.21 500 10 678-26-2 053a8820
n-alkene 136.65 400 10 463-49-0 46c6b6e0
n-alkane 85.525 650 1000 74-98-6 70c6aac0
naphthene 178.2 650 50 1678-92-8 206f01b0
n-alkene 87.953 575 1000 115-07-1 56d778b0
other 161.244 489 10 75-56-9 814f4990
alkyne 273 474 32 74-99-7 3cbb9620
aromatic 286.4 700 200 106-42-3 01b0e650
halocb 162.68 625 30 75-69-4 6f9b71e0
halocb 200 480 20 359-11-5 64555530
halocb 236.93 525 200 76-13-1 d2a09ee0
halocb 273.15 507 21 76-14-2 b1698aa0
halocb 173.75 550 60 76-15-3 f7285250
halocb 173.1 425 50 76-16-4 04997260
halocb 116.099 525 200 75-71-8 98829b70
halocb 117.654 400 12 116-15-4 edc3a7b0
halocb 263 473.15 40 111512-60-8 55d0af00
halocb 166 600 40 306-83-2 efdfede0
halocb 195.15 550 100 102687-65-0 bf17dfe0
halocb 122.77 410 30 754-12-1 40377b40
halocb 169 420 100 29118-24-9 9905ef70
halocb 238 440 34 29118-25-0 e23fd030
halocb 120 470 40 2837-89-0 36953260
halocb 200 430 40 677-21-4 86479e20
halocb 172.52 500 60 354-33-6 25c5a3a0
halocb 92 403 35 75-72-9 126c90a0
halocb 182.65 500 46 692-49-9 8da378b0
halocb 169.85 455 70 811-97-2 ff1c0560
halocb 195.15 420 50 2314-97-8 d26ca240
halocb 120 623 51 75-73-0 dba9f950
halocb 169.68 500 400 1717-00-6 ba322c10
halocb 142.72 470 60 75-68-3 f2a8b2e0
halocb 161.34 650 100 420-46-2 0deae990
halocb 154.56 500 60 75-37-6 63f364b0
halocb 130 450 100 353-36-6 edb53660
halocb 200 473 138 75-43-4 79ff2f80
halocb 125.45 440 20 76-19-7 00bd3610
halocb 115.73 550 60 75-45-6 57716470
halocb 146.35 475 60 431-89-0 40091ee0
halocb 118.02 475 120 75-46-7 20e26c20
halocb 240 420 6 431-63-0 93fd5d40
halocb 179.6 400 70 690-39-1 77fa2150
halocb 196 450 10 679-86-7 ead82280
halocb 170 440 200 460-73-1 5c322280
halocb 136.34 435 70 75-10-5 7b05bb60
halocb 239 500 35 406-58-6 9d316cb0
halocb 230 630 100 74-87-3 2b938200
halocb 129.82 425 70 593-53-3 8ee31230
halocb 233.35 623 60 115-25-3 9e4d8e90
halocb 240 420 7.2 421-14-7 bf6c1a00
halocb 250 500 20 22410-44-2 82e9e4f0
halocb 250 500 400 1885-48-9 a7275d70
halocb 150.65 500 20 375-03-1 12934ef0
other 197.7 525 35 7446-09-5 7fad4b80
other 223.555 625 150 2551-62-4 7a75e610
aromatic 178 700 500 108-88-3 a49b8b50
n-alkene 167.6 525 50 624-64-6 b28337f0
n-alkane 247.606 700 500 1120-21-4 62f46c40
halocb 190 450 10 75-01-4 0b34bc40
other 251.165 2000 1000 7732-18-5 b43a7600
cryogen 161.405 750 700 7440-63-3 71fd7fa0
Lower Upper
temperature temperature Upper pressure
Family limit (K) limit (K) limit (MPa) CAS number Hash
Reference Safety
state UN number GWP ODP Classification
NBP 1010
NBP 2452
NBP 1108
NBP 1208, 2457
NBP 1208, 2457
NBP 1208, 2457
NBP 1090 0.5
IIR 1001
OTH 1005 B2L
OT0 1951 A1
NBP 1114
IIR 1011 4 A3
NBP 1012
IIR 1013 1 A1
NBP 1016
NBP 2204
NBP 1017
NBP 1134
NBP 1012
NBP 1145
NBP 1146
IIR 1027
NBP 3082
NBP 2247
NBP 1957
NBP 1184
NBP 1155
NBP 1161
NBP 1033 1 A3
NBP 1035 5.5 A3
NBP 1170
NBP 3082
NBP 1962 3.7 A3
NBP 1040
NBP 1045
NBP 1046 A1
NBP 1206
NBP 1208
NBP 1049 A3
NBP 1789
NBP 1053
IIR 1969 A3
NBP 1055
NBP 1208
NBP 1262
NBP 1265 A3
NBP 1056, 1970
NBP 2491
NBP 1971, 1972 25 A3
NBP 1230 2.8
NBP 2296
NBP 1065, 1913 A1
NBP 1265, 2044
OT0 1066, 1977 A1
NBP 2451
NBP 1070 298
NBP 1920
NBP 1262
OT0 1049 A3
OT0 1072, 1073
NBP 1049 A3
NBP 1265 A3
NBP 2200
IIR 1075, 1978 3.3 A3
IIR 1075, 1077 1.8 A3
NBP 1280
IIR 1060
NBP 1307
IIR 4750 1 A1
IIR 6130 0.85 A1
IIR 1958 10000 0.58 A1
IIR 1020 7370 0.57 A1
IIR 2193 12200 A1
IIR 1028 10900 0.82 A1
IIR 77 0.01 B1
IIR 3163 1 A1
IIR 3161 A2L
IIR 1021 609 0.02 A1
IIR 3220 3500 A1
IIR 1022 14400 1 A1
IIR 2 A1
IIR 3159 1430 A1
OTH 1982 7390 A1
IIR 725 0.12
IIR 2517 2310 0.06 A2
IIR 2035 4470 A2L
IIR 1030 124 A2
IIR 2453
IIR 1029 151 0.04 B1
IIR 2424 8830 A1
IIR 1018 1810 0.04 A1
IIR 3296 3220 A1
IIR 1984 14800 A1
IIR 1410
IIR 9810 A1
IIR 726
IIR 1030 B1
IIR 3252 675 A2L
IIR 794
NBP 1063 B2
IIR 2454 107
IIR 1976 10300 A1
NBP 1079 B1
IIR 1080
NBP 1294 2.7
NBP 1012
NBP 2330
NBP 1086
NBP 2036
Reference Safety
state UN number GWP ODP Classification
Standard InChI Key
Not available
Not available
Standard InChI Key
Standard InChI String
Not available
Not available
Standard InChI String
Predefined Mixtures

Critical Critical
Molar mass temperature pressure
Mixture name (and mass fractions for the refrigerants) (g/mol) (K) (MPa)
air.mix #MACRO? 28.958601 132.8308 3.852090

amarillo.mi Amarillo Gas (NIST2) 17.595269 204.9383 6.052415

ekofisk.mixEkofisk Gas (RG2) 18.767977 220.3201 7.015018

glfcoast.mi Gulf Coast Gas (NIST1) 16.799217 200.4096 5.522923

highco2.mi High CO2 and Nitrogen Gas (GU2) 19.828788 208.9659 6.297429

highn2.mix High Nitrogen Gas (GU1) 18.648554 195.3279 5.981187

ngsample. Typical Natural Gas 17.185154 199.9708 5.358721

R401A R401A [R-22/152a/124 (53/13/34)] 94.438426 380.8961 4.641440

R401B R401B [R-22/152a/124 (61/11/28)] 92.836111 379.1761 4.724730

R401C R401C [R-22/152a/124 (33/15/52)] 101.034239 385.0443 4.386051

R402A R402A [R-125/290/22 (60/2/38)] 101.550084 348.2226 4.153639

R402B R402B [R-125/290/22 (38/2/60)] 94.709122 355.5328 4.468836

R403A R403A [R-290/22/218 (5/75/20)] 91.984905 357.5670 4.454994

R403B R403B [R-290/22/218 (5/56/39)] 103.257371 349.4220 3.998419

R404A R404A [R-125/143a/134a (44/52/4)] 97.603799 345.2702 3.734887

R405A R405A [R-22/152a/142b/C318 (45/7/5.5/42.5)] 111.908266 376.0937 4.304001

R406A R406A [R-22/600a/142b (55/4/41)] 89.857404 387.4066 4.720738

R407A R407A [R-32/125/134a (20/40/40)] 90.110733 355.3976 4.513951

R407B R407B [R-32/125/134a (10/70/20)] 102.937291 347.9047 4.111222

R407C R407C [R-32/125/134a (23/25/52)] 86.203637 359.2889 4.639384

R407D R407D [R-32/125/134a (15/15/70)] 90.961563 364.7781 4.491032

R407E R407E [R-32/125/134a (25/15/60)] 83.781848 361.7492 4.714849

R407F R407F [R-32/125/134a (30/30/40)] 82.058269 355.7525 4.749115

R407G R407G [R-32/125/134a (2.5/2.5/95)] 100.003519 372.6167 4.145824

R407H R407H [R-32/125/134a (32.5/15/52.5)] 79.099291 359.6773 4.856669

R408A R408A [R-125/143a/22 (7/46/47)] 87.014897 356.1961 4.286276

R409A R409A [R-22/124/142b (60/25/15)] 97.433298 383.1778 4.762411

R409B R409B [R-22/124/142b (65/25/10)] 96.673062 380.7337 4.790855

R410A R410A [R-32/125 (50/50)] 72.585414 344.4924 4.901055

R410B R410B [R-32/125 (45/55)] 75.572252 343.9556 4.811528

R411A R411A [R-1270/22/152a (1.5/87.5/11)] 82.364225 372.3790 4.963454

R411B R411B [R-1270/22/152a (3/94/3)] 83.068933 369.1926 4.955054

R412A R412A [R-22/218/142b (70/5/25)] 92.173581 380.2508 4.899555

R413A R413A [R-218/134a/600a (9/88/3)] 103.954715 368.4847 3.919794

R414A R414A [R-22/124/600a/142b (51/28.5/4/16.5)] 96.932027 383.6475 4.550308

R414B R414B [R-22/124/600a/142b (50/39/1.5/9.5)] 101.589370 383.2257 4.551130

R415A R415A [R-22/152a (82/18)] 81.910521 375.1179 4.958907

R415B R415B [R-22/152a (25/75)] 70.194624 384.5201 4.653650

R416A R416A [R-134a/124/600 (59/39.5/1.5)] 111.920927 379.4404 3.914663

R417A R417A [R-125/134a/600 (46.6/50/3.4)] 106.745929 358.5705 3.894374

R417B R417B [R-125/134a/600 (79/18.3/2.7)] 113.118935 347.2039 3.736829

R417C R417C [R-125/134a/600 (19.5/78.8/1.7)] 103.731591 367.7300 4.006503

R418A R418A [R-290/22/152a (1.5/96/2.5)] 84.594937 369.1319 4.960700

R419A R419A [R-125/134a/E170 (77/19/4)] 109.337931 356.6460 4.060197

R419B R419B [R-125/134a/E170 (48.5/48/3.5)] 105.206770 364.2651 4.114891

R420A R420A [R-134a/142b (88/12)] 101.845086 377.9120 4.086006

R421A R421A [R-125/134a (58/42)] 111.746487 355.9170 3.918473

R421B R421B [R-125/134a (85/15)] 116.929013 345.5322 3.746368

R422A R422A [R-125/134a/600a (85.1/11.5/3.4)] 113.604425 343.8643 3.665131

R422B R422B [R-125/134a/600a (55/42/3)] 108.518417 355.1274 3.856952

R422C R422C [R-125/134a/600a (82/15/3)] 113.399309 345.2196 3.695803

R422D R422D [R-125/134a/600a (65.1/31.5/3.4)] 109.935124 351.3640 3.794627

R422E R422E [R-125/134a/600a (58/39.3/2.7)] 109.304635 354.2407 3.849400

R423A R423A [R-134a/227ea (52.5/47.5)] 125.959053 372.2821 3.562642

R424A R424A [R-125/134a/600a/600/601a (50.5/47/0.9/1/0.6108.412367 357.7935 3.900323

R425A R425A [R-32/134a/227ea (18.5/69.5/12)] 90.306483 367.0231 4.498460

R426A R426A [R-125/134a/600/601a (5.1/93/1.3/0.6)] 101.558518 372.1434 4.018105

R427A R427A [R-32/125/143a/134a (15/25/10/50)] 90.444001 358.6397 4.406383

R428A R428A [R-125/143a/290/600a (77.5/20/0.6/1.9)] 107.527598 341.1416 3.644082

R429A R429A [R-E170/152a/600a (60/10/30)] 50.762397 395.0955 4.729690

R430A R430A [R-152a/600a (76/24)] 63.957056 380.1707 4.089145

R431A R431A [R-290/152a (71/29)] 48.799724 362.7414 4.206895

R432A R432A [R-1270/E170 (80/20)] 42.821250 370.4058 4.756345

R433A R433A [R-1270/290 (30/70)] 43.470863 367.5662 4.345425

R433B R433B [R-1270/290 (5/95)] 43.990250 369.4878 4.267799

R433C R433C [R-1270/290 (25/75)] 43.573757 367.9344 4.330548

R434A R434A [R-125/143a/134a/600a (63.2/18/16/2.8)] 105.737100 347.2890 3.732190

R435A R435A [R-E170/152a (80/20)] 49.035398 396.2211 5.191902

R436A R436A [R-290/600a (56/44)] 49.334159 389.0353 4.272774

R436B R436B [R-290/600a (52/48)] 49.872783 390.5786 4.250917

R437A R437A [R-125/134a/600/601 (19.5/78.5/1.4/0.6)] 103.708531 368.0858 4.002945

R438A R438A [R-32/125/134a/600/601a (8.5/45/44.2/1.7/0.6)99.100017 356.9702 4.178561

R439A R439A [R-32/125/600a (50/47/3)] 71.209495 343.4849 4.782115

R440A R440A [R-290/134a/152a (0.6/1.6/97.8)] 66.226825 385.8051 4.515313

R441A R441A [R-170/290/600a/600 (3.1/54.8/6/36.1)] 48.304842 391.6173 4.492841

R442A R442A [R-32/125/134a/152a/227ea (31/31/30/3/5)] 81.764964 355.5677 4.747669

R443A R443A [R-1270/290/600a (55/40/5)] 43.474716 369.1601 4.484614

R444A R444A [R-32/152a/1234ze(E) (12/5/83)] 96.696234 379.5108 4.472832

R444B R444B [R-32/152a/1234ze(E) (41.5/10/48.5)] 72.759535 368.7708 5.384671

R445A R445A [CO2/134a/1234ze(E) (6/9/85)] 103.105226 379.1864 4.544393

R446A R446A [R-32/1234ze(E)/butane (68/29/3)] 61.996373 359.1048 5.725228

R447A R447A [R-32/125/1234ze(E) (68/3.5/28.5)] 63.045370 358.4517 5.711056

R447B R447B [R-32/125/1234ze(E) (68/8/24)] 63.123609 356.6959 5.644721

R448A R448A [R-32/125/1234yf/134a/1234ze(E) (26/26/20/286.283445 355.8343 4.594534

R449A R449A [R-32/125/1234yf/134a (24.3/24.7/25.3/25.7)] 87.212898 355.2233 4.499652

R449B R449B [R-32/125/1234yf/134a (25.2/24.3/23.2/27.3)] 86.366721 355.3471 4.531121

R449C R449C [R-32/125/1234yf/134a (20/20/31/29)] 90.323621 357.3611 4.398046

R450A R450A [R-134a/1234ze(E) (42/58)] 108.669441 377.6231 3.822417

R451A R451A [R-1234yf/134a (89.8/10.2)] 112.688672 367.5137 3.442969

R451B R451B [R-1234yf/134a (88.8/11.2)] 112.557759 367.4925 3.448835

R452A R452A [R-32/125/1234yf (11/59/30)] 103.510904 348.1965 4.014447

R452B R452B [R-32/125/1234yf (67/7/26)] 63.525255 350.2476 5.220130

R452C R452C [R-32/125/1234yf (12.5/61/26.5)] 101.948462 347.2036 4.054920

R453A R453A [R-32/125/134a/227ea/butane/isopentane (20/2

88.777903 362.3129 4.641930

R454A R454A [R-32/1234yf (35/65)] 80.467749 354.8657 4.627325

R454B R454B [R-32/1234yf (68.9/31.1)] 62.613633 351.2537 5.266938

R454C R454C [R-32/1234yf (21.5/78.5)] 90.775721 358.8185 4.318771

R455A R455A [CO2/32/1234yf (3/21.5/75.5)] 87.452599 358.7587 4.653820

R456A R456A [R-32/134a/1234ze(E) (6/45/49)] 101.416046 375.8066 4.175162

R457A R457A [R-32/1234yf/152a (18/70/12)] 87.605328 363.1962 4.308049

R458A R458A [R-32/125/134a/227ea/236fa (20.5/4/61.4/13.5/89.888211 365.2207 4.526682

R459A R459A [R-32/1234yf/1234ze(E) (68/26/6)] 62.984651 352.7748 5.339709

R459B R459B [R-32/1234yf/1234ze(E) (21/69/10)] 91.208457 360.6185 4.360611

R460A R460A [R-32/125/134a/1234ze(E) (12/52/14/22)] 100.599295 356.7419 4.335646

R460B R460B [R-32/125/134a/1234ze(E) (28/25/20/27)] 84.797362 361.2135 4.890441

R500 R500 [R-12/152a (73.8/26.2)] 99.302954 375.2351 4.168147

R501 R501 [R-22/12 (75/25)] 93.098329 369.0230 4.760852

R502 R502 [R-22/115 (48.8/51.2)] 111.627790 354.6573 4.016768

R503 R503 [R-23/13 (40.1/59.9)] 87.246746 291.5554 4.279248

R504 R504 [R-32/115 (48.2/51.8)] 79.249134 335.3594 4.435941

R507A R507A [R-125/143a (50/50)] 98.859158 343.7658 3.704878

R508A R508A [R-23/116 (39/61)] 100.097718 283.3079 3.647647

R508B R508B [R-23/116 (46/54)] 95.394024 284.3473 3.770848

R509A R509A [R-22/218 (44/56)] 123.961745 341.6239 3.600826

R510A R510A [R-E170/600a (88/12)] 47.244177 398.8177 5.118596

R511A R511A [R-290/E170 (95/5)] 44.190239 370.1271 4.287893

R512A R512A [R-134a/152a (5/95)] 67.236529 385.9950 4.497216

R513A R513A [R-1234yf/134a (56/44)] 108.426217 368.0631 3.647787

R513B R513B [R-1234yf/134a (58.5/41.5)] 108.730413 367.9307 3.631552

R515A R515A [R-1234ze(E)/227ea (88/12)] 118.733189 381.8611 3.565718

Codes to Obtain this Information Directly from the Fluid Files

Critical Critical
Molar mass temperature pressure
Mixture (g/mol) (K) (MPa)

Code--> LONGNAME(0) M Tc Pc
Turn on the iFlag=1 option in the VBA cod
to make these three work.
Critical density
(mol/dm^3) Mixture components and mole fractions
11.902767 Nitrogen Argon Oxygen
0.7812 0.0092 0.2096
11.449549 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.906724 0.031284 0.004676 0.045279 0.00828 0.001037
11.530272 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.859063 0.010068 0.014954 0.084919 0.023015 0.003486
11.266539 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.965222 0.002595 0.005956 0.018186 0.004596 0.000977
11.285292 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.81212 0.05702 0.07585 0.04303 0.00895 0.00151
11.492517 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.81441 0.13465 0.00985 0.033 0.00605 0.001
11.004106 Methane Nitrogen CO2 Ethane Propane Isobutane
0.95123 0.00089 0.02555 0.01835 0.00238 0.0004
5.238868 R22 R152a R124
0.5788542107 0.185871454 0.2352743353
5.360059 R22 R152a R124
0.6549246853 0.1546073823 0.1904679324
4.902042 R22 R152a R124
0.3855911865 0.2294459702 0.3849628433
5.400856 R125 Propane R22
0.5076598894 0.0460590346 0.446281076
5.693064 R125 Propane R22
0.2998587445 0.0429562491 0.6571850064
5.696844 Propane R22 R218
0.1043016352 0.7978521428 0.0978462219
5.228646 Propane R22 R218
0.1170834784 0.668734422 0.2141820996
4.986466 R125 R134a R143a
0.357816784 0.038263995 0.6039192209
4.698337 R22 R152a R142b RC318
0.5823971859 0.1185989409 0.0612463587 0.2377575145
5.094473 R22 Isobutane R142b
0.5715590964 0.0618403319 0.3666005717
5.521838 R32 R125 R134a
0.3464198544 0.3003155521 0.3532645935
5.146339 R32 R125 R134a
0.1978650072 0.6003604685 0.2017745243
5.615071 R32 R125 R134a
0.38110942 0.1795588887 0.4393316914
5.410254 R32 R125 R134a
0.2622680778 0.1136816808 0.6240502414
5.664786 R32 R125 R134a
0.402611527 0.1047086374 0.4926798357
5.797322 R32 R125 R134a
0.4731946945 0.2051090954 0.3216962101
5.085507 R32 R125 R134a
0.0480564352 0.0208303518 0.9311132131
5.855599 R32 R125 R134a
0.4941425008 0.0988564839 0.4070010153
5.578787 R125 R143a R22
0.0507496396 0.4762776815 0.4729726789
5.206934 R22 R124 R142b
0.6760880213 0.1784819534 0.1454300253
5.291379 R22 R124 R142b
0.7267138171 0.1770893242 0.0961968587
6.324647 R32 R125
0.6976146994 0.3023853006
6.212504 R32 R125
0.653688938 0.346311062
5.942476 Propylene R22 R152a
0.0293595988 0.8334726545 0.1371677467
5.995590 Propylene R22 R152a
0.059221613 0.9030489179 0.0377294691
5.470057 R22 R218 R142b
0.7461894165 0.0245117299 0.2292988536
4.931235 R218 R134a Isobutane
0.0497604389 0.8965829297 0.0536566314
4.957166 R22 R124 Isobutane R142b
0.5717182487 0.2024226236 0.0667091242 0.1591500035
4.962566 R22 R124 Isobutane R142b
0.5874391105 0.290308513 0.0262178746 0.0960345019
5.909168 R22 R152a
0.7767801594 0.2232198406
5.648468 R22 R152a
0.2029497166 0.7970502834
4.595813 R134a R124 Butane
0.6471827159 0.3239330729 0.0288842113
4.860932 R125 R134a Butane
0.4144561136 0.5231002488 0.0624436376
4.791464 R125 R134a Butane
0.7445668723 0.2028850267 0.052548101
4.954220 R125 R134a Butane
0.1685337803 0.8011260562 0.0303401635
6.014195 Propane R22 R152a
0.0287766463 0.9392045587 0.032018795
5.035680 R125 R134a DME
0.7014599655 0.2036048196 0.0949352149
5.048307 R125 R134a DME
0.4251348814 0.4949354105 0.0799297082
4.935276 R134a R142b
0.8783879133 0.1216120867
4.923755 R125 R134a
0.5400117174 0.4599882826
4.849065 R125 R134a
0.8280994985 0.1719005015
4.748174 R125 R134a Isobutane
0.8055010676 0.1280432501 0.0664556823
4.856945 R125 R134a Isobutane
0.497287396 0.4467004002 0.0560122039
4.773249 R125 R134a Isobutane
0.7747571159 0.1667113887 0.0585314954
4.818519 R125 R134a Isobutane
0.5962917115 0.3393990533 0.0643092352
4.857113 R125 R134a Isobutane
0.5282115398 0.4210122481 0.0507762121
4.264273 R134a R227ea
0.6481153248 0.3518846752
4.861657 R125 R134a Isobutane Butane Isopentane
0.4561540293 0.4993905086 0.0167872397 0.0186524885 0.0090157339
5.285148 R32 R134a R227ea
0.3211344641 0.6151306031 0.0637349328
4.954280 R125 R134a Butane Isopentane
0.0431546742 0.9256843109 0.0227152574 0.0084457576
5.416726 R32 R125 R143a R134a
0.2607757975 0.1883914048 0.107618901 0.4432138967
4.810468 R125 R143a Propane Isobutane
0.6943252511 0.255893191 0.0146310584 0.0351504996
5.224007 DME R152a Isobutane
0.6611345721 0.0768533365 0.2620120915
4.948214 R152a Isobutane
0.7359065319 0.2640934681
5.121714 Propane R152a
0.7857425324 0.2142574676
5.615619 Propylene DME
0.8140972417 0.1859027583
5.107034 Propylene Propane
0.3099177631 0.6900822369
5.015494 Propylene Propane
0.0522701064 0.9477298936
5.087312 Propylene Propane
0.2588761054 0.7411238946
4.845102 R125 R143a R134a Isobutane
0.5567827657 0.226468961 0.1658100984 0.050938175
5.896209 DME R152a
0.8515226167 0.1484773833
4.464532 Propane Isobutane
0.626527733 0.373472267
4.416814 Propane Isobutane
0.5881275036 0.4118724964
4.926231 R125 R134a Butane Pentane
0.1684963143 0.7978986673 0.0249804624 0.0086245559
5.120425 R32 R125 R134a Butane Isopentane
0.1619156818 0.3715588017 0.4292987242 0.0289854872 0.008241305
6.114041 R32 R125 Isobutane
0.6843908136 0.2788541279 0.0367550585
5.565086 Propane R134a R152a
0.0090113473 0.0103852634 0.9806033893
4.596680 Ethane Propane Isobutane Butane
0.0498003957 0.6003102622 0.0498654644 0.3000238777
5.778928 R32 R125 R134a R152a R227ea
0.4872201068 0.211188495 0.2404097655 0.0371371958 0.0240444369
5.153572 Propylene Propane Isobutane
0.5682329312 0.3943676617 0.0373994071
4.692124 R32 R152a R1234ze(E)
0.2230422022 0.073198157 0.7037596408
5.971059 R32 R152a R1234ze(E)
0.5804091748 0.1101565983 0.309434227
4.555377 CO2 R134a R1234ze(E)
0.1405667274 0.0909466671 0.7684866055
6.922406 R32 R1234ze(E) Butane
0.8103477893 0.1576525414 0.0319996693
6.941489 R32 R125 R1234ze(E)
0.8240591155 0.0183849542 0.1575559303
6.957479 R32 R125 R1234ze(E)
0.8250817664 0.0420749023 0.1328433313
5.531193 R32 R125 R1234yf R134a R1234ze(E)
0.431218202 0.1869141315 0.1513192565 0.1775866736 0.0529617364
5.496791 R32 R125 R1234yf R134a
0.407364567 0.1794812077 0.1934808404 0.2196733849
5.539776 R32 R125 R1234yf R134a
0.4183533319 0.1748614268 0.1756997497 0.2310854916
5.330558 R32 R125 R1234yf R134a
0.3472382782 0.1505125268 0.2455272835 0.2567219115
4.531469 R134a R1234ze(E)
0.4473220674 0.5526779326
4.237067 R1234yf R134a
0.88734667 0.11265333
4.244358 R1234yf R134a
0.876445929 0.123554071
4.895168 R32 R125 R1234yf
0.2188643603 0.5088378705 0.2722977692
6.985334 R32 R125 R1234yf
0.8181208878 0.0370497917 0.1448293204
4.962688 R32 R125 R1234yf
0.2449553615 0.5181456115 0.236899027
5.611691 R32 R125 R134a R227ea Butane Isopentane
0.3412959283 0.1479369689 0.4681129017 0.0261066945 0.0091646081 0.0073828984
5.671217 R32 R1234yf
0.5413599922 0.4586400078
7.075661 R32 R1234yf
0.8292479129 0.1707520871
5.085008 R32 R1234yf
0.3751495466 0.6248504534
5.201627 CO2 R32 R1234yf
0.0596134946 0.3614160546 0.5789704508
4.683894 R32 R134a R1234ze(E)
0.1169645307 0.4472834069 0.4357520624
5.102630 R32 R152a R1234yf
0.3031093141 0.1591594269 0.537731259
5.313177 R32 R125 R134a R227ea R236fa
0.3542035065 0.0299573945 0.5409220779 0.0713696984 0.0035473227
6.981075 R32 R1234yf R1234ze(E)
0.8232654639 0.1435968122 0.0331377238
5.047705 R32 R1234yf R1234ze(E)
0.3681719206 0.5518498459 0.0799782335
5.061734 R32 R125 R134a R1234ze(E)
0.2320451205 0.4358525495 0.1380341583 0.1940681717
5.610778 R32 R125 R134a R1234ze(E)
0.4563905394 0.1766296723 0.1662171911 0.2007625972
4.985811 R12 R152a
0.6061017414 0.3938982586
5.667575 R22 R12
0.8075096782 0.1924903218
5.099363 R22 R115
0.6299944672 0.3700055328
6.482472 R23 R13
0.4997003499 0.5002996501
6.393471 R32 R115
0.7342396326 0.2657603674
4.964259 R125 R143a
0.4118397118 0.5881602882
5.668400 R23 R116
0.5575769664 0.4424230336
5.963930 R23 R116
0.6267510067 0.3732489933
4.819742 R22 R218
0.6307902102 0.3692097898
5.684356 DME Isobutane
0.9024589367 0.0975410633
5.042264 Propane DME
0.9520384894 0.0479615106
5.547529 R134a R152a
0.0329487459 0.9670512541
4.523171 R1234yf R134a
0.5324257559 0.4675742441
4.499503 R1234yf R134a
0.557755201 0.442244799
4.164855 R1234ze(E) R227ea
0.9162025631 0.0837974369

Critical density
(mol/dm^3) Mixture components and mole fractions
1 2 3 4 5 6
Name Name Name Name Name Name
Dc xMole xMole xMole xMole xMole xMole
=1 option in the VBA code
ee work.
Butane Isopentane Pentane Hexane
0.001563 0.000321 0.000443 0.000393
Butane Isopentane Pentane
0.003506 0.000509 0.00048
Butane Isopentane Pentane Hexane
0.001007 0.000473 0.000324 0.000664
Butane Isopentane Pentane Hexane
0.00016 0.00014 0.00011 0.00079
7 8 9 10
Name Name Name Name
xMole xMole xMole xMole
Calculation of Density Given Temperature and Pressure

DLL Version Number: #MACRO?

Inputs for all calculations use the format shown below.

This worksheet shows how to obtained density from inputs of temperature and pressure.
T and D are the required inputs in the equation of state, and form the basis for many of the calculations that follow

=REFPROP(Output property code, Fluid name, Input property code, Units, Value o

Fluid Name Input code Unit system

Methane TP SI with C

Property Input codes Input values

Temperature T -120

Pressure P 1

Property Output codes Output values

Density D #MACRO?


Equations of St
The phrase "Equation of State" is used to describe an equation developed by scientists around the worl
complex and take months to years to develop. For a good example of a long-period project, see the eq
complex Helmholtz energy mixture model ever developed, see the 555 page work of Kunz and Wagner There is no ch
substantial amount of experimental data that was required to develop the equation. The time and mone
that was required to make the equation.

Equations of state have the unique ability to calculate all thermodynamic properties from a single equati
independent properties are the temperature and density. From this equation and with given values of T
example (and simplified), the pressure is the first derivative of the Helmholtz energy with respect to den
energy with respect to the reciprocal temperature. Properties that cannot be measured such as entropy
measurements for multiple properties (density, vapor pressure, sound speed, etc.) were used in the fittin
be calculated from this equation, but require their own separate formulations. There is no ch
substantial amount of experimental data that was required to develop the equation. The time and mone
that was required to make the equation.

Equations of state have the unique ability to calculate all thermodynamic properties from a single equati
independent properties are the temperature and density. From this equation and with given values of T
example (and simplified), the pressure is the first derivative of the Helmholtz energy with respect to den
energy with respect to the reciprocal temperature. Properties that cannot be measured such as entropy
measurements for multiple properties (density, vapor pressure, sound speed, etc.) were used in the fittin
be calculated from this equation, but require their own separate formulations.

Use of the Code "TD&" to Cal

When temperature and density are not known, complex iterative schemes must be used to determine th
when T and D are known, but the phase of the state point (single phase or two phase) is not known, ano
then used to determine the phase. For mixtures, this is a very complex algorithm and requires substant
properties in the single phase.

When the state is known to be single phase, the input code "TD&" can be used to avoid the saturation c
this code will be hundreds of times faster. The best practice for obtaining properties is to first determin
and enthalpy). The quality should also be calculated, and if the value is NOT between 0 and 1 (0<q<1,
calculations. But be careful! If the quality indicates that the state is two phase, the code TD& should n

any of the calculations that follow on the rest of the worksheets.

erty code, Units, Value of 1st input property, Value of 2nd input property)





Equations of State
by scientists around the world to represent the thermodynamic properties of fluids. These equations are quite
ong-period project, see the equation for propane in J. Chem. Eng. Data, 54:3141-3180, 2009. For the most
ge work of Kunz and Wagner (which required over 10 years to finish) at
s/tm15_04.pdf There is no charge to download the document. When looking through these documents, note the
equation. The time and money required to take the measurements easily exceeds 10 times the amount of work

roperties from a single equation. The equation is typically given in terms of the Helmholtz energy, and the
on and with given values of T and D, other properties are calculated as derivatives of the Helmholtz energy. For
tz energy with respect to density, and the isochoric heat capacity is the second derivative of the Helmholtz
be measured such as entropy are easily and accurately calculated from the equation of state when
ed, etc.) were used in the fitting process. Transport properties such as viscosity and thermal conductivity cannot
ode "TD&" to Calculate Properties
must be used to determine these values. Once found, all other properties can be quickly calculated. However,
two phase) is not known, another iterative scheme must be used to determine the phase boundary, which is
gorithm and requires substantially more computation time than a simple calculation from the equation of state for

used to avoid the saturation call that would have happened if only "TD" was used as the input code. The use of
properties is to first determine the temperature and density from the known properties (for example, pressure
OT between 0 and 1 (0<q<1, but not including the end points), then the code TD& should be used for all other
hase, the code TD& should never be used except in rare cases where a metastable state is desired.



ure, pressure, and density

The enthalpy is multiplied by a very small offset to
ensure that a solution exists. The state at saturation in
the liquid is the minimum possible value. The iterative
solution may fail to find a root if even a minute change
in this number causes h<h(liq)(sat).
Average of values above minus correct value:
Check Sum:

and sublimation states

Input codes Temperature
pressure with T input TMELT 100
sound speed with T input TMELT
temperature with P input PMELT
tion pressure with T input TSUBL 60
tion density with P input PSUBL

alculation of single phase state points when the phase is known.

Input codes Temperature
TPL 100

ion of metastable states (note that pressures are backwards from those above).
ble liquid state TPL
ble vapor state TPV

e calculations when two states are possible for the given inputs.
Input codes Temperature
h density root TH> 100
density root TH<
density root TH<

Codes Values Units

Check Sum: #MACRO?
From NIST: 212.1837630043
Difference: #MACRO?

d for the following cells to work. Press Alt-F11 to edit the VBA code, then

Codes Values Units

reaches a maximum temperature.
reaches a maximum pressure.
Unit Conversions

DLL Version Number: #MACRO?

The REFPROP subroutine can also be used as a simple tool to convert numbers from one unit to another. For ex
convert a temperature of 75 F to celsius, the following command could be used:
Valid property codes are listed below, along with examples of converting from one unit to another.
For properties that require the molar mass (molecular weight) for the conversion process, the value of the molar m
be included as the sixth input to the REFPROP routine.

=REFPROP(Output code, Input units, Output units, Input value, Molar Mass)

Property Convert
Properties Input values Codes from Convert to
Temperature 11.11 T C K
Pressure 22.22 P psia MPa
Density or Specific volume 33.33 D kg/m^3 mol/l
Enthalpy 44.44 H Btu/lbm J/mol
Entropy 55.55 S kJ/kg-K (Btu/lbm)-f
Speed of sound 66.66 W m/s ft/s
Viscosity 77.77 VIS uPa-s lbm/ft-s
Thermal conductivity 88.88 TCX Btu/h-ft-F mW/m-K
Surface tension 99.99 STN mN/m lbf/ft
Length 1 L m yd
Area 1 A m^2 ft^2
Total volume 1 V IMPgal gal
Mass 1 M lbm kg
Force 1 F lbf kgf
Energy 1 E cal J
Power 1 Q hp W

Density or Internal
Properties Temperature Pressure* Specific Energy or
Volume Enthalpy
Unit Type Codes T P D H
K Pa mol/dm^3 J/mol
Unit Codes C kPa mol/l kJ/kmol
R MPa mol/cm^3 kJ/mol
F GPa mol/cc mJ/mol
bar mol/m^3 kJ/kg
kbar kg/m^3 J/g
atm kg/dm^3 J/kg
kgf/cm^2 g/dm^3 m^2/s^2
psia g/L ft^2/s^2
psig g/cc cal/mol
psf g/cm^3 kcal/kmol
mmHg g/dm^3 cal/g
torr lbm/ft^3 Btu/lbm
cmHg lbmol/ft^3 Btu/lbmol
inHg slug/ft^3
inH2O lbmol/gal
*To use gage pressure, simple add "_gage" or just "_g" after any o
rom one unit to another. For example, to

unit to another.
ocess, the value of the molar mass must

lue, Molar Mass)

Molar mass values
123.456 #MACRO?
78.9 #MACRO?
13.579 #MACRO?
0 #MACRO? (To change the conversion of 1 cal=4.184 J to 1 cal = 4.1868 J, see the VBA code by pressin
Check Sum: #MACRO?
From NIST: 163.15557594
Difference: #MACRO?

Thermal Surface Joule-

Entropy Speed Viscosity Length
Conductivity Tension Thomson
J/mol-K m/s Pa-s mw/m-k N/m K/mPa m
kJ/kmol-K m^2/s^2 kg/m-s w/m-k mN/m K/kPa dm
kJ/mol-K cm/s mPa-s g-cm/s^3-k dyn/cm K/Pa cm
kJ/kg-K km/h uPa-s kg-m/s^3-k lbf/ft K/atm mm
J/g-K ft/s g/cm-s cal/s-cm-k K/bar km
J/kg-K in/s poise kcal/h-m-k K/psia in
Btu/lbm-R mph centipoise lbm-ft/s^3-f F/psia ft
Btu/lbmol-R knot mpoise lbf/s-f yd (yard)
cal/g-K upoise Btu/h-ft-f mi (mile)
cal/mol-K lbm/ft-s light year
ft-lbf/lbmol-R lbf-s/ft^2 angstrom
lbm/ft-h fathom

"_gage" or just "_g" after any of these units, except psig.

ee the VBA code by pressing Alt-F11)

Area Volume Mass Force Energy Power

m^2 m^3 kg N J W
cm^2 cm^3 g mN kJ kW
mm^2 L mg kgf mJ Btu/s
km^2 in^3 lbm dyne kw-h Btu/min
in^2 ft^3 slug lbf cal Btu/h
ft^2 yd^3 ton poundal kcal cal/s
yd^2 gal tonne ozf erg kcal/s
mi^2 IMPgal Btu cal/min
acre qt (quart) ft-lbf kcal/min
hectare pt (pint) ft-lbf/s
cup ft-lbf/min
ounce ft-lbf/h
tbsp hp
Checks to Ensure that this Excel Workbook is Using the Correct RE

XLS Version Number: #MACRO?

DLL Version Number: #MACRO?

Location of the VBA code #MACRO?

The values in the third column (C) were calculated at NIST.

The values in the fourth column (D) show the differences, and should all be zero.
If the "Total sum of errors" below is not (nearly) zero, please check carefully to determine the source of the proble
To recalculate, press Ctrl-Alt-F9 (or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F9 for some users).

The pressure used here was calculated at

the state point in the line above while
running REFPROP.EXE.
Total sum of differences
between this computer's #MACRO?
calculations and NIST's.
From DLL From NIST Percent Difference
#MACRO? 28.96546 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 637.3775886579 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 1.4569169654 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 684.9965172226 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 153.8866806638 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 100.1117462026 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.0749355299 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 23643.9939468879 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 298.4314139452 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 5532.4243291746 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 1.6004042945 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.0386405926 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.0386406172The is the same quality
#MACRO? 0.0500926643the two lines above, #MACRO?
but on a
molar basis.
#MACRO? 280.2337991369 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 17.8914831257 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 1.037058033 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.6976146994 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 440.2592921171 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 49.7189425759 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.8985436206 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.231604716 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 210.9797557543 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 17.3044699662 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.7680671885 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.5678713659 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 999.9251311106 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 38.4165916871 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 33.2475017449 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 0.7736452205 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 369.89 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 246.1166525357 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 30566.3880724385 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 37.1630640477 #MACRO?
#MACRO? 14.2793971031 #MACRO?
Using the Correct REFPROP DLL and Fluid Files

10 If the value that is two cells to the left is less than that in the adjacent cell after pressing Ctrl-Alt-F

10 If the value that is two cells to the left is less than that in the adjacent cell after pressing Ctrl-Alt-F

The user can insert the allowable

determine the source of the problem(s). error of the calculations here.
When the percent deviation > E9
then the value in cell F10 is
changed to 1 (or more for
additional errors).

Number of functions
with percent difference
> 0.001
#MACRO? =REFPROP("T","argon","PD","SI",2,15)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("P","r134a","TD","SI",400,50)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("H","ethylene","TS","SI",370,2.5)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("VIS","oxygen","TP","SI",100,1)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("TCX","nitrogen","Tliq","SI",100)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("D","air","TP","E",70,14.7)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("H","R32;R125|0.3;0.7","PS","molar si",10,110)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("T","ethane;0.5;butane;0.5 mass","DH","E",30,283)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("W","ammonia;0.4;water;0.6","TP","E",300,10000)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("D","r218;.1;r123;.9","PH","cgs",7,180)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("QMASS","methane;40;ethane;60 mass","TD","mks",200,300)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("QMASS","methane;40;ethane;60 mass","TP","mks",200,2814.5509)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("QMOLE","methane;ethane|.4;.6 mass","TP","molar SI",200,2.8145509)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("VIS","butane;hexane|.25;.75","TH>","SI",300,-21)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("TCX","carbon dioxide;nitrogen|.5;.5 mass","TS","molar SI",250,230.7)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("DE","ethane;.5;propane;.5","tvap","SI",300)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("xmole","R410A.MIX",,,1)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("DLIQ","methane;ethane;propane;butane|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02","TD","SI",150,200
#MACRO? =REFPROP("F(2)","propane;R125|10;90","TH>","E",-20,72)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("FC(2)","N2;CO2|0.6;0.4","TQ","MKS",200,1)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("xmass(3)","air.mix","TD","molar SI",80,12)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("T","butane","Ssat3","SI",2.5)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("DLIQ","R410A.mix","TD","molar SI",250,10)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("D","butane;propadiene|0.7;0.3 mass","TS","E",150,0.6)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("dHdT_D","argon","TP","MIXED",150,200)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("D","water","Tliq","C",4)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("P","hexane;butane|.6;.4 mass","DE","SI",700,-120)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("vis","argon;co2;propane;acetylene|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02 mass","TD","SI",450,20
#MACRO? =REFPROP("qmass","argon;co2;propane;acetylene|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02 mass","TH<","SI",1
#MACRO? =REFPROP("TCRIT(3)","methane;ethane;propane;butane|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02")
#MACRO? =REFPROP("P","MM;MDM;MD3M|0.8;0.15;0.05","TH<","E",500,177)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("E","D4;D5;D6|0.8;0.15;0.05","TD","molar si",500,1)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("E","XENON","HS","SI",44,0.175)
#MACRO? =REFPROP("JT","CO2;WATER|0.5;0.5","Tvap","SI",400)
ss than that in the adjacent cell after pressing Ctrl-Alt-F9, then you are not using the most recent VBA code. All code in .xlt or .xla files shou

ss than that in the adjacent cell after pressing Ctrl-Alt-F9, then you are not using the most recent REFPROP.DLL file. Search your computer

Location of this file ###

","molar si",10,110)
ane;60 mass","TD","mks",200,300)
ane;60 mass","TP","mks",200,2814.5509)
|.4;.6 mass","TP","molar SI",200,2.8145509)
ogen|.5;.5 mass","TS","molar SI",250,230.7)

molar SI",80,12)
molar SI",250,10)
;0.3 mass","TS","E",150,0.6)

cetylene|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02 mass","TD","SI",450,200)
ne;acetylene|0.8;0.15;0.03;0.02 mass","TH<","SI",160,55)
","TD","molar si",500,1)

All code in .xlt or .xla files should be deleted and replaced with the new VBA code attached to this file.

DLL file. Search your computer for REFPROP.DLL or REFPRP64.DLL (especially in the Windows\System32 directory) and delete all occur
em32 directory) and delete all occurrences except the one in the REFPROP directory.

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