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04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs.

Use Cases | Building Better Software

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Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases

MAY 3, 2009 ~ ANDREW STELLMAN user story — some people,as a couple of … 1/12

04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

Here’s a question that I get over and over again:

 What’s the difference between user stories and use cases?

— Ron K.

Before I dive into an answer to that question, let’s rewind a little bit and talk about where user
stories came from. I like them because they’re a great example of how the Agile movement
changed the software world. Programmers used to just dive right into software projects and start
coding. Whenever one of those pesky users started to tell us what they needed, we’d stop them
and say something like, “Don’t worry, I totally get it. I know what you need.” The Agile folks gured
out that “I know what you need” is a nasty little trap that programmers — especially good ones —
fall into. We’d spend the whole project thinking that we understood our users’ needs, only to
deliver software that they didn’t want. The Agile folks realized that if developers had to start
working with users throughout the project to understand their needs if they wanted to avoid the
code-and- x trap. user story — some people,as a couple of … 2/12
04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

And that’s why I think the user story is one of the most useful tools to come out of the Agile
movement. A user story — some people call it a scenario —
expresses one very speci c need that a user has. It’s usually written
out as a couple of sentences. Most user stories are written in the
language of the users, so any user should be able to read a user
story and immediately understand what it means. A lot of time,
user stories are written on index cards, although I’ve put them in
Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and Wiki pages (depending
on how the particular project is run).

A use case is similar to a user story, because it also describes one

Jenny and I teach you all about
speci c interaction between the user and the software. When I’m
use cases and requirements in
training people to improve the way they write down their project’s our rst book, Applied Software
requirements, I often describe the use case as a “deceptively simple Project Management (O'Reilly,
tool” that helps us nd and write down all of the ways users interact
with the software.

Looking at those de nitions, I can de nitely see why there’s confusion about the difference
between user stories and use cases. If you look at the last two paragraphs, it might sound like I
said the same thing twice! But while user stories and use cases are de nitely similar, there are
important differences between them. Each serves a distinct purpose, and I think they both have
their place on a well-run software project.

I think the easiest way to understand the difference between use cases and user stories is to take
a look at an example. Luckily, I’ve got one that I think helps make the difference clearer.

In our rst book, Applied Software Project Management, Jenny and I spend a lot of time talking
about how to develop use cases and use them to build better software. And as an example, we
showed a use case for a software feature that everyone should be familiar with: a search and
replace feature from a word processor. Comparing a user story for search and replace with a use
case for the same feature helps highlight the differences.

It’s not hard to nd lots of user story examples. There are lots of different ways you’ll see a user
story formatted (although if you’re looking for a user story template, a 3×5 index card should be a
good starting point!). So what would a user story for search and replace look like? I took a stab at
writing one: user story — some people,as a couple of … 3/12

04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

(One thing I like to do with user stories is to use “he” or “she”, rather than try to be gender-neutral. I
think this makes the user in the story easier to connect with by personifying him a bit. It it also
lets me write in a more conversational tone, which makes the user story friendlier and, I think, a
bit easier to read and understand.)

Now, if you’re not familiar with user stories, you might think to yourself, “Wait a minute, my word
processor’s search and replace feature does a lot more than that!” And that’s okay. A typical user
story will have enough information to help the user understand what it is the software needs to
accomplish, but it’s not meant to be a complete description of how the software works. I’m not
going to try to give a long lesson in writing effective user stories here; I highly recommend
reading Mike Cohn’s excellent articles and posts aboout user stories. (Mike, incidentally, is one of
the software development veterans who contributed to our latest book, Beautiful Teams [O’Reilly,
2009]. He has some really fascinating things to say about Agile planning.)

So what would a use case sample look like for search and replace? Here’s the use case example
Jenny and I built to demonstrate how use cases work:

Name UC-8: Search and Replace

Summary All occurrences of a search term are replaced with replacement text.

Rationale While editing a document, many users nd that there is text somewhere in the user story — some people,as a couple of … 4/12
04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

le being edited that needs to be replaced, but searching for it manually by

looking through the entire document is time-consuming and ineffective. The
search-and-replace function allows the user to nd it automatically and replace
it with speci ed text. Sometimes this term is repeated in many places and
needs to be replaced. At other times, only the rst occurrence should be
replaced. The user may also wish to simply nd the location of that text
without replacing it.

Users All users

Preconditions A document is loaded and being edited.

Basic Course 1. The user indicates that the software is to perform a search-and-replace in
of Events the document.
2. The software responds by requesting the search term and the replacement
3. The user inputs the search term and replacement text and indicates that all
occurrences are to be replaced.
4. The software replaces all occurrences of the search term with the
replacement text.

Alternative 1. In Step 3, the user indicates that only the rst occurrence is to be replaced.
Paths In this case, the software nds the rst occurrence of the search term in the
document being edited and replaces it with the replacement text. The
postcondition state is identical, except only the rst occurrence is replaced,
and the replacement text is highlighted.
2. In Step 3, the user indicates that the software is only to search and not
replace, and does not specify replacement text. In this case, the software
highlights the rst occurrence of the search term and the use case ends.
3. The user may decide to abort the search-and-replace operation at any time
during Steps 1, 2, or 3. In this case, the software returns to the precondition

Postconditions All occurrences of the search term have been replaced with the replacement
text. user story — some people,as a couple of … 5/12

04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

Now, if I were a developer building a word processor or text editor, I’d actually be able to write a
search and replace feature that implements that particular use case. (Just to be clear: there are
many different use case formats; Jenny and I use this use case template in our book because it’s
stripped down to the bare minimum sections that we think an effective use case should have.)

Here’s something about use cases that I think is interesting. While you were reading through our
use case example, were you thinking of something that looks like the Replace dialog in Notepad
or Microsoft Word, or the Find dialog in TextEdit? If so, take another look at the sample use case. It
doesn’t have any words like “window,” “button,” “click,” “ eld” or “checkbox”. It’s all about what
actions the user takes, and how the software responds. And there are many different ways that
you could build software that implements the use case. Have you ever used the search and
replace feature in vi? What about the search and replace feature in Emacs? They have very
different user interfaces! Who knew there were so many ways you could implement search and
replace? But if you compare each of them with this use case, they all follow the same basic course
of events.

So now that we’ve gone through the use case and user story examples, what’s the difference
between user stories and use cases? Here’s what I think are some of the key differences:

User stories are about needs. When you write a user story, what you’re describing is a “raw”
user need. It’s something that the user needs to do in his day-to-day job. If you never build
any software for him, then that need will still exist!
Use cases are about the behavior you’ll build into the software to meet those needs. A
developer who needs to build working software should be able to read a use case and get a
good sense of what the software needs to do. It typically has a lot of detail, and describes
everything that the developer needs to build in order to meet the user’s need. That’s why it
needs to have a lot more detail, and be clear and unambiguous.
User stories are easy for users to read. When you write a user story, what you’re
concentrating on is writing something that anyone can understand, in the language of the
users. We all know that developers have a lot more patience for talking about details of the
software they’re building than users do, which is why user stories have to be brief. A user
story needs to express a complete thought in just a couple of sentences. (That’s also why it’s
good to put them on index cards: somehow, that makes it clearer that it’s self-contained and
independent of the other user stories.)
Use cases describe a complete interaction between the software and users (and possibly
other systems). When you’re doing use case analysis, what you’re doing is designing a user story — some people,as a couple of … 6/12

04/11/2019 Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases | Building Better Software

functional solution that meets the users’ needs. It needs to be something that developers can
implement. It’s possible that one user story could spawn several use cases. And when you
combine all of your use cases into one use case document, you’ll end up with a complete
description of every interaction between the user and the software that you’re planning on
building. And if your software has to interact with multiple systems, you may end up treating
those other systems as actors in your use case.

Once you get a sense of how user stories and use cases differ, you can start to see what purpose
they can serve on your project. And if you only use user stories, or if you only use cases, then
maybe on your next project you can try using them both.

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23 thoughts on “Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases”

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OCTOBER 4, 2009 AT 1:54 AM

in addition, here is list of the 14 differences I’ve noticed:

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