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The Blend of Science, Technology, and Society: A Reflection

We live in a world where discovery never stops and innovation keeps on climbing up, making our
lives easy and efficient in every way. Science and technology are the reason why we are having
advancements in our society today.

Science is a systematic way which involves observation and experimentation in order to get
knowledge and improve skill; whereas technology is the practical application of science which helps in
improving quality life. The PowerPoint presentation given by our Science and Technology in Society
professor is an eye-opener when it comes to the understanding of the world’s modernization and how it
helps the people. I realized how crucial science and technology are in our everyday life essentially in the
fields of medicine, economy and military advancements. Firstly, it opens an opportunity for medicine to
invent a vaccine for the most fecund illness such as malaria, cholera, rabbis, and tuberculosis. This step
created a large impact particularly for the places where these kinds of diseases are rampant. Secondly, in
economics, it develops more approaches and further understanding of how a certain country could
analyze their status and how problems are being addressed properly. This helps some developing
countries today such as Africa to know what aspect they need to improve to ameliorate poverty in their
country. Lastly, in help on military aspects as well, it created more weapons on how to defend their
country from terrorist or any foreign invaders making their country strong and safe. The past illustrations
on the first weapons ever created based on the presentation are not just weapons but also tools that help
the first human to hunt their own food.

The mentioned advancements above prove that we are now depending on the technology and
scientific inventions. In today’s modern era, it becomes our necessity such as using our phones, taking
vaccines, vitamins, riding a vehicle and so much more. More and more countries are being developed and
more opportunities are opening today. Thus, science and technology could also help in addressing
people’s problem particularly in the field of social work, this could help us understand on how we social
work students could use technological and scientific advancements in addressing our client’s problem.
The fast evolution of our society could also affect the way we approach our client and we should
understand to address it properly. By the continuous advancements and discoveries science and
technology will soon provide answers to the most impossible questions that we people are expecting in
making our lives easier.

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