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ELL Survival Guide

a Pragmatic Learner, you

would want to incorporate
more direct and detailed
Learning Styles instruction, so that student can
It’s your first day of class, and fully grasp a new concept or
you have no idea where to idea. A nice easy way to figure
begin with your English out what type of learners you
Language Learners. However, I have in your classroom is to
have a quick and fun way to give the students a
get to know your students. questionnaire. The students
Whether, you speak English, can answer a series of
Spanish, French, German, questions, and they will see
Czech, etc., all students learn what type of learner they are
differently. We call these by tallying up their answer
learning styles. There are so choices. There are lots of
many different types of learning styles questionnaires.
learning styles, but I will
provide 10 learning styles that I
feel are very important to
know and understand. There
are Auditory Learners, Visual
Learners, Applied Learners,
SIOP Process
Conceptual Learners, Spatial
Learners, Verbal Learners, You’re probably wondering what
Social Learners, Independent the SIOP Process/Model is. Once I
Learners, Creative Learners, break it down for you, you will be
and last but not least, an expert in no time. The SIOP
Pragmatic Learners. Knowing process is an eight-component
the differences between these system that helps teachers write
different learning styles will more effective lesson plans. You
help you find the best way to do not need to use all eight
teach your ELL student. For components, and they do not
example, if your ELL student is have to be used in order. The
ELL Survival Guide
components of the SIOP Process How will you break off the
Model are Lesson Preparation, students into groups or pairs?
Building Background, These questions. Will get easier as
Comprehensible Input, Strategies, you become more familiar with
Interaction, Practice/Application, your students. In the
Lesson Delivery, and Review Practice/Application component,
Assessment. These components this is where your students can.
are like a teacher checklist for ELL Get a hands-on learning
students. During Lesson experience. How will the students
Preparation a teacher is making work with the new concept? The
sure that the standard being Lesson Delivery Component is
taught matches up with the very important. You need to make
language function. With Building sure that you are not talking fast,
Background, a teacher cannot you need to make sure that you
assume that their students will are giving your ELL students
know what they are going to enough wait time to respond
teach, that’s why we teach them. because they may or may not be
A teacher should try and make up still learning English. Lastly,
a fun way to introduce a new topic Review/Assessment component
that will grab their students’ helps with drilling the new
attentions. Comprehensible Input concept home. Make sure that the
is self-explanatory, but you want students know the new
to make sure that the information vocabulary. Have review sheets
being taught in the lesson will be and visuals prepared. Your
understood by your students. The students will need repetition. This
Strategies Component of the SIOP just about sums up the SIOP
Process gives different ways to Process and how you can use this
teach all students, not just ELL, model beneficially and accurately
but this will benefit you in your in the classroom.
ELL classroom. The Interaction
component is more beneficial for
the students: Are they
participating? Are they
contributing to group discussions?
ELL Survival Guide
Language Acquisition In the Pre-Production Stage, the
student is verbally unresponsive,
hesitant, and unsure. This student
will respond with one-word answers.
These students will also respond by
pointing, gesturing, nodding, and
drawing. These students need more
time adjusting to the classroom. For
There are two types of language the students in the pre-production
acquisitions: First-Language stage, as the teacher, you should
Acquisition and Second Language speak more slowly, you should focus
Acquisition. First- Language acquisition is on listening, do not worry too much
a universal process regardless of home about speaking, you should use a lot
language. Babies listen to the sounds of visuals like graphic organizers or
around them, begin to imitate them, pictures, and you should use gestures
and eventually start producing words. and body language when
Second-language acquisition assumes communicating with these students.
knowledge in a first language and
encompasses the process an individual In the Early Production Stage, the
goes through as he or she learns student is speaking in word chunks
the elements of a new language, such as that have been memorized, but the
vocabulary, phonological components, chunks may not always be used
grammatical structures, and writing correctly. This stage can be from six
systems. I am going to focus on Second months to a year. In this stage the
Language Acquisition. There are five student will have a receptive
stages: Pre-Production Stage, Early vocabulary (the words they hear) and
Production, Speech Emergence, an active speaking vocabulary of 1000
Intermediate Fluency, and Advanced words. In this stage, teachers should
Fluency. Depending on which stage of stick to Yes or No questions, teachers
language acquisition that your ELL should continue to encourage
student is in, a student may or may listening, and teachers should use
not participate in your class, and it is labeling and diagramming
not because they do not know the illustrations as visual cues.
ELL Survival Guide
In the Speech Emergence Stage, the being taught in class. The teacher can
student will have about 3000 words also use native language strategies to
in their vocabulary. These students help teach the ELL student content in
will communicate with simple English. Always remember to
phrases and sentences. The students encourage listening and do not force
will also start asking simple speaking. Now, you can have the
questions. Be mindful that these students take on a larger role in
structures of the questions may not cooperative group activities. Start
always be correct: a word or two introducing idioms to these students.
might be missing. These students will
The final stage: Advanced Fluency is
also initiate short conversations with
where the student is at near-native in
classmates. This is the stage where
their ability to perform in content
students will begin doing some
area learning. This stage takes about
content work with support. As the
four to ten years to achieve cognitive
teacher, you can still encourage
academic language proficiency in a
listening. Try not to force speaking.
second language. Most students in
You want to start encouraging the
this stage no longer need ESL
student to participate more. You
services. In the beginning of this
should also start asking how and why
stage, however, the student will still
questions. You can also provide text
need continued support from
with pictures. Also, keep in mind the
classroom teachers, especially in
necessary modifications that need to
content areas like social studies and
be made.
writing. In this stage you also
In the Intermediate fluency stage, the continue to encourage listening and
student will have developed a do not force speaking. Teachers will
vocabulary of 6000 words. This stage still continue to emphasize content
lasts for about three to five years. area vocabulary. This is where the
The student will start forming more teacher can provide grammar
complex sentences in speaking and instruction. The teacher should also
writing. There will still be many errors focus on reading and writing skills.
in grammar in writing. In this stage, The student can now be a more
teachers should help students by complex group participant: they can
asking questions to clarify what is be the note take or the reporter.

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