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A Spectacular Feeling

When will problems disappear?

A world without sadness

Without a single drop of tear

A world without madness

I think that’s all we want to hear

So, when is the first question

When will we have peace?

Did you know there is a solution?

A solution to end all of this

What? Didn’t you know it is the feeling of love?

The love that will make you feel you are above!

I know that life is tough

But don’t you think maybe love is enough?

How? Is another question you’d like me to answer

You know, it’ll just make you feel a hundred times better

Love will always make you smile

Giving you energy to run a mile

Where do you find this spectacular feeling?

Look around you! They are the ones who keeps on believing

That a person like you can do anything

So, go on and start a new chapter

Take the love they all want to offer

And pass it on to make anyone feel greater!

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