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Basic Syntax on RC 7.

x +
(Epson Robots)

No Function / Syntax Remark Example

1 Motor ON | OFF Turns motor power for all axes on or off for the Motor on ‘ motor turns on
current robot. Motor off‘ ‘motor turns off

2 Power High | Low Switches Power Mode to high or low and displays the Power High ‘Set high power mode
current status Power Low ‘Set low power mode
Low - When Power is set to Low, Low Power Mode is
On. This means that the robot will run slow (below
250 mm/sec)
High - When Power is set to High, Low Power Mode
is Off. This means that the robot can run at full speed
with the full servo stiffness

3 Speed # Speed specifies the arm speed for all point to point Speed 100 ‘ set speed 100%
motion instructions. This includes motion caused by
the Go, Jump and Pulse robot motion
instructions. The speed is specified as a percentage
of maximum speed with the range of acceptable
values between 1-100.

Rudyanto Sudarman
Ver1.0 - 2015
4 Accel #,# Accel specifies the acceleration and deceleration for Accel 100, 50 ‘ set acceleration 100 % and set
all Point to Point type motions. This includes motion deceleration rate 50%
caused by the Go, Jump and Pulse robot motion

5 SpeedS # Specifies or displays the arm speed for use with the Speeds 100 'set speed in 100 mm/Sec
continuous path motion instructions, such as Move,
Arc, Arc3, Jump3 and Jump3CP.
SpeedS is specified in mm/Sec which represents a
Tool Center Point velocity for the robot arm. Valid
entries for SpeedS range is 1-2000 for 6-axis robots
and 1-1120 for other robots. The default value varies
from robot to robot. See the robot manual for the
default SpeedS values for your robot model.

6 Accels #,# Sets the acceleration and deceleration rates for the AccelS 200, 500 ‘set acceleration 200 mm/s and
Straight Line and Continuous Path robot motion set deceleration rate 500 mm/s
instructions such as Move, Arc, Arc3, Jump3 and

7 Jump Moves the arm from the current position to the Jump P0 ‘ robot jump to point 0
specified destination point using point to point motion
by first moving in a vertical direction up, then

Rudyanto Sudarman
Ver1.0 - 2015
horizontally and then finally vertically downward to
arrive on the final destination point.

8 Go Move directly to a point using point to point motion. Go P0 ‘robot go to point 0

9 Move Move moves the arm from the current position to Move P0 ‘robot move to point 0
destination in a straight line. Move coordinates all
axes to start and stop at the same time. Acceleration
and deceleration for the Move is controlled by the
AccelS instruction. Speed for the move is controlled
by the SpeedS instruction. If the SpeedS speed value
exceeds the allowable speed for any joint, power to
all four joint motors will be turned off, and the robot
will stop.

Rudyanto Sudarman
Ver1.0 - 2015
10 Arc /Arc3 Arc and Arc3 are used to move the arm in a circular Go P100
type motion from the current position to endPoint by Arc P101, P102
way of midPoint.

Arc and Arc3 use the SpeedS speed value and

AccelS acceleration and deceleration values.

11 SW (#) Sw provides a status check for the inputs. Sw is most data = Sw(5) ‘read IO external Input 5 and put in
commonly used to check the status of one of the data variable
inputs which could be connected to a feeder,
conveyor, gripper solenoid, or a host of other devices
which works via discrete I/O. Obviously the input
checked with the Sw instruction has 2 states (1 or 0).
These indicate whether the device is On or Off.

12 On / Off turns On / Off (sets to 1) the specified output bit. On 1 ‘'Turn On IO external Output 1

Off 1 ‘'Turn Off IO external Output 1

13 MemSw Read status of one bit of memory I/O. Wait MemSw(1) = On 'Wait until the memory 0
become on

14 MemOn / MemOff Turns On/Off one Memory I/O bit. MemOn 0 ‘ turn on bit memory 0
MemOff 0 ‘ turn off bit memory 0

Rudyanto Sudarman
Ver1.0 - 2015
15 Wait #(time) When used as a timer, the Wait instruction causes Wait 60.5 ' Wait 60.5 secs and then continue
the program to pause for the amount of time specified execution
and then continues program execution

16 Wait inputcondition When used as a conditional Wait interlock, the Wait Wait Sw(0) = On ‘Wait until input 0 turns on
instruction causes the program to wait until specified
conditions are satisfied.

17 Time Displays the current time > Time

18 TmReset Resets and starts the timer specified by TmReset 0 'Reset Timer 0
timerNumber Integer expression from 0 - 63
represents which of the 64 timers to
19 Tmr(timerNumber) Timer function which returns the amount of time in TmReset 0 'Reset Timer 0
seconds which has elapsed since the timer was For i = 1 To 10 'Perform operation 10 times
started GoSub Cycle
Print Tmr(0) / 10 'Calculate and display cycle

Rudyanto Sudarman
Ver1.0 - 2015

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