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Hey there, soon-to-be digital nomad!

I’m incredibly happy you’re interested in quitting the 9-to-5 and becoming a digital
nomad. I really hope this book will give you a good idea of how you can make money
online so that you would be free to go anywhere, anytime and stay for as long as you

I’ve been an active digital nomad myself for the past 4 years in which time I’ve acquired
a significant amount of knowledge on the many different ways of making money
remotely and included 29 of them in this tiny little book.

The 29 ways are listed in no particular order. You can simply skim through them until
you find a way that peaks your interest and read that. Every one of those ways contains
a short description and some really useful resources (books, articles and online
courses) that will help you learn a lot more.

I really hope this book will provide you with enough information to eventually be able to
quit the 9-to-5 and become a digital nomad!

Disclaimer: I’ve linked to some useful resources in the book. A few of those links are
affiliated (meaning I will make a small commission if you make a purchase). Hope you
don’t mind.
1. Publish eBooks on Amazon

These days anyone can publish a Kindle Book on Amazon. Of course there are millions
of books customers can choose from, so there’s quite a bit of competition, but a lot of
people find success by writing non-fiction books on very specific topics (anything from
losing weight to creating an iPhone from scratch).

As long as it is well optimized for Amazon’s search engine and provides real value to
the reader, it could sell. Just don’t forget to design a professional book cover on Fiverr -
it can dramatically increase your conversion rate.

Click here to read about Adrian - a 23 year-old Australian who makes up to $13,000 a
month selling eBooks on Amazon.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

2. Create Online Courses

If you have a skill that a lot of people are interested in learning (it can be anything from
using PhotoShop to making travel videos to cooking healthy food to thousands of other
things), you can create online courses on Udemy and sell them to people around the

The biggest upside of creating online courses is that once you publish a course, it will
sell for years to come providing you with a source of steady passive income.

Click here to read an awesome how-to guide from Groove - a company that built an
online course which generated $120,679 in just 5 days.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

3. Manage Facebook Ads

You can provide Facebook ads management services. That involves running and
optimizing your customers’s ad campaigns for their target audiences. There are
thousands of businesses making a lot of money by acquiring their customers via
Facebook ads and they are always searching for good specialists to help them grow.

Click here to read about Adomas - a Facebook marketing specialist who makes 6 digits
a year while traveling the world.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course and read the ultimate guide to
managing social media.
4. Teach Languages Online

Teaching languages online is very easy to start and it makes you completely location
independent, since all of your classes are conducted via Skype and you never meet
your students face to face.

In order to find students you will have to use language learning platforms, such as
Preply (here you can teach dozens more subjects, not just languages) or italki.

Click here to read about Maria - a woman who has spent years traveling the world while
teaching languages online.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

5. Dropship

Dropshipping is the process of selling products online without having to ship them all the
way to your customers. By creating an online store with Shopify and using an
application called Oberlo you can instantly start selling millions of products from
thousands of sellers, who will ship the products straight to your customers’s door
without you having to stress about it.

Dropshipping is very easy and cheap to start, but in order to acquire customers you will
need to acquire some online marketing knowledge.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

6. Coach People

These days a lot of people struggle to find happiness and fulfillment. That is why
personal life coaches have become quite popular and extremely valuable to their

Being a life coach involves doing 1-on-1 coaching sessions (via Skype or any other
platform) with your clients whenever they need your help. It might not look like a
lucrative career, but some people make 6 digits a year doing just that.

Click here to read about Lydia - a corporate escape coach who quit the 9-to-5, moved to
her dream home in Bali and makes a very good living helping people repurpose their

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

7. Start a YouTube Channel

My videos on YouTube have been watched over 7,000,000 times, so I have a little bit of
experience running a channel. As much as I enjoy creating travel videos and inspiring
people to travel more, making money on YouTube is extremely difficult - the ad
revenues are very low and the competition is fierce. However, if you were able to make
money this way, it would definitely allow you to live and travel anywhere.

You need to create the sort of channel that wouldn’t require you to be at any specific
place at any time. A few useful ideas could be - product reviews; specific type of music;
unboxing; video games; make-up tutorials; and language learning tips.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

8. Develop Software

You can become a software developer who either freelances for many different clients
or has a remote full-time job. This is one of the best ways to become a digital nomad,
because these days technology companies pay overwhelming amounts of money for
good talent and they don’t really care where that talent is based, as long as they deliver

Click here to read about Christopher - an accounting student who learned to code in 3
months and now travels the world indefinitely while freelancing as a software developer.

Want to learn more? Read the ultimate freelancer’s guide and sign up for this online

9. Manage Google AdWords

You can provide Google AdWords management services. Google AdWords is the best
customer acquisition channel for millions of companies around the world, especially if
they do anything related to e-commerce, since people who search for specific keywords
on Google are very likely to end up purchasing them.

Once you work with a company like that, you can easily manage and optimize their
campaigns remotely, which allows you to live anywhere.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

10. Create a Blog

Running a profitable blog that would allow you to travel indefinitely has become
increasingly difficult these days as there are tons of good quality content available
online and ad revenues keep plunging every day. However, it is still possible to make a
living running a blog if you focus on a very specific topic and produce high quality

The fastest and easiest way to start a blog is to purchase a professional theme on
ThemeForest, buy hosting on BlueHost and use Wordpress as your CMS (content
management system).

Click here to read about a proven blogging strategy - from a person who has been a
successful blogger for years.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

11. Write Articles

Copywriting is a profitable career, since companies pay really good money for very well
written sales pages, newsletter texts and blog posts. If you prefer writing a lot more
articles as opposed to a few very good quality ones, you can look into writing SEO
(search engine optimization) articles. They generally pay less money per article but take
considerably less amount of time to write.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

12. Sell With Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA (which means Fulfillment By Amazon) is a process where you send your
products to one of Amazon’s fulfillment centers and they take care of picking, packing,
shipping and providing customer service for your products.

A lot of online entrepreneurs buy cheap products from China, ship them directly to
Amazon’s warehouses and then focus on marketing those products while Amazon takes
care of everything else. If done right, this can become a very profitable remote business
that will make you completely location independent.

Click here to read more about how the FBA works - written by the specialists at Amazon

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

13. Design Logos

Creating logo designs could be a very profitable business if done at scale. A lot of
people have found success creating their profiles on Fiverr, providing really good quality
service (so that their customers would leave tons of positive reviews) and creating logos
priced from $5 to $30, at scale - hundreds of designs every single month.

When the ball starts rolling, you can still accept orders on Fiverr and outsource those
orders to some other designers to scale this business even further.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this course on logo design and this one on marketing
on Fiverr.

14. Consult Businesses

If you have a specific business skill that companies struggle with (related to marketing,
sales, human resources or anything else), you could become a business consultant. I
would suggest starting on platforms like or and taking it to the
next level once you have loyal customers, who require your constant help.

Creating a useful auto-responder newsletter could help out a lot, because if you provide
people with a lot of value without charging them anything, it is much easier to sell your
products and services.

Click here to read “The Nuts And Bolts of Going From a Regular Job to Consulting”.

15. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants help their clients with dozens of different tasks without having to meet
them face to face. It could be anything from booking their flight tickets to answering their

In order to find your first clients, register on platforms like UpWork or TaskRabbit. Once
you’ve built up a strong track record and dozens of positive reviews, you can start
charing higher hourly fee for your services. Some virtual assistants charge over $50 an

Want to learn more? Read this article.

16. Translate Texts

If you come from a non-English speaking country, it’s very likely you will speak more
than one language. In that case you could translate various business and personal texts
from your language to English (or any other language that you know).

You just need to find customers looking to translate texts, agree on the price per 100
words and start translating - completely remotely.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

17. Edit Videos

People need videos for all sorts of purposes - they want to remember their trip,
advertise their company or congratulate a friend on their birthday. If you could turn their
footage into a video that allows them to reach their goals, you could easily become a
digital nomad doing just that.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

18. Social Media Manager

These days almost every company in the world has at least one social media profile on
platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and others.

A lot of those companies do not have any employees who specialize in managing those
profiles and posting engaging content, so they tend to outsource these services to
various agencies or freelancers, who post content, answer the fans’s comments and
help the profile grow.

This can be a lucrative freelancing opportunity as social media has quite a big impact on
those companies marketing efforts. I was doing something very similar when I became
a digital nomad myself at the age of 19.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

19. Sell Photos

There are quite a few platforms where you can sell your high quality photos to
thousands of businesses and individuals around the world.

If you are good with taking and editing photos, this could very well work for you.
Register on platforms like ShutterStock or iStockPhoto, upload your pictures and see if
there’s any demand for them.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

20. Start a Shop on Etsy

Etsy is the world’s largest platform for hand-crafted goods - anything from accessories
to clothing to toys and books.

Even though it initially started as a place for people to sell their hand-crafted goods that
they were making for fun, it has grown to a huge platform where thousands of people
make good money by operating their shops.

If you go down this path, make sure to find ways to produce and ship your goods
without having to do it yourself. Maybe outsource it to someone or hire some people to
do it for you, so that the business would still run successfully with you traveling the

Click here to read about Stephanie - she became a digital nomad by selling goods on
Etsy and traveled all around the USA in a minivan with her husband while running that
business (though later switched to other things).

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

21. Raise Money on Patreon

If you are an artist who has already built yourself an audience for your work, you could
ask them to donate you money on this platform called Patreon.

There are tons of artists who make a very good living (some of them making thousands
of dollars a month) just by producing the content their fans want them to produce
without spoiling it with ads or sponsored posts/videos and thus gaining donations on

Want to learn more? Read “4 Key Tips for Building a Successful Patreon Page”.
22. Take Up Transcription Jobs

If you want something dead simple, and don't mind putting in multiple hours sitting with
your headphones and mindlessly jotting down what you hear, transcription might be
another remote job option.

There are companies that need recordings of conferences, speeches, meetings and so
on written down, and they will be willing to pay per hour or per word if you do it for them.

Since the job usually does not require particular skills, competition is fierce. However,
you can get better prices if you speak some more difficult languages and get good
reviews from your past customers. If you want to go down this path, start applying for
jobs on Upwork and take it from there.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

23. Do Accounting for Small Businesses

Accounting is required by almost every business, and it never ceases. Yet many small
businesses cannot afford to have dedicated accountants, and they also lose focus by
doing accounting themselves. This is where you could come in and offer to crunch the
numbers remotely for a fee.

This job is not for the light-hearted, but it’s worth considering if you don’t mind dealing
with numbers and spreadsheets. The advantage of this job is that you only need to find
one or two companies to do it for, and you will always have work.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

24. Analyze Data for Websites

Almost every website collects lots of data about their visitors, content popularity, sales
and so on. However, while collecting such data is cheap, analyzing it to extract useful
business insights is not that straightforward.

That’s why you could become a web traffic data analyst and provide companies insights
to help them steer their business to the right direction. Since all of that data is online, all
of your work would easily be online too.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

25. Market Digital Products as an Affiliate

Sellers of various digital products are often willing to offer you very high commissions if
you bring them new sales. It makes sense - after all, the products are digital, so each
new client doesn’t cost them a thing.

Once you sign up for an affiliate program, you get a personalized link to the merchant’s
website. Whenever some of your visitors click on that link and purchase something from
the merchant’s website, you will make a commission that varies greatly (it could be
anywhere from 1% to 95%, depending on what they are selling).

Affiliate marketers would usually sign up on a platform like Clickbank, Linkshare or

Commission Junction, where they could choose from thousands of different affiliate
offers. They would pick a niche, find a few promising products, and then generate
affiliate links to promote them on their blog, Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, YouTube
videos, or dozens of other ways hoping to make more money in sales than they spend
for ads and producing that content.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

26. Sell WordPress Themes

Over seventy million websites are run on WordPress and most of them need a beautiful
unique design. No wonder that selling Wordpress designs (called themes) is a business
worth hundreds of millions. Luckily, there are websites like Theme Forest where you can
upload and sell your own Wordpress themes at no cost, thus creating a location
independent passive income.

There are three difficult things about this business: production, technical support and
marketing. You will likely need to invest countless hours into creating and marketing the
theme, as well as dealing with the user requests and bug reports. However, most of
these parts can be outsourced, especially if you start getting a decent amount of sales.

Want to learn more? Sign up for this online course.

27. Complete Mechanical Tasks

If you don’t get bored easily by doing simple mechanical tasks, this might work for you!

One of Amazon’s companies is called Mechanical Turk and they are a marketplace
where thousands of companies post tons of mechanical tasks that they need someone
to do.

Even though these tasks might be a little boring, the good thing is that they are all fully
remote. They range from manually entering data on an Excel spreadsheet to providing
feedback on a video, searching for contact emails and anything in between.

If you get really good at some of these tasks, you can also try finding customers on
platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, where you might get paid more for the same amount of

Want to learn more? Read “Tips for Making Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk”.

28. Sell T-shirts Online

If you can come up with funny captions or creative designs, selling T-shirts online might
be a fun digital nomad business to try. Businesses like Printful, Teespring or Amazon
Merch can print, store and ship the T-shirts for you, so you only worry about design and

An easy way to start would be to create a Shopify store and install Printful. You will need
to pick a niche, the type of T-shirts you will sell, and start designing your T-shirts.

Want to learn more? Read this article or sign up for this online course.

29. Organize Retreats

Retreats are gatherings where a group of people simply travel to one place and hang
out together for a few days or even months at a time.

If you are part of a strong community interested in a specific thing, such as yoga,
healthy food, playing chess, trading stocks, digital marketing, cryptocurrencies, or
literally anything else, you might consider organizing retreats for those people to exotic
places around the world.

You’d not only make a lot of new friends but also get to travel all around the world while
doing it.

Click here to read about my friend Casey - an awesome digital nomad who travels the
world while… organizing retreats for digital nomads.
Final words
You have read through the whole book, hey! That’s awesome!

I am very happy you’re here and I sincerely hope this book gave you a good idea on
how you can make money online while traveling the world.

There are, of course, lots of other things you will have to learn down the road, but
you’ve definitely taken the first step.

My personal mission is to inspire more people to travel the world and this book is
instrumental for me to do so (because if people can make money remotely, they can
travel indefinitely).

That’s why I’m constantly improving this book and it would mean the world to me if you
could take 2 minutes of your time to give me your feedback by completing this short



P.S. Look out for my e-mails - I’ll send you some really useful information about
becoming a digital nomad. See you in your e-mail inbox!

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