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Qwetu acquires a significant number of its customers through web searches.

We place ads using Google's search engine optimization across platforms
When someone clicks the ad, finding it interesting, the user is directed to our website
Our website has all information which a user (student or parent) may be looking for
When the user seems interested in the offering we have, the user has been given a "Call
Back" Button on the website
When the user clicks the Call back button, the user is asked for some mandatory details to
be filled in
The details are directly captured by our call centre team who gets in touch with the
customer, provides all information about Qwetu, does follow up and bring the customer on
The sales is completed when the customer Checks in to any of our student residences

You are expected to go through the definitions and data sheet named "Website Dummy
Data" and answer 10 questions mentioned in the sheet name "QUESTION"
You have 45 minutes to do so from the time this excel file is shared with you
Time Duration : 45 Minutes
Refer Sheet " Website Dummy Data"
Following are definitions to help you understand the data better

Total Traffic from Google Ads on Website each day

1 (Number of people visiting the website after
clicking any of our ads)

2 New Traffic (New Users coming to website)

3 Returning Traffic

4 People who clicked CALL ME BACK OPTION

5 Spend/Day
stand the data better

This is total users clicking our ads during the day and being directed
to our website

These are NEW users being directed to our website after clicking the
These are returning users or repeat users who have earlier visited
our website in the last 30 days

Off the total traffic sent to our website by google, these are users
who clicked the Call Me Back Option and Filled all the Details. These
are LEADS generated for each day

Total spend in USD per day to run google ads

Date 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep
Total Traffic from Google Ads on Website each day (Number of 3,583 3,435 3,282
people visiting the website after clicking any of our ads)
New Traffic (New Users coming to website) 1,939 1,707 1,624
Returning Traffic 1,644 1,728 1,658
People who clicked CALL ME BACK OPTION (LEADS) 131 234 214
Spend/Day $121.15 $121.87 $119.77
0.92 0.52 0.56
65.50 117.00 107.00
9.83 17.55 16.05

4% 7% 7%
4-Sep 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep

3,997 4,808 2,533 2,699 2,678 2,776 2,681 2,949

1,959 2,708 1,172 1,202 1,246 1,400 1,420 1,591

2,038 2,100 1,361 1,497 1,432 1,376 1,261 1,358
239 243 135 164 147 165 180 170
$142.60 $196.51 $79.90 $69.55 $68.23 $71.58 $73.00 $74.12
0.60 0.81 0.59 0.42 0.46 0.43 0.41 0.44
119.50 121.50 67.50 82.00 73.50 82.50 90.00 85.00
17.93 18.23 10.13 12.30 11.03 12.38 13.50 12.75

6% 5% 5% 6% 5% 6% 7% 6%
12-Sep 13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep

2,855 2,703 2,617 2,722 2,698 2,489 2,475 2,617

1,636 1,550 1,522 1,531 1,481 1,357 1,365 1,411

1,219 1,153 1,095 1,191 1,217 1,132 1,110 1,206
178 149 147 164 155 128 94 90
$66.28 $67.56 $67.25 $68.15 $73.68 $67.86 $78.86 $64.35
0.37 0.45 0.46 0.42 0.48 0.53 0.84 0.72
89.00 74.50 73.50 82.00 77.50 64.00 47.00 45.00
13.35 11.18 11.03 12.30 11.63 9.60 7.05 6.75

6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 5% 4% 3%
20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep 26-Sep 27-Sep

2,709 2,353 2,495 2,568 2,638 1,443 169 153

1,532 1,346 1,356 1,338 1,501 809 20 19

1,177 1,007 1,139 1,230 1,137 634 149 134
82 61 61 74 92 64 10 13
$67.73 $65.81 $60.43 $67.49 $68.98 $36.17 $57.55 $54.23
0.83 1.08 0.99 0.91 0.75 0.57 5.75 4.17
41.00 30.50 30.50 37.00 46.00 32.00 5.00 6.50
6.15 4.58 4.58 5.55 6.90 4.80 0.75 0.98

3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 4% 6% 8%
28-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep 1-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct

133 91 112 1,960 2,472 2,884 3,791 3,440

16 14 12 1,258 1,450 1,698 2,269 2,039

117 77 100 702 1,022 1,186 1,522 1,401
7 5 11 85 143 164 154 156
$49.32 $53.70 $52.42 $76.73 $84.83 $103.76 $141.24 $114.51
7.05 10.74 4.77 0.90 0.59 0.63 0.92 0.73
3.50 2.50 5.50 42.50 71.50 82.00 77.00 78.00
0.53 0.38 0.83 6.38 10.73 12.30 11.55 11.70

5% 5% 10% 4% 6% 6% 4% 5%
6-Oct 7-Oct 8-Oct 9-Oct 10-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct

3,857 3,872 3,552 4,118 4,453 4,442 3,670 4,207

2,249 2,258 2,079 2,251 2,497 2,372 2,121 2,249

1,608 1,614 1,473 1,867 1,956 2,070 1,549 1,958
150 183 169 192 167 147 105 131
$121.30 $127.24 $127.90 $134.51 $135.89 $130.55 $129.79 $128.29
0.81 0.70 0.76 0.70 0.81 0.89 1.24 0.98
75.00 91.50 84.50 96.00 83.50 73.50 52.50 65.50
11.25 13.73 12.68 14.40 12.53 11.03 7.88 9.83

4% 5% 5% 5% 4% 3% 3% 3%
14-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct

2,130 3,136 5,078 4,325 4,505 4,573 5,260 5,471

1,077 1,803 2,808 2,335 2,412 2,477 2,840 2,936

1,053 1,333 2,270 1,990 2,093 2,096 2,420 2,535
85 93 162 131 129 96 145 160
$67.41 $143.47 $177.94 $171.61 $166.26 $166.98 $179.83 $179.94
0.79 1.54 1.10 1.31 1.29 1.74 1.24 1.12
42.50 46.50 81.00 65.50 64.50 48.00 72.50 80.00
6.38 6.98 12.15 9.83 9.68 7.20 10.88 12.00

4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 3%
22-Oct 23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct

5,515 4,563 4,446 4,480 4,788 4,927 4,368 4,893

2,847 2,350 2,201 2,160 2,247 2,371 2,075 2,584

2,668 2,213 2,245 2,320 2,541 2,556 2,293 2,309
142 148 154 95 126 144 122 134
$181.82 $177.83 $154.39 $149.70 $157.46 $152.00 $143.78 $174.43
1.28 1.20 1.00 1.58 1.25 1.06 1.18 1.30
71.00 74.00 77.00 47.50 63.00 72.00 61.00 67.00
10.65 11.10 11.55 7.13 9.45 10.80 9.15 10.05

3% 3% 3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3%
30-Oct 31-Oct 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 4-Nov 5-Nov 6-Nov

4,591 3,662 4,785 5,108 4,840 4,125 2,765 2,665

2,378 2,087 2,481 2,506 2,438 1,838 1,344 1,061

2,213 1,575 2,304 2,602 2,402 2,287 1,421 1,604
120 80 139 152 149 129 59 78
$157.13 $138.64 $157.87 $151.85 $155.09 $133.55 $89.22 $75.92
1.31 1.73 1.14 1.00 1.04 1.04 1.51 0.97
60.00 40.00 69.50 76.00 74.50 64.50 29.50 39.00
9.00 6.00 10.43 11.40 11.18 9.68 4.43 5.85

3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 3%
7-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov

2,326 2,440 2,596 3,101 2,314 5,847 5,994 2,214

975 1,085 1,085 1,313 1,004 3,519 3,403 986

1,351 1,355 1,511 1,788 1,310 2,328 2,591 1,228
79 82 79 85 82 129 118 49
$63.57 $71.60 $68.54 $83.60 $76.94 $260.85 $260.06 $64.70
0.80 0.87 0.87 0.98 0.94 2.02 2.20 1.32
39.50 41.00 39.50 42.50 41.00 64.50 59.00 24.50
5.93 6.15 5.93 6.38 6.15 9.68 8.85 3.68

3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 2% 2% 2%
15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov 19-Nov 20-Nov

336 269 221 122 55 5,038

66 55 55 14 1 2,993
270 214 166 108 54 2,045
7 3 6 4 2 74 $9,324.00
$11.05 $6.95 $21.64 $207.91 $101.70 $176.02 $8,961.88
1.58 2.32 3.61 51.98 50.85 2.38 0.3723595506
3.50 1.50 3.00 2.00 1.00 37.00 110.64
0.53 0.23 0.45 0.30 0.15 5.55 3,337.04
1.849090909 12.821000312
0.00 1.805704189
2% 1% 3% 3% 4% 1%

$260.85 12.8155000974

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