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Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

DOI 10.1007/s11947-012-0821-x


Principles and Applications of Light Backscattering Imaging

in Quality Evaluation of Agro-food Products: a Review
Kaveh Mollazade & Mahmoud Omid &
Fardin Akhlaghian Tab & Sayed Saeid Mohtasebi

Received: 27 October 2011 / Accepted: 28 February 2012 / Published online: 14 March 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract In recent years, due to the increasing consciousness growing population. The considerable demand for agricultur-
of quality in the food and health sector, much progress has al and food products derive us to adapt modern and automated
been made in developing non-invasive techniques for the technologies in order to reduce waste and increase the amount
evaluation or inspection of internal qualitative parameters of and quality of products. Furthermore, in the last decades,
fruits, vegetables, and processed foodstuffs considering, e.g., because of increasing rate of international trade, there has
moisture content, soluble solid content, acidity, and mechan- been a considerable growth in trade of agricultural and food
ical properties. This paper reviews the theoretical and techni- products among countries. Most countries imposed high-level
cal principles as well as the recent achievements and standards for quality and safety of imported products.
applications of light backscattering imaging for nondestruc- Therefore, exporters have to develop their postharvest tech-
tive evaluation of food and agricultural produce. The results nologies in order to be able to meet such standards and
suggest the potential use of this emerging technique in the challenge with their rivals and to have higher amount of
food industry. Further attempts are pointed out to improve its export. On the other hand, the agricultural market is very
performance through utilizing advanced image processing selective and consumers want high-quality products.
coupled with artificial intelligence techniques. Accordingly, producers have to investigate carefully the qual-
ity of their products at all stages of production, warehousing,
Keywords Horticultural products . Hyperspectral imaging . processing, and transportation. This requires rapid, accurate,
Image processing . Laser diode . Light propagation . Quality and inexpensive methods for assessment of the quality and
control physiological status of produce (Moghimi et al. 2008).
Quality of agricultural and food products is a combination
of characteristics and traits that are important and creates the
Introduction acceptability. Acceptability in turn depends on the human
factors, including vision, touch, smell, taste, and even the
Technological advancement is progressively finding its sound. Various factors are used to investigate the quality of
applications in agro-food industry to meet the need of the products. Appearance, flavor, texture, nutritional content, and
defects are known generally as the most five important factors
in evaluation the quality of fruits and vegetables (Choi et al.
K. Mollazade (*) : M. Omid : S. S. Mohtasebi 2006). In overall, the quality can be classified as external and
Department of Agricultural Machinery Engineering, internal. Several reference methods for inspection of internal
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,
qualitative factors of products have been developed. However,
University of Tehran,
P.O. Box 4111, Karaj 31587-77871, Iran because of their main drawback, i.e., their invasive and de-
e-mail: structive behavior, efforts are being geared up toward the
replacement of these methods with nondestructive ones.
F. A. Tab
Because of structural complexity of products, scientists
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Kurdistan, have not yet succeeded to introduce a rapid, precise, and
Sanandaj, Iran inexpensive method to evaluate the internal quality
1466 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

properties. Several nondestructive quality evaluation meth- a preferable nondestructive tool in identifying qualitative
ods have been developed to this date. Each method is based parameters of agro-food materials (Sun 2010).
on measuring a given engineering property (mechanical, Recent researches in machine vision is being concen-
optical, vibrational, electrical, acoustic, etc.) of product trated more toward the ranges of light spectrum that are
(Table 1). The effectiveness of these techniques depends invisible to the human eye (Lorente et al. 2012). Light
on the correlation between the measured engineering prop- backscattering imaging (LBI) is a developing technique,
erty and quality factor of interest such as moisture content which uses principles of light backscattering and image
(MC), acidity, soluble solid content (SSC), protein, color, processing in visible (VIS) and shortwave near infrared
etc. (Irtwange 2006; Choi et al. 2006). (SWNIR) range of light spectrum (Qing et al. 2007a,
Machine vision, spectroscopy, and imaging spectros- 2008).
copy are potential fields of research utilizing optical In this paper, we review the theoretical and technical prin-
properties of objects to study the internal qualitative ciples of LBI as a newly and in progress technique.
factors. Most of the optical techniques are costly expen- Furthermore, applications of LBI technique and recent
sive in nature. Despite of this drawback, the advantages achievements in agriculture and food industry are discussed.
over other non-invasive techniques mean its expansion In the final section, we highlight drawbacks and give some
into various applications. Over the past two decades, suggestions for advancing this technique in the future works.
near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has been intensively
developed for investigating the internal qualitative fac-
tors of agricultural products (Zude 2009). Due to the Concept of Light Backscattering
overlapping of the vibrational bands of water with other
constituents such as sugar and fat, conventional NIR Based on optical properties, an object may be pellucid, semi-
spectroscopy has not to reply on chemometric methods pellucid, or turbid. Agricultural products are supposed to be
to establish empirical relationships between NIR spectra semi-pellucid or turbid and transmit the light through them-
and the chemical constituents or quality attributes of selves at certain wavelengths (Mireei 2010). Reflectance,
food and agricultural products. Since most of these absorption, and transmittance may occur when light, or elec-
products are turbid or opaque in nature, light attenuation tromagnetic radiation in general, interacts with the turbid
in such highly scattering media can no longer be ade- biological tissue (Qin 2007). Light reflectance is a complex
quately described by the Beer–Lambert law, which is phenomenon and is shown in three formats: regular (specular)
the basis for the NIR chemometric approach (Qin 2007). reflectance, external diffuse reflectance, and scattering (see
Hyperspectral imaging is another optical technique that Fig. 1).
has received much attention as a smart and promising In general, the light reflection from a polished surface is
tool in the fields of food processing and inspection. called regular reflectance. The general rule about this type of
Although some advantages of this technique, like its reflection states that the light incident angle with the object
ability to characterize the inherent chemical properties surface is equal with the angle at which it is reflected, while
of a sample, have led researchers to use it in various external diffuse reflectance is occurred at a 45° angle to the
applications, it is still being developed to be accepted as incident beam. This reflectance carries some information

Table 1 Nondestructive meth-

ods developed for inspecting Methodology Technique being used Components
internal quality of agro-food
produce (reprinted from Optics Image analysis Size, shape, color, external defects
Choi et al. 2006) Reflectance, transmittance, and Internal components, color, defects
absorbance spectroscopy
Laser spectroscopy Firmness, viscoelasticity, defects, shape
X-ray Array image and CT Internal cavity and structure, ripeness
Mechanics Vibrated excitation Firmness, viscoelasticity, ripeness
Sonic Firmness, viscoelasticity, internal cavity,
density, sugar content
Ultrasonic Internal cavity and structure, firmness, tenderness
Electromagnetic Impedance Moisture contents, density, sugar content,
density, internal cavity
MR/MRI Sugar content, oil, moisture content, internal
defect and structure
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1467

also equal to the velocity c of light of a given wavelength in

free space divided by its velocity v in a substance, or n0c/v.
Therefore, it determines the speed of light in the medium,
and changes in the refractive index give rise to light scatter-
ing, refraction, and reflection (Qin 2007). For the biological
materials, several techniques have been introduced to mea-
sure the RI as described in Lai et al. (2010). Scientists
Fig. 1 Distribution of incident light in fruits (reprinted with permis- usually approximate the RI of the heterogeneous materials
sion from Mireei 2010) by the volume-weighted average of the value of the tissue
constitutes. To model photon migration within the tissues in
about the object surface like its color (Mireei 2010). Only 4– the biomedical applications, the value of 1.4 has been used
5% of incident light is reflected by both regular and external to solve various boundary problems at the interfaces. The RI
diffuse reflectance. The remaining part of the light is passed of some human and animal tissues is in the range of 1.33 to
through the tissue skin and is distributed through the porous 1.5 as described in the literature (Knuttel and Boehlau-
space of the tissue meat (Birth 1976). Godau 2000; Lai et al. 2005). Since the major portion of
Most of the passing light is reflected by internal contents agro-food products is made up by water, the value of RI is
of biological tissue and scattered toward the exterior tissue close to 1.33 (e.g., the skim milk and oil palm fruit have a RI
surface. Because they interact with the internal components, of 1.46) (Bora et al. 2003 and Sukumar 2005).
backscattered photons carry information related to the mor-
phology and structures of the tissue, such as the mechanical Absorption Coefficient
properties. Lu (2004) stated that light scattering is a physical
phenomenon and depends on the cell size and inter- and Absorption coefficient (μa) is a measure of the rate of
extra-cellular properties of tissue matrices. The joint surfa- decrease in the light intensity as it passes through a given
ces of the cell wall are the most common cause of backscat- substance. The Beer–Lambert law states that there is a
tering phenomenon in fruits and vegetables because they logarithmic relation among the absorption coefficient, dis-
lead to sudden changes in the reflection coefficients tance the light travels through the material (L), and light
(McGlone et al. 1997). However, suspended particles such intensity before (I0), and after (I) it passes through the
as starch, chloroplasts, and mitochondria may also be cause material (Tilley 2011):
of scattering by the refraction at their surface (Nicolai et al.
2007). The rest of passed light is absorbed by tissue meat or 1 I
μa ¼ lnð Þ ð2Þ
is transmitted out from the fruit. Structural components of L I0
food and agricultural products can absorb a specific amount Absorption coefficient is primarily dependent on tissue
of light. The absorption ratio depends on the types of struc- components. As stated in references, in the wavelength
tural components, wavelength, and light path length. range, 400–700-nm pigments and colored compounds like
Accordingly, biological tissues may be characterized by anthocyanins, carotenoids, and chlorophylls are the main
their absorption and scattering properties, which are specific source of light absorbance, while water, fats, proteins, and
to each material (Mireei 2010). carbohydrates are the major absorbers in the SWNIR region
(Qin 2007).

Physical Laws Governing Light Interactions Scattering Coefficient

with Biological Materials in Backscattering Imaging
Scattering coefficient (μs) is the fraction of light scattered
Refractive Index per unit distance in a participating medium. This optical
concept is defined by the following equation:
As light passes from one material of given refractive index
(RI) to another material of a different RI, it bends and dϕðLÞ ¼ μs ϕðLÞdL ð3Þ
refraction of light will occur. Snell’s law describes this
phenomenon: where Φ and dΦ are, respectively, the powers of incident and
scattering light. This equation leads to the Beer–Lambert
sin i
n¼ ð1Þ law of light scattering in a medium (Tilley 2011).
sin r Like the absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient
where n is the refractive index and i and r are angles of delivers important information about the internal structure,
incidence and refraction, respectively. Refractive index is especially tissue microscopic structure (cell, fibers), of
1468 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

agricultural and food materials. The reason here is due to the absorption coefficient, and reduced scattering coefficient, as
local variation of the dielectric constant inside the medium. described in the previous section.
In fact light scattering is due to the microscopic changes in
refractive index caused by membranes, air vacuoles, or Diffusion Theory Model
organelles which divert the photon paths and are ultimately
responsible for light diffusion. In a biological medium, light As stated in the “Concept of Light Backscattering”
can be scattered many times before being either absorbed or section, the light propagation in biological tissues is
re-emitted from the medium. This indicates that light scat- highly scatter dominated over the wavelength range
tering in the VIS and SWNIR region is naturally stronger 500–1,300 nm. The transport of photons is usually
than light absorption. Researchers showed the fall of the approximated as a diffusion process when scattering is
scattering coefficient with increasing wavelength (Cubeddu a dominant mechanism in the turbid materials. The
et al. 2002). following equation known as the approximate diffusion
theory model is used to express the radiation transfer
equation in biological tissues (Lu 2009):
Reduced Scattering Coefficient
1 dΦð r ; tÞ ! ! !
During the diffusion process, photons have a random move- ¼ Dr2 Φð r ; tÞ  μa Φð r ; tÞ þ Sð r ; tÞ ð6Þ
c dt
ment through the medium in a sequence of strides of lengths
and directions. Every stride being with a scattering event is where
equally likely to be taken in any direction. Reduced scatter- 2
ing coefficient (μ0s) is a description of the combined effect of ∇ Laplacian operator
scattering coefficient and average scattering angle as follows c R ! ! Light velocity in the medium
(Qin 2007): Φð r ; tÞ ¼ Ið r ; Ω; t ÞdΩ Photon flux (photons per
4p square centimeter per second)
μ0s ¼ ð1  gÞμs ð4Þ D ¼ ½3ðμa Rþ μ0 s Þ1! Diffusion coefficient
! !
Sð r ; tÞ ¼ Qð r ; Ω; t ÞdΩ The number of photons
where g is the anisotropy factor that demonstrates the num- 4p !
ber of scattering events required before the initial photon emitted at position r and time
propagation direction is completely randomized. Heyney t per unit volume per unit time
and Greenstein in 1941 introduced the following function Analytical solutions of Eq. 6 have been obtained for
to calculate the anisotropy factor: simple geometries of turbid media. For irregular geometries
1 1  g2 and inhomogeneous media, the above equation is solved by
ρðθÞ ¼ ð5Þ numerical methods like steady-state, time resolved (TR),
4p ð1 þ g 2  2g cos θÞ3=2
and frequency domain (FD) (Qin 2007). Referring to the
where ρ(θ) is a phase function and θ is the angle existing papers in biomedical researches, the TR and FD methods
between the direction of the photon before a scattering have been found to be suitable for medical diagnosis of
event and the direction after the scattering event (in the abnormal tissues. However, both TR and FD methods have
interval [0, π]). some drawbacks as follows:

& These methods are expensive in instrumentation.

& These methods are time-consuming in measurements.
Modeling the Light Propagation in Backscattering & These methods require good contact between the sensor
Imaging and the object to be measured.
Regarding the above-mentioned drawbacks, TR and FD
The heterogeneous structure of tissue, strong scattering, and
methods are unsuitable to be used as an inexpensive, rapid,
insufficiently known optical parameters make light propa-
and non-contact tool in food industry.
gation to be a complex phenomenon for investigation. For
In the steady-state method, the tissue is perpendicularly
the complex geometries like the biological tissues, it is
illuminated with a small light beam, and the diffused or re-
impossible to solve this problem theoretically. In order to
emitted light is measured at different distances from the
investigate the behavior of light propagation in a biological
incident point (Fig. 2). Under the assumption of inexistence
tissue, researchers introduced several methods, of which
of photon source in the medium, Eq. 6 is simplified as:
diffusion theory model and Monte Carlo simulation were
widely used in literature. These models are constructed ! !
using the optical properties, such as the refractive index, Dr2 Φð r ; tÞ ¼ μa Φð r ; tÞ ð7Þ
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1469

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo is a numerical technique that can be used to

simulate photon transport as a random walk from one inter-
action to another. Propagation of light in the tissue is sto-
chastic in nature and can be described using computer
simulation with appropriately weighted random absorption
and scattering events (Pavlin et al. 2003).
The Monte Carlo technique is more accurate than the
diffusion theory model near the light source and boundaries
and often considered the standard for simulated measure-
ments of photon transport for many biomedical applications.
Fig. 2 Measurement principle of the spatially resolved steady-state Because of its flexibility, it can keep track of multiple
method for measuring the optical properties of apple tissue (reprinted physical quantities simultaneously, with any desired spatial
with permission from Qin and Lu 2007b) and temporal resolution. However, because of its statistical
nature, this technique requires significant computation time
Farrell et al. (1992) solved the above equation analytically to achieve good simulation accuracy (Li et al. 2010).
as follows: There are a variety of ways to implement Monte Carlo
simulation of light transport. One approach is to predict
a0 1 1 eμeff :r1
Rf ðr; μa ; μ0s Þ ¼ ½ 0 ðμeff þ Þ ð8Þ steady-state light distributions. In this approach, a light
4p μ t r1 r12 photon is injected into the biological medium and then
1 4F 1 eμeff :r2 propagates through the medium based on the knowledge
þð þ Þðμ þ Þ 
μ0 t 3μ0 t eff
r2 r22 of optical properties of investigated material. The simulation
of light propagation in the medium is then carried out by
tracking huge number of photons. Finally, multiple physical
Rf Diffuse reflectance quantities including diffuse reflectance and internal photon
R Distance from the incident point absorption are scored simultaneously (Qin 2007).
a0 ¼ μ μþμs 0 Transport Albedo Wang et al. (1995) introduced a computer program code
a s
μeff ¼ ½3μa ðμa þ μ0s Þ1=2 Effective attenuation coefficient to simulate the light transport in multi-layered tissues by
μ0t ¼ μa þ μ0s Total attenuation coefficient Monte Carlo technique. After that, it was widely used in
biomedical applications to solve a lot of detailed tissue
optical issues. Recently, this technique in combination with
machine vision technology has found its application in bio-
and the variables r1 and r2 are given by the following two
systems engineering to extract optical properties of horticul-
tural produce as well as the path length and penetration
1 2 1 4F depth of photons that travel in the tissue (Qin and Lu
r1 ¼ ½ð Þ þ r2 1=2 ; and r2 ¼ ½ð 0 þ 0 Þ2 þ r2 1=2
0 μ t 3μ t 2007b; Baranyai and Zude 2008, 2009).

In the above equation, F is the internal reflection coeffi-

cient and is calculated using the following relation: Components of LBI System
1 þ rd
F¼ The result of backscattering imaging is highly affected by its
1  rd
components. So, it is recommended to select appropriate
where rd  1:440n2 1
r þ 0:710nr þ 0:688 þ 0:0636nr , settings. Each LBI system consists of two essential ele-
nr ¼ nair , and ns and nair are refractive indices for the bio-
ments: light source and imaging unit. Based on the type of
logical material and air, respectively. The refractive index light source and detector, the LBI is divided into two main
for biological materials varies slightly with wavelength, but techniques: monochromatic light backscattering imaging or
this index is assumed to be constant in many applications. laser light backscattering imaging (LLBI) and broadband
Thus, if the profile of the incident point upon the media be light backscattering imaging that includes multispectral light
existed (left side of the Farrell’s equation), then the backscattering imaging (MLBI) and hyperspectral light
unknowns coefficients μa and μ0s could be obtained by backscattering imaging (HLBI) (Lu and Peng 2006; Qing
applying a curve fitting procedure (Qin and Lu 2006; Qin et al. 2007a, 2008). These techniques have the same theo-
et al. 2009). retical principles, but there are some differences regarding
1470 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

the acquisition and processing of images. These differences technique is that the acquired images carry information just
are highlighted below. in the considered wavelength (Qing et al. 2007a).
In the MLBI and HLBI techniques, a broadband light
Light Source (produced usually by a halogen lamp) is passed through a
small diameter optic fiber and then focused on the sample by a
Light source must have this ability to produce continuous converging lens. A broadband light source can provide all the
light beam. The working wavelength (refer to “Wavelength needed wavelengths. The resulting images contain complete
Selection” section for further information) and the size of information in the considered wavelength range. The main
the light beam and its entrance angle into the sample are the drawback of broadband light source is its low power per unit
main factors in selecting the light source in LBI systems. area, which leads to shallow light penetration (Lu 2009).
The smaller beam size is much preferred because it leads to
simplify the quantification of scattered light. Nonetheless, Imaging Unit
the smaller the beam size, the lower the performance is. So,
a few numbers of scattered photons received by the detector, Since the intensities of reflected images will decrease dras-
and the area of scattering region is small (Lu 2004). Hence, tically in a short distance from the beam incident point,
this is a challenge to find an appropriate beam size for the detector should have a large dynamic range and also high
target medium. The beam diameter of 1.6 mm (with diver- photon efficiency especially in the SWNIR range (700–
gence angle of 0.024 rad), 1.5 mm (with divergence angle of 1,000 nm) (Lu 2009). Both monochromatic and color
less than 0.296 rad), and 1 mm (with divergence angle of charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras are used in backscat-
less than 0.01 rad) have been used by researchers for apple, tering imaging systems. A color CCD camera is a lot less
peach, and kiwifruit, respectively (Peng and Lu 2005; Lu sensitive and quantum efficient than a monochrome one.
and Peng 2006; Baranyai and Zude 2009). Also since it needs to build green, red, and blue compo-
Since the purpose is only to acquire the backscattering nents, color CCD cameras are slower. Hence, it is better to
photons, the incident angle of the light beam should be use monochromatic CCD imagers to get faster and to have
chosen in such a way that the specular or surface reflectance high-quality images.
would not be acquired by the detector. The incident angle The imaging unit in the LLBI consists of a CCD camera.
between 7° and 25° with respect to the vertical axes is Since a broadband light is used in the MLBI and HLBI, an
recommended (Lu 2004; Qin and Lu 2007a, b). One of the imaging spectrograph is also used for image acquisition.
advantages of this setting, when the light beam is small and The imaging spectrograph is based on the prism–grating–
perpendicular to the object’s surface, is the symmetry of the prism principle. When the incoming radiation passes the
acquired images to the incident point. This makes the pro- prism–grating–prism unit, it is dispersed into different
cessing of images much easier. wavelengths without alerting its spatial information. The
In the LLBI technique, a laser diode is used as the light dispersed light is projected onto the pixels of the CCD
source. Laser is the best monochromatic light source, which detector, creating a spatial two-dimensional image: One axis
can deliver more light per unit area for a given wavelength. represents a spectral dimension and the other axis a spatial
So, light penetrates deeper into the fruit flesh and the scat- dimension (Lu 2008). Figure 3a, b shows a sample of image
tered photons contain more information. Furthermore, the acquired by monochromatic and broadband light scattering
image acquisition is fast. One of the drawbacks of this techniques, respectively.

Fig. 3 a A typical laser

scattering image of an apple
fruit at wavelength 780 nm
(reprinted with permission from
Qing et al. 2008) and b a typical
hyperspectral scattering image
of a peach fruit in the
wavelength range
600–1,000 nm, where the
horizontal and vertical axis
represent the spatial and
spectral dimensions,
respectively (reprinted with
permission from Lu
and Peng 2006)
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1471

Technical Principles of LBI selection technique. To predict some qualitative param-

eters of apples, Qing et al. (2007b) used standard normal
To implement the LBI technique in practice, several things variate and Savitzky–Golay as preprocessing tools,
must be considered. This includes selecting the appropriate while wavelengths selection was carried out using cor-
wavelengths to find the best spectral regions, preprocessing relation coefficient and genetic algorithm (GA) meth-
the acquired images to prepare noiseless images, extracting ods. They reported that the results given by means of
the region of interest (ROI) by using the segmentation sensitive spectral bands found by GA are more suitable
algorithms, extracting the useful information (features) from than the correlation coefficient method. Other than GA,
the segmented regions, selecting the superior features to there is a variety of data mining-based methods to be
reduce the feature vector size and to prepare more appropri- used for wavelength selection process, like support vec-
ate features for modeling purposes, and finding a suitable tor machines, simulated annealing, sensitivity analysis,
model to predict the desired quality parameters. These steps etc. (Witten and Frank 2005). Since the wavelength
are discussed in depths below. selection is categorized in the feature selection problems
in computer science, it seems using different data min-
ing techniques the designer of system can get better
Wavelength Selection
decision in selecting the appropriate wavelengths.
Future studies must focus on this direction and intro-
Selection of appropriate wavelengths for the target fruit is an
duce the proper methods for each fruit.
important and the first step in light backscattering imaging.
If the results of NIR provided by the other
Since only a few numbers of wavelengths carry sufficient
researchers are used, it must be checked whether
information about the internal qualitative indices (chemical
the measurement conditions are the same with the
and mechanical) of agro-food produce, the result of light
current desired conditions or not. In the case of
backscattering imaging is highly dependent to the selected
difference, researchers must acquire their own NIR
wavelengths. In the HLBI technique, the target is to find a
spectra regarding to their measurement conditions.
range of specific wavelengths, while only a limited number
The important point is that the appropriate wave-
of wavelengths should be selected for further studies in
lengths might be different for various internal quality
LLBI technique. It must be noted that the wavelengths must
indices of fruits (Table 2).
be selected in the range of VIS and SWNIR bandwidth, i.e.,
between 400 and 1,100 nm. The restriction in the bandwidth
Image Preprocessing
region is because of limitations exist in detectors used in the
light backscattering imaging systems.
Improvement Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Generally, appropriate wavelengths for each medium are
selected using one of the following methods:
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a dimensionless ratio that
1. Use of the complete wavelength search: In this method, means the signal power to the noise power included in
a complete wavelength search by acquiring scattering an image. The higher the SNR ratio in an image, the less
images at individual wavelengths over a spectral range obtrusive the noise is. In the image processing problems,
of interest is conducted. This method is expensive and there is not always a clear correlation between the SNR
time-consuming (Lu 2009). and the image quality as visually perceived by a human
2. Use of the specific wavelengths: In this method, certain observer (Pratt 1978). The source of noise in the LBI is
wavelengths suggested by other researchers are used. basically due to the improper functioning of the system
For instance, the wavelength of 680 nm is related to the components and isolated dark or bright spots on the
absorption of light by chlorophyll in the fruit and can be specimens. In order to prevent the loss of information
used to predict the fruit maturity (Lu 2004). from the large scattering distances, a high SNR is de-
3. Use of the results of NIR spectroscopy: This method is sired. To reduce the negative influence of noise in
better than the previously mentioned methods for wave- images and increase the SNR, researchers proposed dif-
length selection. Since absorption and scattering are ferent procedures as follows:
interrelated and influence each other, results of NIR
can be used as guidance for wavelength selection. In Radial averaging: Since backscattering images at each
this case, those wavelengths are selected that show a wavelength are symmetric with respect to the light
strong relation between the actual value of qualitative incident point (Fig. 3a), this is possible to divide each
parameters and NIR predicted value (Lu 2004; Qing et backscattering profile into several circular rings with a
al. 2007b). The selected wavelengths are influenced by specified widths (or pixels) and then substitute all pix-
the method of spectrum preprocessing and wavelength els within each circular band with the average value of
1472 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

Table 2 Some appropriate

wavelengths for fruit quality Appropriate wavelength (nm) Quality index Fruit NIR technique References
inspection suggested by NIR
technique 620 SSC Cherry Interactance Carlini et al. 2000
680 Firmness Apple Reflectance Moons et al. 1997
680 MC Apple Reflectance Qing et al. 2007b
860 Firmness Kiwifruit Reflectance McGlone et al. 1997
860 Firmness Apple Reflectance Qing et al. 2007b
880 SSC Apple Reflectance Qing et al. 2007b
910 MC Apple Reflectance Qing et al. 2007b
940 SSC Apple Reflectance Ventura et al. 1998
1,010 SSC Apricot Interactance Carlini et al. 2000
800–1,100 Firmness Plum Reflectance Paz et al. 2008
800–1,100 Firmness Apple Reflectance Choi et al. 1997
780, 804, 880, 890, SSC Citrus Interactance Zude et al. 2008
SSC soluble solid content, MC 950, 1,050, and 1,080
moisture content

them. In the radial averaging technique, the important Correction of Light Scattering Distortion
thing is to find the center of backscattering images. The
image center is a point in which the maximum light Most of fruits have more complex surface as curvature. This
intensity occurs. Lu (2004) defined this point by com- curvature leads to a distortion in lights scattered from the fruit.
paring the average pixel value calculated from a pixel In this case, the backscattered light is lower than that when the
moving window in the central image region (with a surface is flat. This means for a certain point on the fruit surface,
specified dimension) at a wavelength in which no the reflectance captured by the imaging system underestimates
CCD saturation is observed for all samples. His tech- the actual value (Qing et al. 2007b). Fruits with the small size
nique had ±10 pixels error for apple fruit due to the (or large curvature) would have larger distortion in the back-
variability of fruit size and surface geometry. To im- scattering signals. So, to get the better results in backscattering
prove the accuracy in determination of image center, imaging, it is necessary to modify the lights entering the CCD
Peng and Lu (2005) used weighted center of gravity camera based on the effect of distortion. Basically two types of
(WCG) for each scattering images. Using WCG, center distortion may occur during the backscattering imaging due to
of image in all wavelengths, in which CCD is saturated the fruit surface curvature: scattering light intensity distortion
or no-saturated, can be determined. and scattering distance (or profile) distortion.
Profile averaging: The logic for this method is based on The Lambertian cosine law is an ordinary method to
the symmetry of scattering profile around the incident correct the light intensity distortion in the backscattering
point. The spectral profile of the two sides of the images. This is supported by the results of experiments of
incident point is averaged, and only one side of scatter- Kienle et al. (1996) in which they showed that scattering-
ing profile, after averaging, is used for further inves- dominant materials obey Lambertian cosine law for angular
tigations (Qin and Lu 2005). diffuse reflectance intensity. The corrected reflectance R(x)
Spectral averaging: In this method, the spectral aver- is calculated using the following formula (Peng and Lu
aging is performed over some consecutive wavelengths 2006c; Qing et al. 2007a):
to improve the spectral resolution (nm/pixel), which
leads to an improvement in the SNR. Qin and Lu Rm ðxÞ Rm ðxÞS
RðxÞ ¼ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
(2006) reported that by averaging over three consecu- cos θ S 2  x2
tive wavelengths, the spectral resolution was three
times higher than that before averaging. where Rm(x) is the measured reflectance, θ is the angle
Pixel binning: It refers to the combination of the infor- between the imaging direction and the measured position
mation of adjacent pixels to create one single pixel in on fruit surface, S is the radius of measured position on fruit
the recorded image. In this method, the size of image surface, and x is the linear horizontal distance between
(image resolution) is decreased by averaging over a measured position on fruit surface and center of light scat-
mask (a pixel window with 2×2 or higher size). Thus, tering profile (Fig. 4a). This law shows that the higher
the intensity per pixel increases by a factor of mask size correction should be performed at the locations with higher
(Lu and Peng 2006). distance from the scattering center.
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1473

Fig. 4 Corrections for the fruit

shape effect on the light
intensity distortion by a
Lambertian cosine law
(reprinted with permission from
Peng and Lu 2007) and b
modified Lambertian cosine
law (reprinted with permission
from Qin and Lu (2008))

Although the Lambertian cosine law is commonly used To examine the usefulness of above corrections, some
for correction of intensity distortion, to get the better cor- experiments have been carried out by comparing the results
rection, Qin and Lu (2008) developed the Lambertian cosine before and after correction of light scattering distortion. As
law by differentiating on a very small line element, dS, at a an instance, the percentage of increase in accuracy for
distance r from the illumination center and then integrating firmness prediction in red delicious apple using Eqs. 9 and
over the acceptance angle (θ2 −θ1). 11 was 3.46 and 2.03%, respectively, whereas the increase
rate was 3.15 and 2.18% for golden delicious apple, respec-
ðθ0 þ sin 2θ0 =2ÞRm ðxÞ
RðxÞ ¼ ð10Þ tively, after correction with these equations (Peng and Lu
ðθ2 =2 þ sin 2θ2 =4Þ  ðθ1 =2 þ sin 2θ1 =4Þ 2006c). In another research, Qing et al. (2007a) reported an
where R(x) is the corrected reflectance, Rm(x) is the mea- increase of 15.49% in prediction of SSC of Elstar apple by
sured reflectance, θ0 ¼ tan1 ðrz =LÞ, θ1 ¼ a  g, θ2 ¼ a þ b, using Eq. 12. All experiments showed the usefulness of
a ¼ sin1 ðr=ra Þ, b ¼ tan1 ððrz þ rÞ=ðL þ hÞÞ, g ¼ tan1 corrections.
ððrz  rÞ=ðL þ hÞÞ, h ¼ ra  ðra2  r2 Þ1=2, r is the horizontal
distance to the illumination center, ra is the radius of the fruit Image Segmentation
that is assumed to be circular or cylindrical, rz is the radius
of the zoom lens, and L is the object distance (see Fig. 4b for Segmentation is an operation that takes an image as input
further inspiration). Readers can refer to Qin and Lu (2008) and returns one or more regions or subpixel-precise con-
to see the mathematical proof of Eq. 10. tours as output. The goal of this operation is to simplify and/
Regarding the correction of distance (or profile) distor- or change the representation of an image into something that
tion, researchers presented two formulas to this date. They is more meaningful and easier to analyze (Hornberg 2006).
assumed the fruit shape as a sphere in their calculations. In the LBI, the aim is to extract regions from the image that
Peng and Lu (2006c) presented the following formula: correspond to the objects we are interested in. The ROI is
that parts of image which their pixels contain reflected
z ¼ Stan1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð11Þ photons.
S  x2
The simplest segmentation algorithm is to threshold the
Although Eq. 11 corrects the backscattering image at each image. The most important issue in thresholding is to find
point within the scattering profile of the fruit, to get the appropriate threshold values. The simplest way is to find
faster correction, Qing et al. (2007a) proposed a new rela- this value by visual inspection. This method is used when
tion in which the area of light scattering captured by the the image is in the red–green–blue (RGB) color space. So
camera (A) is corrected (A′). This makes the correction on only when this technique can be used in LBI the backscat-
the whole area of backscattering profile instead of point by tered light is in the VIS range of electromagnetic spectrum.
point correction. Tu et al. (2000) used the normalized R, G, and B compo-
nents to segment ROI from the background. Since the laser
A0 ¼ ð12Þ beam source was red light (670 nm), data from G and B
ð1 þ cos θÞ components were much less significant, and thresholding
1474 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

was made based solely on the intensity of red light (value of

normalized R component).
Since the LBI is performed in the SWNIR wavelengths
too, the visual inspection is not a suitable technique to find
the optimal threshold values. Histogram-based threshold
algorithms are well-known procedures for this task. In this
technique, image is transformed to the gray scale mode and
then a histogram is computed from all of the pixels in the
image, and the peaks and valleys in the histogram are used
to locate the image clusters. Qing et al. (2007a) used bi-
modal thresholding, as a histogram-based technique, to ad-
just global threshold value of scattering images. They
computed the second derivative of histogram and then
equated it to zero. The optimum point is where the first
inflection in the image histogram occurred.
Otsu’s threshold is another histogram-based technique
used by researchers to segment the light backscattered pixels
from the background signal (Qing et al. 2007a). Otsu’s
method chooses the threshold value so that G in the follow-
ing equation is maximized (Otsu 1979):

G ¼ w0 ðμ0  μT Þ2 þ w1 ðμ1  μT Þ2 ð13Þ

where ω0 is the proportion of light scattering pixels, ω1 is the

proportion of background pixels, μ0 is the average gray
value of light scattering, μ1 is the average gray value of
background, and μT is the average gray value of whole
Recently, Baranyai and Zude (2009) introduced a novel Fig. 5 One-dimensional intensity profile of kiwifruit at wavelength
method, known as cluster analysis, to segment useful sec- 785 nm (a) and its logarithmic transform (b) (reprinted with permission
from Baranyai and Zude 2009)
tions of backscattering images from the background and
from the pixels in which the CCD is saturated. They
obtained one-dimensional scattering profile from the two-
dimensional images (Fig. 5a). This transformation is valid dimension of the measurement vector cannot be taken arbi-
because of the radial symmetry of backscattered region with trary large. The first reason is that the computational com-
respect to the light incident point. Afterward, the logarith- plexity becomes too large, and the second reason is that an
mic transform of one-dimensional scattering profile was increase of the dimension ultimately causes a decrease of
calculated. Segmentation thresholds are selected by inspec- performance (Heijden et al. 2004). Regarding the backscat-
tion of logarithmic profile behavior through the radial dis- tering images, this is possible to consider the total number of
tance from the incident point. As an example, the initial pixels (the area of backscattering region on the medium
plateau in the Fig. 5b shows pixels with high intensity value surface) (Romano et al. 2010), intensity value of the pixels
due to the saturation of CCD. This part should be omitted remained after segmentation (Qing et al. 2007a, 2008), or
because of the inconsistency of signals in it. The ROI, the some statistical characteristics of backscattering region (Noh
second part of logarithmic profile, shows a linearly decreas- and Lu 2005, 2007) as a feature vector to predict the quality
ing behavior. The background segment is the last section of of agro-food produce by a calibration model. These methods
curve in which intensity value is decreased to a noise level. are simple and fast; however, researchers used different
techniques to find an appropriate feature vector leading to
Feature Extraction better prediction of qualitative indices.
Lu (2004) used the radial averaging, similar to that de-
In image processing, when raw image data are used directly scribed in “Improvement Signal-to-Noise Ratio” section for
as the input for classification or function approximation SNR improvement, to obtain the average value of all pixels
purposes, the dimension of measurement vector can easily within each circular band of scattering images. He divided
attain values of m×n (an m×n image). For two reasons, the the scattering region of photons in images to 26 rings with
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1475

an equal diameter of seven pixels. By this procedure, the response of the imaging system seems to be non-uniform.
scattering profiles are converted from two- to one- After completing the normalizing and calibration processes,
dimensional, and this considerably reduces the size of fea- the normalized Farrell’s model is fitted to the normalized
ture vector. Selection of ring width is an arbitrary task, but experimental data using a curve fitting procedure. Former
increasing the number of rings leads to a better feature researches reported the usefulness of nonlinear error least
vector because it carries more information of image in itself. square fitting algorithm for this purpose (Qin and Lu 2005,
To obtain a low-size feature vector, researchers used one- 2006, 2007a, b).
dimensional profile of the scattering images after radial
averaging and then extracted some new features from these Size Reduction of Feature Vector
profiles. One method is to find the parameters of mathemat-
ical functions, which can describe the behavior of one- If the extracted feature vector directly be used as an input to
dimensional scattering profile (Peng and Lu 2005, 2006c, a machine learning algorithm, the problem of overfitting
2007). Since the one-dimensional profiles are of radial sym- may occur. This leads to decrease in the performance of the
metry, researchers investigated different semi-Gaussian dis- prediction model significantly. One strategy to prevent over-
tribution functions to fit scattering profiles as a function of fitting, or at least to reduce its effect, is the reduction of the
scattering distance (Table 3). Before fitting the functions, dimension of the extracted feature vector. An additional ad-
this is recommended to do some pretreatments on the pro- vantage of this strategy is that it automatically reduces the
files to fit the scattering profiles more accurately. This leads computational complexity (Heijden et al. 2004). There are two
to have a better prediction without the influence of noise and ways of avoiding the curse of dimensionality in extracted
light saturation at the incident area. These pretreatments are: features: feature selection and feature compression.
(1) normalizing by a maximum light intensity occurred at Feature selection (also known as attribute or subset
the center of saturation area (Peng and Lu 2007), (2) remov- selection) is a process commonly used in machine learn-
ing the data points next to the incident area (saturation area), ing, wherein a subset of the original features, extracted
and (3) shifting the curves on each side of the profile toward features, available from the data are selected according to
the profile center by a distance of removed saturation area a certain application of a learning algorithm. Some of the
pixels (Peng and Lu 2005). extracted features may be irrelevant or redundant to the
The other method is to extract the absorption and reduced learning task leading to the problem of overfitting and
scattering coefficients of one-dimensional profile from the subsequently will deteriorate the performance of the
Farrell’s diffusion theory model (discussed in “Diffusion employed learning algorithm. The best subset contains
Theory Model” section). Because of non-uniformity in the the least number of dimensions that leads to improve
scale of experimental reflectance profile and Farrell’s mod- the learning performance such as predictive accuracy,
el, this task needs some preprocessing process. First, pro- training speed, and result comprehensibility. So it is an
files should be normalized at a specific distance with respect essential and an important task to select the relevant and
to the incident point. Then calibration may be carried out on necessary features before constructing a predictive model
the normalized profiles. Calibration is performed when the (Dash and Liu 1997; Liu and Motoda 2008).

Table 3 Distribution functions

used to fit the scattering profiles Function name Function equation No. of Reference
as a function of scattering features
distance ð
jr j
Exponential RE ðrÞ ¼ a1E þ a2E e a3E 3 Peng and Lu 2005
0:5ða r Þ2
Gaussian RG ðrÞ ¼ a1G þ a2G e 3G 3 Peng and Lu 2005
Lorentzian RL ðrÞ ¼ a1L þ 1þð r Þ2
3 Peng and Lu 2005
Modified RML2 ðrÞ ¼ 1þð r 1 Þa4ML2 2 Peng and Lu 2007
Lorentzian 2
Modified RML3 ðrÞ ¼ a1ML3 þ 1þð1ar 1ML3
Þa4ML3 3 Peng and Lu 2007
Lorentzian 3
Modified RML4 ðrÞ ¼ a1ML4 þ 1þð a2ML4
a4ML4 4 Peng and Lu
a3ML4 Þ

Lorentzian 4 2006a, b
R(r) is the light intensity of each Modified RMG2 ðrÞ ¼ 1  eexpða3MG2 r:a4MG2 Þ 2 Peng and Lu 2007
circular band after radial aver- Gompertz 2
aging and r is the distance from Modified RMG3 ðrÞ ¼ 1  ð1  a1MG3 Þeexpða3MG3 r:a4MG3 Þ 3 Peng and Lu 2007
the profile center. To see the Gompertz 3  
description of parameters in Modified RMG4 ðrÞ ¼ a1MG4 þ a2MG4 1  eexpða3MG4 r:a4MG4 Þ 4 Peng and Lu 2007
equations, refer to the references Gompertz 4
1476 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

Up-to-date several techniques for feature selection have PCA is a linear transformation in which a new coordinate
been developed based on the three types of generation system is selected for the data set. In this new coordinate
procedures (i.e., complete, heuristic, and random) and three system, PCA transforms correlated variables into uncorre-
types of evaluation criteria (i.e., filter, wrapper, and hybrid) lated ones and determines the linear combinations with high
(see Table 4). Liu and Yu (2005) reviewed the last achieve- and low variability. These uncorrelated variables are termed
ments in this subject. Since each of these techniques has as principal components (PCs) of each data vector of the
some limitations, researchers proposed to perform the fea- data set and the succeeding PCs accounts for as much of the
ture selection process using more than one technique. remaining variability in the data. In case the data are highly
Size reduction of feature vector can also be achieved collinear (redundant), the first few PCs explain most of the
by transforming the data to a new set of axes, wherein variability in the data and are retained (Omid et al. 2009,
differentiability is higher in a subset of the transformed 2010).
features than in any subset of the original data. This is a PCA is an unsupervised technique and as such does not
useful technique to reduce the size of feature vector include label information of the features. So we have no reason
when a lot of features are extracted but these features to assume that components are useful for discriminating be-
are strongly correlated. The most commonly used feature tween features in different classes. FLDA is a supervised
compression techniques are principal component analysis technique which solves this problem. This method selects
(PCA) and Fisher’s linear discriminant analyses (FLDA) projection in such a way that the ratio of the between-class
(Jiang et al. 2010). scatter and the within-class scatter is maximized. The

Table 4 Summary of feature selection methods (reprinted from Liu and Yu (2005))

Search strategies

Complete Sequential Random

Evaluation criteria Filter Distance B&B Relief

BFF ReliefF
Information MDLM DTM Dash’s
Koleer’s SBUD
Dependency Bobrowski’s CFS Mitra’s
Consistency Focus Set Cover LVI
Wrapper Predictive accuracy BS SBS-SLASH AICC SA
or cluster goodness AMB&B WSFG FSSEM RGSS
Hybrid Filter+wrapper BBHFS
Xing’s Dash_liu’s
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1477

combination of PCA and FLDA techniques brings the advan- Statistical Models
tages of two techniques, i.e., there will be a set of projection
vectors with enough information from the original features Statistical models used to establish the relationship between
(Cheng et al. 2004). response variable and one or more independent variables
Since the number of extracted features in the previous within the form of math equations. Regression modeling, as
works in the field of backscattering imaging was low, it the main type of statistical models, includes a list of mod-
seems that it was not necessary to apply the feature selection eling techniques like linear regression, nonlinear regression,
process (Qing et al. 2007a, 2008; Romano et al. 2008, and partial least square. Basically two types of linear regres-
2010). However, Noh and Lu (2005, 2007) used PCA to sion exist: simple linear regression and multilinear regres-
perform the feature compression for only three features sion. The difference between the two is the number of
(maximum, mean, and standard deviation of intensity values independent variables. In simple linear regression, a single
in scattering images). In another research, Peng and Lu independent variable is used to predict the value of a depen-
(2005) investigated the usefulness of parameters of dent variable, while two or more independent variables are
Lorentzian, exponential, and Gaussian functions as a feature used in multilinear regression to build the model. Various
set. According to their report, parameters of Lorentzian techniques have been improved for parameter estimation
function could better predict the firmness in apple fruit and inference in linear regression. These methods differ in
because it showed the higher coefficient of determination computational simplicity of algorithms, presence of a
(R2) and lower standard error estimates compared to the closed-form solution, robustness with respect to heavy-
parameters of two other models. Furthermore, Peng and tailed distributions, and theoretical assumptions needed to
Lu (2007) used leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) validate desirable statistical properties such as consistency
as a data mining technique to find out which combina- and asymptotic efficiency.
tion of parameters in distribution functions described in Principal component and partial least square are estima-
Table 3 is suitable to be used as a feature vector. Their tion techniques commonly used to build the linear regres-
results showed that combination of all parameters for sion in LBI (Qing et al. 2008). Principle component
modified Gompertz function 4 and modified Gompertz regression (PCR) is used when the size of feature vector is
function 3 (See Table 3) is better than the others to large, or when strong correlations exist among the feature
predict SSC and firmness of apple fruit, respectively. set. This two-stage procedure first reduces the feature set
The evaluation given by LOOCV is good, but it seems using PCA then uses the reduced variables in an ordinary
very expensive to compute and also the method overfits least square regression fit. Partial least square regression is
when the number of features grows large. So in this the extension of PCR method, but instead of finding hyper-
condition, it is highly recommended to use other feature planes of maximum variance between the response and
selection techniques shown in Table 4. independent variables, it finds a linear regression model by
projecting the feature set and the desired output to a new
Calibration Models space (Gutierrez-Osuna 2002). The main drawback of sta-
tistical modeling, i.e., non-adaptability, has led researchers
The final step in backscattering imaging is to make a cali- to use soft-computing techniques for modeling in backscat-
bration model between the selected features and the inter- tering imaging.
ested factors. In the other words, the object is to construct a
brief model by supervised learning to infer a function from Artificial Neural Networks
the supervised training data. In machine learning tasks,
usually the data set is divided into two categories: training Artificial neural network (ANN) is a computational model-
and testing. After randomization, about two third of the data ing procedure that mimics the structure of human brain in
is selected as the training or calibration set and the rest as the processing information and making instantaneous decision
testing or validation set. The training set consists of a set of (Karray and Silva 2004). Unlike the statistical techniques,
training examples, which each example is a pair consisting an ANN is a self-adapting and a dynamic system that can
of an input and output vector. The supervised learning or change its reaction to outer compels utilizing earlier experi-
calibrating algorithm analyzes the training/calibrating set ence, offering a more adaptable and, due to the parallelism,
and then infers a function. quicker process of analysis (Hassun 2003). As demonstrated
A lot of machine learning techniques are available to in many research papers, determination of topology and
train/calibrate the reference data in order to approximate adjustment of internal elements are the main factors in
new samples based on the training/calibrating stage. In the designing of a suitable network (Haykin 1999; Omid et al.
following, only techniques that have been used in LBI to 2009, 2010). Network topology corresponds to the ordering
this date are described. and organization of the neurons from the input layer to the
1478 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

output layer of the network. The multilayer perceptron a summary of the previous works in this direction.
(MLP) with the backpropagation learning strategy, which Generally, we can divide the applications in three categories:
is a feedforward ANN, is a mostly used topology to model fruit quality inspection, postharvest process monitoring, and
the engineering problems. Furthermore, “trial and error” is a food quality control.
common way to adjust the network structure. Using this
strategy, different types of neurons ordering are considered Fruit Quality Inspection
and finally that structure in which the maximum correlation
between desired output and network output exist is selected. Quality inspection of fruits is one of the most interesting
For instance, Lu (2004) found that MLP network with 10 areas of research in biosystems engineering. Quality sensing
neurons in hidden layer running in 20 epochs is the best of fruits has some unique problems that are not found to the
structure of ANN to predict the firmness and SSC of apple same extent with other food products. Each variety of fruit
by the ratios of scattering profiles from two different spec- has unique characteristics that undergo sensory evaluation
tral bands. This procedure had been used also to make a by the consumers during the eating experience to determine
calibration model for apple titratable acidity prediction dur- ripeness quality. Furthermore, quality attributes of fruits
ing the shelf life (Noh and Lu 2007). change during the physiological life. During the past deca-
des, various optical methods have been developed to eval-
uate the fruit internal and external qualitative indices
Applications (Cubero et al. 2011). Most of these techniques are expensive
and require advanced instruments. Compared to the mag-
Several papers reported the application of LBI for quality netic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic reso-
evaluation of agricultural and food products. Table 5 shows nance, and X-ray imaging, LBI is a cheap and easy to

Table 5 Summary of references on applications of backscattering imaging for quality evaluation of agricultural and food products

Imaging Medium type Wavelength (nm) Calibration Application Reference

technique model

LLBI Tomato 670 PR Maturity evaluation Tu et al. 2000

MLBI Apple (Red Delicious) 680, 880, 905, 940, ANN Prediction of firmness and SSC after Lu 2004
and 1,060 storage
MLBI Apple (Red and 650, 680, 700, 740, 800, MLR Prediction of firmness during ripening Peng and Lu 2006c
Golden Delicious) 820, 880, 910, 990
HLBI Apple (Golden 530–950 MLR Prediction of firmness and SSC Lu et al. 2006
Delicious) after storage
HLBI Peach (Red Haven 500–1,000 MLR Prediction of firmness during ripening Lu and Peng 2006
and Coral Star)
LLBI Apple (Fuji and Gala) 650 LR Ripeness detection during shelf life Tu et al. 2006
HLBI Milk 530–900 LR Prediction of fat content Qin and Lu 2007a
LLBI Apple (Golden 408 ANN Prediction of skin and flesh color, SSC, Noh and Lu 2007
Delicious) firmness, and TA after storage
HLBI Beef meat 496–1,036 MLR Prediction of tenderness Cluff et al. 2008
LLBI Banana 670 LR Prediction of MC during drying Romano et al. 2008
LLBI Apple (Elstar and 680, 780, 880, PLSR, PCR, Prediction of firmness and SSC Qing et al. 2008
Pinova) 940, and 980 and SMLR during ripening
LLBI Apple (Idared and 670 and 785 – Bruise detection Baranyai and Zude
Golden Delicious) 2008
HLBI Tomato 400–1,000 – Ripeness detection Qin and Lu 2008
LLBI Apple (Pinova and 785 – Ripening detection during storage Baranyai et al. 2009
LLBI Banana 670 – Prediction of MC during drying Romano et al. 2010
LLBI Apple (Gala) 635 LR and PR Prediction of MC, SSC, and hardness Romano et al. 2011a
during drying
LLBI Bell pepper 532 and 635 NR Prediction of MC and color Romano et al. 2011b

LLBI laser light backscattering imaging, MLBI multispectral light backscattering imaging, HLBI hyperspectral light backscattering imaging, PR
polynomial regression, LR linear regression, PCR principal component regression, MLR multilinear regression, SMLR stepwise multilinear
regression, PLSR partial least square regression, NR nonlinear regression, SSC soluble solids content, TA titratable acidity
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1479

Fig. 6 The hyperspectral

imaging setup to acquire the
fruit backscattering images
(reprinted with permission from
Lu and Peng 2006)

implement technique. Most of the researches have focused range of 9 mm, and only the average of images was
to predict the fruit internal qualitative parameters; however, used for further processing. Simulation of light propaga-
no research work has been reported to inspect the fruit tion by Monte Carlo technique showed that apples with a
internal defects to this date. larger absorption coefficient value absorb light energy
Lu and Peng (2006) used HLBI technique to predict rapidly in the short depth and radial distances. These
firmness as an important parameter in determining the ma- researchers reported the effect of pigments and water in
turity of peach fruit. The broadband light beam with a apple tissue on light penetration depth.
diameter of 1.6 mm was glinted onto the fruit surface According to Tu et al. (2006), the fruit size has no
through an optical fiber and a focusing lens. A total of 153 significant effect on the total acquired photons in the scat-
spectral scattering profiles between the spectral range 500– tering images, while the different sides of fruit (background
1,000 nm were acquired by single-line scanning the fruits and blush side) have significant differences (p < 0.05).
using a spectrograph (see Fig. 6). Best firmness prediction Furthermore, the area of backscattering region got by the
was obtained at the wavelength of 670 nm. This shows that laser beam from apple was increasing significantly (p<0.05)
changes in firmness are associated with changes in fruit following the ripeness.
chlorophyll content. In two separate studies, Baranyai and Zude (2008, 2009)
In another research, Qin and Lu (2007b) introduced a investigated the light propagation in apple and kiwifruit
new method to improve the quality of backscattering tissue by LLBI technique and Monte Carlo simulation.
images from the moving samples. As shown in Fig. 7, Their results showed that the effect of anisotropy factor on
using a photoelectric sensor and two stepper motors, the shape of backscattering profiles is much higher than that
movement of samples in both horizontal and vertical of scattering coefficient. Significant differences (p<0.01
directions were exactly controlled. Instead of using using multifactor ANOVA test) were observed between
single-line scanning method, they acquired several images anisotropy factor of premium quality and overripe kiwifruits
for every 1-mm horizontal displacement over a total with respect to the texture properties. Furthermore, they

Fig. 7 The modified

hyperspectral imaging setup for
moving apples. a Movement
control units, b 10 scanning
lines over a 9-mm horizontal
displacement (reprinted with
permission from Qin and Lu
1480 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

found significant differences (p<0.05) between the back- minimize losses in order to maximize the profits inferred
scattering profiles of apples responded to bruising during therefrom. Drying is one of the important branches of post-
storage. harvest engineering, which increases the product shelf life
The utility of HLBI as a non-invasive technique for without the addition of any chemical preservative and reduces
monitoring the ripening of tomato was studied by Qin and the packaging and transportation costs due to a reduction in
Lu (2008). Tomato samples with the green background the size and weight of product (Mujumdar 2000).
color have a considerable amount of chlorophyll, and there- Continuous monitoring of fruit qualitative parameters
fore, absorption coefficient was in its highest value at during drying is of stark importance for food industry in
675 nm. By increasing the ripening of a tomato fruit from order to prevent over-drying and to maximize drying per-
the green stage to the pink stage, anthocyanin is made and formance. Recently, several attempts have been made to
begins to increase, while its chlorophyll content decreases. apply modern technologies, like MRI (Zeng et al. 1996),
Accordingly, absorption showed a decrease at 675 nm and machine vision (Martynenko 2006), and NIR spectroscopy
an increase at 535 nm from the green stage to the pink stage. (Stawczyk et al. 2009), for non-invasively monitoring the
These researchers reported that the value of the absorption drying process.
coefficient in the wavelength range 535–675 is a suitable The LBI is novel and in its infancy for application in
procedure to monitor the ripening of tomato fruit with drying technology as its application to monitor the changes
considering the color skin as a criterion for its ripening. during fruit drying started in 2008. A preliminarily study on
By Baranyai et al. (2009), LLBI technique at the wave- monitoring the variation of MC of banana slices subject to
length 785 nm was used to monitor the optical properties of different drying conditions with LLBI technique was con-
apple tissue at three different ripening stages (unripe, ripe, ducted by Romano et al. (2008). Since then, the backscat-
and overripe) during the storage for a period of 160 days tering imaging was evaluated so that it can be used as an
under temperature- and atmosphere-controlled conditions. applied technique at drying industry by testing its perfor-
The results indicated an increase in the interaction coeffi- mance for prediction of color (Romano et al. 2010), SSC,
cient from the 0 to 81 days of storage and a decrease after it. and hardness (Romano et al. 2011a) changes of different
Furthermore, they observed a steady decrease in the value of fruits during drying.
the anisotropy factor during the storage. Hence, it can be LLBI showed a promising result to predict the MC
concluded that anisotropic factor is an important feature for changes of banana (Romano et al. 2010), apple (Romano
monitoring the ripeness of apples. et al. 2011a), and bell pepper (Romano et al. 2011b), espe-
Other than fruit firmness prediction, researchers tried to cially at lower drying temperatures. By increasing the dry-
find a suitable processing method to build a good calibration ing time, turgor pressure against the cell walls decreased,
between backscattering images and other fruit internal qual- resulting in the decrease of MC. Therefore, the fruit surface
itative indices. Nonetheless, they were not successful in will be rougher, and consequently, optical density increased.
finding a good calibration for these indices like that for This leads to a decrease in the number of scattering photons
firmness. As an instance, Noh and Lu (2007) reported that from the samples (Fig. 8). Romano et al. (2011a) showed
the correlation coefficient between the predicted values of that light luminance can predict the changes in MC and SSC
apple firmness by the PCA-ANN model and the real values of apple much better than the backscattering area.
was about 0.75, while this value was found as 0.66 and 0.57 According to their results, laser scattering at 635 nm is not
for SSC and TA indices, respectively. Similar findings were a suitable technique for predicting firmness variation.
observed in another research by Qing et al. (2008). In another work, Romano et al. (2010) investigated the
influence of the fruit discoloration on the light distortion
Postharvest Process Monitoring into the banana slices. They conducted the experiments
under three pretreatments, namely dipping in distilled water,
Postharvest engineering emphasizes research on conservation chilling, and soaking in ascorbic acid. The best prediction of
and processing of agricultural products at and after the point of MC achieved when ascorbic acid was used as pretreatment.
harvest to increase product availability and to prevent or As an important result, it was reported that tissue browning

Fig. 8 Effect of MC changes

on laser backscattering images
at wavelength 635 nm during
drying of apple slices (reprinted
with permission from Romano
et al. 2011a). Digits show the
different levels of moisture
content (percent w.b.)
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1481

has no significant influence on the light scattering at the As stated by Prieto et al. (2009), in the case of quality
wavelength 670 nm. control of meat, the quality standards should be kept from
the slaughtering cattle until the meat shipping as close as
Food Quality Control possible to the preference of the target consumer. Thus,
different destructive and nondestructive techniques such as
As an essential part in any food processing business, quality chemical procedures, NIR spectroscopy, electronic tongue,
control is used to test the processed food and to predict its and electronic nose have been used to provide information
quality and then control the process so that the expected about the meat quality. Tenderness is one of the important
quality is achieved. There is an urgent need to develop elements of meat eating quality in the beef industry that
accurate inspection techniques to be used in automated affects the repurchase decision of consumers. Variability in
quality control systems in the sustenance supply chain. tenderness, as the main criteria for meat eating quality, leads
Brosnan and Sun (2004) in a review paper highlighted the to decline in market shares because of consumer dissatis-
principles and applications of computer vision-based tech- faction. In a research work, Cluff et al. (2008) investigated
niques used in food industry for quality inspection. The LBI, the feasibility of LBI as a nondestructive technique for
as a machine vision-based technique, is a new emerging predicting beef steak tenderness in meat industry. After
method that has been used in a limited laboratory condition acquiring the hyperspectral backscattering images at the
for inspecting the quality of dairy and meat products. Qin wavelength range between 496 and 1,036 nm (see
and Lu (2007a) investigated the possibility of using LBI Fig. 10), they used stepwise regression to predict the
technique as a control procedure for milk fat content pre- beef steak tenderness by the Warner–Bratzler shear
diction. They acquired the hyperspectral backscattering (WBS) force scores and the parameters of modified
images of milk samples in five different fat contents from Lorentzian distribution function. Their results indicated
0 to 3.25%. As shown in Fig. 9, fat content influences on the that the backscattering information at the wavelengths
absorption and scattering coefficient of milk samples result- 501, 510, 646, 651, 927, 1,005, and 1,023 nm are more
ing in the increase of scattering profile as the milk fat important than the others to make the calibration model.
content decreased. Values of absorption and reduced scat- Their system was able to predict the WBS values with
tering coefficients at the wavelength 600 nm showed the the correlation coefficient of 0.67. This shows that the
strong ability of HLBI technique for prediction of milk fat LBI needs more research works to increase its accuracy
content in dairy industry with the correlation coefficient for implementing of this technique in the real conditions
0.995 and 0.998, respectively. in beef industry.

Fig. 9 Quality control of milk by HLBI technique: a hyperspectral coefficient of milk samples, and c spectra of the reduced scattering
reflectance images of milk samples with different fat contents in the coefficient of milk samples (reprinted with permission from Qin and
wavelength range 200–1,040 nm, b spectra of the absorption Lu 2007a)
1482 Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485

Fig. 10 Quality evaluation of beef meat: a schematic of HLBI system for acquiring the scattering images and b hyperspectral scattering image of a
beef steak (reprinted with permission from Cluff et al. 2008)

Conclusions preprocessing should be considered in the future works.

Furthermore, determining a complete range of wave-
This paper has been an attempt to review the state of the art length for different types of medium in food industry is
of light backscattering imaging in quality evaluation of advised.
agro-food products. It provided an insight into the principles & The preprocessing techniques used to improve SNR,
of this technique. The authors observed that this method is discussed in “Improvement Signal-to-Noise Ratio” sec-
clearly efficient to predict the firmness of fruits as well as tion, have some disadvantages. Both radial and profile
milk fat content in dairy industry, but its potential on the averaging techniques lead to a significant reduction in
other quality parameters of agro-food products is still under the backscattering data. Since spectral averaging is per-
investigation. Although we are witnessing a considerable formed over some consecutive wavelengths, it leads to
achievement in development of this technique during the increase the processing time that is unsuitable for real-
last decade, there are still significant challenges in this field time applications. Furthermore, a considerable loss in
that have to be considered by researchers. In the following, image resolution is occurred by pixel binning technique.
some suggestions are pointed out for improving LBI sys- For example, a 2×2 average filter leads to 50% loss in
tems in the future researches: image resolution. These reductions in data size will
negatively affect the final results of LBI systems. It
& The best way to find appropriate wavelengths is to use seems that the use of other image de-noising methods,
NIR spectroscopy or other optical techniques like hyper- like transform domain filtering techniques, helps in-
spectral imaging, which brings the benefits of both spec- crease SNR with minimum effects of the above-
troscopy and imaging. To remove any irrelevant mentioned disadvantages (Motwani et al. 2004).
information, which has negative impacts on the selection & Although Eqs. 9–12 have shown a considerable im-
of appropriate wavelengths, it is important to perform provement in the prediction of qualitative indices of
some spectral preprocessing techniques. To this date, products by LBI technique, trying to find newer correc-
several preprocessing methods have been developed tion methods to reform and improve these equations is
for this purpose (Nicolai et al. 2007). This includes proposed.
techniques to reduce the effect of thermal noise of the & Literature review showed the usefulness of using classi-
detector on acquired signals (averaging technique), to cal thresholding techniques (bimodal and Otsu’s thresh-
remove random noise from NIR spectra using smooth- olding) for segmentation of ROI in light backscattering
ing techniques (Savitzky–Golay algorithm and moving images. Bonissone et al. (1998) reported that the perfor-
average filters), and to reduce the spectral variation mance of these approaches is greatly reduced in images
arising from the sample curvature (multiplicative scatter with ill-defined regions like regions far away from the
correction and normalization techniques). These center of incident light spot in backscattering images. To
Food Bioprocess Technol (2012) 5:1465–1485 1483

improve thresholding performance in such situations, real-time sorting machines. At the present, LBI systems
the utilization of fuzzy set’s models as a way to embed are unsuitable for implementation in the continuous
the uncertainty is proposed. sorting/grading machines because this method requires
& The current feature extraction methods used in light the slow movement of the object in front of the imaging
backscattering imaging focused on fitting some mathe- unit during the image acquisition process. This limita-
matical functions or models to the one-dimensional scat- tion comes from the imaging technology used in these
tering profiles then using the parameters of these systems. With current imaging technology, LBI systems
functions or models as useful features. Since LBI pro- are suitable for stop-and-go sorting/grading machines.
vides 2D images with different patterns of pixel intensity & The LBI technique has been tested on a limited number
values, extraction of texture features of images may lead of agro-food products. It is suggested that the efficiency
to better predict the qualitative parameters of agro-food of this technique to be tested over a wider range of
produce. products.
& Since each feature selection algorithm provides unique & Beside internal characteristics such as MC, SSC, and
set of selected features, authors recommend different acidity and the presence of external defect, detection of
feature selection techniques be utilized in future works. internal defects is also important in assessing the overall
Finally, the best method should be selected by compar- quality of fruits and vegetables. This can be a fertile field
ing the performance of each feature set in estimating the for developing applications of LBI technique in quality
qualitative parameters of products. inspection of fruits and vegetal materials.
& ANN is the only used soft-computing technique for
modeling in backscattering imaging to this date.
However, there are other soft-computing techniques that Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Prof. Renfu Lu and
can cover the main drawbacks of ANN, like its non- Dr. Jianwei Qin for their valuable helps in providing of some docu-
ments to do a comprehensive literature review regarding this paper. We
interpretability and it’s prone to overfitting, when it is would also like to thank Prof. Manuela Zude for proofreading this
used as a modeling procedure in LBI systems. A fuzzy paper as well as for her valuable comments.
inference system presents a mathematical structure to
treat and comprise uncertainty in the perception of ob-
scurity, imprecision, partial reality, and lack of informa-
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