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1. Define the term "self-discipline".

Self-discipline is the ability to control yourself and to make yourself work hard or behave in a
particular way without needing anyone else to tell you what to do. It is also the correction or
regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.

2. What are the elements or formula of discipline. Explain your answer.

The elements or formula of discipline are:
1. Understand Yourself
Understanding yourself is the first step you need take in building self-discipline. You need to
understand in what part or areas of your life you think you are not being disciplined and try to think
actions that you think is the best way for you to exercise discipline..
2. Focus on the Longer Term
You need to determine what are your longer-term goals or what are you trying to achieve in
order for you to start planning about the future steps that you are going to do.
3. Schedule Your Time
Managing your time wisely is one way of molding self-discipline to oneself.

3. Trace and explain the root cause of lack of self-discipline among Filipinos. Explain your
In La Indolencia de los Filipinos (The Indolence of the Filipinos), a political essay that Rizal
wrote for the La Solidaridad, explained that climate, colonialism, and endless war were the causes of
Filipinos’ indolence.

 Climate
As a physician, Rizal particularly noted that the hot tropical climate was one of the many
biological factors in fostering laziness.

 Colonialism and Endless War

Rizal explained that most Filipinos, think that it is much easier to be at peace with Spaniards
than to war against them in fear that their resources and lives will be wasted only in vain. This
mindset of Filipinos transpired into modern-day laziness, which is the mañana habit. Many of today's
Filipinos choose not doing something because they think that their efforts will be at waste.

4. What are the results of the Filipinos' lack of self-discipline.

Lack of self-discipline results into lack of willpower, fading motivation to do something and
ambition to achieve things that you want. Without this drive, it will hard for a person to be productive.
It may also result into a weak state of mental health. To people without self-discipline, if hard things
or situations come in their way, they may just easily give up than that giving it a try. Instead of
thinking ways for the betterment of his/her life, he/she may choose to give up because he is lacking
5. Give example of Dr. Jose Rizal's self-discipline.
Rizal always practiced self-discipline wherever he is. When he was in Biñan, waking up at
four o’clock to hear mass if there is any is a part of his daily life, otherwise he study his lessons at that
hour and went to mass afterwards. Having self-discipline makes Jose Rizal as a best student. While he
was out of the country, he kept himself in physical trim by daily exercise and practiced speaking
German, French and Italian. Aside from perfecting his academic studies, he performed daily exercises
in Berlin gymnasium to develop his body.

6. Give possible solutions to the Filipinos' lack of self-discipline.

Self-discipline is a learned skill, you just need to practice and dedicate yourself to do your best
to attain this skill. Always think of good or think of ideas that are for the betterment of yourself and of
people who surrounds you.


1. Differentiate the terms "faith" and "fate".

Faith is the inner attitude, conviction, or trust relating human beings to a supreme God or
ultimate salvation. It is the confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept while fate is a situation or
things that will happen to a person or thing in future.

2. Explain how faith in God's will could help develop hope and optimism among Filipinos?
Filipinos are deeply religious people. In times of adversities, they prefer to see the light rather
than the darkness. Believing to God and to His will could develop hope and optimism because they
see God as a light that can paved their way with His will. Filipinos believe that having strong faith to
God will bring hope to someone's life. They believe that there is God that they can lean on despite of
the problems that they are facing in life.

3. Did Rizal have faith in God? Support your answer.

No, Rizal don’t have faith in God. Rizal’s belief towards God and to Catholicism was tainted
by the Spanish friars as they used the name of the God to inflict fear to Filipinos. Also, Roman
Catholicism today is far more different than before. Before, Roman Catholicism was introduced
through force as the Spaniards want the Filipinos’ to accept the religion that they brought to the
country and also friars in Spanish era has a great influence to the decisions made by the government
that’s why, Filipinos’ don’t have a choice that time to choose their own religion because of fear. This
very reason why Rizal don’t have faith in God, not of fear but because the actions and words of the
Spanish friars was the twisted and wicked version of what God want.

4. Suggest specific activities or programs that could counteract feelings of hopelessness and
pessimism among young and old Filipino citizen. Explain your answer.
 Find a hobby
Try to do the things that you like may be drawing, painting or gardening or other activities that
gets your attention. By doing what you want may divert the feeling of hopelessness and pessimism of
a certain person and they may feel happiness.

 Surround yourself with your loved ones

Filipinos is family-oriented. Company of a family and friends is one way of eradicating
pessimism towards one person as their support and love may touch the person’s heart.

 Devoting Yourself to God

Filipinos are religious people. Filipinos believes that God can bring light, prosperity and peace
to a person’s life. By devoting or offering your life to God is one way of letting God into your life and
by trusting all His plans and His will.


1. Give five (5) definitions of the terms "patriotism"/"nationalism".

 Patriotism
1. Patriotism or national pride is the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a
homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment.
2. Patriotism is the devoted love, support, and defense of one's country.
3. Patriotism is the love that people feel for their country.
4. Patriotism means loyalty of person to his/her own nation or the leaders of nation.
5. Patriotism is the feeling of loving your country more than any others and being proud of it.

 Nationalism
1. A feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief
that it is better and more important than other countries
2. A sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary
emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or
supranational groups.
3. Nationalism is an ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation
especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.
4. Nationalism is a system created by people who believe their nation is superior to all others.
5. Nationalism is defined as being devoted to your country, or the feeling that nations should act
independently instead of working together.

2. Trace the influences that led to the development of Dr. Rizal's nationalism.
The influences that led to the development of Dr. Rizal's nationalism are that when Filipinos
were not given a voice in their own country. Rizal saw this as unfair and unjust, and this drive him to
take action. Also, Spaniards oppressed his family, and the people that are close to him. These
situations develop Rizal's nationalism.
3. Give the relationship between our being a third-world country and our seemingly lack of
Being a third-world country and lack of patriotism among Filipinos are connected. With the
lack of patriotism of Filipinos, especially to the officials who are involve in government, they may
commit corruption and this corruption will lead to poverty to many Filipinos. If they don't develop
patriotism in their lives, they will always think of their own selves, with this, they will do anything
just to achieve their personal interest without thinking the possible consequences or negative results
that it may bring to their people.

4. Give some importance of practicing nationalism. Explain your answer.

It is important for us to practice nationalism and instill it in our selves because with this, it will
unify us as one Filipino. If all Filipinos practice nationalism, we can build camaraderie and we will
always do and think things only for the goodness and betterment of our country. We will always seek
and implement projects that can benefit our country and its people. That's why it is a great thing if all
Filipinos instill patriotism or nationalism in their mind, heart and actions.

5. Enumerate means or ways by which you could develop patriotism.

The ways to develop patriotism are:

 Stay informed.
It is important for you to know what are the happenings in your own country. Staying up to
date to currents news is one way of being patriotic.

 Keep your government honest as far as is possible.

Keep track about the current news or situations about your government. It is important for you
to get involved and to know and understand what’s going on inside your government.

 Participate in local government.

Before involving or participating yourself to national problems, it is important that you
involve yourself first in your local government. If there are programs in your place like beautification
of your place or the other advocacies raise by your local government, participation in those events is
one way of being patriotic.

 Display your pride.

One way of displaying your pride is promoting or supporting Filipinos who represents or raise
the flag of your country in other countries.

 Love your country with open eyes.

Every country has positive qualities and negative qualities. Despite of the negatives, loving,
embracing or accepting your country despite of the flaws, appreciating its cultural heritage, its success
and uniqueness to others, in spite of its shortcomings to its people, is the way of doing and showing

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