11 New Test Marketing

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Test ch-11 (Marketing management)

M.M. : 36 Time 1 hour 10 min

1. 'Glow and Shine Ltd.' is a famous beauty brand offering organic beauty products for men and women. The
company uses plant-based materials for its products and is the No. 1 beauty brand in the country. It not only
satisfies its customers but also believes in overall protection of the planet. Identify the marketing management
philosophy being followed by 'Glow and Shine Ltd.' (1)
2. From customer’s pint of view, product is bundle of utilities. “In light of this statement, explain three types of
utilities or benefits offered by product.(3)
3. Simone, a budding entrepreneur wishes to operate a business of Flowers. Since they are perishable in nature,
she plans to open a flower shop so that she can directly sell them to the customers. Being a small ventures,
the number of consumers is also less. So she decides that the direct channel of distribution is better. Her
friend, Ankit is a manufacturers of Gift. Items. He is confused regarding the level of channel he should
follow. Can you guide him regarding the problem? Give points for support of yours answer. (3)
4. Nisha, a school bag manufacturer decided to improve the product for profit maximisation and thus added a
water bottle holder to the existing design.
Identify the marketing management philosophy adopted by Nisha, and
Explain the philosophy on the basis of Main Focus and Means and Ends (3)
5. In 2002 Cadbury, the confectionary giant came up with an advertisement to promote its brand Temptations.
The newspaper ad featured map of India showing Jammu and Kashmir shaded over. Written in bold across
the shaded area was the message 'too good to share'. Discuss the objection to advertising highlighted through
this case. Critically analyse any three other objections to advertising. State the value ignored by Cadbury
while issuing such an advertisement.(4)
6. As a project work in Business Studies subject, the Commerce students of “Knowledge School’ though of setting
up a recycling plant to recycle all the waste papers from the school and prepare registers and exercise books to
be used by the school students. They approached their principal who not only appreciated the idea of the
students but also give her consent for the same. The school also decided to donate 50% of the revenue generated
from the sale of registers and exercise books to a nearby blind school.
(a) State the product related decisions which the children have to take.
(b) Suggest any two factors the children should keep in mind while choosing the right name for their exercise
books and registers.
(c) Identify any two values communicated to the society by this project of ‘Knowledge School’ (5)

7. Vasvi was a student of Commerce in class XII. Her father was a farmer, who grew different varieties of wheat
and was well versed about various aspects of wheat cultivation. He was also selected by the government for a
pilot-project on wheat cultivation. As a project she decided to study the feasibility of marketing good quality
wheat at reasonable price. Her father suggested to her to use internet to gather customers' views and opinions.
She found that there was a huge demand for organic-packed wheat. She knew that there were no pre-determined
specifications in case of wheat, because of which it would be difficult to achieve uniformity in the output. To
differentiate the product from its competitors, she gave it the name of 'Mahan-organic-wheat' and classified it
into three different varieties namely Popular, Classic and Supreme, based on the quality. She felt that these
names would help her in product differentiation. Explain the three functions of marketing, with reference to
the above paragraph. (5)
8. One of the element of marketing mix is related to revenues of business .Name it and explain factors affecting
that element.(6)
9. Various tools of communication are used by the marketers to promote their products”. Answer the
following questions:
a) Why do companies use all tools at the same time?
b) Name and explain the most commonly used non-personal tool of promotion which is paid for by the
c) Which tool of promotion will primarily be used for the following:
(i) To get good corporate image without being paid for.
(ii)An existing product meant for mass usage by literate people.
(iii) To introduce new product to a particular class of people through door to door visits.(6)

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