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Christophe Maisondieu & Alan Tassin, IFREMER

WP3 Transnational Access Coordination

Transnational Access
User Guidelines

Rue d’Arlon 63-65 | 1040 Brussels |Tel. +32 (0)2 400 1040 | E. |
Marinet2 – [Users Guidelines]

Transnational Access User Guidelines

[Deliverable D3.1b]

This project has received funding from the European Union’s

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
grant agreement number 731084.

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Document Details
Grant Agreement Number 731084
Project Acronym MaRINET2
Work Package WP3 Transnational Access
Deliverable D3.1b
Title User Guidelines
Authors C. Maisondieu, A. Tassin
File name
Delivery date
Dissemination level All

Document Approval Record

Name Date
Prepared by C. Maisondieu, A. Tassin 07/11/2017
Checked by E. Knowles (UCC) 08/11/2017
Approved by K. Lynch (UCC) 08/11/2017

Document Changes Record

Revision Date Sections Changed Reason for Change
1 31/10/2018 Links to portal New portal in use for Call 3. ek.

The content of this publication reflects the views of the Authors and not necessarily those of the
European Union. No warranty of any kind is made in regard to this material.

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
2. Transnational Access calls organisation .......................................................................... 4
2.1 Application procedure ............................................................................................ 4
2.2 Application form ................................................................................................... 5
3. Proposals general assessment procedure ....................................................................... 7
3.1 Eligibility assessment............................................................................................. 7
3.2 Technical assessment ............................................................................................ 7
3.2.1 Technical feasibility: ....................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Level of preparedness of the project ................................................................ 8
3.2.3 Schedule and planning: .................................................................................. 8
3.3 Proposals scientific Assessment .............................................................................. 8
3.4 Notification of funding decision............................................................................... 9
4. Access Management .................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Access Procedure .................................................................................................. 9
4.1.1 Access agreement .......................................................................................... 9
4.1.2 No-show policy ............................................................................................ 10
4.1.3 Access and testing programme ...................................................................... 10
5. Post-Access Management ........................................................................................... 10
5.1 Post-Access obligations........................................................................................ 11
5.2 Post-Access Validation ......................................................................................... 11
5.3 Travel & Subsistence Refund ................................................................................ 11
Summary of the MaRINET2 rules & Conditions ................................................................. 14
Development stages and Technology Readiness Levels ..................................................... 18
Typical reference stages for wave energy devices testing .................................................. 19
Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) and Development activity ........................................... 19

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1. Introduction
The main objectives of this document are to provide MaRINET2 Users with practical information
regarding application to the MaRINET2 Transnational Access (TA) and Virtual Access (VA)
programmes as well as the procedure of access to the Research Infrastructures.

In the following, a MaRINET2 User is a member of a User Group, applying for free-of-charge
access to a Research Infrastructures available through the MaRINET2 Transnational Access or
Virtual Access programmes. Each User Group is headed by a User Group Leader in charge of
coordinating the application process and access to granted facility for his/her User Group. The
User Group Leader is the main point of contact with the MaRINET2 representatives (MaRINET2
Management Board, TA Coordinators, Access Providers). Rules defining eligibility of User
Groups are given in appendix 1 of this document.

2. Transnational Access calls organisation

The objective of the transnational access is to offer to the users free-of-charge access to the
research and testing facilities of the MaRINET2 network. As there are limitations to the amount of
access available for each facility, it is necessary to set a procedure over the whole duration of the
project allowing optimum use of access time. Therefore, five periods of access will be organised
over the lifespan of the project, each of them having a 6-month duration. A selection procedure
will be organised for each of these access periods, starting with a call for proposals scheduled at
least 3 months ahead of the starting date of the access period.

Call Steps
Call for Proposals

1.5 months

Selection Process

1.5 months

Period of Access

6 months


1.5 months


2.1 Application procedure

Calls for proposals are managed through the MaRINET2 website ( A specific
workspace has been designed for applicants to fill in an application form.

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In order to guarantee confidentiality of the proposals, the user group will need to register using a
protected user account to access the workspace ( ).


2.2 Application form

When completing the application form, it is requested that applicants (users) provide information
related to the affiliation of the user group personnel, choice of infrastructure and period of access,
selection and eligibility criteria. Detailed information is required regarding the scientific project with
a description of the proposed work including a test plan, technical requirements and anticipated
outcomes. A possibility is also offered to attach to the form additional documents presenting details
on the project.

The application form is divided in five different fields, namely “Project”, “Group”, “Access”,
“History”, “Description”. It is made mandatory that all questions in each of the fields be properly
addressed and completed. Additional comments are provided in table 1 hereafter to help users
completing the form.

Note: It should be noted that information provided in the application form must be detailed
enough to allow for a proper assessment of the proposal. Those applications that do not provide
sufficient information for a sound assessment of the project usually receive lower marks from the
experts and might be rejected.
All elements including the application form and attached documents are made available to the
Infrastructure Manager in charge of the applied-for-access facility and to the members of the
Experts panel after closing of the Call period, in the form of a set of PDF documents (see description
of the assessment procedure in part 3 of the document).

Exchanges and discussions between users and infrastructure managers are mandatory
during the application phase (i.e. before submission of the application) in order to ensure the
adequacy of the requested infrastructure with regards the aim of the proposed project and testing
plan. These discussions should be initiated by the applicants, however, Infrastructure Managers,
once aware of the application, should organise and plan the exchanges so as to make sure they
obtain all the necessary information regarding the project and testing plan allowing for a proper
technical evaluation of the proposal.

Application Field Comments


Application Id Application Reference number (automatically created)

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Application Application Please provide a short and explicit acronym

Application Title Please provide an explicit title to describe the project
Group Leader Please provide all requested details for the User Group Leader. These
are mandatory and will be used for the application eligibility
Additional User Please provide all requested details for each of the other persons
participating in the user group1. These are mandatory and will be
Group used for the application eligibility assessment.
More than one institute from the same country can participate
Users working in countries out of Europe can also be accepted (up to
20% of the total Marinet2 available access time)
Nationalities are not taken into account in the eligibility assessment.
Eligibility is judged on the country where the user actually works.
Requested Access Please indicate the names and references of the facilities to which
Details you wish to access as first second and third choice. Please provide
three different facilities when possible.
It is possible to present more than one application in a given call.
However, these applications should address different topics and it
should be noted that in order to access a facility to run tests at a
given development stage, proof must be given that tests have
Access already been successfully completed at the lower development
stages and analysed.
It is Mandatory to confirm that the User Group Leader and the
majority of the users work in a country other than the one where the
applied-for-facility is located.
There is no maximum number of “units of access”. However the
typical duration would be 2 to 3 weeks in small facilities and one
month or more in large scale facilities. Test periods can be longer
than six months, depending on infrastructure availability.
History Requested history Please answer all questions providing sufficient details
Stages already It is made mandatory to apply for testing at a given stage to
completed demonstrate that tests at lower stages have already been
successfully completed. Description of stages and links between
development activity and TRLs are given in appendix 2
Application Please provide a clear and complete description of the background of
Introduction the project, indicating its domain of application, stage of
development and whenever possible comparison with other systems
Description described in the literature.
Project Objectives Please provide a clear and complete description of the objectives of
the testing programme to be conducted at the requested facility
Application test Please provide a complete description of the testing plan as
plan elaborated after discussions with the infrastructure manager,
detailing, the tests set-up, the readiness level (already evaluated
through numerical modelling, model already existing…), relevance of
tests in regard of the objectives of the project, expected outcomes,…

The user group as defined in the application form must fulfill all the eligibility criteria (see appendix
1). If the user group is to be modified after closing of the call, it is also made mandatory for the user
group actually accessing the facility to fulfill all eligibility criteria. It is mandatory that the eligibility
criteria are met during the entire duration of the access period.

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3. Proposals general assessment procedure

In order to provide all users a fair chance of access to the facilities while guaranteeing a high level
of quality and relevance of the selected projects, a specific selection procedure is set, involving
the Infrastructure Managers as well as a panel of experts, both internal and external to the project
and a selection Committee.

The selection process is divided in 4 major steps:

1. Eligibility Assessment: At first, a pre-screening of the proposals is conducted by the

Transnational Access coordinator to check the compliance of the proposals with the
eligibility criteria as set down by the EC Transnational Access rules. Eligible proposals are
then classified by focus group as defined in the MaRINET2 project (wave, tidal, off-shore
wind, electrical & grid connection and cross-cutting).
2. Technical feasibility assessment: The next stage is for Infrastructure Managers to
assess the technical feasibility of the projects applying for access to their own facility. If
a project is not technically feasible at the infrastructure then it is either passed to a facility
where it is feasible, or it is rejected. This ensures that the experts (stage 3) only receive
applications that are eligible and technically feasible.
3. Scientific evaluation: At the third stage, a panel of experts (internal and external)
evaluates the applications from the point of view of scientific content and relevance of the
outcome. The expert gives ratings to the application on these two criteria.
4. Selection Committee: Finally, a selection committee is organised to give a final decision,
based on feedback provided by the Infrastructure Managers, assessments provided by the
experts as well as on criteria related to allocated/remaining access time and general project

3.1 Eligibility assessment

The eligibility criteria and conditions are outlined in detail in Appendix 1 and have been developed
in accordance with the relevant provisions of the EC H2020 Grant Agreement for the MaRINET2
To be eligible to benefit for free access to any of the MaRINET2 infrastructures, a User Group (a
team of one or more who wish to use a facility, led by a User Group leader) must satisfy the
following conditions:

 The User Group leader and the majority of the users must work in a country other than
the country(ies) where the installation is located (this rule applies for the entire duration
of the access period).
This rule does not apply:
o if access is provided by an International organization, the Joint Research Council (JRC),
an ERIC or similar legal entities;
o in case of remote access to a set of installations located in different countries offering
the same type of service.
 Only user groups that are allowed to disseminate the results they have generated under
the action may benefit from the access, unless the users are working for SMEs.
 Access for user groups with a majority of users not working in a EU or associated country is
limited to 20% of the total amount of units of access (time-based) provided under the grant.

3.2 Technical assessment

Assessment of proposals by the Infrastructure Managers is part of the selection process of the
MaRINET2 Transnational Access programme.

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The main objective of this evaluation by the Infrastructure Managers is to check the technical
feasibility of the projects requesting access to their facilities and to provide any relevant additional
information to the external experts and members of the selection committee.

The comments of the Infrastructure Managers on the received proposals should address the
following points:

 Technical feasibility, adequacy with the facility characteristics

 Level of preparedness of the project
 Schedule and planning

3.2.1 Technical feasibility:

Technical feasibility should only address the adequacy of the infrastructure in regard of the project
and the capacity of carrying out the requested testing plan and producing the expected results
and outcomes as described in the proposal.

Evaluation should then take into account criteria such as: handling capacity, availability, range and
precision of sensors and measurement devices, wave range, current, wind velocities…

(Criteria should be the same as those used for assessment of any commercial research project.)

3.2.2 Level of preparedness of the project

Based on documents provided by the applicants and discussions with the User Group Leaders, an
assessment of the level of preparedness of the project should be provided.

3.2.3 Schedule and planning:

Based on documents provided by the applicants and discussions with the User Group Leaders, an
assessment of the actual time frame of the proposal and testing programme should be carried out.

3.3 Proposals scientific Assessment

Scientific assessment of the proposals is conducted by experts (internal or external) having a
recognised expertise in one or more domains relevant to development and testing of Offshore
Renewable Energy systems.

In order to provide a homogeneous and fair evaluation of the proposals, experts are required to
rank proposals according to various criteria related to the quality of the scientific content and
relevance of the outcomes. These criteria are given in tables 2 and 3.

Quality of Scientific Content

Global content of proposal

Quality and technical feasibility of proposed test plan
Need to use this specific facility
Scientific context of the project (re. state-of-the-art and previous tests if applicable, previous
numerical modelling or CFD studies)
Level of competence of the user group

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Relevance of the outcome

Immediate impact of the possible outcome (how tangible & how significant)
Med/long-term impact of possible outcome (significance)
Extent of use/benefit of project outputs (restricted/not to User Group); extent of willingness to

3.4 Notification of funding decision

The User Selection Board (USB) will meet near the end of the assessment period. Using the
available applications, assessments by infrastructure managers and scientific assessments, the
applications to be funded will be selected.

It is important to note that approx. €1m per call will be made available for access funding in the
5 calls over the lifetime of the MaRINET2 project. Therefore, all “eligible” proposals cannot be
funded due to funding limits in each call. This is a competitive call and only top ranking applications
based on scientific merits will be funded.

The results of the USB are made available to the Applicants via their application workspace on the
MaRINET2 website and to the Infrastructure Managers via e-mail. A funded/not-funded decision
along with a short explanation from the USB will be available.

The date of funding decision availability is advertised on the project website both in the calls
timetable and the countdown timer on the MaRINET2 homepage.

Results will be available by close of business on the advertised results date.

4. Access Management
Access periods normally start within a few days of the announcement of the decision made by the
User Selection Board (USB) and last for a 6-month period, unless otherwise agreed with the
MaRINET2 management. USB decisions are made available to the Applicants via their application
workspace on the MaRINET2 website and to the Infrastructure Managers via e-mail.

4.1 Access Procedure

The access procedure starts with an agreement between the User and the Access Provider on the
most suitable way to proceed so as to complete the granted period of access.

4.1.1 Access agreement

Applications Granted – Access Procedure

Infrastructure Managers are asked, as Access Providers, to contact, after selection results
announcement, the User Group Leaders of accepted proposals for their infrastructures in order to
discuss the offer and suitable dates for testing within the call period. If the offer and available
dates are accepted by the applicant following these discussions, Infrastructure Managers should
begin the process of arranging the access visit and obtain any further information needed, such
as confirmation of User Group members, any other contact details not requested on the original
application, confirm test plan etc. A pre-access face-to-face meeting can be very beneficial in this

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regard, and Access Providers are entitled to request such a meeting if desired, at the expense of
the User Group Leader.

If no agreement can be reached, granted weeks of access will be reallocated to another project
placed on the waiting list, if technically achievable, or to the following call.

Applications Not Granted

For those applications which have not been granted, the applicant can review the brief comments
made by the User Selection Board and may consider submitting a new application in future TA
calls after addressing the review comments. The application process is deemed closed and no
further correspondence in relation to applications will be engaged in.

4.1.2 No-show policy

There is no specific policy as part of the MaRINET2 TA Rules and Regulation in the case a User-
Group decides to cancel his access period after agreement with the Infrastructure Manager.

However, each MaRINET2 partner institution has the right to include in a contract to be signed by
the applicant a clause defining the compensations that could be requested in case of cancellation.
The clause provided will be within the provisions of the MaRINET2 Grant Agreement with the EC
(rules and conditions in appendix 1), to which the Infrastructure is bound.

In case it is part of the policy of an institute to ask for a “No-show” deposit up-front, this must be
made clear by the Infrastructure Manager during the preliminary discussions and before the
closure of the call. Such deposit must be made refundable once testing occurs.

It should be noted that such deposits cannot, in any instance, be covered by the MaRINET2

The no-show policy should be discussed during the preliminary discussions with the Infrastructure
Manager when preparing the proposal.

4.1.3 Access and testing programme

Once an agreement has been reached and the period of access is open, access to the facility will
be organised for the User-Group. From the agreed date of access on and for the duration of access
granted by the USB, it is then the responsibility of the IM to provide all the technical and staff
support necessary to conduct the testing programme validated by the USB and defined in
agreement with the User-Group leader.

Please note, it is not within the remit of MaRINET2 to provide any additional equipment or sensors
for the access over and above what is already available in that particular infrastructure. Any
additional equipment required for the testing must be provided by the user group accessing the
facility unless the facility is satisfied to invest in that equipment themselves.

5. Post-Access Management
The User Group Leader has certain Post-Access obligations imposed by MaRINET2. The Post-
Access obligations (see below) can be completed via the applicant’s secure Application Workspace
on the MaRINET2 website. This application form will become available once the post-access phase
opens on the user workspace. These obligations should be fulfilled by the User Group Leader no
longer than 45 days after access at the Infrastructure has concluded, in order to benefit from the
Travel and Subsistence allowance.

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5.1 Post-Access obligations

1. The User Group Leader must provide certain User-Project details. These details are provided
to the EC, recording the visit to the Infrastructure, User Group members’ details, details of the
project objectives and achievements etc.
2. The User Group Leader must upload a project report. The report template will be available in
the Post-Access area of the Application Workspace. The purpose of the report is to highlight
the scientific output of the access received (taking into account confidentiality arrangements
as explained in the Rules). This Report (or the executive summary) may be published on the
MaRINET2 website and will be made available to the EC.
3. The User Group Leader must upload a short summary highlighting the scientific output of the
access received, preferably with one/two images, for use on the MaRINET2 website.
4. The User Group Leader must complete an EC user questionnaire to measure user satisfaction
– the link to this questionnaire is available in the Post-Access area of the Application
Workspace. Users will be expected to attend one of the two User Workshops to present their
experience and research results (subject to the User's IP restrictions) in order to encourage
further networking and scientific collaboration, acknowledge the support of the EC and
publicise their devices/concepts if desired. The outcomes presented at these Workshops will
be disseminated via the MaRINET2 website and further publication will be encouraged. Travel
and subsistence of Users attending these meetings will be reimbursed on the basis outlined in
the Rules.
5. Any publications or dissemination resulting from the MaRINET2 Transnational Access project
must be reported to MaRINET2. Acknowledgement of the MaRINET2 grant should be
mentioned in such publications (“The research leading to these results has received funding
from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020) under grant
agreement no 731084”.).

5.2 Post-Access Validation

It is the responsibility of the Infrastructure Manager in the first instance to ensure that the Post-
Access Obligations are met, after which the Access Provider can reimburse T&S claims.
Infrastructure Managers can login to the applicant’s secure Application Workspace on the
MaRINET2 website, during the post-access period, to view and verify these details for every User-
Group that has accessed their Infrastructure(s).

5.3 Travel & Subsistence Refund

MaRINET2 provides a contribution of €1000 per User Group per week towards the travel and
subsistence expenses of Users which is administered by the Access Providers (i.e. the
Infrastructure host organisation), who have already received this T&S budget. Expenses should
be reimbursed according to the limits, normal rules and procedures of the Access Provider. These
should be outlined to the User Group by the Access Provider before the starting date of the access.
Travel and subsistence claims will also be reimbursed on the same basis to Users when they attend
the User Workshop with the prior written agreement of the Infrastructure. Receipts must be
attached to claims, which will be made on the Access Provider's standard travel claim forms. Claims
will be reimbursed in Euro (€) or the local currency of the Infrastructure. Claims should only be
reimbursed following the completion of the Post-Access requirements via the MaRINET2 website.

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Appendix 1

Summary of the MaRINET2 rules & Conditions

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The following is a summary of the rules, conditions and eligibility governing Transnational
Access to the Research Infrastructures participating in MaRINET2, funded under the EC
H2020 programme. These rules have been formulated by the MaRINET2 consortium based on
the relevant provisions of the EC grant agreement (Annex II and Annex III). In case of any
conflict, the provisions of the Grant Agreement take precedence.

1. Eligibility
To be eligible to benefit for free access to any of the MaRINET2 infrastructures, a User Group
(a team of one or more who wish to use a facility, led by a User Group leader) must satisfy the
following conditions:

 The User Group leader and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the
country(ies) where the installation is located (this rule applies for the entire duration of the
access period).
This rule does not apply:
-if access is provided by an International organization, the Joint Research Council
(JRC), an ERIC or similar legal entities;
-in case of remote access to a set of installations located in different countries offering
the same type of service.
 Only user groups that are allowed to disseminate the results they have generated under the
action may benefit from the access, unless the users are working for SMEs.
 Access for user groups with a majority of users not working in a EU or associated country
is limited to 20% of the total amount of units of access provided under the grant, unless a
higher percentage is forseen in Annex 1.

2. Obligations
 The access provider (the MaRINET2 partner that is in charge of providing access to the
chosen infrastructure) shall provide access free of charge to the selected user groups to the
infrastructure managed by it, including all the logistical, technological and scientific
support as well as specific training, that is normally provided to external researchers using
the infrastructure.
 The test setup will remain the property of the party that provided it, unless otherwise agreed
 Access will be offered to a particular facility through the call process until that facility’s
transnational access funding allocation has been used up. An updated list of available
Research Infrastructures will be published as part of the each Call for Proposals.
 Users shall abide by the normal working practices, working hours, and health and safety
regulations of the Infrastructure while present on the site.
 Users shall abide by the post-access requirements.
 Before accessing the Infrastructure, the User may (at the discretion of the access provider)
be requested to sign a contract with the access provider outlining access terms to the
Infrastructure, agreement to be bound by the provisions of the Grant Agreement, liabilities
of the access provider and the User towards each other, rights with regards to Foreground
(information and results generated under MaRINET2) and Background (information held
prior to MaRINET2) and consequences of a breach of these obligations by the User.

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 If necessary, the User may be required to attend a meeting(s) with the access provider prior
to the access period to discuss planning and to help make the access project a success.

3. Priorities
The User Selection Board shall base its selection on scientific merit, i.e. evidence of a rigorous
test plan following the Development and Testing Protocol, quality of the project and
competence of the applicants. Priority is given to User Groups composed of users who:

 have not previously used the MaRINET2 infrastructure

 are working in countries where no such research infrastructures exist
 consist of young researchers, taking into account the parity of male-female users
 are from outside the MaRINET2 network

Please note that statements of completion of a Development and Testing Protocol phase should
be backed up by evidence. Efforts to provide this evidence will be viewed favourably by the
User Selection Board. This evidence does not need to be extensive or complete - a graph,
picture or brief summary of testing is sufficient. This request for evidence obviously does not
apply to new concepts which have not already been tested and which are equally supported in
the MaRINET2 application process, particularly if they show intention to follow the
Development and Testing Protocol.

4. Access rights to information

 The Foreground is the property of the user group carrying out the work generating that
 The access provider shall ensure that the users enjoy, on a royalty-free basis, access rights
to the Background of the access provider and to the foreground, if needed to carry out their
own work under the project. The access provider shall inform, as soon as possible, the users
of any restriction which might substantially affect the granting of access rights.

5. Confidentiality
The access provider shall ensure that the users have the same rights and obligations in regard
to confidentiality as referred to for the access provider in Article II.9 (see link above).

6. Publicity
 Dissemination activities shall be compatible with the protection of intellectual property
rights, confidentiality obligations and the legitimate interests of the owner(s) of the
 The access provider shall ensure that the users have the same rights and obligations in
regard to publicity as referred to for the access provider in Article II.12.
 Users should suitably publicise (in their publications and reports etc.) the support given by
the EC for the access provided to them, referring to MaRINET2 and including the following
statement (in appropriate language): “The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020) under
grant agreement no 731084”.
 The EC shall be authorised to publish, in whatever form and on or by whatever medium,
including the Internet, the list of the users.

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While the second condition of Eligibility above states that User Groups must be entitled to
publish the results of their access project work in order to be eligible to benefit (and MaRINET2
will seek a report following access, see Post-Access) (with an exception for those working for
SMEs*) it is understood that many users, particularly companies and developers, have
significant concerns in relation to the data that they are required to publish. The first rule above
takes account of these concerns.

The MaRINET2 consortium is very cognisant of this issue. The reason that the EC requires
production of publishable results as a condition of eligibility is that its objective in funding
these initiatives is to progress the state-of-the-art of the sector, and this requires dissemination
of generated knowledge. However, MaRINET2 access providers deal with these issues on a
daily basis – users with proprietary technology are the typical groups that access these facilities.
Hence access providers are very familiar with IP issues and there are numerous ways to
disseminate gained knowledge without revealing proprietary data or details specific to a device
or technology (e.g. non-dimensionalised results). Confidentiality will be fully protected and
specifics around the requirement for publication can be agreed beforehand to the satisfaction
of both parties. Scientific publication and validation of tests, without compromising the
competitive advantage of the user, is common and can be very beneficial in terms of validating
the technology when it comes to seeking future investment and financing.

*NOTE: Researchers working for SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) can apply for access as
any other researcher. If successful they can be supported by the EU in their access to research
infrastructures even if they are not allowed to disseminate the results of the research carried
out on the infrastructure.

7. Insurance
Full health/travel insurance and pre-flight cancellation insurance is obligatory. It must cover
the full period from arrival to departure, cover pre-existing medical conditions, and include
world-wide travel assistance and emergency air transportation services. This is a private cost
not covered by MaRINET2.

8. Travel and subsistence

MaRINET2 will provide a contribution of €1000 per User Group per week towards the travel
and subsistence expenses of users. Expenses will be reimbursed according to the limits, normal
rules and procedures of the access provider. These will be outlined to the user group by the
access provider before the starting date of the access. Travel and subsistence claims will also
be reimbursed on the same basis to Users when they attend user meetings with the prior written
agreement of the Infrastructure. Receipts must be attached to claims, which will be made on
the Infrastructure's standard travel claim forms. Claims will be reimbursed in Euro (€) or the
local currency of the Infrastructure. Claims will be reimbursed following the submission of
certain reports following completion of the access.

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Appendix 2

Development stages and Technology Readiness Levels

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Typical reference stages for wave energy devices testing

Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) and Development activity

Development Activity TRL at which it may be Facility Capability
Concept development 1-3 Small Lab Physical tests
Validation 4-5 Large Lab Large Physical tests
Naval architecture 3-7 Large Lab Large Physical tests
Power Take off 3-9 Remote Access, Bench Modelling,Grid
test Integration, Control
Integrated Lab, Test
Control systems 3-9 Remote Access,Bench Modelling
test Grid Integration
Integrated Lab (small or Control
Test site
Moorings 3-7 Small Lab, Large Currents + Waves
Lab,Test Site Moving Floor
Towing 4-9 Large Lab,Test Site Towrig,Currents+
Installation 4-9 Lab, Test Site Tow rig,Currents,Wind
Survival 2-9 Large Lab Moving floor
Test Site Large Physical Tests

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