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1. Fitra Khoerunnisa Damayanti as Nurse B

2. Nadhifah Dwini Hastuti Putri as Nurse A
3. Syafira Berliana Yustika as Nurse C
4. Zulfa lailurrohmah as patient

One day, in Dahlia room Persahabatan hospital, there is a patient named Ms. X who suffers
from TBC.

Nurse A enters the dahlia room 601

Nurse A : “Good morning Miss”

Miss X : "Good morning"

Nurse A : " Can you tell your name miss, please?" (while looking at the patient’s bracelet)

Miss X : "My name is X”

Nurse A :"And your date of birth miss?"

Miss X : “April 6th, 1999"

Nurse A : "Ok miss, first I’m going to check your vital sign”

Miss X : “Ok”

Nurse A checking Miss X’s vital signs

Nurse A : “I have a finish to check your vital sign, your blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg,
your temperature is 37C, your heart rate is 86x/minute, but what do you feel now miss? Because
your respiration rate is 30x/minute and it’s abnormally”

Miss X : “I feel so hard to breathe, my chest hurts, and my sputum is difficult to remove
when I cough” (Miss X looks out of breath)
Nurse A : “Ok Miss, after this you will get inhalation treatment with nurse B, so that your
shortness of breath is decrease.”
Miss X : “Yes nurse”

Nurse B comes to provide inhalation treatment

Nurse B : “Good morning miss, may I check your patient’s bracelet?”
Miss X : “Sure”
Nurse B : “Can you tell your name miss, please?”
Miss X : “My name is X”
Nurse B : “And your date of birth?”
Miss X : “April 6th, 1999
Nurse B : “Okay miss, I came here to give an inhalation treatment, so that your shortness
of breath is decrease. Are you ready miss?”
Miss X : “yes, please nurse.”
Nurse B : “I will prepare the tools first, the tools we need are a set of nebulizer,
bronchodilator drug, nierbekken and tissues. Okay, the tools is ready to use. Before we start, I
will help you to sit in the semifowler position. Next, I will wash my hands and wear handscoon.
Now, we can start the inhalation therapy.”
Miss X : “Okay nurse.”
Nurse B : “First, connect the hose to an air compressor. Second, fill the medicine cup with
Ventolin and close the medicine cup tightly. Third, Attach the hose and mouthpiece to the
medicine cup. Next, I will place the mouthpiece in your mouth. After that, you must breathe until
all the medicine is used. Now, you can take a breathe through the nose and exhale through the
mouth, this takes 10 to 15 minutes.”

(Ms. X follow the instruction until all the medicine is used)

Nurse B : “Okay Ms. X. How do you feel now?”

Miss X : “My breath feels better nurse, because the disturbing sputum can be removed.”
Nurse B : “Okay miss, we have finished doing inhalation therapy. I will take off handscoon
and wash my hands. Tomorrow, Nurse C will come to you to explain about health education. If
you need something you can push the bell miss, excuse me.”
Miss X : “Thank you nurse.”

The next day, Nurse C come to Ms. X’s room

Nurse C : “Good morning miss.”

Miss X : “Good morning.”
Nurse C : “How are you today miss?”
Miss X : “I’m fine nurse, my breath doesn’t feel tight anymore.”
Nurse C : “Ah, that’s sounds good miss.”
Miss X : “Yes nurse, I feel so happy.”
Nurse C : “Miss X, today I will provide health education related to tuberculosis. Because
tomorrow you are allowed to go home. Can I start now?”
Miss X : “Yes, nurse.”
Nurse C : “Okay miss, do you understand about tuberculosis?”
Miss X : “I know that tuberculosis is a disease of the lungs caused by bacterial
Nurse C : “That’s right miss, tuberculosis is infectious disease caused by mycobacterium
tuberculosis, which can attack various organs, especially the lungs. And for your information, If
the treatment is incomplete, it makes dangerous complication. So, you must to take medicine
regularly for 6 months and must not stop before 6 months.”
Miss X : “Yes nurse, I understand.”
Nurse C : “You should also cover your mouth with tissue if you cough, and do not throw
sputum in any place to avoid transmission of disease. Because tuberculosis can be transmitted
through the air. ”
Miss X : “Okay nurse, I will do it.”
Nurse C : “And last, you should be well ventilated in your home, so that the morning
sunlight enters the house and that air circulation is good for your breathing. Do you understand?”
Miss X : “Yes nurse.”
Nurse C : “ Okay miss X, I think you can understand everything what I explained.
Is there anything you want to ask?”
Miss X : “No, nurse. I already understood what you are explaining.”
Nurse C : “Okay miss, I hope this can be useful for you and you can apply what I
explained. Get well soon miss X. Excuse me.”
Miss X : “Thank you so much nurse.”

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