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Risk management
A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
Risk management

Risk management summarises the status in quarterly reports to

the Executive Board. Where the progress of
mitigating actions is falling behind schedule,
The latest risk assessment was carried out in
the second half of 2018, and identified nine
key risks that may have a significant impact
or where mitigating actions are not achiev- on the business plan, including on earnings,
Transforming A.P. Moller - Maersk to become the global integrator of container ing the effect they were designed to have, financial position, and the achievement of
logistics is a complex process which carries multiple risks. It is essential that risks the report will highlight this so that corrective other strategic objectives.
associated with the transformation, and risks inherent to the business activities action can be taken.
are managed effectively to keep the potential financial and reputational impact
of such risks within acceptable levels.

  A.P. Moller - Maersk risk management process

Risk identification
Risks are continuously
identified and reported
using uniform templates
and tools
Effective risk management is key to grow- Risk management process
ing sustainably in an increasingly volatile Each year, the Executive Board establishes the
Risk monitoring
and uncertain business environment. Sev- key risks to the business plan. In preparation Risk assessment
Development of key
eral initiatives have been launched to fur- for the discussions in the Executive Board, a Identified risks are
risks and mitigation
ther strengthen the risk management pro- comprehensive risk assessment takes place. analysed and assessed
actions are monitored
to determine triggers,
cess e.g. by improving board and manage- The Executive Board appoints a risk owner (an by risk deep dives and
impact and likelihood
ment oversight and by driving accountability Executive Board member) for each key risk to reporting

for the management of key risks. oversee the management of the risk, including
the preparation and execution of mitigation
The Board of Directors is responsible for action plans. Once the plans for the manage-
overseeing risk management. The Board ment of the risks have been finalised, the risk
of Directors determines the framework owner presents and discusses such plans with
for managing risks, including risk appetite. the Executive Board and the Audit Committee Risk mitigation Risk recording
Risk mitigation action Key risks are
The Audit Committee monitors the execu- in designated deep dive risk sessions.
plans are prepared established, prioritised
tion of the risk management processes and and implemented and documented,
the management of key risks. The Executive The risk management function monitors the across the affected and risk owners are
Board is responsible for overseeing day-to- status of each key risk, including the progress businesses appointed
day risk management. and effect of the mitigation action plans, and

2 A.P. Moller - Maersk | Annual Report 2018

Risk management

Key risk analysis for 2019 Multiple commercial and operational mitigat-
The key risks to realising the 2019-2023 ing initiatives are being pursued.
business plan and the mitigation activities
deployed are described in the following. Cyber security
As Maersk becomes increasingly digitalised,
Business transformation more devices and control systems are con- Each year, the Executive Board identifies the
key risks to the business plan. In preparation
The risk is that the transformation of nected online, resulting in a bigger inter-
A.P. Moller - Maersk into a growth company face across the IT infrastructure that could

for the discussions in the Executive Board,

supported by a digital business model with be compromised. A successful cyber-attack
an integrated end-to-end (E2E) product offer- within this wider attack surface could result
ing does not materialise as envisaged due to
a lack of business agility to anticipate and
in major operational disruption and/or data
breaches leading to major financial loss.
a comprehensive risk assessment takes place.
respond to the external developments and
internal challenges. It is a strategic priority to continue to
improve cyber security through the cyber
To support and coordinate the business trans- security plan that was launched after the
formation in the next coming years several cyber-attack in 2017.
teams and new processes across the organ-
isation have been established to drive the Freight rates
transformation. The risk is that freight rates collapse because
of global trade deceleration and a result-
IMO 2020 ing structural decline in demand for contain-
Currently, there are no compliant low-cost erised transportation. Also, that new export
fuels that fulfil the global Sulphur regula- orders in the US, EU and China slow down
tion (IMO 2020) requirements coming into because of e.g. lower GDP and trade wars. Capital structure Technology transformation
force from 2020. The existing compliant One of the strategic priorities is to grow Maersk's transformation implies having a
fuels, as well as new fuels being developed, While Maersk is relatively well positioned to Logistics & Services organically and inorgan- vision to connect and simplify customers’
are expected to cost substantially more than deal with the risk, it remains highly exposed ically (i.e. through M&A activities). There is a supply chains. There is a risk that Maersk will
current High Sulphur Fuel Oil bunkers, imply- to freight rates until a more diversified and risk that Maersk will not be able to do so due not achieve its vision due to misalignment
ing substantial fuel cost increases in 2020. balanced business has been established to a lack of available funds and increasing between the transformation strategy of the
Installing scrubbers on vessels will enable through expansion of the non-ocean activi- cost of capital. Technology organisation and Maersk's busi-
today's lower cost fuels to be used, but will, ties. Having limited leverage over the overall ness transformation strategy.
on the other hand, require substantial capi- demand for container shipping the key fac- Maersk remains committed to separating the
tal expenditure. The risk is that the increased tors to mitigate risk from development in energy businesses and maintaining an invest- Mitigation includes upskiling of the Tech­
costs relating to the implementation of and freight rates are to diversify the activities ment grade rating. That includes initiatives nology organisation.
compliance with the IMO 2020 requirements into logistics and maintain industry cost to stabilise and improve the level of earnings
cannot be recovered from customers. leadership. and effective capital discipline.

3 A.P. Moller - Maersk | Annual Report 2018

Risk management

Business model disruption Follow-up on 2018 risks

The risk entails that Maersk loses the customer During the year, the focus has been on suc-
relation due to its inability to secure a digitally cessfully mitigating the risks associated with
based competitive advantage in Liner opera- the Hamburg Süd integration, improving
tions and logistics; and/or value chain re-con- schedule reliability and the customer experi-
figuration in transport and logistics away from ence and protecting the quality of the Maersk
Liner-to-Beneficiary Cargo Owner contact. balance sheet in times of transformation.

Maersk is transforming its business model The integration of Hamburg Süd is progress-
to become truly customer-centric and digital ing according to plan, and with synergies
and through that create simplified E2E offer- above expectations. The Net Promoter Score
ings, provide a superior delivery network and improvements are evidencing higher cus-
ensure seamless customer engagement. tomer satisfaction, and the gross and net
debt level have been reduced significantly,
New Maersk product while A.P. Moller - Maersk remains an invest-
A.P. Moller - Maersk is creating one commer- ment grade-rated company.
cial organisation to grow Logistics & Services
and expand its product offering to custom- Business portfolio risks
ers. The risk is that customers are not willing The business portfolio is increasingly exposed
to buy more products from Maersk, or that to fluctuations in freight rates following the
Maersk is unable to sell more products to separation of the energy businesses and the
customers, resulting in a failure to grow the addition of Hamburg Süd. The Ocean segment
business as planned. remains the biggest marginal earnings vola-
tility contributor, and completing the separa-
A.P. Moller - Maersk has established one inte- tion of the energy businesses will increase the
grated commercial team across Ocean and effect even further. It remains a strategic pri-
Logistics & Services. ority for Maersk to reduce its dependency on
freight rates and to grow adjacent businesses
Human Resources to reduce earnings and cash flow volatility. 
A.P. Moller - Maersk might fail to success-
fully deliver on its transformation objectives
due to the lack of functional capabilities and
behaviours required to transform the busi-
nesses and to deliver on the new strategy.
The risk is mainly related to logistics, digital
and the creation of 'One Maersk'.

A.P. Moller - Maersk has intensified the invest-

ments in employee capability and engagement.

4 A.P. Moller - Maersk | Annual Report 2018

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