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Definition of Front Office Department

Front Office is one Department that handle the Guest needs, especially Rooms starts from Check-in until
Check-out, also Providing the Required Information to Guests.

Job Description of Front Office

1. Greeting to the Guest.
2. Knowing all Types of Rooms and Room Promotional Price.
3. Inputting Registration Data.
4. Handling VIP Guest.
5. Showing the Hotel Facility.
6. Know where the nearest place.
7. Selling Rooms to the Guest.

Step of Handling Reservation

1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Ask the Guest request:
- What Kind of Room
- How many Rooms
- How many Person
- Date Arrival and Departure
4. Check the Reservation Chart.
5. Selling Technique.
6. Complete the Reservation Form:
- Name
- Company Name
- Company Address
- Phone number of Company
- The Reservation is made for
- Contact Person
- Payment
- Special Request
7. Repeat the Reservation.
8. Last Greeting.

Step of Handling Message

1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Check the Guest Availability or Room Rack / Key Rack.
4. If the Guest is not in the hotel, offer the Guest to fill the Message Form.
5. Ask the Guest Name, Address, and Phone.
6. Repeat the Message.
7. Last Greeting.
Step of Handling Check-In
1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Ask if the guest already made a reservation.
4. Ask the guest ID Card.
5. If haven’t, ask the guest:
- How long.
- How many person.
- How many rooms.
6. Check system.
7. Mention the available rooms.
8. Ask about special request.
9. Payment.
10. Repeat
11. Last greeting.

Sources of Reservation
- Walk in Guest.
- Travel Agent.
- Airlines.
- Company.
- Central Booking Officer.
- Hotel Chain.
- Individual.
- Group.
- Hotel Guest.
- Government.
- Car Rent Company.
- Airport Representative.

Kinds of Room Based on Location:

1. Adjoining room : The room is side by side without connecting door.
2. Adjecent room : The room is located opposite.
3. Connecting room : The room are continuous and there are connecting doors.
4. Duplex : Terraced rooms connected by staircases.

Kinds of Room Based on View:

1. Cabana : Rooms overlooking the waters.
2. Lanais : Rooms overlooking the mountains.
3. Garden Pateo : Rooms facing to garden.
4. Far Away : The rooms facing the highway.
5. Pool View : Rooms overlooking the pool.
6. Resident View : Room facing the houses.
7. Siberian : Rooms have a view that is not desirable.

Kinds of Room Based on Facilities:

1. Single Room : Room with one bed for one guest.
2. Twin Room : Room with two bed for two guests.
3. Double Room : Room with one double bed for two guests.
4. Triple Room : Room with twin bed plus one extra bed.
5. Junior Suite Room : Big room with one bed room and one living room.
6. Suite Room : Room with two bed rooms or more plus living room, dining room, and
7. President Suite Room : Room with three bed rooms or more plus living room, meeting room, and

Room Status
1. Occupied Clean (OC) : Room that have been filled.
2. Occupied Dirty (OD) : Room that have been filled and already cleaned.
3. Vacant Clean (VC) : Empty Room that already cleaned.
4. Vacant Dirty (VD) : Empty Room that have not been cleaned.
5. Vacant Clean Inspected (VCI) : Room that have been cleaned and has been checked by
6. Out of Order (OO) : Room are damaged and repaired for more than 24 hours.
7. Sleep Out (SO) : Guest who only put Luggage in room but not Sleep in
Hotel Room.
8. Do Not Disturb (DND) : Guest who don’t want to be disturbed.
9. No Service Requires (NSR) : No Service Required.
10. Out of Service (OS) : Room are damaged and repaired less than 12 hours.
11. Please Makeup Room (PMR) : Guests who want their rooms cleaned.
12. Private and Confidential (PNC) : Guest who really don’t wants to be disturb.
13. Occupied No Luggage (ONL) : Guest who don’t bring Luggage.

Guest Priority
1. Complaint.
2. Check in Guest/Walk in Guest.
3. Reservation.
4. Message.
5. Check Out.

Room for four people that include double bed with two extra beds.

Step of Wake Up Call

1. Greeting.
2. Mention the Guest’s Name and her/his Room Number.
3. Tell the Guest that is her/his Wake Up Call.
4. Mention Wake Up Time.
5. Last Greeting.


Check-in with Rerservation

1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Ask if the guest already made a reservation.
4. Check system.
5. Ask is for the booking code.
6. Payment.
7. Repeat
8. Last greeting.

Definiton of Reception
One section under Front Office Department who responsible to Serve the Guest from Check in until
Check out and Serve all Guest needed during stay.

Job Description Reception

1. Sell Room to the Guest, especially the one who made Reservation before.
2. Handling Guest Registration (Check in).
3. Handling Guest Arrival and Departure.
4. Preparing Room Sales Recapitulation.
5. Preparing Room Statistic.

Kinds of Guest
1. To Be Advice (TBA) : People who hasn’t give the confirmation.
2. Honeymoon Couple : Couple on their Honeymoon.
3. Olderly People (OP) : Guest who already Old.
4. Woman Travel Alone (WTA) : Woman who travelling alone.
5. Group Traveller Individual : Group without leader.
6. Distinguish Guest : People who have high position.
7. Walk-in Guest : Guest check-in without Reservation.
8. Free Individual Traveller : People who travelling alone.
9. Very Important Person (VIP) : Guest who have important position.
10. Sleeper : Guest who bring another person to stay without confirmation.
11. Skipper : Guest who didn’t pay.
12. Returning Guest : Guest who often stay in the hotel.
13. Incognito Guest : Guest who didn’t want their identity being known.
14. Incognito Screen : Guest who didn’t want their identity being known but only few
person know their identity.
15. Voger : Guest who reserve with the other person’s name.
16. Visitor : Guest who come to visit the other guest.
17. Unwanted Guest : Guest that Hotel didn’t want to accept because have a bad reputation.
18. Corporate Guest : Guest who have their own account in the hotel.
19. Pre-registration : Guest that is checked in earlier but haven’t arrived with the data.
20. CIP : Commercial Important Person.
21. Long Staying Guest : Guest that stay in the hotel for a long period of time.
22. Phantom : Guest that is invited by the management for observing the
operational without the knowledge of other department.
23. Semi-Residential Guest : Guest that stayed in the hotel for 2-7 nights.
24. Slow Payer : Guest that haven’t paid or late in paying the payment without
the hotel known.
25. A-List : Guest that is wanted by the police.
26. Blacklist : Guest with a bad reputation with the hotel.
27. Back to Back Guest : Guest that checked in the same date he/she checks out.
28. Lay Over Passenger : Guest that is forced to stay in a hotel because of plane delay.
29. No Trace : Guest that has made a reservation before but does not
have any proof of reservation.
30. No Show : Guest that has made a reservation but didn’t show up and
without any information.
31. NOC (No Over Charge) : Guest who checked out late but does not get extra charge.
32. Overnight : Guest that is supposed to check out and has passed over the
check out time limit.
33. Sleep Out : Guest that has checked in the hotel but doesn’t stay in the hotel.
34. Stay Over : Guest that extends the check-out time by a couple of days.
35. Overstay : Guest that extends the check-out time by a couple of hours.
36. Understay : Guest that checks out before the check-out time that has
already been planned before.
37. Minor Guest : Guest that is aged under 17 years old.
38. Major Guest : Guest that is aged over 17 years old.
39. Open Date : Guest that has not decided her/his check out time.
40. Disable People : Guest that have special needs.

VIP Guest
- VIP 1 : Long Stay ( Member ).
- VIP 2 : Business Man.
- VIP 3 : Actress/Actor.
- VIP 4 : Government/Ministry.
- VIP 5 : President.

Over Booking Policy

Hotel policy when the hotel in peak season or high occupancy.

Check-in After One Button

Check-in in the middle of night before 1 A.M.

Check-out After One Button

Check-out before the room price is running by night audit.

Early Bird Card

Reservation card for guest that made reservation from long time before.

Check in By Computerize System

1. Greeting.
2. Offering help.
3. Ask the guest name.
4. Ask the guest request.
5. Upselling technique.
6. Check the system and tell about the rate.
7. Ask the guest identity.
8. Ask the guest remarks.
9. The guest payment.
10. Repeat.
11. Sign.
Step of Handling Group Check in
1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Check expected arrival list.
4. Give the guest rooming list and vincard to the PIC.
5. Repeat.
6. Last Greeting.

Handling Check Out
1. Greeting.
2. Offering help.
3. Ask the guest name and room number.
4. Preparing guest bill.
5. Ask the guest to pay the bill.
6. Ask the guest key.
7. Give sign on the right.
8. Last greeting.

Step of Handling Complaint

1. Greeting.
2. Offering Help.
3. Hear the complaint.
4. Show empathy.
5. Apologize for the inconvenient.
6. Take action to solve the problem.

Kinds of Complaint
1. Usual : Complaint that makes senses.
2. Unusual : Complaint that not makes senses.
3. Mechanical : Complaint about mechanical broken.
4. Service : Complaint about bad service.
5. Attitude : Complaint about bad attitude.

Kinds of Plan
1. European Plan : Room rates only.
2. Continental Plan : Room rates include breakfast.
3. Modified American Plan : Room rates include breakfast and lunch/dinner.
4. Full American Plan : Room rates include breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Kinds of Hotel
1. Boutique Hotel : Hotel furnishing used by high artistic value and unique/have specific
2. Business Hotel : Hotel used by business men, the occupancy is higher on weekdays.
3. City Hotel : Located in the city center.
4. Cure Hotel : It has facilities for therapeutic treatment.
5. Atrium Hotel : Hotel is square shape like a mall so the above can look to the lobby.
6. Mountain hotel : Hotel is located in a mountainous area.
7. Resort hotel : Hotel for vacation especially for tourist and near tourism destination.
8. Beach hotel : Hotel located in the coastal region.
9. Transit hotel : Hotel for transit or to stay within short period.

Step of Handling Credit Card

1. Authorization / Verification : Blocking some funds from credit card/Card verification.
2. Offline : Disburse some funds that have been blocked before from credit card.
3. Sale : Process to take funds without card verification.
4. Settlement : The process to recapitulation of all transaction in one shift.
5. Void / Correction : Fix if there is something wrong.

City Ledger
Payment which handled by Company or Travel Agency.

Kinds of City Ledger

1. House of Accounts : Guest ledger indirectly paid when checking out.
2. Unsettled Departed : Payments by a company to be billed.

Guest Segmentation
1. TBA (To Be Advice)
2. WTA (Women Travel Alone)
3. FIT (Free Individual Traveler)
4. Elderly People.
5. Honeymoon Couple.
6. ONL (Occupied No Luggage)

Up Selling Technique
Way to sell a more superiority product to the guest with the purpose of selling more hotel’s product.

Kinds of Selling Technique

1. Top Down Method : Selling technique by selling and offers room rates from the most
expensive to the cheapest.
2. Sandwich Method : Selling technique by selling and offers room rates between the most
expensive and the cheapest.
3. Bottom Rate Action : Room sales technique with the lowest price to guest who will stay
long enough done at the hotel when low season.

1. Concierge
Section under Front Office Department which has responsibility to Handle Guest Luggage.

2. Job Description of Concierge

1. Welcoming Guest.
2. Escorting Guest.
3. Take care Guest Luggage.
4. Explaining Hotel Facilities to the Guest.
5. Giving information that Guest need.

3. Section in Concierge
 Bellboy.
 Doorman.
 Vallet.
 Page Boy.
 Driver.
 Greeter.

4. Kinds of Reservation
 Guaranteed : Reservation which has already have a guarantee.
 Non-Guaranteed : Reservation which doesn’t have guarantee yet.

5. Kinds of Reservation Chart

 Density : Normally use for big hotel and used shading for mark.
 Conventional Chart : Normally use for little hotel and used arrow for mark.

6. Kinds of Reservation Slip

 Red : For VIP.
 Yellow : Airlines.
 Green : Travel.
 Blue : Group.
 White : Individual.

7. Kinds of Due
 Due In : Front office preparation before operational.
 Due Out : Front office preparation after operational.
 Due To : Payment with half cash half credit.
 Due Me : Cashier using personal money for operational.
 Due Back : Outcome bigger than income.
8. Kinds of Rate
 Airlines Rate.
 Company Rate.
 Commercial Rate.
 Compliment Rate.
 Coorporate Rate.
 Family Rate.
 Group Rate.
 Holiday Rate.

9. Kinds of Call
 Station to Station : Conversation between section inside the hotel.
 Collect Call : Conversation that pay by someone who called first.
 Courtesy Call : Step of handle income call.
 Person to Person : Call by person to person.

10. Function of Guest Card

 As a guest ID during stay in hotel.
 For substitute breakfast coupon.
 For use elevator.

11. Kinds of Guest Luggage

 Suite Case : A bag for bring some clothes.
 Brief Case : A bag for bring some clothes that can be carried.
 Travelling Bag : A bag for travelling.
 Golf Bag : A bag for bring golf stuff.
 Hand Bag : A bag that can be carried.

12. Kinds of Sales Draft

 Merchant Copy.
 Guest Copy.
 Bank Copy.

13. Expected Arrival List : List for guest that will check in.
14. Expected Departure List : List for guest that will check out.
15. TEAR : Today Expected Arrival Rack, Rack for put guest list that
will check in that day.
16. Early Check In : Guest that will check in before 01.00 P.M.
17. Early Check Out : Guest that will check out before 12.00 P.M.
18. Luggage Up : To put the luggage from the lobby to the room.
19. Luggage Down : To put the luggage from the room to the lobby.
20. Luggage Tag : Tag for mark the luggage.
21. Errand Card : Form for list the guest luggage.
22. Discrepancy Report : Difference of room status report between front office and
23. Arcade : Part of hotel that can be rented for public.
24. Tenant : Someone who rent function room in the hotel.
25. Cancellation : Reservation cancellation.
26. Cancellation Fee : Fee for cancel the reservation, depend on hotel policy.
27. Balancing room : The rest of room that hasn’t been clean.
28. Zero Defect : Do check in and check out without mistake.
29. Double Book : The mistake of reservation clerk because of selling the
same room to the different guest in the same date.
30. Porter : A person that helping guest to carry their luggage.
31. A Form : Form for foreigners.
32. Bridal Suite : A room for a new couple.
33. Front Of The House : A location that all staff can be interaction with the guest.
34. Back Of The House : A location that only for all staff, for an example
staffs locker room and the other.
35. Guest Holder Name : For saving guest name.
36. Barline : Closed minibar because the guest no deposit.
37. Yellow Management : Hotel policy that give discount.
38. Income Area : Income generating Area.
39. Allowment : Hotel policy on giving price.
40. Pay Roll : A person that responsible to give salary to employee.

1. Guest Relation Officer (GRO)
Section under Front Office department which has responsibility to provide all the guest needs in
hotel area.

2. Job Description Guest Relation Officer

 All the guest is their responsible.
 Give information to the guest.
 Receive and send fax.
 Handling complaint.

3. Guest Service Agent (GSA)

Section under Front Office department which has responsible to handling check in and check out.

4. Job Description Guest Service Agent

 To increase of selling room.
 Handling Reservation, Check in, Check out, Massage, and Complaint.
 Serving the guest is not only in Front Office Department but also in Housekeeping
department and Food and Beverage department.

5. Kinds of Folio
 Usual Folio : Form for record guest transaction.
 Master Folio : Form for record group transaction by voucher.
 Extra Folio : Form for guest that using voucher.
 Guest Folio : Recapitulation guest transaction that will be paid when
check out.
 Employee Folio : Form that using for employee.

6. Kinds of Voucher
 Miscellaneous : Form for record guest transaction that didn’t get into
 Currency Voucher : Form for record exchange money.
 Paid Out Voucher : Form for record guest outcome.
 Correction Voucher : Form for record guest correction account.
 Allowance Voucher : Form for record transaction of guest that guest didn’t made.

7. Kinds of Currency
 Local Currency : Local Currency Payment.
 Foreign Currency : Foreign Currency Payment.
 Foreign Exchange : Currency Exchange.

8. Kinds of Plastic Money

 Debit Card.
 Credit Card.

9. Kinds of EDC
 Insert.
 Swipe.
 Scan.

10. Differences Between Visa & Master Card

 Master Card : Number digit start from 5 and logo is globe.
 Visa : Number digit start from 4 and the logo is pigeon.

11. Formula in Front Office

 Today Occupancy
Number of Room Occupied X 100%
Number of Room Available (to sale)
 Single Occupancy
Number of Bed Occupancy X 100%
Number of Room Available
 Double Occupancy
Number of Guest Pay – Number of Room Sold X 100%
Number of Room Available
 Triple Occupancy
Number of Guest Paid – Extra Bed – Number of Room Sold X 100%
Number of Room Available
 Bed Occupancy
Number of Bed Occupied X 100%
Number of Room Sold
 Average Room Rate
Nett Room Revenue
Number of Room Sold
 Walk In Guest
Number of Walk In X 100%
Number of Guest Arrival
 No Show
Number of Guest No Show X 100%
Number of Reservation
 Cancellation
Number of Cancellation X 100%
Number of Reservation
 Complimentary
Number of Room Compliment X 100%
Number of Available
 Discount
( Basic Rate x Discount Different ) X 121
 To Date Occupancy
Total No. Of Room Sold X 100%
Total No. Of Room Available
 Overstay
Total Number of Overstay X 100%
Total Number of Check Out
 Stayover
Total Number of Stayover X 100%
Total Number of Check Out
 Understay
Total Number of Understay X 100%
Total Number of Check Out
 Vacant Room
Number of Room Vacant X 100%
Number of Room Available
 Average Rate For Guest
Nett Room Revenue X 100%
Number of Guest
 Average Daily Rate
Nett Room Revenue (Sale) X 100%
Number of Guest Paid
 OO (Out of Order)
Number of Room OO X 100%
Number of Room Available
12. How to Calculate Gross & Nett Sale
 Gross Sale
Nett Sale X 121
 Nett Sale
Gross Sale X 100

13. Guest Cycle : Pre Arrival – Arrival – During Stay – Departure – Post
14. Sales Lux : The other name of Sales Kit.
15. Fully Booked : Room that already full.
16. Verify Departure : Sending Information from Front Office to Housekeeping about the
Guest who will be Checked Out.
17. Guest History : History of guest in hotel.
18. Voyer : The other name of lobby.
19. Income Area : Area that generate revenue.
20. Fix Price : Price that has already fix.
21. Surety : Payment with foreign money.
22. Function of A-Form : List of criminals from foreign people.
23. Shortage : Lack the money at the end of shift.
24. Shortladge : Lost the money at the end of shift.
25. Overtage : Over the money at the end of shift.
26. Day Use : A guest rent the room less than 24 hours.
27. Sunday Sale : Room price only tax.
28. Sundray Sale : Room price only service.
29. Guest Average : The Average number of Guest staying at a Hotel.
30. Guest Slip : Form to record guest information during stay stored in
room rack.
31. Under Cash Basis : Payment under cash basis that has been decided.
32. Distractive : The Other Name of Valet Service.
33. Guest Comment : Form to write down the guest coment.
34. Go Dutch : Check in by group but check out one by one.
35. Globe Key : The other name of Panamax; Reservation by Internet.
36. Key Rack : Rack to save the key.
37. Overstay : Guest that extends the check-out time by a couple of hours.
38. Cash Basis : Room price without deposit. .
39. Information Clerk : Information section officer.
40. Lift Attendant : Person that incharge in the lift hotel.

1. Function of Room Number
 Knowing kinds of room.
 Knowing location of room.
 Knowing room status.
 Knowing identity of the guest.

2. History of Butler
Taken from French Language “Butiellie” it means Attendant in Charge that serve the King for
pouring Wine. Now a days Butler well known as Personal Assistant of Lifestyle.

3. Butler
A person who in charge to serve the guest personally.

4. Job Description Butler

 Welcoming guest.
 Handle guest check in.
 Handle guest check out.
 Provide shoe shine service.
 Explain hotel facilities.

5. Kinds of Paid Out

 Paid Out Refund : Refund some amount money.
 Paid Out Advance : For borrow some money from house bank.

6. Low Season : A season when the occupied room is low.

7. High Season : A season when the occupied room is high.
8. Compendium Box : The other name of Directory of Hotel Service.
9. Pintray : Place to put jewelry.
10. Nett Sale : A price including tax and service.
11. Gross Sale : A price that excluding tax and service.
12. TIP : To Insure Pleasure.
13. TIPS : To Increase Personal Service.
14. HABX : Reservation by fax.
15. Bird Cage : Luggage trolley who shaped like a bird cage.
16. Affiliate : Reservation by hotel chain.
17. PIC (Person in Charge) : People who responsibility for the group guest.
18. NDP (No Deposit Person) : Person who didn’t put the deposit.
19. BEO (Banquet Event Order) : The guest who made event in the hotel.
20. Matrix Room : Hotel policy to determine capacity in one room.
21. Upgrade : For upgrade room one level up.
22. Downgrade : For downgrade room one level down.
23. Night Audit : One of job in the hotel that done at the night to edit data
transaction in a single day and will be reported on the next
24. Night Auditor : A person that handling reservation, check in, check out in
the night.
25. Dead Move : Guest move to the other floor because someone booking all
room in one floor.
26. March Up : A charge give to the guest because damaging facilities.
27. Paid Out : Lending money to the guest because of urgent needs.
28. Club Side : Check-in in the concierge.
29. Demanding Room : The Other Name of Hospitality Room.
30. Dispatcher : People who pick up the Guest from airport.
31. Personal Cheque : Tools from bank to help someone using credit card system.
32. Cloak Room : A place to keep suit.
33. Paging Board : A Board that use by Patch Boy for Pick Up Service.
34. Advance Payment : Directly payment.
35. Over Flow Rate : The Price that is given to the Guest Who is transferred to another
Hotel because is Full Booked.
36. Ryokan : Japanesse hotel.
37. Canopy : Terrace front of the room.
38. Yield Management : The other name of yellow management.
39. Brakeage : The Guest broke some Hotel Facilities.
40. Spattle : The Room Price include Spa.


1. Differences between OO and OS

- OO : Out of Order is the condition when the room can’t be sell because
of maintenance more than 24 hours.
- OS : Out of Service is the condition when the room can’t be sell because
of maintenance less than 24 hours.

2. Differences between Morning Call & Wake Up Call

 Morning Call : Guest request for waking up guest in the morning.
 Wake Up Call : Guest request for waking up guest the time base on request.

3. Kinds of Rack
 Rotary rack.
 Moveable rack.
 Mounted rack.

4. Kinds of Key
 Room key : A key that for open the guest room.
 Pass key : A key that hold by room boy for open and cleaning the guest room.
 Master key : A key that hold by housekeeper for open all of the guest room.
 Grand Master key : A key hold on by GM for open all of the guest room.
 Floor key : A key hold on by SPV for open all of the guest room.
 Emergency key : A key hold on by Housekeeper for open the guest room if there
any emergency situation.

5. Atrium : In the corner of lobby and can be seen form the down stair.
6. ESD : Energy Saving Device, a box in the room to put vincard
and the lamp will automatically turn on.
7. Penthouse : The most expensive room in Hotel and located usually on the top
8. Guest Landing Area : Area around the lift.
9. Late Check Out List : Guest List that checks out late from time.
10. Room Forecasting : Estimated occupancy rate of hotel rooms.
11. Room of Complimentary : The free room because of complimentary.
12. Drug Store : Medicine store in the Hotel.
13. CIP : Commercial Important Person.
14. Sign of File (SOF) : Sign on Document.
15. Take Home Pay : Guest pay for the Hotel room supplies that can’t be taken
16. Travel Cheque : Medium of Exchange from bank which has the direct
amount and can be used as medium of Exchange directly.
17. Housebank : Initial capital before operational.
18. Doorman : Guest greeting Officer or Enterance Opener.
19. Hospitality Room : Room for Guest to Complaint.
20. Showing Room : Showing room that can be sell.
21. Mock Up Room : Showing room that can’t be sell.
22. Black Card : Credit card without limit.
23. Courcage : Extra Charge for the Guest who brings food and drink from
the outside Hotel.
24. Day Rate : Room Price for an hour.
25. Free Of Charge (FOC) : No Additional Charge.
26. Extend Stay : Extension of stay from the original time at check in
27. Page Boy : Person who holding Paging board.
28. Rooming List : List of Group member.
29. Room Report : Report of room status that is given by Housekeeping in
Front Office Department.
30. Bank Note : Payment with Foreign Currency.
31. Whole Seller : The other name of tour leader that Handle Group
32. Pigeon Hole : Place to put document or key.
33. Bell Boy : A person who bring guess luggage.
34. Pre-Departure : Preparation before check out.
35. Post-Departure : The guest has been leaving.
36. Barrier : Table in the front office.
37. Accidental Charge : Charge because the Guest broke the Hotel Facilities.
38. Cash Flow : Money circulation in the Hotel.
39. Main Distribution : Center of telphone conection.
40. SDB : Save Deposit Box.

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