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Ultrastructure of the Placenta and Fetal Membranes of the

Dog: II. The Yolk Sac
Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State Uniuersity, Arcata,
California 95521 (S.Y.L.)and Department of Anatomy (J.W.A., G.L.S.,
H.W.M.) and Zoology Museum (H.W.M.), University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin 53706

ABSTRACT Yolk sacs from dogs at 40, 50, and 60 days of gestation were
examined by electron microscopy. Free ribosomes, mitochondria, and rough en-
doplasmic reticulum (rER) are more prominent in both endoderm and mesoth-
elium at 40 and 50 days than at 60 days, suggesting a greater synthetic capacity
a t the earlier stages. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) and glycogen are also
present in greater amounts in the endoderm in the earlier stages. In the me-
sothelium, however, low amounts of sER and glycogen are consistently present.
Certain possibilities relative to the nature of the synthetic activities in these two
tissues are discussed. Large amounts of smooth-surfaced vesicles were observed
along the basal edges of the 60-day mesothelium; they are indicative of transport
processes occurring at this time. As gestation proceeds, in both endoderm and
mesothelium, the Golgi complex remains well developed, there are more numer-
ous lysosomelike bodies, and bundles of intermediate filaments either increase
or become more diffused. In some endoderm cells a t 60 days, large vacuoles and
dense glycogen deposits were noted. These observations indicate that degenerative
processes are gradually occurring in the endoderm and mesothelium as partu-
rition draws near. Erythropoiesis occurs i n the mesenchyme a t 40 and 50 days.
At 40 days also, segments of endothelium were seen within blood islands, indi-
cating that the endothelial lining of some yolk sac vessels differentiates from
cells located in the interior of such islands.

In the dog, as in other carnivores, a chorio- sen, 1969; Hoyes, 1969; Karim et al., 1979;
vitelline placenta is established in very early King, 1971; King and Enders, 1970; Padykula
gestation. This is accomplished by the invasion et al., 1966; Stephens and Cabral, 1971; Ste-
of vascular mesoderm into the bilaminar om- phens and Easterbrook, 1971; Tiedemann and
phalopleure. Subsequently, the exocoelom ex- Minuth, 1980a).Other such investigations have
tends into this area and separates the vascular focused on the hemopoietic functions of the
splanchnopleuric yolk sac from the nonvas- mesenchyme (Fukuda, 1973; Haar and Ack-
cular extraembryonic somatopleure or true erman, 1971; Hesseldahl and Falck Larsen,
chorion except for a threadlike mesodermal at- 1971; Sorensen, 1959, 1961; Stephens and Ca-
tachment a t each end (Fig. 1). The yolk sac bral-Anderson, 1976).
then persists until birth as a large, wrinkled, The only carnivore yolk sac in which anal-
highly vascularized sac. A large allantoic sac ysis of the structure has been carried out thus
eventually expands into the exocoelom and fi- far is that of the cat (Tiedemann, 1976, 1977,
nally intervenes between the yolk sac and the 1979).The cat yolk sac also persists until birth.
the chorion. (The gestation period of both cat and dog is
Studies of yolk-sac ultrastructure in mam-
mals have been largely carried out on noncar-
nivores. These have dealt with the morphol-
ogical and functional aspects of the epithelia Address reprint requests to Dr S u e Y . Lee. Department ofBiological
Sciences. Humboldt S t a t e University. Arcata. CA 95521.
(Calarco and Moyer, 1966; Dempsey, 1953;
Enders et al., 1976; Hesseldahl and Falck Lar- Received J u n e 7. 1982 Accepted Novernher 15. 1982.

0 1983 ALAN R.LISS, INC.

3 14 S.Y. LEE ET AL.

E xo.

Vit. C.
about 63 days.) Ultrastructural and biochem- sothelium is vascular mesenchyme (Fig. 2).
ical investigations of the cat yolk sac (Tiede- Depending upon age, several cell types and
mann, 1976; Tiedemann and Minuth, 1980b) various-sized blood spaces and blood vessels
have shown that the endoderm functions in containing mature red blood cells andlor eryth-
protein synthesis (with greatest activity a t ropoietic cells are located in the middle layer.
midgestation), in triglyceride or cholesterol The cells of all three layers vary structurally
metabolism, and in glycogen metabolism. Gly- at different stages of gestation.
cogen metabolism is also a suggested function
of the mesothelium. Definitive erythropoiesis Endodern
was described as occurring up to day 45. The endoderm a t all stages examined is com-
In this study which continues the series be- posed of large dome-shaped cells. Numerous,
gun some years ago (Anderson, 1969), we ex- short microvilli extend from the apical cell sur-
amined the fine structure of the dog yolk sac faces; lateral interdigitations are present; and
from the latter half of gestation in order to from the basal surfaces there are short,
document in another carnivore any further branching processes (Figs. 3, 5-71, Microvilli
morphological clues regarding the functional are generally shorter in the endoderm than in
basis for its persistence. the mesothelium at all stages. The basal lam-
ina is thin relative to that of the mesothelium
(Figs. 3, 4). Desmosomes and junctional com-
Yolk sacs were removed from pregnant bea- plexes connect adjoining cells, with the former
gles a t 40, 50, and 60 days after copulation. being present not only between adjacent flat
These were prepared for electron microscopy surfaces but also on lateral interdigitations of
by fixation in 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.075 M adjacent cells. At the inner surfaces of the tips
or 0.1 M, pH 7.4, phosphate buffer, and further of the microvilli, densely stained material is
fixed 30-40 minutes a t 0°C. Following fixation often visible and may represent sites of fila-
the tissues were rinsed 30 minutes in the same ment at,tarhment,.Co;tt,e!dvesicles, alt,hoIighnnt,
buffer, postfixed 1 hour in 1% Os04in the same numerous, are present throughout, being gen-
buffer, dehydrated rapidly in a graded series erally more abundant on the apical and basal
of ethanol, and embedded in Epon 812. For sides of the cells. In all three stages, vacuoles
orientation, semithin sections were cut a t 2 m p of various sizes were seen. The Golgi complex
and stained with azure-methylene blue. Thin is well developed (Figs. 3 , 5 , 7), and while not
sections were cut on a Porter-Blum MT2 mi- restricted to any cellular region, it is fre-
crotome and stained with uranyl acetate fol- quently associated with the nucleus.
lowed by lead citrate. Two yolk sacs a t 40 days In addition to the consistent features noted
of gestation, two at 50 days, and one 60-day above, cytoplasmic variation over time was ob-
yolk sac were examined on a Philips 200 or an served (Table 1).Short, tightly packed, bundles
Hitachi 11E electron microscope. of intermediate filaments are scattered in the
cytoplasm at 40 days. Filaments were also seen
extending into the microvilli and attached to
desmosomes. More numerous filament bundles
The yolk sac is composed of three layers. A were visible a t 50 and especially a t 60 days
single layer of endoderm, varying from low to (Fig. 5). Although filaments can be found ori-
tall columnar, lines the vitelline cavity. A sim- ented in almost any direction, they tend to lie
ple mesothelium faces the exocoelom, and parallel to the longest axis of the cell.
sandwiched between the endoderm and me- Secondary lysosomes and bodies resembling
primary lysosomes occur more frequently in
60-day endoderm than at 40 and 50 days. At
the earlier stages also, secondary lysosomes
Fig. 1. Diagrammatic sagittal section of a uterine ges- are generally smaller (Figs. 3, 5, 7). An occa-
tation sac and the definitive fetal membranes of a dog to sional multivesicular body was seen at all these
show the relation of the yolk sac to the other membranes
and the exocoelom. Part of the yolk sac is indicated by heavy stages.
dashed lines. All. C., allantoic cavity; Am.C., amniotic cav- Mitochondria are abundant in the endoderm
ity; Exo., exocoelom; Vit. C., yolk sac cavity. The rectangle at 40 and 50 days. At these times, they are
indicates an area comparable to Figure 2. distributed throughout the cell. More centrally
located mitochondria are often associated with
Fig. 2. Section of a fold of the wall of the yolk sac of a rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) while pe-
50-day dog fetus, showing a resldual erythroblastic island
(long arrow) and vessels with presumably circulating blood ripheral ones tend not to be. In the 60-day yolk
(short arrows). E, endoderm; M, mesothehum. x 500. sac, there are generally fewer mitochondria in
3 16 S.Y. LEE ET AL.
the endoderm, and these tend to be more cen- mately similar proportions and in some in-
trally situated. Also at this stage in some en- stances are continuous. Although sER and rER
dodermal cells, fewer mitochondria are asso- are best developed a t 40 and 50 days, occa-
ciated with rER; within some of these sional stacks of rER are present at all stages
mitochondria are dark amorphous spots pos- examined. At 40 and 50 days also, some of the
sibly suggestive of degenerative change (Fig. cisternae of the sER are expanded. There is a
5). tendency for the rER to be centrally located.
In each of the stages examined, both the Moderate numbers of free ribosomes are pre-
smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) and the sent in the 40 and 50-day endoderm with fewer
rER are present in the endoderm in approxi- ribosomes evident a t 60 days (Figs. 3, 5 , 7).
The nuclues is euchromatic and may be either
spherical or irregular in shape at 40 and 60
TABLE 1 . Summary of cytoplasmic changes in the days; at 50 days, the nucleus is consistently
endoderrn and mesothelium of the dog yolk sac spherical.
Large vacuoles were sometimes observed in
40 days 50 days 60 days
the endodermal nuclei of 60-day-old yolk sacs
Endoderm] (Fig. 6).
Intermediate filaments + ++ +++ Glycogen is evenly distributed in all endo-
Primary lysosomelike + + ++ derm cells a t 40 and 50 days (Figs. 3, 7). In
bodies and secondary most endoderm cells at 60 days, glycogen is
lysosomes very much reduced in amount, although still
Mitochondria ++ ++ + evenly distributed (Fig. 5 ) . In a few cells at
sER and rER ++ ++ +
Free ribosomes ++ ++ + this later time, glycogen was observed in large
Large vacuoles in - - + dense clumps associated with large vacuoles
nucleus and large secondary lysosomes (Fig. 6).
Glycogen ++ ++ + Vacuoles of various sizes are present in some
Lipid vacuoles in +
- +
cytoplasm endoderm cells at all three stages. At 60 days,
Mesothelium' large vacuoles are sometimes found associated
Lengths & numbers of ++ ++ + with aggregations of glycogen, while others may
microvilli & basal be located near a group of secondary lysosomes
processes or within a nucleus. The endoderm cells with
Intermediate filaments ++ ++ +++ clumps of glycogen and large vacuoles also con-
Primary lysosomelike ++ ++ +++ tain fewer mitochondria and more numerous
bodies and secondary
1ysosomes secondary lysosomes than endoderm cells of
Mitochondria ++ ++ + the same stage without such aggregations.
sER + + +
Free ribosomes ++ ++ +
Smooth-surfaced - + +++ Mesothelium
The mesothelium at all stages examined is
Based on general observations and not on quantitative measure- composed mostly of squamous cells with often
ments. overlapping lateral edges. At 50 days, some of
the mesothelial cells are dome-shaped (Fig. 7).
The basal lamina is thicker than that of the
endoderm and has a reticular appearance, with
numberous basal processes of mesothelial cells
Fig. 3. Endoderm cell from 40-day yolk sac showing short interspersed. Lateral interdigitations are not
microvilli and thin basal lamina. There are more abundant so numerous here as they are between endo-
mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, free derm cells. Junctional complexes and desmo-
ribosomes, and glycogen a t 40 and 50 days than at 60 days
(cf. Fig. 5). The Golgi complex is well developed farrow). x somes are present (Fig. 7).Coated vesicles are
10,200. present at all stages examined, while no lipid
vacuoles were seen at any stage. The Golgi
Fig. 4. Mesothelial cell from 40-day yolk sac. Numerous complex is well developed from 40 to 60 days,
free ribosomes, mitochondria, and some rough endoplasmic being located both apically and laterally. While
reticulum are present. The Golgi complex is well developed the numbers of free ribosomes decrease from
(arrows). Compared to endoderm, microvilli are longer and
more numerous, and the basal lamina is thicker. Clear areas 40 to 60 days, rER remains fairly constant,
in some mitochondria are presumed fixation artifacts. x being moderately dilated, distributed through-
10,400. out the cell, and often associated with mito-
318 S.Y. LEE ET AL.

Fig. 5. Endoderm from tiO-day yolk sac with well-devel- structure (arrow). More secondary lysosomes and fewer mi
oped Golgi complex. large secondary lysosomes. abundant tochondria are present than In earlier stages x 18.000
filaments. and mitochondria showing unusual internal

Fig. 6. Occasional endodermal cells from 60-day yolk sac The cytoplasmic vacuoles are associated with dense glyco-
have large vacuoles in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. gen and secondary lysosomes. x 10,900.
320 S.Y. LEE ET AL.

chondria (Figs. 4,7,9).On occasion, very small basal lamina of these blood spaces is either
groups of glycogen granules were noted. lacking or indistinct (Fig. 8). Single erythro-
As with the endoderm, several cytological cytes, surrounded usually by collagen fibrils
features undergo changes from 40 to 60 days and occasionally by a connective tissue cell,
(Table 1).The microvilli and basal processes also are observed outside of blood vessels (Fig.
in the mesothelium decrease in number and 10). These erythrocytes are generally in closer
length from 40 to 60 days. juxtaposition to the endoderm, and are more
Short dense bundles of intermediate fila- frequently encountered at 50 days than at either
ments were seen in the 40-day mesothelium 40 or 60 days. In the mesenchymal layer at 60
(Fig. 4).With increasing age, the filaments from days, no erythroblastic islands, macrophages,
a diffuse network throughout an entire cell (Fig. or incompletely enclosed blood spaces are seen.
9). As in the endoderm, although orientation At this stage, the basal laminae of these en-
of the filaments may be in almost any direc- closed blood spaces appear discontinuous and
tion, many are situated parallel to the long are thus either lacking or indistinct in certain
axis of the cell. Fine filaments were also ob- places on the endothelium.
served around the nucleus of some 50- and 60- Capillaries and/or larger blood vessels lined
day mesothelial cells. by endothelium with a definite basal lamina
All mesothelial nuclei are euchromatic; those are present in the mesenchyme at all stages
in the 60-day yolk sac have a n irregular profile examined. Some of these are seen to contain
in contrast to the generally spherical nuclei at blood cells, generally mature erythrocytes, and
earlier stages. occasionally a few reticulocytes.
Both the numbers and sizes of primary ly- Connective-tissue cells a t all stages exam-
sosomelike bodies and secondary lysosomes ap- ined are irregular in form and contain various
pear to increase with advancing age (Figs. 4, amounts of glycogen, free ribosomes, expanded
7, 9). rER, coated vesicles, and Golgi complexes (Fig.
Numerous smooth-surfaced vesicles are pre- 8).Large vacuoles surrounded by glycogen were
sent along the margins of most 60-day me- observed in a few connective-tissue cells at 40
sothelial cells, with the highest concentrations days. The nucleus may be irregular in profile.
on the basal sides (Fig. 9). Smooth vesicles were As gestation proceeds, there is a n increase in
not observed on 40- and most 50-day mesoth- the amount of collagen and the size of the in-
elium. terstitial spaces. The glycogen content of the
Mitochondria are most abundant a t 40 and connective-tissue cells increases, while there
50 days, and as stated earlier, are situated near is a considerable reduction i n the numbers of
rER (Figs. 4,7). The sER is not well developed free ribosomes, rER, mitochondria, and Golgi
at any stage examined. Smali amounts of it complexes.
are present at 40 and 50 days, and it is very Erythroblastic islands, a s mentioned previ-
scanty in the 60-day mesothelium (Fig. 9). ously, are observed in 40- and 50-day yolk sacs,
but not a t 60 days. Some of the erythroblastic
Mesenchyme islands at 40 days and all islands observed a t
The main constituents in the mesenchyme 50 days are not surrounded completely by en-
layer a t 40 and 50 days are embryonic con- dothelium. Although some of these extravas-
nective-tissue cells, collagen fibrils, erythro- cular islands are adjacent to the mesothelium,
blastic islands, some macrophages, blood ves- most are located closer to the endoderm. These
sels, and blood spaces enclosed partially or islands are usually separated from the endo-
completely by endothelium. The endothelial derm or mesothelium by connective-tissue cells
and collagen, and the basal lamina of the en-
doderm and mesothelium in these regions al-
ways is intact. At 40 days only, some erythro-
Fig. 7. Dome-shaped mesothelium from 50-day yolk sac.
blastic islands are also found within enclosed
As in 40-day mesothelium, there are numerous free ribo- blood spaces having a fenestrated endothelium
somes, mitochondria, and some rough endoplasmic reticu- and no basal lamina.
lum. The Golgi complex is well developed (arrows). x 11,300. In these erythroblastic islands, definitive
erythroblasts in various stages of maturation
Fig. 8. Edge of a completely enclosed blood space from (basophilic and polychromatophilic erythro-
50-day yolk sac with fenestrated endothelium (arrows) and blasts, normoblasts, and reticulocytes),erythro-
lacking a typical basal lamina. Between the endothelium
and the endoderm are situated parts of embryonic connec- cytes, or megakaryocytes may be identified
tive-tissue cells (CT).x 7,000. (Figs. 10, 11). In addition, macrophages are
322 S.Y. LEE ET AL.

present in very close association with these 25 and 38). This correlates with our morpho-
maturing cells. They are also seen in blood logical findings in the dog that suggest that
spaces of 40- and 50-day sacs either lying near the endoderm may have reached its greatest
a normoblast in the process of extruding the protein synthetic capacity by day 40. Later,
nucleus, or having phagocytized a normoblas- Tiedemann and Minuth (1980b)demonstrated
tic nucleus (Fig. 10). Macrophages are not nec- biochemically that the cat yolk-sac endoderm
essarily restricted to erythroblastic islands but was involved in the production of serum pro-
may be found almost anywhere in the mes- teins and that this activity was evident near
enchyme. the end of gestation. These workers attributed
In two different erythroblastic islands a t 40 the persistence of the cat yolk sac beyond the
days, a segment of endothelial cells is observed cessation of erythropoiesis (see below) to this
situated between two groups of cells partially synthetic function.
enclosing a vascular space. These cells are Except for the occasional endoderm cells a t
probably involved in the initial stages of vas- day 60 with large glycogen clumps, glycogen
culogenesis. No basal lamina is present on these and sER of the dog endoderm are more abun-
endothelial cells (Figs. 10, 11). dant in the earlier stages. Tiedemann (1976)
observed a peak of sER from 25 to 38 days in
the cat yolk-sac endoderm, and an abundance
In the dog yolk sac, there are indications that of glycogen granules, increasing to a maximum
the endoderm and mesothelium are more syn- on day 46. He considered the possibilities that
thetically active at 40 and 50 days than at 60 the abundant sER of the cat yolk-sac endoderm
days. The numbers of free ribosomes and mi- may be involved in triglyceride or cholesterol
tochondria in both layers are greater at the metabolism and in the polymerization of glu-
earlier stages than near term. These obser- cose to glycogen. The large amounts of sER
vations are consistent with decreased growth that we have seen in the dog yolk-sac endo-
toward the end of gestation. Although still derm may have a similar role. Ticdcmann (1976)
present in fair abundance at 60 days, expanded hypothesized further that because the rER and
rER (with cisternal stacks) has decreased in sER appear in the cat yolk-sac endoderm be-
the endoderm from the earlier stages. In the fore they appear in the fetal liver, the yolk-sac
mesothelium however, the amount of rER re- endoderm may be a “functional precursor” of
mains about the same in all three stages. The the liver parenchyma. Tiedemann (1979) in fact
Golgi complex in both endoderm and mesoth- later reported the presence of glucose-6-phos-
elium remains well developed between 40 and phatase (which is involved in glycogen mobi-
60 days. lization) within the cisternae of the endo-
Thus, in the endoderm of the dog yolk sac, plasmic reticulum in the cat. It is quite possible
there is a period when the morphological basis also that the yolk-sac endoderm of the dog may
for protein synthesis is present, as has also continue to supplement the hepatic functions
been demonstrated in the cat endoderm by Tie- of the fetal liver for the whole of gestation, as
demann (1976). In the cat endoderm the num- suggested by Tiedemann and Minuth (1980b)
bers of mitochondria and stacks of rER were for the cat.
reported to be highest between 25 and 38 days Analysis of yolk-sac fluid in the cat (Tiede-
of gestation. Also found were peak numbers of mann, 1976) indicated that proteins synthe-
free ribosomes on day 40, an increase in gly- sized in the endoderm are not stored in the
cogen granules to a maximum on day 46, and yolk-sac fluid but rather are secreted directly
well-developed Golgi complexes throughout into the fetal circulation. Tiedemann (1977)
gestation. Tiedemann suggested on the basis suggested that, in the cat yolk sac, fenestrated
of these morphological findings that the great- blood vessels located in the mesenchyme and
est amount of protein synthesis in the cat en- having incomplete basement membranes may
doderm occurs at midgestation (between days facilitate protein transport. As stated earlier
in this paper, fenestrated blood vessels are also
present in the dog yolk sac. However, their
involvement in the passage of proteins from
Fig. 9. In the mesothelial cells of the 60-day yolk sac, the yolk-sac endoderm in the dog remains to
intermediate filaments are distributed throughout, numer- be demonstrated.
ous smooth-surfaced vesicles are present along their basal
edges, and the Golgi complex is well developed. More sec-
The mesothelium of the dog yolk sac appears
ondary lysosomes and fewer mitochondria are found a t this to be active in protein synthesis a t 40 and 50
stage than in earlier stages. x 30,000. days and less so near term. At the earlier times,
324 S.Y. LEE ET AL

there are fair amounts of expanded rER, mi- gestation nears. Interestingly, we find that in
tochondria, and free ribosomes. This activity, both the endoderm and mesothelium, the Golgi
however, is probably less than that which oc- complex remains as well developed at 60 days
curs in the endoderm, for no cisternal stacks as at earlier stages. Likewise the amount of
associated with the rER were ever observed in rER in the mesothelium remains moderately
the three stages studied. developed between 40 and 60 days as was also
Of particular interest a t 60 days compared found in the cat by Tiedemann (1979). The rER
to earlier stages is the occurrence of abundant in the endoderm, although less extensive a t 60
smooth-surfaced vesicles along the basal sur- days, is still obvious. It is very likely that in
face of much of the mesothelium. Similar but both tissues the continued activity of the rER
fewer such vesicles are visible along the other and Golgi complex is correlated with the in-
surfaces. Coated vesicles are present near all creased numbers of presumed lysosomes noted
surfaces a t all stages. The smooth and coated at this time. These lysosomes in turn may be
vesicles are obviously components of a trans- responsible for the observed degradation and
port system whose direction of movement is not decreased abundance of mitochondria, fewer
yet clear. Since smooth-surfaced vesicles are free ribosomes, and, in the endoderm, de-
more numerous on the basal sides of the cells, creased sER. These changes suggest a cessa-
it is tempting to speculate that they may be tion of yolk-sac activity as parturition ap-
involved in the exchange of substances be- proaches.
tween the mesenchyme and the mesothelial Hemopoiesis in the dog yolk sac at 40 and
tissue itself. 50 days of gestation is primarily erythropoi-
As the dog mesothelium ages, the lengths of etic. This is the major type of blood-cell for-
the microvilli and their numbers decrease. mation observed in the yolk sacs of a number
Perhaps the more extensive microvilli in the of other mammals (Tiedemann, 1977; Weiss
earlier stages are significant in the transfer of and Greep, 1977). (Examination of a 53-day
small molecules from the exocoelom. This is in dog yolk sac by light microscopy revealed some
contrast to the cat mesothelium, where Tie- hemopoiesis still occurring.) We found no evi-
demann (1979) observed that long microvilli dence of erythropoiesis in the 60-day yolk sac.
are retained throughout gestation. Thus, the Thus, definitive erythropoiesis in the dog yolk
mesothelium may function differently in dif- sac is finished a t a slightly later time than has
ferent species, or its function(s) may contin- been reported for the cat yolk sac, which is
ually change in the same organism during the around day 45 (Tiedemann, 1977). According
course of gestation. to Tiedemann (1977) also, definitive erythro-
We have noted other changes in both the poiesis in the cat is “almost exclusively intra-
endoderm and mesothelium as gestation pro- vascular.” In the dog, definitive erythropoiesis
gresses. In both tissues, there is a n increase in may be extravascular as well.
the number of filaments in the cytoplasm and Macrophages and a n occasional megakary-
in the numbers of primary lysosomelike bodies ocyte were seen in erythroblastic islands in the
and secondary lysosomes, while fewer mito- dog. Such cells were also observed in blood is-
chondria and free ribosomes were observed. lands of human and guinea-pig yolk sacs (Fu-
With increasing age of the endoderm, some cells kuda, 1973; Sorensen, 1961). The macrophages
exhibit large vacuoles and dense accumula- may function in phagocytizing erythroblastic
tions of glycogen, while there is a n overall de- debris or may transfer substances (possibly fer-
crease in sER. These observed changes are likely ritin) to the maturing erythroblasts (Sorensen,
associated with the slowing down of some syn- 1961). They also undoubtedly serve in recy-
thetic activity in these tissues as the end of cling nucleoplasm of extruded normoblastic
nuclei (Fig. 10).
Tiedemann (1977) reported the presence of
Fig. 10 Part ofan erythroblastic island from 40-day yolk
extravascular neutrophilic granulocytes in the
sac showing association of a macrophage with maturing cat yolk sac. We have found occasional gran-
erythroblasts. A normoblastic nucleus has been phagocy- ulocytic myelocytes in the dog yolk sac that
tized by the macrophage (N). A segment of endothelium were also extravascular.
(arrow) is located between the erythrocyte and the other
cells of the island. x 10.400.
A t day 40, segments of endothelium were
seen partially separating groups of erythro-
Fig. 11. Segment of fenestrated endothelium (arrow) blastic cells. The endothelium presumably is
within a blood island of 40-day yolk sac. Parts of basophilic derived from differentiating cells in the blood
erythroblasts and mature red blood cells are visible. x 12,500. islands. Such partially enclosed blood spaces
326 S.Y. LEE E T AL.

on day 40 indicate that vasculogenesis is still brils. Such cells perhaps differentiated from
taking place in the yolk sac at this time. This extravascular blood islands and not only did
process is apparently completed before day 50, not migrate into vessels but also escaped
for only completely enclosed vascular spaces phagocytosis.
were observed a t this stage and in the 60-day Thus, morphological correlates of synthesis,
yolk sac. absorption, transport, and erythropoiesis are
According to Bloom (1965) and Sorensen found in the dog yolk sac in the latter part of
(19591, peripheral cells of blood islands flatten gestation. These functions subside for the most
and differentiate into endothelium while the part as parturition nears. These findings are
more centrally located cells form the blood cells. consistent with those in other species and lead
In this study, we observed segments of endo- to consideration of this organ as a supplemen-
thelium in the 40-day yolk sac situated be- tary liver during part of gestation. The ques-
tween groups of erythroblastic cells. Erythrob- tion remains, however, as to why these yolk-
lastic islands at this time are both intravascular sac functions should persist for a relatively long
and extravascular. These observations indi- period in some mammals and not in others.
cate that, a t least in some yolk-sac vessels, part
of the endothelial lining differentiates from the
more internally located cells of a blood island. The authors extend their appreciation and
In such a case, some of the potential blood cells indebtedness to: Ms. Sherry Feig and Dr. Den-
in a blood island become enclosed within a vas- nis Walker for technical advice; Miss Lucy
cular space, and consequently are observable Taylor for the preparation of Figure 1; the De-
as an intravascular erythroblastic island. The partment of Anatomy of the University of Wis-
potential blood cells that remain outside of the consin for extending Visiting Fellow privileges
enclosed blood space thus form an extravas- to one of us (S.Y.L.);Ms. Jody Nicole-Garoutte
cular erythroblastic island. In the 50-day dog for typing the manuscript; and the reviewers
yolk sac all blood spaces observed were com- of thc manuscript. This work was supported in
pletely enclosed, and all erythroblastic islands part by National Institutes of Health grant HD-
observed were extravascular. No erythroblas- 00277 and by Humboldt State University
tic islands were observed in the 60-day yolk Foundation grant 2-8.
sac. Presumably at 50 days, vasculogenesis is
no longer occurring, but the presence of extra- LITERATURE CITED
vascular blood islands in the mesenchyme sug- Anderson, J.W. 1969 Ultrastructure of the placenta and fe-
gests their continuing formation. These then tal membranes of the the dog. I. Placental labyrinth. Am.
differentiate into blood cells, some of which J. Anat., I65r15-36.
Bloom, W. 1965 The embryogenesis of mammalian blood.
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