Zoochanica Book

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Brought to you by the following talented

Andrew, Harry, Magnus, Chad, Jayden, Ollie,
Freddie, Kokulan and Patrick.
Hello my name is Patrick Freeman Jacobs, to
your service! I am from South Australia. When I
was digging in the beach I found a zebra frog
bone and how did I know? Because I found a
body. I put the bone in the body and made it a
robot and named it Fro-bra, the end.
Magnus the explorer was in Australia and he tried
to find a zoo but there was no zoo place. Then he
had to find a forest and some people helped him.
In the forest there was a trap with a dead wolf in it,
Magnus used the wolf bones and robot parts to
make a new animal called Lightening Dog.
Doctor Science Andrew Marr at your service!
I was on a long boat driving at Antarctica. I bumped
into something……..to a……snowman! Then I lived in
Antarctica for hundred million years. One day in my
place, my city, I found a penguin bone and I dint know
it was a bone but I licked it. And then I found more
bones and it made FORAX! I have my own lab and I
have these weird dudes as my friend’s scientists…..
Their names where Chad, Ollie, Patty, Harry, Freddie,
Kokulan, Jayden, Magnus, Bella and Jasmin.
Hello I am Harry from Australia I went to
the USA where I first found the animal
hybrid Cheafox while I was in the woods.
I am Doctor Chad and I found fossils on a South
African beach and then I found teeth and then I
made Jumex! I found my friends trying to find
the same thing! My friends names where
Andrew, Patty, Ollie, Harry, Freddie, Kokulan,
Jasmin and Bella.
One time there was a scientist, his name was
Freddie, he went to the moon and found a name
tag, he wrote the name Mr Switch on it. He found
a bear skull and found bones and more bones.
129176182363816235 BONES! That’s what he did,
he called the animal Mr. Switch.
My name is Doctor Oliver in 2019 March 30th I
discovered an animal called Philip the robot zebra x
squirrel I found it in Greenland. It was in the
middle of Greenland hopping around, I shot him
with a dart. I took him home and used extra metal
parts to build into a robot so that he will never hurt
I am Mister Kokulan from 100 years ago.
For 20 years I searched for special bones.
I found the bones and made the Chetor
Dool Tigr Robot.
One day Jayden the Scientist found $2000000 on the
ground. Then he decided to use the money to go to
the sun. He had $100 left so he got a force field to
protect him from burning from the sun. Then he was
digging a little bit through the sun and found even
more metal and took them back home to his secret
lab. He started making whatever he could. Then he
names it Bruhasaurus.

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