Xi Mipa 4 - Muhammad Rakha Y.F - Remedial Task 4&5

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Name : Muhammad Rakha Yonanda Farros (22)
Class : XI MIPA 4


Besides academic education facilities, students also need facilities for personal development and
channeling the interests and talent. One of the means is extracurricular. Smansasi has a lot of
extracurriculars, where extracurriculars can support the self development of students, both
academic or non-academic.

If you previously still lack of experience, therefore, the extracurricular can increase your
experience. If you like sports you can follow a sport extracurricular, for example basketball. If
you like journalism, you can follow Prisma. Extracurricular is flexible, depends on where your
interest is. Conversely, if you don’t follow any extracurricular activities, you will be lack of
experience and don’t have the means to channel interests and talent. And it’s not good for your
high school life.

In conclusion, extracurricular has a lot of positive impact for your self development in high
school. It can increase your experience, increase your skills, channels your interests and talent,
and fill your free time.


A Tamworth woman is appealing for information after her two rescue dogs were viciously
attacked by another animal – leaving one needing surgery.
The incident happened as Lorraine Jones took her Yorkshire terrier-poodle cross Pepper and
Westie Bertie for a late-night walk, on December 21 near her home in Field Farm Road,
“The dog launched at Pepper and clamped on her trying to drag her away and pulled me over at
the same time,” Ms Jones explained. “I just screamed for help to get it off us.”
Fortunately Ms Jones’ cries were heard by her neighbours who rushed to her aid. But as soon as
Pepper was freed, the dog then “clamped down” on Bertie’s neck.
She said: “It was shaking him violently and it bit me in the process. The owner just stood there
and said, “What do you expect me to do about it?”
Ms Jones needed stitches in her left hand. Bertie suffered deep wounds to the neck and had to
have eight stitches and undergo an operation, while Pepper suffered cuts to her leg.
Both dogs have been prescribed antibiotics and pain killers and the drama meant Ms Jones was
forced to cancel her plans to spend Christmas Day in Yorkshire.

Kind friends and generous members of the “Free to Collect Tamworth” Facebook page all
donated food so Ms Jones could enjoy a festive meal, and old blankets to keep the shaven dogs
Ms Jones added: “We’re so lucky my neighbours were there to help us or I don’t know what
would have happened.”
Anyone with information about the dog – described as tan coloured and possibly a staffie-
American bulldog cross – or its owner, who was also walking a smaller black dog, is urged to
contact Staffordshire Police by calling 101, quoting the incident number 817 of December 21.

Although the northern lights might look like magic, they can actually be explained by science –
with a bit of help from the Sun, birds and fizzy drinks.

The energy for making the northern lights comes from the Sun. The Sun creates something called
the “solar wind”. This is different to the light that we get from the Sun, which keeps us warm and
helps us to see during the day.

As the protons and electrons from the solar wind hit the particles in the Earth’s atmosphere, they
release energy – and this is what causes the northern lights.

Here’s how it happens: imagine you have a bottle of fizzy drink, and you give it a good shake.
This puts lots of energy into the bottle, and when you open it, this energy will be released in a
big stream of fizzy bubbles.


Two British metal detectorists who came across a 1,000-year-old treasure haul and failed to
report their discovery to local authorities are facing jail time because of it.

Among the treasure they found was gold jewelry, including a chunky ring, a serpentine arm
bracelet, and a small crystal ball pendant. They also found 300 silver coins and ingots made out
of pure silver. Even before they could verify the haul’s worth, it was clear Powell and Davies
had hit the jackpot.

But such findings are governed by a stringent procedure under British law. Metal detectorists
who uncover treasure are legally required to report their findings to the local coroner within 14
days of the discovery. After that, a Finds Liaison Officer writes up a report about how and where
the treasure was found, and the detectorist is issued a receipt.

Once an official report of the treasure has been filed, the coroner will hold an inquest over the
treasure, where the detectorist along with the land owner and site occupier can ask questions

regarding the haul. Finally, the Treasure Valuation Committee gets involved, too, to give an
official estimation of the treasure’s worth.

Among the coins were extremely rare “two emperor” coins depicting two Anglo-Saxon rulers:
King Alfred of Wessex and Ceolwulf II of Mercia. The two emperor coins were unofficially
valued at more than $128,000 per coin by one expert who was contacted by the detectorists. In
total, the Herefordshire haul was worth an estimated $3.8 million.

The old coins are historically significant because they give us insight into the situation in Wessex
and Mercia, and how they were ruled when England was evolving into a single united kingdom.

Evidence of both kings on the two emperor coins suggests they had formed a pact. But it seems
the alliance didn’t last long since the coins are so rare, suggesting King Alfred — the more
prominent of the two figures — reneged on the deal.

There’s also the location of the treasure to consider. The fact that they were found near
Leominster suggests that part of the Viking army, who were believed to have used Ceolwulf II as
a political puppet, was in the area after their defeat in Wiltshire in 878.

Combined with another Anglo-Saxon treasure haul found in the same area by different metal
detectorists, these finds are more than just relics.

Powell initially denied it but eventually gave up the gold jewelry and an ingot. However, the two
denied finding anything else. When Paul Wells, the first expert Powell and Davies had visited to
value their loot, showed inquiring police the five coins from the hoard that had been stitched into
his magnifying glass case, the jig was finally up.


EastEnders actor Jody Latham has been arrested on suspicion growing and suppiying cannabis.
The 29-year-old, who played Rob Grayson in the BBC soap, was held after police swoopod on
his home in Bacup, Lancashire, in the early hours of the morning. Mr Latham, best known for his
role as Philip ‘lip’ Gallagher in Shammeless, was also questioned in connection with an assault
and possession of an offensive weapon, Lancashire Police said. A witness, who called the police
Mr Latham's home, told the Sun he saw a man coming out holding his eye

'There was shouting and a pink bike was thrown out of the house, he said.

'Two men then went round the back of the house and continued insulting each other’

'They then disappeared off but Jody's Jack Russell must have escaped and I heard him screaming
and shouting for his dog’

Mr Latham was later released on bail pending further inquiries. A police spokesman said 'We
can confirm a 29-year-old man was arrested at an address in Bacup yesterday on suspscion of the
production and supply of a class B drug.

'He was also questioned in comnection with a Section 39 assault and possession of an offensive

'He has been bailed pending further inquiries.'

She added that no-one was seriously injured in the incident. Hard hitting the cast of EastEnders
was joined by Latham earlier this year, playing pimp Rob Grayson in a controvorsial sex
exploitation storyline. Mr Latham's career took off at the age of 12 when his talent was spotted
during performances at Burley Youth Theatre.

The intelligent and cutspoken eldest son of Frank Gallagher played by Him in Channel 4's
acclaimed drama Shameless between 2004 and 2008 He appeared as pimp Grayson in Eastenders
between February and March this year.


1. Dogs were viciously attacked by another animal = Another animal was viciously
attacking dogs
2. Kind friends and generous members of the “Free to Collect Tamworth” Facebook page
all donated food = Food has been donated by the kind friends and generous members of
the “Free to Collect Tamworth” Facebook page
3. Ms Jones’ cries were heard by her neighbours = Her neighbours heard Ms Jones’ cries
4. Anyone with information about the dog – described as tan coloured and possibly a
staffie-American bulldog cross – or its owner, who was also walking a smaller black dog,
is urged to contact Staffordshire Police by calling 101 = The police and Ms Jones urge
anybody with information about the dog to contact Staffordshire Police by calling 101
5. But as soon as Pepper was freed, the dog then “clamped down” on Bertie’s neck = As
soon as the neighbours freed Pepper, the dog then clamped down on Bertie’s neck
6. Both dogs have been prescribed antibiotics and pain killers = A vet prescribed both dogs
with antibiotics and pain killers
7. Ms Jones was forced to cancel her plans to spend Christmas Day in Yorkshire = The
situation forced Ms Jones to cancer her plans to spend Christmas Day in Yorkshire

1. They can actually be explained by science = Science can actually explaining them
2. This energy will be released in a big stream of fizzy bubbles = A big stream of fizzy
bubbles will released this energy

1. Such findings are governed by a stringent procedure under British law = Stringent
procedure under british law governs such findings

2. The hoard had been stitched into his magnifying glass case = His magnifying glass case
had stitched the hoard
3. Official report of the treasure has been filed = They had filed the official report of the
4. The two emperor coins were unofficially valued = An expert valuing the two emperor
5. They were ruled when England was evolving = They are ruling them when England was
6. They were found near Leominster = He found them near Leomister
7. Treasure haul found in the same area by different metal detectorists = Different metal
detectorists found a treasure haul in the same area

1. Jody Latham has been arrested = The police has arrested Jody Latham
2. The intelligent and cutspoken eldest son of Frank Gallagher played by Him = He played
The intelligent and cutspoken eldest son of Frank Gallagher
3. The cast of EastEnders were joined by Latham = Latham joined the cast of EastEnders
4. Mr Latham was later released on bail pending further inquiries = They later released Mr.
Latham on bail pending further inquiries

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