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CIA 3- Learning outcome

Thinkistan (An MX Player Original)

Thinkistan is a TV Series set in the late 90s during the time of advertising boom in the country. The
show revolves around two characters- Hema and Amit, the newly joined English and Hindi
copywriters respectively in an advertising agency called MTDC. The show conveys gives a greater
understanding of how the advertising industry works.

Various marketing concepts related to branding and promotion were highlighted in this show. The
two characters Hema and Amit have a lot of differences and similarities between them. This was
explained through the concept of Points of Parity and Points of Difference. PoD included the
aspects which made them different from each other as well as from the others. The show highlights
the differences in treatment of a Hindi and an English copywriter. There is a general notion that
English copywriters have a greater advantage over many things than a Hindi copywriter.

The different aspects of advertising right from product brief to product placement and window were
shown practically in the show. The various roles/positions in an ad agency are also shown. The
Customer Based Brand Equity model was understood through the product pitch shown in the show.
The product pitch highlighted every aspect of the CBBE model.

The brand elements like the logo (which portrays the constant friction between the languages
English and Hindi), the soundtrack, the jingle and others. A new concept called sonic branding was
observed in the show. Sonic branding refers to a brand's proprietary sonic voice that conveys the
brand story, enhances emotional connection and builds brand attribution.

Another marketing concept learnt was the co-branding between MX Player and Infinix Mobiles.
The brand personalities were explained with reference to the characters and brands from the show.
The show Thinkistan in a whole is a learning experience more than pleasure viewing.

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