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Math1 Comprl. Modelling, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 29-42, 1990 08957177190 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press plc


Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, Taiwan 70101, R.O.C.

(Received February, 1990)

Communicated by Frank Harary

Abstract. A systematic and precise approach is developed for enumerating non-isomorphic kinematic
chains based on the theory of permutation groups. First, we define contracted link adjacency matrices
of kinematic chains, and elements in the matrices are separated into four sets. We then propose an
algorithm for assigning values to elements of these sets to generate non-isomorphic configurations
according to their permutation groups. As a result, the numbers of simple kinematic chains with up
to twelve links and seven degrees of freedom are listed.


Number synthesis of kinematic cha.ins has been the subject of numerous studies for a long time.
They are based on intuition and ingenuity [1,2], Franke’s notation [3,4], Baranov trusses [5], Assur
group [6], graph theory [7-161, expansions from binary chains [17-201, base structures [21], and
others [22,23].
In the past years, a major problem encountered in kinematic number synthesis is the elimina-
tion of isomorphic chains. Various codes, such as characteristic polynomials [24-291, linkage path
codes [30], optimal code [31], min code [32], degree code [33], e t c., are used for this purpose after
kinematic chains are synthesized. In 1987, Tuttle and Peterson [21] applied the concept of sym-
metry group for generating non-isomorphic kinematic chains directly based on base structures.
However, this method needs to generate non-isomorphic base structures in advance.
The purpose of this paper is to propose an algorithm for generating kinematic chains with
required numbers of links and degrees of freedom based on permutation groups. This algorithm
has the advantage of avoiding the genera.t,ion of isomorphic configurations thoroughly in the
process. Here, a kinematic chain refers only to the one which is planar, with simple revolute
joints and without any rigid subchains.


Traditionally, the topological structure of a kinematic chain is represented by link adjacency

matrit (LAM) [8]. The LAM of a kinema.tic chain with N links is an N x N symmetry matrix
with its elements cij = 1 if link i is adjacent to link j, and cij = 0 otherwise. For reasons that will
become clear, we use contracted link adjacency matrix (CLAM) for representing the topological
structure of kinematic chains.
A string of binary links in a kinematic chain is regarded as a contracted link. The diagonal
element eii, called link element, of a CLARI indicates the type of link i, and its value is defined
such that eii = +U if link i is a multiple link with u joints, and eii = -U if link i is a contracted
link with ZIbinary links. The off-diagonal element eij , called joint element, indicates the number

The authors are thankful to National Science Council of the Republic of China for supporting this research under
Grant NSC79-0401-EOO608.

Typeset by AM-T&i


(a) (b)

Fig. 1. A (10,13) kinematic chain and its multiple and contracted links.

of joints incident between link i and link j, and its value is defined such that eij = w if link i
and link j are connected by w joints. Note that w can be 0, 1, or 2. The case of w = 2 happens
only in the condition that one of these two adja.cent links is a contracted link with three or more
binary links, the other one is a multiple link, and both ends of the contracted link are connected
to this multiple link. Without loss of generality, diagonal elements of a CLAM are rearranged
in a nonincreasing sequence by exchanging the order of links. For example, the CLAM of the
kinematic chain with ten links and thirteen joints shown in Figure l(a) is expressed as

4 1 0 11 1 0 1
1 4 1 0: 1 1 0
0 1 3 li 0 1 0
1 0 1 3: 0 0 1
.,.... ... ... .... ... ...
1 1 0 OI-2 0 0
0 1 1 oi o-2 0
_ 1 0 0 li 0 o-2

in which diagonal elements imply that the kinematic chain has two quarternary links (links 1
and 2), two ternary links (links 3 and 4), and three contracted links with two binary links (links
5, 6, and 7), as shown in Figure l(b).
For the sake of simplicity, we divide a CLAM into four submatrices, MM, MC, CM, and CC,

as follows:
A/lA4 i n4c
CLAll4 = ... .,. ...
[ CM i cc
MM is the upper-left square submatrix in t,he CLAM that expresses the configuration of mul-
tiple links. CC is the lower-right square submatrix in the CLAM that expresses the configuration
of contracted links. Note that the value of off-dia.gonal elements in CC matrix are always zero
because any two contracted links nonadja.cent. A4C is the upper-right matrix in the CLAM
that indicates the adjacent rela.tion between multiple links and contracted links. CM is the
lower-left matrix in the CLAM that is a transpose matrix of the MC matrix.
Number synthesis of kinematic chains 31

Number of links (NJ

Degrees of freedom(F)

Link assortments(LA)

Contracted link
assortments (CA)

Incident joint
sequences (I j)

MM matrices

MC matrices

Contracted link adjacency

matrices (CLAM)

Kinematic chains (KC)

Fig. 2. Steps of the enumerating algorithm.


Since a CLAM represents the topological structure of a kinematic chain, the enumeration of
kinematic chains can be achieved by constructing all possible CLAMS. In the following, we
describe briefly the algorithm for construction steps of all non-isomorphic CLAMS (Figure 2):

Step 1. Input the numbers of links N and degrees of freedom F.

Step 2. Find link assortments LA = [nz/na/ . . . /ni/ . . . /nq] in which ni is the number of links
with i joints.
Step 3. For each link assortment, find contracted link assortments CA = [bl/bz/ . . . /bi/ . . . lb,.] in
which bi is the number of contracted links with i binary links.
Step 4. For each contracted link assortment, find incident joint sequences IJ = (or, ~22,. . . , ai,. . . ,
a~,,,) of multiple links, where N,,, is the number of multiple links and oi is the number of
joints incident between multiple link i and the other multiple links.
Step 5. For each incident joint sequence, find all non-isomorphic MM matrices as follows:
Find the permutation groups of joint elements of MM matrix.
141 Based on this permutation group, assign “0”s and “1”s to joint elements to construct all
non-isomorphic MM matrices.
Step 6. For each generated MM matrix, find all non-isomorphic MC matrices as follows:
Find the permutation group of joint elements of MC matrix.
I:; Based on this permutation group, assign “O”s, “l”s, and “2”s to joint elements to construct
all non-isomorphic MC matrices.
Step 7. Construct corresponding CLAMS from generated MC matrices. Those CLAMS with rigid
subchains are deleted.
Step 8. Transform each constructed CLAM into its corresponding kinematic chain in graphic form.

In the following sections, we describe each step in detail.

Step 1

Input the numbers of links and degrees of freedom.

ma 13:8-C

Since planar kinematic chains with revolute pairs and simple joints is our concern, the number
of joints (J) can be calculated based on Gruebler’s criterion [34] as follows:

J = [3(N - 1) - F]/2 (I)

where F is the degrees of freedom and N is the number of links.

For a kinematic chain with ten links (N = 10) and one degree of freedom (F = l), its number
of joints J is 13. Figure l(a) shows such an example.

Step 2

Find link assortments.

Link assortment, LA = [nz/ns/. . . /n,], of a kinematic chain with N links and J joints can be
obtained by solving the following three equat,ions:

n2 + 7z3 + q + . . . + np = N (2)
2~ + 3113+ 4n4 + . . . + qn, = 25 (3)

(N -F + 1)/2 if F = 0 or 1
Q (4)
= min {(N - F - l), (N + F - 1)/2} if F 12

For kinematic chains with N = 10 and F = 1, and therefore J = 13, all possible link assort-
ments are [4/6/O/O], [5/4/1/O], [6/2/2/O], [7/0/3/O], [6/3/O/l], [7/1/1/l], and [8/O/O/2]. The
LA of the kinematic chain shown in Figure l(a) is [6/2/2/O].

Step 3

Find contracted link assortments.

This step is equivalent to partition n2 binary links into N, parts, where NC is the number of
contracted links. Therefore, a contracted link a,ssortment CA = [bl/bz/ . . . lb,] must satisfy the
following equations:
bl + b2 -t- . . . -I- b, = N, (5)
bl + 262 + . . . f rb, = n2 (6)
It is obvious that a nondegenerate kinema.tic chain with F degrees of freedom cannot consist
of a contracted link with F + 2 or more binary links; therefore T = F + 1. The range of N, is [23]

J77l- J,‘,, 5 N, < min{nz, Jm} (7)

2 Jm = 3123+4n4 + . ..+qnq (8)

0 ifN,=l
2Jk= 3(N,,,-1)-l ifN,=2,4,6,... (9)
{ 3(N,,, - 1) - 2 if N,, = 3,5,7,. ..

Based on equations (5)-(g), all possible cont.racted link assortments can be generated for a
given link assortment. For example, if hr = 10, F = 1, and LA = [6/2/2/O], then r = 2, N,,, = 4,
J ,,, = 7, 3 5 N, 5 6, and all possible cont,ractecl link assortments are [O/3], [2/2], [4/l], and [6/O].
Once contracted link assortments are obt.a.ined, the value of eii of the CLAM can be determined
in a nonincreasing sequence. For example, if LA = [6/2/2/O] and CA = [2/2], then the two
quarternary links must be labelled as links 1 and 2, the two ternary links as links 3 and 4, the
two contracted links with one binary link as links 5 a.nd 6, and the two contracted links with two
binary links as 7 and 8. The sequence of the value of eii is (4,4,3,3, -1, -1, -2, -2).
Number synthesis of kinematic chains 33

Find incident joint sequences.

Before constructing the MM matrix, we must find all possible incident joint sequences IJ =
(al,%... ,ai,... ,UN,) of multiple links, where ai is the number of joints incident between
multiple link i and the other multiple links. In other words, ai is the sum of the values of
off-diagonal elements of row i in MM matrix; i.e.,

c =
eij ai, i= l,... ,N, (10)

Equation (10) is called compatibility constraint,s of MM matrix. Furthermore, the sum of ai,
denoted by 2Jd, can be obtained by the following expression:

2 Jd = 2 ,I,,, - 2 N, (II)

We see that the problem of determining incident joint sequences is equivalent to the problem
of partitioning integer 2Jd into L parts, and assigning these /.z parts into N, elements of IJ
sequence. Here, k 5 N,, since some multiple links may not be adjacent to the other multiple
In order to avoid the configuration of multiple links with rigid subchains, the t parts must
satisfy the following constraints:

(1) The largest of parts, t, cannot be greater than the maximum number of joints of multiple
links, i.e. t < ell, and must be less than the number of parts, i.e. t < k.
(2) The degrees of freedom of the configuration of multiple links must be positive, i.e.
3(k - 1) - 2Jd > 0.

For example, if the sequence of link elements is (4,4,3,3, -1, -1, -2, -2), then J, = 7, N, = 4,
N, = 4, Jd = 3, and k _< 4. From the second constzaint, k > 3. Thus, k = 4. From the first
constraint, t 5 4. All possible partitions of 2Jd, which is 6, into four parts are 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 and
After partitions are obtained, we now assign these partitions to ai. Since eii is the total number
of joints belonging to multiple link i a.nd ai is only the number of joints incident to the other
multiple links, ai < eii. For the of a.voiding having isomorphic configurations of multiple
links, we set a rule that ai < aj, if eii = ejj a.nd i < j. The resultant incident joint sequences IJ
of the above exa.mple are: (3,1,1,1), (1,1,3,1), (2,2,1,1), (2,1,2,1), and (1,1,2,2).

Step 5

Construct MM matrices.
After incident joint sequences are obtained, the permut,ation group [35] of link elements of MM
matrix can now be determined after the following terminologies are explained.
A one-to-one mapping from a finite set S onto itself is called a permutation p. For example,
the sequence (s~,ss, sl,sq) is a permutation of the set S = (~1, sz,ss, sq) in which sl + (is
transformed into) ~2, s2 -+ ~3, ss + sl, and s4 + ~4. In this permutation, s1 + s2 ---f ss -+ s1
forms a cycle, denoted by [s~s~s~I. s4 + s4 forms another cycle [sd]. The cyclic representation of
this permutation is denoted by [s~s~.zT~][s~].The usua.1 composition of mappings provides a binary
operation for permutations on the same set. Fmthermore, whenever a collection of permutations
is closed with respect to this composit,ion, it is called a penn~laiion group G. Two elements si
and sj of set S are similar, if there exists a permuta.tion p of G which transforms si into sj.
Furthermore, set S can be partitioned int.o some similar classes by putting similar elements into
the same class.
In our problem, let A4L = (Ll, La,. . . , LN,) be the set of multiple links. The attributes of
a link is some information about this link, such as eii, ai, eij, . . . , etc. The permutation group
of ML called the link-group is the set of permutations which transform a link into another one

without changing their attributes. Up to now, a multiple link has two given attributes, the
number of its joints (eii) and the number of joints incident to the other multiple links (ai). For
example, if ML(L1, Lz, Ls, LJ), the values of eii are (4,4,3,3), and the values of ai are (2,2,2,2),
then the link-group GL of the set ML is

GL = {Pl,P2rP3,P4}


pl =[Ll][L2][L3][L4]

P2 =[L1 LzlP3l[L4l

P3 =[‘%][L2][L3 ‘541

p4 =[‘h L2][L3 ‘541

In order to determine the value of eij for each link i, we induce another permutation group,
namely join,&group GJ, which acts on the set of eij of MM matrix. Each permutation of the
link-group induces a corresponding permutation of the joint-group by mapping eij into epp if Li
is mapping into L, and Lj into L,. For example, the joint-group of the above example is


P’Z =h2lh3 e231h4 e241k341
P$ =[el2l[el3e141k23 e241k341
Pi =[e121h3 e24lkl4 e231k341

There are three similar classes of GJ here: {erz}, {eis, e14, e23, e24}, and {eaa}.
Now, we start to assign Jd “1”s to eij based on joint-group GJ. Unassigned elements are set
to “0.” In the assignment, the compatibility constraints, equation (lo), must be satisfied. In
this work, we propose a recursive procedure for our assignment problem. This procedure, which
we call ASSIGNMENT, takes four arguments: ESET, GROUP, JD, and PATH. They are
initially set equal to the set of elements, permutation group, number of “1”s to be assigned, and
an empty list, respectively. What follows is the ASSIGNMENT.


1. if EMPTY (ESET), return;

EMPTY is a predicate true for its argument that is an empty list. Upon the empty list,
the procedure is returned.

SIMILAR is a function that separa.tes ESET into some similar classes based on GROUP
and order them into a list.
The first similar class is selected, and add a symbol, CLASSEND, to the last of the class.

REMOVE is a function that removes the elements of CLASS from ESET. The rest of the
elements form a set, RSET, for t*he nest recursion.

LIST is a function that produces a. list of its argument. A path indicates a sequence of
assigned elements.
Number synthesis of kinematic chains 35

6. until EMPTY(PATHS), do:

7. begin

EXPAND is a function that expands the end node, ni, of each path Pi in PATHS to
generate a! set of new paths. The successors of node ni are the elements whose order in
CLASS are lower than that of ni.

9. for each path, P, in the PATHS, do:

10. begin
11. if LAST(P) = CLASSEND,



If the path cannot be expanded in the current CLASS, then ASSIGNMENT is called
recursively on the rest elements. MODIFY is a function that removes the destroyed
permutations from GROUP based on path P, where a destroyed permutation is one in
which the values of elements in the same cycle are distinct.


then PATHS t REMOVE(P,PATHS), go end;

MAXIMAL is a predicate true for it.s first argument, P, if P is a maximal path. A maximal
path is defined that the highest order of elements of this path is greater than those of the
other paths transformed by permutations of GROUP. If the highest orders are equal, then
the second ones are compared, and so on. If P is not a maximal path, then it must be
isomorphic to a maximal path and be removed from PATHS.

13. if LENGTH(P)=JD,



If P contains Jd assigned elements, then remove P from PATHS. If P satisfies compatibility

constraints, then it is a result a.nd be output.

14. end
15. end
16. return

For the example mentioned previously, if the set of joint elements of MM matrix is MJ =
(ei2, eis, e14,ess,e24, esd), incident joint sequence is ZJ = (2,2,2,2), Jd = 4, and joint group
GJ = {P~,P~,P$,P~), where

P: =[el21[e~31[el41[e231[e241[e341
~5 =[el21[03 e231h4 e24lk341

P$ =h2lh3 edh3 e24lk341

pi =[el?l[e13 e24lh4 e231k341

We execute the assignment procedure with its initial arguments ESET = MJ, GROUP = GJ,
JD = 4, and PATH = nil, where nil denotes an empty list. The process of the procedure is
illustrated in Figure 3, which shows a t,ree generated to a depth of 4. In this tree, nodes depicted
by a circle express assigned elements and nodes depicted by a box labeled by the modified group
indicate the beginning of a recursive call. Isomorphic paths are cut off by a double circle, and the
paths which cannot be expanded to a depth of 4 are terminated by a triple circle. There are six

Fig. 3. Assignment tree for constructing MM matrices.

non-isomorphic paths of depth 4, but four of them do not satisfy the compatibility constraints.
The two results are indicated by darkened branches and their MM matrices are

The joint group of the first MM matrix is the same as the original group, but the joint group of
the second one is modified by removing pi and pi from the original group. The corresponding
link group of the second one is reduced as GL = {pl, pa}.

Step 6

Construct MC matrices.
In Step 5, we construct MM matrices. Now, we want to construct MC matrices for each
MM matrix. Similar to the process of generating MM matrices, the process of generating MC
matrices is transformed into the problem of assigning 2N, joints into elements of MC matrices.
Two differences between this step and Step 5 are as follows. (1) If the value of the element in MC
matrix is “2,” the assignment process must be executed for two times. At the first time, assign
Js “2”s to the elements of MC matrix, and at the second time, assign 2N, - 252 “1”s to the
elements. Unassigned elements are set to “0.” (2) Assigned elements must satisfy the following
compatibility constraints of MC matrix:

C eij =eii, i= l,... ,N, (11)


eij = 2, i=N,,,+l,... ,N,,,+N, (12)

Now, let MBL = (LI, La,. . , , L,,) be the set of multiple links and contracted links. The link
group of multiple links with the given MM matrix is obtained in Step 5. The link group of
contracted links is the set of permutations which transform the value of eii into itself. The link
Number synthesis of kinematic chains 37

group of the set MBL can be obtained by combining link groups of multiple links and contracted
links. For example, if N = 10, F = 1, LA = [G/2/2/0], CA = [O/3], and

-4 1 1 0 e15 616 el7

1 4 0 1 e25 e26 e27
1 0 3 1 e35 e36 e37
CLAM = 0 1 1 3 e45 e46 647
651 e52 e53 e54 -2 0 0
e61 e62 e63 e64 0 -2 0
- e71 e72 673 e74 0 0 -2

then the link group of multiple links has two permutations: [Lr][LZ][Ls][L4] and [LI L2][L3 Ld],
which are obtained in Step 5. The link group of contracted links has six permutations: [Ls][Lc][Lr],
[Ls][Lc L7], [L6][L5 L7], [L7][L5 L6], [L5 L6 L7], and [L5 L7 L6]. The link group GL of MBL
has 12 permutations by combining the above two link groups; i.e.,

GL = ~~1,~2,~3,~4,~5,~6,~7,~3,~~,~10,~11,~12}


pl =[Ll][L?][L3][L4][L5][L6][L7]

p2 =[Ll][LZ][L,][L,][L,][LG L7]

p3 =[‘k][L2][L3][L4][L6][L5 L7]

P4 =[‘%][L,][L,][L,][L, L6][L7]

p5 =[Ll][LZ][L3][L4][L5 L6 L7]

PS =[‘h][L?][L3][L43[L5 L7 L6]

117 =[Ll L?][L3 L4][L5][L6][L7]

Pa =[-h L2][L3 L4][L5][L6 L7]

p9 =[Ll L?][L3 L4][L6][L5 L7]

YlO =[Ll LZ][L3 L4][L5 LS][L7]

pll =[h b][L3 L4][L5 LS L7]

P12 =I’% L?1[L3 L41[L5 L7 L6]

Furthermore, the joint-group GJ of the set MB.1 = (e 15re16,~17r~25~~26,~27~~3S~636,~37~~45~~46~

e47) is

GJ = {P:,PI?~P$,P~,P~~P~,P:,P~,P~,P:o,P~~,P:z}


d =[e15][e16][e17][e25][e?6][eZ7][e35][e36]


P6 =k15]k16 el7][e25][e26 e27][e35]

Ie36 e37][e45][e46 e47]

P$ =klS][el5 el7][e?G][e25 e27][e36]

Ie35 e37][e46&45 e47]

di =Ie15 e16]fe17]k25 e26][e27][e35 e36]

Ie37][e45 e46][e47]

Pk de15 e16 el7][e25 e26 e27][e35 e36 e37]

k45 e46 e47]

P’G =Ie15 e17 el6][e?5 e27 e26][e35 e37 e36]

k45 e47 e46]

& =k15 e25]k16 e26][e17 e27][e35 e45]

Le36 e46][e37 e47]

Pk =ie15 e25h6 e27h7 e26][e35 e45]

b36 e47][e37 e46]

P$ =Ie15 e27]k16 e26][e17 e25][e35 e47]

k36 e46][e37 e45]

&II =h e26]kl6 e25][el7 e27][e35 e46]

Ie36 e45][e37 e47]

dl =k15 e26 e17 e?5 e16 e27]

[e35 e46 e37 e45 e36 e47]

Pi2 de15 e27 e16 e25 el7 e26]

k35 e47 e36 e45 e37 e46]

Finally, the ASSIGNMENT procedure is executed with initial arguments ESET = MBJ,
GROUP = GJ, JD = 2N,, and PATH = nil. The resulting MC matrices are

Step 7
Construct CLAMS.
This step is to construct corresponding CLAMS from MC matrices obtained in Step 6. For
the three A4C matrices generated in Step 6, their corresponding CLAMS are

-4110 11 0 -4110 11 0 ‘4110 11 0

1401 11 0 ,140l 10 1 1401 10 1
10310 0 1 10310 10 10310 0 1
01130 0 1 ‘0113 0 0 1 01130 1 0
1100-2 0 0 11100-2 0 0 1 10 0 -2 0 0
1100 0 -2 0 1010 0 -2 0 10 0 1 0 -2 0
.00110 0 -2 _OlOlO 0 -2 -0110 0 0 -2

Furthermore, each CLAM containing any construction of basic rigid chain should be deleted. A
kinematic chain is degenerate with three- or five-link basic rigid chains if the upper-left submatrix
Number synt.hesis of kinematic chains 39

Fig. 4. Generated kinematic chains of an example.

with eii 2 -1 has the form of the following two matrices:

. . . 1 . . 1

with the three-link basic rigid


1 . . 1 . . 1 .

with the five-link basic rigid


As for detecting CLAMS with seven-or-more-link basic rigid chains, we use the method proposed
in reference [23] by removing bina.ry links in sequence.

Step 8

Transform CLAMS to kinematic chains.

The last step is to transform each CLAM obta.ined in Step 7 into its corresponding kinematic
chain in graphic form. This is done by using a sketching algorithm developed by authors in
reference [26]. Figure 4 shows the corresponding kinematic chains of the three CLAMS obtained
in Step 7.


A computer code is developed based on t,he a.lgorit,hm described. As simple as inputing the
required numbers of links (N) and degrees of freedom (F), all desired non-isomorphic kinematic
chains are be generated automatically. As a result, for one degree of freedom, there are 1 for

Fig. 5. Computer generAed sketches of (8,lO) kinematic chains.

4 links, 2 for 6 links, 16 for 8 links, 230 for 10 links, and 6862 for 12 links. For two degrees of
freedom, there are 4 for 7 links, 40 for 9 links, and 839 for 11 links. For three degrees of freedom,
there are 7 for 8 links, 98 for 10 links, and 2442 for 12 links. For four degrees of freedom, there
are 10 for 9 links and 189 for 11 links. For five degrees of freedom, there are 14 for 10 links
and 354 for 12 links. For six degrees of freedom, there are 19 for 11 links. For seven degrees of
freedom, there are 24 for 12 links. Table 1 summarizes the results. Figure 5 shows the results of

Table 1. The number of kinematic chains with 6 to 12 links.

Number synthesis of kinematic chains 41


In conclusion, we present a systematic and precise algorithm for enumerating kinematic chains
based on permutation groups. This approach guarantees that isomorphic kinematic chains will
not be generated in the process of synthesis. Based on this proposed algorithm, a computer
program is developed such that the catalogues of planar kinematic chains with required numbers
of links and degrees of freedom can be obtained automatically. In addition, the efforts of this
work can be further applied to the number synthesis of kinematic chains with other types of
joints rather than revolute pairs. The result of this work is of helpful to mechanism designers in
conceptual stage for selecting better configurations.


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