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2.1 Introduction 20

2.2 Modelling of Power System 20

2.3 Heffron Phillip's Model

2.4 Modified Heffron Phillip's Model 27

2.5 Use of Modified Heffron Phillip's model in Multi-

Machine Systems 32


2.1. Introduction

This chapter presents the mathematical derivation of both Heffron

Phillip’s Model [1],[10] and the modified Heffron Phillip's model as proposed in

[47], [48]. The material is reproduced from [10] and [49] for the sake of

completeness. In this thesis, the modified Heffron Phillip’s model will be

considered for the development of decentralized state feedback power system


2.2. Modelling of Power System

Stability analysis requires the modelling of some important power system

components such as excitation system, synchronous generator and AC

network. The current design makes use of IEEE Model 1.0[50] to correspond to

the synchronous generator having high gain and constant static exciter of low

time [51]. The following are the dynamic equations that govern the SMIB


Generator mechanical equations

   B S m (2.1)

S m  Tmech  Telec  DS m  (2.2)

q-Axis flux linkage equation

  
E q'  '  Eq'  X d  X d' id  E fd
 (2.3)

Generated electrical torque equation

 
Telec  E q' i q  X d'  X q id iq (2.4)

Static Excitation system equation

E fd   E fd  K A Vref  V pss  Vt  (2.5)

Appendix A contains the definitions and the standard meanings of the

variables. The equations of stator algebra are denoted by

E q'  X d' id  Ra i q  Vq

 X q iq  Ra id  Vd (2.6)

Figure 2-1: Single Machine Infinite Bus System

2.3. Heffron Phillip’s Model

The SMIB’s criterion linear model, known as Heffron Phillip’s model (also

called K-constant model) in [18] can be achieved by linearizing the system’s

equations around operating conditions. Conversion of the machine equations

present in Park’s reference frame to the Kron’s reference frame rotating

synchronously can establish an interface of synchronous machine with the


external network.

The following are the SMIB system’s equations:

+ = +

 iq  jid  Re  jX e e j  Eb 0 (2.7)

This is just the law of Kirchhoff’s Voltage between the infinite bus and

terminal generator. In Park’s reference frame subscripts q and d represent q

and d axis and in Kron’s reference frame Q and D represent Q and D-axis


Separating real and imaginary parts of (2.7) we get

= − + cos (2.8)

= + − sin (2.9)

id   1   X q  X e  Re   Eb cos  Eq' 

i      (2.10)
 q   Re  X d'  X e    Eb sin  

 '
 2
where   X q  X e X d  X e  Re 
The expressions for idand iqcan be obtained by solving (2.10) as given below:

= [ sin + + cos − ] (2.11)

= [( + ) sin − cos − ] (2.12)

where =( + ) + +

Linearizing (2.11) and (2.12) gives

∆ = ∆ + ∆ (2.13)

∆ = ∆ + ∆ (2.14)


= [ cos − + sin ]

= +

= [( + ) cos + sin ]

Linearizing (2.8) and (2.9) and substituting from (2.13) and (2.14)

∆ = ∆ + (1 + )∆ (2.15)

∆ =− ∆ − ∆ (2.16)

Torque Angle Loop:

Linearizing (2.4) we get

∆ = − − ∆ + ∆ −( − ) ∆ (2.17)

Substituting (2.15) and (2.16) in (2.17), we can express  Te as

∆ = ∆ + ∆ (2.18)


= −( − )

= + −( − )

= −( − )

Linearizing (2.1) and (2.2) and applying Laplace transform, we get


  S m (2.19)

S m  [  Tm - Te - DS m ] (2.20)
2 Hs

The combined Eqs. (2.18), (2.19) and Eq. (2.20) can be depicted in the form of a

block diagram as displayed in Figure 2.2. This stands for the torque-angle loop

of the synchronous machine.

Figure 2-2: Torque Angle Loop

For classical machine model, Eq1  0 and the characteristic equation given by

2 + + =0 (2.21)

For stability, both D and K1 should be positive. If D is negligible, the roots of

the characteristic equations are

S1 , S 2   j   jn (2.22)

Where ωn is the natural (radian) frequency of oscillation of the rotor. Typically,

the range of oscillation frequency is between 0.5 and 2.0 Hz although


extreme values of 0.1 Hz at the low end and 4 Hz at the high end are also


Representation of Flux Decay:

The equation for the field winding can be expressed as

Tdo   E fd  Eq   x d  xd  id (2.23)

Linearizing Eq. (2.23) and substituting from Eq. (2.13) we have

d Eq
Tdo  E fd  Eq   x d  xd  (C1  C 2 Eq1 ) (2.24)
d t

Taking laplace transform of (2.24) we get,

(1 + )∆ = ∆ − (2.25)

where K3  (2.26)
[1  ( xd  xd )C2 ]

= −( − ) (2.27)

Eq.(2.25) can be expressed through the block diagram as displayed in

Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3: Representation of flux decay

Representation of Excitation system:

The Block diagram of the excitation system considered is depicted in Figure 2-4

Figure 2-4: Excitation System

The perturbation in the terminal voltage Vt can be expressed as

vdo vqo
Vt  vd  vq (2.28)
vto vto

Substituting from Eqs.(2.15) and (2.16) in (2.28), we get

Vt  K5  K6 Eq (2.29)


 vd   vq 
K5    o
 vt  xdC3 +  o  xqC1 (2.30)
 o   vto 

 vd   vq 
K6    o
 Vt  xdC4 +  o  (1  xd C2 ) (2.31)
 o   vto 
For Re=0, the expressions for the constants K1 to K6 are simplified as given


Eb EqoCos o ( xq  x d )
K1   E biqo Sin 0
( xe  xq ) ( xe  xd )

( xe  xq ) E sin  0
K2  I q0  b
( xe  xd ) ( xe  xd )

( xe  xd )
K3 
( xd  xe )

( xd  xd )
K4  Eb sin  0
( xd  xe )

 xdVdo E bCos 0  xdVdo Eb Sin 0

K5  
( xe  xq )Vto ( xe  xd )Vto

xe  Vqo 
K6   
( xe  xd )  Vto 

It is not difficult to perceive that for xe greater than 0, the constants K1, K2, K3,

K4 and K6 are positive. This is because δ0 is generally less than 900 and iqo is

positive. K3 is independent of the operating point and less than unity (as x'dless

thanxd). Note that xe is generally positive unless the generator is feeding a large

capacitive load (which is not realistic).

2.4. Modified Heffron Phillip's Model

Figure 2.5 considers a single generator having a power transformer inter-

connected to the external system [48]. The rotor angle pertaining to the voltage

VS  S of the high voltage bus is illustrated as  S    S . The following are the

expressions for  S , E q' , id and iq :

PS X t  X q   QS Ra  Rt 
 S  tan 1 (2.32)
PS Ra  Rt   QS X t  X q   VS2

where PS  VS I a cos p and Qs  Vs I a sin  p

From stator algebraic equation (2.6) the following equation can be obtained:

for E '
E '

X t  X d'  
Vt  
Xq 
V S sin  S 
q q
Xt  X  X  
 t q 

X d'
 VS cos S (2.33)

Figure 2-5: A single machine connected to external network

The modified stator algebraic equations referred to the transformer bus are

given by

Vq  Rt i q  X t i d  VS cos  S
Vd  Rt id  X t iq  VS sin  S

Kirchhoff's Voltage law between transformer bus and the terminal voltage of the

generator are given here as:

Vq  jVd  iq  jid Rt  jX t   Vs  s e j (2.35)

This is the modification suggested in [48] to make the PSS design

independent of the external system parameters. Replacing  by  s   s in the

above equation gives

Vq  jVd  iq  jid Rt  jX t   Vs    s (2.36)

Equalizing the real and hypothetical components in the above equation

provides the algebraic equations of the modified stator referred to the

transformer bus. The modified stator equations of algebra which are referred

to the transformer bus are obtained by equating the real and hypothetical

sections of the above equation. The validity of these equations holds good for

any machine even in the ambience of multiple machines.

Vq  Rt iq  X t id  VS cos  S
Vd  Rt id  X t iq  VS sin  S

Equating (2.6), (2.13) and rearranging one can get

X '
d 
 X t id  Rt iq  VS cos  S  Eq' (2.38)

 X q  X t iq  Rt iq  VS sin  S (2.39)

The above equations in matrix form is

id   1   X q  X t  Rt  Vs cos s  Eq' 

i      (2.40)
 q   Rt  X d'  X t    Vs sin  s 

  X q  X t  X d'  X t  Rt2

The terminal voltage of the machine is given by

Vt  Vd2  V q2 (2.41)

Linearizing (2.16) around an operating condition employing first order Taylor

series approximation and upon simplification one can obtain

i d  C1  s  C 2  E q'  CV 1V s
i q  C 3  s  C 4  E q'  CV 2 V s


C1 

  
R tV s 0 cos  s 0  X q'  X t V s 0 sin  so 
1 '
C2 

Xq  Xt 
C3 

 
X d'  X t V s 0 cos  s 0  R t V s 0 sin  so 
C 4  Rt

CV 1 

 
X d'  X t cos  s 0  Rt sin  so 
CV 2 

  
 Rt cos  s 0  X d'  X t sin  so 

 S 0 , S m0 , Eq' 0 , E fd 0 and Vs 0 denote the value at the initial operating condition. The

linearized versions of the equations (2.1) to (2.5) and (2.17) are as follows:

Te  G1 s  G2 Eq'  GV 1 Vs (2.43)

 s   B S m   s (2.44)

S m  Tm  Te  DS m  (2.45)

Eq' 
1  sG3Tdo'

E fd  G4  s  GV 2 Vs  (2.46)

Vt  G5  s  G6 Eq'  GV 3 Vs (2.47)

E fd 
1  sTA
 
Vref  G5  s  G6 Eq'  GV 3 Vs  (2.48)

The constants G 1 to G6 and GV 1 to GV 3 are given below:

V s 0 E q 0 cos  s 0 X q  X d'
G1   V s 0 sin  s 0
Xq  Xt X t  X d'

Xq  Xt
G2  iq0
X t  X d'

X t  X d'
G3 
Xd  Xt

X d  X d'
G4  Vs0 sin  s 0
X t  X d'

X qVd 0Vs 0 cos  s 0 X d' Vq 0Vs 0 sin  s 0

G5   
X q  X t Vt 0 X t 
 X d' Vt 0

X t Vq 0
G6  
X t  X d' Vt 0

G v1 
E q 0 sin  s 0

X q 
 X d' I q 0 cos  s 0
X t  Xq X '
d  Xt 

Gv 2 
X d 
 X d' cos s0
 X d'  X t 
X qV d 0 sin  s 0 X d' Vq 0 cos  s 0
Gv 3   
X q  X t Vt 0 X t  X d' Vt 0 

 '

where Eq0  Eq0  X q  X d id 0

The defined constants G 1 to G6 are similar to those of the model

constants K 1 to K 6 of the original Heffron Phillip’s (HP).However, there is no

further referencing to  and Eb and they do not depend on the equivalent

reactance X e . In this mode, due to the instability of Vs during linearization

three more constants Gv1 to Gv3 are added at the torque, voltage of the field

and terminal voltage junction points respectively, which distinguish this model

from the original HP model as presented in Figure 2.6. In instances of

ignoring voltage deviations in the transformer, this model accurately reflects a

firm system having external reactance X e identical to the reactance of the

transformer X t . In case the nominal system also signifies the condition of full

loading, then this model’s GEP furnishes the utmost phase lag. Information of

load flow both at the transformer and the terminals of the generator can enable

the acquisition of the G-constants in real time. Hence, the parameters of the

design of any PSS depending on this model can easily be altered at regular time

intervals through local measurements, in order to accommodate considerable

changes in the system’s structure.


Figure 2-6: Linearized model of a single machine in a connected network

2.5. Use of Modified Heffron Phillip's model in Multi-Machine

The model derived above is very general in nature because every

generating station in the power systems is usually inter-connected to the

transmission network of high voltage through the means of a step-up

transformer. So the model can be used independently for each generator in a

multi-machine environment. For ith generator in multi-machine power systems

G1 to G6 are constantsand GV 1 to GV 3 are given below:

Vs 0i Eq 0i cos  s 0i X qi  X di'
G1i   Vs 0i sin  s 0i
X qi  X ti X ti  X di'

X qi  X ti
G2 i  iq 0 i
X ti  X di'

X ti  X di'
G3i 
X di  X ti

X di  X di'
G4i  Vs 0i sin  s0i
X ti  X di'

X qiVd 0iVs 0i cos  s 0i X di' Vq0iVs 0i sin  s0i

G5i   
X qi  X ti Vt 0i X ti  X di' Vt 0i

X ti Vq 0i
G6i  
X ti  X di' Vt 0i

Gv1i 
E q 0 i sin  s 0i

X qi  X di'  I q 0i cos  s 0i
X ti  X qi  X '
di  X ti 

Gv 2 i 
X di  X di'  cos  s 0 i
X '
di  X ti 

X qiVd 0i sin  s 0i X di' Vq 0i cos  s 0i

Gv 3i   
X qi  X ti Vt 0i X ti  X di' Vt 0i

where Eq0i  Eq' 0i   X qi  X di'  id 0i

The linear state space model for each machine can be obtained as

  Si 
X i  Ai X i  BV
i PSSi  B1i   (2.49)
 VSi 

 0 Bi 0 0   1 0 
 G D G2i   0   GV 1i 
  1i  i  0   0   0  
 2 Hi 2 Hi 2 Hi     2 Hi 
Ai   G4 i 1 1  ; Bi   0  ; B1i   GV 2i  (2.50)
  ' 0  ' '
    0  '

 Tdoi G3iTdoi Tdoi  K
 Ai   T doi 
 K G K AiG6i 1   TAi   K G 
  Ai 5 0     0  Ai V 3i 
 TAi TAi TAi   TAi 

state variables are

X i    si ; Smi ; Eqi' ; E fdi    si   s 0i , Smi  Sm 0i , Eqi'  Eq' 0i , E fdi  E fd 0i 

In this thesis the state space model is adopted for developing the state
feedback controllers in the context of power systems of multiple machines. It
can be observed that the particular state space matrix is just 4 x 4 size matrix
and depends only on the parameters local to the generating station. This
transforms the large power system state feedback controller designs to small
decentralized state feedback controller designs. In the following chapters it is
shown that the LQR and pole placement designs based on this model result in
coordinated controllers.

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