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Thermal Shock Cracking: Design

and Assessment Guidelines

Repeated thermal shock cracking is common in the operation of pressure equipment
where water and steam are present. Surprisingly, it is not fully covered in the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel code nor in fitness-for-purpose recommended practice such as
API 579. An example of thermal shock stresses occurs when hot surfaces are exposed to
John W. H. Price splashing of cold water. This eventually may lead to crack nucleation and crack growth.
Professor However, not all thermal shock cracks lead to failures (such as rupture, leak, or, in more
Department of Mechanical Engineering, brittle material, fragmentation), indeed the most frequent situation is that the cracking
Monash University, arrests at a depth of a few millimeters. This paper presents a unique experimental study
Clayton, Vic, 3800, Australia and analysis of the information being gained from this study in terms of design guidelines
e-mail: and crack growth mechanisms. In the experiments, cracks are initiated and then grown in
low carbon steel specimens exposed to repeated thermal shock. The test-rigs achieve
large thermal shocks through the repeated water quenching of heated flat plate speci-
mens. The effect of steady state loads on the growth and environmental effects due to the
aqueous nature of the testing environment are found to be major contributors to the crack
growth kinetics. The most important findings are that the conditions leading to both the
initiation and the arrest of cracks can be identified and that the depth of a starter notch
contributes little to the crack propagation. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2389029兴

Keywords: thermal shock, cracking, initiation, growth, arrest, design, fitness for purpose

Introduction at Monash University. The experimental work is currently limited

to carbon steel operating at temperatures below the creep range in
Down shocks often occur when low temperature fluid strikes an a water/steam environment.
already hot surface. Another common situation is where there is
rapid depressurization such as can be caused by sudden leaks or Experimental Work
valve operations. Depressurization causing thermal shock also oc- Two thermal fatigue test rigs have been built at Monash for the
curs when high pressure water is vented through orifices. investigation of crack initiation and growth due to repeated ther-
Down shocks induce a very high skin tension stress on the mal shock loading. The experimental work that is being conducted
component, which decreases rapidly through the thickness of the is unique in several ways and uses full-scale test specimens that
component, as shown in Fig. 1. In normal operation there is usu- mimic plant conditions 关6兴. There have been other experimental
ally also a primary mechanical load due to pressure and dead tests of the thermal cracking phenomena but for various reasons
they have not simulated the conditions in the operating plant. This
weight loading, which is applied to the component. An important
has produced a number of limitations to the results from such
recent failure is reported by Alexander et al. 关1兴. testing, in particular they have not detected the importance of
In this work, stresses created as a result of thermal shock are mechanical loading and environment on the growth rate of cracks
distinguished from stresses that occur during uniform thermal ex- 关7,8兴.
pansion. Thermal shock stresses decay rapidly both in time and The tests at Monash take several months to complete as the
across the section as shown in Fig. 1, whereas thermal expansion specimens are put through thousands of cycles that take
stresses are more constant with time and across the section. Ther- 15– 20 min each. The specimens are alternatively heated in a con-
mal expansion stresses are in effect similar to cycling mechanical vection furnace and then cooled by sprays of cold water. Approxi-
stresses. mately one-dimensional conditions exist at any one crack because
Thermal shock stresses can be regarded as Classification F, of the use of attached thermal masses as shown in Fig. 3. The
Peak stresses 共“Certain thermal stresses which may cause fatigue growth of the cracks is recorded every hundred or so cycles by
but not distortion of the vessel shape”兲 in Fig. 4-130.1 of ASME removing the specimen from the furnace and examining it under a
VIII Division 2 关2兴. The code, however, gives no information as to
Recent experimental work at Monash has included a new vari-
how to calculate the stresses.
ety of starting notch sizes and a horizontal test arrangement as
Thermal shock driven cracking is one of the most common shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal arrangement permits a larger
cracking phenomena observed in many types of pressure equip- number of higher temperature tests to be conducted than does the
ment such as those in electricity generating boilers, nuclear plant, vertical furnace arrangement. The atmosphere in the vertical fur-
steam turbine auxiliary plant, and other situations 关3–5兴. Thermal nace has some convection movement of heat, which means that
shock cracking tends to start at geometrical discontinuities as higher parts of the specimen are hotter than lower parts of the
shown in Fig. 2. specimen. This means only the top is subjected to the maximum
This paper is based on experimental and theoretical work done thermal shock. The horizontal furnace has some different features;
in particular, liquid water is present in the crack for longer after
the shock, which may affect corrosion rates.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division of ASME for publication In association with this experimental work there are a number
in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received August 9,
2005; final manuscript received March 1, 2006. Review conducted by Rudolph J.
of thermal shock cracks in power plants that have been observed
Scavuzzo. Paper presented at the 2005 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Confer- on an occasional basis over a number of years. These have been
ence 共PVP2005兲, July 17–21, 2005, Denver, Colorado, USA. used to confirm the work.

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mined using the techniques of ASME Section XI and are shown in
Fig. 4. Note that the combined stress intensities are modified by
plastic zone correction factors.
The key thing to note about Fig. 4 is that while the stress
intensity factor 共“SIF”兲 due to mechanical loads increases with
distance from quenched face, d, the SIF due to the thermal shock
cracking increases then decreases as d increases. The total SIF
thus peaks in the example given at about 2.5 mm and then falls.
The total SIF falls below 50 MPa· m1/2 at about 7 mm. This turns
out to be about the level that indicates a dramatic loss of crack
growth driver.

Many cracks have now been grown on both the horizontal and
vertical rigs and have covered a wide range of conditions. Some
of the factors that have been varied include:
Fig. 1 Distribution of thermal shock and mechanical stress • Peak temperature 共T ° C兲. Temperatures from 240° C to
across a section.
400° C have been used.
• Constant stress applied 共P MPa兲. This is generally either 0
or 90 MPa stress.
The stress intensity factor produced by thermal shock stresses is • Quench time 共Q s兲. This is the time for which cold water is
dependent not only on the stresses indicated in Fig. 1, but also on sprayed on the specimen. From theoretical work, peak stress
the depth of the crack 共including any notch兲. This has been deter- at 3.5 mm was achieved after 7 s.

Fig. 2 „a… Cracking from external corners such as at penetrations. „b… Cracking at internal cor-
ners. „c… Examples of geometrical details affecting thermal shock cracking from power stations.
Left at the intersection of two drain lines. Right in an economizer inlet header.

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Fig. 3 Experiment design. Left, vertical furnace; right horizontal furnace. Full details of the experiment design are given in
Ref. †6‡

• Starter notch, ao 共mm兲. Starter notches from 1 to 3.5 mm

have been tested and cracks grown from all such notches.

A selection of the main results in the form of crack depth, a,

versus crack growth rate is given for the two furnaces in Figs. 5
and 6. Figure 7 shows an enlarged view of a thermal shock crack.

General Observations. The main observations from this work
are as follows:
• All of the cracks that have been grown have arrested.
Fig. 4 Maximum stress intensity factor profiles during 7 s • Cracks on specimens with primary loadings have at first
shock from 370° C, with and without 90 MPa primary load

Fig. 5 Crack growth rate versus crack length „includes notch depth… for a number of cracks in the vertical
furnace experiments. T = maximum cycle temperature „°C…, P = primary mechanical load „MPa…, Q = quenching
time „time of water application… in seconds. Starting notch depth, ao, is 3.5 mm for all cases. The meaning of
“Best fit” and “Conservative” lines are described in relation to Eq. „3….

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Fig. 6 Data generated during horizontal rig experiments. Crack growth rate ver-
sus crack length for various notch depths, ao.

accelerated in growth rate, reached a plateau of growth, rate Growth Stages of the Cracks. To simplify the picture of what
and then arrested. is being observed, consider Fig. 8. This figure shows two sets of
• Cracks growing without primary loading have tended to data presented for two specimens from the vertical furnace which
grow at slower rates and arrest earlier. differ only in that one has a mechanical stress of P = 90 MPa
• Most cracks have arrested in less than 3 mm growth. A few applied.
cracks growing from the theoretically most severe notch Environmental effects can be seen by the knee in the fatigue
tested 共ao = 3.5 mm兲 have grown further to a maximum of growth curve first presented by Austen and Walker 关9兴 and also
6.2 mm. found in BS 7910 关10兴. Figure 9 presents some of our data on this
curve. Data with higher primary stresses apparently have an in-
Both the physical appearance of the cracks and the growth rate creased environmental effect.
data suggest there are some simple major features of the crack
growth. Initiation of Thermal Shock Cracking
1. Growth in the early stages up to about 1 mm exhibits the A Design Guideline. The circumstances that can lead to ther-
features of plastic tearing—raised and less corroded surfaces mal shock cracking should clearly be avoided during design. In
2. Growth with a large amount of corrosion. addition, existing plants should be assessed for the possible pres-
3. Growth region where the corrosion is limited and there is ence of thermal shock cracking. It is thus important to have a
sometimes branching of the crack 共Paris and arresting兲. guideline for determining the conditions necessary for the preven-
tion of thermal shock cracking. There is currently no clear guide-
line in the standards examined by the author.
For the initiation of thermal shock cracking, the following key
factors are required:

Fig. 8 Two cases differing only in applied mechanical loading.

Fig. 7 A thermal shock crack at 20 times magnification from The applied 90 MPa loading shows a higher level of HSF
„a… the side, and „b… fracture surface. The various growth re- growth and an area of corrosion dominated growth. A picture of
gimes are indicated 90 MPa loaded specimen with top tempera- this crack is shown in Fig. 7. Data drawn from Fig. 5, 7 s
ture of 400° C. quench.

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thermal shock, ␯ is Poisson’s ratio, and k f is the stress concentra-
tion factor due to geometric discontinuities. This has values in the
range 1–5.
With E, ␣, and ␯ being material constants, the only remaining
unknowns are ⌬Tm and k f . Methods for determining these param-
eters are given below. Note that in this work, the assumption of
temperature independence of E and ␣ is acceptable as long as the
product of the two does not vary by more than 10% over the
expected temperature range. This is the case for carbon steel be-
tween 100° C and 370° C.
Magnitude of Thermal Shock 共⌬Tm兲. The maximum magnitude
of the thermal shock 共⌬Tm兲 can be determined from design data
based on the worst possible thermal shock condition 共Tmax
− Tmin兲, where Tmax and Tmin correspond to the maximum and
minimum possible temperatures of the process fluid passing
Fig. 9 Smoothed experimental crack growth data plotted through the component during operation.
against a Gabetta et al. †11‡ model prediction, allowing for the Level 1 assumes instantaneous change of temperature at the
effects of environment and primary load. Experimental data for surface of the metal, that is, infinite heat transfer coefficient. This
dissolved oxygen „“DO”… =8 ppm plotted.
is normally approximately correct for water on clean steel where
heat transfer coefficients of around 10 kW/ m2 K are seen. It can
be shown that at this level there is little change in thermal shock
a. a geometrical feature 共stress concentration兲 and stresses as the heat transfer coefficient increases up to infinite. In
b. a number of thermal shock cycles of sufficient level 3 this conservatism could be removed.
Stress Concentration Effects 共k f 兲. To include the effects of ge-
Crack initiation can be complex, so the proposed guidelines ometry and other stress concentrators such as machining marks,
involve a three-level approach as is seen in other codes such as BS suitable values for k f need to be selected. In accordance with the
7910. Each of the levels from 1 to 3 will be intended to have a fatigue design rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
decreasing amount of conservatism. The choice of level to be used Code, Sec. VIII, Division 2 the maximum value for k f that is
in an analysis depends upon the input data available and the con- generated by a severe notch 共or corner兲 is 5.0. Similarly, for a flat
servatism required. The three levels are summarized below. surface free of machining marks, k f can be taken as 1.0. It is
Level 1 is a simplified go/no-go type analysis requiring the recommended that in a level 1 analysis a value of 5.0 be selected
absolute minimum of input data. This approach is the most con- for all discontinuities unless clear evidence of the lack of sharp
servative in its results as all stress concentrators are assumed to machining marks on the component can be made. Values of k f less
behave as worst-case notches. than 5.0 will need to be justified using methods similar to that
Level 2 is a slightly enhanced procedure allowing for the ef- used in a level 2 analysis.
fects of some geometries and the number of thermal shock cycles
expected in a component lifetime. Conservatism at this level is Crack Initiation. The generation of thermal shock cracks is in-
moderate. dicated if the half maximum theoretical stress amplitude 共0.5
Level 3 is an advanced analysis procedure that requires more Smax兲 exceeds the allowable design stress amplitude Sa. The al-
detailed input data. Conservatism is at its lowest level in this lowable design stress amplitude may be taken from the S-N de-
analysis. Improved analysis includes sign curves contained in Sec. VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code 共Fig. 5-110.1 for the case of carbon and
• A detailed temperature profile across a specimen during a low alloy steels兲. This curve, as is well known, is generated from
shock to establish surface stress ranges and entirely different data using mechanical tests. For the purposes of
• Cyclic stress strain relationships at geometrical discontinui- this work the curve is adopted as a useful and convenient input,
ties to accurately allow for the effects of stress concentra- which we have found successful under the conditions described.
tors. Generation of a new curve specifically for thermal shock would be
• Improved fatigue initiation curves 共S-N curves兲 for the par- a large additional task that might be contemplated at level 3.
ticular material and stress state. Example. Using this method the permitted ⌬Tm can be calcu-
lated from transposed equation 共1兲
A procedure for each level is suggested in the following sec-
Level 1 Analysis. At this level, the maximum theoretical ther- 2共1 − ␯兲 Sa
⌬Tm = 共2兲
mal stress amplitude developed during a thermal shock 共Sm兲 is E␣ k f
compared to the allowable stress amplitude based on the design With Sa from ASME VIII Div. 2, Fig 5.110.1, typical carbon
considerations of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The steel values, and a k f of 5, it is found that the permitted ⌬Tm for
effects of geometric discontinuities 共stress concentrators兲 are al- 1000 cycles is 123° C and for 100,000 cycles is 30° C. It is to be
lowed for using a stress concentration factor k f . noted that there are no effects from steady load or environmental
Maximum Theoretical Thermal Stress 共Smax兲. The maximum conditions, and this is to be expected for fatigue initiation. These
thermal stress amplitude generated during a thermal shock tran- results can be compared to the EPRI guidelines for economizer
sient is calculated by Eq. 共1兲: headers 关12兴, which limit ⌬Tm to 21° C. The guidelines presented
here will normally permit much higher levels of ⌬Tm. However,
E␣共⌬Tm兲 these results can still be restrictive since thermal shocks exceeding
Smax = kf 共1兲
2共1 − ␯兲 100° C or 200° C are often seen in power plants and this forces us
to consider all the conservatisms in the analysis by introducing a
Smax is the maximum thermal stress amplitude generated during a
level 2 and 3 analysis.
thermal shock. E is the elastic modulus, ␣ is the coefficient of
thermal expansion, ⌬Tm is the maximum possible magnitude of Level 2 Analysis. Possible improvements include

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology FEBRUARY 2007, Vol. 129 / 129

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• Magnitude of thermal shock 共⌬Tm兲 determined from mea-
sured or calculated data at the component surface during a
thermal transient.
• Stress concentration effects 共k f 兲 determined theoretically or

Level 2 analysis should allow ⌬Tm values two to three times

higher than level 1, but sharp notches will always require k f
= 5.0.
Level 3 Analysis. At this level the local strains developed in a
component during a thermal shock transient are determined using
advanced techniques. This level of analysis may require the com-
plete time-temperature history of the component during thermal
shock transient as well as accurate representations of stress-strain
effects and geometric details. Appropriate actual S-N fatigue data
curves can be used
This procedure may allow a further factor of 2-3 increase in the
permitted ⌬Tm when compared to level 2 but again sharp notches Fig. 10 Corrosion dominated growth region for thermal shock
will always require k f = 5.0. cracking

Fitness for Purpose Cases

Fitness for purpose assessment will occur after the crack has
been initiated and is normally conducted on existing plants where was not seen on all of our specimens, particularly those with no
thermal shock cracking has been found. In this case we are no applied mechanical loads and so the situations where corrosion
longer interested in initiation, but in the growth rate of the cracks dominated growth occurs and where it does not also need to be
and, in the case of thermal shock cracking, whether the crack will
arrest and thus not require repair.
The proposed guideline thus requires two key definitions as
Currently there is only limited information about crack growth
shown in Fig. 10.
rates, which, as will be seen, depends on a large number of fac-
tors, particularly in the corrosion dominated regime. As a result a. Definition of when corrosion dominated growth oc-
the level 1,2,3 type approach has not yet been developed. curs. This takes the form of when the thermal shock
Assessment of recent experimental data suggests that the pro- stress intensity exceeds a certain level. This level will
posals for the growth and arrest guidelines can be simplified from take account of both applied mean stress and crack
those we previously suggested 关13兴. There are four mechanisms to depth.
be considered in the growth of thermal shock cracking. b. Defining a value of crack growth rate per cycle in the
corrosion dominated growth region.
1. Growth due to stress exceeding the tensile strength of the
material, high strain fatigue 共“HSF”兲 region Corrosion dominated crack growth is characterized by growth
2. Growth due to corrosion dominated growth mechanisms that is not a function of the stress intensity range, but is dominated
3. Paris growth region 共affected by environment兲 by the factors that control corrosion, in particular the diffusion of
4. Final failure. If the crack does not slow down to the point of species through the crack. In this work all the relevant factors
arrest, there is plastic collapse of the remaining ligament in have not yet been investigated, but there are some data for the
carbon steels. following issues.
1. Plastic growth region. Plastic growth of the crack occurs • Crack opening. If there is no primary stress, corrosion
over about the first 1 mm or so in our experiments. This is largely dominated growth does not appear to occur. This is at-
the region in which the stress exceeds the tensile strength of the tributed to the fact that the crack will only be opened for
material 共which is specified as 410 MPa in our specimens兲. In the diffusion for short periods of the cycle. Increasing pri-
plastic growth zone the growth may be covered by a growth law mary stress should increase the rate of corrosion crack
proposed, for example, by Skelton 关14兴. growth. Currently the work only has two values of pri-
mary stress, 0 and 90 MPa, so the effect of this factor has
= B共a − L兲 共3兲 not yet been fully characterized.
dN • Crack depth. The deeper the crack the more time the
a is the depth of crack 共including starter notch兲, N is the number diffusion takes and corrosion virtually stops after the
of thermal shock cycles, and B and L are constants to be deter- crack grows to a certain length 共for the shorter cycle
mined experimentally. lengths studied here兲.
The constants for this equation can be determined by examining • Cycling time. Though only partially examined so far, this
the data. For the “best fit” solid line in Fig. 5, L was set at the is clearly relevant in the corrosion dominated region.
depth of the starter notch 共3.5 mm兲 and the slope B can be set by • Concentration of species. The experiments reported here
a least squares fitting to the slope of all the data in the HSF zone. control pH and dissolved oxygen 共DO兲 in the spray wa-
The dashed line “conservative” line in Fig. 5 is upper bound to all ter. Only introductory investigations of the effect of spe-
the data and is found by setting L at 2.8 mm. The specific equa- cies concentration by varying DO have been attempted.
tion for the “best fit” line thus is: a. The stress required for corrosion dominated growth to
da occur. The region where corrosion-dominated growth
= 4.88 ⫻ 10−4共a − 3.5 ⫻ 10−3兲m/cycle. 共4兲 might occur can be defined following Gabetta et al. 关11兴.
dN This type of growth occurs when the applied ⌬K is
2. Corrosion-dominated growth region. Once the stress starts to greater than a critical value termed ⌬Kc. ⌬Kc is defined
fall, then growth may continue by corrosion. This growth regime by them as

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1 1 − R da Conclusions
⌬K2c = ␴ yE␶ 共5兲
␣ASCR 1 + R dt This work reported here has demonstrated the factors that cause
and drive thermal shock cracks.
␣ASCR is a constant proposed by Gabetta et al. that relates
an “active surface creation rate” 共ACSR兲 to the rate of
change of crack mouth opening distance during a load
cycle, R is Kmin / Kmax, ␶ is the cycle time, 7 s in the Design and Operation: Asme Boiler and Pressure Vessel
current case, and da / dt is a crack growth rate with time. Code and EPRI Guidelines. A key interest area is design guide-
Currently the Monash experiments cannot distinguish lines for vessels subject to thermal shock. The guidelines we are
all these factors, but there is enough data to provide the investigating will provide the basis for design and operation of
following interpretation for the conditions. pressure vessels with sharp geometrical features, which may be
damaged by thermal shock. There is little information about this
1−R case currently in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
⌬K2c = 1.45 ⫻ 103 共6兲
1+R EPRI guidelines 关12兴 for assessing the initiation of thermal
For the current case the criterion for corrosion domi- shock cracking are highly conservative. Using the simplest level
nated growth could be further simplified to the form: of our guidelines 共level 1兲, typical carbon steels with a sharp notch
are permitted; ⌬Tm for 1000 cycles is 123° C and for
725 100,000 cycles is 30° C. If we use level 3 analysis and remove
⌬K ⬎ 共7兲 notches from the component being considered, then the ⌬Tm per-
mitted would rise probably by a factor of at least 3, that is, to
In this form it is readily seen that if Kmean is low or 90° C for 100,000 cycles. These results can be compared to the
zero, then no corrosion dominated growth will occur. Us- EPRI guidelines for economizer headers, which limit ⌬Tm to
ing Fig. 4 it can be seen that the condition will only be 21° C, which is a very low level, virtually unachievable in most
satisfied for a range of crack growth in the region of a power stations.
= 5 – 10 mm in these experiments. A key result of this work is that the features such as the sharp
b. Crack growth rates in corrosion-dominated region. Once corners illustrated in Fig. 2 should be avoided in design. Such
corrosion dominated growth occurs, the growth rate is corners are not stress concentrators in the way normally consid-
determined by time of opening and the primary stress. ered in design since they may not be highly stressed in normal
The growth rate does not appear to be related to ⌬K 关15兴. operation. However, in thermal shock they start to behave like
The growth rate in the corrosion dominated region for the sharp notches. Such sharp corners frequently are used simply be-
current experiments, which have a cycle time of about cause that is the cheapest construction method. However, it would
15 min is given by be appropriate for the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to
dissuade the use of the features where thermal shocks could occur
da and corners 共such as shown in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲兲 are found on
= 7 ⫻ 10−7 共8兲
dN many figures in the code.
Growth Guidelines for Thermal Shock Cracking. The dis-
3. Paris law type growth region. This can also be termed the
covery of thermal shock cracking often by opening up a neglected
LEFM growth region. As the crack grows the stresses fall and
part of a plant and observing it visually can be very disconcerting
corrosion 共if it occurs兲 is no longer the dominant growth mecha-
for the operators. Often the immediate response is to carry out
nism since the diffusion lengths are too long. In this region the
growth rate is found to fit the “Paris law” equation 关11兴. expensive repairs or replacements. These could, in fact, be
It has long been known that many thermal shock driven cracks
= C共⌬K兲m 共9兲 arrest at fairly shallow depths and only a few eventually leak. The
dN experimental work presented here starts to indicate the growth
where C and m are constants that are dependent on the environ- mechanisms involved in thermal shock crack growth and presents
ment, the mean stress, and the stress range. the possibility of fitness for purpose assessments of thermal shock
This equation has been examined and found to fit the data pro- cracks when they are found in-service.
viding some care is taken in defining the stresses involved in ⌬K. This work has identified that there are four mechanisms to be
The values of C and m can be found from testing. considered in the growth of thermal shock cracking.
For the data collected in this study, the “freely corroding ma- 1. Growth due to stress exceeding the tensile strength of the
rine” crack growth equations in BS 7910 关10兴 tend to be ad- material—a high strain fatigue 共“HSF”兲 region.
equately conservative. Alternatively, a curve fitting exercise to the 2. Growth due to corrosion dominated growth mechanisms
data produced the equation. where the growth rate is constant and independent of ⌬K.
Corrosion occurs while the crack is open and not very deep.
da The proposal is that this occurs when the applied range of
= 5.28 ⫻ 10−16共⌬K兲5.89 共10兲
dN stress intensity factor, ⌬K exceeds some critical value ⌬Kc.
4. Final failure. Because this study is dealing with carbon steels The value of ⌬Kc depends on a number of factors not fully
in fairly warm conditions below the creep level, final failure if a investigated in this study such as time of crack opening and
crack keeps growing will be by normal plastic collapse normally oxygen content of water.
detected by leaking. This can happen when mechanical stresses 3. Once the stresses start falling and corrosion rate falls, Paris
are high and so must be considered in an assessment guideline. growth occurs 共affected by environment兲. Thermal shock
The limits that would seem to be appropriate are covered by the cracking is likely to arrest in this region if there are no high
failure assessment diagram 共FAD兲 of BS 7910. There has been no primary applied stresses.
through thickness failure case in the Monash tests. However, it is 4. Final failure occurs only if primary stresses are high enough.
known from industrial case studies that leaks are observed in This occurs by plastic collapse of the remaining ligament in
plants when high stresses are present 共see Ref. 关1兴兲. carbon steels.

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Acknowledgment 关7兴 Vitale, E., and Beghini, M., 1991, “Thermal Shock Fracture Experiments on
Large Size Plates of A533-B Steel,” Int. J. Pressure Vessels Piping, 46, pp.
This work has been conducted with the assistance of an Aus- 289–338.
tralian Research Council grant with contributions from HRL Tech- 关8兴 Marsh, D. J., 1981, “A Thermal Shock Fatigue Study of Type 304 and 316
nology Ltd., Optima Energy, Western Power, Hazelwood Power, Stainless Steels,” Fatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct., 4, pp. 179–195.
关9兴 Austen, I. M., and Walker, F. F., 1977, “Quantitative Understanding of the
Loy Yang Power, Edison Mission, Pacific Power, and EPRI. Effects of Mechanical and Environmental Behaviour on Corrosion Fatigue
Crack Growth Behaviour,” The Influence of Environment on Fatigue, I Mech
References Conf, London, pp. 1–10.
关10兴 British Standards, 2000, BS 7910:1999—Guide on Methods for Assessing the
关1兴 Alexander, C., Frey, J., and Shin, S., 2004, “Evaluation of the failure in the Acceptability of Flaws in Fusion Welded Structures, BSI, London.
Texas Genco W. A. Parish Unit #8 Cold Reheat Line,” 4th Int Conf., Advances 关11兴 Gabetta, G., Rinaldi, C., and Pozzi, D., 1990, “A Model for Environmentally
in Material Technology for Fossil Power Plants, Hilton Head, SC, Oct. 26–28,
Assisted Crack Growth Rate,” Environmentally Assisted Cracking: Science
EPRI, Palo Alto.
and Engineering, ASTM STP 1049, American Society for Testing and Mate-
关2兴 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2004, “Boiler and Pressure Vessel
rials, Philadelphia, p. 266.
Code,” ASME, New York. 2004 edition is used unless other wise noted.
关3兴 Dooley, R. B., and McNaughton, W. P., 1996, Boiler Tube Failures: Theory 关12兴 Stevenson, G. G., 1989, Guidelines for the Prevention of Economiser Inlet
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