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Demographic Questions

The Demographic of the 10 participants are as follows:

Table 1. Demographic Profile of Customers

Questions Responses
Gender Male Female
Age Range 18-20 years old 18-21 years old

Interview Questions

Table 2.

Question: How many times you visit a previous hotel?

A.1 time
B.2and 3 times
C.4 or more

Interviewee 1 B. 2 and 3 times

Interviewee 2 B. 2 and 3 times
Interviewee 3 C. 4 or more
Interviewee 4 C. 4 or more
Interviewee 5 B. 2 and 3 times
Interviewee 6 B. 2 and 3 times
Interviewee 7 A. 1 time
Interviewee 8 B. 2 and 3 times
Interviewee 9 B. 2 and 3 times
Interviewee 10 C. 4 or more

60% of interviewees chose to visit a previous hotel 2 and 3 times, 30%

chose 4 or more and 10% chose 1 time. This indicates that the interviewees

highly consider that they visited in the hotel 2 and 3 times.

Table 3.

Question: What is the purpose of your visit?

A. Vacation
B. Honeymoon
C. Business
D. Other: please specify

Interviewee 1 A. Vacation
Interviewee 2 A. Vacation
Interviewee 3 C. Business
Interviewee 4 A. Vacation

Interviewee 5 A. Vacation
Interviewee 6 A. Vacation
Interviewee 7 A. Vacation
Interviewee 8 A. Vacation
Interviewee 9 A. Vacation
Interviewee 10 C. Business

80% of the interviewees chose that the purpose of they visited of hotel is


Table 4.

Question: What makes guest satisfied in hotel?

A. Facilities
B. Service
C. Staf

Interviewee 1 A. Facilities
Interviewee 2 A. Facilities
Interviewee 3 A. Facilities
Interviewee 4 A. Facilities
Interviewee 5 A. Facilities
Interviewee 6 A. Facilities
Interviewee 7 A. Facilities
Interviewee 8 A. Facilities

Interviewee 9 A. Facilities
Interviewee 10 A. Facilities
All of the interviewees said that the facilities make guest satisfied in hotel.

Table 5.

Question: Did they reach expectation, and perception level towards

service quality of the front ofice staf in five dimensions: tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy?
A. Yes
B. No, They need to improve it more
C. Not really

Interviewee 1 A. Yes
Interviewee 2 A. Yes
Interviewee 3 A. Yes
Interviewee 4 C. Not really
Interviewee 5 C. Not really
Interviewee 6 A. Yes
Interviewee 7 C . Not really
Interviewee 8 A. Yes
Interviewee 9 C. Not really
Interviewee 10 A. Yes

6 out of 10 interviewees agreed the reach expectation, and

perception level towards service quality of the front ofice staf in five
dimensions: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy.

Table 6.
Question: If you will be giving a chance, would you still like to visit the hotel?
A. Yes, because the place is beautiful
B. Yes, because I want to see if there is an improvement
C. Never

Interviewee 1 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 2 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 3 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 4 B. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 5 B. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 6 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 7 B. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 8 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 9 B. Yes, because the place is beautiful

Interviewee 10 A. Yes, because the place is beautiful

40% of the interviewees answered they still like to visit the hotel to see if

there is an improvement and the 60% The reason that they want to still like

to visit the hotel because the place is beautiful.

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