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3 Vibration
Vibrations can occur in buildings causing discomfort or structural distress. For simply supported
beams this may be minimized by limiting the unfactored dead load deflection to 20mm. Reference
may also be made to the SCI publication, Design of floors for vibration13. Floors supporting
sensitive equipment or subject to dancing etc. may need special consideration.

2.8.3 Fire resistance

Structural steel members generally require to be protected by insulating materials to enable them
to carry their loads during and after a fire. The type and thickness of insulation to be applied
depends on the period of fire resistance required, which in turn depends on the use and size of
the building; alternatively, fire engineering methods may be used. BS 5950-8:200314 should be
consulted. Reference should also be made to Fire protection for structural steel in buildings15.

Care must be exercised in the selection of fire protection materials to ensure that they are
sufficiently robust to resist damage during their service life and in the event of a fire. It is useful
to clarify the responsibility for the design of the fire protection aspects within the design team at
an early stage.

2.9 Material properties

2.9.1 Design strength py
This Manual covers the design of structures fabricated from steels supplied to BS EN 10025-
1:200416. Design strengths, py should be obtained from Table 2.

Table 2 Design strengths, py

BS EN 10025:199316 and Thickness less than Sections, plates, hollow

BS EN 10210-1:199417 or equal to sections
(mm) (N/mm2)
S275 16 275
40 265
63 255
80 245
100 235
S355 16 355
40 345
63 335
80 325
100 315

For other steels not covered by Table 2, reference should be made to BS 5950-1:20001.

IStructE/ICE Manual for the design of steelwork building structures 3rd edition 7

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