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Out-of-School Children and Youth in the Philippines (Results from the 2013 Functional Literacy, Education

and Mass Media Survey)

Reference Number:


Release Date:

Monday, April 20, 2015

Out-of-School Children and Youth Prevalence in the Philippines

The 2013 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS) covered around 36 million
population aged 6 to 24 years. According to the survey, one in every ten or about 4 million Filipino
children and youth was out-of-school in 2013. Out-of-school children is defined in the FLEMMS as
persons aged 6 to 14 years who are not attending school while out-of-school youth as persons aged 15 to
24 years who are not attending school, have not finished any college or post secondary course, and are
not working.

Out-of-school children and youth in ARMM comprised 14.4 percent, which is the highest across regions.
Six regions have proportion of out-of-school children and youth higher than the national figure at 10.6
percent, namely, SOCCSKSARGEN, Davao, Central Luzon, Zamboanga Peninsula, Caraga and MIMAROPA
(ranging from 11.2 to 12.3 percent). Meanwhile, the proportion of out-of-school children and youth was
lowest in CAR at 7.1 percent.

In general, the proportion of persons who are out-of-school was higher among the youth than among
children. Excluding CAR, the proportion of out-of-school youth across regions ranged from 14.5 percent
to 20.4 percent. For children, the figure ranged from 1.7 percent to 4.9 percent, except ARMM with 10.9
percent. In terms of gender, the proportion of out-of-school children and youth was higher among
females than males in all regions (Table 1).

Top Reasons for Not Attending School

The 2013 FLEMMS results also showed that of the nearly 4 million out-of-school children and youth, 22.9
percent have entered into union or marriage. Another 19.2 percent cited insufficient family income to
send child to school as the reason for not attending school (this refers to all educational expenses other
than tuition fee), while 19.1 percent lack the interest in attending school.
Among females, 4 out of every 10 have already entered marriage while 3 in every 10 males have no
interest in attending school. The proportion of out-of-school children and youth whose family income
was not sufficient to send child to school was 22.7 percent and 17.0 percent, among males and females,
respectively (Figure 1).

Technical Note

The 2013 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey (FLEMMS) is a nationwide survey
covering around 26,000 sample households. The survey seeks to gather information on the basic and
functional literacy status, educational skills qualifications of the population, and exposure to mass media.
For this survey round, Region VIII was not incorporated due to typhoon Yolanda.


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Philippine Statistics Authority Philippine Statistics Authority


Philippine Standard Time:

Sunday, November 17 2019, 11:32:47 PM

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Previous Release

2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air
Conditioning Supply Sector with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results

Reference Number: 2019-250

Release Date: 31 August 2019

Table A

Central Luzon leads the regions in terms of number of establishments

The preliminary results of the 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) showed
that there were 235 establishments with Total Employment (TE) of 20 and over under Electricity, Gas,
Steam and Air Conditioning Supply sector. This number represents a 4.4 percent increase compared with
225 establishments in 2016.

All establishments of the sector were engaged in electric power generation, transmission and

Among regions, Central Luzon was the lead with 34 establishments or 14.5 percent of the total. This was
followed by CALABARZON and Central Visayas with 23 (9.8%) and 22 (9.4%) establishments, respectively.
These top three regions accounted for more than one-third (33.6%) of the total establishments for the
sector. On the other hand, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) recorded the lowest count
with only four establishments (1.7%).

Figure 1 shows the distribution of Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply establishments
with TE of 20 and over by region in 2017.

Figure 1
NCR employs the highest number of workers

Total employment for the sector was estimated at 46,033 workers, a decline of 2.2 percent compared
with the 47,058 workers recorded in 2016.

Almost all or 46,028 workers were paid employees and only five workers were either working owners or
unpaid workers.

Among the regions, National Capital Region (NCR) employed the highest number of workers with 6,126
or 13.3 percent of the total. This was followed by Central Luzon with 5,279 (11.5%) workers. Completing
the top three regions with the most number of workers was CALABARZON with 5,067 (11.0%) workers.
On the other hand, ARMM recorded the lowest count with 358 (0.8%) workers.

The average number of workers per establishment for the sector was recorded at 196. NCR likewise
posted the highest number of workers per establishment of 681.

Figure 2 shows the distribution of employment for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply
establishments with TE of 20 and over by region in 2017.

Figure 2

NCR pays the highest average annual compensation

In 2017, the total compensation paid to employees by the sector amounted to PHP36.3 billion, an
increase of 2.3 percent compared with the PHP35.5 billion reported compensation in 2016. This
translates to an average annual compensation per paid employee of PHP787,760, which is 4.4 percent
higher than the average annual compensation per paid employee of PHP754,323 in 2016.

At the regional level, employees in NCR received the highest average annual pay of PHP1,414,281. This
was followed by employees in CALABARZON and Eastern Visayas with an average annual compensation
of PHP1,236,928 and PHP925,520, respectively. Meanwhile, employees in ARMM received the lowest
average annual compensation of PHP165,760.

Figure 3 shows the average annual compensation of paid employees for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air
Conditioning Supply establishments with TE of 20 and over by region in 2017.

Figure 3

CALABARZON generates the highest value of output

Total value of output generated by Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply establishments
with TE of 20 and over was estimated at PHP812.6 billion in 2017. This represents an increase of 7.8
percent from the value of output generated in 2016 amounting to PHP754.0 billion.

CALABARZON generated the highest output value which was estimated at PHP199.1 billion or about one-
fourth (24.5%) of the total value of output for the sector. NCR and Central Luzon followed with respective
output values of PHP171.7 billion (21.1%) and PHP103.9 billion (12.8%).

Figure 4 shows the value of output for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply establishments
with TE of 20 and over by region in 2017.
Figure 4

CALABARZON incurs the highest intermediate expense

Intermediate expense for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply sector amounted to
PHP543.3 billion in 2017. This represents a two-digit growth of 10.4 percent from the reported
intermediate expense of PHP492.2 billion in 2016.

More than one-fourth (27.0%) or PHP146.9 billion worth of the sector’s total intermediate expense was
incurred by establishments in CALABARZON. NCR with PHP118.3 billion (21.8%) and Central Luzon with
PHP69.4 billion (12.8%), were the second and third respectively.

CAR records the highest returns

Income per expense ratio for establishments with TE of 20 and over in 2017 was recorded at 1.20,
slightly lower by 0.8 percent from the income per peso expense ratio of 1.21 in 2016. It only shows that
for every peso spent, PHP1.20 was realized in terms of income.

Across regions, Cordillera Administrative Regon (CAR) registered the highest return with income per
expense ratio of 1.64. Cagayan Valley and Ilocos Region followed with 1.52 and 1.37 income per peso
expense, respectively.

NCR contributes biggest share in value added

Value added generated by Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply establishments with TE of
20 and over reached PHP230.3 billion in 2017, an increase of 2.4 percent compared with the PHP 225.0
billion reported in 2016.

Among regions, NCR contributed the biggest share with PHP46.9 billion or 20.4 percent of the total value
added for the sector. This was followed by CALABARZON and Central Luzon with respective value added
shares of PHP43.5 billion (18.9%) and PHP30.7 billion (13.3%).

CALABARZON as the most productive region

Labor productivity, which is the ratio of value added to total employment, was estimated at PHP5.0
million per worker for the sector. This represents a higher growth of 4.6 percent compared with the
PHP4.8 million per worker labor productivity in 2016.

The highest labor productivity of PHP8.6 million per worker was recorded in CALABARZON. NCR and
Central Visayas placed second and third, generating a labor productivity of PHP7.7 million per worker
and PHP6.4 million per worker, respectively.

Figure 5 shows the labor productivity for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply
establishments with TE of 20 and over by region in 2017.

Figure 5

No e-commerce transaction in 2017

Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply with TE of 20 and over has no e-commerce
transaction in 2017.


Assistant Secretary

Deputy National Statistician

Sectoral Statistics Office


This Special Release presents the preliminary results of the 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business
and Industry (ASPBI) for the Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply sector for establishments
with total employment of 20 and over.

The 2017 ASPBI is one of the designated statistical activities of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).
Data collected from the survey provide information on the levels, structure, performance, and trends of
economic activities of the formal sector in the entire country for the year 2017.

The survey was conducted nationwide in 2018 with the year 2017 as the reference period of data, except
for employment which is as of 15 November 2017.

Establishment Data Management System (EDMS) is still utilized in the decentralized processing of survey
returns in the provinces as well as the online accomplishment of questionnaire through the PSA website.

Data are presented by industry group or 3-digit 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC)
at the national and regional level.

Legal Authority

The conduct of the 2017 ASPBI is authorized under Republic Act 10625, known as the Philippine
Statistical Act of 2013, which mandates reorganizing and strengthening of the Philippine Statistical
System (PSS), its agencies and instrumentalities.

Scope and Coverage

The 2017 ASPBI covered establishments engaged in 18 economic sectors classified under the 2009 PSIC,

• Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (A)

• Mining and Quarrying (B)

• Manufacturing (C)

• Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply (D)

• Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities (E)

• Construction (F)

• Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles, and Motorcycles (G)

• Transportation and Storage (H)

• Accommodation and Food Service Activities (I)

• Information and Communication (J)

• Financial and Insurance Activities (K)

• Real Estate Activities (L)

• Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities (M)

• Administrative and Support Service Activities (N)

• Education (P)

• Human Health and Social Work Activities (Q)

• Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (R)

• Other Service Activities (S)

However, three (3) sectors of the 2009 PSIC are not covered. These are:

• Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security (Section O)

• Activities of Households as Employers; Undifferentiated Goods and Services Producing Activities of
Households for Own Use (Section T)

• Activities of Extra-territorial Organization and Bodies (Section U)

The survey was confined to the formal sector of the economy, which consists of the following:

• Corporations and partnership

• Cooperatives and foundations

• Single proprietorship with employment of 10 and over

• Single proprietorships with branches

Hence, the 2017 ASPBI covered only the following economic units:

• All establishments with total employment (TE) of 10 or more; and

• All establishments with TE of less than 10, except those establishments with Legal Organization = 1
(single proprietorship) and Economic Organization = 1 (single establishment), that are engaged in
economic activities classified according to the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC).

Frame of Establishments

The frame for the 2017 ASPBI was extracted from the 2017 List of Establishments (LE). The estimated
number of establishments in operation in the country in 2017 totaled to 917,582. About 228,112
establishments (24.9%) of the total establishments comprise the establishment frame or are within the
scope and coverage of the 2017 ASPBI.
Unit of Enumeration

The unit of enumeration for the 2017 ASPBI is the establishment.

Taxonomy of Establishments

An establishment is categorized by its economic organization, legal organization, industrial classification,

employment size, and geographic location.

Economic Organization refers to the organizational structure or role of the establishment in the
organization. An establishment may be single establishment, branch, establishment and main office with
branches elsewhere, main office only, and ancillary unit other than main office.

Legal Organization refers to the legal form of the economic entity which owns the establishment. An
establishment may be single proprietorship, partnership, government corporation, stock corporation,
non-stock corporation, and cooperative.

Industrial classification of an economic unit was determined by the activity from which it derives its
major income or revenue. The 2009 PSIC was utilized to classify economic units according to their
economic activities.

Size of an establishment was determined by its total employment (TE) as of specific date. TE refers to the
total number of persons who works in or for the establishment. This includes paid employees, working
owners, unpaid workers and all employees who work full-time or part-time, including seasonal workers.
Included also are persons on short-term leave such as those on sick, vacation or annual leaves and on
Geographic Classification refers to the grouping of establishments by geographic area using the
Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) classification. The PSGC contains the latest updates on the
official number of regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays in the Philippines. The PSGC as
of 31 December 2015 was used for the 2017 ASPBI.


Sampling Design

The 2017 ASPBI uses a stratified systematic sampling with 3-digit or 5-digit PSIC serving as the industry
strata and employment size as the second stratification variable.

For establishments with TE of 20 and over, the 17 administrative regions serve as the geographic
domains while the 5-digit level of the 2009 PSIC serves as the industry domains.

Estimation Procedure for Establishments with TE of 20 and Over

All establishments in the formal sector for the Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply sector
were covered on a 100 percent or on a certainty basis because of their relatively small number.

The estimate of the total of a characteristic (Xcp) for the certainty employment stratum in an industry
domain in each region

c = denotes the certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over

p = 1,2…17 regions (geographic domains)

Xcpj = value of the jth establishment in the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for
an industry domain in each region

j = 1,2,3…mcp establishments

mcp = number of establishments in the certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over in an

industry domain within each region

Total Estimate for TE of 20 and Over

The estimate of the total of a characteristic for the industry domain in each region (geographic domain)
was obtained by aggregating the estimated for all employment strata in the same industry domain,

where dp denotes the industry domains in each region

National level estimate of the characteristics by industry domain were obtained by aggregating
separately the estimates for the particular industry domain from all the regions.

Response Rate

Response rate for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply sector for establishments with TE of
20 and over was 84.3 percent (235 out of 279 establishments). This included receipts of "good"
questionnaires, partially accomplished questionnaires, and reports of closed, moved out or out of scope

Of the total responses, 29 establishments responded online.

Reports of the remaining non-reporting establishments were taken from other available administrative
data sources and financial statements from Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, there
were establishments which were found to be duplicates, out of scope and out of business in 2017.

Limitation of Data

Only the formal sector was covered in the survey.

Concepts and Definitions of Terms

Change in Inventories is equivalent to the value of inventories at the end of the year less the value of
inventories at the beginning of the year.

Compensation is the sum of salaries and wages, separation, terminal pay and gratuities paid by the
establishment to its employees and total employer’s contribution to SSS/GSIS, ECC, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG

Salaries and wages are payments in cash or in kind to all employees, prior to deductions for employee’s
contributions to SSS/GSIS, withholding tax, etc. Included are total basic pay, overtime pay and other
E-Commerce refers to the selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet
Protocol-based networks and other computer networks, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) network, or
other on-line system. Excluded are orders received from telephone, facsimile and e-mails.

Economic Activity is the establishment’s source of income. If the establishment is engaged in several
activities, its main economic activity is that which earns the biggest income or revenue.

Establishment is defined as an economic unit under a single ownership or control which engages in one
or predominantly one kind of activity at a single fixed location.

Expense refers to cost incurred by the establishment in an enterprise’s effort to generate revenue,
representing the cost of doing business. This is treated on a consumed basis. It excludes cost incurred in
the acquisition of income generating assets.

Gross addition to tangible fixed assets is equal to capital expenditures less sale of fixed assets, including

Income or Revenue includes cash received and receivables for goods/products and by-products sold and
services rendered. Valuation is at producer prices (ex-establishment) net of discounts, and allowances,
including duties and taxes but excluding subsidies.

Intermediate expense are expenditures incurred in the production of goods such as materials and
supplies used; fuels, lubricants, oils and greases, electricity and water purchased, and industrial services
done by others.

Inventories refer to the stock of goods owned by and under the control of the establishment as of a fixed
date, regardless of where the stocks are located. Valuation is at current replacement cost in purchaser
prices. Replacement cost is the cost of an item in terms of its present price rather than its original cost.
Subsidies refer to special grants received from the government in the form of financial assistance or tax
exemption or tax privilege to aid and develop an industry.

Total employment is the number of persons who worked in for the establishment as of 15 November

Paid employees are all full-time and part-time employees working in or for the establishment and
receiving pay, as well as those working away from the establishment and paid by and under the control
of the establishment. Included also are all employees on sick or maternity leave, paid vacation or holiday
and on strike. Excluded are directors paid solely for their attendance at meetings, consultants, workers
on indefinite leave, working owners who do not receive regular pay, home workers and workers
receiving pure commissions only.

Value added is gross output less intermediate input. Gross output is value of output plus income from
non-industrial services done for others (except rent income from land). Intermediate input is
intermediate expense plus expense for non-industrial services done by others (except rent expense for
land) and all other expense.

Value of output represents the sum of the receipts from revenue from main activity, income from
industrial services done for others, goods sold in the same condition as purchased less the cost of goods
sold and value of fixed assets produced on own account.

Attachment Size

File TABLE 1 Summary Statistics for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Establishments
with Total Employment of 20 a 13.66 KB
File TABLE 1a Selected Indicators for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Sector for
Establishments with Total Emp 12.19 KB

File TABLE 2 Summary Statistics for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Establishments
with Total Employment of 20 a 16.24 KB

File TABLE 2a Selected Indicators for Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Sector for
Establishments with Total Empl 13.49 KB

Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply (ASPBI)


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Palace: Duterte now in ‘green of health’, not pink

By: Gabriel Pabico Lalu - Reporter / @GabrielLaluINQ / 05:32 PM November 17, 2019

Palace: Duterte now in ‘green of health’, not pink

In this file photo, President Rodrigo Duterte arrives to attend the enthronement ceremony of Emperor
Naruhito of Japan at the Imperial Palace on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, in Tokyo. Duterte decided to cut
short his Japan trip after complaining of “unbearable” back pain. On Sunday, November 17, 2019,
presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo says the President is not in the “pink of health” now as he is
in the “green of health”. (Carl Court/Pool Photo via AP)

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte is not in the “pink of health” now because he is in the
“green of health,” Malacañang has declared.

Presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo admitted Sunday that the Chief Executive is “not normal”
anymore because of his various ailments, agreeing to what Duterte earlier confessed in a television
interview that he is suffering from different disorders due to his advanced age. Duterte is now 74 years

Instead, Panelo described Duterte’s state of well-being today as “green of health.”

“Hindi ba sinabi ko na, kung sabihin mong normal, hindi siya normal kasi ang dami niyang nararamdman.
Kumbaga, kung sinabi ko noon na he was in the pink of health, ngayon I think he is now in the green of
health,” Panelo said in an interview with Radyo Inquirer on Sunday.



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When asked to explain further, Panelo implied that “green of health” is a lower stage compared to “pink
of health” – which means a physical condition is at its peak.

“Hindi na pink, green lang (No longer pink but just green). Which is kung ano ‘yong sakit ng matatanda
sa edad niya (whatever sickness a person his age has), ordinarily he has that,” he noted.

READ: Duterte in the pink of health, Andanar assures

There were speculations and questions about Duterte’s state of health especially after several incidents
where he skipped certain engagements due to minor illnesses. The most recent of which was his trip to
Japan, which he decided to cut short after complaining of “unbearable” back pain.

READ: ‘Unbearable pain’ cuts short Duterte trip to Japan

Duterte had previously admitted he has Buerger’s disease, an ailment where blood vessels thicken and
are prone to clotting. He blamed his heavy-smoking during his younger years for it.

READ: Duterte admits he has 4 ailments


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Despite these ailments, Panelo said Duterte would continue to work and would push through with his
visit to Busan in South Korea for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) Commemorative

“But, if you will notice kahit na ganyan siya, may nararamdaman, ‘yung kanyang schedule ganyan pa rin
hindi naman nababago eh (even if he’s like that, not feeling well, his schedule stays the same,
unchanged). Not only does he survives, (but) he also does it well,” he said.

“Trabaho pa rin. ‘Di ba sabi niya, ‘Kahit na ano gagawin ko trabaho ko kahit anong mangyari sa akin’.
Unang-una, pupunta kami sa Busan in Korea, [November] 24 to 26,” he added.

(Still working. He said, ‘No matter what I will do my job whatever happens to me’. First off, we wil lgo to
Busan in Korea, [November] 24 to 26.)

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Pope Francis: ‘Greed of a few’ worsens poverty of others

Associated Press / 09:42 PM November 17, 2019

Pope Francis: ‘Greed of a few’ worsens poverty of others

Pope Francis sits at a table during lunch in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican on Sunday, November 17, 2019.
Pope Francis is offering several hundred poor people, homeless, migrants, unemployed a lunch on
Sunday as he celebrates the World Day of the Poor with a concrete gesture of charity in the spirit of his
namesake, St. Francis of Assisi. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Sunday decried that the “greed of a few” wealthy people is
compounding the plight of the poor and lamented the lack of concern about growing income gaps
between the haves and have-nots.

Pope Francis celebrated a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica dedicated to heightening awareness about poor
people worldwide.


“We go our way in haste, without worrying that gaps are increasing, that the greed of a few is adding to
the poverty of many others,’’ Pope Francis said in his homily, with poor people among the people
accorded seats in the basilica for the Mass.

Keeping a tradition of his papacy, Pope Francis invited indigent persons to dine with him at the Vatican
after Mass. Addressing the public in St. Peter’s Square following the end of the service, the Pope said
such initiatives pay witness to “the attention that must never be lacking toward these brothers and
sisters of ours.”



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He expressed dismay over the ‘’indifference of society toward poor people.”

Like the saint who inspired his choice of name, Francis of Assisi, the Pope has made paying attention to
those living on society’s margins a priority of his work.

That focus can appear jarring to some prelates in a church that invests in multi-million dollar real estate,
possesses priceless artworks, and conducts its liturgical services often amid splendor, such as in the
magnificence of St. Peter’s, other basilicas, and cathedrals.


Pope Francis’ emphasis on mercy and charity has also raised the hackles of a small, but noisy faction
among the more conservative ranks of bishops and cardinals, who would rather the head of the Catholic
church concentrate more on dogma than on persons.

Some 150 tables were set up in a Vatican hall where Pope Francis usually holds weekly indoor audiences
with the public. Another 1,500 needy will be treated to a separate lunch elsewhere in Rome, while
parishes throughout Italy were similarly setting out lunch for those unable to afford their own.

Rather than be shunned, the Pope told the faithful, that the poor should be seen as treasures.

“Instead of feeling annoyed when they knock on our doors, let us welcome their cry for help as a
summons to go out of ourselves,“ Pope Francis said.

“For the poor reveal to us the riches that never grow old, that unite heaven and earth, the riches for
which life is truly worth living: the riches of love,’’ he concluded in his homily.

Pope Francis also said the faithful should ask themselves: “Do I, as a Christian, have at least one poor
person as a friend?”

He singled out the work of doctors and nurses who have tended to the medical needs of the homeless
and poor at special clinics set up in St. Peter’s Square. Among the prelates at Mass was a Polish
monsignor he raised to cardinal’s rank to highlight his tireless work with the poor, including distributing
sleeping bags and hot meals to those living on the streets.

Edited by KGA


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Divisoria street vendors to hold protest vs Manila clearing ops

By: Gabriel Pabico Lalu - Reporter / @GabrielLaluINQ / 05:54 PM November 17, 2019

MANILA, Philippines — Divisoria street vendors are poised to stage a protest against the new Manila City
government, which recent clearing operations supposedly deprived them and their families of income.

The Divisoria Vendors’ Association (DVA) on Sunday said they will mass up at the Andres Bonifacio
Shrine, which is just a stone’s throw away from Manila City Hall and also where the local government
unit holds its flag ceremonies, on Monday, November 18.


“Thousands of vendors from Divisoria will conduct a protest action to express their dismay over the
series of clearing operations conducted by the local government unit as early as June 13, displacing the
mostly women and elderly vendors and cutting off their only source of income for the everyday needs of
their families,” the group said.

According to DVA, they have requested a meeting with Manila Mayor Isko Moreno after the flag



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“The vendors also requested a dialogue with Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso after the
Monday flag ceremony, hoping that they could have their livelihood back in time for the Christmas rush,”
DVA said.

Moreno previously allowed vendors to sell along streets of Divisoria on the condition that their stalls
would not obstruct pedestrians and motorists from passing through. He has also issued a stern warning
that he would make the vendors’ Christmas sad if they would not adhere to the conditions.

READ: Street vendors back in Divi as Isko sets conditions

On November 11, vendors were removed from Ylaya Street after piles of garbage were discovered in the
area during an early morning surprise visit by Moreno.

READ: LOOK: Manila gov’t shuts down Divisoria stalls amid pile of trash

READ: Vendors banned from Ylaya Street in Manila

Edited by KGA



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Divisoria street vendors to hold protest vs Manila clearing ops

Palace: Duterte now in ‘green of health’, not pink

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TAGS: Divisioria Vendors Association, Divisoria, DVA, Isko Moreno, LGU, Liwasang Bonifacio, Local
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MANILA, Philippines – Opposition lawmakers Senator Leila de Lima and Albay 1st District Representative
Edcel Lagman slammed President Rodrigo Duterte on Sunday, November 17, for threatening to fire Vice
President Leni Robredo as the Inter-Agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD) co-chair if she shares
supposed “state secrets” to foreign entities.

In separate statements, De Lima and Lagman called Duterte’s threat as “utterly unnecessary” and a
statement “obvious” with the intention for Robredo to fail in her new position. (READ: 5 fatal obstacles in
Robredo’s target of a deathless drug war)

The lawmakers were reacting to Duterte saying on Saturday that if Robredo shares "confidential
information" about his popular but bloody anti-drug campaign to foreign entities, he would kick her out
as ICAD co-chair on the grounds of illegally sharing “state secrets.”

De Lima and Lagman believe, however, that Robredo—being a lawyer, too, like Duterte—knows what
information would and would not compromise national security. They said information about alleged
drug lords and records pertaining to alleged abusive killings, the same documents Robredo has been
requesting from law enforcement, do not belong in the category.

“No less than Duterte has previously released on several occasions the names of high profile suspects in
the drug list which included businessmen, politicians, generals, and police officers, among others,”
Lagman said.

For De Lima, Duterte’s aversion to sharing information only points to obscuring legitimate investigations.
(READ: Evading probes? The many times Duterte admin didn't give drug war documents)

She said: “Why the hesitance to share information as to high-value drug lords and related matters with
VP Leni? Are they hiding something which is why they are afraid it could be scrutinized? Why impose
conditions and limitations on her power as ICAD co-chair?”
MANILA, Philippines – Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto on Sunday, November 17, publicly sided with the
detained workers of Regent Foods Corporation (RFC), expressing disappointment in its management for
taking a hardline stance in the ongoing labor dispute.

"To the management of Regent Foods Corporation: These people are not criminals; they do not have the
goal of hurting you. They are fighting for what they believe to be just. You can continue with the labor
dispute without sending the poor and powerless to jail! I condemn the misuse of your privileged position
to suppress the rights of your protesting workers. If you want to have a healthy relationship with our city,
I highly suggest you rethink your position," Sotto said on his Facebook page.

Sotto vowed to help the remaining detained Regent workers post bail by Monday, November 18.

What happened? The strike and the arrests took place on Saturday, November 9. According to Sotto, the
food company outsourced security personnel to disperse the strike, leading to an explosion of violence.
The mayor said he saw videos of the private security personnel kicking workmen "as they lay on the

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Pasig court charges 23 in Regent Foods picket dispersal

(UPDATED) At least 20 union workers of Regent Foods Corporation, two Defend Job Philippines
members, and a bystander are charged with physical injury, resistance and disobedience, and alarm and

Vico Sotto would offer Bobby Eusebio a Christmas gift

The Pasig mayor knows the old power is out to retake the city from him, but he is not about to resort to
dirty tricks just to stay in office
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There are dozens of new Build, Build, Build projects, including the Cebu Monorail System, Kanan Dam,
and another MRT line. Some appear to be scrapped, including a huge chunk of the Mindanao Railway.

A total of 23 people were arrested: 20 workers; 2 members of another labor organization; and as Sotto
recounted, a tricycle driver who only came to the scene as a bystander.

The workers were charged with physical injury, resistance and disobedience, as well as alarm and

Sotto said he asked Regent's bosses, Irwin See and Susan See, to drop the charges against the 23. Sotto
said he was informed on Saturday, November 16, that the company will "just trust the judicial process".

The workers' strongest ally. The Pasig Mayor fumed at the company's reasoning, saying it was "easy to
say as multimillionaires who will eat [three times] a day no matter what happens here; while the people
they have sued have recently lost their main source of income and are now even torn away from their

"In view of the foregoing, I will do everything within my power to help these 23 regain [and] maintain
their liberty. 12 of them have already posted bail (including the tricycle driver, for whom around a dozen
of us pooled in money to raise the amount needed). Yesterday, [Saturday] afternoon, I talked to the 11
still inside, and assured them that I will personally make sure that they are out on bail by Monday," Sotto

In July, Sotto scolded Zagu Foods Corporation for attempting to stop a labor strike, stressing to one of its
factory administrators that organizing strikes was "their right as stated by law." –

Wallace / AFP

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has assured the public that there's no
need to evacuate Filipinos in Hong Kong "at this time" as they "remain safe" amid ongoing protests and
violent dispersals there. (READ: Hong Kong: 5 months of unrest)

The DFA made the assurance on Saturday, November 16, in response to what it called “false reports” on
social media depicting a different situation.

“The DFA wishes to assure everyone that (contrary to some false reports circulating in social media)
Filipinos in Hong Kong remain safe and are largely unaffected by the ongoing protests in the area. Hence,
the DFA sees no need to evacuate them at this time,” it said.

“The Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong is closely monitoring the situation and is taking every
step to ensure the continued safety and well-being of our nationals there,” the DFA added.

The DFA said it would be best to check the website of the Philippine consulate in Hong Kong for updates
and advisories “instead of turning to questionable sources of information on social media.”

There are over 130,000 Filipinos in Hong Kong, mostly domestic workers.
The DFA issued the statement a few days after pro-democracy protesters stepped up a "blossom
everywhere" campaign of road blocks and vandalism across Hong Kong that crippled the international
financial hub this week and ignited some of the worst violence in 5 months of unrest.

The new phase in the crisis, which has forced schools and shopping malls to close as well as the
shutdown of large chunks of the vital train network, prompted police to warn on Tuesday, November 12,
that the city was "on the brink of total collapse."

At least two people had died and many others injured in the protests and dispersals.

The protest movement has been fueled by fears that China is choking the liberties and freedoms Hong
Kong is meant to have under the terms of the handover deal with the British. Protesters are demanding
the right to freely elect their leaders. – With reports from Agence France-Presse

CEBU CITY, Philippines – The cop suspected to be gunman in the murder of Dumaguete City radio
broadcaster Dindo Generoso has surrendered to authorities, the Presidential Task Force on Media
Security (PTFoMS) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) announced on Friday, November 15.

PTFoMS co-chair Joel Egco and PNP Central Visayas chief Brigadier General Valeriano de Leon presented
Police Corporal Roger Rubio to the media in a news brieing in Malacañang on Friday, or two days after
his surrender.

“We are proud to announce that Rubio is now in government custody,” Egco, an undersecretary of the
Presidential Communications and Operations Office (PCOO), announced at the briefing.

“Rubio, an active personnel of the mobile provincial force company, gave himself up to his commanding
officer to his commanding officer Police Lieutenant Colonel Judimar de Leon,” Egco said.

It was previously reported that Rubio was an inactive police officer.

Dumaguete City Police Chief Wilfredo Alarcon said that they believe Rubio is the gunman in the killing of
the 67-year-old radio blocktimer. Generoso was attacked on his way to work at dyEM 96.7 Bai Radio, on
Thursday morning, November 7.

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Radio broadcaster shot dead in Dumaguete City

(3rd UPDATE) Radio announcer Dindo Generoso is shot dead on his way to work in Dumaguete City

2 suspects in killing of Dumaguete radio broadcaster arrested

Police identify inactive police officer Glenn Corsame and a Teddy Reyes Salaw as suspects in the killing of
radio broadcaster Dindo Generoso

Journalist attacked in Tacurong City

A police report says radio journalist Benjie Caballero was inside his house when attacked by motorcycle-
riding men

“We have gathered info identifying Rubio [as the gunman] based on info from the cell phone of the
other suspect Teddy Salaw,” Alarcon said in a mix of Filipino and English.

According to Alarcon, the exchange included messages about Rubio’s whereabouts, when he was “on his
way” somewhere, but there were no messages which specifically said that the cop was going to kill

There were also messages exchanged about changing plate numbers, presumably on the motorcycle
used in the killing.
“The plate number on and the plate number was different than the one assigned to the conduction
sticker used,” Alarcon said.

Responding to questions, police officials said they were looking into politics as motive for the killing.

Generoso's radio show slot was sponsored by the Dumaguete City government and would often tackle
community development issues. Police have yet to specify the motive, but ruled out that it was
connected to a possible land dispute. They said they would review the content of his recent radio
programs to narrow down the motive further.

Two of the suspects were arrested following the attack.

Earlier this week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a lookout bulletin for Tomasino Aledro, another
suspect in the killing and an alleged gambling lord, while waiting for the Dumaguete City Prosecutor’s
Office to issue a hold departure order against the Aledro.

Generoso is the second radio broadcaster killed in Dumaguete City in more than a year

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