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Noticings Wonderings

- Presents the theme of omnipresent, big - The government’s oppression on the

brother always watching its citizens people of airstrip one is so effective
(pg.3) that its citizens can’t even comprehend
- Shows the intrusiveness of the the idea of free speech
government and the oppressed life of - Freedom of speech taken away shows
the party members (pg.5) how easily it is for people to be
- Presents the irony through the victory manipulated
products, through the name claiming it - Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom
to be a high quality product it is shown - Socialism is communism under sheep’s
to be very terrible from the gin, clothing
mansion, and the cigarettes. - Would be interesting to see prequel of
- Shows the idea of doublethink through 1984 and how the government came to
the Party’s slogan (pg.6) be
- The victory products also mirrors the - Why doesn’t the government abolish
conditions people are living in as the prostitution if they are against sexual
government shows its citizens how intercourse
prosperous their living qualities are and -
yet it can be said the opposite
- Fills with the theme of oppression as
shown through the uniform worn by
Winston which displays how his
freedom is taken away being unable to
wear something of his own choice,
anything free related like free market is
- People who are seen to have rebelled
against the government simply
disappeared and were never to be seen
again which foreshadows Winston’s
fate (pg. 45)
- Referenced as a scapegoat by th e
government, which is a common tactic
used by oppressive fascist regimes
- It shows how easy it is to manipulate
children and how they can be
weaponized by the government
because of how they don’t have the
ability to think for themselves just yet
- This passage refers to the process of
changing the past, which is Winston's
job. By controlling the past, the Party is
able to manipulate the minds of Party
members. (pg.40)
- Winston has this thought while creating
the fictitious Comrade Ogilvy. This is an
example of how easily reality can be
manufactured in the world of the
novel, a written example of
"doublethink". (pg.47-48)
- Syme speaking to Winston. This
passage not only demonstrates how
the Party is able to manipulate vast
numbers of people, but makes a
statement about the nature of
orthodoxy in general. (pg.53)
- Winston has this thought while
considering whether the "proles" could
ever rebel. This passage is a description
of the contrast between reality and
what the Party would have its members
believe. (pg.74)
- This is a thought Winston has while
remembering his wife. This passage is
an example of how the Party represses
natural, human aspects in order to
control its populace. (pg.65)
- These concern the motif of Winston's
dreams literally coming true, and
highlight the manner in which Julia
chooses to rebel. Also, gestures in
general, because they are tied to
Shakespeare in the story, are an
expression of the human spirit. (pg.125)

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