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 Pacio (2013) on her thesis entitled “Online Student Information System of Benguet State
University” gave emphasis that as main goal of the school “to generate and disseminate new
knowledge and technologies that will promote sustainable resource development and enrich
the competent and effective services geared towards efficiency and economy” which is
inconsistent with the existing student information system of the Kalinga State University Rizal
 According to Evangelista (2011) the University’s Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva
Vizcaya State University is a secure, web accessible interactive computer system that allows user
access to grade reports, transcripts, schedule of classes, and remaining balance for the semester
and register for classes online. Through the system, students would be assigned a unique
identification number. All data to and from the university would use that unique identifier.
 According to the researcher Aguilera, Bronzas, and Marquees: of automated payrollsystem of
Pamana Medical Center (2013). A great payroll is really one of the most important issues to pay
attention in almost every company. It is impossible to handle payroll responsibilities with a pen,
ledger sheet and calculator, but nowadays it is more convenient for most companies to use
computerized payroll software. The schools is also not not exempted in using a payroll system
namely the study of payroll system for theteachers and staff of Liceo De Calamba(2013).


 The researchers (Maligaya, Opena, James, Jordan) viewed that Liceo de Calamba aims to provide
high quality of education for their students and to establish great relationship with their
employees by providing them with the right and appropriate benefits they must enjoy as
population of Liceo de Calamba increases, its system must perform competitively, Payroll
system is needed in order to have an accurate and error free in their payroll process and


 Researchers (Alvarez, Aldrine, Gecolea) of Krizalen enterprises(2014) uses a biometrics with

online data analytics dashboard to give krizalen enterprises an efficient payroll system that can
automatically monitor the attendance and trip tickets of the employees,drivers and helpers with
the biometrics technology and data analytics that would help them in the security and accuracy
of the company payroll and information. Summing up the past situation of payroll inside krizalen
enterprises, there was need for a system thatcould help them with employee information
management attendance, monitoring, payroll processes, and assistance for the manager
decision making. With this idea, the proponents conducted a study for the development of
software that can minimize data redundancy,inconsistency, and manipulation. "Employees can
view their current pay and review their information from the database. And with updating of the
reports that can be viewed through the internet, the manager can view the recent activities
within the proposedsystem.

 According to (Luisander C. Luy, Carin Z. Cabatingan) of Design and Implementation of La Salle
University Payroll System (2015) La Salle University uses a computerized payroll process limiting
to some degree such as in computing the fixed deductions like Withholding Tax, Social Security
System, Pag-ibig Contribution, PhilHealth/Medicare. The computation of the actual salary based
on the faculty load per semester, extra load, variable deductions, 13th month salary and
honorarium are all inputted to the system. With this, the payroll process does not fully utilize
the extent to which computers are capable of. The existing reports generated by the payroll
system are limited to some extent. The existing payroll system must be enhanced to maximize
the use of the computers. Thus, allowing payroll clerks to be more productive


 Cagayan de Oro City Hall Computerized Payroll System

According to the City Accounting Department of Cagayan De Oro City has introduced an
upgraded computerized payroll system for permanent employees in a bid to improve its services and
maximize resources. “This project, which was conceived two years ago, basically aims to improve our
services particularly in the processing of payrolls for permanent employees”, City Accountant Wilma
Polley-Rugay told payroll in-charge of the different departments and offices at City Hall during a briefing
and orientation on the concept of the one-month payroll system held Friday last week at the City
Council session hall in Cagayan de Oro City. With the added features of the new computerized payroll
system, Rugay said the preparation, processing and payment of payroll system to permanent employees
would be hastened and fast-tracked.

Adopting of the one-month payroll system is also beneficial, not only to the City Accounting
Department, but also to the payroll-in-charge as it would save time, energy and resources. “Employees
who handle payroll preparation and processing can now attend to other office needs and concerns as
the new payroll system will lessen their workload,” she added. Under the new payroll system,
preparation of payroll, this reflects the accrued, amount payable every 15th and 30th day of the month,
done only once. Unlike the time-consuming old payroll system, preparation and processing of payroll is
done twice a month covering the first half and second half of the month.


 Computerized Payroll System of Department of Health (DOH)

The Computerized Payroll System of Department of Health is a window based program especially
designed to facilitate and simplify the monthly preparation of general payroll and related reports such
as Standard computerized payroll system for use in all DOH offices. It allows faster and more accurate
computation of monthly gross income, deductions and net salary, less-resource-consuming generation
of General Payroll and other payroll related reports and security and integrity of payroll data and
information. The features of computerized payroll system of DOH are graphical user interface
interactive and menu-driven program, systematic maintenance and retrieval of employee records.

It is flexible as it provides options to include additional fields for other compensation and deductions
unique to an office or unit and could do automatic computation of monthly net income, GSIS, PAG-IBIG,
Withholding Tax and other deductions, Y2K compliant, Fast and easy generation of the General Payroll
and all other payroll related reports which include Monthly reports like GSIS and PAG-IBIG remittances,
Denominations Report and Leave Credits Report and annual Year-end Tax Reports.

It has password security to ensure the integrity of data. General payroll reports such as Payroll Summary
sheet, Pay slip, Leave Credits Report, Withholding Tax Statement (W-2), BIR Remittance Reports, GSIS
Remittance Reports, PAG-IBIG Remittance Reports, Other User-defined Reports (PERA, ACA, PNB, etc..)
could be generated by this system.


 Payrolls in Government Agencies go to Digital

According to (July 30, 2015 - 6:28pm) Manila, Philippines - Government employees soon
receive digitized versions of their payroll in a bid to increase efficiency and transparency in government
offices, Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Secretary Florencio Abad said.

“As a fully automated and digitized system, the NPS (National Payroll System) will play a central role in
ensuring greater efficiency, transparency and accountability in the government’s human resource
processes. And because the system will be completely electronic, all payroll-related activities will be
implemented more quickly and with better accuracy, whether we’re talking about the distribution of
monthly salaries due to government workers, or the regular monthly remittances that are made out to
our employees’ social security and health insurance accounts,” Abad said.

Under the new system, state agencies will continue to have discretion over their respective human
resource and personnel requirements. This will be expressed in a Monthly Cash Plan relating to
Personnel Services that will be submitted to the Bureau of Treasury, which will provide a payment file to
the proper bank for the timely processing of employee salaries, DBM said. The government agencies are
tasked to create Automated Teller Machine payroll accounts for their employees to allow for the
electronic distribution of monthly salaries.

“It is, very simply, a matter of government finally keeping up with the times, where we do away with an
outdated and grossly inefficient approach to personnel compensation in favor of an electronic payroll
system that makes every transaction quick, verifiable, and transparent,” Abad said.


 PLDT Human Resource (HR) and Payroll System

According to Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) the Human Resource and
Payroll System is an easy to use application that help the business organize, manage and monitor
employee’s information and process employee’s payroll.

The website stated the features of the HR and Payroll System of PLDT. These are the following:
(1) User defined defaults (compensation and benefits, employee types, deductions, holidays), (2)
Employee’s information, time keeping and attendance logs, (3) payroll processing with government
mandated deductions (4) Web access for filling leaves and online pay slips.


 Treasury to Handle Payroll of All Government

According to Philippine Daily Inquirer published on July 25, 2014 the Bureau of the Treasury will
gradually take over the payroll of all government agencies in a bid to address existing inefficiencies such
as failure of some entities to remit pension-fund contributions of state workers.

National Treasurer Roberto Tan said concerned economic officials have agreed to transfer the payroll
systems of all line agencies under the Treasury over a three- to five-year period. Tan said the assumption
by the Treasury of the payroll of government agencies was part of the reform road map being
established by the economic team.

“Centralization will be a more efficient way of doing the payroll,” Tan told reporters in a briefing after
the auctions for treasury bills. When asked if the plan had to do with problems related to remittance of
pension-fund contributions, Tan said transferring the payroll under the Treasury’s management would
address these problems.

The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) said 25,454 of its members were temporarily ineligible
to avail themselves of loans and cash dividends because their contributions to the state pension fund
had not been remitted by their government agency-employers. These agencies, totaling 287, have been
suspended by the GSIS. The pension fund manager said a government agency would be suspended if it
failed to remit contributions at least 60 days from due dates.

“Suspended agencies can enter into a memorandum of agreement with the GSIS to settle their
outstanding obligations. Once this is done, the suspension will be lifted and their employees can avail
themselves of GSIS service loans,” GSIS president and general manager Robert Vergara said. Vergara
noted, however, that agencies under a memorandum of agreement with GSIS would be suspended
again if the required amortization is not received by the GSIS within one month.

The pension fund manager also said that heads of delinquent government agencies could face
administrative charges for the delays in the remittance of contributions.


According “The benefits of using MIS to handle such tasks in student affairs as
degree checking, classroom scheduling, transcript processing, and financial aid
processing is now realized and appreciated by college or university
administrators. This paper will briefly define MIS, and the impact of MIS on
student affairs will be discussed. This paper also reviews past and present MIS
applications, and suggests some possible future trends in the area of student
affairs. Additionally, this paper examines the benefits and drawbacks of MIS
applications in the student affairs area and outlines the techniques that can be
employed to design and implement MIS in the student affairs environment.”

Therefore, it is certain that in most institutions of
higher learning, online student management systems are created in house to assist
in registration of students, student online profiling, financial recording,
examination grades records, transcript generation, student accommodation
management, and keeping student records (Maere, 2011; College of Medicine
(CoM), 2016 & Mzuzu University Annual Report, 2015).

Asogwa, Mohammed, Ahmed & Danmaitaba (2015) explains that the benefits of
Student Management software are enormous. In most universities, SMSs
directly benefits both the administration and students. To the university
management, the SMS carries most of the crucial administrative activities such
as admissions, enrolment, and examination (Asogwa et al, 2015; Kaloki, n.d;
Kasozi, 2006).

Asogwa (2015) observed that despite revolutionizing the student information
systems, universities in their administrative or academic transaction services, and
maintaining student’s academic history and profile, paper work is still going on
Richard (2012) emphasized that information about students is vital, but time‐consuming to manage and
it is essential that the most effective tools be used to aid both staff and students go about their work
and studies. The Cambridge Student Information System (CAMSIS) replaced various student records
system used by the colleges, departments and universities. CAMSIS provides comprehensive and
accurate information about student body and also improves data quality, reduce the administrative
burden dramatically and provides better services to both academic staff and students.

According to Perret (2012), the integration of SIS in the U.S.A. setting with resources to higher education
systems determining that certain group of students can acquire and gain effective knowledge literacy
skills through the SIS process and understanding the value of education service crafted to provide best
teachings as possible.

 Pacio, R. “Online Student Information System of Benguet State University”. (OSIS-BSU), Philippines, 2013.
 Evangelista. Student Information System (SIS) of Nueva Viscaya State University. St. Paul University
Philippines, pp. 20-24,2011

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