IRS 2566 Response Redacted

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Imhotep Tehuti Heru EI ®©TM

Authorized Representative Of
Carl Linn Sanders Jr ®©TM
30 13' 40.1088" N. lat; N89° 40' 53.8356" W. long
Chahta, AtlanlMuu-laniTurtle Island .
Date: September 29,2019
Louisian.' *}
Internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 9013 Stop 650 Holtsville, NY 11742-9013

I received your notice 2566 the Notice date is September 9, 2019 and it was in the mailbox at ••
TMal"", Louisiana on September 9, 2019. I find that to be suspicious a letter could be mailed from New
York And received in Louisiana on the same day. The notice appear to be some automated tender to perform.
The 2566 notice alleges that you sent previous notices that was not responded to. On December 17, 2018 A
CP59 notice was sent from Austin, TX 73301 0023. The notice was responded to on January 14,2019; that
response is published on https://en.calameo.comlbooks/005063803lf542dd5a5b5. for all eyes to see. I also
gave Notice to the Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service, to remedy the false presumption that
Carl Linn Sanders Jr., now Known as Imhotep Tehuti Heru El, is a fiduciary, surety, or representative of a legal
fiction. In accord With IRS Manual .2.2. "An infant is a fiduciary decedent of an estate or grantor,
owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodian. Imhotep Tehuti Heru El is the authorized
representative and beneficiary of the account of Carl L Sanders Jr. I am an Indigenous Autochthonous Flesh
and Blood Male of Tunica- Washitaw Decent, I am also White: A person having origins in any of the original
peoples f Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. I am not a minor or ward of the State.

Minor m ans an individual under the age of 18 years. The term minor is also used to refer to an individual who
has att . ed the age of 18 years but has not yet taken control of the securities contained in his or her minor

In accor with IRS Manual 1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, I gave notice on February 16,2017
to the Fe eral IRS 1111 Constitution Ave. Washington D.C. 20221. I sent a Statutory Claim with supporting
documen s that I am alive and not dead. I am not a decedent/vessel in commerce and I am not lost at sea. I am
an Indige ous Autochthonous Male living on Turtle Island. My ancestors who suffered paper genocide were
here long before the colonizers set up a for profit corporation called the U.S. government. As a result of forced
assimilati on, I am forced to use a transmitting utility Carl L Sanders Jr. to interact with artificial entities and
Corporati ns operating illegally on Earth.

I am sendi g a copy of My Statutory Claim with the supporting documents that was accepted By the IRS In
Washingt n DC on February 24, 2017 and I will post this correspondence on the World Wide Web. You can
view my tatutory Claim to the IRS at I request the
Department of Treasury close this account. By sending automated notices to the location of the named account,
I must conclude that the IRS is a Corporation and a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve Banking
Cartel. Corporation. An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a
state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a
person which can sue and be sued. 1
The Corporation is distinct from the individuals who comprise it (shareholders). Blacks Law Dictionary ()1h
edition pg. 340

" Senator Mitt Romney said Corporations are people" https:!!!watch?v=E2h8ujX6TOA

people!2011!08!11!gIQABwZ381 story. htm I

28 U.S. Code § 3002.Definitions

(15}"United States" means-
(A)a Federal corporation;
(B)an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(c)an instrumentality of the United States

IN CRIMINAL MATIERS!content!francesco!en/motu proprio!documents!papa-francesco-
motu-proprio 20130711 organi-giu.

Your 2566 notice requires a living 3 dimensional Autochthonous to be compelled under duress to give away his
human rights by signing a 1040 form under penalty of perjury. I, Imhotep Tehuti Hem EI, have a Commercial
Security Agreement filing #061319572017, filed on June 16,2017 with CARL LINN SANDERS JR. filed in
the State of Louisiana, where he was born. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle.

Any IRS agent or government official who extorts the private property of ImhotepTehuti Hem EI by assessing
and taking the wages for labor of CARL L SANDERS JR., will be held liable for damages as filed in the
Commercial Security Agreement #061319572017.


Imhotepi Tehuti Hem EL®©TM

Authori ed representative of CARL L SANDERS JR®©TM
DCC 1- 08 R.S.I0:1-308
All Rig ts Reserved


United ations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (;esa!socdeviunpili/documentslDRTPS en.pdt),

Ameri an Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (http://cdn 7.i loadsl A 007150 £06 web .pdt), UN
Conventi n on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter: Article 55 & 56: Presidential Proclamation 7500, H.J.R.
19~,~. Con. Res 26. S. 1200, HJR-3(HJ 3 ill).
Affirmed 0 and subscribed before me this .;.# day o~2019.

By: ~& 'ft,.'~~ t-~@.f)Jf\A

IJI.&•. ~~~~Mlll
~epartment of the Treasury Notice 2566
Iqternal Revenue Service Tax Year 2017
PlO. Box 9013 Stop 650 Notice date September 9, 2019
ottsville, NY 11742-9013
Social Security number. E '. •


p.d. BOX 9013 STOP 650
H1TSV1ill. NY 11742-9013

t' I(.,,' 1111'11111,'1111 ,1•• 1,1,11111,11nil II-II dlll'III,111" I

Fold Here

ReSPOJe form
Please comple~e this form to indicate whether Provide your contact information
you're enclosing your return, or agree with the
proposed amount due. Attach it to your return, If your address has changed, please call 866-681-4271.
and send it to ~s in the enclosed envelope so
we receive it bJ October 09,2019. Be sure our CARLL SANDERSlR
address ShOWllhrough the window. ••• •••••••
o! ,4 t, I'J~' <"oN~~l\1 t ijt r votu.~+e:tor ~ LA ••••••
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Of i+'~~'e ~" u.c.c.I-so~ RS./D:/-soS Itilt; °h-i. rCSc...rve

I'm endos g my return
! 0 I am e'ndosing a signed and dated copy of my2017 tax return. If you are filing a
joint return, both taxpayers are required to sign.

Signaluce Date

Signature Date

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