U - Prologue

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Dear Diary, 8/1/10

Words cannot express what exactly has happened to me in the past few
months. Everything has gone so rapidly and I͛ve lost so much. At the tender age of
seventeen, you͛d be worrying more about prom, hanging out with friends, doing
well in school, becoming independent, moving out of your parents͛ home, your
future, and looking forward to going to college, but for me, those were all the last
things on my mind. I fell in love with someone I͛ve never expected to fall in love
with. If anyone last year, when I was sixteen told me that I was going to get
pregnant and have two men literally fighting over me a year later, I would have
thought they were crazy. My life has changed so much from last year, and there
are things I wish I could take back. But the decisions I made yesterday, will affect
me forever more. Today I will tell you my story, about the unthinkable decisions I
did during my senior year of high school. But before I do that I͛ll tell you a little
about myself.

My name is Lola Haughton from the ͚city that never sleeps͛, New York City. I
was born and raised here and I look forward to moving away soon. I am seventeen
years old, and I will be turning eighteen in a few short weeks, since my birthday is
August 28. I͛ve lived with my mother all my life in a small apartment midtown.
Allot of people would think because I lived midtown I have allot of money, but no I
don͛t, it was a public housing but it was nice looking enough and the
neighborhood was great for my mom and I to be comfortable in. I don͛t have a
father in my life, and I͛m glad because of according what I͛ve heard from my
mother and distant family members he͛s an ass. I own a ragdoll kitten named
Chelsea, and she͛s my baby and I love her very much.

I went to a Catholic school, which I graduated from this past June, which is
located near by the United Nations. The school maybe a Catholic school, but trust
me there is nothing Catholic about it besides the morning prayer and the every
three month Masses at our Ordained Catholic church and the religion classes of
course. Most of the students were quite loud and vulgar, I didn͛t like them very
much and didn͛t fit in very much, but that͛s okay because that͛s where my very
best friend, Michael Jackson comes in.

The story of Michael and I starts from when we weren͛t even born yet. Our
mom͛s coincidentally met while being pregnant with us, from the day they met
they became really good friends, and were coincidentally expecting around the
same time, my mom had me first as I was born on August 28, then Michael came
along twenty four hours later, August 29th. Allot of people thought our births were
planned to be born day after each other, but the truth is our mom͛s met when
they were already pregnant, it was all pure coincidence. And since then our moms
were really close friends, which inherited Michael and I to become really close
friends too. I don͛t remember a time, or a moment without him, and he doesn͛t
remember a moment without me either. He͛s like a brother to me, a younger
brother. And I am so thankful to have him in my life. But over the course of the
year he͛s became something of a little more ͚special͛ for me.
I am tall height of 5͟9 my height makes me stand out from the rest and
makes heads turn but it doesn͛t bother me at all. I love being tall. I am overall a
slim and slender girl, about a size four, unless you call a size four being fat. I have
long curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and I am very light skin. Allot of people
think I͛m Hispanic but I am everything but Hispanic. I am very mixed with lots of
different cultures coming from my mom and dad͛s background, but I just consider
myself black, since I͛m not exactly white, I just have allot of white background
coming from past ancestry. I don͛t know if I͛d consider myself a very pretty girl
though, allot of guys have liked me and in the past so I guess I am.

At school I͛ve always had this huge crush on this teacher named Mr.
Sylvester. He͛s white, thirty ʹ five years of age. He has big beautiful blue eyes and
has hair that looks very similar to Robin Thicke͛s short hair. He looks allot like
Robin Thicke actually, only just allot better looking. Mr. Sylvester was extremely
tall, I͛d say about 6͟4 or 6͟5 and was really slender and skinny, you could tell he
was really athletic and was in shape. He always wore suits which looked amazing
on him. I͛ve crushed on him since the very first time I laid eyes on him, back in
freshmen year, my global history teacher was absent and he took over the class,
he was funny and sarcastic but so freaking gorgeous. As the years went on my
crush grew more and more and I was just so anxious to get into his class, in senior
year, which I had one hell of an experience in͙

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