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Census of India 2011








Some of the village boundaries and their locations are shown in C.D. Block maps
notionally. Physical features (R.F. etc.) shown in C.D. Block maps are replication of
2001 census maps. Jurisdictional changes occurred during 2001-11 have been
updated on 2001 census maps. C.D. Block maps included in this publication have
been prepared, carving out the boundaries from tahsil maps.

© Government of India copyright 2015







Directorate of Census Operations,

Madhya Pradesh


The palace was built by Maharaja Shivaji Rao Holkar during 1886-1921. Situated amidst
dry and dusty gardens, it is architecturally quite similar to the New Palace. Lal Bagh Palace
once hosted many royal receptions and even today, reflects the life style and taste of the
Holkar Rulers.

The construction of the palace began in 1886 under Tukoji Rao Holkar II. It was carried out
in three phases and the final phase was completed in 1921 under Tukoji Rao Holkar III.
Owing to its unique style of construction, it was one of the most stylish residences in India.
The entrance hall on the ground floor is in marble and displays prehistoric artifacts.


1 Foreword 1

2 Preface 3

3 Acknowledgement 5

4 History and Scope of the District Census Handbook 8

5 Brief History of the District 10

6 Administrative Setup 13

7 District Highlights - 2011 Census 14

8 Important Statistics 15

9 Section - I Primary Census Abstract (PCA)

(i) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 18

(ii) District Primary Census Abstract 23

Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Total, Scheduled Castes and

(iii) 37
Scheduled Tribes Population - Urban Block wise

(iv) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes (SC) 135

(v) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes (ST) 143

(vi) Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise Village Primary Census Abstract 151

(vii) Urban PCA-Town wise Primary Census Abstract 225

Tables based on Households Amenities and Assets (Rural

10 Section –II
/Urban) at District and Sub-District level.

Households by Ownership status and by Number of Dwelling

(i) Table -1: 253
rooms occupied in the District, 2011
Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,
(ii) Table -2: 254
Semi permanent and Temporary houses, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of

(iii) Table -3: 256
Drinking water, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by main source of

(iv) Table -4: 258
Lighting, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Latrine

(v) Table -5: 260
facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage

(vi) Table -6: 262
connectivity for waste water outlet, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by availability of

(vii) Table -7: 263
Kitchen facility, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households by type of fuel used for

(viii) Table -8: 264
Cooking, 2011

Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking

(ix) Table -9: services and number of Households having each of the 266
specified Assets, 2011

The District Census Handbook (DCHB) is an important publication of the

Census Organization since 1951. It contains both Census and non Census data of
urban and rural areas for each District. The Census data provide information on
demographic and socio-economic characteristics of population at the lowest
administrative unit i.e. of each Village and Town and ward of the District. The
Primary Census Abstract (PCA) part of this publication contains Census data
including data on household amenities collected during 1st.phase of the Census i.e.
House Listing and Housing Census. The non Census data presented in the DCHB is
in the form of Village Directory and Town Directory contain information on various
infrastructure facilities available in the village and townviz; education, medical,
drinking water, communication and transport, post and telegraph, electricity,
banking, and other miscellaneous facilities. Later on, the Telegraph Services were
closed by the Government of India on 15th. July, 2013.The data of DCHB are of
considerable importance in the context of planning and development at the grass-
root level.

2. In the 1961 Census, DCHB provided a descriptive account of the District,

administrative statistics, Census tables and Village and Town Directory including
Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed in 1971 Census and the
DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory,
Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report,
administrative statistics, District Census tables and certain analytical tables based
on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was
published in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the
PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs PCA up to Tahsil/Town levels.
New features along with restructuring of the formats of Village and Town Directory
were added. In Village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought
together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in
broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

3. The pattern of 1981 Census was followed by and large for the DCHB of 1991
Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured. Nine-fold industrial
classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial
classification presented in the 1981 Census. In addition, sex wise population in 0-6
age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data
users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had
been treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 Census. One of the important
innovations in the 1991 Census was the Community Development Block (CD Block)
level presentation of VillageDirectory and PCA data instead of the traditional
Tahsil/Taluk/PS level presentation.

4. As regards DCHB of 2001 Census, the scope of Village Directory was improved
by including some other amenities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities,
newspapers & magazines and `most important commodity’ manufactured in a
Village in addition to prescribed facilities of earlier Censuses. In Town Directory,
the statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by including
details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.
5. The scopeand coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB has been widened
by including a number of new amenities in addition to those of 2001. These newly
added amenities are: Pre-Primary School, Engineering College, Medical College,
Management Institute, Polytechnic, Non-formal Training Centre, Special School for
Disabled, Community Health Centre, Veterinary Hospital, Mobile Health Clinic,
Medical Practitioner with MBBS Degree, Medical Practitioner with no degree,
Traditional Practitioner and faith Healer, Medicine Shop, Community Toilet, Rural
Sanitary Mart or Sanitary Hardware Outlet in the Village, Community Bio-gas, Sub
Post Office, Village Pin Code, Public Call Office, Mobile Phone Coverage, Internet
Cafes/Common Service Centre, Private Courier Facility, Auto/Modified Autos, Taxis
and Vans, Tractors, Cycle-pulled Rickshaws, Carts driven by Animals, Village
connected to National Highway, State Highway, Major District Road, and Other
District Road, Availability of Water Bounded Macadam Roads in Village, ATM, Self-
Help Group, Public Distribution System(PDS) Shop, Mandis/Regular Market,
Weekly Haat, Agricultural Marketing Society, Nutritional Centers (ICDS),
Anganwadi Centre, ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist), Sports Field, Public
Library, Public Reading Room, Assembly Polling station, Birth & Death Registration
Office. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the details and the
data of each Town have been presented viz.; (i)-Status and Growth History of
Towns, (ii)- Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, (iii)-Civic and other Amenities,
(iv)-Medical Facilities, (v)-Educational, Recreational & Cultural Facilities, (vi)-
Industry & Banking, and (vii)- Civic & other amenities in Slums respectively. CD
Block wise data of Village Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB
of 2011 Census as presented in earlier Census.

6. The data of DCHB 2011 Census have been presented in two parts, Part-A
contains Village and Town Directory and Part-B contains Village and Town wise
Primary Census Abstract. Both the Parts have been published in separate volumes
in 2011 Census.

7. The Village and Town level amenities data have been collected, compiled and
computerized under the supervision of Sh. Sachin Sinha, Director of Census
Operation, Madhya Pradesh. The task of Planning, Designing and Co-ordination of
this publication was carried out by Dr. Pratibha Kumari, Assistant Registrar
General (SS) under the guidance & supervision of Dr. R.C.Sethi, Ex-Addl. RGI and
Shri Deepak Rastogi present Addl. RGI. Shri A.P. Singh, Deputy Registrar General,
(Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Shri A.K. Arora,
Joint Director of Data Processing Division under the overall supervision of Shri
M.S.Thapa, Addl. Director (EDP) provided full cooperation in preparation of record
structure for digitization and validity checking of Village and Town Directory data
and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Directory
including various analytical inset tables as well as Primary Census Abstract (PCA).
The work of preparation of DCHB, 2011 Census has been monitored in the Social
Studies Division. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to
bring out this publication in time.

Registrar General &
Census Commissioner, India
New Delhi.

The District Census Handbook (DCHB) compiled by the Census organization,
Government of India is one of the most valuable and useful product of the Census
which is brought out for each district in the State having micro level Census and Non
Census data . It contains CD Block wise Primary Census Abstract at village/ward level
under Census data. The amenities data along with additional information regarding
area, population, civic status, land use etc. for every village/town is covered under
Non Census data. This publication started from the 1951 Census, but prior to this, a
similar publication was released in the earlier censuses. Those publications contained
only village statistics, village names and total population. The 1951 Census could,
therefore be said to represent a significant step forward, in the process of making
detailed census statistics available down to the village level. An important
achievement, for the first time in 1991 Census, was that the village level data was
presented Community Development Blockwise.
The scope of District Census Handbook has undergone considerable change since
1951. This is basically due to the growing demand for more information. To make the
basic statistics available to the data users, as early as possible, the District Census
Handbook of 1991 was brought out in a single volume as against the earlier practice of
bringing it out in two parts. The volume was however divided in two parts viz. part A
and part B. Part A contained the Village/Town Directory while part B contained the
Primary Census Data. Continuing the practice of 1991 Census, the 2001 series of the
District Census Handbooks also comprised of two parts. However the present DCHB is
prepared in two separate volumes. Volume II contains the Primary Census Abstract
and Volume I contains the village/town directory of the District.
Volume II of the District Census Handbook contains Village and Town Primary
Census Abstract. This provides information on area, occupied residential houses,
number of households, sex-wise total population. child population in age-group 0-6,
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, literates, workers, non-workers and
classification of workers into four broad categories i.e. cultivators, agricultural
labourers, workers in household industries and other workers in respect of each
village and town of the district. Besides the brief history and other major
characteristics of the district, inset tables and appendixes based on Houselisting and
PCA alongwith analysis in the District Census Handbook provide glimpse of
availability of amenities to villages relating to housing, assets available with
households and demographic profile of population at tahsil/ C.D block level which are
helpful for rural planning.

Volume I contains Village Directory which provides information on infrastructure

amenities and land use data at village level i.e. name and location of villages, area,
population, number of households, important civic amenities/facilities available in
villages like educational, medical, drinking water, drainage, post, telegraph, public call
office, mobile coverage, internet cafe, private courier service, commercial and co-
operative banks, agricultural and non-agricultural credit societies, recreational and
cultural facilities, communications, approach to the village, nearest town and its
distance and power supply. Similarly, the comprehensive statements and their
analysis of Town Directory provide valuable information on growth, physical,
economic, civic and development aspects in respect of each town of the district. C.D.
block being the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning, it is assumed
that the data provided at this level would be extremely useful to the planners for
formulating micro level development plans.
It may be noted that the village wise area figures presented in the PCA are based on
village information as furnished by the revenue authority and the “total area” given for
the community development blocks, is the sum total of the area figures of all villages
coming under it. The “total area” of tahsil is based on the information furnished by
the Commissioner, Land Records ,Government of Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior. In some
cases the total area shown against the tahsil, may not tally with the total of the area
figures of villages coming under it.

The design of 2011 District Census Handbook has been evolved centrally by the
Census Commissioner, India and accordingly these books have been prepared by my
office. In earlier censuses and until 1991, the cost of publication of these books were
borne by the State Government but since 2001 these are being printed centrally by the
Census organization. In accomplishing this task we have had the whole hearted
cooperation of the staff at various levels of different departments of the State
Government. The data supplied by the field level officers have been comparatively
checked with 2001 DCHB information and have been cross checked with the data
obtained from various departments. An attempt had been made to reconcile the
discrepancies by external validation to make it more reliable. I am grateful to all heads
of departments of the State Government, officers and staff engaged in the conduct of
2011 Census for their cooperation to accomplish this task.
Thecompilation of such a huge amount of varied data requires proper
planning and close monitoring. We had the honour of having enlightened
guidance and encouragement of Dr. C. Chandramouli, IAS, Registrar General
and Census Commissioner of India.
The data presented in the District Census Handbook required a concerted team
work of officers and staff member of this Directorate who were involved with it at
various stages of its planning, supervision, field work, computerisation, preparation of
manuscript, maps and printing. I express my appreciation for the painstaking
dedicated service rendered by all of them and also to the officers and staff of Data
Centre, Bhopal for their untiring cooperation in finalizing the 2011 Census Data.

I shall feel greatly rewarded if the book comes to the expectation of the data users.

Sachin Sinha
Joint Secretary & Director
Dated :
Directorate of Census Operations, Bhopal
31.03.2014 Madhya Pradesh










































The need of data at the grass root level for the administrative and
planning purposes at sub micro level as well as academic studies
prompted the innovation of District Census Handbook. District Census
Handbook is a unique publication from the Census organization which
provides most authentic details of census and non-census information
from village and town level to district level. The District Census
Handbook was firstly introduced during the 1951 Census. It contains
both census and non census data of urban as well as rural areas for
each district. The census data contain several demographic and socio-
economic characteristics of the lowest administrative unit i.e. of each
village and town and ward of the district. The non census data comprise
of data on availability of various civic amenities and infrastructural
facilities etc. at the town and village level which constitute Village
Directory and Town Directory part of the DCHB. The data of DCHB are
of considerable importance in the context of planning and development
at grass-root level.

In1961 census DCHB provided a descriptive account of the

district, administrative statistics, census tables and village and town
directory including Primary Census Abstract. This pattern was changed
in 1971 Census and the DCHB was published in three parts: Part-A
related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and
Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district
census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity
data in respect of villages.The 1981 census DCHB was published in two
parts: Part-A contained village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of
village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/town
levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of village and
town directory were added into it. In Village Directory, all amenities
except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not
available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the
nearest place having such an amenity, was given.

The pattern of 1981 census was followed by and large for the
DCHB of 1991 Census except the format of PCA. It was restructured.
Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the
four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In
addition, sex wise population in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA
for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more
realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been
treated as illiterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important
innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block
(CD Block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of
the traditional tahsil/taluk/PS level presentation.

As regards DCHB of 2001 Census,the scope of Village Directory
was improved by including some other amenities like banking,
recreational and cultural facilities, news papers & magazines and `most
important commodity’ manufactured in a village in addition to
prescribed facilities of earlier censuses. In Town Directory, the
statement on Slums was modified and its coverage was enlarged by
including details on all slums instead of ‘notified slums’.

The scope and coverage of Village Directory of 2011 DCHB

hasbeen widenedby including a number of new amenities in addition to
those of 2001. In the Town Directory, seven Statements containing the
details and the data of each town have been presentedviz.;(i)-Status and
Growth History of towns,(ii)-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns,(iii)-
Civic and other Amenities,(iv)-Medical Facilities,(v)-Educational,
Recreational & Cultural Facilities,(vi)-Industry & Banking, and (vii)-Civic
& other amenities in Slums respectively.CD Block wise data of Village
Directory and Village PCA have been presented in DCHB of 2011 census
as presented in earlier census.The data of DCHB 2011Census have been
presented in two parts, Part-Acontains Village and Town Directory and
Part-B contains Village and Town wise Primary Census Abstract. Both
the Parts have been published in separate volumes in 2011 Census.


Indore is situated between the two earthly abodes of Lord Shiva- the two
Jyotirlingas at Ujjain and Omkareshwar – on either side of this blessed city, which
protect it from the evil, says folklore. Historian Raghuvir Singh is of the opinion
that it was only in the 17th century that Indore underwent rapid metamorphosis,
finding a respectable mention as a Kasba in the court records of Emperor
Aurangazeb. By the 18th century, it had developed as a chief administrative
headquarter – as a Pargana.

History bears testimony to the fact that the progress of Indore was initiated with
the arrival of Marathas in 1703, who made the best of the weakening grip of the
Mughals. Simultaneously, in the Malwa Plateau, Indore came under their focus.
The year 1730 brought autonomy to Indore when the Peshwas gave the Jagir of
Indore to Malhar Rao Holkar.

Tracing the etymology of Indore, we come across several interesting facts. One is
that it got its name Indrapur from the famous Rashtrakut ruler Indra, whose
empire extended over the entire Malwa region. Indrapur became Indoor and finally
it became Indore. Another legends hold that in the year 1741, the Indreshwar
temple was built and it is after the name of this temple that the region was named
Indreshwar, to be subsequently renamed Indrapur. Under the influence of
Marathas, it began to be called Indoor. It is interesting to note that the Britishers
pronounced it as Indoure, which eventually became Indore.

After passing through many hands, Malwa went to a Nagar Brahmin Gridhar
Bahadur, who vehemently opposed the influx of the Marathas. On the 6th
January 1818, after the signing of the Treaty of Mandsaur, the capital of Malwa
was transferred from Bhanpura to Indore. The Residency at Indore was built in
1818. In 1844, Tukoji Rao Holkar ascended the throne. The reign of Holkar
dynasty continued in Indore till India got Independence in 1947.

The famous Parmar Rulers of Malwa made Dhar their capital, which became a
great centre for education and trade in that era. Indore, which is situated near
Dhar, can also boast of temples and idols of Parmar era.

Ahilya Bai Holkar has been a ruler par excellence who ruled but did not reign the
Holkar State. She is known as a pious lady who made her name immortal in the
annals of rulers of India as inheritor and preserver of Indian culture, religion and
tradition, through charitable activities all over the country. Not a single place of
pilgrimage one can parhaps, locate on the map of India, which could not receive
her attention for construction of temples, dharamashala and annakshestra.
Though an administrator of a small state, yet she ruled over the heart of people all
over the country. Even Mahadji Scindia was no match to her, who had complete
hold of the politics of her age without participating in it actively. She can be called
as the greater upholder of all religious beliefs.

Yeshwant Rao Holkar-I was a ruler who ruled the Holkar state believed in the
dictum, “might is right”. His claim to succession hardly acknowledged hereditary,
still he became the ruler by sheer dint of dauntless courage and diplomacy. In
foresight he may be regarded as the first who could think in terms of nationalism
and forming of national coalition of rulers of India against the British. He was
extremely agile. He was so much on move that he is known to spend evenings at
Ratlam and mornings at Khandwa. As a commander and soldier, he won battles
and defeated enemies with much larger armies.

Tukoji Rao II was the founder of institutions which paved the way for the
development of modern Indore. He being a minor at the time of succession
resulted in formation of Regency Council which was successful in implementing
several reforms in the State. The Maharaja had the privilege of attending Viceroy
Lord Canning’s Durbar at Jabalpur in 1860 and welcoming Lord Northbrook and
the Prince of Wales at Indore in 1876. He was an able administrator in whose
close surveillance a good number of new departments were organized. The credit
for this may be shared with Sir. T. Madhav Rao KCSI, the Minister.

He was instrumental in solving knotty issues relating to neighbouring states

including Baroda and Dhar, viz., the “Shoe Question” and “Dhar Case”. He
developed cordial relations with most of the progressive rulers of India. Since
Tukoji Rao III was not adult, a council of Regency was formed to run the
administration of the state and this system continued upto 1911.

The Nationalist Movement in Indore began during Shivaji Rao’s reign and
continued even after his demise, when a council of Regency under the British was
running the Indore administration. The Nationalist Movement picked up
momentum in the guise of the Shivaji Utsav. The citizens of Indore started
celebrating them as solemn occasions for taking oath of freeing the motherland
from foreign rule. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak had converted the Ganesh
Utsav as a nationalist means of mass mobilization. This strategy of Tilak was most
successful in various cities of Maharashtra besides Indore. Gradually, the mass
participation of Indoreans on Shivaji Utsav and Ganesh Utshav became a cause
for concern for the British, who suspected that many intellectuals and government
servants were using these festivals to spread the message of nationalism.

An important aspect of Indore’s history is that the establishment of factories,

especially textile mills in the city, laid the ground for organized labour unions for
safeguarding the rights of workers. The Nationalist Movement in Indore got a big
boost by Mahatma Gandhi’s visit to the city on 30th March 1918. In 1921,
political activists of the city established the Indore branch of Indian National
Congress. The congress party head office was in Chhawni and Shri Arjunlal Sethi
became its first President. In the same year Indore Rajya ‘Praja Parishad’ was also
established, which subsequently passed a resolution asking the then Holkar
Maharaja Tukoji Rao III to implement a responsible administrative set-up in the

state. This democratic demand against royalty was crushed cruelly and harsh
orders were issued, threatening the very existence of Praja Parishad. However, in
spite of state repression, the political activities of Congress and Praja Mandal
continued unabated, though in a somewhat secretive manner.

The trend of political party formation began in 1921 with the establishment of the
Indore branch of Indian National Congress. In 1932, the Hindu Mahasabha came
into existence, while in 1936, the Communists made their debut in the trade
union and political arena. In 1946, the Socialist Party added a new dimension to
Indore’s political scenario. In the post independence era, all these political outfits
duly entered the electoral arena.

The birth of the new State of Madhya Bharat was heralded by the inaugural
speech of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru at Gwalior on 28th May, 1948. The district of
Indore became one of the 16 districts into which the state was then
administratively divided. In order to satisfy the feelings of the people of the
erstwhile state of Gwalior and Indore, it was decided that the headquarters of both
the States, viz, Gwalior, and Indore would enjoy joint capital ship and that the
Government would work at Gwalior for six and a half months in a year, and for
the remaining five and a half months the capital would be at Indore.

In the period between 1948-56, popular ministries administered the State of

Madhya Bharat. Liladhar Joshi headed the first popular Ministry in Madhya
Bharat. Later G.K Vijayavargiya, Takhtmal Jain and Mishrilal Gangwal became
the successive Chief Ministers. On the eve of the reorganisation of states,
Takhtmal Jain was holding the office of the Chief Minister. This arrangement
continued till 31th October 1956, when a new state of Madhya Pradesh was
reorganised, under the Chief Ministership of Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla. The
new state was born on 1st November, 1956.

In the district there are five tahsils and four C.D. blocks. According to census 2011, the
total number of villages are 629, out of which 614 villages inhabited and 15 villages are
uninhabited. Tahsilwise number of villages are Depalpur (147), Sanwer (125), Indore
(126), Mhow (172)and newly created tahsil Hatod(59). C.D.Blockwise number of villages
are Depalpur (173), Sanwer (146), Indore (138) and Mhow (172). There are 24 towns in
the district. As per urban classification, Runji-gautampura (N.P), Depalpur (N.P), Betma
(N.P), Sanwer (N.P), Indore (M.Corp.), Hataud (N.P), Rau (N.P), Mhow (C.B), Mhowgoan
(N.P) and Manpur (N.P) are Statutory Towns. While Bangarda Bada (CT), Manglaya
Sadak (CT), Bangarda Chhota (CT), Bank (CT) ,Hukmakhedi (CT), Ahirkhedi (CT),
Pipalya Kumar (CT) ,Sinhasa (CT), Palda (CT) ,Limbodi (CT),Lasudiya Mori (CT), Bhicholi
Hapsi (CT), Gujarkheda (CT), and Santer (CT) are Census Town.

In the entire district C.D. block headquarters there are four Janpad panchayats namely,
Depalpur, Sanwer, Indore and Mhow. To smoothly implement the various projects and
schemes there are 335 gram panchayats in the district. Under revenue administration
there are 10 revenue circles and 153 patwari halkas.

The collector is the Chief Executive Officer of the district and as such he exercises
general supervision over various departments in regard to their non-technical work. Co-
ordination of the activities of various departments, control over local-self governing
bodies, execution of Government schemes and miscellaneous functions, such as
Panchayats, Census, Election and relief measures in time of emergencies like floods,
famine and epidemics, etc. also come within his purview.

The narrative on the organisational set-up of the collectorate may be divided into three
main parts viz.(i) land revenue, land-records including consolidation of land and other
allied matters. (ii) law and order and (iii) development.

Deputy Collectors, Tahsildars, Naib Tahsildars, Revenue Inspectors and Patwaris assist
the Collector. He is also associated with a number of other committees in the district.
The most important among them is the District Planning Committee. The Collector is
also vested with statutory powers under excise act, so as to enable him to implement
the excise and prohibition policy of the Government. Superintendent of Police is the
head of police department at the district headquarters. In order to facilitate proper and
smooth judicial and administration, there are 39 police station in the district.

The Judiciary is independent. At the district level, there is District Court headed by
District and Session Judge. District and Session Judge is assisted by Civil Judges who
are posted at lower courts.


 The district occupies 1st place in the state according to population.

 The district occupies 43rd rank in the state in terms of area having 3,898 sq. km.

which is 1.3 percent of the total area of state.

 Literacy rate of Indore district is 80.9. percent and it occupies 2nd position in the

state. The female literacy rate of the district is 74.0 percent.

 Density wise the rank of the district is 2nd in the state.

 Ranking of the district according to the sex-ratio is 29th in the state.

 Female work participation of the district is 20.9 percent of total female population.

Rank of the district according to female work participation is 45th.

 Population wise largest village is Kodriya of Mhow tahsil L.C.No.476492 with 14830

population and smallest village is Ambapura of Mhow tahsil L.C.No.476460 with

population of only 4 persons.

 Population wise largest town is Indore (M Corp+OG) having population 1994397

and smallest is Sinhasa(CT) with 5050 population.

 Economy of the district is mainly dependent on agriculture and the district is

famous for Rajwara.

Important Statistics

State District
Number of Villages Total 54,903 629
Inhabited 51,929 614
Uninhabited 2,974 15

Number of Towns Statutory 364 10

Census 112 14
Total 476 24

Number of Households Normal 15,019,706 643,342

Institutional 35,728 2,312
Houseless 37,822 3,886

Population Total Persons 72,626,809 3,276,697

Males 37,612,306 1,699,627
Females 35,014,503 1,577,070

Rural Persons 52,557,404 848,988

Males 27,149,388 436,755
Females 25,408,016 412,233

Urban Persons 20,069,405 2,427,709

Males 10,462,918 1,262,872
Females 9,606,487 1,164,837

Percentage Urban Population 27.63 74.09

Decadal Population Growth

2001-2011 Number Percentage Number Percentage
Persons 12,278,786 20.35 810,870 32.88
Males 6,168,654 19.62 410,275 31.82
Females 6,110,132 21.14 400,595 34.05

Area (in sq Km.) 308252 3898.00

Density of Population (Persons 236 841

per sq Km.)

Sex Ratio Total 931 928

(Number of females per 1000 males) Rural 936 944
Urban 918 922

Important Statistics
State District
Number Percentage Number Percentage
Literates Persons 42,851,169 69.32 2,309,130 80.87
Males 25,174,328 78.73 1,289,631 87.25
Females 17,676,841 59.24 1,019,499 74.02

Scheduled Castes Persons 11,342,320 15.62 545,239 16.64

Males 5,908,638 15.71 280,184 16.49
Females 5,433,682 15.52 265,055 16.81

Scheduled Tribes Persons 15,316,784 21.09 217,679 6.64

Males 7,719,404 20.52 112,687 6.63
Females 7,597,380 21.7 104,992 6.66

Workers and Non-Workers

Total Workers (Main and Persons 31,574,133 43.47 1,268,195 38.70
Marginal) Males 20,146,970 53.56 939,055 55.25
Females 11,427,163 32.64 329,140 20.87

(i) Main Workers Persons 22,702,119 31.26 1,137,251 34.71

Males 16,362,065 43.5 878,391 51.68
Females 6,340,054 18.11 258,860 16.41

(ii) Marginal Workers Persons 8,872,014 12.22 130,944 4.00

Males 3,784,905 10.06 60,664 3.57
Females 5,087,109 14.53 70,280 4.46

Non-Workers Persons 41,052,676 56.53 2,008,502 61.30

Males 17,465,336 46.44 760,572 44.75
Females 23,587,340 67.36 1,247,930 79.13
Category of Workers (Main & Marginal)
(i) Cultivators Persons 9,844,439 31.18 150,907 11.90
Males 6,591,064 32.71 101,117 10.77
Females 3,253,375 28.47 49,790 15.13

(ii)Agricultural Labourers Persons 12,192,267 38.61 185,528 14.63

Males 6,310,657 31.32 96,824 10.31
Females 5,881,610 51.47 88,704 26.95

(iii)Workers in household Persons 959,259 3.04 43,584 3.44

industry Males 511,048 2.54 31,586 3.36
Females 448,211 3.92 11,998 3.65

(iv) Other Workers Persons 8,578,168 27.17 888,176 70.03

Males 6,734,201 33.43 709,528 75.56
Females 1,843,967 16.14 178,648 54.28

Section - I
Primary Census Abstract (PCA)
Brief Note on Primary Census Abstract

The Indian Census has the reputation of being one of the best in the world.
The first Census in India was conducted in the year 1872. This was conducted at
different points of time in different parts of the country. In 1881 a Census was
taken for the entire country simultaneously. Since then, Census has been
conducted every ten years, without a break. Thus, the Census of India 2011 was
the fifteenth in this unbroken series since 1872, the seventh after independence
and the second census of the third millennium and twenty first century. The
census has been uninterruptedly continued despite of several adversities like
wars, epidemics, natural calamities, political unrest, etc.
The Census of India is conducted under the provisions of the Census Act
1948 and the Census Rules, 1990. In Censuses until 1931, a synchronous de-
facto method was adopted wherein the Census was conducted throughout the
country on a single night. This being a very costly affair and involved the
deployment of very large force at one point of time was given up in 1941. Since
then the same methodology has been followed in all the Censuses. It is a gigantic
operation and considered to be the single largest, complex, peace time
administrative exercise in the world.
The Census Operation in India is carried out in two distinct but inter
connected phases - the House listing and Housing Census followed by the
Population Enumeration. During the first phase of Census 2011 i.e., House
listing and Housing Census, the buildings, census houses and households were
identified and systematically listed in the House Listing and Housing Census
Schedule during the period April to September, 2010 in different States/Union
Territories. Apart from listing of houses, some useful data on the amenities
available to the households was also collected for assessing condition of human
settlements, housing deficits etc.
Censuses prior to Census 2001 had the system of collecting the
information through Individual Slip which was a key schedule for every
individual. The information collected through slip was then compiled for a
household. Some information was also collected in addition to this for the
household. During 2001 Census a comprehensive Household Schedule was
adopted replacing the individual slip concept. In 2011 Census also similar
household schedule was used for canvassing. The scope of demographic, socio-
economic parameters has been widened in every census.

2. Population Enumeration - Census 2011:

The field work of the second phase i.e. Population Enumeration was carried
out during February-March, 2011. One of the essential features of Population
Enumeration in the second phase was that each person was enumerated and
her/his individual particulars were collected at a well-defined point of time.

The Census moment and the reference date for the Census of India 2011
was 00:00 hours of 1st March, 2011. The enumeration was conducted from 9th
February to 28th February, 2011 along with a revisional round from 1st March,
2011 to 5th March, 2011 synchronously all over the country except for few
specific areas of the Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand
states that remain snowbound in February. In these locations the population
enumeration was done from 11th September, 2010 to 30th September, 2010 along
with a revisional round from 1st October, 2010 to 5th October, 2010. The
reference date for the census in snow bound non-synchronous areas of these
states was 00.00 hours of the first day of October, 2010. In addition to the
coverage during House listing & Housing Census, the enumeration of the
Houseless population was carried out on the night of 28th February, 2011, as
has been the usual practice. For the purpose of Census, certain areas where the
access of the civilian enumerators was not permissible due to security reasons
termed as ‘Special Charges’ such as the Defence and strictly Military/Para-
Military areas, including operational areas were also covered. Such areas were
not covered during the House listing & Housing Census. In addition to the
defence/para-military areas, Special Charges also included certain factory areas,
certain colonies, sensitive areas, scientific establishments, etc. These also formed
Special Charges as these were not accessible by the usual census enumerator.

3. Quality Assurance:
A Task Force for Quality Assurance (TFQA) functioned under the
chairmanship of the RG & CCI. Experienced officers of the different divisions of
the organization i.e. Heads and senior officers of the Census Division, Data
Processing Division, Map Division, Demography Division and Social Studies
Division comprised the TFQA. The Directors of Census Operations were co-opted
as members whenever the TFQA discussed the data for their States/Union
territories. The main objective of constituting the TFQA was to subject the data
to stringent validation checks and ensure its quality before release as it was
expedient to be satisfied itself about the quality of data before putting the same
in public domain.
The Directors and their senior officers were involved at all levels with
respect to the quality and the coverage of their states/Uts. The TFQA intensively
scrutinized coverage and content parameters including edit and imputation logic.
The most important aspect of the data quality was to ensure complete coverage
of all geographical areas especially for the population enumeration phase where
the data is disseminated right up to the village level in the rural areas and the
ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the complete coverage and correct
geographical linkage of each enumeration block was one of the major planks of
the quality control, especially for small area population statistics. The content
was scrutinized mainly through the process of internal consistency, comparison
with similar data in the past and also through validation with likewise data if
available, from external sources. Quite often the local knowledge and perception
was looked at to understand both the existing and the new emerging trends of
population distribution and characteristics. A very comprehensive check and edit
mechanism was put in place to objectively examine the preliminary Census 2011
Population Enumeration results and finally clear them for use. The population
data was cleared only after the full possible satisfaction of the TFQA.
The entire work relating to the data validation and scrutiny was completed
by all the States/Union territories under the overall supervision and monitoring
of the Census Division of the Office of the Registrar General, India with active
cooperation and support of the Social Studies Division, Data Processing Division,
Data Dissemination Division and Map Division.

4. Primary Census Abstract:

The Primary Census Abstract which is important publication of 2011
Census gives basic information on Area, Total Number of Households, Total
Population, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Population, Population in the
age group 0-6, Literates, Main Workers and Marginal Workers classified by the
four broad industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) Agricultural
Labourers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, and (iv) Other Workers and also
Non-Workers. The characteristics of the Total Population include Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and Houseless Population and are
presented by sex and rural-urban residence.

In 1981 census main workers were presented into four categories. As

regards 1991 Census, the nine-fold industrial classification of main workers has
been given in the Primary Census Abstract. One of the important features of the
Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census was the presentation of population of
the age group 0-6 which is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. All the children
of age 6 years or less have been treated as illiterate even if the child is going to a
school and may have picked up reading and writing. This will help the data users
in better analysis and understanding of the literacy data as the literacy rate is
calculated with 7 years and above population and it is referred as effective
literacy rate. In 2001 and 2011 census four categories of main workers have
been given in the Primary Census Abstract.

5. Level of Presentation of PCA data in District Census Handbooks:

The format of Primary Census Abstract (PCA) adopted in the DCHB of
2001 Census has been continued for 2011 Census as the data on four categories
of works have been presented similar to 2001 census. The Primary Census
Abstract data in different PCAs are presented at different levels. The level of
presentation of Primary Census Abstracts in DCHB is as under:

1. District Primary Census Abstract -District/C.D. Block/Town.

2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes- District/C.D. Block/Town.
3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes -District/C.D. Block/Town.
4. Village Primary Census Abstract -C.D. Block/Village wise.
5. Urban Primary Census Abstract- Town/Ward level.
The PCA Data for villages was presented C.D. Block wise for the first time
in 1991 Census. This practice is continued in 2001 and 2011 Census. The term
‘Total Population’ includes the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, the
Institutional and the Houseless populations. An appendix to District Primary
Census Abstract has also been furnished showing urban enumeration block-wise
particulars on Total Population, the Scheduled Castes Population and the
Scheduled Tribes Population for each town.

6. Area Figures:

The area figures supplied by local revenue authorities of the district in

respect of tahsils, Police Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns are
given in square kilometers. The area figures of the villages supplied by the
Tahsildars in acres have been converted and shown in hectares. The area figures
of the C.D. Block are the total of the village areas coming under each C.D. Block.
The area figures for the district are the same as adopted by the Surveyor General
of India to maintain uniformity at the national level.


District Primary Census


Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
439 Indore - District Total 3,898.00 649,540 3,276,697 1,699,627 1,577,070 421,380 221,612 199,768
Rural 3,548.86 159,400 848,988 436,755 412,233 124,904 65,330 59,574
Urban 349.14 490,140 2,427,709 1,262,872 1,164,837 296,476 156,282 140,194
0136 Depalpur Total 987.43 38,783 205,488 105,299 100,189 29,546 15,314 14,232
Rural 987.43 38,783 205,488 105,299 100,189 29,546 15,314 14,232
Urban 0.00 - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 761.08 39,431 210,190 107,949 102,241 30,086 15,795 14,291
Rural 751.48 37,186 199,797 102,381 97,416 28,508 14,948 13,560
Urban 9.60 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 9.60 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
0138 Indore Total 764.08 82,873 424,309 220,355 203,954 62,525 33,001 29,524
Rural 697.54 39,678 213,050 109,899 103,151 31,793 16,894 14,899
Urban 66.54 43,195 211,259 110,456 100,803 30,732 16,107 14,625
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
802273 Urban NA 379 1,975 997 978 324 173 151
(Rural MDDS
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 11.43 3,206 15,761 8,172 7,589 2,085 1,125 960
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS Urban NA 476 2,498 1,268 1,230 443 229 214
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS Urban NA 1,132 5,195 2,825 2,370 723 389 334
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
802273 Urban NA 1,598 7,215 3,829 3,386 1,264 652 612
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS Urban NA 998 5,524 2,809 2,715 753 395 358
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
802273 Urban NA 69 389 207 182 71 37 34
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
WARD NO.-0075
802273 Urban NA 1,494 7,515 3,920 3,595 1,134 584 550
(Rural MDDS

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 11.19 13,345 64,213 33,921 30,292 8,717 4,622 4,095
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 4.65 3,325 18,534 9,572 8,962 2,877 1,525 1,352
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 3.18 2,120 10,165 5,183 4,982 1,301 652 649
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 5.86 1,867 9,357 4,816 4,541 1,631 841 790
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 4.05 2,415 10,684 5,535 5,149 1,333 678 655
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 5.33 978 5,050 2,603 2,447 798 394 404
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 4.72 3,910 18,697 9,934 8,763 2,903 1,489 1,414
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 3.93 1,961 9,488 4,875 4,613 1,375 740 635
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 6.10 2,122 10,225 5,429 4,796 1,820 981 839
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 6.10 1,800 8,774 4,561 4,213 1,180 601 579
0139 Mhow Total 766.79 46,208 242,602 125,402 117,200 36,408 18,892 17,516
Rural 762.46 43,753 230,653 119,176 111,477 35,057 18,174 16,883
Urban 4.33 2,455 11,949 6,226 5,723 1,351 718 633
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 1.30 1,128 5,409 2,865 2,544 600 315 285
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 3.03 1,327 6,540 3,361 3,179 751 403 348

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 0.29 2,674 14,584 7,507 7,077 1,989 1,064 925
802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 0.73 2,953 17,474 8,973 8,501 2,466 1,281 1,185
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 8.08 3,032 15,999 8,208 7,791 2,156 1,171 985



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
545,239 280,184 265,055 217,679 112,687 104,992 2,309,130 1,289,631 1,019,499 Total Indore - District
164,465 83,900 80,565 134,702 69,227 65,475 499,137 299,899 199,238 Rural
380,774 196,284 184,490 82,977 43,460 39,517 1,809,993 989,732 820,261 Urban
40,678 20,704 19,974 11,920 6,237 5,683 116,592 72,390 44,202 Total Depalpur
40,678 20,704 19,974 11,920 6,237 5,683 116,592 72,390 44,202 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
58,050 29,716 28,334 10,682 5,461 5,221 126,127 76,550 49,577 Total Sawer
55,793 28,510 27,283 9,958 5,084 4,874 119,314 72,549 46,765 Rural
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Urban
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
77,993 40,070 37,923 49,983 25,865 24,118 267,946 154,474 113,472 Total Indore
40,756 20,879 19,877 32,744 16,874 15,870 127,227 74,859 52,368 Rural
37,237 19,191 18,046 17,239 8,991 8,248 140,719 79,615 61,104 Urban
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
851 432 419 142 70 72 1,067 629 438 Urban
(Rural MDDS
1,702 874 828 1,648 870 778 10,807 6,112 4,695 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
161 83 78 8 5 3 1,271 774 497 Urban NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS
Nipanya (OG) WARD
1,065 563 502 419 233 186 3,379 1,918 1,461 Urban NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
1,900 1,020 880 680 355 325 4,214 2,526 1,688 Urban
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
1,433 715 718 282 144 138 3,049 1,864 1,185 Urban NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
78 44 34 171 91 80 104 74 30 Urban
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
WARD NO.-0075
2,153 1,095 1,058 1,187 618 569 4,437 2,603 1,834 Urban
(Rural MDDS

5,037 2,651 2,386 1,829 949 880 48,281 26,810 21,471 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)
919 464 455 590 322 268 12,566 6,932 5,634 Urban Bank (CT)
2,029 1,024 1,005 1,348 703 645 6,573 3,673 2,900 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
3,284 1,702 1,582 1,302 651 651 4,950 2,862 2,088 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
1,762 877 885 451 233 218 7,895 4,248 3,647 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
1,464 743 721 1,131 578 553 2,378 1,450 928 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
5,131 2,667 2,464 3,237 1,708 1,529 11,718 6,890 4,828 Urban Palda (CT)
2,253 1,157 1,096 1,154 573 581 6,341 3,449 2,892 Urban Limbodi (CT)
3,741 1,922 1,819 579 316 263 5,676 3,428 2,248 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
2,274 1,158 1,116 1,081 572 509 6,013 3,373 2,640 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
29,155 14,800 14,355 80,992 41,490 39,502 145,407 85,220 60,187 Total Mhow
27,238 13,807 13,431 80,080 41,032 39,048 136,004 80,101 55,903 Rural
1,917 993 924 912 458 454 9,403 5,119 4,284 Urban
845 444 401 67 37 30 4,297 2,375 1,922 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
1,072 549 523 845 421 424 5,106 2,744 2,362 Urban Santer (CT)

2,224 1,141 1,083 962 507 455 9,730 5,640 4,090 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP)
2,297 1,126 1,171 835 435 400 11,501 6,728 4,773 Urban Depalpur (NP)
1,680 836 844 952 487 465 11,336 6,336 5,000 Urban Betma (NP)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
439 Indore - District Total 1,268,195 939,055 329,140 1,137,251 878,391 258,860 136,449 97,786 38,663
Rural 386,782 244,360 142,422 320,072 219,736 100,336 123,462 87,205 36,257
Urban 881,413 694,695 186,718 817,179 658,655 158,524 12,987 10,581 2,406
0136 Depalpur Total 103,922 61,811 42,111 81,873 54,527 27,346 42,624 28,379 14,245
Rural 103,922 61,811 42,111 81,873 54,527 27,346 42,624 28,379 14,245
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 89,053 59,846 29,207 75,970 55,080 20,890 29,601 22,776 6,825
Rural 85,294 56,794 28,500 72,357 52,113 20,244 29,497 22,687 6,810
Urban 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646 104 89 15
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646 104 89 15
0138 Indore Total 171,088 121,247 49,841 152,453 112,810 39,643 28,516 21,305 7,211
Rural 92,476 61,035 31,441 79,848 55,695 24,153 25,318 18,765 6,553
Urban 78,612 60,212 18,400 72,605 57,115 15,490 3,198 2,540 658
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
802273 Urban 637 447 190 548 395 153 54 46 8
(Rural MDDS
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 6,032 4,495 1,537 5,464 4,339 1,125 576 483 93
Bhangarh (OG)
WARD NO.-0070
802273 Urban 1,105 709 396 907 641 266 18 13 5
(Rural MDDS
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural Urban 2,255 1,692 563 1,970 1,520 450 112 107 5
MDDS CODE:476376)
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
802273 Urban 2,512 2,020 492 2,303 1,915 388 15 15 -
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural Urban 2,409 1,612 797 2,298 1,540 758 773 470 303
MDDS CODE:476378)
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
802273 Urban 143 96 47 134 91 43 - - -
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana
802273 Urban 2,923 2,206 717 2,849 2,178 671 269 247 22
0075 (Rural MDDS
Bangarda Chhota
476365 (CT) Urban 22,619 18,565 4,054 21,546 17,899 3,647 380 299 81
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 6,095 5,075 1,020 5,620 4,814 806 105 84 21
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 4,155 2,879 1,276 3,638 2,632 1,006 70 65 5
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 3,545 2,536 1,009 3,300 2,382 918 73 60 13
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 3,904 2,983 921 3,588 2,797 791 114 108 6
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 2,334 1,505 829 1,955 1,358 597 152 114 38
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 7,347 5,390 1,957 6,530 4,930 1,600 101 84 17
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 3,588 2,630 958 3,430 2,551 879 93 68 25
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 3,837 2,926 911 3,653 2,861 792 112 104 8
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 3,172 2,446 726 2,872 2,272 600 181 173 8
0139 Mhow Total 109,196 67,904 41,292 89,700 60,383 29,317 26,260 17,565 8,695
Rural 105,090 64,720 40,370 85,994 57,401 28,593 26,023 17,374 8,649
Urban 4,106 3,184 922 3,706 2,982 724 237 191 46
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 1,691 1,448 243 1,638 1,415 223 44 36 8
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 2,415 1,736 679 2,068 1,567 501 193 155 38
802268 (NP) Urban 6,127 4,251 1,876 4,068 3,311 757 577 501 76
802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 5,723 4,575 1,148 4,767 4,094 673 736 647 89
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 5,324 4,336 988 5,071 4,225 846 422 353 69


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
133,745 77,608 56,137 38,832 29,605 9,227 828,225 673,392 154,833 Total Indore - District
118,461 67,429 51,032 4,910 3,432 1,478 73,239 61,670 11,569 Rural
15,284 10,179 5,105 33,922 26,173 7,749 754,986 611,722 143,264 Urban
25,867 14,516 11,351 740 499 241 12,642 11,133 1,509 Total Depalpur
25,867 14,516 11,351 740 499 241 12,642 11,133 1,509 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
27,441 16,348 11,093 1,398 1,017 381 17,530 14,939 2,591 Total Sawer
27,312 16,261 11,051 1,230 886 344 14,318 12,279 2,039 Rural
129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Urban
129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
32,954 18,839 14,115 3,954 2,813 1,141 87,029 69,853 17,176 Total Indore
28,336 15,936 12,400 1,792 1,265 527 24,402 19,729 4,673 Rural
4,618 2,903 1,715 2,162 1,548 614 62,627 50,124 12,503 Urban
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
173 118 55 12 8 4 309 223 86 Urban
(Rural MDDS
811 603 208 93 64 29 3,984 3,189 795 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
163 112 51 17 3 14 709 513 196 Urban NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS
Nipanya (OG) WARD
26 20 6 33 25 8 1,799 1,368 431 Urban NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
84 62 22 65 49 16 2,139 1,789 350 Urban
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
529 283 246 44 29 15 952 758 194 Urban NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
16 6 10 - - - 118 85 33 Urban
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
WARD NO.-0075
353 202 151 68 59 9 2,159 1,670 489 Urban
(Rural MDDS

438 299 139 737 499 238 19,991 16,802 3,189 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)
87 61 26 256 224 32 5,172 4,445 727 Urban Bank (CT)
180 79 101 161 128 33 3,227 2,360 867 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
183 85 98 59 49 10 2,985 2,188 797 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
27 19 8 113 85 28 3,334 2,585 749 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
455 240 215 54 36 18 1,294 968 326 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
446 260 186 221 123 98 5,762 4,463 1,299 Urban Palda (CT)
91 57 34 36 31 5 3,210 2,395 815 Urban Limbodi (CT)
187 138 49 131 86 45 3,223 2,533 690 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
369 259 110 62 50 12 2,260 1,790 470 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
37,044 20,776 16,268 1,204 832 372 25,192 21,210 3,982 Total Mhow
36,946 20,716 16,230 1,148 782 366 21,877 18,529 3,348 Rural
98 60 38 56 50 6 3,315 2,681 634 Urban
20 17 3 31 26 5 1,543 1,336 207 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
78 43 35 25 24 1 1,772 1,345 427 Urban Santer (CT)

653 371 282 257 178 79 2,581 2,261 320 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP)
723 539 184 201 145 56 3,107 2,763 344 Urban Depalpur (NP)
495 283 212 227 156 71 3,927 3,433 494 Urban Betma (NP)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
439 Indore - District Total 130,944 60,664 70,280 14,458 3,331 11,127 51,783 19,216 32,567
Rural 66,710 24,624 42,086 12,040 2,457 9,583 45,805 16,679 29,126
Urban 64,234 36,040 28,194 2,418 874 1,544 5,978 2,537 3,441
0136 Depalpur Total 22,049 7,284 14,765 4,863 930 3,933 15,538 5,459 10,079
Rural 22,049 7,284 14,765 4,863 930 3,933 15,538 5,459 10,079
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 13,083 4,766 8,317 2,918 439 2,479 8,332 3,162 5,170
Rural 12,937 4,681 8,256 2,917 438 2,479 8,319 3,154 5,165
Urban 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
0138 Indore Total 18,635 8,437 10,198 2,183 542 1,641 7,829 2,788 5,041
Rural 12,628 5,340 7,288 1,794 462 1,332 7,023 2,483 4,540
Urban 6,007 3,097 2,910 389 80 309 806 305 501
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
802273 Urban 89 52 37 3 1 2 28 12 16
(Rural MDDS
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 568 156 412 220 7 213 88 9 79
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS Urban 198 68 130 12 4 8 35 13 22
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS Urban 285 172 113 2 1 1 4 1 3
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
802273 Urban 209 105 104 8 3 5 20 8 12
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS Urban 111 72 39 3 1 2 15 10 5
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
802273 Urban 9 5 4 - - - - - -
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
WARD NO.-0075
802273 Urban 74 28 46 2 1 1 14 3 11
(Rural MDDS

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 1,073 666 407 33 18 15 37 21 16

476366 Bank (CT) Urban 475 261 214 8 5 3 60 33 27
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 517 247 270 25 12 13 110 29 81
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 245 154 91 2 1 1 20 8 12
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 316 186 130 4 2 2 9 4 5
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 379 147 232 8 3 5 121 21 100
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 817 460 357 41 9 32 35 16 19
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 158 79 79 4 2 2 20 9 11
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 184 65 119 4 - 4 22 3 19
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 300 174 126 10 10 - 168 105 63
0139 Mhow Total 19,496 7,521 11,975 2,517 636 1,881 15,163 5,707 9,456
Rural 19,096 7,319 11,777 2,466 627 1,839 14,925 5,583 9,342
Urban 400 202 198 51 9 42 238 124 114
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 53 33 20 - - - 2 - 2
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 347 169 178 51 9 42 236 124 112

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 2,059 940 1,119 218 42 176 1,028 316 712
802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 956 481 475 61 12 49 562 238 324
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 253 111 142 1 - 1 114 21 93


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
4,752 1,981 2,771 59,951 36,136 23,815 2,008,502 760,572 1,247,930 Total Indore - District 439
1,376 505 871 7,489 4,983 2,506 462,206 192,395 269,811 Rural
3,376 1,476 1,900 52,462 31,153 21,309 1,546,296 568,177 978,119 Urban
404 129 275 1,244 766 478 101,566 43,488 58,078 Total Depalpur 0136
404 129 275 1,244 766 478 101,566 43,488 58,078 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
366 113 253 1,467 1,052 415 121,137 48,103 73,034 Total Sawer 0137
352 110 242 1,349 979 370 114,503 45,587 68,916 Rural
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Urban
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238
632 249 383 7,991 4,858 3,133 253,221 99,108 154,113 Total Indore 0138
372 167 205 3,439 2,228 1,211 120,574 48,864 71,710 Rural
260 82 178 4,552 2,630 1,922 132,647 50,244 82,403 Urban
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
WARD NO.-0076
- - - 58 39 19 1,338 550 788 Urban 802273
(Rural MDDS
20 6 14 240 134 106 9,729 3,677 6,052 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
22 4 18 129 47 82 1,393 559 834 Urban NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS 802273
Nipanya (OG) WARD
3 - 3 276 170 106 2,940 1,133 1,807 Urban NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS 802273
Talawali Chanda (OG)
WARD NO.-0072
9 4 5 172 90 82 4,703 1,809 2,894 Urban 802273
(Rural MDDS
Kanadia (OG) WARD
4 2 2 89 59 30 3,115 1,197 1,918 Urban NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS 802273
Tigaria Rao (OG)
WARD NO.-0074
- - - 9 5 4 246 111 135 Urban 802273
(Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
WARD NO.-0075
6 1 5 52 23 29 4,592 1,714 2,878 Urban 802273
(Rural MDDS

53 13 40 950 614 336 41,594 15,356 26,238 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365
37 6 31 370 217 153 12,439 4,497 7,942 Urban Bank (CT) 476366
19 9 10 363 197 166 6,010 2,304 3,706 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
3 - 3 220 145 75 5,812 2,280 3,532 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
17 15 2 286 165 121 6,780 2,552 4,228 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
21 9 12 229 114 115 2,716 1,098 1,618 Urban Sinhasa (CT) 476370
21 9 12 720 426 294 11,350 4,544 6,806 Urban Palda (CT) 476371
5 3 2 129 65 64 5,900 2,245 3,655 Urban Limbodi (CT) 476372
14 - 14 144 62 82 6,388 2,503 3,885 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
6 1 5 116 58 58 5,602 2,115 3,487 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374
250 99 151 1,566 1,079 487 133,406 57,498 75,908 Total Mhow 0139
248 99 149 1,457 1,010 447 125,563 54,456 71,107 Rural
2 - 2 109 69 40 7,843 3,042 4,801 Urban
2 - 2 49 33 16 3,718 1,417 2,301 Urban Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
- - - 60 36 24 4,125 1,625 2,500 Urban Santer (CT) 476554

55 18 37 758 564 194 8,457 3,256 5,201 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP) 802268
38 23 15 295 208 87 11,751 4,398 7,353 Urban Depalpur (NP) 802269
12 4 8 126 86 40 10,675 3,872 6,803 Urban Betma (NP) 802270



Location Total/ Area in Total population (including institutional

code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Square Number of and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 18.85 1,836 10,425 5,280 5,145 1,524 768 756
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 172.39 405,090 1,994,397 1,035,912 958,485 237,842 125,485 112,357
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 11.43 3,206 15,761 8,172 7,589 2,085 1,125 960
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 8.00 2,798 16,150 8,295 7,855 2,263 1,165 1,098
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 9.60 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 14.74 7,502 36,055 18,658 17,397 5,051 2,661 2,390
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 11.19 13,345 64,213 33,921 30,292 8,717 4,622 4,095
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 4.65 3,325 18,534 9,572 8,962 2,877 1,525 1,352
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 3.18 2,120 10,165 5,183 4,982 1,301 652 649
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 5.86 1,867 9,357 4,816 4,541 1,631 841 790
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 4.05 2,415 10,684 5,535 5,149 1,333 678 655
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 5.33 978 5,050 2,603 2,447 798 394 404
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 4.72 3,910 18,697 9,934 8,763 2,903 1,489 1,414
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 3.93 1,961 9,488 4,875 4,613 1,375 740 635
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 6.10 2,122 10,225 5,429 4,796 1,820 981 839
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 6.10 1,800 8,774 4,561 4,213 1,180 601 579
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 18.93 14,757 81,702 43,888 37,814 9,308 4,879 4,429
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 13.00 6,373 30,012 15,792 14,220 3,996 2,129 1,867
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 13.66 1,376 7,621 3,964 3,657 932 466 466
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 1.30 1,128 5,409 2,865 2,544 600 315 285
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 3.03 1,327 6,540 3,361 3,179 751 403 348



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2
2,386 1,204 1,182 518 267 251 6,443 3,822 2,621 Urban Hatod (NP)
310,080 160,035 150,045 54,217 28,607 25,610 1,503,842 817,237 686,605 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
1,702 874 828 1,648 870 778 10,807 6,112 4,695 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
3,123 1,576 1,547 364 209 155 11,334 6,378 4,956 Urban Sawer (NP)
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
4,534 2,313 2,221 2,925 1,395 1,530 25,917 14,252 11,665 Urban Rau (NP)
5,037 2,651 2,386 1,829 949 880 48,281 26,810 21,471 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)
919 464 455 590 322 268 12,566 6,932 5,634 Urban Bank (CT)
2,029 1,024 1,005 1,348 703 645 6,573 3,673 2,900 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
3,284 1,702 1,582 1,302 651 651 4,950 2,862 2,088 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
1,762 877 885 451 233 218 7,895 4,248 3,647 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
1,464 743 721 1,131 578 553 2,378 1,450 928 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
5,131 2,667 2,464 3,237 1,708 1,529 11,718 6,890 4,828 Urban Palda (CT)
2,253 1,157 1,096 1,154 573 581 6,341 3,449 2,892 Urban Limbodi (CT)
3,741 1,922 1,819 579 316 263 5,676 3,428 2,248 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
2,274 1,158 1,116 1,081 572 509 6,013 3,373 2,640 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
14,691 7,482 7,209 2,731 1,447 1,284 62,102 35,272 26,830 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
5,250 2,732 2,518 1,815 936 879 22,737 12,536 10,201 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
739 401 338 1,672 860 812 5,637 3,184 2,453 Urban Manpur (NP)
845 444 401 67 37 30 4,297 2,375 1,922 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
1,072 549 523 845 421 424 5,106 2,744 2,362 Urban Santer (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Total workers Main workers Cultivators
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 4,297 2,845 1,452 2,584 2,027 557 706 525 181
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 725,271 571,144 154,127 677,625 544,167 133,458 6,330 4,966 1,364
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 6,032 4,495 1,537 5,464 4,339 1,125 576 483 93
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 5,156 4,350 806 4,396 3,803 593 338 330 8
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646 104 89 15
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 12,501 9,968 2,533 11,704 9,568 2,136 854 702 152
476365 Bangarda Chhota Urban 22,619 18,565 4,054 21,546 17,899 3,647 380 299 81
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 6,095 5,075 1,020 5,620 4,814 806 105 84 21
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 4,155 2,879 1,276 3,638 2,632 1,006 70 65 5
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 3,545 2,536 1,009 3,300 2,382 918 73 60 13
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 3,904 2,983 921 3,588 2,797 791 114 108 6
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 2,334 1,505 829 1,955 1,358 597 152 114 38
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 7,347 5,390 1,957 6,530 4,930 1,600 101 84 17
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 3,588 2,630 958 3,430 2,551 879 93 68 25
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 3,837 2,926 911 3,653 2,861 792 112 104 8
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 3,172 2,446 726 2,872 2,272 600 181 173 8
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 30,260 25,301 4,959 27,106 23,219 3,887 156 136 20
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 9,571 8,267 1,304 8,654 7,611 1,043 291 260 31
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 2,690 1,992 698 2,289 1,846 443 279 239 40
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 1,691 1,448 243 1,638 1,415 223 44 36 8
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 2,415 1,736 679 2,068 1,567 501 193 155 38


of main workers
Agricultural labourers Household industry workers Other workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3 2
481 291 190 133 110 23 1,264 1,101 163 Urban Hatod (NP)
7,212 5,169 2,043 29,046 22,498 6,548 635,037 511,534 123,503 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
811 603 208 93 64 29 3,984 3,189 795 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
241 152 89 309 245 64 3,508 3,076 432 Urban Sawer (NP)
129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
1,048 561 487 547 440 107 9,255 7,865 1,390 Urban Rau (NP)
438 299 139 737 499 238 19,991 16,802 3,189 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)
87 61 26 256 224 32 5,172 4,445 727 Urban Bank (CT)
180 79 101 161 128 33 3,227 2,360 867 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
183 85 98 59 49 10 2,985 2,188 797 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
27 19 8 113 85 28 3,334 2,585 749 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
455 240 215 54 36 18 1,294 968 326 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
446 260 186 221 123 98 5,762 4,463 1,299 Urban Palda (CT)
91 57 34 36 31 5 3,210 2,395 815 Urban Limbodi (CT)
187 138 49 131 86 45 3,223 2,533 690 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
369 259 110 62 50 12 2,260 1,790 470 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
197 133 64 744 608 136 26,009 22,342 3,667 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
424 258 166 213 180 33 7,726 6,913 813 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
309 175 134 98 57 41 1,603 1,375 228 Urban Manpur (NP)
20 17 3 31 26 5 1,543 1,336 207 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
78 43 35 25 24 1 1,772 1,345 427 Urban Santer (CT)


Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 1,713 818 895 105 14 91 1,142 493 649
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 47,646 26,977 20,669 1,519 679 840 1,463 816 647
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 568 156 412 220 7 213 88 9 79
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 760 547 213 8 7 1 124 70 54
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 797 400 397 26 13 13 246 54 192
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 1,073 666 407 33 18 15 37 21 16
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 475 261 214 8 5 3 60 33 27
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 517 247 270 25 12 13 110 29 81
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 245 154 91 2 1 1 20 8 12
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 316 186 130 4 2 2 9 4 5
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 379 147 232 8 3 5 121 21 100
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 817 460 357 41 9 32 35 16 19
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 158 79 79 4 2 2 20 9 11
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 184 65 119 4 - 4 22 3 19
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 300 174 126 10 10 - 168 105 63
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 3,154 2,082 1,072 28 15 13 58 31 27
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 917 656 261 12 10 2 102 45 57
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 401 146 255 29 3 26 198 63 135
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 53 33 20 - - - 2 - 2
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 347 169 178 51 9 42 236 124 112


of marginal workers
Total/ Location
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3 2 1
34 18 16 432 293 139 6,128 2,435 3,693 Urban Hatod (NP) 802271
2,634 1,119 1,515 42,030 24,363 17,667 1,269,126 464,768 804,358 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG) 802273
20 6 14 240 134 106 9,729 3,677 6,052 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
98 63 35 530 407 123 10,994 3,945 7,049 Urban Sawer (NP) 802272
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238
49 27 22 476 306 170 23,554 8,690 14,864 Urban Rau (NP) 802274
53 13 40 950 614 336 41,594 15,356 26,238 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365
37 6 31 370 217 153 12,439 4,497 7,942 Urban Bank (CT) 476366
19 9 10 363 197 166 6,010 2,304 3,706 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
3 - 3 220 145 75 5,812 2,280 3,532 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
17 15 2 286 165 121 6,780 2,552 4,228 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
21 9 12 229 114 115 2,716 1,098 1,618 Urban Sinhasa (CT) 476370
21 9 12 720 426 294 11,350 4,544 6,806 Urban Palda (CT) 476371
5 3 2 129 65 64 5,900 2,245 3,655 Urban Limbodi (CT) 476372
14 - 14 144 62 82 6,388 2,503 3,885 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
6 1 5 116 58 58 5,602 2,115 3,487 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374
126 83 43 2,942 1,953 989 51,442 18,587 32,855 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB) 802275
55 33 22 748 568 180 20,441 7,525 12,916 Urban Mhowgaon (NP) 802276
43 14 29 131 66 65 4,931 1,972 2,959 Urban Manpur (NP) 802277
2 - 2 49 33 16 3,718 1,417 2,301 Urban Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
- - - 60 36 24 4,125 1,625 2,500 Urban Santer (CT) 476554

Appendix to District
Primary Census Abstract
Total, Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes
Population - Urban Block wise

Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 555 82 43
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 529 80 76
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 425 30 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 452 16 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 485 31 3
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 528 14 12
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000700 686 12 4
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 758 35 5
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 673 5 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001000 706 10 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001100 761 9 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001200 782 246 7
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001300 536 41 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001400 527 71 25
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.01 528 75 66
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.02 424 18 -
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001600 739 180 16
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001700 469 106 12
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-001800 425 216 3
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-001900 540 231 5
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 397 - 155
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 456 34 17
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002100 534 289 44
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002200 538 34 255
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002300 609 162 113
802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002400 522 197 101
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 574 15 51
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 518 - -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 388 5 2
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 494 156 4
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 479 67 5
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 592 71 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000700 557 76 129
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 575 17 4
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000900 553 141 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 681 69 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 520 520 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 438 412 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 559 3 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 596 94 68
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 415 14 52
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 678 82 184
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 732 32 12
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001800 582 56 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001900 497 65 51
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002000 773 47 52
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002100 683 176 167
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002200 358 83 38
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002300 562 15 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002400 381 7 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002500 371 19 2
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002600 378 24 2
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002700 315 - -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002800 620 5 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002900 509 20 -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-003000 498 - -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-003100 379 - -
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003200 599 6 9
802269 Depalpur (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-003300 620 - 3
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 387 15 34
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 528 39 4
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 537 45 289
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 341 8 -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 709 41 38
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 881 107 211
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 384 99 34
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 484 8 19
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 826 176 30
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000700 778 27 9
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 411 63 5
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000900 447 64 4
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 471 252 6
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 543 - -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 323 - -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 489 - -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001200 757 210 5
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001300 723 135 81
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001400 217 8 9
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001500 251 5 5
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001600 381 - -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 511 5 4
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001800 334 6 14
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 385 149 64
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002000 590 - 16
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 328 - -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002200 435 30 21
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 567 - 8
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002400 328 119 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 319 64 -
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002600 390 - 2
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002700 362 5 20
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002800 479 - 14
802270 Betma (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002900 103 - -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 655 430 26
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000200 465 182 -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000300 637 619 2
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000400 871 160 215
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000500 500 112 -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000600 696 5 4
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-000700 656 347 12
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-000800 724 350 111
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 705 54 31
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 390 28 59
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001000 710 17 17
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001100 447 - -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001200 526 42 -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-001300 530 25 31
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001400 787 15 10
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-001500 581 - -
802271 Hatod (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-001600 545 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0076 EB No.-019800 596 192 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0076 EB No.-019900 864 556 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0076 EB No.-020000 515 103 61
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 586 68 65
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 668 39 35
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 684 19 179
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 593 37 5
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 561 125 19
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 510 84 86
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 579 83 60
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 735 109 74
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 712 - 25
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 420 - 36
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 589 5 215
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 753 14 28
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 465 6 6
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 538 11 14
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 727 - 30
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 639 - -
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 768 17 17
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 653 8 -
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 778 80 72


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 578 80 64
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 518 226 16
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 448 116 67
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 471 240 34
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 662 241 293
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 601 57 24
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 525 37 184
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 642 383 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 554 305 53
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 726 194 16
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 723 102 9
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 650 121 5
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 598 187 2
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000700 578 80 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000800 623 2 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000900 325 5 10
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001000 506 42 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001100 425 - -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 483 112 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001300 333 21 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001400 877 - -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-001500 901 30 167
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-001600 749 80 41
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-001700 862 162 19
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001800 753 107 12
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001900 468 250 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002000 794 31 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002100 665 - 5
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002200 531 101 4
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-002300 687 165 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-002400 661 447 -
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 444 26 5
802272 Sawer (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 592 170 16
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 881 35 146
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 837 39 8
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 505 40 8
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 448 44 40
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 586 124 41
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 570 306 63
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 706 387 39
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 672 155 71
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 596 110 30
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 709 330 -
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 787 134 8


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 545 49 24
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 437 44 -
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 343 10 15
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 644 76 24
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 478 203 18
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 649 171 189
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 689 22 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 635 9 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 709 39 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 821 92 58
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 840 79 114
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 703 89 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 292 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 472 48 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 436 38 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 789 476 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 764 425 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 460 223 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 521 37 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 493 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 449 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 533 53 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 465 34 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 855 56 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 610 72 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 866 36 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 605 52 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 877 119 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 712 402 158
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 754 95 54
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 764 64 69
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 771 84 97
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 630 84 100
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 641 96 70
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 607 49 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 493 20 68
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 482 16 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 376 - 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 502 208 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002700 497 246 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 591 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.01 445 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.02 571 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 458 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 693 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 763 178 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.01 397 237 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.02 463 205 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 439 5 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 422 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 738 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 535 240 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 439 179 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 599 505 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 526 465 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 469 76 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 541 154 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004100 520 8 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004200 479 65 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 506 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 597 9 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 428 7 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 437 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004600 466 67 244
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004700 548 239 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004800 519 119 82
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 607 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 569 54 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.01 526 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.02 604 39 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005100 788 66 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.01 439 126 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.02 451 261 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.01 479 - 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.02 494 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005400 637 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005500 1111 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005600 590 - 104
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005700 574 51 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005800 739 6 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-005900 800 45 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0060 SUB-EB No.01 519 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0060 SUB-EB No.02 598 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.01 476 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.02 470 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0062 SUB-EB No.01 476 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0062 SUB-EB No.02 435 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0063 SUB-EB No.01 477 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0063 SUB-EB No.02 541 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-006400 751 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.01 530 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.02 455 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.01 418 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.02 480 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0067 SUB-EB No.01 499 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0067 SUB-EB No.02 481 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.01 435 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.02 528 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0069 SUB-EB No.01 508 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0069 SUB-EB No.02 479 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.01 585 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.02 581 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-007100 761 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 512 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 528 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.01 572 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.02 681 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.01 454 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.02 492 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0075 SUB-EB No.01 457 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0075 SUB-EB No.02 492 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0076 SUB-EB No.01 476 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0076 SUB-EB No.02 439 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.01 575 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.02 583 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.01 454 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.02 504 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.01 521 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.02 521 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.01 506 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.02 553 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008100 761 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.01 501 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.02 396 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008300 725 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008400 744 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008500 780 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008600 746 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.01 500 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.02 389 145 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008800 792 534 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-008900 692 533 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009000 687 289 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009100 738 597 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009200 775 217 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009300 778 152 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009400 717 83 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009500 521 49 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-009600 683 167 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0097 SUB-EB No.01 471 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0097 SUB-EB No.02 512 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.01 477 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.02 385 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.01 466 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.02 313 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010000 787 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010100 895 23 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010200 783 47 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010300 818 12 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010400 769 45 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-010500 739 22 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0204 SUB-EB No.01 587 146 109
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0204 SUB-EB No.02 527 46 65
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-020500 483 9 56
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-020600 565 28 63
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.01 415 9 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.02 424 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-010700 825 2 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-010800 804 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-010900 790 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011000 770 18 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011100 830 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011200 793 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011300 728 22 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011400 715 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011500 784 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011600 802 35 98
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011700 621 11 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011800 785 18 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-011900 649 - 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012000 490 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012100 334 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012200 658 150 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012300 406 23 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012400 470 52 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012500 677 531 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012600 675 623 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-012700 499 260 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.01 617 400 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.02 563 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.01 530 36 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.02 440 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-013000 731 66 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-013100 717 149 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-013200 736 81 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-013300 769 58 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-013400 812 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-013500 710 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.01 500 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.02 461 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-013700 773 4 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 539 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 656 48 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.01 619 63 58
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.02 610 65 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014000 698 25 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014100 665 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014200 775 139 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014300 671 66 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014400 634 31 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.01 415 20 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.02 538 15 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014600 761 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014700 597 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014800 750 272 52
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-014900 807 16 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015000 798 48 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015100 801 117 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015200 821 102 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.01 526 32 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.02 537 21 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0154 SUB-EB No.01 545 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0154 SUB-EB No.02 460 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.01 488 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.02 467 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015600 737 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015700 396 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015800 735 14 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-015900 555 15 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-016000 531 - 8


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-016100 577 255 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0162 SUB-EB No.01 621 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0162 SUB-EB No.02 513 36 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-016300 739 42 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-016400 816 75 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.01 512 16 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.02 414 6 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0166 SUB-EB No.01 480 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0166 SUB-EB No.02 416 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.01 809 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.02 345 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.01 606 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.02 471 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.01 711 78 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.02 504 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.01 541 430 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.02 461 313 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.01 651 290 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.02 424 244 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0172 SUB-EB No.01 544 298 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0172 SUB-EB No.02 562 227 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.01 530 44 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.02 459 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.01 525 24 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.02 443 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-017500 798 23 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-017600 595 68 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-017700 538 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-017800 538 93 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-017900 525 72 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018000 623 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018100 552 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018200 617 29 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.01 474 9 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.02 386 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018400 468 91 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.01 442 60 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.02 420 96 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0186 SUB-EB No.01 528 20 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0186 SUB-EB No.02 364 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018700 824 146 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018800 651 302 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-018900 763 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.01 583 41 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.02 450 93 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019100 696 65 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019200 679 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0193 SUB-EB No.01 547 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0193 SUB-EB No.02 452 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.01 400 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.02 536 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019500 872 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019600 644 4 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019700 647 62 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019800 568 23 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-019900 736 8 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-020000 572 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-020100 540 56 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-020200 737 416 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.01 586 520 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.02 511 382 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-020700 388 16 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000100 568 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000200 720 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000300 549 3 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000400 561 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000500 650 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000600 649 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000700 564 11 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000800 653 652 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000900 397 397 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001000 401 395 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001100 520 520 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001200 589 519 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001300 495 293 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001400 556 39 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001500 622 25 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001600 553 11 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001700 616 17 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001800 519 20 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001900 515 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002000 898 40 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002100 671 42 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002200 566 43 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002300 547 16 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002400 673 64 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002500 711 20 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002600 565 17 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002700 800 - 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002800 604 17 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-002900 614 8 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003000 849 58 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003100 757 15 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003200 766 23 52
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003300 587 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003400 651 23 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003500 788 93 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003600 783 122 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003700 540 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003800 397 14 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-003900 474 1 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004000 474 117 87
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004100 653 15 82
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004200 536 52 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004300 642 2 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004400 733 27 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004500 638 128 76
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004600 532 40 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004700 487 9 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004800 537 7 307
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-004900 417 41 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-005000 479 6 92
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005100 748 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005200 725 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005300 611 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005400 718 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005500 553 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005600 434 234 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005700 695 480 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005800 454 51 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-005900 442 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006000 810 195 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006100 636 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006200 620 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006300 671 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006400 712 76 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006500 616 - 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006600 918 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006700 790 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006800 706 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-006900 462 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007000 660 120 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007100 576 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007200 497 109 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007300 642 85 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007400 637 163 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007500 434 197 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007600 500 85 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007700 421 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-007800 643 42 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.01 418 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.02 460 34 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-008000 720 47 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008100 1368 32 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008200 1221 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008300 833 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008400 523 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008500 604 77 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008600 961 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008700 779 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008800 813 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-008900 841 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009000 738 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009100 724 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009200 764 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009300 543 7 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009400 615 98 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009500 674 55 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009600 632 52 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009700 620 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-009800 609 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.01 239 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.02 583 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-010000 474 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-010100 470 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-010200 518 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-010300 667 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-010400 536 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010500 644 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010600 531 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010700 658 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010800 585 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-010900 685 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011000 573 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011100 632 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011200 642 1 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011300 579 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011400 539 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011500 550 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011600 95 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011700 107 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011800 465 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-011900 614 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012000 623 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012100 535 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012200 526 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012300 456 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012400 510 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012500 592 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012600 505 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012700 608 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012800 656 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-012900 612 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013000 544 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013100 570 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013200 536 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013300 780 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013400 279 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013500 467 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-013600 378 5 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000100 573 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000200 763 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 517 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 481 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 768 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 536 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000500 828 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000600 460 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000700 605 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000800 617 45 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-000900 671 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001000 747 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001100 701 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001200 614 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.01 494 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.02 439 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 545 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 499 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001500 529 41 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001600 368 87 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001700 730 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001800 538 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001900 679 124 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 442 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 565 14 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002100 653 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002200 711 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002300 649 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002400 635 164 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002500 316 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-018300 711 35 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-018500 435 47 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000100 801 83 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 435 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 510 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000300 434 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 774 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 706 110 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 526 30 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 458 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000600 544 58 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000700 129 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000800 747 209 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-000900 485 67 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001000 762 189 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001100 642 24 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001200 446 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001300 497 101 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 424 117 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 453 112 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001500 440 53 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001600 215 11 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001700 579 77 54
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001800 818 162 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001900 140 50 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002000 286 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002100 582 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002200 425 24 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002300 840 9 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002400 508 85 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 594 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 457 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 724 58 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 462 66 272


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 892 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 427 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002800 613 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-002900 355 183 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 238 90 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 643 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.01 563 289 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0031 SUB-EB No.02 419 72 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003200 711 164 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003300 382 8 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003400 801 107 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003500 331 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003600 620 217 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003700 525 304 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003800 473 257 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003900 492 265 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-004000 730 573 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-004100 674 390 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.01 957 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.02 597 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.01 548 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.02 561 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 684 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 404 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-004500 944 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 566 26 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 499 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-004700 689 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-015600 460 122 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-015700 240 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-015800 522 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000100 569 106 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000200 576 174 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000300 542 118 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000400 593 154 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000500 610 167 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000600 603 44 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000700 499 67 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000800 658 511 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-000900 590 333 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001000 661 299 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001100 579 191 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001200 611 205 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001300 559 223 7


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001400 583 187 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001500 640 100 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001600 622 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001700 537 20 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001800 602 224 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001900 584 54 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002000 660 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002100 569 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002200 193 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002300 456 31 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002400 661 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002500 712 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002600 687 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002700 643 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002800 673 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-002900 780 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003000 470 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003100 581 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003200 650 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003300 408 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003400 397 8 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003500 646 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.01 484 30 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.02 814 116 141
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.03 672 109 198
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.04 775 101 250
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003700 501 19 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003800 522 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003900 507 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004000 771 12 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004100 509 29 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004200 766 123 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004300 876 108 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004400 679 50 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004500 774 38 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004600 460 10 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004700 594 499 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004800 544 430 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-004900 40 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.01 526 162 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.02 313 57 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-023500 279 31 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-023700 286 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005100 542 96 72


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005200 532 84 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005300 464 47 86
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005400 452 61 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005500 565 59 74
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005600 433 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005700 418 11 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005800 519 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-005900 330 - 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006000 552 21 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006100 628 9 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006200 318 20 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006300 621 55 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006400 586 37 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006500 710 87 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006600 761 39 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006700 322 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006800 556 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-006900 424 - 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007000 489 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007100 443 9 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007200 502 - 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007300 562 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007400 572 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007500 508 36 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007600 344 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007700 258 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007800 724 591 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-007900 522 428 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.01 795 40 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.02 182 56 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008100 421 70 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008200 334 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008300 303 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008400 469 29 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008500 412 51 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008600 399 66 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008700 20 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008800 216 7 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-008900 679 95 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009000 425 126 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 398 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 477 16 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.01 436 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.02 412 22 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0093 SUB-EB No.01 163 4 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0093 SUB-EB No.02 691 53 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009400 766 9 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009500 201 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009600 637 37 67
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009700 631 169 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009800 678 60 60
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-009900 626 98 96
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-010000 508 85 63
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-010100 237 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-010200 228 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-010300 442 25 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010400 672 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010500 540 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010600 689 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010700 493 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010800 731 7 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-010900 753 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011000 645 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011100 654 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011200 667 42 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011300 702 41 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011400 687 23 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011500 713 40 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011600 706 17 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011700 597 7 171
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011800 578 22 60
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-011900 593 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012000 705 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012100 625 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012200 630 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012300 522 47 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012400 823 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012500 608 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012600 626 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012700 675 117 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012800 530 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-012900 418 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013000 705 29 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013100 112 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013200 506 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013300 831 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.01 428 26 193
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.02 460 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013500 535 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013600 608 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013700 573 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013800 675 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-013900 534 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-014000 780 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-023600 334 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-013700 634 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-013800 546 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-013900 586 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014000 561 80 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014100 502 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0142 SUB-EB No.01 504 123 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-0142 SUB-EB No.02 615 139 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014300 612 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014400 779 18 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014500 354 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014600 719 540 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014700 676 518 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014800 534 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-014900 541 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015000 640 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015100 629 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015200 605 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015300 684 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015400 677 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015500 553 9 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015600 569 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015700 644 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015800 647 92 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-015900 658 35 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016000 914 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016100 463 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016200 497 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016300 404 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016400 803 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016500 561 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016600 675 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016700 614 45 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016800 596 - 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0016 EB No.-016900 654 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014100 528 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014200 636 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014300 628 18 5


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014400 652 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014500 622 4 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014600 599 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014700 581 14 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014800 595 11 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-014900 608 16 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015000 666 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015100 679 55 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015200 600 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015300 575 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015400 444 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015500 535 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015600 489 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015700 536 30 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015800 500 79 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-015900 494 39 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016000 508 81 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016100 533 56 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016200 580 375 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016300 522 290 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016400 643 134 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016500 568 92 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016600 649 222 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016700 477 94 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016800 431 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-016900 595 45 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017000 406 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017100 586 6 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017200 544 86 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017300 672 34 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017400 474 8 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017500 567 58 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017600 548 82 291
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017700 622 29 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017800 667 50 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-017900 624 53 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018000 580 125 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018100 562 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018200 589 13 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018300 574 41 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018400 497 49 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018500 641 51 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018600 661 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018700 506 1 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018800 623 5 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-018900 478 17 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-019000 649 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-019100 560 50 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-019200 576 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0017 EB No.-019300 473 33 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000100 639 17 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000200 735 54 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000300 727 32 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000400 778 44 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000500 693 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000600 774 19 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000700 756 47 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-000800 820 69 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 458 28 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 487 32 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001000 823 14 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001100 901 15 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001200 934 109 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001300 708 32 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 479 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 401 30 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001500 763 54 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001600 753 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.01 440 17 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.02 423 30 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001800 521 28 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0018 EB No.-001900 488 15 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 688 343 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 744 339 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-002100 789 708 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-002200 915 366 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 490 73 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 373 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-002400 752 109 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 425 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 435 79 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-002600 908 57 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 454 47 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 415 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 430 38 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 503 26 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-002900 886 48 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003000 627 41 16


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003100 669 74 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.01 592 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.02 1012 28 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 432 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 493 16 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.01 541 23 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.02 530 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 472 14 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 473 27 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003600 703 46 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003700 784 60 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003800 557 56 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-003900 694 18 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.01 467 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.02 454 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004100 673 37 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.01 644 5 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.02 631 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.01 514 37 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.02 562 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.01 680 20 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0044 SUB-EB No.02 614 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 408 110 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 492 55 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 634 94 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 510 63 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004700 612 32 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004800 558 4 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-004900 748 77 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005000 528 8 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.01 652 39 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.02 582 57 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.01 596 19 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0052 SUB-EB No.02 464 10 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.01 684 21 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.02 463 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005400 829 80 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.01 532 47 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.02 322 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.01 461 15 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.02 394 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005700 533 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.01 618 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.02 745 63 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-005900 595 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006000 726 98 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.01 457 53 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.02 388 29 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006200 754 40 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006300 790 47 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006400 735 33 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.01 516 40 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.02 501 42 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.01 601 80 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.02 410 64 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-006700 839 74 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.01 607 25 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0019 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.02 591 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-006900 686 202 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.01 473 270 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.02 495 414 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007100 783 184 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 480 57 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 380 42 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007300 655 88 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.01 455 123 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.02 396 94 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007500 606 91 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007600 746 158 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007700 719 271 55
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-007800 749 163 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.01 487 101 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0079 SUB-EB No.02 426 139 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.01 492 130 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.02 410 78 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 502 33 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 715 215 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.01 474 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.02 483 57 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-008300 753 58 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.01 705 85 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.02 327 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.01 528 152 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.02 422 122 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.01 410 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.02 427 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.01 896 107 64
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0087 SUB-EB No.02 880 183 77


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.01 573 6 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.02 605 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0089 SUB-EB No.01 510 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0089 SUB-EB No.02 599 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0090 SUB-EB No.01 725 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0090 SUB-EB No.02 325 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 559 52 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 465 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.01 624 10 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.02 676 10 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0093 SUB-EB No.01 744 55 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-0093 SUB-EB No.02 503 33 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0020 EB No.-009400 650 72 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009500 729 92 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009600 657 38 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009700 806 7 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.01 499 91 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.02 349 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-009900 813 103 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010000 686 24 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010100 712 35 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010200 846 14 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010300 602 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.01 420 49 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.02 556 14 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010500 1174 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010600 720 4 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010700 678 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-010800 763 282 100
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.01 429 74 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.02 477 91 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011000 921 27 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011100 741 65 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011200 790 59 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.01 454 169 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.02 602 66 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011400 880 81 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0115 SUB-EB No.01 481 49 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0115 SUB-EB No.02 414 52 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.01 435 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.02 411 20 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011700 613 29 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011800 464 71 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-011900 616 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012000 795 178 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012100 776 157 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0122 SUB-EB No.01 519 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0122 SUB-EB No.02 398 46 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.01 423 34 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.02 558 10 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-012400 494 46 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.01 516 28 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.02 347 21 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.01 596 44 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.02 362 6 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.01 521 103 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.02 518 64 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0021 EB No.-020400 365 22 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.01 697 93 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.02 596 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-012900 821 186 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.01 455 78 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.02 584 70 48
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013100 730 47 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013200 586 25 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.01 425 9 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.02 480 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013400 583 81 178
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.01 773 34 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.02 703 74 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013600 760 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013700 901 121 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-013800 711 23 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.01 375 101 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.02 661 109 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.01 441 79 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.02 534 17 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0141 SUB-EB No.01 711 69 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0141 SUB-EB No.02 475 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014300 881 485 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014400 79 30 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014500 371 57 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014600 739 239 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014700 588 292 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014800 146 35 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-014900 561 342 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015000 638 141 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015100 727 344 16


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015200 874 134 57
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.01 558 102 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.02 555 50 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015400 842 175 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015500 771 159 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015600 818 208 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015700 742 129 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015800 725 143 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-015900 903 210 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016000 589 152 81
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0161 SUB-EB No.01 510 385 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0161 SUB-EB No.02 355 186 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0162 SUB-EB No.01 531 378 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0162 SUB-EB No.02 351 136 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016300 650 340 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016400 529 233 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016500 985 366 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016600 564 312 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016700 510 111 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-016800 582 85 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017100 571 127 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017200 529 154 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017300 596 100 72
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017400 734 119 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017500 636 152 116
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017600 860 341 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017700 298 108 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017800 296 49 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-017900 569 62 57
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018000 343 51 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018100 589 126 116
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018200 1033 150 109
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018300 801 253 92
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018400 409 52 119
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018500 319 35 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018600 247 31 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-018900 870 125 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0191 SUB-EB No.01 420 70 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0191 SUB-EB No.02 416 104 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0192 SUB-EB No.01 431 147 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0192 SUB-EB No.02 428 65 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-019300 763 63 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.01 473 59 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.02 363 48 45


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0195 SUB-EB No.01 392 53 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0195 SUB-EB No.02 416 102 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0196 SUB-EB No.01 506 80 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0196 SUB-EB No.02 433 49 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-019700 479 63 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-020100 807 43 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-020200 266 103 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-020300 392 101 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0205 SUB-EB No.01 455 68 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0205 SUB-EB No.02 644 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-020600 702 16 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0207 SUB-EB No.01 490 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0022 EB No.-0207 SUB-EB No.02 543 20 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-000100 949 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-000200 668 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 288 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 464 47 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 384 41 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 562 58 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 486 46 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 367 18 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 382 39 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 513 90 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 489 50 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 341 105 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-000800 749 173 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 265 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 450 49 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001000 743 108 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001100 654 108 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001200 576 101 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001300 653 126 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001400 853 23 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001500 865 461 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001600 954 222 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001700 853 384 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001800 775 325 64
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-001900 541 40 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002000 721 187 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002100 581 4 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002200 564 55 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002300 625 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002400 687 101 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002500 854 100 14


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002600 716 92 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 548 110 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 333 71 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002800 787 132 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-002900 772 143 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003000 787 103 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003100 740 44 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003200 603 22 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003300 800 64 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003400 704 136 60
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 586 33 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 420 45 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003600 776 104 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003700 636 247 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 583 56 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 281 68 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-003900 648 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004000 618 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004100 715 95 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0023 EB No.-004200 750 99 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019400 443 29 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019500 581 120 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019600 736 178 64
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019700 724 103 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019800 797 215 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-019900 644 104 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020000 670 116 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020100 553 113 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020200 673 137 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020300 723 199 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020400 667 147 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020500 715 131 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020600 725 162 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020700 551 75 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020800 712 170 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-020900 699 137 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021000 537 209 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021100 582 211 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021200 631 179 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021300 536 279 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021400 572 189 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021500 599 264 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021600 772 264 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021700 563 95 37


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021800 635 278 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-021900 655 292 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022000 478 74 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022100 664 90 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022200 896 166 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022300 630 58 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022400 652 181 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022500 642 220 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022600 277 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022700 571 33 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022800 561 22 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-022900 545 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-023000 503 123 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-023100 547 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-023200 580 52 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-023300 575 134 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0024 EB No.-023400 687 77 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.01 669 28 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0043 SUB-EB No.02 486 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-004400 590 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 636 7 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 371 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 361 4 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 611 48 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-004700 551 18 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.01 492 36 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.02 498 53 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-004900 687 153 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005000 684 316 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005100 332 63 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005200 793 34 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.01 523 45 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0053 SUB-EB No.02 528 15 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.01 532 13 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0054 SUB-EB No.02 695 102 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005500 663 215 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005600 655 131 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005700 674 444 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-005800 591 320 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0059 SUB-EB No.01 335 37 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0059 SUB-EB No.02 527 109 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006000 696 274 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.01 582 314 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0061 SUB-EB No.02 502 327 18


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006200 528 44 100
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006300 678 152 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0064 SUB-EB No.01 371 266 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0064 SUB-EB No.02 582 311 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006500 444 267 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.01 460 369 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.02 451 384 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006700 626 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006800 725 112 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-006900 762 48 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-007000 703 131 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-007100 709 125 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 713 28 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0025 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 528 76 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 555 363 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 446 178 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-000200 725 624 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-000300 694 547 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 526 305 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 374 190 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 380 204 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 472 271 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-000600 596 422 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 452 126 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 436 198 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-000800 863 487 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-000900 727 496 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001000 810 707 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001100 829 253 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001200 798 314 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001300 633 26 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001400 553 70 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001500 651 69 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001600 454 57 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001700 18 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001800 495 212 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-001900 670 334 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-002000 611 570 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-002100 815 217 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-002200 636 415 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-002300 589 451 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-013100 353 107 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0026 EB No.-013200 295 88 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000100 592 20 14


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000200 666 61 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000300 457 15 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000400 595 2 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000500 623 16 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000600 686 103 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000700 529 38 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000800 484 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-000900 571 15 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001000 674 54 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001100 551 3 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001200 386 11 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001300 835 16 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001400 455 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001500 480 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001600 813 5 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001700 803 99 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001800 203 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-001900 244 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002000 481 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002100 534 16 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002200 482 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002300 408 4 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002400 610 14 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002500 576 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002600 610 10 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002700 563 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002800 362 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-002900 160 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003000 684 544 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003100 595 409 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003200 585 467 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003300 460 276 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003400 688 219 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003500 618 186 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003600 481 219 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003700 739 319 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0027 EB No.-003800 536 203 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002400 605 555 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002500 643 520 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002600 642 512 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002700 731 625 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002800 740 638 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-002900 612 599 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 539 537 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 348 218 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003100 643 637 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003200 591 524 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 513 450 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 354 332 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003400 512 501 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003500 777 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003600 389 170 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003700 884 528 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 486 376 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 505 373 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-003900 812 310 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004000 666 582 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004100 318 318 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.01 640 514 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.02 684 655 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004300 717 475 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004400 692 672 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004500 828 805 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004600 792 750 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004700 816 460 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-004800 884 733 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 640 503 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 371 325 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005000 797 708 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005100 783 764 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005200 632 528 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005300 765 715 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005400 790 155 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005500 860 333 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.01 504 211 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.02 435 189 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005700 803 246 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.01 585 211 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.02 512 263 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-005900 654 485 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-006000 686 669 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-006100 628 616 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-006200 700 624 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-006300 679 656 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-006400 566 443 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0028 EB No.-013300 277 68 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.01 331 203 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.02 483 90 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004000 530 199 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004100 531 360 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004200 516 323 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004300 686 424 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004400 484 129 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004500 656 256 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004600 548 161 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004700 514 249 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004800 484 109 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-004900 539 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005000 469 122 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005100 554 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005200 455 7 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005300 539 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005400 566 54 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005500 597 73 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005600 467 101 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005700 470 136 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005800 395 79 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-005900 702 116 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006000 252 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006100 470 271 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006200 451 330 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006300 500 290 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006400 438 123 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006500 581 94 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006600 436 142 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006700 727 131 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006800 715 327 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-006900 722 147 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007000 402 139 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007100 164 83 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007200 451 239 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007300 323 8 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007400 135 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007500 300 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007600 275 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007700 308 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007800 508 13 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-007900 480 11 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008000 507 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008100 530 33 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008200 506 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008300 466 98 33


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008400 463 197 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008500 577 141 44
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008600 593 325 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008700 628 589 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008800 575 272 75
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0029 EB No.-008900 625 361 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0090 SUB-EB No.01 747 307 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0090 SUB-EB No.02 530 222 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 721 275 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 302 37 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.01 344 27 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.02 555 36 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009300 644 127 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009400 580 73 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009500 721 152 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009600 704 55 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009700 675 161 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009800 641 91 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-009900 832 125 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010000 235 34 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010100 633 44 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010200 669 83 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0103 SUB-EB No.01 661 76 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0103 SUB-EB No.02 350 215 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.01 441 300 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.02 378 190 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010500 722 628 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010600 826 775 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010700 621 505 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010800 446 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-010900 395 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011000 266 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011100 379 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0112 SUB-EB No.01 399 75 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0112 SUB-EB No.02 477 28 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011300 486 243 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011400 741 157 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011500 541 51 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011600 563 36 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.01 539 175 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.02 679 93 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011800 688 41 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-011900 601 54 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012000 490 121 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012100 844 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012200 825 40 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012300 392 30 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012400 619 14 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012500 375 19 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012600 399 4 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012700 406 28 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012800 479 75 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-012900 512 22 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013000 509 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013100 877 13 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013200 547 45 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013300 776 29 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013400 435 8 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013500 520 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013600 329 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013700 268 16 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013800 209 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-013900 443 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-014000 74 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0030 EB No.-014100 203 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-006500 678 166 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.01 505 254 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0066 SUB-EB No.02 410 237 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-006700 594 108 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-006800 745 268 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-006900 626 515 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007000 605 354 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007100 669 205 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007200 853 135 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007300 577 146 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007400 765 191 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007500 581 354 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007600 719 539 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007700 773 156 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007800 738 74 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-007900 697 155 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008000 500 117 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008100 583 41 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008200 427 41 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0083 SUB-EB No.01 773 142 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0083 SUB-EB No.02 484 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008400 513 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008500 747 20 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008600 690 89 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-008700 859 276 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.01 561 231 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0088 SUB-EB No.02 484 141 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0089 SUB-EB No.01 547 164 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-0089 SUB-EB No.02 390 86 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009000 655 303 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009100 608 130 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009200 664 138 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009300 601 86 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009400 536 80 75
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009500 566 73 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009600 639 49 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009700 613 73 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009800 741 16 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-009900 584 61 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010000 625 61 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010100 776 89 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010200 815 86 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010300 331 48 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010400 750 206 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010500 616 119 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0031 EB No.-010600 521 74 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-010700 775 92 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.01 534 171 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.02 490 20 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.01 415 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.02 487 128 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-011000 797 93 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0111 SUB-EB No.01 496 30 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0111 SUB-EB No.02 446 75 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-011200 755 40 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.01 412 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.02 407 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-011400 718 26 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0115 SUB-EB No.01 431 27 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0115 SUB-EB No.02 568 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.01 684 49 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.02 406 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.01 560 58 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.02 666 30 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0118 SUB-EB No.01 485 40 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0118 SUB-EB No.02 465 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.01 510 80 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0119 SUB-EB No.02 622 55 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0120 SUB-EB No.01 647 63 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0120 SUB-EB No.02 517 31 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 678 67 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 470 52 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-012200 834 25 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-012300 640 47 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-012400 818 103 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-012500 671 28 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.01 399 72 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.02 595 62 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.01 457 29 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.02 526 18 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.01 426 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.02 516 18 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.01 489 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.02 499 19 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.01 573 63 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0032 EB No.-0130 SUB-EB No.02 674 31 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-000100 640 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-000200 422 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 572 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 470 17 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 435 71 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 554 123 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-000500 674 65 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-000600 777 98 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 623 168 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 514 75 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.01 578 161 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0008 SUB-EB No.02 416 38 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 439 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 497 21 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001000 722 102 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001100 703 44 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001200 772 50 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001300 987 77 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001400 883 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.01 526 4 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.02 481 20 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001600 710 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001700 738 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001800 876 28 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-001900 817 137 47


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002000 618 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002100 664 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002200 703 53 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002300 655 60 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002400 802 93 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 578 106 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 470 3 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002600 712 67 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002700 861 33 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002800 808 75 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-002900 763 56 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 551 17 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 365 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-003100 559 316 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.01 350 171 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0032 SUB-EB No.02 477 90 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 674 63 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 718 574 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-003400 565 465 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-003500 558 95 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.01 590 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0033 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.02 321 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-007300 1060 25 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-007400 736 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-007500 785 60 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0076 SUB-EB No.01 334 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0076 SUB-EB No.02 535 27 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.01 557 108 125
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.02 485 65 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-007800 620 28 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-007900 1027 144 179
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008000 777 67 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 492 18 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 352 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008200 678 33 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008300 732 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.01 364 35 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.02 617 35 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.01 670 57 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.02 422 47 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.01 650 21 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.02 239 40 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008700 801 61 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008800 716 77 5


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-008900 522 40 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009000 849 14 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 780 64 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 515 80 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.01 686 298 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0092 SUB-EB No.02 313 249 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009300 763 671 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009400 590 15 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009500 579 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009600 871 89 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009700 492 31 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.01 449 22 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.02 466 27 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-009900 771 45 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010000 559 38 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010100 541 25 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010200 579 24 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010300 573 33 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010400 947 115 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010500 743 248 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010600 735 40 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010700 658 66 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010800 780 127 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-010900 651 107 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011000 729 105 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011100 648 76 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011200 623 87 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011300 532 62 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011400 675 38 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011500 619 72 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011600 713 96 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011700 600 86 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011800 565 29 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-011900 578 18 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012000 617 92 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012100 701 103 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012200 559 47 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012300 560 52 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012400 570 25 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012500 749 34 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0034 EB No.-012600 664 15 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-012700 615 57 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-012800 638 66 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.01 520 17 3


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.02 429 - 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013000 683 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0131 SUB-EB No.01 413 17 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0131 SUB-EB No.02 439 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013200 754 52 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013300 746 47 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013400 580 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013500 669 27 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013600 573 66 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013700 691 68 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013800 727 55 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-013900 558 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014000 786 99 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014100 611 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014200 463 16 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014300 446 96 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.01 545 176 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.02 284 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014500 629 13 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014600 437 19 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014700 523 28 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014800 551 61 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-014900 569 228 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015000 771 51 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015100 694 5 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015200 463 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015300 499 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015400 511 58 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.01 533 48 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.02 491 26 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015600 691 39 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015700 492 28 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015800 538 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-015900 389 19 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-016000 473 12 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-016100 328 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0035 EB No.-016200 616 49 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-003600 305 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-003700 451 81 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 420 21 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 488 44 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.01 455 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.02 443 68 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004000 649 118 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004100 569 99 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004200 598 73 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004300 422 50 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004400 457 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004500 503 8 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004600 319 65 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004700 414 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-004800 544 45 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 483 31 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 449 40 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.01 534 26 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.02 559 33 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005100 303 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005200 79 23 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005300 375 73 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005400 537 49 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005500 812 77 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005600 632 25 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005700 781 45 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005800 843 63 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-005900 797 41 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006000 569 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006100 537 18 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006200 731 36 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006300 743 49 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006400 668 31 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006500 591 34 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006600 732 43 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006700 618 69 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006800 688 44 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-006900 735 92 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-007000 512 63 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-007100 525 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.01 427 10 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0072 SUB-EB No.02 450 10 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.01 666 46 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0036 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.02 419 3 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007300 551 42 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007400 566 31 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007500 546 43 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007600 650 60 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007700 419 25 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007800 488 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-007900 502 19 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008000 467 36 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008100 497 70 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008200 598 60 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008300 462 64 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008400 561 27 141
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008500 682 75 166
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008600 640 298 64
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008700 614 351 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008800 548 77 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-008900 400 37 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009000 488 9 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009100 776 57 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009200 726 87 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009300 762 128 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009400 777 102 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009500 759 93 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0096 SUB-EB No.01 489 59 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0096 SUB-EB No.02 451 35 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009700 625 58 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.01 571 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-0098 SUB-EB No.02 573 50 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-009900 768 97 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010000 756 143 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010100 735 149 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010200 516 91 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010300 566 44 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010400 541 48 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010500 478 39 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010600 491 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010700 418 25 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010800 613 129 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-010900 602 135 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011000 654 118 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011100 592 76 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011200 771 123 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011300 777 62 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011400 680 107 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011500 720 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011600 674 106 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011700 687 136 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011800 549 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-011900 564 89 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012000 557 54 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012100 587 64 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012200 584 50 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012300 644 114 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012400 656 108 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012500 599 86 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012600 500 116 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012700 606 63 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012800 554 70 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-012900 500 75 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013000 706 100 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013100 554 169 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013200 626 46 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013300 723 26 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0037 EB No.-013400 555 62 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 316 39 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 537 17 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000200 759 26 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000300 540 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000400 773 48 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000500 642 28 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000600 879 205 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000700 663 164 92
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000800 468 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-000900 658 101 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 535 66 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 484 57 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001100 793 108 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001200 649 94 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001300 578 266 116
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001400 587 410 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001500 613 256 130
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001600 594 359 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001700 601 211 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001800 684 38 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-001900 604 295 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002000 665 395 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002100 649 327 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002200 528 121 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002300 559 173 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002400 553 17 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002500 616 124 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002600 615 178 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002700 574 163 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002800 661 39 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-002900 595 142 27


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003000 640 286 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003100 724 475 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003200 722 375 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003300 631 157 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003400 544 94 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003500 442 169 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0038 EB No.-003600 446 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-003700 584 290 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-003800 793 507 67
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-003900 653 228 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004000 649 306 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004100 618 280 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004200 614 35 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004300 516 41 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004400 153 19 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004500 647 93 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 843 34 57
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 284 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004700 807 55 241
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004800 558 2 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-004900 539 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005000 608 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005100 624 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005200 685 30 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005300 724 55 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005400 907 51 85
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005500 1106 73 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005600 881 98 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005700 612 38 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005800 779 150 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-005900 654 29 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-006000 915 190 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-006100 718 69 55
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0062 SUB-EB No.01 626 70 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-0062 SUB-EB No.02 318 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-006300 873 134 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0039 EB No.-027000 158 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006400 656 44 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006500 504 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006600 508 4 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006700 435 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006800 630 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-006900 639 13 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007000 482 4 42


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007100 612 209 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007200 660 312 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007300 716 302 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007400 738 439 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007500 402 126 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007600 495 319 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007700 357 355 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007800 227 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-007900 857 82 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008000 550 5 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008100 662 173 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008200 766 291 44
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008300 670 186 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008400 720 197 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008500 706 181 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008600 410 119 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008700 534 89 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008800 815 91 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-008900 597 287 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009000 481 125 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009100 542 184 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009200 547 177 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009300 570 68 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009400 733 138 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009500 535 123 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009600 499 208 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009700 508 130 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009800 543 151 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-009900 693 153 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010000 454 155 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010100 585 128 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010200 475 118 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010300 645 169 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010400 702 106 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010500 506 158 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010600 632 192 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010700 622 191 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010800 638 109 151
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-010900 782 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011000 427 36 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011100 653 68 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011200 623 51 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011300 435 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011400 515 112 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011500 642 136 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011600 541 32 52
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011700 415 23 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011800 187 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-011900 520 45 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-012000 794 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-012100 276 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-012200 662 77 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-012300 480 272 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-012400 316 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019700 598 207 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019800 659 283 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-019900 681 132 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.01 854 454 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.02 361 297 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-020100 647 161 186
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-020200 742 293 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0040 EB No.-027200 192 - 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-013500 706 142 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-013600 455 135 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-013700 572 124 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-013800 433 39 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-013900 813 221 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014000 622 122 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014100 810 90 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014200 729 57 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014300 703 145 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014400 754 350 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014500 690 222 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014600 616 112 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014700 520 169 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014800 701 533 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-014900 579 78 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015000 734 426 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015100 546 203 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015200 543 107 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015300 697 180 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015400 674 159 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015500 609 57 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015600 332 16 60
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.01 396 236 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.02 470 317 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.01 478 94 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.02 560 148 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-015900 424 201 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016000 428 103 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016100 601 304 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016200 544 124 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016300 626 115 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016400 429 19 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016500 387 254 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016600 903 398 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.01 339 110 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0167 SUB-EB No.02 674 231 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016800 821 291 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-016900 724 305 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.01 634 322 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.02 516 357 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017100 476 15 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017200 452 88 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017300 673 303 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017400 539 117 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017500 391 74 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017600 720 493 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017700 673 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017800 840 194 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-017900 723 589 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-018000 682 198 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-018100 921 198 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-018200 964 137 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0184 SUB-EB No.01 843 85 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-0184 SUB-EB No.02 982 325 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0041 EB No.-018600 537 18 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-012500 661 - 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-012600 535 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-012700 607 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-012800 750 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-012900 620 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013000 734 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013100 657 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013200 747 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013300 669 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013400 799 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013500 668 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013600 728 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013700 418 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013800 424 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-013900 507 3 7


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014000 400 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014100 533 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014200 468 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014300 379 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014400 565 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014500 151 - 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014600 531 15 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014700 664 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014800 623 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-014900 661 152 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015000 863 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015100 708 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015200 750 63 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015300 684 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015400 461 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015500 727 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015600 699 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015700 530 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015800 503 13 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-015900 504 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016000 822 238 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016100 483 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016200 381 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016300 172 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016400 411 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016500 409 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016700 614 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016800 525 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-016900 323 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017000 184 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017200 388 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017300 395 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017400 412 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017500 311 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017600 473 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017700 147 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017800 147 - 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-017900 417 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018000 360 11 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018100 331 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018200 527 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018300 549 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018500 679 13 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018600 638 23 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018700 571 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018800 585 1 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-018900 460 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019000 373 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019100 371 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019200 400 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019300 483 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019400 319 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019500 637 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-019600 623 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.01 508 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0203 SUB-EB No.02 408 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0204 SUB-EB No.01 568 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0204 SUB-EB No.02 482 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-020500 601 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-020600 296 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-020700 352 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-020800 866 - 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-020900 191 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021000 584 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021100 702 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021200 603 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021300 544 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0214 SUB-EB No.01 568 103 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0214 SUB-EB No.02 403 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021500 632 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021600 530 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021700 321 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021800 387 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-021900 490 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022000 610 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.01 648 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.02 311 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.01 433 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.02 629 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022300 461 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022400 509 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0225 SUB-EB No.01 399 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0225 SUB-EB No.02 625 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0226 SUB-EB No.01 300 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-0226 SUB-EB No.02 571 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022700 699 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022800 404 3 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-022900 859 - 32


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023000 638 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023100 678 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023200 396 131 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023300 300 239 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023400 961 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023500 105 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023600 211 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023700 387 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023800 625 - 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-023900 552 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024000 483 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024100 675 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024200 632 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024300 529 149 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024400 561 1 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024500 720 6 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024600 381 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-024900 318 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-025000 662 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-025100 675 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-025200 807 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-027100 383 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0042 EB No.-027300 867 36 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000100 379 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000200 395 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000300 518 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 401 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 417 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 684 54 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 723 21 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000600 817 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 672 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 476 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000800 484 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-000900 576 5 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001000 511 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001100 723 174 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 533 25 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 363 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001300 489 9 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001400 667 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001500 450 5 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.01 540 30 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.02 345 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001700 429 1 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001800 612 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-001900 693 52 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002000 773 104 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002100 341 79 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002200 352 9 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 615 87 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 556 42 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002400 532 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002500 491 15 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002600 760 41 129
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002700 628 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002800 649 20 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-002900 712 106 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.01 571 29 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-0030 SUB-EB No.02 498 43 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-003700 824 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-007500 507 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-008000 194 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-015100 507 166 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-015400 521 71 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-015700 104 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-016200 687 5 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-017400 164 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018400 111 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018500 270 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018600 214 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018700 328 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018800 97 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-018900 225 4 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-019500 250 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-019800 440 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-019900 76 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0043 EB No.-020100 297 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014200 515 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014300 275 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014400 395 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014500 438 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014600 397 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014700 704 7 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014800 651 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-014900 483 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015000 453 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015100 418 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015200 523 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015300 440 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015400 464 9 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015500 420 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015600 453 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015700 601 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015800 502 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-015900 513 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016000 381 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016100 451 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016200 479 4 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016300 293 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016400 422 3 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016500 356 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016600 822 43 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016700 326 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016800 549 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-016900 585 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017000 382 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017100 486 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017200 545 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017300 373 1 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017400 399 12 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017500 556 19 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017600 251 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017700 472 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017800 462 - 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-017900 434 13 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018000 521 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018100 341 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018200 798 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018300 456 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018400 656 584 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018500 474 463 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018600 466 380 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018700 432 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018800 331 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-018900 248 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019000 287 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019100 482 8 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019200 556 3 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019300 299 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019400 448 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019500 668 5 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019600 354 25 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019700 322 4 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019800 374 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-019900 387 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-020000 440 43 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0044 EB No.-020100 325 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-003100 504 326 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-003200 692 379 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-003300 674 321 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.01 509 183 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.02 555 219 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 442 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 622 473 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.01 406 153 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.02 516 21 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004000 517 124 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004100 769 29 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004200 114 17 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004300 222 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004400 555 19 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004500 571 18 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.01 200 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.02 204 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-004800 441 33 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005000 893 4 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.01 522 28 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.02 305 8 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005200 446 5 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005300 479 37 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005400 493 478 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005500 476 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005600 363 7 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005700 430 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-005800 615 135 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-006000 591 58 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-012000 422 5 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-015000 703 48 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-015200 387 53 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.01 528 170 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.02 579 369 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-015600 395 148 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016100 162 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016300 78 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016500 504 331 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016600 518 346 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016700 478 353 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-016900 580 504 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017000 472 436 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017100 999 668 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017200 475 78 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-017700 588 124 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-019000 367 23 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-019200 989 604 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0045 EB No.-019300 637 233 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000100 498 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000200 632 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000300 749 12 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 449 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 463 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000500 758 28 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000600 606 78 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000700 392 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-000800 621 28 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 488 112 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 546 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001000 375 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001100 836 295 74
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001200 487 89 83
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001300 538 199 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001400 717 144 48
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001500 471 204 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.01 585 104 57
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.02 94 21 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.01 397 216 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.02 341 2 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 557 56 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 445 6 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-001900 819 79 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002000 722 31 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002100 612 18 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 509 49 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 542 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002300 287 18 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002400 421 131 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 475 - 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 413 77 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002600 67 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002700 473 13 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-002800 403 63 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-019600 530 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-020200 31 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0046 EB No.-020400 470 8 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-004900 136 3 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006100 411 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006200 625 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0063 SUB-EB No.01 486 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0063 SUB-EB No.02 478 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0064 SUB-EB No.01 367 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0064 SUB-EB No.02 459 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.01 446 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.02 429 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006600 291 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006700 363 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006800 685 5 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-006900 796 22 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.01 352 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.02 450 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007100 577 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007200 751 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007300 466 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007400 417 13 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007600 550 78 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007800 389 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-007900 739 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 430 82 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 559 101 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.01 473 82 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.02 341 142 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0083 SUB-EB No.01 459 123 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0083 SUB-EB No.02 467 30 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-008400 826 198 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-008500 693 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.01 403 25 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.02 441 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-008700 755 73 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-008800 457 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-008900 727 1 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-009000 681 123 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-009100 738 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-009200 710 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-009300 746 70 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-009400 488 2 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-015300 529 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-015800 80 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-015900 672 31 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-016000 379 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-016800 149 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-017500 240 17 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-017600 237 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-019100 718 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-019400 240 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-019600 491 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-019700 408 76 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-020200 442 19 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0047 EB No.-020300 418 21 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-003800 154 9 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-003900 339 66 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-004600 485 10 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-005900 384 47 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-007700 434 41 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.01 674 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.02 451 6 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-009600 495 23 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-009700 665 20 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-009800 811 100 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-009900 788 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010000 592 280 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010100 725 50 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010200 588 32 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010300 685 29 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010400 967 10 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010500 667 13 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.01 381 11 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.02 508 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010700 548 29 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010800 776 44 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-010900 706 26 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011000 836 17 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011100 867 44 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011200 562 35 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011300 552 8 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011400 724 18 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011500 443 49 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011600 658 14 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011700 617 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011800 774 147 274


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-011900 761 284 76
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 75 3 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 662 249 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012200 1163 52 119
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.01 662 207 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.02 709 190 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012400 317 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012500 476 15 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012600 660 28 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012700 722 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012800 566 41 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-012900 538 17 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013000 513 37 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013100 533 4 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013200 308 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013300 729 556 33
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013400 233 16 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013500 572 32 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013600 460 31 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013700 350 17 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-013800 485 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-016400 254 54 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-017300 147 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-017800 339 18 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-017900 451 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018000 377 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018100 544 48 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018200 473 26 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-018300 217 4 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-020000 284 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0048 EB No.-020400 518 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.01 232 75 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.02 735 267 91
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003000 484 138 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003100 673 117 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003200 440 35 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.01 355 193 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0033 SUB-EB No.02 406 179 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003400 698 393 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003500 496 455 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003600 702 659 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003700 602 588 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003800 712 537 57
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-003900 683 611 51


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004000 726 600 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004100 434 359 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004200 678 611 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004300 690 514 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004400 465 283 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004500 431 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 212 32 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 181 29 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.01 691 3 672
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.02 578 2 573
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004800 807 12 743
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-004900 772 33 703
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005000 636 - 632
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005100 782 102 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005200 529 7 491
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005300 501 243 44
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005400 554 211 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005500 442 152 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005600 688 161 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005700 791 202 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005800 1277 173 106
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-005900 628 50 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006000 247 141 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006100 393 49 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006200 679 14 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006300 774 218 48
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006400 693 11 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006500 530 169 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-006600 412 174 55
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0049 EB No.-020300 261 90 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0067 SUB-EB No.01 729 140 58
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0067 SUB-EB No.02 586 37 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.01 495 101 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.02 660 116 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0069 SUB-EB No.01 494 115 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0069 SUB-EB No.02 447 71 48
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.01 383 93 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0070 SUB-EB No.02 524 88 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.01 415 47 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.02 704 123 55
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-007200 789 43 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.01 549 23 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.02 441 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.01 563 48 23


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0074 SUB-EB No.02 588 31 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0075 SUB-EB No.01 621 45 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0075 SUB-EB No.02 813 80 73
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-007600 828 96 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-007700 735 73 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.01 544 16 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0078 SUB-EB No.02 388 52 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-007900 471 65 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008000 459 247 96
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 727 337 180
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 389 276 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008200 662 383 158
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008300 753 407 183
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008400 708 383 121
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008500 679 253 76
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008600 626 95 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008700 654 200 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008800 624 129 91
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-008900 720 370 131
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009000 585 236 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009100 618 341 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009200 869 168 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009300 699 55 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.01 541 140 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.02 526 86 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009500 777 210 66
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009600 835 26 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009700 793 65 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009800 755 81 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-009900 798 255 96
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010000 820 122 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010100 874 258 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010200 728 428 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010300 564 249 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010400 889 192 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010500 958 220 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010600 724 68 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010700 792 170 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010800 763 90 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-010900 754 197 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011000 690 149 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011100 300 77 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011200 1084 242 79
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011300 885 147 57


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0114 SUB-EB No.01 437 53 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0114 SUB-EB No.02 475 65 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011500 613 203 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011600 647 170 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.01 554 176 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.02 459 40 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0118 SUB-EB No.01 994 220 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0118 SUB-EB No.02 282 36 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-011900 857 38 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0120 SUB-EB No.01 488 97 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0120 SUB-EB No.02 508 116 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 529 55 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 530 68 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-012200 853 52 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.01 665 6 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0123 SUB-EB No.02 402 131 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-012400 709 71 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.01 475 173 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.02 492 160 119
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.01 502 192 84
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0126 SUB-EB No.02 522 311 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.01 518 111 115
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0127 SUB-EB No.02 498 114 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.01 542 36 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.02 488 173 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-012900 668 52 279
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-013000 541 120 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-019700 594 274 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-019800 573 257 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0050 EB No.-020500 312 49 68
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-013100 646 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-013200 652 103 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.01 657 52 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.02 467 6 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.01 641 2 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.02 610 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.01 470 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.02 455 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.01 817 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.02 535 - 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.01 727 3 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.02 686 - 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 853 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 700 2 24


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.01 526 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.02 507 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.01 760 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0140 SUB-EB No.02 593 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0141 SUB-EB No.01 557 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0141 SUB-EB No.02 739 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0142 SUB-EB No.01 633 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0142 SUB-EB No.02 721 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0143 SUB-EB No.01 704 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0143 SUB-EB No.02 663 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.01 705 - 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.02 455 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.01 852 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.02 607 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0146 SUB-EB No.01 561 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0146 SUB-EB No.02 453 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0147 SUB-EB No.01 575 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0147 SUB-EB No.02 377 151 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0148 SUB-EB No.01 670 66 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0148 SUB-EB No.02 454 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0149 SUB-EB No.01 741 62 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0149 SUB-EB No.02 522 18 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0150 SUB-EB No.01 725 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0150 SUB-EB No.02 723 7 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0151 SUB-EB No.01 473 98 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0151 SUB-EB No.02 377 17 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0152 SUB-EB No.01 626 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0152 SUB-EB No.02 666 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.01 603 6 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0153 SUB-EB No.02 476 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0154 SUB-EB No.01 671 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0154 SUB-EB No.02 528 - 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.01 594 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0155 SUB-EB No.02 601 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0156 SUB-EB No.01 619 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0156 SUB-EB No.02 680 34 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.01 667 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0157 SUB-EB No.02 696 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.01 774 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0158 SUB-EB No.02 889 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0159 SUB-EB No.01 606 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0159 SUB-EB No.02 592 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0160 SUB-EB No.01 690 12 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0160 SUB-EB No.02 581 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0161 SUB-EB No.01 626 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0051 EB No.-0161 SUB-EB No.02 867 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000100 143 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000200 194 17 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000300 96 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000400 338 14 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000500 836 723 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 498 449 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 515 499 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000700 805 646 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000800 856 52 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-000900 489 24 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 572 15 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 677 44 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 565 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 414 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001200 528 35 110
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.01 569 26 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0013 SUB-EB No.02 541 22 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001400 541 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001500 546 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001600 671 60 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001700 879 8 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-001800 914 8 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.01 409 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.02 497 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 446 100 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 491 172 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-002100 728 206 43
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 457 182 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 480 18 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 917 81 130
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 778 127 73
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.01 442 108 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.02 433 185 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-002500 63 11 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 467 105 115
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 281 60 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-002700 613 417 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.01 743 210 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0028 SUB-EB No.02 484 412 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.01 121 72 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.02 841 120 133
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-003000 728 704 1


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-003100 817 735 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-003200 545 530 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0052 EB No.-003300 735 200 79
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-016200 832 116 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0163 SUB-EB No.01 410 35 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0163 SUB-EB No.02 421 64 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-016400 467 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-016500 264 72 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-016600 389 196 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-016700 39 2 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.01 702 7 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.02 633 186 66
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.01 485 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.02 841 7 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017000 728 11 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.01 766 54 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.02 693 180 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017200 69 - 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.01 596 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.02 547 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.01 536 21 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0174 SUB-EB No.02 405 69 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017500 745 18 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017600 781 127 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0177 SUB-EB No.01 474 201 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0177 SUB-EB No.02 369 75 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017800 682 41 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-017900 521 105 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0180 SUB-EB No.01 659 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0180 SUB-EB No.02 466 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.01 644 9 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.02 579 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0182 SUB-EB No.01 598 18 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0182 SUB-EB No.02 626 12 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.01 563 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.02 533 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.03 626 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-018400 513 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.01 544 39 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0185 SUB-EB No.02 728 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0199 SUB-EB No.01 460 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-0199 SUB-EB No.02 408 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-020100 48 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-020600 4 - 4


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-020700 18 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-020800 341 188 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-021000 54 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-021100 296 13 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0053 EB No.-021200 427 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.01 488 27 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0048 SUB-EB No.02 499 3 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 430 36 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 430 72 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005000 481 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005100 580 14 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005200 734 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005300 696 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005400 677 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005500 473 41 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005600 511 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005700 588 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.01 518 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.02 500 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-005900 604 20 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006000 637 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006100 552 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006200 617 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006300 775 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006400 893 16 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006500 543 7 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006600 723 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006700 584 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006800 517 62 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-006900 794 26 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007000 744 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.01 576 13 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.02 631 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007200 755 36 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.01 537 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.02 604 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007400 836 25 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007500 837 11 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007600 383 269 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007700 175 34 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007800 883 836 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-007900 665 654 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-008000 990 259 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 695 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 567 63 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-008200 794 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-008300 798 15 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.01 449 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0084 SUB-EB No.02 433 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.01 418 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0085 SUB-EB No.02 570 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.01 662 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-0086 SUB-EB No.02 729 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-008700 378 217 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0054 EB No.-015500 260 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-000100 705 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-000200 726 23 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-000300 713 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 529 22 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 434 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 579 88 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 626 151 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.03 440 41 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 686 14 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 549 134 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-000700 553 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-000800 642 11 70
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 391 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 400 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001000 412 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001100 735 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001200 714 58 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001300 772 73 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001400 572 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001500 337 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001600 850 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001700 781 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 481 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 401 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-001900 614 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002000 599 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002100 789 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002200 480 18 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002300 718 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002400 635 11 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002500 817 29 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002600 567 82 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002700 637 181 59


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-002800 776 180 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.01 468 181 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0029 SUB-EB No.02 440 244 90
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003000 502 69 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003100 553 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003200 651 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003300 520 23 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.01 690 67 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.02 551 14 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003500 790 48 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003600 629 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003700 568 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003800 473 78 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-003900 755 9 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004000 605 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004100 597 474 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004200 533 396 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004300 564 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004400 730 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0055 EB No.-004500 734 51 100
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-003400 841 154 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-003500 619 36 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-003600 223 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-003700 737 65 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 612 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 572 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-003900 732 12 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.01 567 209 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.02 405 159 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004100 395 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004200 525 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004300 249 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004400 924 29 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004500 678 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004600 567 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.01 794 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.02 360 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004800 186 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-004900 666 12 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005000 774 59 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005100 778 23 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005200 723 25 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005300 630 24 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005400 843 97 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005500 604 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005600 834 46 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005700 762 21 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-005800 646 45 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0059 SUB-EB No.01 680 46 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0059 SUB-EB No.02 585 21 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0060 SUB-EB No.01 890 119 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0060 SUB-EB No.02 271 15 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006100 523 446 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006200 672 258 271
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006300 727 259 160
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006400 752 98 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006500 406 40 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006600 445 11 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006700 906 184 106
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006800 542 34 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-006900 674 464 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007000 750 694 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007100 536 438 63
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007200 513 445 44
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.01 451 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-0073 SUB-EB No.02 726 49 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007400 148 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007500 447 - 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007600 530 35 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007700 486 3 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007800 430 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-007900 466 11 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008000 590 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008100 598 16 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008200 467 16 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008300 512 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008400 457 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-008500 127 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0056 EB No.-023400 397 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-008600 672 48 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-008700 267 19 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-008800 591 17 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-008900 262 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009000 307 20 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009100 420 117 111
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009200 314 83 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009300 322 70 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009400 405 62 34


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009500 321 134 52
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009600 157 62 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009700 104 26 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009800 818 301 62
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-009900 421 35 188
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010000 347 63 65
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010100 337 106 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010200 622 143 48
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010300 685 19 136
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010400 792 80 86
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010500 705 20 244
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010600 641 31 335
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010700 94 - 81
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010800 150 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-010900 324 5 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011000 722 19 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011100 504 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011200 346 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011300 763 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011400 433 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011500 513 76 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011600 690 586 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011700 456 425 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011800 396 47 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-011900 448 53 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012000 520 27 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012100 623 48 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012200 693 33 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012300 442 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.01 554 14 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.02 433 5 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.01 527 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.02 393 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012600 630 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012700 702 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012800 780 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-012900 659 570 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013000 690 52 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013100 653 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013200 543 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013300 641 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013400 592 - 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013500 676 7 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013600 614 12 30


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013700 603 92 150
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 681 94 30
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 638 430 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-013900 719 576 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014000 625 489 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014100 678 404 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014200 477 - 468
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014300 644 571 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014400 599 289 72
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.01 682 381 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0145 SUB-EB No.02 211 9 165
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014600 641 303 149
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014700 667 387 56
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-014800 621 520 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-023100 684 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-023200 717 37 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0233 SUB-EB No.01 614 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-0233 SUB-EB No.02 630 28 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-023500 345 69 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0057 EB No.-023600 460 314 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-014900 671 35 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015000 494 3 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015100 578 17 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015200 626 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015300 555 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015400 570 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015500 615 16 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015600 613 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015700 756 72 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015800 467 37 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-015900 488 21 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016000 661 100 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016100 634 302 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016200 462 250 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016300 852 459 127
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016400 678 306 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016500 783 589 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016600 715 686 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016700 697 37 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016800 507 18 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-016900 604 71 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017000 528 4 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017100 461 7 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017200 501 4 6


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017300 438 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017400 498 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017500 506 43 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017600 542 4 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017700 324 8 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-017800 428 13 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0179 SUB-EB No.01 498 146 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0179 SUB-EB No.02 525 112 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018000 568 7 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018100 532 12 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018200 612 11 88
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.01 469 9 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0183 SUB-EB No.02 398 30 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0184 SUB-EB No.01 584 11 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0184 SUB-EB No.02 475 8 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018500 642 7 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018600 606 52 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0187 SUB-EB No.01 738 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0187 SUB-EB No.02 219 - 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018800 677 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-018900 819 20 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.01 349 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0190 SUB-EB No.02 537 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019100 716 12 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019200 798 79 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0193 SUB-EB No.01 366 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0193 SUB-EB No.02 534 5 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019400 709 75 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019500 604 9 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019600 531 2 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019700 614 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019800 726 - 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-019900 802 15 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.01 586 31 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0058 EB No.-0200 SUB-EB No.02 562 2 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-004600 808 8 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-004700 718 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-004800 725 26 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-004900 646 13 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005000 709 39 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005100 681 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005200 610 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005300 756 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005400 726 8 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005500 804 49 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005600 712 1 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005700 622 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005800 656 35 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-005900 679 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006000 564 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006100 511 68 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006200 374 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006300 365 28 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006400 167 41 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006500 345 26 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006600 570 89 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006700 619 44 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006800 663 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-006900 726 40 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007000 787 129 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007100 706 40 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007200 675 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007300 603 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007400 728 79 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007500 747 80 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007600 769 134 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.01 529 207 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0077 SUB-EB No.02 394 78 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007800 859 56 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-007900 814 119 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.01 595 104 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0080 SUB-EB No.02 369 197 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.01 507 125 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0081 SUB-EB No.02 598 67 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.01 438 124 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0082 SUB-EB No.02 474 134 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008300 783 111 47
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008400 496 13 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008500 766 26 74
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008600 770 356 99
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008700 858 369 159
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008800 829 432 107
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-008900 587 248 194
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009000 858 163 65
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.01 464 65 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-0091 SUB-EB No.02 482 149 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009200 713 237 51
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009300 825 197 134


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009400 697 257 75
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009500 660 211 92
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009600 530 240 111
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009700 557 226 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009800 590 43 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-009900 582 21 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010000 566 55 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010100 544 76 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010200 664 106 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010300 620 399 53
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010400 604 297 61
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010500 644 214 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010600 710 308 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010700 533 162 45
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010800 729 144 52
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-010900 612 80 25
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0059 EB No.-011000 756 277 160
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011100 748 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011200 568 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011300 808 57 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0114 SUB-EB No.01 473 12 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0114 SUB-EB No.02 454 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011500 868 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011600 772 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011700 732 11 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011800 799 21 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-011900 641 44 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012000 768 41 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012100 805 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012200 799 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012300 762 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.01 434 34 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0124 SUB-EB No.02 493 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.01 414 9 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0125 SUB-EB No.02 417 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012600 549 3 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012700 737 59 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012800 716 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-012900 739 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-013000 766 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0131 SUB-EB No.01 480 6 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0131 SUB-EB No.02 434 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-013200 843 8 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.01 449 5 9


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.02 392 3 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.01 457 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0134 SUB-EB No.02 454 - 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.01 460 3 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.02 470 8 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.01 541 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.02 475 4 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.01 581 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.02 422 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.01 666 17 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-0138 SUB-EB No.02 703 8 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-013900 660 304 260
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0060 EB No.-014000 575 264 160
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020100 499 18 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020200 485 19 28
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020300 515 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020400 516 28 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020500 566 17 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020600 689 175 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020700 610 85 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020800 268 261 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-020900 660 26 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021000 698 25 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0211 SUB-EB No.01 488 52 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0211 SUB-EB No.02 628 59 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021200 752 83 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021300 826 74 79
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021400 731 121 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021500 433 16 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021600 464 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021700 747 45 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021800 684 2 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-021900 621 - 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0220 SUB-EB No.01 521 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0220 SUB-EB No.02 500 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.01 456 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0221 SUB-EB No.02 818 - 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.01 440 10 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0222 SUB-EB No.02 586 14 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0223 SUB-EB No.01 616 31 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0223 SUB-EB No.02 432 24 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0224 SUB-EB No.01 492 19 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0224 SUB-EB No.02 787 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0225 SUB-EB No.01 650 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0225 SUB-EB No.02 495 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0226 SUB-EB No.01 783 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0226 SUB-EB No.02 710 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0227 SUB-EB No.01 429 321 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0227 SUB-EB No.02 440 229 72
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-022800 652 19 69
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0229 SUB-EB No.01 673 40 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-0229 SUB-EB No.02 476 17 26
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-023000 779 5 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0061 EB No.-023700 786 2 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014100 746 43 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014200 562 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014300 559 6 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.01 527 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0144 SUB-EB No.02 525 5 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014500 812 71 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014600 814 98 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014700 725 23 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014800 683 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-014900 434 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015000 624 4 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015100 483 2 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015200 527 11 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015300 523 12 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015400 534 12 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015500 620 9 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015600 704 23 68
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015700 644 33 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015800 350 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-015900 359 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016000 774 12 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016100 617 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016200 509 1 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016300 479 2 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016400 453 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.01 483 - 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.02 518 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016600 343 10 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-016700 463 1 141
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.01 546 358 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.02 568 297 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.01 479 421 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.02 468 425 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.01 451 429 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0170 SUB-EB No.02 458 382 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.01 735 630 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-0171 SUB-EB No.02 702 573 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-017200 915 545 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0062 EB No.-019600 750 42 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.01 486 31 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0173 SUB-EB No.02 440 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-017400 430 5 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-017500 724 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0176 SUB-EB No.01 404 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0176 SUB-EB No.02 359 - 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-017700 528 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-017800 486 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-017900 524 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018000 378 11 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018100 697 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018200 778 53 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018300 643 11 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018400 769 - 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-018500 629 23 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0186 SUB-EB No.01 517 18 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0186 SUB-EB No.02 423 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0187 SUB-EB No.01 443 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0187 SUB-EB No.02 534 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0188 SUB-EB No.01 629 1 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0188 SUB-EB No.02 899 82 120
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0189 SUB-EB No.01 461 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0189 SUB-EB No.02 418 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-019000 801 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0191 SUB-EB No.01 760 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-0191 SUB-EB No.02 875 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-019200 777 18 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-019300 670 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-019400 340 26 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0063 EB No.-019500 725 719 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-008800 640 618 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-008900 651 643 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-009000 564 541 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-009100 649 629 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-009200 704 648 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-009300 647 430 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.01 607 107 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0094 SUB-EB No.02 398 50 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.01 520 93 114


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0095 SUB-EB No.02 548 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0096 SUB-EB No.01 785 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0096 SUB-EB No.02 479 18 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0097 SUB-EB No.01 405 52 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0097 SUB-EB No.02 475 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-009800 812 61 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.01 761 27 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0099 SUB-EB No.02 534 1 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.01 481 348 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.02 431 370 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-010100 915 730 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0102 SUB-EB No.01 684 551 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0102 SUB-EB No.02 582 314 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0103 SUB-EB No.01 534 425 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0103 SUB-EB No.02 499 250 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.01 584 420 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.02 539 363 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0104 SUB-EB No.03 574 375 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0105 SUB-EB No.01 568 372 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0105 SUB-EB No.02 614 256 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.01 521 88 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0106 SUB-EB No.02 861 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0107 SUB-EB No.01 567 22 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0107 SUB-EB No.02 497 118 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.01 873 66 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0108 SUB-EB No.02 698 23 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.01 790 10 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0109 SUB-EB No.02 380 39 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0110 SUB-EB No.01 563 464 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0110 SUB-EB No.02 480 432 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0111 SUB-EB No.01 505 245 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0064 EB No.-0111 SUB-EB No.02 403 249 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011200 644 195 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011300 387 174 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011400 539 62 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011500 862 41 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.01 466 93 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0116 SUB-EB No.02 511 161 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.01 474 192 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0117 SUB-EB No.02 503 146 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011800 416 256 32
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-011900 530 87 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012000 801 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.01 456 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0121 SUB-EB No.02 358 5 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012200 824 50 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012300 509 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012400 854 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012500 664 15 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012600 956 140 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-012700 655 14 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.01 506 54 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0128 SUB-EB No.02 551 41 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.01 631 24 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0129 SUB-EB No.02 589 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013000 685 311 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013100 475 144 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013200 587 273 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.01 747 55 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0133 SUB-EB No.02 420 73 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013400 754 142 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.01 549 357 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0135 SUB-EB No.02 553 378 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013600 827 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.01 528 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.02 421 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-013800 844 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.01 682 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0139 SUB-EB No.02 405 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014000 579 539 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014100 598 591 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014200 533 520 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014300 593 281 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014400 463 163 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014500 638 81 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014600 488 22 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0147 SUB-EB No.01 855 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-0147 SUB-EB No.02 446 91 110
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014800 853 588 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-014900 426 160 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-015000 794 620 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-015100 572 80 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-015200 702 119 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-015300 649 22 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0065 EB No.-015400 87 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-002600 391 93 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-002700 727 89 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-002800 658 143 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-002900 690 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003000 446 33 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003100 714 40 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003200 573 94 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003300 788 44 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003400 783 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003500 497 61 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003600 635 104 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003700 664 301 27
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003800 645 538 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-003900 478 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004000 832 257 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004100 297 73 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004200 520 179 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004300 337 140 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004400 638 128 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004500 625 7 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004600 315 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004700 564 34 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004800 589 59 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-004900 477 50 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-005000 757 86 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.01 522 32 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-0051 SUB-EB No.02 527 36 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-005200 416 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0066 EB No.-005300 650 135 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005400 694 19 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005500 555 30 78
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005600 430 - 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005700 675 65 70
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005800 319 14 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-005900 417 28 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006000 433 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006100 396 63 71
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006200 555 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006300 550 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006400 587 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006500 592 - 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006600 521 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006700 572 - 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006800 519 4 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-006900 381 - 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007000 404 26 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007100 331 5 7


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007200 409 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007300 509 6 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007400 543 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007500 562 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007600 535 26 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007700 462 19 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007800 367 1 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-007900 356 17 19
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008000 619 35 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008100 522 14 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008200 596 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008300 576 14 40
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008400 621 6 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008500 598 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008600 737 5 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008700 560 3 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008800 309 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-008900 622 85 36
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009000 630 176 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009100 504 84 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009200 602 39 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009300 637 3 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009400 775 319 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009500 809 269 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009600 428 225 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009700 687 135 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009800 831 187 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-009900 842 143 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-010000 681 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-010100 573 74 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-010200 522 415 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-010300 505 207 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-010400 537 148 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0067 EB No.-018400 537 19 88
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-010500 462 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-010600 512 14 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-010700 603 3 23
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-010800 500 48 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-010900 663 10 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011000 753 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011100 736 18 39
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011200 661 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011300 620 4 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011400 692 47 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011500 723 29 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011600 624 46 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011700 757 41 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011800 639 20 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-011900 660 7 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012000 662 - 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012100 619 15 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012200 747 40 6
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012300 727 10 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012400 768 16 83
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012500 717 - 2
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012600 677 9 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012700 753 8 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012800 883 14 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-012900 644 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-013000 732 24 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-013100 715 40 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-013200 344 31 195
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-013300 621 96 246
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0068 EB No.-013400 480 131 306
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-013500 905 52 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.01 518 2 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0136 SUB-EB No.02 549 8 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.01 443 4 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0137 SUB-EB No.02 487 16 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-013800 819 46 31
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-013900 517 21 38
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014000 402 25 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014100 543 - 50
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014200 542 19 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014300 588 13 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014400 584 11 10
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014500 599 19 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014600 492 13 15
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014700 634 13 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014800 690 24 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-014900 648 3 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015000 641 10 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015100 704 32 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015200 571 18 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015300 652 12 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015400 743 46 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015500 721 3 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015600 797 33 9


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015700 793 51 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015800 616 48 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-015900 823 185 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016000 800 111 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016100 838 108 3
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016200 785 60 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016300 861 61 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016400 799 150 56
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.01 467 30 16
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0165 SUB-EB No.02 465 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016600 832 54 170
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-016700 946 80 35
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.01 417 55 24
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0168 SUB-EB No.02 495 225 56
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.01 433 - 11
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0169 SUB-EB No.02 418 - 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017000 947 26 187
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017100 880 49 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017200 608 273 131
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017300 569 24 93
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017400 676 207 5
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017500 615 183 46
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017600 401 164 20
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017700 904 48 37
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0178 SUB-EB No.01 572 86 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0178 SUB-EB No.02 607 212 34
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-017900 646 30 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-018000 346 40 97
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.01 476 61 97
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-0181 SUB-EB No.02 507 83 68
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0069 EB No.-018200 572 106 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-016300 867 48 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-016400 573 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-016500 465 42 8
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0070 EB No.-016600 593 71 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025300 509 280 14
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025400 550 317 9
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025500 513 19 86
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025600 626 70 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025700 667 32 18
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025800 719 123 4
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-025900 564 122 125
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-026900 434 29 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0071 EB No.-027400 613 73 121


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0260 SUB-EB No.01 559 36 106
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0260 SUB-EB No.02 479 66 55
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0261 SUB-EB No.01 473 84 70
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0261 SUB-EB No.02 617 200 59
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0262 SUB-EB No.01 535 241 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0262 SUB-EB No.02 875 46 29
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0263 SUB-EB No.01 485 49 41
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-0263 SUB-EB No.02 354 198 49
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-026400 722 204 114
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-026500 657 169 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-026600 620 305 21
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-026700 660 266 81
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0072 EB No.-026800 179 36 42
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-013900 449 155 109
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014000 501 189 93
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014100 438 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014200 403 117 22
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014300 559 467 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014400 651 490 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014500 578 1 1
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014600 756 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014700 570 - -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0073 EB No.-014800 619 14 44
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0074 EB No.-014900 389 78 171
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-018600 260 22 12
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-018700 720 73 165
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-018800 412 135 77
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-018900 508 109 91
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-019000 654 8 -
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-019100 917 93 286
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-019200 927 252 17
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-019300 781 682 13
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.01 442 215 65
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-0194 SUB-EB No.02 494 254 132
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-019500 443 115 111
802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) (Part) WARD No.-0075 EB No.-020900 957 195 218
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 706 55 23
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 674 6 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 528 456 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 832 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000500 823 530 11
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000600 606 94 102
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000700 661 52 188
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000800 1013 46 49


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000900 659 96 29
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 521 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 509 6 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 553 30 7
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 762 60 330
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001200 634 31 54
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001300 855 101 50
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001400 785 203 399
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001500 510 160 81
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.01 545 26 90
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0016 SUB-EB No.02 471 53 4
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001700 745 38 42
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 462 114 71
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 499 60 49
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.01 731 17 122
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.02 655 27 237
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 626 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 379 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.01 403 - 2
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.02 537 4 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.01 382 6 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0022 SUB-EB No.02 508 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.01 780 121 56
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-0023 SUB-EB No.02 711 87 34
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.01 426 387 6
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0024 SUB-EB No.02 523 249 10
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.01 458 6 3
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0025 SUB-EB No.02 350 72 3
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.01 529 - -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0026 SUB-EB No.02 414 16 -
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 430 20 13
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 489 23 8
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002800 798 65 20
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-002900 1063 76 39
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003000 815 30 10
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003100 793 37 11
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003200 861 32 81
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003300 839 36 64
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.01 565 294 143
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0034 SUB-EB No.02 504 205 99
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.01 542 38 65
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0035 SUB-EB No.02 556 129 40
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.01 609 60 9
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0036 SUB-EB No.02 648 80 62


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-003700 901 20 86
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 562 55 51
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 412 38 11
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.01 399 15 13
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-0039 SUB-EB No.02 651 24 4
802274 Rau (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004000 853 48 44
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 608 81 48
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 707 62 216
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.03 199 17 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 974 122 13
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 845 138 19
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 801 61 3
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 664 21 18
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 909 174 45
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 612 48 33
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 888 19 17
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 951 31 78
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 806 22 13
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 869 68 10
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 685 40 10
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 632 12 3
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 691 - -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 876 32 39
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 853 10 19
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 826 42 8
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 832 38 22
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 728 - -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 796 - 5
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 736 36 1
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 831 98 69
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 867 19 5
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 1021 597 15
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 829 447 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002500 796 6 3
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002600 915 131 23
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 794 117 11
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 765 94 19
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002800 789 - -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002900 966 26 8
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003000 708 5 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003100 674 53 4
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003200 783 34 24
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003300 706 53 40
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003400 721 74 15


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003500 648 14 24
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003600 555 22 22
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003700 821 27 104
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003800 746 - -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-003900 779 5 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004000 635 23 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.01 485 7 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0041 SUB-EB No.02 631 38 49
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.01 661 80 24
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.02 638 46 39
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004300 649 4 13
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004400 690 - -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.01 563 35 14
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0045 SUB-EB No.02 551 36 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.01 621 16 1
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0046 SUB-EB No.02 541 23 10
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.01 750 60 9
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0047 SUB-EB No.02 623 296 18
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-004800 878 61 35
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 637 36 19
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 658 56 60
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.01 849 113 43
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0050 SUB-EB No.02 605 117 54
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005100 739 98 25
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005200 865 170 20
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005400 601 122 47
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.01 681 16 3
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0055 SUB-EB No.02 506 21 17
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.01 685 7 4
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0056 SUB-EB No.02 838 5 62
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005700 557 26 5
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.01 539 14 11
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0058 SUB-EB No.02 575 12 14
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-005900 956 27 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006000 752 13 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006100 777 44 13
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006200 658 5 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006300 944 82 79
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006400 831 28 5
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.01 537 21 16
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0065 SUB-EB No.02 518 51 8
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006600 908 21 10
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006700 908 22 47
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.01 642 43 5


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0068 SUB-EB No.02 693 32 1
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-006900 996 108 14
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007000 1008 14 16
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.01 552 12 -
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0071 SUB-EB No.02 572 12 6
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-007200 508 68 7
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 833 14 6
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 518 52 2
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 884 15 4
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 784 23 46
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 530 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 481 11 7
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 524 19 -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 711 12 -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 709 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 639 147 5
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 868 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.01 412 6 6
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0009 SUB-EB No.02 551 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 711 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 762 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 964 - 9
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 556 7 46
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 848 222 203
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.01 604 143 100
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0014 SUB-EB No.02 472 230 63
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 970 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 838 - -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.01 409 9 -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.02 485 9 -
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 510 - 1
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 535 - 16
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 771 - 49
476366 Bank (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 655 - 27
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 900 61 229
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 699 38 14
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 487 24 103
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 525 59 47
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 689 166 171
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 679 124 119
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 723 131 88
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 799 180 29
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 739 101 55
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 528 175 43


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 619 21 76
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 669 536 68
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 490 311 15
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 469 8 222
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 497 63 60
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 653 31 9
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 695 185 18
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 712 177 10
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 682 460 100
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 700 248 115
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 795 241 59
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 661 65 83
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 700 108 77
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 717 234 74
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 828 330 203
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 804 408 105
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 826 299 111
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 793 440 143
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 444 89 204
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 489 3 15
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 617 457 1
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 397 357 -
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 447 20 14
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 337 5 10
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 495 14 7
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 325 7 24
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 402 16 21
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 338 16 16
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 478 24 10
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 467 23 16
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 730 74 33
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 601 19 14
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 484 16 3
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 688 75 15
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 968 272 65
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 662 167 61
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001800 836 145 63
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001900 591 39 49
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002000 332 13 14
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 493 331 6
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 640 224 123
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 806 291 37
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 735 132 392
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 324 80 110


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 872 258 284
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 589 128 31
476370 Sinhasa (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 591 20 148
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 758 204 222
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 642 96 271
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 821 98 265
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 915 538 198
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 813 251 99
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 754 260 222
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 838 117 73
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 784 67 72
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 712 95 91
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 717 442 86
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 611 121 172
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 723 136 234
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 634 46 211
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 306 12 244
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 115 4 2
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.01 764 667 26
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0015 SUB-EB No.02 146 144 2
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 775 232 148
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001700 459 164 60
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 810 92 72
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 786 140 54
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.01 673 179 22
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0019 SUB-EB No.02 552 108 43
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.01 443 102 76
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0020 SUB-EB No.02 534 92 34
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002100 618 264 74
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002200 584 31 59
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002300 786 92 45
476371 Palda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-002400 624 337 60
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 688 44 30
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 591 68 101
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 904 733 40
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 501 408 24
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 474 366 37
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 816 64 54
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 433 28 61
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 621 35 88
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 643 31 84
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 984 166 362
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.01 769 155 40
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0010 SUB-EB No.02 944 42 81


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 703 76 75
476372 Limbodi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 417 37 77
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 645 87 18
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 358 328 4
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 681 346 19
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 781 405 19
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 829 517 46
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 287 188 4
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 893 303 13
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.01 579 90 49
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0005 SUB-EB No.02 423 37 77
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.01 485 49 73
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0006 SUB-EB No.02 319 18 5
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 782 234 32
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 912 91 51
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 929 641 50
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 905 355 34
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 15 - -
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 19 5 -
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 128 29 10
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 63 - 10
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 106 11 22
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 86 7 43
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 839 449 204
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 705 276 129
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 629 303 37
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 512 111 82
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 233 29 39
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 413 13 13
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 592 82 31
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 496 32 37
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 603 9 26
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 625 60 55
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 350 20 9
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 280 30 28
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 590 163 104
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 862 158 -
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 740 476 46
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001600 305 63 241
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 445 2 10
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 344 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 697 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 231 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 571 21 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 474 8 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 523 3 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 756 155 52
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 500 171 32
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 497 384 20
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001000 655 466 36
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001100 409 320 55
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001200 295 35 10
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001300 42 16 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001400 251 39 13
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-001500 356 39 17
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001600 479 15 2
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001700 592 33 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001800 608 4 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-001900 602 - 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002000 527 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.01 167 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-0021 SUB-EB No.02 867 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002200 704 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002300 417 57 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002400 496 40 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002500 353 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002600 511 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002700 276 22 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002800 411 118 25
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-002900 628 178 65
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003000 661 67 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003100 629 30 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003200 735 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003300 677 28 6
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003400 850 416 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003500 660 166 1
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003600 444 79 20
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003700 633 68 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 197 12 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 726 185 19
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-003900 505 85 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-004000 376 141 15
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-004100 438 54 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-004200 657 283 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-004300 901 100 382
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004400 434 100 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004500 457 108 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004600 642 87 19


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004700 384 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-004800 462 12 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.01 145 13 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0049 SUB-EB No.02 689 56 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005000 650 38 6
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005100 784 100 4
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005200 517 109 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005300 649 17 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005400 539 190 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005500 297 8 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005600 647 60 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005700 608 291 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-005800 370 69 38
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-005900 772 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006000 625 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006100 820 - 10
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006200 585 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006300 542 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006400 643 212 148
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006500 555 102 192
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006600 237 126 17
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006700 802 495 62
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006800 646 436 22
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-006900 383 87 102
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-007000 328 64 95
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-007100 266 58 21
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-007200 399 63 8
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-007300 324 - 12
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310100 826 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310200 672 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310300 566 20 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310400 899 12 1
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310500 330 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310600 741 3 21
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310700 1071 1 21
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310800 883 32 25
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-310900 663 2 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-311000 869 3 1
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007400 450 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007500 470 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007600 337 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007700 360 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007800 466 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-007900 401 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008000 146 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008100 275 91 28
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008200 582 200 18
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008300 752 283 64
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008400 326 133 19
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008500 342 214 14
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008600 287 38 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008700 544 182 49
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008800 777 111 84
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-008900 481 52 13
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-009000 461 103 61
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-009100 128 41 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-009200 291 108 22
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-009300 640 265 44
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311100 583 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311200 1095 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311300 349 15 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311400 824 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311500 710 165 6
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311700 251 - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311800 222 9 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-311900 401 1 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009400 500 154 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009500 761 272 24
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009600 508 290 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009700 544 96 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009800 434 103 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-009900 323 19 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.01 554 91 9
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0100 SUB-EB No.02 589 220 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010100 851 188 1
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010200 828 119 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010300 542 118 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010400 288 75 9
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010500 382 204 15
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010600 206 65 13
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010700 693 323 17
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010800 561 100 2
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-010900 453 138 2
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011000 760 89 31
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011100 293 239 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011200 339 236 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.01 175 26 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0113 SUB-EB No.02 776 22 -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011400 487 200 18
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011500 760 318 67
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-011600 523 285 41
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-011700 520 83 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-011800 768 219 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-011900 503 103 6
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012000 760 308 124
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012100 368 92 34
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012200 324 46 41
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012300 443 59 22
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012400 554 153 58
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012500 390 34 10
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012600 374 61 8
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012700 712 81 47
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012800 838 58 9
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-012900 557 23 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-013000 486 36 5
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-013100 339 334 -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-013200 191 186 3
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 531 28 38
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 621 147 32
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 678 66 10
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000300 621 40 10
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000400 607 37 9
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000500 749 63 23
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000600 721 68 43
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000700 742 90 114
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000800 488 174 13
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000900 575 9 113
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-001000 551 37 53
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.01 493 10 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0011 SUB-EB No.02 341 122 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.01 621 234 6
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-0012 SUB-EB No.02 243 123 69
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001300 566 196 94
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001400 590 68 121
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001500 493 46 22
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-001600 478 44 21
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.01 440 66 64
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0017 SUB-EB No.02 309 40 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.01 567 21 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-0018 SUB-EB No.02 430 54 10
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-001900 585 34 26
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002000 610 68 29


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-002100 664 233 23
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-002200 597 102 33
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-002300 489 133 28
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-002400 525 215 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-002500 481 256 25
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-002600 856 114 46
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.01 598 503 5
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-0027 SUB-EB No.02 563 166 23
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002800 726 38 38
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-002900 821 121 25
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003000 836 131 19
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003100 704 149 20
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003200 526 32 7
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-003300 808 76 55
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003400 537 221 21
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003500 434 107 14
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003600 696 109 108
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-003700 414 67 71
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.01 570 - -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.02 285 - 7
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0038 SUB-EB No.03 260 7 90
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-003900 602 41 104
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.01 620 45 34
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-0040 SUB-EB No.02 276 - 4
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-004100 732 101 54
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.01 33 - 13
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-0042 SUB-EB No.02 752 4 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004300 543 351 28
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-004400 414 43 -
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 299 17 7
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0002 EB No.-000200 455 98 19
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0003 EB No.-000300 469 12 117
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0004 EB No.-000400 679 11 445
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0005 EB No.-000500 453 114 198
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0006 EB No.-000600 464 160 203
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.01 531 20 194
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0007 EB No.-0007 SUB-EB No.02 814 144 237
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0008 EB No.-000800 428 3 14
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0009 EB No.-000900 378 20 14
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0010 EB No.-001000 528 39 31
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0011 EB No.-001100 314 4 7
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0012 EB No.-001200 309 - 6
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0013 EB No.-001300 641 20 49
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0014 EB No.-001400 325 - -


Location Name of Town Name of Ward Boundaries of Urban Block / Total Scheduled Scheduled
Code EB Number Population Castes Tribes
Population Population
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
802277 Manpur (NP) WARD No.-0015 EB No.-001500 534 77 131
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.01 800 95 21
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0001 SUB-EB No.02 731 59 1
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.01 636 114 -
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0002 SUB-EB No.02 615 125 3
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.01 595 143 -
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0003 SUB-EB No.02 507 53 20
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.01 660 106 14
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-0004 SUB-EB No.02 865 150 8
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000100 655 169 71
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000200 628 148 162
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000300 888 334 21
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000400 886 72 86
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000500 735 46 156
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000600 788 140 228
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000700 734 115 18
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000800 482 13 40
476554 Santer (CT) WARD No.-0001 EB No.-000900 744 35 63

Primary Census Abstract for
Scheduled Castes (SC)


Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with SC as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
439 Indore - District Total 106,270 545,239 280,184 265,055 76,623 40,055 36,568
Rural 32,730 164,465 83,900 80,565 25,728 13,389 12,339
Urban 73,540 380,774 196,284 184,490 50,895 26,666 24,229
0136 Depalpur Total 8,044 40,678 20,704 19,974 6,551 3,401 3,150
Rural 8,044 40,678 20,704 19,974 6,551 3,401 3,150
Urban - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 11,647 58,050 29,716 28,334 9,123 4,807 4,316
Rural 11,177 55,793 28,510 27,283 8,763 4,600 4,163
Urban 470 2,257 1,206 1,051 360 207 153
0138 Indore Total 15,369 77,993 40,070 37,923 12,411 6,447 5,964
Rural 7,999 40,756 20,879 19,877 6,416 3,343 3,073
Urban 7,370 37,237 19,191 18,046 5,995 3,104 2,891
0139 Mhow Total 5,880 29,155 14,800 14,355 4,203 2,159 2,044
Rural 5,510 27,238 13,807 13,431 3,998 2,045 1,953
Urban 370 1,917 993 924 205 114 91

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 414 2,224 1,141 1,083 335 177 158
802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 393 2,297 1,126 1,171 348 165 183
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 318 1,680 836 844 268 134 134
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 446 2,386 1,204 1,182 366 180 186

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 59,906 310,080 160,035 150,045 40,777 21,383 19,394
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 336 1,702 874 828 242 127 115
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 541 3,123 1,576 1,547 441 244 197
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 470 2,257 1,206 1,051 360 207 153
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 949 4,534 2,313 2,221 674 359 315

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 958 5,037 2,651 2,386 762 416 346
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 183 919 464 455 145 77 68
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 415 2,029 1,024 1,005 317 155 162
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 656 3,284 1,702 1,582 600 318 282
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 357 1,762 877 885 291 136 155
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 273 1,464 743 721 242 108 134
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 1,006 5,131 2,667 2,464 761 396 365
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 445 2,253 1,157 1,096 341 183 158
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 764 3,741 1,922 1,819 702 382 320
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 439 2,274 1,158 1,116 343 161 182
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 2,733 14,691 7,482 7,209 1,628 860 768
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 1,035 5,250 2,732 2,518 662 349 313
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 133 739 401 338 85 35 50
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 164 845 444 401 89 48 41
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 206 1,072 549 523 116 66 50



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
340,154 195,675 144,479 205,085 84,509 120,576 222,467 151,329 71,138 Total Indore - District
90,321 54,314 36,007 74,144 29,586 44,558 75,537 45,246 30,291 Rural
249,833 141,361 108,472 130,941 54,923 76,018 146,930 106,083 40,847 Urban
20,165 12,527 7,638 20,513 8,177 12,336 20,521 11,425 9,096 Total Depalpur
20,165 12,527 7,638 20,513 8,177 12,336 20,521 11,425 9,096 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
31,757 19,245 12,512 26,293 10,471 15,822 25,433 15,826 9,607 Total Sawer
30,484 18,482 12,002 25,309 10,028 15,281 24,656 15,222 9,434 Rural
1,273 763 510 984 443 541 777 604 173 Urban
43,701 25,732 17,969 34,292 14,338 19,954 32,799 21,489 11,310 Total Indore
22,793 13,515 9,278 17,963 7,364 10,599 18,182 11,266 6,916 Rural
20,908 12,217 8,691 16,329 6,974 9,355 14,617 10,223 4,394 Urban
18,368 10,602 7,766 10,787 4,198 6,589 12,840 7,842 4,998 Total Mhow
16,879 9,790 7,089 10,359 4,017 6,342 12,178 7,333 4,845 Rural
1,489 812 677 428 181 247 662 509 153 Urban
1,378 831 547 846 310 536 1,017 615 402 Urban (NP)
1,373 800 573 924 326 598 864 544 320 Urban Depalpur (NP)
1,068 617 451 612 219 393 561 428 133 Urban Betma (NP)
1,216 752 464 1,170 452 718 1,058 603 455 Urban Hatod (NP)

205,073 115,864 89,209 105,007 44,171 60,836 120,660 87,303 33,357 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
1,048 614 434 654 260 394 672 456 216 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
2,170 1,205 965 953 371 582 1,058 776 282 Urban Sawer (NP)
1,273 763 510 984 443 541 777 604 173 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
2,726 1,589 1,137 1,808 724 1,084 1,711 1,191 520 Urban Rau (NP)
Bangarda Chhota
3,165 1,829 1,336 1,872 822 1,050 1,797 1,383 414 Urban (CT)
546 318 228 373 146 227 362 247 115 Urban Bank (CT)
1,133 644 489 896 380 516 900 596 304 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
1,523 905 618 1,761 797 964 1,315 882 433 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
793 449 344 969 428 541 649 452 197 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
661 413 248 803 330 473 689 415 274 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
3,209 1,852 1,357 1,922 815 1,107 2,101 1,442 659 Urban Palda (CT)
1,300 748 552 953 409 544 904 609 295 Urban Limbodi (CT)
2,039 1,192 847 1,702 730 972 1,394 1,029 365 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
1,394 799 595 880 359 521 856 639 217 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
10,813 5,846 4,967 3,878 1,636 2,242 4,960 3,787 1,173 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
3,923 2,192 1,731 1,327 540 787 1,688 1,391 297 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
520 327 193 219 74 145 275 182 93 Urban Manpur (NP)
641 357 284 204 87 117 272 222 50 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
848 455 393 224 94 130 390 287 103 Urban Santer (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
439 Indore - District Total 192,260 136,860 55,400 7,709 5,513 2,196 41,216 23,305 17,911
Rural 59,433 38,685 20,748 6,899 4,933 1,966 37,306 21,057 16,249
Urban 132,827 98,175 34,652 810 580 230 3,910 2,248 1,662
0136 Depalpur Total 14,439 9,005 5,434 2,848 1,933 915 9,583 5,379 4,204
Rural 14,439 9,005 5,434 2,848 1,933 915 9,583 5,379 4,204
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 20,429 13,732 6,697 1,868 1,442 426 13,465 8,048 5,417
Rural 19,670 13,134 6,536 1,864 1,439 425 13,409 8,011 5,398
Urban 759 598 161 4 3 1 56 37 19
0138 Indore Total 28,281 19,373 8,908 1,713 1,282 431 9,792 5,291 4,501
Rural 15,145 9,933 5,212 1,491 1,105 386 8,326 4,463 3,863
Urban 13,136 9,440 3,696 222 177 45 1,466 828 638
0139 Mhow Total 10,766 7,083 3,683 713 472 241 6,015 3,223 2,792
Rural 10,179 6,613 3,566 696 456 240 5,988 3,204 2,784
Urban 587 470 117 17 16 1 27 19 8

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 601 447 154 35 33 2 147 78 69

802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 471 345 126 10 9 1 129 86 43
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 532 407 125 18 13 5 84 47 37
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 341 264 77 18 14 4 87 50 37

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 110,612 81,531 29,081 488 314 174 1,867 1,122 745
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 582 417 165 22 17 5 65 44 21
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 945 720 225 43 42 1 62 39 23
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 759 598 161 4 3 1 56 37 19
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 1,541 1,134 407 7 7 - 350 126 224

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 1,564 1,216 348 20 16 4 135 66 69

476366 Bank (CT) Urban 312 221 91 2 1 1 4 3 1
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 793 553 240 - - - 19 3 16
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 1,194 808 386 13 11 2 47 17 30
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 582 413 169 8 8 - 6 4 2
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 549 368 181 41 25 16 170 97 73
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 1,898 1,327 571 3 3 - 239 126 113
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 873 600 273 1 1 - 6 3 3
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 1,322 1,000 322 3 1 2 63 48 15
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 728 564 164 33 31 2 185 136 49
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 4,358 3,374 984 3 2 1 27 19 8
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 1,482 1,248 234 11 8 3 130 76 54
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 201 150 51 10 5 5 5 2 3
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 255 213 42 2 2 - 7 5 2
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 332 257 75 15 14 1 20 14 6



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
4,440 2,873 1,567 138,895 105,169 33,726 30,207 14,469 15,738 Total Indore - District
859 521 338 14,369 12,174 2,195 16,104 6,561 9,543 Rural
3,581 2,352 1,229 124,526 92,995 31,531 14,103 7,908 6,195 Urban
142 90 52 1,866 1,603 263 6,082 2,420 3,662 Total Depalpur
142 90 52 1,866 1,603 263 6,082 2,420 3,662 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
359 214 145 4,737 4,028 709 5,004 2,094 2,910 Total Sawer
325 192 133 4,072 3,492 580 4,986 2,088 2,898 Rural
34 22 12 665 536 129 18 6 12 Urban
437 255 182 16,339 12,545 3,794 4,518 2,116 2,402 Total Indore
216 133 83 5,112 4,232 880 3,037 1,333 1,704 Rural
221 122 99 11,227 8,313 2,914 1,481 783 698 Urban
179 109 70 3,859 3,279 580 2,074 759 1,315 Total Mhow
176 106 70 3,319 2,847 472 1,999 720 1,279 Rural
3 3 - 540 432 108 75 39 36 Urban

59 37 22 360 299 61 416 168 248 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP)

98 55 43 234 195 39 393 199 194 Urban Depalpur (NP)
38 26 12 392 321 71 29 21 8 Urban Betma (NP)
5 3 2 231 197 34 717 339 378 Urban Hatod (NP)

2,930 1,965 965 105,327 78,130 27,197 10,048 5,772 4,276 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
3 - 3 492 356 136 90 39 51 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
87 50 37 753 589 164 113 56 57 Urban Sawer (NP)
34 22 12 665 536 129 18 6 12 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
36 24 12 1,148 977 171 170 57 113 Urban Rau (NP)

12 9 3 1,397 1,125 272 233 167 66 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)

7 5 2 299 212 87 50 26 24 Urban Bank (CT)
15 6 9 759 544 215 107 43 64 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
2 1 1 1,132 779 353 121 74 47 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
8 6 2 560 395 165 67 39 28 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
4 2 2 334 244 90 140 47 93 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
69 30 39 1,587 1,168 419 203 115 88 Urban Palda (CT)
4 4 - 862 592 270 31 9 22 Urban Limbodi (CT)
42 21 21 1,214 930 284 72 29 43 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
13 8 5 497 389 108 128 75 53 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
56 43 13 4,272 3,310 962 602 413 189 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
25 19 6 1,316 1,145 171 206 143 63 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
31 13 18 155 130 25 74 32 42 Urban Manpur (NP)
3 3 - 243 203 40 17 9 8 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
- - - 297 229 68 58 30 28 Urban Santer (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
439 Indore - District Total 1,121 336 785 15,470 5,898 9,572 840 356 484
Rural 814 224 590 13,320 5,018 8,302 240 112 128
Urban 307 112 195 2,150 880 1,270 600 244 356
0136 Depalpur Total 250 74 176 5,474 2,114 3,360 63 38 25
Rural 250 74 176 5,474 2,114 3,360 63 38 25
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 284 60 224 4,167 1,653 2,514 81 25 56
Rural 283 59 224 4,167 1,653 2,514 80 25 55
Urban 1 1 - - - - 1 - 1
0138 Indore Total 159 52 107 2,364 834 1,530 118 55 63
Rural 137 47 90 2,043 718 1,325 81 41 40
Urban 22 5 17 321 116 205 37 14 23
0139 Mhow Total 151 45 106 1,683 561 1,122 18 8 10
Rural 144 44 100 1,636 533 1,103 16 8 8
Urban 7 1 6 47 28 19 2 - 2

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 27 - 27 267 83 184 10 6 4

802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 2 1 1 320 150 170 15 7 8
802270 Betma (NP) Urban - - - 5 1 4 4 2 2
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 8 - 8 589 254 335 7 2 5

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 233 98 135 421 204 217 437 177 260
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 11 1 10 18 - 18 4 4 -
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 1 1 - 21 8 13 21 1 20
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 1 1 - - - - 1 - 1
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 1 1 - 116 17 99 6 3 3

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 2 1 1 15 8 7 6 - 6

476366 Bank (CT) Urban - - - 21 10 11 - - -
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban - - - 24 3 21 5 1 4
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban - - - 7 4 3 2 - 2
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban - - - 5 2 3 6 6 -
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 1 - 1 78 15 63 3 2 1
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 1 1 - 7 2 5 2 1 1
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban - - - 3 - 3 - - -
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 1 - 1 14 2 12 7 - 7
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban - - - 99 62 37 1 - 1
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 5 2 3 10 7 3 19 15 4
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 4 4 - 38 11 27 14 7 7
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 2 - 2 25 9 16 28 10 18
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban - - - - - - 2 - 2
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 7 1 6 47 28 19 - - -



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
12,776 7,879 4,897 322,772 128,855 193,917 Total Indore - District 439
1,730 1,207 523 88,928 38,654 50,274 Rural
11,046 6,672 4,374 233,844 90,201 143,643 Urban
295 194 101 20,157 9,279 10,878 Total Depalpur 0136
295 194 101 20,157 9,279 10,878 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
472 356 116 32,617 13,890 18,727 Total Sawer 0137
456 351 105 31,137 13,288 17,849 Rural
16 5 11 1,480 602 878 Urban
1,877 1,175 702 45,194 18,581 26,613 Total Indore 0138
776 527 249 22,574 9,613 12,961 Rural
1,101 648 453 22,620 8,968 13,652 Urban
222 145 77 16,315 6,958 9,357 Total Mhow 0139
203 135 68 15,060 6,474 8,586 Rural
19 10 9 1,255 484 771 Urban

112 79 33 1,207 526 681 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP) 802268

56 41 15 1,433 582 851 Urban Depalpur (NP) 802269
20 18 2 1,119 408 711 Urban Betma (NP) 802270
113 83 30 1,328 601 727 Urban Hatod (NP) 802271

8,957 5,293 3,664 189,420 72,732 116,688 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG) 802273
57 34 23 1,030 418 612 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
70 46 24 2,065 800 1,265 Urban Sawer (NP) 802272
16 5 11 1,480 602 878 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238
47 36 11 2,823 1,122 1,701 Urban Rau (NP) 802274

210 158 52 3,240 1,268 1,972 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365
29 16 13 557 217 340 Urban Bank (CT) 476366
78 39 39 1,129 428 701 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
112 70 42 1,969 820 1,149 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
56 31 25 1,113 425 688 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
58 30 28 775 328 447 Urban Sinhasa (CT) 476370
193 111 82 3,030 1,225 1,805 Urban Palda (CT) 476371
28 9 19 1,349 548 801 Urban Limbodi (CT) 476372
50 27 23 2,347 893 1,454 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
28 13 15 1,418 519 899 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374
568 389 179 9,731 3,695 6,036 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB) 802275
150 121 29 3,562 1,341 2,221 Urban Mhowgaon (NP) 802276
19 13 6 464 219 245 Urban Manpur (NP) 802277
15 9 6 573 222 351 Urban Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
4 1 3 682 262 420 Urban Santer (CT) 476554

Primary Census Abstract for
Scheduled Tribes (ST)


Number of
Location Total/ households Total population (including institutional
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ with ST as and houseless population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Town Urban head Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
439 Indore - District Total 42,705 217,679 112,687 104,992 39,781 20,524 19,257
Rural 26,005 134,702 69,227 65,475 25,817 13,265 12,552
Urban 16,700 82,977 43,460 39,517 13,964 7,259 6,705
0136 Depalpur Total 2,333 11,920 6,237 5,683 2,321 1,220 1,101
Rural 2,333 11,920 6,237 5,683 2,321 1,220 1,101
Urban - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 2,112 10,682 5,461 5,221 2,216 1,101 1,115
Rural 1,940 9,958 5,084 4,874 2,066 1,032 1,034
Urban 172 724 377 347 150 69 81
0138 Indore Total 9,733 49,983 25,865 24,118 10,094 5,190 4,904
Rural 6,304 32,744 16,874 15,870 6,749 3,475 3,274
Urban 3,429 17,239 8,991 8,248 3,345 1,715 1,630
0139 Mhow Total 15,621 80,992 41,490 39,502 14,812 7,597 7,215
Rural 15,428 80,080 41,032 39,048 14,681 7,538 7,143
Urban 193 912 458 454 131 59 72

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 170 962 507 455 154 87 67

802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 154 835 435 400 189 97 92
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 198 952 487 465 175 99 76
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 100 518 267 251 116 55 61

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 10,910 54,217 28,607 25,610 8,724 4,559 4,165
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 317 1,648 870 778 291 158 133
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 68 364 209 155 77 39 38
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 172 724 377 347 150 69 81
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 590 2,925 1,395 1,530 506 280 226

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 375 1,829 949 880 319 165 154
476366 Bank (CT) Urban 112 590 322 268 115 59 56
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 292 1,348 703 645 231 114 117
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 236 1,302 651 651 266 134 132
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 96 451 233 218 93 53 40
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 226 1,131 578 553 227 114 113
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 671 3,237 1,708 1,529 619 314 305
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 214 1,154 573 581 253 131 122
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 118 579 316 263 112 63 49
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 221 1,081 572 509 203 94 109
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 574 2,731 1,447 1,284 414 210 204
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 393 1,815 936 879 315 171 144
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 300 1,672 860 812 284 135 149
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 20 67 37 30 6 2 4
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 173 845 421 424 125 57 68



Literates Illiterates Total workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2
99,155 58,946 40,209 118,524 53,741 64,783 98,795 59,273 39,522 Total Indore - District
55,034 33,580 21,454 79,668 35,647 44,021 66,182 36,841 29,341 Rural
44,121 25,366 18,755 38,856 18,094 20,762 32,613 22,432 10,181 Urban
4,838 3,005 1,833 7,082 3,232 3,850 6,096 3,489 2,607 Total Depalpur
4,838 3,005 1,833 7,082 3,232 3,850 6,096 3,489 2,607 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
4,186 2,573 1,613 6,496 2,888 3,608 4,868 2,936 1,932 Total Sawer
3,927 2,410 1,517 6,031 2,674 3,357 4,549 2,730 1,819 Rural
259 163 96 465 214 251 319 206 113 Urban
19,849 11,868 7,981 30,134 13,997 16,137 22,895 13,651 9,244 Total Indore
12,316 7,401 4,915 20,428 9,473 10,955 15,869 9,045 6,824 Rural
7,533 4,467 3,066 9,706 4,524 5,182 7,026 4,606 2,420 Urban
34,495 21,058 13,437 46,497 20,432 26,065 40,065 21,815 18,250 Total Mhow
33,953 20,764 13,189 46,127 20,268 25,859 39,668 21,577 18,091 Rural
542 294 248 370 164 206 397 238 159 Urban
577 361 216 385 146 239 445 273 172 Urban (NP)
263 159 104 572 276 296 371 221 150 Urban Depalpur (NP)
509 282 227 443 205 238 405 271 134 Urban Betma (NP)
193 121 72 325 146 179 252 143 109 Urban Hatod (NP)

30,342 17,464 12,878 23,875 11,143 12,732 20,858 14,738 6,120 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
780 462 318 868 408 460 715 471 244 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
127 93 34 237 116 121 132 84 48 Urban Sawer (NP)
259 163 96 465 214 251 319 206 113 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
1,406 661 745 1,519 734 785 1,098 715 383 Urban Rau (NP)
Bangarda Chhota
1,029 575 454 800 374 426 651 468 183 Urban (CT)
266 175 91 324 147 177 237 151 86 Urban Bank (CT)
574 349 225 774 354 420 662 389 273 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
542 291 251 760 360 400 497 317 180 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
195 108 87 256 125 131 179 118 61 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
349 199 150 782 379 403 529 310 219 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
1,651 1,000 651 1,586 708 878 1,232 849 383 Urban Palda (CT)
490 265 225 664 308 356 457 308 149 Urban Limbodi (CT)
237 147 90 342 169 173 230 168 62 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
481 303 178 600 269 331 415 278 137 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
1,421 823 598 1,310 624 686 1,166 813 353 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
977 522 455 838 414 424 715 498 217 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
911 549 362 761 311 450 651 405 246 Urban Manpur (NP)
40 23 17 27 14 13 32 24 8 Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
502 271 231 343 150 193 365 214 151 Urban Santer (CT)



Industrial category
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Main workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
439 Indore - District Total 79,668 51,200 28,468 5,130 3,492 1,638 39,250 22,095 17,155
Rural 51,216 30,937 20,279 4,886 3,307 1,579 36,582 20,538 16,044
Urban 28,452 20,263 8,189 244 185 59 2,668 1,557 1,111
0136 Depalpur Total 4,159 2,696 1,463 257 182 75 2,588 1,459 1,129
Rural 4,159 2,696 1,463 257 182 75 2,588 1,459 1,129
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 4,161 2,659 1,502 244 177 67 2,635 1,562 1,073
Rural 3,849 2,459 1,390 242 176 66 2,619 1,552 1,067
Urban 312 200 112 2 1 1 16 10 6
0138 Indore Total 19,989 12,407 7,582 507 349 158 11,102 6,257 4,845
Rural 13,628 8,127 5,501 457 310 147 9,920 5,601 4,319
Urban 6,361 4,280 2,081 50 39 11 1,182 656 526
0139 Mhow Total 29,823 17,812 12,011 3,936 2,642 1,294 21,471 11,938 9,533
Rural 29,580 17,655 11,925 3,930 2,639 1,291 21,455 11,926 9,529
Urban 243 157 86 6 3 3 16 12 4

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 208 159 49 23 20 3 71 36 35

802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 276 197 79 1 1 - 194 132 62
802270 Betma (NP) Urban 316 246 70 3 2 1 106 76 30
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 158 100 58 19 14 5 106 61 45

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 18,753 13,570 5,183 102 76 26 686 407 279
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 664 452 212 11 11 - 216 141 75
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban 68 50 18 - - - 9 8 1
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban 312 200 112 2 1 1 16 10 6
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 905 614 291 11 4 7 237 145 92

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban 621 453 168 1 1 - 63 39 24

476366 Bank (CT) Urban 221 144 77 1 1 - 21 11 10
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban 524 328 196 - - - 88 43 45
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 448 286 162 - - - 56 25 31
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban 161 110 51 3 2 1 1 1 -
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 479 294 185 1 1 - 163 72 91
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 1,094 775 319 11 7 4 75 41 34
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 431 296 135 12 8 4 50 30 20
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban 225 164 61 - - - 20 13 7
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban 353 240 113 2 2 - 122 71 51
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 952 681 271 3 3 - 24 16 8
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban 559 405 154 13 12 1 126 58 68
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban 481 342 139 19 16 3 202 109 93
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban 32 24 8 1 1 - - - -
476554 Santer (CT) Urban 211 133 78 5 2 3 16 12 4



of main workers
Household industry workers Other workers Marginal workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2
722 447 275 34,566 25,166 9,400 19,127 8,073 11,054 Total Indore - District
420 245 175 9,328 6,847 2,481 14,966 5,904 9,062 Rural
302 202 100 25,238 18,319 6,919 4,161 2,169 1,992 Urban
6 4 2 1,308 1,051 257 1,937 793 1,144 Total Depalpur
6 4 2 1,308 1,051 257 1,937 793 1,144 Rural
- - - - - - - - - Urban
10 8 2 1,272 912 360 707 277 430 Total Sawer
7 6 1 981 725 256 700 271 429 Rural
3 2 1 291 187 104 7 6 1 Urban
191 99 92 8,189 5,702 2,487 2,906 1,244 1,662 Total Indore
131 69 62 3,120 2,147 973 2,241 918 1,323 Rural
60 30 30 5,069 3,555 1,514 665 326 339 Urban
277 167 110 4,139 3,065 1,074 10,242 4,003 6,239 Total Mhow
276 166 110 3,919 2,924 995 10,088 3,922 6,166 Rural
1 1 - 220 141 79 154 81 73 Urban

- - - 114 103 11 237 114 123 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP)

1 1 - 80 63 17 95 24 71 Urban Depalpur (NP)
- - - 207 168 39 89 25 64 Urban Betma (NP)
3 1 2 30 24 6 94 43 51 Urban Hatod (NP)

228 161 67 17,737 12,926 4,811 2,105 1,168 937 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG)
7 3 4 430 297 133 51 19 32 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT)
- - - 59 42 17 64 34 30 Urban Sawer (NP)
3 2 1 291 187 104 7 6 1 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT)
1 1 - 656 464 192 193 101 92 Urban Rau (NP)

3 1 2 554 412 142 30 15 15 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT)

- - - 199 132 67 16 7 9 Urban Bank (CT)
3 3 - 433 282 151 138 61 77 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT)
2 2 - 390 259 131 49 31 18 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT)
2 2 - 155 105 50 18 8 10 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT)
4 - 4 311 221 90 50 16 34 Urban Sinhasa (CT)
26 10 16 982 717 265 138 74 64 Urban Palda (CT)
1 1 - 368 257 111 26 12 14 Urban Limbodi (CT)
6 5 1 199 146 53 5 4 1 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT)
2 1 1 227 166 61 62 38 24 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
5 4 1 920 658 262 214 132 82 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB)
3 2 1 417 333 84 156 93 63 Urban Mhowgaon (NP)
1 1 - 259 216 43 170 63 107 Urban Manpur (NP)
- - - 31 23 8 - - - Urban Gujarkheda (CT)
1 1 - 189 118 71 154 81 73 Urban Santer (CT)



Industrial category of
Location Total/
code District/ CD Block/ Rural/ Cultivators Agricultural labourers Household industry workers
number Town Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
439 Indore - District Total 610 245 365 14,076 5,312 8,764 181 77 104
Rural 542 220 322 13,103 4,929 8,174 128 49 79
Urban 68 25 43 973 383 590 53 28 25
0136 Depalpur Total 28 11 17 1,754 708 1,046 - - -
Rural 28 11 17 1,754 708 1,046 - - -
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0137 Sawer Total 29 3 26 483 173 310 20 9 11
Rural 29 3 26 483 173 310 20 9 11
Urban - - - - - - - - -
0138 Indore Total 60 24 36 1,850 654 1,196 27 14 13
Rural 49 22 27 1,674 580 1,094 17 10 7
Urban 11 2 9 176 74 102 10 4 6
0139 Mhow Total 436 184 252 9,306 3,527 5,779 91 30 61
Rural 436 184 252 9,192 3,468 5,724 91 30 61
Urban - - - 114 59 55 - - -

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) Urban 8 2 6 171 64 107 3 2 1

802269 Depalpur (NP) Urban 1 - 1 67 11 56 - - -
802270 Betma (NP) Urban - - - 68 13 55 - - -
802271 Hatod (NP) Urban 1 - 1 84 37 47 - - -

802273 Indore (M Corp. + OG) Urban 42 19 23 105 56 49 35 18 17

476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) Urban 5 - 5 12 - 12 - - -
802272 Sawer (NP) Urban - - - 8 4 4 - - -
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) Urban - - - - - - - - -
802274 Rau (NP) Urban 4 1 3 34 12 22 2 1 1

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) Urban - - - 1 1 - - - -

476366 Bank (CT) Urban - - - 3 2 1 - - -
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) Urban - - - 60 22 38 1 - 1
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) Urban 2 1 1 11 4 7 - - -
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) Urban - - - 1 1 - - - -
476370 Sinhasa (CT) Urban 1 - 1 15 1 14 - - -
476371 Palda (CT) Urban 2 1 1 11 6 5 8 4 4
476372 Limbodi (CT) Urban 1 - 1 8 4 4 - - -
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) Urban - - - - - - 1 - 1
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) Urban - - - 42 28 14 - - -
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) Urban 1 1 - 1 - 1 3 3 -
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) Urban - - - 22 13 9 - - -
802277 Manpur (NP) Urban - - - 135 45 90 - - -
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) Urban - - - - - - - - -
476554 Santer (CT) Urban - - - 114 59 55 - - -



marginal workers
Total/ Location
Other workers Non-workers Rural/ District/ CD Block/ code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban Town number
47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2 1
4,260 2,439 1,821 118,884 53,414 65,470 Total Indore - District 439
1,193 706 487 68,520 32,386 36,134 Rural
3,067 1,733 1,334 50,364 21,028 29,336 Urban
155 74 81 5,824 2,748 3,076 Total Depalpur 0136
155 74 81 5,824 2,748 3,076 Rural
- - - - - - Urban
175 92 83 5,814 2,525 3,289 Total Sawer 0137
168 86 82 5,409 2,354 3,055 Rural
7 6 1 405 171 234 Urban
969 552 417 27,088 12,214 14,874 Total Indore 0138
501 306 195 16,875 7,829 9,046 Rural
468 246 222 10,213 4,385 5,828 Urban
409 262 147 40,927 19,675 21,252 Total Mhow 0139
369 240 129 40,412 19,455 20,957 Rural
40 22 18 515 220 295 Urban

55 46 9 517 234 283 Urban Runji-Gautampura (NP) 802268

27 13 14 464 214 250 Urban Depalpur (NP) 802269
21 12 9 547 216 331 Urban Betma (NP) 802270
9 6 3 266 124 142 Urban Hatod (NP) 802271

1,923 1,075 848 33,359 13,869 19,490 Urban Indore (M Corp. + OG) 802273
34 19 15 933 399 534 Urban Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
56 30 26 232 125 107 Urban Sawer (NP) 802272
7 6 1 405 171 234 Urban Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238
153 87 66 1,827 680 1,147 Urban Rau (NP) 802274

29 14 15 1,178 481 697 Urban Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365

13 5 8 353 171 182 Urban Bank (CT) 476366
77 39 38 686 314 372 Urban Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
36 26 10 805 334 471 Urban Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
17 7 10 272 115 157 Urban Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
34 15 19 602 268 334 Urban Sinhasa (CT) 476370
117 63 54 2,005 859 1,146 Urban Palda (CT) 476371
17 8 9 697 265 432 Urban Limbodi (CT) 476372
4 4 - 349 148 201 Urban Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
20 10 10 666 294 372 Urban Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374
209 128 81 1,565 634 931 Urban Mhow Cantt (CB) 802275
134 80 54 1,100 438 662 Urban Mhowgaon (NP) 802276
35 18 17 1,021 455 566 Urban Manpur (NP) 802277
- - - 35 13 22 Urban Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
40 22 18 480 207 273 Urban Santer (CT) 476554

Rural PCA-C.D. blocks wise
Village Primary Census

C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0136 Depalpur (Total) 98,742.78 38,783 205,488 105,299 100,189 29,546 15,314 14,232
0136 Depalpur (Rural) 98,742.78 38,783 205,488 105,299 100,189 29,546 15,314 14,232
0136 Depalpur (Urban) 0.00 - - - - - - -
475905 Girota 1,789.61 493 2,779 1,391 1,388 351 172 179
475906 Ambalia 480.64 214 1,121 580 541 141 72 69
475907 Phulan 1,048.55 261 1,460 766 694 207 107 100
475908 Osra 336.12 114 667 325 342 83 39 44
475909 Kulala 476.94 132 650 318 332 68 23 45
475910 Billodagarhi 253.89 124 693 347 346 97 43 54
475911 Parinalwasa 1,782.61 167 899 465 434 120 66 54
475912 Khanjar Kheda 233.78 56 373 188 185 42 18 24
475913 Jalodia Gyan 869.71 329 1,818 927 891 235 124 111
475914 Dharmat 645.11 266 1,769 857 912 348 165 183
475915 Padlya 538.52 126 806 405 401 112 50 62
475916 Ghadoda 1,448.24 373 1,976 1,011 965 265 137 128
475917 Talawali 913.44 327 1,836 933 903 201 113 88
475918 Bahirampur 257.37 406 1,890 969 921 220 109 111
475919 Sironjya 190.14 52 270 141 129 31 13 18
475920 Kharsoda 568.79 100 649 347 302 71 47 24
475921 Nogawan Khanjar 258.42 33 177 99 78 15 11 4
475922 Nolana 555.84 215 1,094 534 560 147 71 76
475923 Bachhoda 694.27 291 1,443 742 701 174 93 81
475924 Ralayta 877.87 326 1,702 860 842 260 127 133
475925 Atyana 1,075.65 261 1,224 627 597 145 73 72
475926 Akolya 240.54 94 524 262 262 91 47 44
475927 Kundhara 408.02 177 778 403 375 122 65 57
475928 Bhama Kheda 375.06 92 460 236 224 62 38 24
475929 Jalodiya Par 729.77 243 1,375 675 700 226 109 117
475930 Khatwadi 418.92 162 811 405 406 108 57 51
475931 Palasiypar 436.18 136 705 365 340 117 68 49
475932 Ringanwas 118.63 37 203 101 102 42 21 21
475933 Limbodapar 863.49 177 1,112 560 552 143 73 70
475934 Semda 753.25 301 1,576 810 766 199 102 97
475935 Aroda Kot 488.98 130 755 372 383 130 70 60
475936 Ektasa 405.21 113 691 346 345 126 67 59
475937 Kalmer 563.02 214 1,007 504 503 115 60 55
475938 Khireli 336.35 101 617 297 320 103 49 54
475939 Dhanya 249.55 65 290 141 149 34 14 20
475940 Pelmalpur 534.54 129 650 343 307 77 46 31
475941 Runawada 291.28 116 587 305 282 73 40 33
475942 Ahirwas 786.40 111 590 290 300 98 48 50
475943 Karki 479.86 156 732 377 355 101 56 45
475944 Khajraya 477.95 236 1,214 594 620 134 68 66
475945 Begnda 696.57 254 1,167 557 610 167 78 89
475946 Tamalpur 475.38 107 632 327 305 119 62 57
475947 Keer Kheda 0.00 88 417 202 215 68 36 32
475948 Gokalpur 970.90 481 2,682 1,349 1,333 413 222 191
475949 Bhidota 784.92 231 1,222 613 609 160 78 82
475950 Sater 680.95 318 1,516 765 751 250 133 117
475951 Mendakwas 778.98 224 1,190 600 590 162 89 73
475952 Pitawali 610.37 202 1,055 541 514 141 83 58
475953 Farkoda 871.21 361 1,998 1,016 982 312 165 147
475954 Gudar 430.38 208 1,164 572 592 134 75 59
475955 Chitoda 273.63 105 568 287 281 53 34 19
475956 Palsoda 403.82 47 255 125 130 37 19 18
475957 Bhil Balodi 1,085.57 347 1,800 907 893 228 111 117
475958 Kanwasa 813.71 128 736 382 354 42 23 19
475959 Chandan Khedi 523.61 368 2,413 1,240 1,173 454 235 219
475960 Jamgoda 348.80 98 528 271 257 72 33 39



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
40,678 20,704 19,974 11,920 6,237 5,683 116,592 72,390 44,202 Depalpur (Total)
40,678 20,704 19,974 11,920 6,237 5,683 116,592 72,390 44,202 Depalpur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - Depalpur (Urban)
829 420 409 17 9 8 1,567 974 593 Girota
195 100 95 294 151 143 682 430 252 Ambalia
676 355 321 - - - 763 498 265 Phulan
163 77 86 1 1 - 420 250 170 Osra
230 107 123 4 2 2 389 252 137 Kulala
459 226 233 6 3 3 404 260 144 Billodagarhi
173 100 73 2 1 1 493 310 183 Parinalwasa
37 19 18 1 - 1 199 129 70 Khanjar Kheda
484 253 231 69 33 36 986 630 356 Jalodia Gyan
59 27 32 47 20 27 790 486 304 Dharmat
234 117 117 66 31 35 519 299 220 Padlya
466 238 228 136 70 66 1,145 709 436 Ghadoda
266 142 124 8 5 3 979 635 344 Talawali
222 118 104 33 20 13 1,218 734 484 Bahirampur
12 5 7 - - - 138 94 44 Sironjya
39 22 17 12 8 4 347 237 110 Kharsoda
- - - - - - 86 58 28 Nogawan Khanjar
400 198 202 - - - 695 404 291 Nolana
322 175 147 - - - 819 527 292 Bachhoda
431 215 216 - - - 783 508 275 Ralayta
249 120 129 17 7 10 697 429 268 Atyana
10 5 5 - - - 316 190 126 Akolya
147 74 73 57 31 26 362 230 132 Kundhara
140 64 76 9 5 4 264 162 102 Bhama Kheda
372 171 201 17 11 6 587 376 211 Jalodiya Par
149 70 79 13 8 5 561 314 247 Khatwadi
137 70 67 110 60 50 389 251 138 Palasiypar
- - - - - - 87 59 28 Ringanwas
168 83 85 - - - 633 399 234 Limbodapar
266 145 121 - - - 864 548 316 Semda
80 44 36 - - - 349 207 142 Aroda Kot
- - - 7 6 1 308 200 108 Ektasa
179 88 91 - - - 625 389 236 Kalmer
- - - - - - 324 202 122 Khireli
4 1 3 - - - 147 97 50 Dhanya
194 106 88 9 6 3 425 261 164 Pelmalpur
119 59 60 - - - 378 234 144 Runawada
107 60 47 146 71 75 350 200 150 Ahirwas
318 165 153 43 24 19 424 270 154 Karki
357 170 187 59 25 34 711 424 287 Khajraya
221 107 114 36 14 22 625 366 259 Begnda
306 156 150 23 11 12 382 226 156 Tamalpur
23 10 13 - - - 234 136 98 Keer Kheda
993 506 487 45 24 21 1,470 864 606 Gokalpur
269 138 131 11 5 6 661 395 266 Bhidota
474 246 228 15 8 7 688 422 266 Sater
173 87 86 81 38 43 680 425 255 Mendakwas
250 126 124 9 7 2 607 390 217 Pitawali
396 199 197 - - - 1,080 662 418 Farkoda
24 11 13 - - - 599 380 219 Gudar
197 104 93 47 25 22 344 211 133 Chitoda
54 25 29 45 26 19 203 101 102 Palsoda
103 49 54 20 10 10 1,110 700 410 Bhil Balodi
117 62 55 - - - 490 300 190 Kanwasa
76 41 35 - - - 1,363 853 510 Chandan Khedi
101 51 50 - - - 267 178 89 Jamgoda


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0136 Depalpur (Total) 88,896 32,909 55,987 103,922 61,811 42,111 81,873 54,527 27,346
0136 Depalpur (Rural) 88,896 32,909 55,987 103,922 61,811 42,111 81,873 54,527 27,346
0136 Depalpur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
475905 Girota 1,212 417 795 1,217 835 382 1,144 832 312
475906 Ambalia 439 150 289 517 357 160 513 355 158
475907 Phulan 697 268 429 507 414 93 367 317 50
475908 Osra 247 75 172 205 174 31 123 117 6
475909 Kulala 261 66 195 138 133 5 136 131 5
475910 Billodagarhi 289 87 202 346 217 129 163 156 7
475911 Parinalwasa 406 155 251 390 274 116 219 198 21
475912 Khanjar Kheda 174 59 115 116 107 9 91 89 2
475913 Jalodia Gyan 832 297 535 1,022 558 464 753 432 321
475914 Dharmat 979 371 608 935 475 460 910 460 450
475915 Padlya 287 106 181 437 219 218 242 116 126
475916 Ghadoda 831 302 529 918 609 309 668 484 184
475917 Talawali 857 298 559 1,135 625 510 821 525 296
475918 Bahirampur 672 235 437 698 512 186 664 489 175
475919 Sironjya 132 47 85 100 77 23 93 72 21
475920 Kharsoda 302 110 192 212 197 15 210 195 15
475921 Nogawan Khanjar 91 41 50 96 57 39 92 54 38
475922 Nolana 399 130 269 445 272 173 444 272 172
475923 Bachhoda 624 215 409 888 445 443 791 416 375
475924 Ralayta 919 352 567 885 456 429 851 428 423
475925 Atyana 527 198 329 689 369 320 358 246 112
475926 Akolya 208 72 136 294 149 145 244 129 115
475927 Kundhara 416 173 243 428 221 207 226 128 98
475928 Bhama Kheda 196 74 122 226 135 91 72 65 7
475929 Jalodiya Par 788 299 489 743 398 345 370 239 131
475930 Khatwadi 250 91 159 477 244 233 325 179 146
475931 Palasiypar 316 114 202 415 206 209 217 113 104
475932 Ringanwas 116 42 74 120 58 62 45 38 7
475933 Limbodapar 479 161 318 662 335 327 233 210 23
475934 Semda 712 262 450 977 477 500 254 230 24
475935 Aroda Kot 406 165 241 417 211 206 345 174 171
475936 Ektasa 383 146 237 367 192 175 360 188 172
475937 Kalmer 382 115 267 655 323 332 413 212 201
475938 Khireli 293 95 198 353 168 185 240 131 109
475939 Dhanya 143 44 99 190 98 92 83 80 3
475940 Pelmalpur 225 82 143 329 192 137 212 130 82
475941 Runawada 209 71 138 343 184 159 239 158 81
475942 Ahirwas 240 90 150 338 177 161 187 94 93
475943 Karki 308 107 201 410 202 208 102 85 17
475944 Khajraya 503 170 333 702 357 345 339 258 81
475945 Begnda 542 191 351 571 364 207 499 347 152
475946 Tamalpur 250 101 149 353 183 170 148 72 76
475947 Keer Kheda 183 66 117 192 114 78 180 109 71
475948 Gokalpur 1,212 485 727 1,128 774 354 1,116 771 345
475949 Bhidota 561 218 343 688 351 337 413 263 150
475950 Sater 828 343 485 724 440 284 468 361 107
475951 Mendakwas 510 175 335 471 324 147 284 254 30
475952 Pitawali 448 151 297 428 307 121 198 184 14
475953 Farkoda 918 354 564 789 542 247 752 524 228
475954 Gudar 565 192 373 721 365 356 450 338 112
475955 Chitoda 224 76 148 320 180 140 196 147 49
475956 Palsoda 52 24 28 110 78 32 104 76 28
475957 Bhil Balodi 690 207 483 1,035 558 477 736 512 224
475958 Kanwasa 246 82 164 391 245 146 388 244 144
475959 Chandan Khedi 1,050 387 663 972 675 297 706 606 100
475960 Jamgoda 261 93 168 318 160 158 257 158 99


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
42,624 28,379 14,245 25,867 14,516 11,351 740 499 241 12,642 11,133 1,509 Depalpur (Total)
42,624 28,379 14,245 25,867 14,516 11,351 740 499 241 12,642 11,133 1,509 Depalpur (Rural)
- - - - - - - - - - - - Depalpur (Urban)
483 401 82 593 369 224 21 17 4 47 45 2 Girota
233 187 46 257 151 106 - - - 23 17 6 Ambalia
310 275 35 46 35 11 - - - 11 7 4 Phulan
122 116 6 - - - - - - 1 1 - Osra
109 106 3 24 22 2 - - - 3 3 - Kulala
88 88 - 38 38 - 6 5 1 31 25 6 Billodagarhi
181 172 9 30 22 8 - - - 8 4 4 Parinalwasa
89 87 2 - - - - - - 2 2 - Khanjar Kheda
489 270 219 198 107 91 12 10 2 54 45 9 Jalodia Gyan
564 282 282 320 160 160 5 4 1 21 14 7 Dharmat
232 113 119 4 - 4 - - - 6 3 3 Padlya
475 373 102 172 95 77 3 3 - 18 13 5 Ghadoda
609 388 221 143 82 61 2 1 1 67 54 13 Talawali
194 165 29 206 96 110 8 5 3 256 223 33 Bahirampur
44 41 3 42 28 14 2 1 1 5 2 3 Sironjya
159 156 3 47 37 10 1 1 - 3 1 2 Kharsoda
41 24 17 51 30 21 - - - - - - Nogawan Khanjar
163 134 29 271 128 143 - - - 10 10 - Nolana
420 217 203 318 156 162 10 4 6 43 39 4 Bachhoda
491 241 250 302 144 158 4 3 1 54 40 14 Ralayta
297 196 101 7 5 2 - - - 54 45 9 Atyana
228 116 112 - - - 1 - 1 15 13 2 Akolya
131 76 55 86 44 42 2 2 - 7 6 1 Kundhara
65 61 4 1 1 - 1 1 - 5 2 3 Bhama Kheda
354 232 122 6 2 4 - - - 10 5 5 Jalodiya Par
272 141 131 3 1 2 - - - 50 37 13 Khatwadi
202 104 98 2 1 1 3 2 1 10 6 4 Palasiypar
23 21 2 17 14 3 1 1 - 4 2 2 Ringanwas
130 118 12 99 88 11 - - - 4 4 - Limbodapar
222 205 17 15 11 4 - - - 17 14 3 Semda
340 170 170 2 2 - - - - 3 2 1 Aroda Kot
214 111 103 144 75 69 - - - 2 2 - Ektasa
378 191 187 20 7 13 - - - 15 14 1 Kalmer
215 112 103 7 3 4 - - - 18 16 2 Khireli
76 73 3 2 2 - - - - 5 5 - Dhanya
193 114 79 4 3 1 - - - 15 13 2 Pelmalpur
220 145 75 18 12 6 - - - 1 1 - Runawada
181 90 91 2 1 1 - - - 4 3 1 Ahirwas
93 76 17 3 3 - - - - 6 6 - Karki
318 243 75 13 10 3 1 1 - 7 4 3 Khajraya
397 272 125 76 59 17 - - - 26 16 10 Begnda
145 69 76 2 2 - - - - 1 1 - Tamalpur
31 15 16 77 26 51 - - - 72 68 4 Keer Kheda
577 419 158 466 286 180 13 11 2 60 55 5 Gokalpur
357 225 132 49 34 15 - - - 7 4 3 Bhidota
150 134 16 195 111 84 1 1 - 122 115 7 Sater
174 160 14 47 38 9 6 6 - 57 50 7 Mendakwas
161 151 10 21 19 2 3 3 - 13 11 2 Pitawali
358 277 81 334 198 136 18 11 7 42 38 4 Farkoda
320 259 61 105 60 45 2 1 1 23 18 5 Gudar
74 70 4 86 44 42 - - - 36 33 3 Chitoda
41 36 5 47 26 21 - - - 16 14 2 Palsoda
469 341 128 222 131 91 5 2 3 40 38 2 Bhil Balodi
276 171 105 105 67 38 - - - 7 6 1 Kanwasa
390 366 24 304 231 73 3 2 1 9 7 2 Chandan Khedi
88 78 10 165 76 89 - - - 4 4 - Jamgoda


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0136 Depalpur (Total) 22,049 7,284 14,765 4,863 930 3,933 15,538 5,459 10,079
0136 Depalpur (Rural) 22,049 7,284 14,765 4,863 930 3,933 15,538 5,459 10,079
0136 Depalpur (Urban) - - - - - - - - -
475905 Girota 73 3 70 34 - 34 36 1 35
475906 Ambalia 4 2 2 - - - 1 - 1
475907 Phulan 140 97 43 5 1 4 131 92 39
475908 Osra 82 57 25 4 3 1 75 53 22
475909 Kulala 2 2 - 1 1 - - - -
475910 Billodagarhi 183 61 122 6 2 4 167 52 115
475911 Parinalwasa 171 76 95 68 10 58 102 65 37
475912 Khanjar Kheda 25 18 7 - - - 25 18 7
475913 Jalodia Gyan 269 126 143 2 - 2 266 126 140
475914 Dharmat 25 15 10 6 5 1 14 6 8
475915 Padlya 195 103 92 1 - 1 186 99 87
475916 Ghadoda 250 125 125 1 - 1 247 123 124
475917 Talawali 314 100 214 170 34 136 97 40 57
475918 Bahirampur 34 23 11 2 - 2 5 - 5
475919 Sironjya 7 5 2 2 - 2 - - -
475920 Kharsoda 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
475921 Nogawan Khanjar 4 3 1 - - - 4 3 1
475922 Nolana 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
475923 Bachhoda 97 29 68 60 12 48 28 10 18
475924 Ralayta 34 28 6 5 4 1 7 5 2
475925 Atyana 331 123 208 6 2 4 319 117 202
475926 Akolya 50 20 30 20 5 15 26 11 15
475927 Kundhara 202 93 109 49 24 25 124 61 63
475928 Bhama Kheda 154 70 84 1 1 - 115 60 55
475929 Jalodiya Par 373 159 214 7 2 5 355 148 207
475930 Khatwadi 152 65 87 3 2 1 146 60 86
475931 Palasiypar 198 93 105 16 4 12 168 76 92
475932 Ringanwas 75 20 55 3 1 2 71 19 52
475933 Limbodapar 429 125 304 27 10 17 390 112 278
475934 Semda 723 247 476 6 2 4 709 239 470
475935 Aroda Kot 72 37 35 1 1 - 69 35 34
475936 Ektasa 7 4 3 1 1 - 5 3 2
475937 Kalmer 242 111 131 2 - 2 223 100 123
475938 Khireli 113 37 76 1 1 - 112 36 76
475939 Dhanya 107 18 89 3 - 3 104 18 86
475940 Pelmalpur 117 62 55 - - - 115 61 54
475941 Runawada 104 26 78 3 1 2 101 25 76
475942 Ahirwas 151 83 68 2 2 - 144 79 65
475943 Karki 308 117 191 1 - 1 307 117 190
475944 Khajraya 363 99 264 5 2 3 352 96 256
475945 Begnda 72 17 55 20 6 14 47 9 38
475946 Tamalpur 205 111 94 4 2 2 173 89 84
475947 Keer Kheda 12 5 7 - - - 11 4 7
475948 Gokalpur 12 3 9 - - - 8 2 6
475949 Bhidota 275 88 187 4 2 2 268 85 183
475950 Sater 256 79 177 25 9 16 194 42 152
475951 Mendakwas 187 70 117 14 1 13 159 60 99
475952 Pitawali 230 123 107 8 3 5 216 115 101
475953 Farkoda 37 18 19 1 - 1 24 8 16
475954 Gudar 271 27 244 237 18 219 28 7 21
475955 Chitoda 124 33 91 79 22 57 43 10 33
475956 Palsoda 6 2 4 1 - 1 5 2 3
475957 Bhil Balodi 299 46 253 228 32 196 68 13 55
475958 Kanwasa 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
475959 Chandan Khedi 266 69 197 79 5 74 165 42 123
475960 Jamgoda 61 2 59 4 - 4 57 2 55


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
404 129 275 1,244 766 478 101,566 43,488 58,078 Depalpur (Total) 0136
404 129 275 1,244 766 478 101,566 43,488 58,078 Depalpur (Rural) 0136
- - - - - - - - - Depalpur (Urban) 0136
- - - 3 2 1 1,562 556 1,006 Girota 475905
3 2 1 - - - 604 223 381 Ambalia 475906
- - - 4 4 - 953 352 601 Phulan 475907
1 - 1 2 1 1 462 151 311 Osra 475908
- - - 1 1 - 512 185 327 Kulala 475909
7 6 1 3 1 2 347 130 217 Billodagarhi 475910
- - - 1 1 - 509 191 318 Parinalwasa 475911
- - - - - - 257 81 176 Khanjar Kheda 475912
- - - 1 - 1 796 369 427 Jalodia Gyan 475913
- - - 5 4 1 834 382 452 Dharmat 475914
- - - 8 4 4 369 186 183 Padlya 475915
- - - 2 2 - 1,058 402 656 Ghadoda 475916
1 - 1 46 26 20 701 308 393 Talawali 475917
4 2 2 23 21 2 1,192 457 735 Bahirampur 475918
- - - 5 5 - 170 64 106 Sironjya 475919
- - - - - - 437 150 287 Kharsoda 475920
- - - - - - 81 42 39 Nogawan Khanjar 475921
- - - - - - 649 262 387 Nolana 475922
1 1 - 8 6 2 555 297 258 Bachhoda 475923
- - - 22 19 3 817 404 413 Ralayta 475924
3 2 1 3 2 1 535 258 277 Atyana 475925
- - - 4 4 - 230 113 117 Akolya 475926
2 1 1 27 7 20 350 182 168 Kundhara 475927
1 - 1 37 9 28 234 101 133 Bhama Kheda 475928
8 6 2 3 3 - 632 277 355 Jalodiya Par 475929
1 1 - 2 2 - 334 161 173 Khatwadi 475930
11 10 1 3 3 - 290 159 131 Palasiypar 475931
- - - 1 - 1 83 43 40 Ringanwas 475932
2 2 - 10 1 9 450 225 225 Limbodapar 475933
2 1 1 6 5 1 599 333 266 Semda 475934
- - - 2 1 1 338 161 177 Aroda Kot 475935
- - - 1 - 1 324 154 170 Ektasa 475936
- - - 17 11 6 352 181 171 Kalmer 475937
- - - - - - 264 129 135 Khireli 475938
- - - - - - 100 43 57 Dhanya 475939
- - - 2 1 1 321 151 170 Pelmalpur 475940
- - - - - - 244 121 123 Runawada 475941
1 - 1 4 2 2 252 113 139 Ahirwas 475942
- - - - - - 322 175 147 Karki 475943
5 - 5 1 1 - 512 237 275 Khajraya 475944
1 - 1 4 2 2 596 193 403 Begnda 475945
22 14 8 6 6 - 279 144 135 Tamalpur 475946
- - - 1 1 - 225 88 137 Keer Kheda 475947
1 - 1 3 1 2 1,554 575 979 Gokalpur 475948
2 1 1 1 - 1 534 262 272 Bhidota 475949
5 2 3 32 26 6 792 325 467 Sater 475950
2 - 2 12 9 3 719 276 443 Mendakwas 475951
- - - 6 5 1 627 234 393 Pitawali 475952
- - - 12 10 2 1,209 474 735 Farkoda 475953
3 1 2 3 1 2 443 207 236 Gudar 475954
- - - 2 1 1 248 107 141 Chitoda 475955
- - - - - - 145 47 98 Palsoda 475956
- - - 3 1 2 765 349 416 Bhil Balodi 475957
- - - - - - 345 137 208 Kanwasa 475958
2 2 - 20 20 - 1,441 565 876 Chandan Khedi 475959
- - - - - - 210 111 99 Jamgoda 475960


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
475961 Rudrakhya 491.55 269 1,420 727 693 212 107 105
475962 Karjoda 775.51 259 1,442 740 702 174 96 78
475963 Deora Khedi 349.84 151 815 407 408 120 56 64
475964 Sunala 879.51 316 1,648 826 822 192 104 88
475965 Kai 693.92 252 1,318 660 658 143 73 70
475966 Katkoda 871.21 307 1,642 804 838 190 88 102
475967 Kadoda 443.22 156 926 489 437 96 44 52
475968 Barda Khedi 300.49 72 491 248 243 48 25 23
475969 Kakwa 517.12 98 507 263 244 70 35 35
475970 Khimalawda 779.26 182 1,105 596 509 136 89 47
475971 Jalalpura 523.28 206 1,183 573 610 202 101 101
475972 Mundls Kalma 311.04 46 266 147 119 50 28 22
475973 Ataheda 1,365.53 598 3,242 1,658 1,584 387 205 182
475974 Ghehun Khedi 291.68 69 370 198 172 44 25 19
475975 Ujaliya 410.94 135 836 424 412 119 66 53
475976 Khadolya 376.36 117 651 332 319 69 33 36
475977 Khandia 439.90 121 598 282 316 88 39 49
475978 Banya Khedi 408.04 180 918 469 449 167 92 75
475979 Shahpura 466.00 178 919 460 459 110 67 43
475980 Chiman Khedi 579.44 114 758 407 351 105 60 45
475981 Nandra 689.24 236 1,250 620 630 139 65 74
475982 Nogawan Surf 406.97 150 706 356 350 75 38 37
475983 Gangajal Khedi 496.58 170 931 464 467 128 70 58
475984 Banedia 1,265.16 1,016 5,350 2,734 2,616 724 350 374
475985 Birgoda 720.05 235 1,360 690 670 159 88 71
475986 Mundipur 346.20 35 258 133 125 31 11 20
475987 Chatwada 766.99 233 1,117 564 553 188 92 96
475988 Jalodiya Panth 866.94 290 1,507 789 718 165 98 67
475989 Harnasa 356.01 182 960 481 479 127 62 65
475990 Khadi 428.82 287 1,444 746 698 202 112 90
475991 Giroda 377.61 158 883 444 439 143 79 64
475992 Takipura 678.52 330 1,778 918 860 239 112 127
475993 Badoli Hoj 793.48 306 1,436 722 714 201 111 90
475994 Chander 1,768.67 509 2,696 1,381 1,315 355 195 160
475995 Shahawda 193.17 74 488 246 242 72 35 37
475996 Baroda Panth 531.99 184 926 459 467 131 59 72
475997 Uttarsi 270.08 47 262 138 124 33 17 16
475998 Khanpur 522.99 104 683 339 344 104 50 54
475999 Shivgarh 490.71 162 837 428 409 102 56 46
476000 Sagdod 1,190.09 600 3,170 1,565 1,605 423 203 220
476001 Agradi 192.88 87 421 222 199 57 35 22
476002 Chiklonda 853.76 287 1,550 762 788 252 138 114
476003 Daultabad 887.96 390 2,366 1,234 1,132 336 173 163
476004 Rangwasa 1,346.11 462 2,757 1,387 1,370 447 244 203
476005 Jhalariya 478.57 191 1,113 573 540 177 95 82
476006 Dhureri 458.55 112 555 274 281 68 34 34
476007 Rawad 964.58 365 2,071 1,074 997 430 219 211
476008 Sanawda 732.16 194 1,073 529 544 160 83 77
476009 Amli 537.45 213 1,009 525 484 139 74 65
476010 Chand Khedi 141.87 23 178 96 82 36 19 17
476011 Datoda 248.40 83 523 252 271 81 43 38
476012 Manpura 69.56 56 252 127 125 30 20 10
476013 Medat 142.48 38 209 112 97 20 14 6
476014 Rambadodiya 677.79 192 1,057 541 516 161 75 86
476015 Sejwani 782.33 184 990 524 466 168 95 73
476016 Osrod 348.10 322 1,548 817 731 251 135 116
476017 Ghatabillod 465.20 705 3,877 1,990 1,887 713 363 350
476018 Tajkhedi 124.10 78 424 232 192 74 42 32
476019 Methwada 1,244.04 595 2,892 1,454 1,438 464 243 221
476020 Sangvi 388.72 190 836 415 421 105 55 50



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
130 63 67 138 79 59 681 431 250 Rudrakhya
315 160 155 14 10 4 840 529 311 Karjoda
438 228 210 10 6 4 466 299 167 Deora Khedi
251 121 130 1 1 - 975 628 347 Sunala
75 36 39 6 3 3 764 485 279 Kai
412 198 214 2 2 - 927 590 337 Katkoda
167 77 90 9 5 4 552 372 180 Kadoda
94 52 42 - - - 300 188 112 Barda Khedi
92 47 45 14 9 5 281 180 101 Kakwa
242 137 105 67 42 25 662 440 222 Khimalawda
268 134 134 104 51 53 632 365 267 Jalalpura
90 49 41 30 18 12 151 96 55 Mundls Kalma
485 246 239 23 15 8 2,046 1,284 762 Ataheda
61 34 27 - - - 247 158 89 Ghehun Khedi
381 203 178 4 1 3 509 307 202 Ujaliya
139 76 63 - - - 327 206 121 Khadolya
163 78 85 - - - 346 215 131 Khandia
117 66 51 412 206 206 441 265 176 Banya Khedi
143 73 70 95 53 42 556 335 221 Shahpura
83 44 39 38 22 16 473 291 182 Chiman Khedi
223 114 109 - - - 775 499 276 Nandra
10 5 5 - - - 355 234 121 Nogawan Surf
252 124 128 33 15 18 524 327 197 Gangajal Khedi
631 317 314 151 78 73 3,169 1,963 1,206 Banedia
218 111 107 41 22 19 795 515 280 Birgoda
16 8 8 20 8 12 177 103 74 Mundipur
241 119 122 100 50 50 557 357 200 Chatwada
170 93 77 42 25 17 865 567 298 Jalodiya Panth
59 27 32 2 1 1 497 325 172 Harnasa
350 176 174 - - - 687 448 239 Khadi
357 180 177 - - - 492 290 202 Giroda
270 141 129 48 19 29 906 575 331 Takipura
375 193 182 - - - 711 493 218 Badoli Hoj
592 307 285 35 18 17 1,473 944 529 Chander
72 32 40 - - - 292 195 97 Shahawda
309 147 162 28 13 15 444 297 147 Baroda Panth
- - - 5 3 2 153 87 66 Uttarsi
64 32 32 117 62 55 385 233 152 Khanpur
239 122 117 27 15 12 393 236 157 Shivgarh
294 146 148 166 87 79 1,775 1,049 726 Sagdod
70 38 32 4 3 1 228 156 72 Agradi
459 230 229 93 47 46 928 530 398 Chiklonda
493 267 226 81 46 35 1,349 844 505 Daultabad
945 473 472 128 55 73 1,499 903 596 Rangwasa
348 178 170 102 50 52 594 375 219 Jhalariya
208 105 103 24 16 8 299 185 114 Dhureri
1,274 659 615 200 101 99 733 448 285 Rawad
182 90 92 5 2 3 622 374 248 Sanawda
321 177 144 13 6 7 437 283 154 Amli
- - - 40 23 17 87 61 26 Chand Khedi
89 46 43 15 8 7 323 177 146 Datoda
74 39 35 - - - 132 71 61 Manpura
9 6 3 18 13 5 140 83 57 Medat
177 91 86 195 97 98 672 404 268 Rambadodiya
216 113 103 79 48 31 554 355 199 Sejwani
253 126 127 125 68 57 862 551 311 Osrod
752 381 371 275 146 129 2,088 1,262 826 Ghatabillod
158 87 71 30 15 15 308 172 136 Tajkhedi
432 200 232 172 104 68 1,613 986 627 Methwada
288 138 150 - - - 514 311 203 Sangvi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
475961 Rudrakhya 739 296 443 794 415 379 749 402 347
475962 Karjoda 602 211 391 903 461 442 893 458 435
475963 Deora Khedi 349 108 241 366 224 142 149 121 28
475964 Sunala 673 198 475 694 468 226 430 363 67
475965 Kai 554 175 379 802 426 376 517 346 171
475966 Katkoda 715 214 501 647 490 157 646 489 157
475967 Kadoda 374 117 257 327 251 76 326 250 76
475968 Barda Khedi 191 60 131 176 149 27 173 147 26
475969 Kakwa 226 83 143 235 162 73 152 123 29
475970 Khimalawda 443 156 287 660 340 320 659 339 320
475971 Jalalpura 551 208 343 593 334 259 593 334 259
475972 Mundls Kalma 115 51 64 120 84 36 117 83 34
475973 Ataheda 1,196 374 822 1,250 931 319 1,112 878 234
475974 Ghehun Khedi 123 40 83 250 135 115 128 106 22
475975 Ujaliya 327 117 210 403 223 180 208 116 92
475976 Khadolya 324 126 198 218 195 23 218 195 23
475977 Khandia 252 67 185 229 168 61 228 168 60
475978 Banya Khedi 477 204 273 434 252 182 264 185 79
475979 Shahpura 363 125 238 348 292 56 346 291 55
475980 Chiman Khedi 285 116 169 408 238 170 407 237 170
475981 Nandra 475 121 354 673 373 300 362 348 14
475982 Nogawan Surf 351 122 229 213 206 7 211 204 7
475983 Gangajal Khedi 407 137 270 532 278 254 448 246 202
475984 Banedia 2,181 771 1,410 3,240 1,718 1,522 2,855 1,601 1,254
475985 Birgoda 565 175 390 851 436 415 845 433 412
475986 Mundipur 81 30 51 99 81 18 97 79 18
475987 Chatwada 560 207 353 631 351 280 587 328 259
475988 Jalodiya Panth 642 222 420 954 494 460 730 382 348
475989 Harnasa 463 156 307 573 297 276 568 297 271
475990 Khadi 757 298 459 879 457 422 821 432 389
475991 Giroda 391 154 237 492 257 235 327 219 108
475992 Takipura 872 343 529 774 511 263 682 464 218
475993 Badoli Hoj 725 229 496 939 474 465 680 418 262
475994 Chander 1,223 437 786 1,692 891 801 1,099 840 259
475995 Shahawda 196 51 145 274 141 133 270 141 129
475996 Baroda Panth 482 162 320 537 273 264 369 199 170
475997 Uttarsi 109 51 58 155 71 84 131 69 62
475998 Khanpur 298 106 192 340 200 140 325 200 125
475999 Shivgarh 444 192 252 446 262 184 446 262 184
476000 Sagdod 1,395 516 879 1,665 941 724 1,536 915 621
476001 Agradi 193 66 127 265 135 130 255 130 125
476002 Chiklonda 622 232 390 736 431 305 412 260 152
476003 Daultabad 1,017 390 627 1,168 676 492 727 582 145
476004 Rangwasa 1,258 484 774 1,333 772 561 1,033 725 308
476005 Jhalariya 519 198 321 450 266 184 444 264 180
476006 Dhureri 256 89 167 385 197 188 296 171 125
476007 Rawad 1,338 626 712 963 578 385 942 565 377
476008 Sanawda 451 155 296 421 313 108 233 215 18
476009 Amli 572 242 330 583 300 283 441 287 154
476010 Chand Khedi 91 35 56 101 59 42 56 52 4
476011 Datoda 200 75 125 300 157 143 153 140 13
476012 Manpura 120 56 64 131 68 63 116 62 54
476013 Medat 69 29 40 100 53 47 84 47 37
476014 Rambadodiya 385 137 248 483 298 185 437 267 170
476015 Sejwani 436 169 267 631 341 290 309 278 31
476016 Osrod 686 266 420 600 455 145 560 445 115
476017 Ghatabillod 1,789 728 1,061 1,648 1,078 570 1,490 1,014 476
476018 Tajkhedi 116 60 56 162 113 49 97 84 13
476019 Methwada 1,279 468 811 1,117 775 342 897 747 150
476020 Sangvi 322 104 218 499 245 254 458 226 232


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
422 233 189 305 154 151 - - - 22 15 7 Rudrakhya
246 135 111 620 303 317 2 2 - 25 18 7 Karjoda
74 71 3 57 36 21 - - - 18 14 4 Deora Khedi
360 309 51 31 24 7 3 1 2 36 29 7 Sunala
362 260 102 121 58 63 - - - 34 28 6 Kai
305 298 7 307 163 144 - - - 34 28 6 Katkoda
178 160 18 133 78 55 2 1 1 13 11 2 Kadoda
110 110 - 55 34 21 - - - 8 3 5 Barda Khedi
38 38 - 81 59 22 2 2 - 31 24 7 Kakwa
421 213 208 209 103 106 3 3 - 26 20 6 Khimalawda
374 217 157 212 111 101 - - - 7 6 1 Jalalpura
36 34 2 78 47 31 - - - 3 2 1 Mundls Kalma
606 538 68 383 233 150 10 10 - 113 97 16 Ataheda
82 78 4 42 24 18 1 1 - 3 3 - Ghehun Khedi
195 109 86 4 1 3 - - - 9 6 3 Ujaliya
133 126 7 77 62 15 - - - 8 7 1 Khadolya
127 117 10 98 49 49 - - - 3 2 1 Khandia
137 101 36 81 50 31 2 1 1 44 33 11 Banya Khedi
183 179 4 144 96 48 10 8 2 9 8 1 Shahpura
256 147 109 137 79 58 1 1 - 13 10 3 Chiman Khedi
263 255 8 55 54 1 - - - 44 39 5 Nandra
189 184 5 8 7 1 1 1 - 13 12 1 Nogawan Surf
345 188 157 79 39 40 2 2 - 22 17 5 Gangajal Khedi
1,385 727 658 1,291 721 570 17 11 6 162 142 20 Banedia
526 263 263 272 130 142 1 1 - 46 39 7 Birgoda
58 58 - 38 20 18 - - - 1 1 - Mundipur
280 157 123 270 147 123 10 4 6 27 20 7 Chatwada
689 353 336 12 4 8 2 2 - 27 23 4 Jalodiya Panth
483 247 236 70 36 34 - - - 15 14 1 Harnasa
582 302 280 212 108 104 3 3 - 24 19 5 Khadi
179 110 69 131 95 36 1 1 - 16 13 3 Giroda
118 85 33 347 199 148 20 12 8 197 168 29 Takipura
353 284 69 307 117 190 3 2 1 17 15 2 Badoli Hoj
714 572 142 317 215 102 4 2 2 64 51 13 Chander
139 111 28 131 30 101 - - - - - - Shahawda
272 144 128 77 38 39 - - - 20 17 3 Baroda Panth
128 67 61 3 2 1 - - - - - - Uttarsi
195 120 75 87 43 44 - - - 43 37 6 Khanpur
155 105 50 265 133 132 - - - 26 24 2 Shivgarh
850 550 300 606 306 300 13 7 6 67 52 15 Sagdod
166 83 83 87 45 42 - - - 2 2 - Agradi
155 91 64 149 79 70 - - - 108 90 18 Chiklonda
370 284 86 220 171 49 17 17 - 120 110 10 Daultabad
518 378 140 330 180 150 4 4 - 181 163 18 Rangwasa
163 106 57 188 86 102 41 22 19 52 50 2 Jhalariya
160 97 63 129 70 59 1 1 - 6 3 3 Dhureri
258 158 100 532 303 229 - - - 152 104 48 Rawad
143 135 8 26 22 4 1 - 1 63 58 5 Sanawda
61 51 10 355 223 132 - - - 25 13 12 Amli
27 25 2 10 10 - - - - 19 17 2 Chand Khedi
58 56 2 18 15 3 - - - 77 69 8 Datoda
26 16 10 78 38 40 - - - 12 8 4 Manpura
41 24 17 33 14 19 - - - 10 9 1 Medat
267 155 112 121 69 52 3 2 1 46 41 5 Rambadodiya
163 145 18 109 102 7 - - - 37 31 6 Sejwani
73 65 8 37 20 17 6 5 1 444 355 89 Osrod
320 239 81 638 314 324 71 40 31 461 421 40 Ghatabillod
22 20 2 1 - 1 7 7 - 67 57 10 Tajkhedi
319 261 58 220 154 66 8 6 2 350 326 24 Methwada
157 80 77 294 140 154 - - - 7 6 1 Sangvi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
475961 Rudrakhya 45 13 32 - - - 43 11 32
475962 Karjoda 10 3 7 3 - 3 7 3 4
475963 Deora Khedi 217 103 114 14 13 1 202 90 112
475964 Sunala 264 105 159 10 2 8 238 91 147
475965 Kai 285 80 205 175 32 143 87 29 58
475966 Katkoda 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
475967 Kadoda 1 1 - - - - - - -
475968 Barda Khedi 3 2 1 - - - 1 - 1
475969 Kakwa 83 39 44 8 8 - 59 18 41
475970 Khimalawda 1 1 - - - - - - -
475971 Jalalpura - - - - - - - - -
475972 Mundls Kalma 3 1 2 - - - 3 1 2
475973 Ataheda 138 53 85 30 4 26 95 40 55
475974 Ghehun Khedi 122 29 93 111 23 88 11 6 5
475975 Ujaliya 195 107 88 3 2 1 188 101 87
475976 Khadolya - - - - - - - - -
475977 Khandia 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
475978 Banya Khedi 170 67 103 3 1 2 162 63 99
475979 Shahpura 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
475980 Chiman Khedi 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
475981 Nandra 311 25 286 235 9 226 68 13 55
475982 Nogawan Surf 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
475983 Gangajal Khedi 84 32 52 33 7 26 39 16 23
475984 Banedia 385 117 268 69 9 60 273 79 194
475985 Birgoda 6 3 3 - - - 4 2 2
475986 Mundipur 2 2 - 2 2 - - - -
475987 Chatwada 44 23 21 6 3 3 14 8 6
475988 Jalodiya Panth 224 112 112 14 7 7 178 85 93
475989 Harnasa 5 - 5 3 - 3 1 - 1
475990 Khadi 58 25 33 9 2 7 39 15 24
475991 Giroda 165 38 127 4 1 3 159 35 124
475992 Takipura 92 47 45 1 - 1 91 47 44
475993 Badoli Hoj 259 56 203 20 5 15 228 44 184
475994 Chander 593 51 542 444 27 417 138 17 121
475995 Shahawda 4 - 4 - - - 4 - 4
475996 Baroda Panth 168 74 94 1 - 1 164 71 93
475997 Uttarsi 24 2 22 24 2 22 - - -
475998 Khanpur 15 - 15 14 - 14 - - -
475999 Shivgarh - - - - - - - - -
476000 Sagdod 129 26 103 105 14 91 19 10 9
476001 Agradi 10 5 5 1 - 1 8 4 4
476002 Chiklonda 324 171 153 31 27 4 280 134 146
476003 Daultabad 441 94 347 208 39 169 212 40 172
476004 Rangwasa 300 47 253 135 9 126 139 16 123
476005 Jhalariya 6 2 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
476006 Dhureri 89 26 63 64 19 45 24 7 17
476007 Rawad 21 13 8 2 2 - 8 4 4
476008 Sanawda 188 98 90 49 46 3 125 41 84
476009 Amli 142 13 129 7 1 6 135 12 123
476010 Chand Khedi 45 7 38 25 6 19 14 - 14
476011 Datoda 147 17 130 70 11 59 42 4 38
476012 Manpura 15 6 9 6 3 3 7 2 5
476013 Medat 16 6 10 2 - 2 12 5 7
476014 Rambadodiya 46 31 15 5 3 2 36 23 13
476015 Sejwani 322 63 259 156 30 126 140 28 112
476016 Osrod 40 10 30 5 2 3 13 2 11
476017 Ghatabillod 158 64 94 24 3 21 64 16 48
476018 Tajkhedi 65 29 36 1 - 1 17 10 7
476019 Methwada 220 28 192 34 2 32 147 19 128
476020 Sangvi 41 19 22 8 3 5 30 14 16


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - 2 2 - 626 312 314 Rudrakhya 475961
- - - - - - 539 279 260 Karjoda 475962
- - - 1 - 1 449 183 266 Deora Khedi 475963
6 3 3 10 9 1 954 358 596 Sunala 475964
1 1 - 22 18 4 516 234 282 Kai 475965
- - - - - - 995 314 681 Katkoda 475966
1 1 - - - - 599 238 361 Kadoda 475967
2 2 - - - - 315 99 216 Barda Khedi 475968
- - - 16 13 3 272 101 171 Kakwa 475969
- - - 1 1 - 445 256 189 Khimalawda 475970
- - - - - - 590 239 351 Jalalpura 475971
- - - - - - 146 63 83 Mundls Kalma 475972
4 2 2 9 7 2 1,992 727 1,265 Ataheda 475973
- - - - - - 120 63 57 Ghehun Khedi 475974
3 3 - 1 1 - 433 201 232 Ujaliya 475975
- - - - - - 433 137 296 Khadolya 475976
- - - - - - 369 114 255 Khandia 475977
- - - 5 3 2 484 217 267 Banya Khedi 475978
- - - - - - 571 168 403 Shahpura 475979
- - - - - - 350 169 181 Chiman Khedi 475980
1 1 - 7 2 5 577 247 330 Nandra 475981
- - - - - - 493 150 343 Nogawan Surf 475982
9 6 3 3 3 - 399 186 213 Gangajal Khedi 475983
3 3 - 40 26 14 2,110 1,016 1,094 Banedia 475984
1 - 1 1 1 - 509 254 255 Birgoda 475985
- - - - - - 159 52 107 Mundipur 475986
15 8 7 9 4 5 486 213 273 Chatwada 475987
19 11 8 13 9 4 553 295 258 Jalodiya Panth 475988
- - - 1 - 1 387 184 203 Harnasa 475989
1 1 - 9 7 2 565 289 276 Khadi 475990
1 1 - 1 1 - 391 187 204 Giroda 475991
- - - - - - 1,004 407 597 Takipura 475992
4 2 2 7 5 2 497 248 249 Badoli Hoj 475993
- - - 11 7 4 1,004 490 514 Chander 475994
- - - - - - 214 105 109 Shahawda 475995
- - - 3 3 - 389 186 203 Baroda Panth 475996
- - - - - - 107 67 40 Uttarsi 475997
- - - 1 - 1 343 139 204 Khanpur 475998
- - - - - - 391 166 225 Shivgarh 475999
1 1 - 4 1 3 1,505 624 881 Sagdod 476000
- - - 1 1 - 156 87 69 Agradi 476001
6 3 3 7 7 - 814 331 483 Chiklonda 476002
8 5 3 13 10 3 1,198 558 640 Daultabad 476003
- - - 26 22 4 1,424 615 809 Rangwasa 476004
- - - 1 1 - 663 307 356 Jhalariya 476005
- - - 1 - 1 170 77 93 Dhureri 476006
1 1 - 10 6 4 1,108 496 612 Rawad 476007
- - - 14 11 3 652 216 436 Sanawda 476008
- - - - - - 426 225 201 Amli 476009
- - - 6 1 5 77 37 40 Chand Khedi 476010
1 1 - 34 1 33 223 95 128 Datoda 476011
- - - 2 1 1 121 59 62 Manpura 476012
- - - 2 1 1 109 59 50 Medat 476013
- - - 5 5 - 574 243 331 Rambadodiya 476014
- - - 26 5 21 359 183 176 Sejwani 476015
- - - 22 6 16 948 362 586 Osrod 476016
6 1 5 64 44 20 2,229 912 1,317 Ghatabillod 476017
11 3 8 36 16 20 262 119 143 Tajkhedi 476018
3 - 3 36 7 29 1,775 679 1,096 Methwada 476019
- - - 3 2 1 337 170 167 Sangvi 476020


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476021 Ambapura 126.11 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476022 Karwasa 370.36 145 729 367 362 82 46 36
476023 Kishanpura 275.00 68 309 155 154 55 27 28
476024 Kalibillod 840.90 2,798 10,757 6,454 4,303 1,797 968 829
476025 Pirpipliya 375.69 180 917 461 456 132 78 54
476026 Ranmalbiluod 554.15 271 1,526 771 755 256 129 127
476027 Salampur 752.35 274 1,454 720 734 257 124 133
476028 Kalasura 339.90 127 699 343 356 103 44 59
476029 Khatediya Sarang 404.94 105 596 294 302 73 34 39
476030 Badipura 310.56 269 1,368 736 632 199 98 101
476031 Mothala 303.17 102 568 292 276 72 35 37
476032 Boriya 767.77 237 1,218 620 598 161 87 74
476033 Borsi 591.34 253 1,473 740 733 180 98 82
476034 Rampuria 198.92 64 365 174 191 64 28 36
476035 Lalendipura 479.19 319 1,913 1,006 907 316 180 136
476036 Rolai 677.68 245 1,241 641 600 218 109 109
476037 Aurangpura 665.19 334 1,886 958 928 242 130 112
476038 Rayatpura 496.61 259 1,429 716 713 201 97 104
476039 Muradpura 102.50 25 159 85 74 20 10 10
476040 Galonda 354.34 126 693 356 337 99 49 50
476041 Pipliya Jhagdu 284.16 19 129 67 62 19 10 9
476042 Bijepur 428.20 161 904 447 457 112 56 56
476043 Betma Khurd 863.57 158 860 435 425 141 70 71
476044 Bhawargarh 177.39 81 393 206 187 63 28 35
476045 Machal 683.80 715 3,790 1,935 1,855 532 270 262
476046 Mohna 616.99 123 664 342 322 117 60 57
476047 Dharwara 962.60 487 2,684 1,393 1,291 347 179 168
476048 Chirakhan 351.57 274 1,697 867 830 227 117 110
476049 Bajrangpura 249.24 115 628 317 311 151 71 80
476050 Dhannad 566.90 632 3,635 1,827 1,808 480 245 235
476051 Bagoda 313.30 214 1,246 646 600 211 119 92
476052 Arniya 588.76 195 892 446 446 140 76 64
476053 Ahir Khedi 450.23 132 760 397 363 95 44 51
476054 Badodiya 282.47 67 277 144 133 30 19 11
476055 Sumatha 805.61 274 1,488 718 770 210 108 102
476056 Piploda 682.13 220 1,014 507 507 129 62 67
476057 Murkheda 1,034.45 329 1,920 1,006 914 241 129 112
476058 Hasnabad 403.67 231 1,350 696 654 241 124 117
476059 Agra 701.61 317 1,930 941 989 321 148 173
476060 Ushapura 505.87 188 960 497 463 126 76 50
476061 Paladi 852.60 108 528 271 257 70 44 26
476062 Mirjapur 273.44 179 1,015 522 493 185 95 90
476063 Amba Khedi 278.93 53 370 184 186 90 49 41
476064 Badodiya Panth 406.31 129 599 316 283 70 35 35
Londiya Alias
476065 Mohammadpur 133.58 55 281 129 152 44 16 28
476066 Gulawat 338.46 130 745 397 348 137 69 68
476067 Singawda 370.82 138 676 353 323 105 56 49
476068 Sikandari 691.22 181 975 485 490 145 74 71
476069 Nogawan 270.51 80 524 278 246 83 43 40
476070 Atawada 1,203.39 253 1,432 698 734 233 115 118
476071 Akasoda 848.08 231 1,255 643 612 179 110 69
476072 Neori 961.65 279 1,466 737 729 164 94 70
476073 Ajnda 567.24 208 1,136 558 578 150 67 83
476074 Karadiya 748.12 202 1,151 601 550 154 87 67
476075 Gohan 639.87 197 1,155 574 581 190 86 104
476076 Dansari 350.88 201 1,044 536 508 143 75 68
476077 Palasiya 348.46 102 501 255 246 66 35 31



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ambapura
421 209 212 5 3 2 422 262 160 Karwasa
- - - 261 131 130 157 92 65 Kishanpura
932 510 422 1,982 1,079 903 7,603 4,943 2,660 Kalibillod
105 52 53 178 85 93 485 309 176 Pirpipliya
293 157 136 132 67 65 958 556 402 Ranmalbiluod
22 16 6 369 190 179 722 414 308 Salampur
77 37 40 48 22 26 402 244 158 Kalasura
29 16 13 - - - 370 212 158 Khatediya Sarang
378 196 182 332 194 138 870 546 324 Badipura
257 132 125 138 67 71 288 182 106 Mothala
155 78 77 62 35 27 705 426 279 Boriya
286 147 139 65 34 31 808 506 302 Borsi
27 11 16 - - - 219 119 100 Rampuria
96 56 40 69 38 31 717 444 273 Lalendipura
501 264 237 1 1 - 662 421 241 Rolai
365 187 178 38 12 26 1,217 705 512 Aurangpura
174 88 86 87 42 45 773 460 313 Rayatpura
7 4 3 46 22 24 84 51 33 Muradpura
71 31 40 70 40 30 441 264 177 Galonda
53 25 28 9 6 3 75 48 27 Pipliya Jhagdu
126 60 66 37 17 20 661 349 312 Bijepur
131 67 64 223 119 104 366 231 135 Betma Khurd
154 82 72 225 116 109 228 149 79 Bhawargarh
718 353 365 351 192 159 2,205 1,327 878 Machal
68 36 32 3 1 2 363 224 139 Mohna
413 215 198 321 177 144 1,561 978 583 Dharwara
368 182 186 393 197 196 999 623 376 Chirakhan
455 234 221 161 76 85 115 77 38 Bajrangpura
1,107 571 536 33 16 17 2,294 1,373 921 Dhannad
385 190 195 40 22 18 670 407 263 Bagoda
95 43 52 - - - 471 279 192 Arniya
109 50 59 14 8 6 524 322 202 Ahir Khedi
10 7 3 6 4 2 112 62 50 Badodiya
266 126 140 - - - 875 529 346 Sumatha
111 49 62 55 27 28 568 364 204 Piploda
359 193 166 20 15 5 1,098 707 391 Murkheda
- - - 37 16 21 819 490 329 Hasnabad
693 332 361 259 128 131 990 586 404 Agra
141 74 67 6 2 4 561 366 195 Ushapura
145 78 67 104 50 54 340 189 151 Paladi
253 134 119 188 82 106 507 320 187 Mirjapur
11 4 7 46 20 26 238 127 111 Amba Khedi
86 48 38 79 47 32 327 225 102 Badodiya Panth
Londiya Alias
12 3 9 60 29 31 159 92 67 Mohammadpur
99 53 46 91 48 43 402 261 141 Gulawat
96 47 49 6 3 3 427 262 165 Singawda
133 66 67 7 3 4 584 363 221 Sikandari
163 87 76 34 19 15 314 207 107 Nogawan
243 116 127 88 48 40 739 457 282 Atawada
458 238 220 73 32 41 681 430 251 Akasoda
143 73 70 14 7 7 783 495 288 Neori
146 76 70 19 11 8 700 439 261 Ajnda
88 48 40 61 31 30 739 479 260 Karadiya
323 159 164 - - - 735 450 285 Gohan
83 43 40 44 23 21 560 363 197 Dansari
132 64 68 34 20 14 290 177 113 Palasiya


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476021 Ambapura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476022 Karwasa 307 105 202 424 223 201 406 220 186
476023 Kishanpura 152 63 89 174 94 80 24 23 1
476024 Kalibillod 3,154 1,511 1,643 4,842 4,206 636 4,261 3,993 268
476025 Pirpipliya 432 152 280 528 275 253 507 275 232
476026 Ranmalbiluod 568 215 353 714 430 284 613 400 213
476027 Salampur 732 306 426 619 398 221 541 381 160
476028 Kalasura 297 99 198 415 199 216 107 99 8
476029 Khatediya Sarang 226 82 144 350 172 178 345 169 176
476030 Badipura 498 190 308 558 374 184 440 366 74
476031 Mothala 280 110 170 294 170 124 268 154 114
476032 Boriya 513 194 319 742 392 350 740 392 348
476033 Borsi 665 234 431 887 473 414 796 451 345
476034 Rampuria 146 55 91 245 126 119 95 89 6
476035 Lalendipura 1,196 562 634 861 579 282 811 562 249
476036 Rolai 579 220 359 647 355 292 480 320 160
476037 Aurangpura 669 253 416 1,081 573 508 717 490 227
476038 Rayatpura 656 256 400 718 403 315 473 379 94
476039 Muradpura 75 34 41 68 54 14 65 51 14
476040 Galonda 252 92 160 231 190 41 192 172 20
476041 Pipliya Jhagdu 54 19 35 68 40 28 57 38 19
476042 Bijepur 243 98 145 513 267 246 285 240 45
476043 Betma Khurd 494 204 290 423 257 166 267 193 74
476044 Bhawargarh 165 57 108 220 115 105 169 105 64
476045 Machal 1,585 608 977 1,369 968 401 1,201 905 296
476046 Mohna 301 118 183 399 201 198 292 190 102
476047 Dharwara 1,123 415 708 1,484 848 636 1,451 840 611
476048 Chirakhan 698 244 454 949 529 420 607 434 173
476049 Bajrangpura 513 240 273 348 181 167 337 175 162
476050 Dhannad 1,341 454 887 1,725 1,037 688 1,429 943 486
476051 Bagoda 576 239 337 702 365 337 374 271 103
476052 Arniya 421 167 254 544 270 274 477 253 224
476053 Ahir Khedi 236 75 161 401 225 176 387 219 168
476054 Badodiya 165 82 83 177 90 87 177 90 87
476055 Sumatha 613 189 424 789 435 354 787 435 352
476056 Piploda 446 143 303 600 330 270 584 319 265
476057 Murkheda 822 299 523 916 595 321 617 435 182
476058 Hasnabad 531 206 325 417 354 63 401 347 54
476059 Agra 940 355 585 1,078 560 518 792 483 309
476060 Ushapura 399 131 268 481 285 196 441 273 168
476061 Paladi 188 82 106 227 151 76 218 148 70
476062 Mirjapur 508 202 306 452 276 176 274 187 87
476063 Amba Khedi 132 57 75 227 113 114 227 113 114
476064 Badodiya Panth 272 91 181 338 173 165 308 165 143
Londiya Alias
476065 Mohammadpur 122 37 85 187 94 93 187 94 93
476066 Gulawat 343 136 207 419 228 191 401 222 179
476067 Singawda 249 91 158 278 217 61 63 61 2
476068 Sikandari 391 122 269 561 282 279 426 239 187
476069 Nogawan 210 71 139 294 152 142 278 148 130
476070 Atawada 693 241 452 807 400 407 797 396 401
476071 Akasoda 574 213 361 683 385 298 366 252 114
476072 Neori 683 242 441 938 505 433 787 461 326
476073 Ajnda 436 119 317 710 348 362 477 336 141
476074 Karadiya 412 122 290 706 350 356 336 279 57
476075 Gohan 420 124 296 712 372 340 674 342 332
476076 Dansari 484 173 311 611 329 282 517 281 236
476077 Palasiya 211 78 133 326 169 157 326 169 157


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ambapura
44 35 9 335 164 171 - - - 27 21 6 Karwasa
21 21 - 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 - Kishanpura
113 98 15 89 71 18 41 34 7 4,018 3,790 228 Kalibillod
169 93 76 299 146 153 9 7 2 30 29 1 Pirpipliya
205 117 88 174 88 86 4 2 2 230 193 37 Ranmalbiluod
68 48 20 203 116 87 6 5 1 264 212 52 Salampur
22 21 1 11 9 2 - - - 74 69 5 Kalasura
310 145 165 19 9 10 5 5 - 11 10 1 Khatediya Sarang
19 14 5 181 142 39 - - - 240 210 30 Badipura
50 40 10 212 109 103 - - - 6 5 1 Mothala
327 173 154 391 206 185 4 2 2 18 11 7 Boriya
679 390 289 96 45 51 1 1 - 20 15 5 Borsi
24 24 - 68 62 6 1 1 - 2 2 - Rampuria
277 195 82 492 330 162 2 1 1 40 36 4 Lalendipura
388 238 150 59 50 9 4 4 - 29 28 1 Rolai
341 233 108 231 125 106 7 5 2 138 127 11 Aurangpura
195 174 21 171 107 64 1 1 - 106 97 9 Rayatpura
18 18 - 5 2 3 3 2 1 39 29 10 Muradpura
50 48 2 8 3 5 - - - 134 121 13 Galonda
23 15 8 22 12 10 - - - 12 11 1 Pipliya Jhagdu
152 143 9 118 83 35 2 2 - 13 12 1 Bijepur
106 70 36 81 56 25 1 1 - 79 66 13 Betma Khurd
33 17 16 70 28 42 1 1 - 65 59 6 Bhawargarh
362 296 66 400 225 175 39 33 6 400 351 49 Machal
75 48 27 173 102 71 - - - 44 40 4 Mohna
810 443 367 284 120 164 24 10 14 333 267 66 Dharwara
329 218 111 94 47 47 3 1 2 181 168 13 Chirakhan
87 45 42 236 118 118 - - - 14 12 2 Bajrangpura
851 507 344 343 226 117 19 12 7 216 198 18 Dhannad
153 120 33 159 96 63 1 1 - 61 54 7 Bagoda
209 109 100 225 113 112 7 3 4 36 28 8 Arniya
299 161 138 57 32 25 13 9 4 18 17 1 Ahir Khedi
73 36 37 104 54 50 - - - - - - Badodiya
425 219 206 253 126 127 23 13 10 86 77 9 Sumatha
360 204 156 152 66 86 19 10 9 53 39 14 Piploda
504 358 146 57 30 27 - - - 56 47 9 Murkheda
138 133 5 251 203 48 - - - 12 11 1 Hasnabad
278 170 108 419 235 184 18 17 1 77 61 16 Agra
129 101 28 214 97 117 22 15 7 76 60 16 Ushapura
77 62 15 116 67 49 1 1 - 24 18 6 Paladi
176 123 53 60 39 21 3 - 3 35 25 10 Mirjapur
199 100 99 25 11 14 - - - 3 2 1 Amba Khedi
39 36 3 245 113 132 3 - 3 21 16 5 Badodiya Panth
Londiya Alias
124 63 61 60 28 32 - - - 3 3 - Mohammadpur
253 134 119 125 69 56 1 1 - 22 18 4 Gulawat
53 53 - 3 3 - - - - 7 5 2 Singawda
254 153 101 162 82 80 - - - 10 4 6 Sikandari
214 116 98 54 23 31 - - - 10 9 1 Nogawan
388 183 205 375 190 185 14 9 5 20 14 6 Atawada
232 171 61 73 34 39 10 6 4 51 41 10 Akasoda
601 350 251 162 93 69 4 2 2 20 16 4 Neori
425 288 137 7 6 1 - - - 45 42 3 Ajnda
239 214 25 45 27 18 12 - 12 40 38 2 Karadiya
357 179 178 280 137 143 3 2 1 34 24 10 Gohan
431 224 207 33 15 18 3 - 3 50 42 8 Dansari
175 94 81 142 69 73 - - - 9 6 3 Palasiya


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476021 Ambapura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476022 Karwasa 18 3 15 2 1 1 13 - 13
476023 Kishanpura 150 71 79 2 1 1 148 70 78
476024 Kalibillod 581 213 368 13 7 6 501 158 343
476025 Pirpipliya 21 - 21 - - - 21 - 21
476026 Ranmalbiluod 101 30 71 21 4 17 75 22 53
476027 Salampur 78 17 61 5 1 4 69 15 54
476028 Kalasura 308 100 208 10 3 7 263 66 197
476029 Khatediya Sarang 5 3 2 1 1 - 3 2 1
476030 Badipura 118 8 110 3 1 2 105 6 99
476031 Mothala 26 16 10 5 1 4 1 1 -
476032 Boriya 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - -
476033 Borsi 91 22 69 61 14 47 27 7 20
476034 Rampuria 150 37 113 40 9 31 110 28 82
476035 Lalendipura 50 17 33 7 2 5 33 13 20
476036 Rolai 167 35 132 62 14 48 98 21 77
476037 Aurangpura 364 83 281 247 53 194 104 21 83
476038 Rayatpura 245 24 221 14 - 14 219 14 205
476039 Muradpura 3 3 - - - - - - -
476040 Galonda 39 18 21 - - - 19 1 18
476041 Pipliya Jhagdu 11 2 9 7 - 7 4 2 2
476042 Bijepur 228 27 201 152 6 146 70 18 52
476043 Betma Khurd 156 64 92 2 2 - 146 57 89
476044 Bhawargarh 51 10 41 6 2 4 45 8 37
476045 Machal 168 63 105 19 2 17 97 22 75
476046 Mohna 107 11 96 36 3 33 70 8 62
476047 Dharwara 33 8 25 8 4 4 21 3 18
476048 Chirakhan 342 95 247 94 20 74 234 67 167
476049 Bajrangpura 11 6 5 - - - 11 6 5
476050 Dhannad 296 94 202 2 1 1 289 89 200
476051 Bagoda 328 94 234 78 8 70 247 85 162
476052 Arniya 67 17 50 33 9 24 27 6 21
476053 Ahir Khedi 14 6 8 - - - 7 3 4
476054 Badodiya - - - - - - - - -
476055 Sumatha 2 - 2 - - - - - -
476056 Piploda 16 11 5 1 - 1 10 6 4
476057 Murkheda 299 160 139 5 3 2 283 150 133
476058 Hasnabad 16 7 9 - - - 7 3 4
476059 Agra 286 77 209 90 16 74 183 56 127
476060 Ushapura 40 12 28 1 1 - 38 11 27
476061 Paladi 9 3 6 4 - 4 4 2 2
476062 Mirjapur 178 89 89 1 1 - 173 84 89
476063 Amba Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476064 Badodiya Panth 30 8 22 - - - 25 7 18
Londiya Alias
476065 Mohammadpur - - - - - - - - -
476066 Gulawat 18 6 12 - - - 18 6 12
476067 Singawda 215 156 59 37 36 1 177 119 58
476068 Sikandari 135 43 92 17 - 17 77 40 37
476069 Nogawan 16 4 12 - - - 15 3 12
476070 Atawada 10 4 6 - - - 9 4 5
476071 Akasoda 317 133 184 93 31 62 213 95 118
476072 Neori 151 44 107 128 31 97 20 10 10
476073 Ajnda 233 12 221 12 1 11 219 9 210
476074 Karadiya 370 71 299 105 3 102 136 62 74
476075 Gohan 38 30 8 26 22 4 12 8 4
476076 Dansari 94 48 46 2 1 1 51 27 24
476077 Palasiya - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Ambapura 476021
- - - 3 2 1 305 144 161 Karwasa 476022
- - - - - - 135 61 74 Kishanpura 476023
1 1 - 66 47 19 5,915 2,248 3,667 Kalibillod 476024
- - - - - - 389 186 203 Pirpipliya 476025
- - - 5 4 1 812 341 471 Ranmalbiluod 476026
- - - 4 1 3 835 322 513 Salampur 476027
- - - 35 31 4 284 144 140 Kalasura 476028
- - - 1 - 1 246 122 124 Khatediya Sarang 476029
- - - 10 1 9 810 362 448 Badipura 476030
- - - 20 14 6 274 122 152 Mothala 476031
- - - - - - 476 228 248 Boriya 476032
- - - 3 1 2 586 267 319 Borsi 476033
- - - - - - 120 48 72 Rampuria 476034
- - - 10 2 8 1,052 427 625 Lalendipura 476035
1 - 1 6 - 6 594 286 308 Rolai 476036
1 - 1 12 9 3 805 385 420 Aurangpura 476037
1 - 1 11 10 1 711 313 398 Rayatpura 476038
- - - 3 3 - 91 31 60 Muradpura 476039
2 1 1 18 16 2 462 166 296 Galonda 476040
- - - - - - 61 27 34 Pipliya Jhagdu 476041
2 - 2 4 3 1 391 180 211 Bijepur 476042
- - - 8 5 3 437 178 259 Betma Khurd 476043
- - - - - - 173 91 82 Bhawargarh 476044
2 1 1 50 38 12 2,421 967 1,454 Machal 476045
- - - 1 - 1 265 141 124 Mohna 476046
1 - 1 3 1 2 1,200 545 655 Dharwara 476047
1 - 1 13 8 5 748 338 410 Chirakhan 476048
- - - - - - 280 136 144 Bajrangpura 476049
1 - 1 4 4 - 1,910 790 1,120 Dhannad 476050
- - - 3 1 2 544 281 263 Bagoda 476051
1 - 1 6 2 4 348 176 172 Arniya 476052
7 3 4 - - - 359 172 187 Ahir Khedi 476053
- - - - - - 100 54 46 Badodiya 476054
1 - 1 1 - 1 699 283 416 Sumatha 476055
2 2 - 3 3 - 414 177 237 Piploda 476056
6 3 3 5 4 1 1,004 411 593 Murkheda 476057
1 1 - 8 3 5 933 342 591 Hasnabad 476058
7 2 5 6 3 3 852 381 471 Agra 476059
1 - 1 - - - 479 212 267 Ushapura 476060
- - - 1 1 - 301 120 181 Paladi 476061
- - - 4 4 - 563 246 317 Mirjapur 476062
- - - - - - 143 71 72 Amba Khedi 476063
2 - 2 3 1 2 261 143 118 Badodiya Panth 476064
Londiya Alias
- - - - - - 94 35 59 Mohammadpur 476065
- - - - - - 326 169 157 Gulawat 476066
- - - 1 1 - 398 136 262 Singawda 476067
37 1 36 4 2 2 414 203 211 Sikandari 476068
- - - 1 1 - 230 126 104 Nogawan 476069
- - - 1 - 1 625 298 327 Atawada 476070
- - - 11 7 4 572 258 314 Akasoda 476071
- - - 3 3 - 528 232 296 Neori 476072
- - - 2 2 - 426 210 216 Ajnda 476073
122 - 122 7 6 1 445 251 194 Karadiya 476074
- - - - - - 443 202 241 Gohan 476075
5 - 5 36 20 16 433 207 226 Dansari 476076
- - - - - - 175 86 89 Palasiya 476077


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0137 Sawer (Total) 76,108.34 39,431 210,190 107,949 102,241 30,086 15,795 14,291
0137 Sawer (Rural) 75,148.34 37,186 199,797 102,381 97,416 28,508 14,948 13,560
0137 Sawer (Urban) 960.00 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
476078 Kankariya Pal 1,076.37 573 3,102 1,587 1,515 384 200 184
476079 Nahar Kheda 292.58 145 773 392 381 75 33 42
476080 Jinda Kheda 703.11 236 1,255 631 624 176 93 83
476081 Basandra 738.98 305 1,507 770 737 193 99 94
476082 Jamburdi Sarwar 827.23 232 1,022 510 512 146 77 69
476083 Ajnoti 512.89 127 569 283 286 71 34 37
476084 Mangaliya Arniya 330.46 144 786 386 400 133 51 82
476085 Badarkha 322.51 181 852 449 403 138 92 46
476086 Khajuriya 809.73 325 1,717 900 817 236 118 118
476087 Kankariya Bordiya 766.08 276 1,419 713 706 205 100 105
476088 Sagwal 730.21 182 876 457 419 134 69 65
476089 Mata Barodi 833.04 248 1,321 673 648 160 88 72
476090 Merkhedi 172.88 85 466 239 227 47 26 21
476091 Baghana 815.17 389 1,918 1,017 901 248 140 108
476092 Pitawali 222.26 150 673 315 358 123 57 66
476093 Satlana 264.36 123 660 327 333 107 52 55
476094 Kharwa Khedi 110.14 18 77 40 37 23 11 12
476095 Paliya Haidar 752.47 844 4,373 2,246 2,127 639 337 302
476096 Puwarda Junarda 735.94 219 1,174 610 564 172 94 78
476097 Alwasa 407.60 443 2,266 1,124 1,142 390 190 200
476098 Rewati 401.31 325 1,699 893 806 218 113 105
476113 Ralamandal 544.04 141 594 292 302 101 53 48
476114 Gulawat 262.00 139 727 365 362 91 45 46
476115 Balria 673.44 313 1,667 877 790 235 125 110
476116 Chitoda 538.26 220 1,128 595 533 148 90 58
476117 Tumani 172.98 33 135 76 59 18 9 9
476118 Magar Khedi 467.29 154 715 379 336 102 58 44
476119 Sinnod 339.81 95 458 234 224 60 33 27
476120 Mandot 448.39 199 947 483 464 112 61 51
476121 Daya Kheda 443.00 132 547 279 268 74 37 37
476122 Nagpur 641.00 346 1,927 1,026 901 225 134 91
476123 Mukata 659.00 178 982 494 488 137 77 60
476124 Mala Khedi 440.00 85 482 239 243 78 38 40
476125 Panchola 668.00 277 1,472 771 701 203 102 101
476126 Hindoliya 218.00 164 899 443 456 143 61 82
476127 Thira Khedi 282.00 79 420 213 207 62 38 24
476128 Titawada 537.00 184 948 487 461 131 67 64
476129 Lohagal 292.75 88 457 233 224 60 37 23
476130 Shahda 328.33 159 781 386 395 126 64 62
476131 Bawalya Khedi 381.54 159 763 406 357 102 50 52
476132 Barodiya Khan 797.20 356 1,733 899 834 219 115 104
476133 Kithoda 383.55 162 967 475 492 162 77 85
476134 Chimli 620.61 160 963 507 456 148 79 69
476135 Panod 947.02 216 1,169 576 593 125 55 70
476136 Siloda Khurd 237.54 56 275 138 137 39 19 20
476137 Biloda Nayata 260.00 272 1,485 731 754 256 118 138
476138 Simrod 659.98 190 1,159 614 545 158 87 71
476139 Maharajganj 456.22 124 600 289 311 82 38 44
476140 Khanda Khedi 142.12 57 269 143 126 40 22 18
476141 Solsindi 560.12 123 687 345 342 129 67 62
476142 Jamodi 623.37 244 1,183 616 567 147 83 64
476143 Sura Khedi 130.78 67 410 212 198 49 26 23
476144 Kudana 1,336.90 644 3,524 1,798 1,726 415 211 204
476145 Gawala 699.22 242 1,765 899 866 315 160 155
476146 Lala Kheda 224.75 133 686 353 333 97 52 45
476147 Kayasth Khedi 325.36 324 1,390 710 680 199 96 103



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
58,050 29,716 28,334 10,682 5,461 5,221 126,127 76,550 49,577 Sawer (Total)
55,793 28,510 27,283 9,958 5,084 4,874 119,314 72,549 46,765 Sawer (Rural)
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Sawer (Urban)
702 362 340 6 5 1 1,711 1,143 568 Kankariya Pal
32 19 13 - - - 431 295 136 Nahar Kheda
466 231 235 3 2 1 754 447 307 Jinda Kheda
249 126 123 50 26 24 942 605 337 Basandra
250 124 126 27 15 12 637 385 252 Jamburdi Sarwar
95 49 46 7 3 4 343 216 127 Ajnoti
114 56 58 36 18 18 397 271 126 Mangaliya Arniya
426 233 193 17 10 7 516 310 206 Badarkha
314 163 151 93 52 41 1,076 672 404 Khajuriya
491 249 242 67 34 33 847 521 326 Kankariya Bordiya
338 173 165 31 17 14 540 342 198 Sagwal
138 68 70 46 21 25 767 488 279 Mata Barodi
19 11 8 - - - 282 174 108 Merkhedi
573 309 264 84 43 41 1,157 716 441 Baghana
417 198 219 54 22 32 416 223 193 Pitawali
337 162 175 14 6 8 350 224 126 Satlana
- - - 61 33 28 20 12 8 Kharwa Khedi
1,535 781 754 365 182 183 2,848 1,690 1,158 Paliya Haidar
187 96 91 174 93 81 627 406 221 Puwarda Junarda
988 487 501 92 43 49 1,281 734 547 Alwasa
712 379 333 174 84 90 1,203 719 484 Rewati
312 152 160 3 1 2 336 207 129 Ralamandal
60 30 30 - - - 440 274 166 Gulawat
484 260 224 17 10 7 1,042 626 416 Balria
635 331 304 15 11 4 719 452 267 Chitoda
- - - - - - 86 61 25 Tumani
351 178 173 13 6 7 452 287 165 Magar Khedi
43 20 23 13 7 6 283 179 104 Sinnod
192 102 90 8 3 5 650 401 249 Mandot
390 197 193 - - - 288 183 105 Daya Kheda
553 300 253 101 50 51 1,320 800 520 Nagpur
342 168 174 18 8 10 575 329 246 Mukata
29 14 15 46 24 22 243 158 85 Mala Khedi
728 374 354 27 14 13 868 553 315 Panchola
159 74 85 - - - 485 319 166 Hindoliya
72 39 33 10 5 5 253 154 99 Thira Khedi
267 130 137 3 2 1 548 347 201 Titawada
49 25 24 - - - 256 163 93 Lohagal
98 52 46 - - - 418 268 150 Shahda
311 159 152 1 1 - 404 268 136 Bawalya Khedi
168 88 80 19 10 9 1,004 650 354 Barodiya Khan
622 306 316 7 2 5 481 295 186 Kithoda
127 65 62 - - - 541 366 175 Chimli
552 277 275 23 13 10 817 473 344 Panod
86 39 47 84 41 43 134 80 54 Siloda Khurd
446 214 232 - - - 822 503 319 Biloda Nayata
307 166 141 9 4 5 676 440 236 Simrod
210 103 107 - - - 374 214 160 Maharajganj
166 87 79 - - - 165 107 58 Khanda Khedi
130 69 61 50 24 26 355 225 130 Solsindi
442 226 216 25 11 14 763 475 288 Jamodi
47 24 23 11 7 4 296 175 121 Sura Khedi
882 461 421 61 28 33 2,345 1,408 937 Kudana
192 89 103 28 14 14 1,049 625 424 Gawala
189 98 91 27 13 14 424 263 161 Lala Kheda
607 315 292 - - - 739 470 269 Kayasth Khedi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0137 Sawer (Total) 84,063 31,399 52,664 89,053 59,846 29,207 75,970 55,080 20,890
0137 Sawer (Rural) 80,483 29,832 50,651 85,294 56,794 28,500 72,357 52,113 20,244
0137 Sawer (Urban) 3,580 1,567 2,013 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646
476078 Kankariya Pal 1,391 444 947 1,732 916 816 1,119 722 397
476079 Nahar Kheda 342 97 245 540 268 272 535 265 270
476080 Jinda Kheda 501 184 317 452 324 128 412 298 114
476081 Basandra 565 165 400 708 480 228 676 472 204
476082 Jamburdi Sarwar 385 125 260 511 285 226 504 283 221
476083 Ajnoti 226 67 159 319 162 157 241 155 86
476084 Mangaliya Arniya 389 115 274 424 233 191 326 219 107
476085 Badarkha 336 139 197 384 211 173 208 117 91
476086 Khajuriya 641 228 413 656 514 142 569 470 99
476087 Kankariya Bordiya 572 192 380 607 423 184 578 411 167
476088 Sagwal 336 115 221 520 259 261 212 152 60
476089 Mata Barodi 554 185 369 602 400 202 458 382 76
476090 Merkhedi 184 65 119 165 140 25 162 138 24
476091 Baghana 761 301 460 1,060 602 458 1,045 596 449
476092 Pitawali 257 92 165 283 171 112 159 115 44
476093 Satlana 310 103 207 318 176 142 303 169 134
476094 Kharwa Khedi 57 28 29 36 19 17 36 19 17
476095 Paliya Haidar 1,525 556 969 1,631 1,252 379 1,449 1,180 269
476096 Puwarda Junarda 547 204 343 556 349 207 526 340 186
476097 Alwasa 985 390 595 823 589 234 799 580 219
476098 Rewati 496 174 322 645 418 227 467 381 86
476113 Ralamandal 258 85 173 186 168 18 82 78 4
476114 Gulawat 287 91 196 405 208 197 403 206 197
476115 Balria 625 251 374 708 462 246 467 338 129
476116 Chitoda 409 143 266 396 314 82 271 227 44
476117 Tumani 49 15 34 55 49 6 50 46 4
476118 Magar Khedi 263 92 171 231 214 17 230 213 17
476119 Sinnod 175 55 120 264 146 118 259 143 116
476120 Mandot 297 82 215 356 288 68 351 285 66
476121 Daya Kheda 259 96 163 297 167 130 269 165 104
476122 Nagpur 607 226 381 1,072 557 515 977 547 430
476123 Mukata 407 165 242 509 272 237 203 163 40
476124 Mala Khedi 239 81 158 225 139 86 106 89 17
476125 Panchola 604 218 386 540 394 146 462 350 112
476126 Hindoliya 414 124 290 355 257 98 353 255 98
476127 Thira Khedi 167 59 108 166 115 51 165 114 51
476128 Titawada 400 140 260 426 258 168 360 226 134
476129 Lohagal 201 70 131 276 134 142 237 119 118
476130 Shahda 363 118 245 450 232 218 244 225 19
476131 Bawalya Khedi 359 138 221 460 236 224 454 231 223
476132 Barodiya Khan 729 249 480 851 498 353 558 393 165
476133 Kithoda 486 180 306 541 277 264 443 242 201
476134 Chimli 422 141 281 527 286 241 510 277 233
476135 Panod 352 103 249 643 343 300 573 316 257
476136 Siloda Khurd 141 58 83 123 76 47 90 66 24
476137 Biloda Nayata 663 228 435 522 383 139 221 207 14
476138 Simrod 483 174 309 665 356 309 661 356 305
476139 Maharajganj 226 75 151 208 159 49 205 158 47
476140 Khanda Khedi 104 36 68 106 64 42 85 52 33
476141 Solsindi 332 120 212 143 129 14 141 127 14
476142 Jamodi 420 141 279 393 290 103 376 279 97
476143 Sura Khedi 114 37 77 204 114 90 204 114 90
476144 Kudana 1,179 390 789 1,577 990 587 1,466 934 532
476145 Gawala 716 274 442 614 479 135 390 349 41
476146 Lala Kheda 262 90 172 410 204 206 389 199 190
476147 Kayasth Khedi 651 240 411 713 400 313 331 287 44


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
29,601 22,776 6,825 27,441 16,348 11,093 1,398 1,017 381 17,530 14,939 2,591 Sawer (Total)
29,497 22,687 6,810 27,312 16,261 11,051 1,230 886 344 14,318 12,279 2,039 Sawer (Rural)
104 89 15 129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Sawer (Urban)
842 524 318 188 118 70 18 16 2 71 64 7 Kankariya Pal
413 201 212 106 58 48 14 6 8 2 - 2 Nahar Kheda
186 118 68 128 92 36 3 2 1 95 86 9 Jinda Kheda
323 241 82 224 118 106 22 15 7 107 98 9 Basandra
240 145 95 252 129 123 - - - 12 9 3 Jamburdi Sarwar
100 70 30 120 67 53 1 1 - 20 17 3 Ajnoti
155 111 44 121 73 48 5 5 - 45 30 15 Mangaliya Arniya
134 71 63 38 14 24 3 2 1 33 30 3 Badarkha
205 195 10 237 165 72 10 10 - 117 100 17 Khajuriya
171 164 7 274 160 114 63 28 35 70 59 11 Kankariya Bordiya
56 47 9 101 61 40 10 9 1 45 35 10 Sagwal
264 238 26 90 56 34 - - - 104 88 16 Mata Barodi
111 110 1 25 12 13 3 1 2 23 15 8 Merkhedi
472 274 198 494 254 240 - - - 79 68 11 Baghana
42 22 20 48 29 19 - - - 69 64 5 Pitawali
84 44 40 175 90 85 3 2 1 41 33 8 Satlana
3 3 - 33 16 17 - - - - - - Kharwa Khedi
287 268 19 566 382 184 32 28 4 564 502 62 Paliya Haidar
159 116 43 288 153 135 8 5 3 71 66 5 Puwarda Junarda
42 33 9 381 222 159 5 3 2 371 322 49 Alwasa
42 41 1 53 39 14 1 - 1 371 301 70 Rewati
78 76 2 - - - - - - 4 2 2 Ralamandal
180 97 83 215 101 114 - - - 8 8 - Gulawat
252 204 48 170 93 77 3 3 - 42 38 4 Balria
163 148 15 61 42 19 8 7 1 39 30 9 Chitoda
26 26 - 22 18 4 - - - 2 2 - Tumani
117 114 3 86 74 12 - - - 27 25 2 Magar Khedi
103 53 50 153 87 66 - - - 3 3 - Sinnod
205 189 16 123 78 45 1 1 - 22 17 5 Mandot
61 42 19 181 100 81 - - - 27 23 4 Daya Kheda
403 265 138 436 172 264 2 2 - 136 108 28 Nagpur
94 85 9 64 35 29 2 2 - 43 41 2 Mukata
48 46 2 51 37 14 6 5 1 1 1 - Mala Khedi
146 127 19 260 172 88 - - - 56 51 5 Panchola
219 167 52 84 46 38 5 4 1 45 38 7 Hindoliya
80 59 21 77 48 29 - - - 8 7 1 Thira Khedi
228 144 84 100 57 43 11 5 6 21 20 1 Titawada
174 85 89 58 31 27 - - - 5 3 2 Lohagal
174 169 5 45 34 11 - - - 25 22 3 Shahda
193 98 95 242 115 127 - - - 19 18 1 Bawalya Khedi
301 210 91 179 114 65 8 8 - 70 61 9 Barodiya Khan
171 87 84 265 150 115 - - - 7 5 2 Kithoda
220 136 84 284 136 148 1 1 - 5 4 1 Chimli
139 83 56 385 195 190 4 4 - 45 34 11 Panod
33 29 4 55 35 20 - - - 2 2 - Siloda Khurd
175 162 13 30 30 - 4 4 - 12 11 1 Biloda Nayata
351 186 165 284 155 129 - - - 26 15 11 Simrod
106 84 22 86 62 24 - - - 13 12 1 Maharajganj
47 33 14 35 19 16 1 - 1 2 - 2 Khanda Khedi
94 90 4 42 32 10 - - - 5 5 - Solsindi
177 163 14 175 98 77 1 - 1 23 18 5 Jamodi
162 87 75 36 21 15 - - - 6 6 - Sura Khedi
663 467 196 550 267 283 20 13 7 233 187 46 Kudana
193 178 15 83 60 23 - - - 114 111 3 Gawala
74 50 24 220 81 139 5 3 2 90 65 25 Lala Kheda
55 51 4 82 56 26 - - - 194 180 14 Kayasth Khedi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0137 Sawer (Total) 13,083 4,766 8,317 2,918 439 2,479 8,332 3,162 5,170
0137 Sawer (Rural) 12,937 4,681 8,256 2,917 438 2,479 8,319 3,154 5,165
0137 Sawer (Urban) 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
476078 Kankariya Pal 613 194 419 222 35 187 364 137 227
476079 Nahar Kheda 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
476080 Jinda Kheda 40 26 14 - - - 28 14 14
476081 Basandra 32 8 24 2 - 2 24 4 20
476082 Jamburdi Sarwar 7 2 5 1 - 1 3 - 3
476083 Ajnoti 78 7 71 46 3 43 24 2 22
476084 Mangaliya Arniya 98 14 84 63 7 56 27 4 23
476085 Badarkha 176 94 82 2 1 1 158 86 72
476086 Khajuriya 87 44 43 - - - 75 39 36
476087 Kankariya Bordiya 29 12 17 - - - 12 5 7
476088 Sagwal 308 107 201 15 7 8 271 97 174
476089 Mata Barodi 144 18 126 105 6 99 31 10 21
476090 Merkhedi 3 2 1 - - - 2 1 1
476091 Baghana 15 6 9 3 1 2 9 3 6
476092 Pitawali 124 56 68 - - - 115 48 67
476093 Satlana 15 7 8 - - - 12 5 7
476094 Kharwa Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476095 Paliya Haidar 182 72 110 1 - 1 166 59 107
476096 Puwarda Junarda 30 9 21 - - - 30 9 21
476097 Alwasa 24 9 15 3 1 2 9 2 7
476098 Rewati 178 37 141 112 - 112 23 15 8
476113 Ralamandal 104 90 14 - - - 104 90 14
476114 Gulawat 2 2 - 1 1 - 1 1 -
476115 Balria 241 124 117 44 2 42 161 90 71
476116 Chitoda 125 87 38 12 5 7 106 77 29
476117 Tumani 5 3 2 - - - 5 3 2
476118 Magar Khedi 1 1 - - - - - - -
476119 Sinnod 5 3 2 - - - 4 3 1
476120 Mandot 5 3 2 2 2 - 3 1 2
476121 Daya Kheda 28 2 26 5 - 5 23 2 21
476122 Nagpur 95 10 85 55 5 50 37 5 32
476123 Mukata 306 109 197 62 15 47 215 69 146
476124 Mala Khedi 119 50 69 19 11 8 96 38 58
476125 Panchola 78 44 34 3 1 2 74 42 32
476126 Hindoliya 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
476127 Thira Khedi 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
476128 Titawada 66 32 34 3 3 - 57 24 33
476129 Lohagal 39 15 24 3 - 3 36 15 21
476130 Shahda 206 7 199 1 1 - 202 5 197
476131 Bawalya Khedi 6 5 1 - - - 1 - 1
476132 Barodiya Khan 293 105 188 2 - 2 286 100 186
476133 Kithoda 98 35 63 2 1 1 95 33 62
476134 Chimli 17 9 8 - - - 15 9 6
476135 Panod 70 27 43 13 8 5 38 11 27
476136 Siloda Khurd 33 10 23 - - - 33 10 23
476137 Biloda Nayata 301 176 125 43 4 39 256 170 86
476138 Simrod 4 - 4 1 - 1 2 - 2
476139 Maharajganj 3 1 2 2 - 2 - - -
476140 Khanda Khedi 21 12 9 3 1 2 18 11 7
476141 Solsindi 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
476142 Jamodi 17 11 6 5 2 3 5 4 1
476143 Sura Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476144 Kudana 111 56 55 23 10 13 73 36 37
476145 Gawala 224 130 94 10 8 2 181 90 91
476146 Lala Kheda 21 5 16 3 1 2 7 1 6
476147 Kayasth Khedi 382 113 269 68 10 58 237 35 202


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
366 113 253 1,467 1,052 415 121,137 48,103 73,034 Sawer (Total) 0137
352 110 242 1,349 979 370 114,503 45,587 68,916 Sawer (Rural) 0137
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Sawer (Urban) 0137
3 1 2 24 21 3 1,370 671 699 Kankariya Pal 476078
- - - 2 2 - 233 124 109 Nahar Kheda 476079
- - - 12 12 - 803 307 496 Jinda Kheda 476080
- - - 6 4 2 799 290 509 Basandra 476081
3 2 1 - - - 511 225 286 Jamburdi Sarwar 476082
1 1 - 7 1 6 250 121 129 Ajnoti 476083
4 1 3 4 2 2 362 153 209 Mangaliya Arniya 476084
13 6 7 3 1 2 468 238 230 Badarkha 476085
2 - 2 10 5 5 1,061 386 675 Khajuriya 476086
11 3 8 6 4 2 812 290 522 Kankariya Bordiya 476087
16 1 15 6 2 4 356 198 158 Sagwal 476088
- - - 8 2 6 719 273 446 Mata Barodi 476089
- - - 1 1 - 301 99 202 Merkhedi 476090
- - - 3 2 1 858 415 443 Baghana 476091
- - - 9 8 1 390 144 246 Pitawali 476092
1 - 1 2 2 - 342 151 191 Satlana 476093
- - - - - - 41 21 20 Kharwa Khedi 476094
1 1 - 14 12 2 2,742 994 1,748 Paliya Haidar 476095
- - - - - - 618 261 357 Puwarda Junarda 476096
- - - 12 6 6 1,443 535 908 Alwasa 476097
4 1 3 39 21 18 1,054 475 579 Rewati 476098
- - - - - - 408 124 284 Ralamandal 476113
- - - - - - 322 157 165 Gulawat 476114
- - - 36 32 4 959 415 544 Balria 476115
- - - 7 5 2 732 281 451 Chitoda 476116
- - - - - - 80 27 53 Tumani 476117
- - - 1 1 - 484 165 319 Magar Khedi 476118
- - - 1 - 1 194 88 106 Sinnod 476119
- - - - - - 591 195 396 Mandot 476120
- - - - - - 250 112 138 Daya Kheda 476121
- - - 3 - 3 855 469 386 Nagpur 476122
- - - 29 25 4 473 222 251 Mukata 476123
2 - 2 2 1 1 257 100 157 Mala Khedi 476124
- - - 1 1 - 932 377 555 Panchola 476125
- - - - - - 544 186 358 Hindoliya 476126
- - - - - - 254 98 156 Thira Khedi 476127
- - - 6 5 1 522 229 293 Titawada 476128
- - - - - - 181 99 82 Lohagal 476129
1 - 1 2 1 1 331 154 177 Shahda 476130
- - - 5 5 - 303 170 133 Bawalya Khedi 476131
1 1 - 4 4 - 882 401 481 Barodiya Khan 476132
- - - 1 1 - 426 198 228 Kithoda 476133
- - - 2 - 2 436 221 215 Chimli 476134
- - - 19 8 11 526 233 293 Panod 476135
- - - - - - 152 62 90 Siloda Khurd 476136
1 1 - 1 1 - 963 348 615 Biloda Nayata 476137
- - - 1 - 1 494 258 236 Simrod 476138
- - - 1 1 - 392 130 262 Maharajganj 476139
- - - - - - 163 79 84 Khanda Khedi 476140
- - - - - - 544 216 328 Solsindi 476141
1 - 1 6 5 1 790 326 464 Jamodi 476142
- - - - - - 206 98 108 Sura Khedi 476143
- - - 15 10 5 1,947 808 1,139 Kudana 476144
- - - 33 32 1 1,151 420 731 Gawala 476145
- - - 11 3 8 276 149 127 Lala Kheda 476146
- - - 77 68 9 677 310 367 Kayasth Khedi 476147


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476148 Ugam Khedi 176.66 87 552 288 264 63 42 21
476149 Bisa Khedi 432.63 92 476 245 231 73 27 46
476150 Khamod Kamalya 599.61 126 633 306 327 85 44 41
476151 Takun 1,102.78 313 1,312 665 647 156 83 73
476152 Kamalya Kheda 335.00 221 1,304 662 642 169 97 72
476153 Dhaturia 528.00 228 1,239 626 613 141 74 67
476154 Balodatakun 1,253.00 321 1,666 841 825 245 127 118
476155 Ajnod 888.48 863 4,563 2,380 2,183 467 272 195
476156 Balghara 868.45 166 762 384 378 122 62 60
476157 Ghatgara 260.00 5 36 18 18 9 4 5
476158 Khamod Anjana 381.26 197 976 476 500 136 65 71
476159 Piplai 284.15 158 937 476 461 181 95 86
476160 Bhada Khedi 91.03 9 69 38 31 13 6 7
476161 Rangkaradiya 355.07 127 994 491 503 147 75 72
476162 Khatediya Bajjat 268.05 116 700 359 341 110 61 49
476163 Hariya Khedi 299.29 129 678 350 328 87 49 38
476164 Bibikhedi 302.62 182 915 471 444 145 92 53
476165 Ratan Khedi 449.29 197 1,075 535 540 133 63 70
476166 Pipalya Kayasth 445.04 143 702 362 340 74 36 38
476167 Bardari 179.49 270 1,229 659 570 220 120 100
476168 Bhawrasla 375.31 488 2,385 1,228 1,157 395 212 183
476169 Kumerdi 259.51 447 2,022 1,072 950 276 158 118
476170 Bhangya 344.19 398 2,141 1,090 1,051 303 160 143
476171 Jakhiya 414.28 136 732 377 355 113 65 48
476172 Magar Kheda 518.49 308 1,967 1,000 967 332 172 160
476173 Baroli 352.18 376 1,864 985 879 311 178 133
476174 Ringnodiya 390.16 240 1,358 671 687 227 120 107
476175 Muradpura 644.25 233 1,128 554 574 174 94 80
476176 Barodiya Ema 358.28 206 1,024 531 493 159 84 75
476177 Mawala Khedi 303.94 79 397 193 204 62 30 32
476178 Solsinda 898.17 696 3,504 1,826 1,678 452 238 214
476179 Kattkya 641.67 196 1,265 655 610 207 107 100
476180 Brahman Khedi 200.95 91 510 255 255 75 41 34
476181 Rajoda 845.62 384 2,154 1,098 1,056 383 205 178
476182 Siloda Buzurg 215.39 114 676 339 337 111 59 52
476183 Baloda 289.78 93 524 283 241 66 39 27
476184 Deoli 426.10 106 532 268 264 82 39 43
476185 Lakhman Khedi 292.69 215 1,153 611 542 208 124 84
476186 Kajlana 343.44 253 1,478 771 707 207 105 102
476187 Tarana 378.61 230 1,191 612 579 159 84 75
476188 Darjikaradia 731.03 403 2,095 1,081 1,014 288 155 133
476189 Shahna 943.41 175 1,029 515 514 130 67 63
476190 Mali Khedi 162.53 149 842 432 410 108 62 46
476191 Patwa Khedi 247.99 168 1,038 535 503 204 105 99
476192 Kadwa 333.78 183 1,510 760 750 254 130 124
476193 Brahman Pipalya 758.42 244 1,391 692 699 223 112 111
476194 Mundla Husain 560.15 156 899 472 427 136 75 61
476195 Jetpura 755.02 161 961 496 465 141 74 67
476196 Amli Kheda 359.09 74 451 230 221 82 41 41
476197 Dhan Khedi 351.87 140 765 409 356 91 53 38
476198 Todi 477.89 183 1,045 543 502 154 86 68
476199 Khakrod 624.65 235 1,473 727 746 238 110 128
476200 Rampipalya 540.57 171 961 472 489 153 79 74
476201 Padariya Bajrang 423.24 138 752 385 367 115 60 55
476202 Panchderiya 762.38 277 1,551 780 771 247 129 118
476203 Jassa Karadiya 204.73 79 513 253 260 71 40 31
476204 Gari Pipalya 444.13 278 1,595 830 765 237 126 111
476205 Biju Khedi 177.47 270 1,343 713 630 178 95 83
476206 Dhabli 219.31 1,337 6,115 3,256 2,859 1,078 550 528
476207 Mundlabag 214.00 54 268 130 138 54 18 36



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
95 43 52 20 10 10 454 234 220 Ugam Khedi
253 134 119 - - - 289 197 92 Bisa Khedi
141 68 73 - - - 440 243 197 Khamod Kamalya
134 66 68 132 68 64 753 463 290 Takun
85 39 46 211 110 101 849 511 338 Kamalya Kheda
324 158 166 - - - 745 482 263 Dhaturia
427 219 208 129 63 66 989 604 385 Balodatakun
572 299 273 35 18 17 3,056 1,832 1,224 Ajnod
179 80 99 61 31 30 445 258 187 Balghara
- - - 5 3 2 13 8 5 Ghatgara
446 221 225 89 43 46 588 343 245 Khamod Anjana
46 26 20 - - - 491 291 200 Piplai
1 - 1 16 7 9 35 24 11 Bhada Khedi
13 10 3 - - - 599 357 242 Rangkaradiya
36 17 19 - - - 263 174 89 Khatediya Bajjat
238 130 108 - - - 414 256 158 Hariya Khedi
260 135 125 - - - 471 294 177 Bibikhedi
158 85 73 10 6 4 609 380 229 Ratan Khedi
215 108 107 - - - 400 254 146 Pipalya Kayasth
293 159 134 381 200 181 679 407 272 Bardari
252 127 125 631 327 304 1,318 763 555 Bhawrasla
1,073 557 516 73 42 31 1,234 743 491 Kumerdi
1,083 539 544 79 39 40 1,350 789 561 Bhangya
202 105 97 62 31 31 507 271 236 Jakhiya
586 296 290 27 15 12 1,022 632 390 Magar Kheda
896 478 418 234 123 111 1,132 680 452 Baroli
500 248 252 40 21 19 728 426 302 Ringnodiya
368 191 177 60 30 30 648 385 263 Muradpura
568 291 277 15 7 8 652 398 254 Barodiya Ema
147 76 71 46 21 25 172 114 58 Mawala Khedi
1,032 534 498 73 36 37 2,198 1,336 862 Solsinda
381 188 193 - - - 663 428 235 Kattkya
47 24 23 - - - 331 193 138 Brahman Khedi
764 381 383 189 100 89 1,079 657 422 Rajoda
9 4 5 12 7 5 371 212 159 Siloda Buzurg
88 52 36 - - - 358 219 139 Baloda
354 172 182 5 3 2 319 193 126 Deoli
583 308 275 26 15 11 596 360 236 Lakhman Khedi
780 406 374 19 10 9 860 522 338 Kajlana
242 123 119 - - - 753 442 311 Tarana
438 224 214 7 4 3 1,367 823 544 Darjikaradia
299 156 143 20 9 11 644 372 272 Shahna
435 218 217 12 8 4 542 316 226 Mali Khedi
153 78 75 44 22 22 524 321 203 Patwa Khedi
89 49 40 39 17 22 859 528 331 Kadwa
380 181 199 84 41 43 710 439 271 Brahman Pipalya
261 138 123 23 13 10 516 312 204 Mundla Husain
240 127 113 13 8 5 589 366 223 Jetpura
143 76 67 48 26 22 235 144 91 Amli Kheda
318 168 150 4 2 2 447 275 172 Dhan Khedi
163 83 80 - - - 616 386 230 Todi
422 205 217 9 5 4 624 409 215 Khakrod
285 146 139 59 24 35 513 310 203 Rampipalya
295 151 144 44 23 21 448 272 176 Padariya Bajrang
550 282 268 120 56 64 801 487 314 Panchderiya
164 85 79 53 26 27 295 157 138 Jassa Karadiya
685 358 327 21 11 10 986 584 402 Gari Pipalya
241 125 116 31 16 15 707 444 263 Biju Khedi
1,485 779 706 748 391 357 3,113 1,941 1,172 Dhabli
42 23 19 64 27 37 142 89 53 Mundlabag


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476148 Ugam Khedi 98 54 44 370 191 179 369 191 178
476149 Bisa Khedi 187 48 139 268 141 127 94 78 16
476150 Khamod Kamalya 193 63 130 262 181 81 186 140 46
476151 Takun 559 202 357 689 396 293 689 396 293
476152 Kamalya Kheda 455 151 304 747 384 363 747 384 363
476153 Dhaturia 494 144 350 680 384 296 673 379 294
476154 Balodatakun 677 237 440 735 469 266 369 276 93
476155 Ajnod 1,507 548 959 1,595 1,293 302 1,374 1,221 153
476156 Balghara 317 126 191 324 218 106 306 209 97
476157 Ghatgara 23 10 13 12 9 3 12 9 3
476158 Khamod Anjana 388 133 255 328 258 70 228 211 17
476159 Piplai 446 185 261 272 255 17 272 255 17
476160 Bhada Khedi 34 14 20 30 20 10 30 20 10
476161 Rangkaradiya 395 134 261 409 231 178 409 231 178
476162 Khatediya Bajjat 437 185 252 433 209 224 294 189 105
476163 Hariya Khedi 264 94 170 391 225 166 390 225 165
476164 Bibikhedi 444 177 267 469 244 225 465 243 222
476165 Ratan Khedi 466 155 311 630 329 301 629 329 300
476166 Pipalya Kayasth 302 108 194 285 189 96 264 181 83
476167 Bardari 550 252 298 496 363 133 474 351 123
476168 Bhawrasla 1,067 465 602 945 674 271 928 667 261
476169 Kumerdi 788 329 459 791 611 180 702 577 125
476170 Bhangya 791 301 490 722 559 163 650 511 139
476171 Jakhiya 225 106 119 216 190 26 204 185 19
476172 Magar Kheda 945 368 577 767 496 271 670 475 195
476173 Baroli 732 305 427 699 502 197 595 477 118
476174 Ringnodiya 630 245 385 545 350 195 515 349 166
476175 Muradpura 480 169 311 406 295 111 395 291 104
476176 Barodiya Ema 372 133 239 404 270 134 343 266 77
476177 Mawala Khedi 225 79 146 254 128 126 172 109 63
476178 Solsinda 1,306 490 816 1,319 1,039 280 1,169 971 198
476179 Kattkya 602 227 375 518 344 174 434 327 107
476180 Brahman Khedi 179 62 117 144 132 12 144 132 12
476181 Rajoda 1,075 441 634 832 630 202 749 616 133
476182 Siloda Buzurg 305 127 178 264 183 81 188 175 13
476183 Baloda 166 64 102 308 168 140 297 163 134
476184 Deoli 213 75 138 264 154 110 222 151 71
476185 Lakhman Khedi 557 251 306 443 300 143 439 297 142
476186 Kajlana 618 249 369 663 416 247 545 391 154
476187 Tarana 438 170 268 411 338 73 411 338 73
476188 Darjikaradia 728 258 470 1,154 639 515 858 546 312
476189 Shahna 385 143 242 535 287 248 289 258 31
476190 Mali Khedi 300 116 184 472 238 234 431 226 205
476191 Patwa Khedi 514 214 300 503 290 213 499 287 212
476192 Kadwa 651 232 419 446 395 51 418 377 41
476193 Brahman Pipalya 681 253 428 579 371 208 550 371 179
476194 Mundla Husain 383 160 223 330 250 80 284 238 46
476195 Jetpura 372 130 242 305 266 39 286 256 30
476196 Amli Kheda 216 86 130 278 142 136 72 60 12
476197 Dhan Khedi 318 134 184 279 208 71 227 200 27
476198 Todi 429 157 272 454 319 135 448 316 132
476199 Khakrod 849 318 531 580 418 162 555 404 151
476200 Rampipalya 448 162 286 405 298 107 357 292 65
476201 Padariya Bajrang 304 113 191 292 204 88 288 203 85
476202 Panchderiya 750 293 457 568 443 125 486 427 59
476203 Jassa Karadiya 218 96 122 158 136 22 158 136 22
476204 Gari Pipalya 609 246 363 712 474 238 704 467 237
476205 Biju Khedi 636 269 367 514 396 118 509 392 117
476206 Dhabli 3,002 1,315 1,687 2,099 1,733 366 2,030 1,689 341
476207 Mundlabag 126 41 85 99 79 20 97 77 20


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
309 158 151 55 29 26 - - - 5 4 1 Ugam Khedi
47 37 10 42 37 5 - - - 5 4 1 Bisa Khedi
88 76 12 57 24 33 2 2 - 39 38 1 Khamod Kamalya
337 204 133 314 163 151 3 2 1 35 27 8 Takun
638 319 319 58 25 33 - - - 51 40 11 Kamalya Kheda
367 223 144 275 128 147 - - - 31 28 3 Dhaturia
215 170 45 70 37 33 9 4 5 75 65 10 Balodatakun
840 795 45 258 172 86 6 4 2 270 250 20 Ajnod
106 76 30 127 64 63 2 1 1 71 68 3 Balghara
7 5 2 2 1 1 - - - 3 3 - Ghatgara
98 93 5 75 73 2 7 6 1 48 39 9 Khamod Anjana
164 161 3 106 92 14 - - - 2 2 - Piplai
11 9 2 19 11 8 - - - - - - Bhada Khedi
315 173 142 89 55 34 - - - 5 3 2 Rangkaradiya
108 101 7 107 20 87 6 5 1 73 63 10 Khatediya Bajjat
179 99 80 178 100 78 10 8 2 23 18 5 Hariya Khedi
121 65 56 323 160 163 3 2 1 18 16 2 Bibikhedi
274 203 71 332 108 224 6 3 3 17 15 2 Ratan Khedi
102 93 9 146 76 70 1 - 1 15 12 3 Pipalya Kayasth
50 40 10 49 35 14 6 5 1 369 271 98 Bardari
157 147 10 345 197 148 22 21 1 404 302 102 Bhawrasla
28 20 8 399 318 81 41 28 13 234 211 23 Kumerdi
168 150 18 149 78 71 24 19 5 309 264 45 Bhangya
74 69 5 31 29 2 16 15 1 83 72 11 Jakhiya
234 202 32 308 169 139 56 46 10 72 58 14 Magar Kheda
111 95 16 183 117 66 5 5 - 296 260 36 Baroli
159 105 54 220 123 97 17 15 2 119 106 13 Ringnodiya
106 88 18 221 141 80 - - - 68 62 6 Muradpura
50 50 - 257 187 70 - - - 36 29 7 Barodiya Ema
64 41 23 90 53 37 - - - 18 15 3 Mawala Khedi
241 226 15 464 326 138 14 9 5 450 410 40 Solsinda
244 198 46 136 78 58 5 4 1 49 47 2 Kattkya
104 98 6 17 15 2 - - - 23 19 4 Brahman Khedi
230 224 6 435 318 117 2 2 - 82 72 10 Rajoda
84 81 3 16 15 1 4 1 3 84 78 6 Siloda Buzurg
194 101 93 78 40 38 - - - 25 22 3 Baloda
60 56 4 152 87 65 4 4 - 6 4 2 Deoli
118 87 31 207 120 87 3 3 - 111 87 24 Lakhman Khedi
132 112 20 379 247 132 7 6 1 27 26 1 Kajlana
112 103 9 267 208 59 8 5 3 24 22 2 Tarana
539 339 200 210 105 105 1 - 1 108 102 6 Darjikaradia
155 144 11 89 71 18 8 8 - 37 35 2 Shahna
186 106 80 227 103 124 4 3 1 14 14 - Mali Khedi
186 112 74 292 160 132 1 1 - 20 14 6 Patwa Khedi
306 296 10 51 28 23 6 5 1 55 48 7 Kadwa
155 121 34 367 226 141 12 9 3 16 15 1 Brahman Pipalya
145 136 9 132 96 36 - - - 7 6 1 Mundla Husain
144 139 5 95 75 20 3 3 - 44 39 5 Jetpura
68 56 12 - - - 1 1 - 3 3 - Amli Kheda
99 96 3 88 67 21 3 3 - 37 34 3 Dhan Khedi
239 184 55 189 115 74 2 1 1 18 16 2 Todi
162 154 8 263 126 137 7 7 - 123 117 6 Khakrod
149 146 3 128 73 55 36 32 4 44 41 3 Rampipalya
108 78 30 170 115 55 1 1 - 9 9 - Padariya Bajrang
179 169 10 155 121 34 2 2 - 150 135 15 Panchderiya
69 66 3 58 45 13 5 4 1 26 21 5 Jassa Karadiya
274 167 107 378 256 122 10 9 1 42 35 7 Gari Pipalya
86 68 18 258 168 90 19 17 2 146 139 7 Biju Khedi
72 61 11 107 32 75 15 9 6 1,836 1,587 249 Dhabli
33 31 2 29 17 12 - - - 35 29 6 Mundlabag


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476148 Ugam Khedi 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476149 Bisa Khedi 174 63 111 38 4 34 105 29 76
476150 Khamod Kamalya 76 41 35 34 22 12 39 17 22
476151 Takun - - - - - - - - -
476152 Kamalya Kheda - - - - - - - - -
476153 Dhaturia 7 5 2 2 1 1 3 2 1
476154 Balodatakun 366 193 173 42 15 27 276 143 133
476155 Ajnod 221 72 149 103 10 93 87 38 49
476156 Balghara 18 9 9 1 - 1 6 2 4
476157 Ghatgara - - - - - - - - -
476158 Khamod Anjana 100 47 53 - - - 97 45 52
476159 Piplai - - - - - - - - -
476160 Bhada Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476161 Rangkaradiya - - - - - - - - -
476162 Khatediya Bajjat 139 20 119 3 1 2 132 15 117
476163 Hariya Khedi 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476164 Bibikhedi 4 1 3 - - - 4 1 3
476165 Ratan Khedi 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - -
476166 Pipalya Kayasth 21 8 13 6 5 1 12 - 12
476167 Bardari 22 12 10 3 2 1 1 - 1
476168 Bhawrasla 17 7 10 2 1 1 6 3 3
476169 Kumerdi 89 34 55 17 3 14 51 19 32
476170 Bhangya 72 48 24 2 2 - 15 5 10
476171 Jakhiya 12 5 7 - - - - - -
476172 Magar Kheda 97 21 76 1 1 - 13 3 10
476173 Baroli 104 25 79 32 2 30 55 14 41
476174 Ringnodiya 30 1 29 6 - 6 24 1 23
476175 Muradpura 11 4 7 - - - 7 1 6
476176 Barodiya Ema 61 4 57 3 - 3 58 4 54
476177 Mawala Khedi 82 19 63 39 12 27 42 7 35
476178 Solsinda 150 68 82 28 6 22 75 28 47
476179 Kattkya 84 17 67 54 5 49 28 11 17
476180 Brahman Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476181 Rajoda 83 14 69 - - - 62 1 61
476182 Siloda Buzurg 76 8 68 42 - 42 26 3 23
476183 Baloda 11 5 6 8 3 5 2 1 1
476184 Deoli 42 3 39 22 - 22 10 3 7
476185 Lakhman Khedi 4 3 1 3 2 1 - - -
476186 Kajlana 118 25 93 51 5 46 61 16 45
476187 Tarana - - - - - - - - -
476188 Darjikaradia 296 93 203 169 34 135 121 55 66
476189 Shahna 246 29 217 150 12 138 92 16 76
476190 Mali Khedi 41 12 29 22 1 21 18 10 8
476191 Patwa Khedi 4 3 1 - - - 3 2 1
476192 Kadwa 28 18 10 1 1 - 8 2 6
476193 Brahman Pipalya 29 - 29 - - - 29 - 29
476194 Mundla Husain 46 12 34 10 2 8 34 8 26
476195 Jetpura 19 10 9 1 - 1 16 8 8
476196 Amli Kheda 206 82 124 24 1 23 142 47 95
476197 Dhan Khedi 52 8 44 17 2 15 34 5 29
476198 Todi 6 3 3 2 - 2 4 3 1
476199 Khakrod 25 14 11 - - - 18 8 10
476200 Rampipalya 48 6 42 2 - 2 21 3 18
476201 Padariya Bajrang 4 1 3 - - - 3 - 3
476202 Panchderiya 82 16 66 3 - 3 67 4 63
476203 Jassa Karadiya - - - - - - - - -
476204 Gari Pipalya 8 7 1 - - - 2 1 1
476205 Biju Khedi 5 4 1 - - - 1 1 -
476206 Dhabli 69 44 25 10 6 4 7 3 4
476207 Mundlabag 2 2 - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - - - - 182 97 85 Ugam Khedi 476148
- - - 31 30 1 208 104 104 Bisa Khedi 476149
- - - 3 2 1 371 125 246 Khamod Kamalya 476150
- - - - - - 623 269 354 Takun 476151
- - - - - - 557 278 279 Kamalya Kheda 476152
- - - 2 2 - 559 242 317 Dhaturia 476153
3 3 - 45 32 13 931 372 559 Balodatakun 476154
1 1 - 30 23 7 2,968 1,087 1,881 Ajnod 476155
- - - 11 7 4 438 166 272 Balghara 476156
- - - - - - 24 9 15 Ghatgara 476157
- - - 3 2 1 648 218 430 Khamod Anjana 476158
- - - - - - 665 221 444 Piplai 476159
- - - - - - 39 18 21 Bhada Khedi 476160
- - - - - - 585 260 325 Rangkaradiya 476161
- - - 4 4 - 267 150 117 Khatediya Bajjat 476162
- - - - - - 287 125 162 Hariya Khedi 476163
- - - - - - 446 227 219 Bibikhedi 476164
- - - - - - 445 206 239 Ratan Khedi 476165
- - - 3 3 - 417 173 244 Pipalya Kayasth 476166
- - - 18 10 8 733 296 437 Bardari 476167
- - - 9 3 6 1,440 554 886 Bhawrasla 476168
5 - 5 16 12 4 1,231 461 770 Kumerdi 476169
- - - 55 41 14 1,419 531 888 Bhangya 476170
1 1 - 11 4 7 516 187 329 Jakhiya 476171
82 16 66 1 1 - 1,200 504 696 Magar Kheda 476172
4 2 2 13 7 6 1,165 483 682 Baroli 476173
- - - - - - 813 321 492 Ringnodiya 476174
- - - 4 3 1 722 259 463 Muradpura 476175
- - - - - - 620 261 359 Barodiya Ema 476176
- - - 1 - 1 143 65 78 Mawala Khedi 476177
3 - 3 44 34 10 2,185 787 1,398 Solsinda 476178
1 - 1 1 1 - 747 311 436 Kattkya 476179
- - - - - - 366 123 243 Brahman Khedi 476180
- - - 21 13 8 1,322 468 854 Rajoda 476181
2 - 2 6 5 1 412 156 256 Siloda Buzurg 476182
- - - 1 1 - 216 115 101 Baloda 476183
- - - 10 - 10 268 114 154 Deoli 476184
- - - 1 1 - 710 311 399 Lakhman Khedi 476185
3 2 1 3 2 1 815 355 460 Kajlana 476186
- - - - - - 780 274 506 Tarana 476187
1 - 1 5 4 1 941 442 499 Darjikaradia 476188
2 - 2 2 1 1 494 228 266 Shahna 476189
- - - 1 1 - 370 194 176 Mali Khedi 476190
- - - 1 1 - 535 245 290 Patwa Khedi 476191
5 5 - 14 10 4 1,064 365 699 Kadwa 476192
- - - - - - 812 321 491 Brahman Pipalya 476193
- - - 2 2 - 569 222 347 Mundla Husain 476194
- - - 2 2 - 656 230 426 Jetpura 476195
2 2 - 38 32 6 173 88 85 Amli Kheda 476196
- - - 1 1 - 486 201 285 Dhan Khedi 476197
- - - - - - 591 224 367 Todi 476198
2 2 - 5 4 1 893 309 584 Khakrod 476199
23 1 22 2 2 - 556 174 382 Rampipalya 476200
- - - 1 1 - 460 181 279 Padariya Bajrang 476201
- - - 12 12 - 983 337 646 Panchderiya 476202
- - - - - - 355 117 238 Jassa Karadiya 476203
- - - 6 6 - 883 356 527 Gari Pipalya 476204
- - - 4 3 1 829 317 512 Biju Khedi 476205
2 2 - 50 33 17 4,016 1,523 2,493 Dhabli 476206
- - - 2 2 - 169 51 118 Mundlabag 476207


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476208 Rahu Khedi 305.74 268 1,194 607 587 228 111 117
476209 Sula Khedi 504.18 300 1,805 938 867 226 117 109
476210 Lasudiya Parmar 601.40 287 1,630 836 794 227 122 105
476211 Kadwali Buzurg 594.37 255 1,729 884 845 200 112 88
476212 Kadwali Khurd 867.40 326 1,852 970 882 252 142 110
476213 Bisa Khedi 345.70 75 440 217 223 69 34 35
476214 Melkalma 616.86 125 786 402 384 126 67 59
476215 Vyas Khedi 262.72 125 791 397 394 88 43 45
476216 Faraspur 300.15 127 848 440 408 111 58 53
476217 Bhondwas 342.26 108 711 354 357 97 55 42
476218 Mandlawada 547.96 234 1,361 700 661 201 106 95
476219 Palasiya 552.41 275 1,495 765 730 193 92 101
476220 Silotiya 223.00 158 1,049 545 504 146 81 65
476221 Baroda Arjun 364.73 251 1,406 704 702 234 124 110
476222 Pirkaradiya 278.44 510 2,757 1,450 1,307 353 201 152
476223 Dakachya 1,285.51 985 5,593 2,858 2,735 717 368 349
476224 Barlai Jagir 1,476.56 714 3,799 1,909 1,890 488 242 246
476225 Budhi Barlai 447.17 942 5,068 2,626 2,442 642 344 298
476226 Puwardadai 812.00 310 1,739 893 846 229 128 101
476227 Puwarda Happa 639.38 289 1,906 974 932 311 166 145
476228 Machhu Khedi 356.67 202 1,378 680 698 262 129 133
476229 Makodiya 1,049.46 192 1,337 675 662 225 105 120
476230 Hatuniya 931.61 318 1,860 940 920 292 143 149
476231 Guran 579.89 515 2,609 1,336 1,273 317 160 157
476232 Badodia Panth 394.59 134 770 399 371 121 61 60
476233 Budhanya Panth 399.99 1,005 5,320 2,674 2,646 728 370 358
476234 Hansa Khedi 391.41 265 1,481 762 719 216 124 92
476235 Potlod 1,629.33 642 3,015 1,594 1,421 363 206 157
476236 Khalkhala 813.16 255 1,385 673 712 198 94 104
476237 Kachhalya 1,382.83 795 4,444 2,272 2,172 582 310 272
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 960.00 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
224 113 111 555 279 276 540 330 210 Rahu Khedi
433 224 209 379 201 178 1,221 725 496 Sula Khedi
615 334 281 179 85 94 1,053 616 437 Lasudiya Parmar
150 68 82 116 66 50 1,174 696 478 Kadwali Buzurg
471 249 222 1 1 - 1,167 765 402 Kadwali Khurd
124 58 66 30 15 15 276 167 109 Bisa Khedi
252 133 119 175 82 93 529 308 221 Melkalma
92 42 50 23 12 11 538 338 200 Vyas Khedi
246 129 117 56 24 32 631 354 277 Faraspur
125 63 62 7 3 4 468 274 194 Bhondwas
279 141 138 236 122 114 898 543 355 Mandlawada
124 60 64 302 159 143 967 585 382 Palasiya
387 200 187 - - - 615 387 228 Silotiya
598 301 297 179 85 94 823 484 339 Baroda Arjun
588 309 279 269 144 125 1,870 1,121 749 Pirkaradiya
1,177 583 594 478 254 224 3,431 2,082 1,349 Dakachya
1,218 620 598 118 61 57 2,274 1,430 844 Barlai Jagir
2,076 1,059 1,017 233 125 108 3,341 1,931 1,410 Budhi Barlai
602 312 290 26 12 14 1,108 673 435 Puwardadai
591 305 286 - - - 931 590 341 Puwarda Happa
168 87 81 7 3 4 649 386 263 Machhu Khedi
248 124 124 16 6 10 781 473 308 Makodiya
742 388 354 32 13 19 917 559 358 Hatuniya
805 409 396 41 22 19 1,617 995 622 Guran
139 66 73 129 62 67 385 250 135 Badodia Panth
1,572 777 795 66 29 37 3,603 1,979 1,624 Budhanya Panth
332 182 150 71 37 34 853 518 335 Hansa Khedi
602 312 290 6 3 3 1,788 1,139 649 Potlod
341 159 182 35 18 17 723 447 276 Khalkhala
882 446 436 50 28 22 2,796 1,663 1,133 Kachhalya
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Manglaya Sadak (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476208 Rahu Khedi 654 277 377 525 340 185 415 286 129
476209 Sula Khedi 584 213 371 643 535 108 580 488 92
476210 Lasudiya Parmar 577 220 357 648 451 197 631 443 188
476211 Kadwali Buzurg 555 188 367 909 508 401 509 483 26
476212 Kadwali Khurd 685 205 480 869 604 265 594 549 45
476213 Bisa Khedi 164 50 114 207 127 80 101 90 11
476214 Melkalma 257 94 163 401 225 176 240 215 25
476215 Vyas Khedi 253 59 194 401 216 185 202 157 45
476216 Faraspur 217 86 131 288 266 22 286 265 21
476217 Bhondwas 243 80 163 254 206 48 252 204 48
476218 Mandlawada 463 157 306 543 410 133 540 407 133
476219 Palasiya 528 180 348 719 486 233 561 475 86
476220 Silotiya 434 158 276 355 324 31 340 314 26
476221 Baroda Arjun 583 220 363 529 369 160 524 365 159
476222 Pirkaradiya 887 329 558 917 767 150 819 699 120
476223 Dakachya 2,162 776 1,386 2,355 1,547 808 2,257 1,509 748
476224 Barlai Jagir 1,525 479 1,046 1,576 1,071 505 1,051 895 156
476225 Budhi Barlai 1,727 695 1,032 2,185 1,454 731 1,976 1,380 596
476226 Puwardadai 631 220 411 561 478 83 423 404 19
476227 Puwarda Happa 975 384 591 810 498 312 486 335 151
476228 Machhu Khedi 729 294 435 739 379 360 734 378 356
476229 Makodiya 556 202 354 510 386 124 310 299 11
476230 Hatuniya 943 381 562 744 531 213 739 528 211
476231 Guran 992 341 651 1,512 766 746 1,182 653 529
476232 Badodia Panth 385 149 236 254 206 48 118 115 3
476233 Budhanya Panth 1,717 695 1,022 1,852 1,412 440 1,721 1,349 372
476234 Hansa Khedi 628 244 384 509 406 103 434 381 53
476235 Potlod 1,227 455 772 967 907 60 824 797 27
476236 Khalkhala 662 226 436 700 400 300 458 309 149
476237 Kachhalya 1,648 609 1,039 2,121 1,316 805 2,088 1,293 795
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 3,580 1,567 2,013 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
4 3 1 13 8 5 5 3 2 393 272 121 Rahu Khedi
317 309 8 205 137 68 7 7 - 51 35 16 Sula Khedi
144 136 8 298 148 150 9 7 2 180 152 28 Lasudiya Parmar
376 361 15 70 63 7 16 13 3 47 46 1 Kadwali Buzurg
357 336 21 179 165 14 14 7 7 44 41 3 Kadwali Khurd
88 87 1 6 2 4 6 - 6 1 1 - Bisa Khedi
158 156 2 60 41 19 3 2 1 19 16 3 Melkalma
100 88 12 61 32 29 4 3 1 37 34 3 Vyas Khedi
164 160 4 96 83 13 - - - 26 22 4 Faraspur
177 160 17 70 41 29 - - - 5 3 2 Bhondwas
232 224 8 271 155 116 - - - 37 28 9 Mandlawada
316 291 25 212 155 57 1 1 - 32 28 4 Palasiya
211 208 3 121 98 23 - - - 8 8 - Silotiya
141 135 6 344 194 150 - - - 39 36 3 Baroda Arjun
240 236 4 245 179 66 26 23 3 308 261 47 Pirkaradiya
1,022 738 284 910 493 417 30 20 10 295 258 37 Dakachya
483 447 36 334 238 96 7 6 1 227 204 23 Barlai Jagir
428 272 156 902 566 336 60 41 19 586 501 85 Budhi Barlai
209 202 7 131 128 3 8 7 1 75 67 8 Puwardadai
274 186 88 119 70 49 15 11 4 78 68 10 Puwarda Happa
360 180 180 241 80 161 9 6 3 124 112 12 Machhu Khedi
162 161 1 62 59 3 3 3 - 83 76 7 Makodiya
233 209 24 439 267 172 5 3 2 62 49 13 Hatuniya
641 331 310 435 230 205 13 8 5 93 84 9 Guran
103 102 1 2 1 1 - - - 13 12 1 Badodia Panth
190 177 13 294 170 124 238 153 85 999 849 150 Budhanya Panth
183 175 8 136 107 29 14 9 5 101 90 11 Hansa Khedi
570 562 8 225 209 16 - - - 29 26 3 Potlod
219 169 50 213 123 90 8 5 3 18 12 6 Khalkhala
759 538 221 1,135 585 550 21 13 8 173 157 16 Kachhalya
104 89 15 129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Manglaya Sadak (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476208 Rahu Khedi 110 54 56 - - - 8 - 8
476209 Sula Khedi 63 47 16 1 - 1 56 44 12
476210 Lasudiya Parmar 17 8 9 2 1 1 - - -
476211 Kadwali Buzurg 400 25 375 315 14 301 64 5 59
476212 Kadwali Khurd 275 55 220 68 5 63 205 49 156
476213 Bisa Khedi 106 37 69 5 4 1 21 6 15
476214 Melkalma 161 10 151 90 5 85 65 3 62
476215 Vyas Khedi 199 59 140 16 7 9 156 38 118
476216 Faraspur 2 1 1 - - - 1 1 -
476217 Bhondwas 2 2 - 1 1 - - - -
476218 Mandlawada 3 3 - 2 2 - - - -
476219 Palasiya 158 11 147 75 2 73 83 9 74
476220 Silotiya 15 10 5 - - - - - -
476221 Baroda Arjun 5 4 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
476222 Pirkaradiya 98 68 30 8 7 1 75 50 25
476223 Dakachya 98 38 60 35 10 25 49 19 30
476224 Barlai Jagir 525 176 349 159 3 156 344 153 191
476225 Budhi Barlai 209 74 135 45 4 41 145 53 92
476226 Puwardadai 138 74 64 - - - 121 58 63
476227 Puwarda Happa 324 163 161 42 4 38 245 126 119
476228 Machhu Khedi 5 1 4 4 - 4 - - -
476229 Makodiya 200 87 113 - - - 180 67 113
476230 Hatuniya 5 3 2 - - - 3 2 1
476231 Guran 330 113 217 90 26 64 220 70 150
476232 Badodia Panth 136 91 45 3 1 2 126 88 38
476233 Budhanya Panth 131 63 68 5 4 1 59 18 41
476234 Hansa Khedi 75 25 50 - - - 57 9 48
476235 Potlod 143 110 33 24 20 4 114 85 29
476236 Khalkhala 242 91 151 10 4 6 226 84 142
476237 Kachhalya 33 23 10 - - - 15 7 8
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - 102 54 48 669 267 402 Rahu Khedi 476208
- - - 6 3 3 1,162 403 759 Sula Khedi 476209
- - - 15 7 8 982 385 597 Lasudiya Parmar 476210
10 4 6 11 2 9 820 376 444 Kadwali Buzurg 476211
- - - 2 1 1 983 366 617 Kadwali Khurd 476212
77 24 53 3 3 - 233 90 143 Bisa Khedi 476213
4 - 4 2 2 - 385 177 208 Melkalma 476214
7 2 5 20 12 8 390 181 209 Vyas Khedi 476215
1 - 1 - - - 560 174 386 Faraspur 476216
- - - 1 1 - 457 148 309 Bhondwas 476217
- - - 1 1 - 818 290 528 Mandlawada 476218
- - - - - - 776 279 497 Palasiya 476219
- - - 15 10 5 694 221 473 Silotiya 476220
- - - 2 2 - 877 335 542 Baroda Arjun 476221
2 1 1 13 10 3 1,840 683 1,157 Pirkaradiya 476222
1 - 1 13 9 4 3,238 1,311 1,927 Dakachya 476223
- - - 22 20 2 2,223 838 1,385 Barlai Jagir 476224
1 - 1 18 17 1 2,883 1,172 1,711 Budhi Barlai 476225
- - - 17 16 1 1,178 415 763 Puwardadai 476226
3 3 - 34 30 4 1,096 476 620 Puwarda Happa 476227
1 1 - - - - 639 301 338 Machhu Khedi 476228
2 2 - 18 18 - 827 289 538 Makodiya 476229
- - - 2 1 1 1,116 409 707 Hatuniya 476230
1 1 - 19 16 3 1,097 570 527 Guran 476231
4 2 2 3 - 3 516 193 323 Badodia Panth 476232
23 9 14 44 32 12 3,468 1,262 2,206 Budhanya Panth 476233
- - - 18 16 2 972 356 616 Hansa Khedi 476234
- - - 5 5 - 2,048 687 1,361 Potlod 476235
2 - 2 4 3 1 685 273 412 Khalkhala 476236
6 5 1 12 11 1 2,323 956 1,367 Kachhalya 476237
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0138 Indore (Total) 76,408.02 82,873 424,309 220,355 203,954 62,525 33,001 29,524
0138 Indore (Rural) 69,754.02 39,678 213,050 109,899 103,151 31,793 16,894 14,899
0138 Indore (Urban) 6,654.00 43,195 211,259 110,456 100,803 30,732 16,107 14,625
476099 Fulkaradiya 303.85 188 1,105 574 531 188 104 84
476100 Gurda Khedi 113.35 160 798 415 383 131 78 53
476101 Rojadi 586.06 269 1,545 802 743 198 117 81
476102 Kalmer Badi 801.52 471 2,782 1,413 1,369 401 200 201
476103 Mali Badodia 181.04 158 627 330 297 136 67 69
476104 Jamburdi Hapsi 1,252.82 577 2,903 1,489 1,414 372 201 171
476105 Pipalya Tafa 153.72 45 241 124 117 27 14 13
476106 Higonya Khurd 246.46 207 1,086 544 542 157 85 72
476107 Songir 544.60 187 912 476 436 166 91 75
476108 Limbodagari 763.60 311 1,712 873 839 259 140 119
476109 Budhania 981.62 403 2,044 1,048 996 306 153 153
476110 Palakhedi 736.73 265 1,448 734 714 240 127 113
476239 Nainod 875.40 1,075 5,538 2,853 2,685 839 449 390
476240 Kordia Barda 239.10 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476241 Nawda Panth 661.54 357 1,795 932 863 282 145 137
Sindoda (Talawali
476242 Kachra) 588.81 301 1,850 948 902 280 150 130
476243 Rinjlai 584.37 160 960 492 468 160 83 77
476244 Sanawalya Khedi 239.17 181 855 459 396 213 120 93
476245 Bisanawada 588.88 466 2,347 1,258 1,089 363 213 150
476246 Dharnawad 361.20 228 1,233 631 602 199 96 103
476247 Kalaria 453.23 411 2,042 1,081 961 268 147 121
Shri Ram
476248 Talawali(Kachra) 440.10 223 1,235 654 581 203 112 91
476249 Sindodi 300.49 67 394 204 190 68 41 27
476250 Narlai 392.37 166 880 460 420 99 61 38
476251 Moklai 242.70 22 134 68 66 17 7 10
476252 Dehri 292.88 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476253 Rangwasa 1,044.88 1,505 8,632 4,046 4,586 1,126 587 539
476254 Sukhniwas 309.94 1,143 4,786 2,444 2,342 507 270 237
476255 Kalod Kartal 950.40 1,550 7,668 3,961 3,707 1,188 605 583
476256 Machla 541.00 295 1,439 762 677 208 120 88
476257 Morod 946.25 397 2,218 1,149 1,069 350 184 166
476258 Umri Kheda 374.39 363 1,986 1,025 961 355 185 170
476259 Ralamandal 200.65 591 2,863 1,481 1,382 408 239 169
476260 Mirjapur 359.33 223 1,441 729 712 227 113 114
476261 Asrawad Khurd 840.32 722 3,984 2,040 1,944 655 355 300
476262 Bilawali 197.83 1,214 5,678 3,077 2,601 701 379 322
476263 Fatan Khedi 330.48 47 208 95 113 27 15 12
476264 Nihalpur Mundi 714.32 1,095 5,456 2,868 2,588 794 411 383
476265 Arandia 429.48 342 1,819 963 856 319 167 152
476266 Maya Khedi 290.83 240 1,233 623 610 238 109 129
476267 Kalod Hala 368.74 667 3,248 1,732 1,516 544 296 248
476268 Shakkar Khedi 184.00 147 706 371 335 100 51 49
476269 Balya Kheda 597.15 184 990 514 476 147 81 66
476270 Panod 828.12 198 1,134 563 571 153 71 82
476271 Nignoti 360.24 119 590 302 288 76 38 38
476272 Jagmalpipalya 521.68 168 976 490 486 123 65 58
476273 Khatipiplya 260.15 153 877 447 430 105 54 51
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
476274 Khedi) 305.51 123 848 426 422 126 77 49
476275 Jalod Keu 340.67 115 687 353 334 70 34 36
476276 Jani 222.80 64 336 171 165 25 14 11
476277 Baroda Kara 321.09 89 494 249 245 76 41 35
476278 Baroda Daulat 697.52 155 724 393 331 79 47 32
476279 Semalya Chau 593.37 303 1,722 926 796 214 117 97



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
77,993 40,070 37,923 49,983 25,865 24,118 267,946 154,474 113,472 Indore (Total)
40,756 20,879 19,877 32,744 16,874 15,870 127,227 74,859 52,368 Indore (Rural)
37,237 19,191 18,046 17,239 8,991 8,248 140,719 79,615 61,104 Indore (Urban)
178 88 90 58 31 27 638 401 237 Fulkaradiya
152 80 72 112 61 51 429 270 159 Gurda Khedi
62 29 33 193 91 102 894 574 320 Rojadi
372 183 189 32 13 19 1,596 990 606 Kalmer Badi
18 8 10 169 94 75 282 188 94 Mali Badodia
546 297 249 452 228 224 1,702 1,041 661 Jamburdi Hapsi
12 4 8 11 7 4 128 86 42 Pipalya Tafa
34 19 15 82 39 43 580 357 223 Higonya Khurd
439 215 224 129 69 60 508 325 183 Songir
384 191 193 133 68 65 1,053 615 438 Limbodagari
373 191 182 514 263 251 1,167 722 445 Budhania
495 242 253 229 118 111 787 478 309 Palakhedi
447 233 214 764 385 379 3,343 1,907 1,436 Nainod
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kordia Barda
382 186 196 319 167 152 1,078 661 417 Nawda Panth
Sindoda (Talawali
145 74 71 146 63 83 1,210 685 525 Kachra)
214 111 103 66 36 30 504 301 203 Rinjlai
145 80 65 440 236 204 156 95 61 Sanawalya Khedi
619 328 291 545 296 249 1,261 756 505 Bisanawada
- - - 108 57 51 620 391 229 Dharnawad
523 269 254 225 116 109 1,229 772 457 Kalaria
Shri Ram
238 129 109 216 114 102 663 408 255 Talawali(Kachra)
99 54 45 40 20 20 213 127 86 Sindodi
145 83 62 24 10 14 426 274 152 Narlai
5 3 2 34 17 17 82 52 30 Moklai
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dehri
2,743 1,391 1,352 880 413 467 5,791 2,920 2,871 Rangwasa
450 238 212 488 249 239 3,722 1,965 1,757 Sukhniwas
1,793 905 888 1,059 539 520 4,690 2,712 1,978 Kalod Kartal
722 378 344 274 156 118 919 525 394 Machla
954 500 454 128 65 63 1,257 734 523 Morod
779 378 401 411 215 196 1,106 639 467 Umri Kheda
439 242 197 446 240 206 1,828 1,053 775 Ralamandal
319 159 160 149 83 66 915 530 385 Mirjapur
1,189 601 588 616 302 314 2,367 1,374 993 Asrawad Khurd
876 459 417 618 324 294 4,315 2,482 1,833 Bilawali
10 3 7 48 21 27 151 72 79 Fatan Khedi
593 317 276 1,371 708 663 3,183 1,891 1,292 Nihalpur Mundi
517 273 244 265 139 126 1,006 616 390 Arandia
504 249 255 258 139 119 650 387 263 Maya Khedi
951 509 442 85 45 40 2,045 1,226 819 Kalod Hala
221 113 108 48 26 22 398 244 154 Shakkar Khedi
162 88 74 328 172 156 510 314 196 Balya Kheda
358 179 179 99 50 49 740 422 318 Panod
53 24 29 4 2 2 366 225 141 Nignoti
255 135 120 - - - 627 369 258 Jagmalpipalya
143 68 75 6 3 3 592 368 224 Khatipiplya
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
168 86 82 - - - 455 272 183 Khedi)
38 15 23 25 14 11 467 302 165 Jalod Keu
5 3 2 10 5 5 206 125 81 Jani
35 18 17 56 24 32 331 181 150 Baroda Kara
83 46 37 142 73 69 523 314 209 Baroda Daulat
581 312 269 45 24 21 1,207 713 494 Semalya Chau


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0138 Indore (Total) 156,363 65,881 90,482 171,088 121,247 49,841 152,453 112,810 39,643
0138 Indore (Rural) 85,823 35,040 50,783 92,476 61,035 31,441 79,848 55,695 24,153
0138 Indore (Urban) 70,540 30,841 39,699 78,612 60,212 18,400 72,605 57,115 15,490
476099 Fulkaradiya 467 173 294 530 309 221 218 206 12
476100 Gurda Khedi 369 145 224 385 229 156 283 205 78
476101 Rojadi 651 228 423 744 455 289 409 370 39
476102 Kalmer Badi 1,186 423 763 1,246 773 473 992 671 321
476103 Mali Badodia 345 142 203 373 198 175 368 197 171
476104 Jamburdi Hapsi 1,201 448 753 1,115 854 261 965 742 223
476105 Pipalya Tafa 113 38 75 148 66 82 147 65 82
476106 Higonya Khurd 506 187 319 556 337 219 550 333 217
476107 Songir 404 151 253 397 276 121 254 213 41
476108 Limbodagari 659 258 401 565 487 78 492 441 51
476109 Budhania 877 326 551 1,082 617 465 549 378 171
476110 Palakhedi 661 256 405 719 413 306 449 344 105
476239 Nainod 2,195 946 1,249 2,172 1,575 597 1,660 1,253 407
476240 Kordia Barda -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476241 Nawda Panth 717 271 446 676 508 168 604 486 118
Sindoda (Talawali
476242 Kachra) 640 263 377 738 496 242 588 458 130
476243 Rinjlai 456 191 265 509 281 228 455 258 197
476244 Sanawalya Khedi 699 364 335 489 265 224 440 253 187
476245 Bisanawada 1,086 502 584 925 674 251 744 598 146
476246 Dharnawad 613 240 373 630 365 265 624 362 262
476247 Kalaria 813 309 504 992 615 377 538 326 212
Shri Ram
476248 Talawali(Kachra) 572 246 326 604 379 225 452 346 106
476249 Sindodi 181 77 104 177 115 62 165 112 53
476250 Narlai 454 186 268 431 259 172 354 218 136
476251 Moklai 52 16 36 57 42 15 39 31 8
476252 Dehri -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476253 Rangwasa 2,841 1,126 1,715 3,267 2,229 1,038 3,122 2,166 956
476254 Sukhniwas 1,064 479 585 1,650 1,299 351 1,414 1,162 252
476255 Kalod Kartal 2,978 1,249 1,729 3,186 2,130 1,056 2,608 1,843 765
476256 Machla 520 237 283 645 422 223 602 406 196
476257 Morod 961 415 546 1,106 624 482 512 331 181
476258 Umri Kheda 880 386 494 687 472 215 537 364 173
476259 Ralamandal 1,035 428 607 1,203 792 411 1,134 764 370
476260 Mirjapur 526 199 327 751 412 339 702 386 316
476261 Asrawad Khurd 1,617 666 951 1,626 1,074 552 1,391 1,001 390
476262 Bilawali 1,363 595 768 2,051 1,577 474 1,704 1,364 340
476263 Fatan Khedi 57 23 34 74 51 23 73 51 22
476264 Nihalpur Mundi 2,273 977 1,296 2,410 1,658 752 2,182 1,552 630
476265 Arandia 813 347 466 695 518 177 682 514 168
476266 Maya Khedi 583 236 347 603 358 245 598 357 241
476267 Kalod Hala 1,203 506 697 1,150 900 250 1,127 890 237
476268 Shakkar Khedi 308 127 181 344 221 123 300 196 104
476269 Balya Kheda 480 200 280 429 295 134 356 275 81
476270 Panod 394 141 253 410 299 111 215 182 33
476271 Nignoti 224 77 147 188 164 24 146 138 8
476272 Jagmalpipalya 349 121 228 317 309 8 316 308 8
476273 Khatipiplya 285 79 206 471 259 212 469 259 210
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
476274 Khedi) 393 154 239 352 255 97 310 247 63
476275 Jalod Keu 220 51 169 418 212 206 391 201 190
476276 Jani 130 46 84 172 106 66 134 100 34
476277 Baroda Kara 163 68 95 133 122 11 116 109 7
476278 Baroda Daulat 201 79 122 289 204 85 222 156 66
476279 Semalya Chau 515 213 302 748 487 261 544 381 163


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
28,516 21,305 7,211 32,954 18,839 14,115 3,954 2,813 1,141 87,029 69,853 17,176 Indore (Total)
25,318 18,765 6,553 28,336 15,936 12,400 1,792 1,265 527 24,402 19,729 4,673 Indore (Rural)
3,198 2,540 658 4,618 2,903 1,715 2,162 1,548 614 62,627 50,124 12,503 Indore (Urban)
37 34 3 19 14 5 1 1 - 161 157 4 Fulkaradiya
62 51 11 159 94 65 - - - 62 60 2 Gurda Khedi
229 226 3 107 76 31 2 2 - 71 66 5 Rojadi
506 358 148 363 216 147 7 6 1 116 91 25 Kalmer Badi
141 75 66 195 100 95 2 1 1 30 21 9 Mali Badodia
289 261 28 504 324 180 17 14 3 155 143 12 Jamburdi Hapsi
82 37 45 65 28 37 - - - - - - Pipalya Tafa
168 114 54 333 184 149 7 4 3 42 31 11 Higonya Khurd
130 114 16 98 75 23 - - - 26 24 2 Songir
190 186 4 109 72 37 - - - 193 183 10 Limbodagari
219 161 58 185 86 99 6 5 1 139 126 13 Budhania
178 149 29 210 137 73 5 5 - 56 53 3 Palakhedi
200 184 16 398 248 150 105 70 35 957 751 206 Nainod
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kordia Barda
156 145 11 179 106 73 40 35 5 229 200 29 Nawda Panth
Sindoda (Talawali
324 261 63 139 90 49 2 2 - 123 105 18 Kachra)
303 162 141 109 59 50 6 4 2 37 33 4 Rinjlai
45 34 11 122 65 57 1 1 - 272 153 119 Sanawalya Khedi
106 96 10 203 154 49 9 8 1 426 340 86 Bisanawada
182 111 71 296 145 151 11 6 5 135 100 35 Dharnawad
172 126 46 108 43 65 19 16 3 239 141 98 Kalaria
Shri Ram
118 104 14 116 66 50 4 2 2 214 174 40 Talawali(Kachra)
88 63 25 71 43 28 - - - 6 6 - Sindodi
134 88 46 169 99 70 4 3 1 47 28 19 Narlai
23 23 - 10 4 6 1 - 1 5 4 1 Moklai
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dehri
743 607 136 1,406 709 697 56 45 11 917 805 112 Rangwasa
57 39 18 52 23 29 5 3 2 1,300 1,097 203 Sukhniwas
346 224 122 485 223 262 47 29 18 1,730 1,367 363 Kalod Kartal
131 95 36 306 160 146 16 12 4 149 139 10 Machla
256 142 114 24 9 15 44 30 14 188 150 38 Morod
109 66 43 110 51 59 16 14 2 302 233 69 Umri Kheda
91 73 18 277 126 151 2 - 2 764 565 199 Ralamandal
316 161 155 243 130 113 34 15 19 109 80 29 Mirjapur
409 259 150 371 216 155 14 9 5 597 517 80 Asrawad Khurd
79 63 16 144 87 57 104 86 18 1,377 1,128 249 Bilawali
4 4 - 4 2 2 3 1 2 62 44 18 Fatan Khedi
527 378 149 471 252 219 30 21 9 1,154 901 253 Nihalpur Mundi
160 136 24 81 44 37 2 2 - 439 332 107 Arandia
169 98 71 364 202 162 5 5 - 60 52 8 Maya Khedi
107 98 9 202 122 80 56 36 20 762 634 128 Kalod Hala
48 39 9 175 92 83 1 1 - 76 64 12 Shakkar Khedi
102 95 7 194 123 71 4 3 1 56 54 2 Balya Kheda
142 137 5 63 36 27 2 1 1 8 8 - Panod
91 85 6 13 13 - 12 11 1 30 29 1 Nignoti
272 264 8 41 41 - - - - 3 3 - Jagmalpipalya
346 194 152 102 48 54 2 2 - 19 15 4 Khatipiplya
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
268 217 51 18 11 7 - - - 24 19 5 Khedi)
381 194 187 9 6 3 - - - 1 1 - Jalod Keu
111 84 27 22 15 7 - - - 1 1 - Jani
65 61 4 28 28 - - - - 23 20 3 Baroda Kara
65 54 11 104 57 47 6 5 1 47 40 7 Baroda Daulat
178 140 38 206 122 84 55 40 15 105 79 26 Semalya Chau


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0138 Indore (Total) 18,635 8,437 10,198 2,183 542 1,641 7,829 2,788 5,041
0138 Indore (Rural) 12,628 5,340 7,288 1,794 462 1,332 7,023 2,483 4,540
0138 Indore (Urban) 6,007 3,097 2,910 389 80 309 806 305 501
476099 Fulkaradiya 312 103 209 14 2 12 275 87 188
476100 Gurda Khedi 102 24 78 16 1 15 74 14 60
476101 Rojadi 335 85 250 165 21 144 147 47 100
476102 Kalmer Badi 254 102 152 - - - 248 97 151
476103 Mali Badodia 5 1 4 3 1 2 2 - 2
476104 Jamburdi Hapsi 150 112 38 12 11 1 46 35 11
476105 Pipalya Tafa 1 1 - - - - - - -
476106 Higonya Khurd 6 4 2 3 3 - 1 - 1
476107 Songir 143 63 80 4 3 1 117 38 79
476108 Limbodagari 73 46 27 - - - 63 38 25
476109 Budhania 533 239 294 7 2 5 489 205 284
476110 Palakhedi 270 69 201 95 19 76 149 31 118
476239 Nainod 512 322 190 13 8 5 223 116 107
476240 Kordia Barda -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476241 Nawda Panth 72 22 50 7 5 2 53 9 44
Sindoda (Talawali
476242 Kachra) 150 38 112 22 11 11 104 15 89
476243 Rinjlai 54 23 31 7 2 5 45 20 25
476244 Sanawalya Khedi 49 12 37 34 7 27 15 5 10
476245 Bisanawada 181 76 105 10 8 2 140 48 92
476246 Dharnawad 6 3 3 1 1 - 3 1 2
476247 Kalaria 454 289 165 18 10 8 165 58 107
Shri Ram
476248 Talawali(Kachra) 152 33 119 9 7 2 111 11 100
476249 Sindodi 12 3 9 3 1 2 8 1 7
476250 Narlai 77 41 36 16 8 8 33 15 18
476251 Moklai 18 11 7 1 - 1 - - -
476252 Dehri -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476253 Rangwasa 145 63 82 21 4 17 74 30 44
476254 Sukhniwas 236 137 99 6 1 5 113 61 52
476255 Kalod Kartal 578 287 291 42 23 19 202 67 135
476256 Machla 43 16 27 - - - 26 13 13
476257 Morod 594 293 301 35 16 19 406 170 236
476258 Umri Kheda 150 108 42 2 1 1 39 18 21
476259 Ralamandal 69 28 41 4 1 3 33 5 28
476260 Mirjapur 49 26 23 6 1 5 14 6 8
476261 Asrawad Khurd 235 73 162 16 6 10 135 21 114
476262 Bilawali 347 213 134 10 7 3 122 49 73
476263 Fatan Khedi 1 - 1 - - - - - -
476264 Nihalpur Mundi 228 106 122 35 5 30 109 46 63
476265 Arandia 13 4 9 1 - 1 5 2 3
476266 Maya Khedi 5 1 4 1 - 1 3 - 3
476267 Kalod Hala 23 10 13 10 3 7 3 - 3
476268 Shakkar Khedi 44 25 19 2 2 - 4 1 3
476269 Balya Kheda 73 20 53 5 4 1 65 13 52
476270 Panod 195 117 78 4 2 2 189 114 75
476271 Nignoti 42 26 16 1 - 1 27 15 12
476272 Jagmalpipalya 1 1 - 1 1 - - - -
476273 Khatipiplya 2 - 2 - - - 1 - 1
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
476274 Khedi) 42 8 34 36 7 29 5 - 5
476275 Jalod Keu 27 11 16 1 - 1 26 11 15
476276 Jani 38 6 32 36 6 30 2 - 2
476277 Baroda Kara 17 13 4 2 2 - 10 8 2
476278 Baroda Daulat 67 48 19 29 26 3 13 5 8
476279 Semalya Chau 204 106 98 6 3 3 163 79 84


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
632 249 383 7,991 4,858 3,133 253,221 99,108 154,113 Indore (Total) 0138
372 167 205 3,439 2,228 1,211 120,574 48,864 71,710 Indore (Rural) 0138
260 82 178 4,552 2,630 1,922 132,647 50,244 82,403 Indore (Urban) 0138
4 2 2 19 12 7 575 265 310 Fulkaradiya 476099
- - - 12 9 3 413 186 227 Gurda Khedi 476100
2 - 2 21 17 4 801 347 454 Rojadi 476101
- - - 6 5 1 1,536 640 896 Kalmer Badi 476102
- - - - - - 254 132 122 Mali Badodia 476103
45 36 9 47 30 17 1,788 635 1,153 Jamburdi Hapsi 476104
1 1 - - - - 93 58 35 Pipalya Tafa 476105
- - - 2 1 1 530 207 323 Higonya Khurd 476106
2 2 - 20 20 - 515 200 315 Songir 476107
7 6 1 3 2 1 1,147 386 761 Limbodagari 476108
2 2 - 35 30 5 962 431 531 Budhania 476109
6 2 4 20 17 3 729 321 408 Palakhedi 476110
35 12 23 241 186 55 3,366 1,278 2,088 Nainod 476239
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kordia Barda 476240
2 2 - 10 6 4 1,119 424 695 Nawda Panth 476241
Sindoda (Talawali
- - - 24 12 12 1,112 452 660 Kachra) 476242
1 1 - 1 - 1 451 211 240 Rinjlai 476243
- - - - - - 366 194 172 Sanawalya Khedi 476244
2 1 1 29 19 10 1,422 584 838 Bisanawada 476245
- - - 2 1 1 603 266 337 Dharnawad 476246
7 2 5 264 219 45 1,050 466 584 Kalaria 476247
Shri Ram
- - - 32 15 17 631 275 356 Talawali(Kachra) 476248
- - - 1 1 - 217 89 128 Sindodi 476249
- - - 28 18 10 449 201 248 Narlai 476250
- - - 17 11 6 77 26 51 Moklai 476251
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dehri 476252
11 4 7 39 25 14 5,365 1,817 3,548 Rangwasa 476253
5 4 1 112 71 41 3,136 1,145 1,991 Sukhniwas 476254
11 6 5 323 191 132 4,482 1,831 2,651 Kalod Kartal 476255
13 - 13 4 3 1 794 340 454 Machla 476256
18 9 9 135 98 37 1,112 525 587 Morod 476257
7 4 3 102 85 17 1,299 553 746 Umri Kheda 476258
- - - 32 22 10 1,660 689 971 Ralamandal 476259
1 - 1 28 19 9 690 317 373 Mirjapur 476260
3 1 2 81 45 36 2,358 966 1,392 Asrawad Khurd 476261
11 4 7 204 153 51 3,627 1,500 2,127 Bilawali 476262
- - - 1 - 1 134 44 90 Fatan Khedi 476263
3 1 2 81 54 27 3,046 1,210 1,836 Nihalpur Mundi 476264
- - - 7 2 5 1,124 445 679 Arandia 476265
- - - 1 1 - 630 265 365 Maya Khedi 476266
2 1 1 8 6 2 2,098 832 1,266 Kalod Hala 476267
- - - 38 22 16 362 150 212 Shakkar Khedi 476268
- - - 3 3 - 561 219 342 Balya Kheda 476269
- - - 2 1 1 724 264 460 Panod 476270
2 2 - 12 9 3 402 138 264 Nignoti 476271
- - - - - - 659 181 478 Jagmalpipalya 476272
- - - 1 - 1 406 188 218 Khatipiplya 476273
Shakkar Khedi (Haran
- - - 1 1 - 496 171 325 Khedi) 476274
- - - - - - 269 141 128 Jalod Keu 476275
- - - - - - 164 65 99 Jani 476276
3 1 2 2 2 - 361 127 234 Baroda Kara 476277
1 1 - 24 16 8 435 189 246 Baroda Daulat 476278
7 2 5 28 22 6 974 439 535 Semalya Chau 476279


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476280 Garya 354.53 72 289 146 143 39 20 19
476281 Bhokhakhedi 215.01 82 438 214 224 53 25 28
476282 Khemana 636.92 125 736 369 367 131 70 61
476283 Upadinatha 287.40 99 544 270 274 73 31 42
476284 Higonya 608.30 93 548 268 280 91 47 44
476285 Bisan Kheda 457.03 160 869 457 412 123 64 59
476286 Burana Khedi 323.34 219 1,194 602 592 171 82 89
476287 Sahu Khedi 183.97 93 571 301 270 113 60 53
476288 Chhitkana 134.03 44 243 115 128 41 23 18
476289 Khatri Khedi 143.96 121 584 302 282 67 32 35
476290 Begam Khedi 196.18 185 972 505 467 125 78 47
476291 Jhalaria 456.75 260 1,392 747 645 184 111 73
476292 Chauhan Khedi 428.02 169 909 470 439 140 80 60
476293 Ramgarh 301.85 9 56 28 28 13 6 7
476294 Ambamolya 224.70 261 1,547 840 707 187 107 80
476295 Garipipalya 641.51 194 1,349 682 667 204 107 97
476296 Hashakhedi 364.74 191 1,277 671 606 219 122 97
476297 Asrawad Buzurg 631.40 673 3,506 1,836 1,670 558 297 261
476298 Badia Keema 835.00 339 1,777 935 842 348 186 162
476299 Mali Khedi 303.00 119 563 294 269 75 43 32
476300 Deoguradia 343.55 411 1,998 1,029 969 297 160 137
476301 Mundla Nayata 667.45 1,441 8,624 4,527 4,097 1,706 907 799
476302 Dudhia 204.97 1,003 5,384 2,855 2,529 789 413 376
476303 Sanawadia 925.00 590 3,010 1,568 1,442 460 250 210
476304 Umaria Khurd 483.00 324 1,944 995 949 251 138 113
476305 Jamnya Khurd 422.43 220 1,204 622 582 136 66 70
476306 Bihdia 558.01 286 1,376 716 660 251 130 121
476307 Tillor Khurd 1,387.69 1,215 6,464 3,393 3,071 830 459 371
476308 Kacharod 476.94 117 540 291 249 57 32 25
476309 Tinchha 458.97 87 422 230 192 72 45 27
476310 Berchha 741.99 195 1,021 547 474 224 119 105
476311 Kapalya Khedi 275.54 292 1,636 827 809 348 165 183
476312 Songuradiya 392.15 148 883 447 436 135 68 67
476313 Dhamnay 344.93 208 1,142 580 562 179 93 86
476314 Ujjaini 379.64 96 502 254 248 101 47 54
476315 Sonway 411.12 195 1,000 530 470 165 94 71
476316 Mundla Dosdar 488.91 185 977 514 463 126 63 63
476317 Rajdhara 271.61 130 722 364 358 121 59 62
476318 Pipalda 1,251.38 721 4,316 2,223 2,093 488 288 200
476319 Chikatiya 178.07 6 27 12 15 7 2 5
476320 Kevadia 275.54 57 300 150 150 61 29 32
476321 Tillor Buzurg 935.22 344 2,089 1,087 1,002 330 168 162
476322 Muhadi 276.83 53 252 122 130 39 17 22
476323 Sahu Khedi 312.50 10 46 24 22 14 7 7
476324 Ghudia 178.34 40 217 118 99 27 19 8
476325 Jamaniya 154.25 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476326 Sarolia 241.77 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476327 Nayapura 65.14 37 165 89 76 24 15 9
476328 Kampel 3,032.92 1,334 7,518 3,829 3,689 873 473 400
476329 Piwday 1,480.25 1,058 5,892 3,031 2,861 786 421 365
476330 Khudel Khurd 408.28 166 890 465 425 129 69 60
476331 Mundal Jetkaran 435.54 142 650 330 320 103 46 57
476332 Khudel Buzurg 802.16 621 3,654 1,884 1,770 518 284 234
476333 Sindhi Baroda 612.00 174 998 512 486 158 74 84
476334 Kajipalasiya 559.60 505 3,019 1,521 1,498 485 247 238
476335 Ramu Khedi 215.31 78 382 195 187 42 23 19
476336 Dhaturia 255.74 106 543 288 255 81 46 35
476337 Dandala Khedi 76.78 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476338 Goga Khedi 308.54 99 517 269 248 61 27 34
476339 Set Khedi 226.18 57 293 153 140 40 23 17



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
82 44 38 48 19 29 176 105 71 Garya
90 44 46 110 53 57 270 159 111 Bhokhakhedi
260 127 133 60 33 27 366 218 148 Khemana
30 18 12 45 22 23 348 210 138 Upadinatha
161 83 78 104 46 58 315 184 131 Higonya
277 150 127 76 42 34 449 292 157 Bisan Kheda
361 177 184 104 50 54 657 413 244 Burana Khedi
- - - - - - 348 214 134 Sahu Khedi
106 44 62 - - - 155 80 75 Chhitkana
180 91 89 9 5 4 363 227 136 Khatri Khedi
221 112 109 190 106 84 540 331 209 Begam Khedi
276 153 123 148 78 70 820 514 306 Jhalaria
251 126 125 117 60 57 515 327 188 Chauhan Khedi
8 4 4 14 9 5 29 16 13 Ramgarh
428 233 195 110 62 48 1,027 623 404 Ambamolya
115 55 60 16 6 10 863 510 353 Garipipalya
37 20 17 16 8 8 751 428 323 Hashakhedi
1,069 544 525 734 379 355 2,232 1,303 929 Asrawad Buzurg
391 202 189 932 493 439 862 523 339 Badia Keema
218 114 104 158 83 75 316 187 129 Mali Khedi
628 306 322 308 156 152 1,336 740 596 Deoguradia
1,050 536 514 1,063 554 509 4,111 2,532 1,579 Mundla Nayata
625 309 316 400 191 209 3,857 2,247 1,610 Dudhia
457 238 219 431 216 215 1,808 1,101 707 Sanawadia
123 56 67 171 92 79 1,231 703 528 Umaria Khurd
500 260 240 108 55 53 757 438 319 Jamnya Khurd
125 68 57 574 300 274 762 442 320 Bihdia
857 449 408 836 449 387 4,224 2,388 1,836 Tillor Khurd
67 37 30 112 60 52 324 200 124 Kacharod
111 60 51 196 106 90 204 125 79 Tinchha
1 1 - 1,018 546 472 434 285 149 Berchha
650 314 336 154 76 78 731 446 285 Kapalya Khedi
333 174 159 63 27 36 525 319 206 Songuradiya
248 129 119 34 17 17 659 402 257 Dhamnay
77 36 41 135 67 68 217 132 85 Ujjaini
130 66 64 234 124 110 539 335 204 Sonway
433 242 191 30 16 14 542 331 211 Mundla Dosdar
476 225 251 32 20 12 416 233 183 Rajdhara
521 266 255 557 286 271 2,806 1,672 1,134 Pipalda
- - - 27 12 15 1 1 - Chikatiya
7 4 3 224 110 114 63 39 24 Kevadia
483 245 238 765 395 370 1,149 666 483 Tillor Buzurg
1 - 1 251 122 129 108 63 45 Muhadi
- - - 31 17 14 - - - Sahu Khedi
- - - 217 118 99 97 54 43 Ghudia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jamaniya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarolia
- - - 140 79 61 92 60 32 Nayapura
783 395 388 932 482 450 4,756 2,772 1,984 Kampel
1,186 611 575 613 307 306 3,679 2,200 1,479 Piwday
306 158 148 34 17 17 467 297 170 Khudel Khurd
73 36 37 101 55 46 353 209 144 Mundal Jetkaran
378 186 192 165 85 80 2,399 1,403 996 Khudel Buzurg
242 115 127 63 31 32 501 326 175 Sindhi Baroda
428 225 203 107 51 56 1,820 1,009 811 Kajipalasiya
95 49 46 99 48 51 264 159 105 Ramu Khedi
224 124 100 29 19 10 331 199 132 Dhaturia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dandala Khedi
160 84 76 50 22 28 315 197 118 Goga Khedi
31 16 15 58 32 26 163 97 66 Set Khedi


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476280 Garya 113 41 72 118 85 33 43 39 4
476281 Bhokhakhedi 168 55 113 203 125 78 55 46 9
476282 Khemana 370 151 219 398 218 180 391 215 176
476283 Upadinatha 196 60 136 202 149 53 197 146 51
476284 Higonya 233 84 149 150 138 12 140 131 9
476285 Bisan Kheda 420 165 255 470 277 193 467 276 191
476286 Burana Khedi 537 189 348 564 347 217 464 288 176
476287 Sahu Khedi 223 87 136 197 171 26 195 169 26
476288 Chhitkana 88 35 53 79 58 21 79 58 21
476289 Khatri Khedi 221 75 146 356 202 154 322 191 131
476290 Begam Khedi 432 174 258 472 285 187 415 274 141
476291 Jhalaria 572 233 339 576 405 171 557 395 162
476292 Chauhan Khedi 394 143 251 425 275 150 422 274 148
476293 Ramgarh 27 12 15 25 14 11 24 13 11
476294 Ambamolya 520 217 303 680 481 199 671 473 198
476295 Garipipalya 486 172 314 602 379 223 584 379 205
476296 Hashakhedi 526 243 283 414 350 64 386 336 50
476297 Asrawad Buzurg 1,274 533 741 1,552 1,034 518 1,442 974 468
476298 Badia Keema 915 412 503 774 487 287 759 479 280
476299 Mali Khedi 247 107 140 301 163 138 216 151 65
476300 Deoguradia 662 289 373 743 550 193 684 524 160
476301 Mundla Nayata 4,513 1,995 2,518 3,356 2,437 919 3,050 2,262 788
476302 Dudhia 1,527 608 919 2,033 1,475 558 1,868 1,385 483
476303 Sanawadia 1,202 467 735 1,151 887 264 1,015 838 177
476304 Umaria Khurd 713 292 421 1,003 579 424 880 536 344
476305 Jamnya Khurd 447 184 263 426 353 73 413 351 62
476306 Bihdia 614 274 340 591 396 195 585 393 192
476307 Tillor Khurd 2,240 1,005 1,235 2,967 2,033 934 2,692 1,893 799
476308 Kacharod 216 91 125 266 141 125 245 130 115
476309 Tinchha 218 105 113 220 126 94 109 71 38
476310 Berchha 587 262 325 468 271 197 441 261 180
476311 Kapalya Khedi 905 381 524 826 432 394 719 416 303
476312 Songuradiya 358 128 230 360 257 103 268 246 22
476313 Dhamnay 483 178 305 456 347 109 454 346 108
476314 Ujjaini 285 122 163 194 147 47 190 143 47
476315 Sonway 461 195 266 554 297 257 494 269 225
476316 Mundla Dosdar 435 183 252 471 283 188 438 270 168
476317 Rajdhara 306 131 175 317 202 115 309 196 113
476318 Pipalda 1,510 551 959 2,217 1,309 908 1,961 1,228 733
476319 Chikatiya 26 11 15 12 7 5 12 7 5
476320 Kevadia 237 111 126 146 82 64 146 82 64
476321 Tillor Buzurg 940 421 519 814 573 241 783 557 226
476322 Muhadi 144 59 85 96 69 27 96 69 27
476323 Sahu Khedi 46 24 22 27 14 13 22 11 11
476324 Ghudia 120 64 56 119 62 57 103 57 46
476325 Jamaniya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476326 Sarolia -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476327 Nayapura 73 29 44 101 57 44 98 57 41
476328 Kampel 2,762 1,057 1,705 3,457 2,334 1,123 3,354 2,276 1,078
476329 Piwday 2,213 831 1,382 3,232 1,770 1,462 2,718 1,592 1,126
476330 Khudel Khurd 423 168 255 515 283 232 513 282 231
476331 Mundal Jetkaran 297 121 176 274 178 96 152 141 11
476332 Khudel Buzurg 1,255 481 774 1,744 1,049 695 1,316 951 365
476333 Sindhi Baroda 497 186 311 479 290 189 476 289 187
476334 Kajipalasiya 1,199 512 687 1,165 855 310 864 757 107
476335 Ramu Khedi 118 36 82 151 109 42 151 109 42
476336 Dhaturia 212 89 123 200 152 48 198 151 47
476337 Dandala Khedi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476338 Goga Khedi 202 72 130 321 180 141 321 180 141
476339 Set Khedi 130 56 74 108 79 29 108 79 29


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
8 8 - 19 15 4 - - - 16 16 - Garya
25 25 - 20 15 5 - - - 10 6 4 Bhokhakhedi
176 99 77 165 79 86 13 9 4 37 28 9 Khemana
66 56 10 77 39 38 4 4 - 50 47 3 Upadinatha
33 33 - 95 88 7 - - - 12 10 2 Higonya
151 100 51 272 140 132 1 - 1 43 36 7 Bisan Kheda
136 96 40 270 144 126 7 5 2 51 43 8 Burana Khedi
85 76 9 51 36 15 - - - 59 57 2 Sahu Khedi
29 22 7 24 15 9 - - - 26 21 5 Chhitkana
114 77 37 79 41 38 8 2 6 121 71 50 Khatri Khedi
109 103 6 189 95 94 12 4 8 105 72 33 Begam Khedi
138 114 24 161 95 66 16 13 3 242 173 69 Jhalaria
178 125 53 150 73 77 2 2 - 92 74 18 Chauhan Khedi
12 6 6 5 3 2 - - - 7 4 3 Ramgarh
335 277 58 313 177 136 7 4 3 16 15 1 Ambamolya
385 240 145 89 41 48 28 26 2 82 72 10 Garipipalya
234 218 16 54 33 21 6 6 - 92 79 13 Hashakhedi
191 160 31 685 396 289 24 21 3 542 397 145 Asrawad Buzurg
66 53 13 514 278 236 3 - 3 176 148 28 Badia Keema
82 50 32 78 54 24 - - - 56 47 9 Mali Khedi
20 16 4 88 53 35 24 20 4 552 435 117 Deoguradia
736 485 251 180 89 91 93 78 15 2,041 1,610 431 Mundla Nayata
349 302 47 157 67 90 90 55 35 1,272 961 311 Dudhia
298 282 16 330 217 113 26 21 5 361 318 43 Sanawadia
476 295 181 249 128 121 30 5 25 125 108 17 Umaria Khurd
121 120 1 87 55 32 7 6 1 198 170 28 Jamnya Khurd
107 92 15 352 198 154 4 2 2 122 101 21 Bihdia
830 719 111 1,365 767 598 111 77 34 386 330 56 Tillor Khurd
83 45 38 154 80 74 - - - 8 5 3 Kacharod
38 25 13 54 32 22 - - - 17 14 3 Tinchha
11 10 1 412 242 170 1 - 1 17 9 8 Berchha
109 95 14 472 235 237 57 27 30 81 59 22 Kapalya Khedi
103 102 1 72 63 9 2 2 - 91 79 12 Songuradiya
168 158 10 204 116 88 28 28 - 54 44 10 Dhamnay
56 54 2 87 46 41 4 4 - 43 39 4 Ujjaini
248 134 114 218 114 104 4 3 1 24 18 6 Sonway
25 24 1 286 139 147 11 6 5 116 101 15 Mundla Dosdar
46 44 2 182 80 102 8 7 1 73 65 8 Rajdhara
1,290 828 462 490 258 232 45 30 15 136 112 24 Pipalda
- - - 12 7 5 - - - - - - Chikatiya
8 8 - 134 70 64 - - - 4 4 - Kevadia
187 182 5 543 338 205 - - - 53 37 16 Tillor Buzurg
18 18 - 76 51 25 - - - 2 - 2 Muhadi
- - - 22 11 11 - - - - - - Sahu Khedi
- - - 102 57 45 - - - 1 - 1 Ghudia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jamaniya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarolia
4 3 1 90 50 40 - - - 4 4 - Nayapura
1,598 1,225 373 1,282 649 633 58 40 18 416 362 54 Kampel
1,382 757 625 1,004 571 433 50 39 11 282 225 57 Piwday
202 107 95 282 155 127 3 2 1 26 18 8 Khudel Khurd
54 51 3 37 35 2 11 11 - 50 44 6 Mundal Jetkaran
669 471 198 287 156 131 14 11 3 346 313 33 Khudel Buzurg
227 138 89 149 69 80 2 1 1 98 81 17 Sindhi Baroda
236 224 12 152 118 34 22 17 5 454 398 56 Kajipalasiya
53 45 8 92 60 32 - - - 6 4 2 Ramu Khedi
79 75 4 112 71 41 - - - 7 5 2 Dhaturia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dandala Khedi
97 55 42 198 110 88 14 8 6 12 7 5 Goga Khedi
54 52 2 48 23 25 - - - 6 4 2 Set Khedi


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476280 Garya 75 46 29 15 14 1 58 30 28
476281 Bhokhakhedi 148 79 69 - - - 136 69 67
476282 Khemana 7 3 4 4 1 3 1 - 1
476283 Upadinatha 5 3 2 4 2 2 1 1 -
476284 Higonya 10 7 3 1 - 1 8 6 2
476285 Bisan Kheda 3 1 2 1 - 1 - - -
476286 Burana Khedi 100 59 41 9 5 4 19 13 6
476287 Sahu Khedi 2 2 - - - - - - -
476288 Chhitkana - - - - - - - - -
476289 Khatri Khedi 34 11 23 25 7 18 2 - 2
476290 Begam Khedi 57 11 46 - - - 22 5 17
476291 Jhalaria 19 10 9 4 4 - 5 1 4
476292 Chauhan Khedi 3 1 2 2 1 1 - - -
476293 Ramgarh 1 1 - - - - - - -
476294 Ambamolya 9 8 1 1 - 1 1 1 -
476295 Garipipalya 18 - 18 16 - 16 1 - 1
476296 Hashakhedi 28 14 14 5 4 1 14 4 10
476297 Asrawad Buzurg 110 60 50 13 8 5 54 24 30
476298 Badia Keema 15 8 7 1 - 1 11 5 6
476299 Mali Khedi 85 12 73 24 1 23 52 6 46
476300 Deoguradia 59 26 33 1 - 1 17 4 13
476301 Mundla Nayata 306 175 131 31 11 20 96 38 58
476302 Dudhia 165 90 75 8 2 6 28 10 18
476303 Sanawadia 136 49 87 6 1 5 66 16 50
476304 Umaria Khurd 123 43 80 22 4 18 46 24 22
476305 Jamnya Khurd 13 2 11 2 1 1 10 1 9
476306 Bihdia 6 3 3 - - - 6 3 3
476307 Tillor Khurd 275 140 135 29 16 13 140 60 80
476308 Kacharod 21 11 10 5 4 1 12 6 6
476309 Tinchha 111 55 56 3 - 3 100 50 50
476310 Berchha 27 10 17 4 2 2 22 8 14
476311 Kapalya Khedi 107 16 91 73 5 68 15 4 11
476312 Songuradiya 92 11 81 6 - 6 65 8 57
476313 Dhamnay 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
476314 Ujjaini 4 4 - - - - 1 1 -
476315 Sonway 60 28 32 52 24 28 7 4 3
476316 Mundla Dosdar 33 13 20 3 - 3 13 6 7
476317 Rajdhara 8 6 2 1 - 1 1 1 -
476318 Pipalda 256 81 175 118 16 102 100 41 59
476319 Chikatiya - - - - - - - - -
476320 Kevadia - - - - - - - - -
476321 Tillor Buzurg 31 16 15 1 1 - 25 14 11
476322 Muhadi - - - - - - - - -
476323 Sahu Khedi 5 3 2 - - - 5 3 2
476324 Ghudia 16 5 11 - - - 16 5 11
476325 Jamaniya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476326 Sarolia -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476327 Nayapura 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3
476328 Kampel 103 58 45 17 6 11 51 24 27
476329 Piwday 514 178 336 100 8 92 312 88 224
476330 Khudel Khurd 2 1 1 1 1 - - - -
476331 Mundal Jetkaran 122 37 85 34 5 29 66 18 48
476332 Khudel Buzurg 428 98 330 182 16 166 181 43 138
476333 Sindhi Baroda 3 1 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
476334 Kajipalasiya 301 98 203 40 7 33 176 23 153
476335 Ramu Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476336 Dhaturia 2 1 1 2 1 1 - - -
476337 Dandala Khedi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476338 Goga Khedi - - - - - - - - -
476339 Set Khedi - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - 2 2 - 171 61 110 Garya 476280
1 1 - 11 9 2 235 89 146 Bhokhakhedi 476281
- - - 2 2 - 338 151 187 Khemana 476282
- - - - - - 342 121 221 Upadinatha 476283
- - - 1 1 - 398 130 268 Higonya 476284
- - - 2 1 1 399 180 219 Bisan Kheda 476285
2 1 1 70 40 30 630 255 375 Burana Khedi 476286
- - - 2 2 - 374 130 244 Sahu Khedi 476287
- - - - - - 164 57 107 Chhitkana 476288
2 2 - 5 2 3 228 100 128 Khatri Khedi 476289
30 3 27 5 3 2 500 220 280 Begam Khedi 476290
1 - 1 9 5 4 816 342 474 Jhalaria 476291
- - - 1 - 1 484 195 289 Chauhan Khedi 476292
- - - 1 1 - 31 14 17 Ramgarh 476293
1 1 - 6 6 - 867 359 508 Ambamolya 476294
1 - 1 - - - 747 303 444 Garipipalya 476295
- - - 9 6 3 863 321 542 Hashakhedi 476296
4 2 2 39 26 13 1,954 802 1,152 Asrawad Buzurg 476297
- - - 3 3 - 1,003 448 555 Badia Keema 476298
- - - 9 5 4 262 131 131 Mali Khedi 476299
- - - 41 22 19 1,255 479 776 Deoguradia 476300
10 6 4 169 120 49 5,268 2,090 3,178 Mundla Nayata 476301
4 - 4 125 78 47 3,351 1,380 1,971 Dudhia 476302
10 6 4 54 26 28 1,859 681 1,178 Sanawadia 476303
- - - 55 15 40 941 416 525 Umaria Khurd 476304
- - - 1 - 1 778 269 509 Jamnya Khurd 476305
- - - - - - 785 320 465 Bihdia 476306
10 2 8 96 62 34 3,497 1,360 2,137 Tillor Khurd 476307
- - - 4 1 3 274 150 124 Kacharod 476308
3 1 2 5 4 1 202 104 98 Tinchha 476309
- - - 1 - 1 553 276 277 Berchha 476310
4 1 3 15 6 9 810 395 415 Kapalya Khedi 476311
13 2 11 8 1 7 523 190 333 Songuradiya 476312
- - - - - - 686 233 453 Dhamnay 476313
- - - 3 3 - 308 107 201 Ujjaini 476314
- - - 1 - 1 446 233 213 Sonway 476315
- - - 17 7 10 506 231 275 Mundla Dosdar 476316
1 1 - 5 4 1 405 162 243 Rajdhara 476317
2 1 1 36 23 13 2,099 914 1,185 Pipalda 476318
- - - - - - 15 5 10 Chikatiya 476319
- - - - - - 154 68 86 Kevadia 476320
- - - 5 1 4 1,275 514 761 Tillor Buzurg 476321
- - - - - - 156 53 103 Muhadi 476322
- - - - - - 19 10 9 Sahu Khedi 476323
- - - - - - 98 56 42 Ghudia 476324
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Jamaniya 476325
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sarolia 476326
- - - - - - 64 32 32 Nayapura 476327
6 4 2 29 24 5 4,061 1,495 2,566 Kampel 476328
2 2 - 100 80 20 2,660 1,261 1,399 Piwday 476329
- - - 1 - 1 375 182 193 Khudel Khurd 476330
1 1 - 21 13 8 376 152 224 Mundal Jetkaran 476331
31 16 15 34 23 11 1,910 835 1,075 Khudel Buzurg 476332
- - - 1 1 - 519 222 297 Sindhi Baroda 476333
- - - 85 68 17 1,854 666 1,188 Kajipalasiya 476334
- - - - - - 231 86 145 Ramu Khedi 476335
- - - - - - 343 136 207 Dhaturia 476336
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Dandala Khedi 476337
- - - - - - 196 89 107 Goga Khedi 476338
- - - - - - 185 74 111 Set Khedi 476339


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476340 Asakhedi 217.49 75 350 184 166 60 29 31
476341 Mundi 144.65 35 196 101 95 38 17 21
476342 Ankya 259.46 73 412 221 191 61 39 22
476343 Aranya 380.09 138 785 408 377 151 76 75
476344 Dhulet 573.49 132 548 287 261 73 42 31
476345 Bawalya Khurd 236.22 415 2,474 1,251 1,223 288 155 133
476346 Bawalya Buzurg 240.42 22 144 74 70 16 9 7
476347 Kaku Khedi 172.92 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476348 Morodhat 802.39 217 1,090 568 522 160 84 76
476349 Lasudiya Anant 170.85 18 90 44 46 26 13 13
476350 Phali 286.77 129 679 346 333 103 53 50
476351 Gehli 240.54 275 1,400 727 673 244 138 106
476352 Digwal 402.37 132 765 370 395 142 65 77
476353 Shahdadeo 248.58 26 163 79 84 24 13 11
476354 Undal 559.10 156 967 499 468 151 84 67
476355 Pedmi 2,023.97 570 3,097 1,559 1,538 510 238 272
476356 Semalya Raimal 414.30 236 1,382 702 680 201 99 102
476357 Khandel 1,017.55 237 1,299 670 629 167 96 71
476358 Kharadia 679.30 101 606 312 294 86 46 40
476359 Bhingaria 217.18 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476360 Shiwni 3,070.28 1,014 5,564 2,853 2,711 901 481 420
476361 Badia Hat 809.00 180 1,145 574 571 255 136 119
476362 Panjarya 323.00 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476363 Nahar Jhabua 17.22 56 351 175 176 97 42 55
476364 Nehru 946.25 72 353 190 163 57 36 21
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural 379 1,975 997 978 324 173 151
MDDS CODE:476112)
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 1,143.00 3,206 15,761 8,172 7,589 2,085 1,125 960
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS 476 2,498 1,268 1,230 443 229 214
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS 1,132 5,195 2,825 2,370 723 389 334
Talawali Chanda (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural 1,598 7,215 3,829 3,386 1,264 652 612
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS 998 5,524 2,809 2,715 753 395 358
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS 69 389 207 182 71 37 34
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural 1,494 7,515 3,920 3,595 1,134 584 550
MDDS CODE:476380)
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 1,119.00 13,345 64,213 33,921 30,292 8,717 4,622 4,095
476366 Bank (CT) 465.00 3,325 18,534 9,572 8,962 2,877 1,525 1,352
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 318.00 2,120 10,165 5,183 4,982 1,301 652 649
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 586.00 1,867 9,357 4,816 4,541 1,631 841 790
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 405.00 2,415 10,684 5,535 5,149 1,333 678 655
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 533.00 978 5,050 2,603 2,447 798 394 404
476371 Palda (CT) 472.00 3,910 18,697 9,934 8,763 2,903 1,489 1,414
476372 Limbodi (CT) 393.00 1,961 9,488 4,875 4,613 1,375 740 635
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 610.00 2,122 10,225 5,429 4,796 1,820 981 839
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 610.00 1,800 8,774 4,561 4,213 1,180 601 579



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
89 46 43 187 96 91 163 111 52 Asakhedi
1 - 1 49 27 22 95 62 33 Mundi
26 16 10 40 22 18 226 145 81 Ankya
71 33 38 133 77 56 456 291 165 Aranya
198 96 102 271 152 119 317 192 125 Dhulet
466 227 239 150 77 73 1,563 923 640 Bawalya Khurd
6 2 4 102 52 50 36 24 12 Bawalya Buzurg
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kaku Khedi
177 97 80 244 127 117 642 403 239 Morodhat
- - - 83 40 43 16 11 5 Lasudiya Anant
104 55 49 96 48 48 332 218 114 Phali
99 53 46 32 14 18 744 455 289 Gehli
176 85 91 59 31 28 301 184 117 Digwal
19 11 8 67 29 38 102 54 48 Shahdadeo
154 77 77 284 145 139 520 306 214 Undal
442 224 218 1,439 712 727 1,632 996 636 Pedmi
122 66 56 207 114 93 870 519 351 Semalya Raimal
- - - 89 49 40 902 496 406 Khandel
3 1 2 1 1 - 383 245 138 Kharadia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bhingaria
710 358 352 1,736 898 838 2,714 1,604 1,110 Shiwni
182 84 98 893 457 436 533 290 243 Badia Hat
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Panjarya
32 19 13 319 156 163 98 58 40 Nahar Jhabua
341 182 159 10 6 4 223 135 88 Nehru
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
851 432 419 142 70 72 1,067 629 438 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476112)
1,702 874 828 1,648 870 778 10,807 6,112 4,695 Bangarda Bada (CT)
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
161 83 78 8 5 3 1,271 774 497 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS
Nipanya (OG) WARD
1,065 563 502 419 233 186 3,379 1,918 1,461 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS
Talawali Chanda (OG)
1,900 1,020 880 680 355 325 4,214 2,526 1,688 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
1,433 715 718 282 144 138 3,049 1,864 1,185 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
78 44 34 171 91 80 104 74 30 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
2,153 1,095 1,058 1,187 618 569 4,437 2,603 1,834 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476380)
5,037 2,651 2,386 1,829 949 880 48,281 26,810 21,471 Bangarda Chhota (CT)
919 464 455 590 322 268 12,566 6,932 5,634 Bank (CT)
2,029 1,024 1,005 1,348 703 645 6,573 3,673 2,900 Hukmakhedi (CT)
3,284 1,702 1,582 1,302 651 651 4,950 2,862 2,088 Ahirkhedi (CT)
1,762 877 885 451 233 218 7,895 4,248 3,647 Piplya Kumar (CT)
1,464 743 721 1,131 578 553 2,378 1,450 928 Sinhasa (CT)
5,131 2,667 2,464 3,237 1,708 1,529 11,718 6,890 4,828 Palda (CT)
2,253 1,157 1,096 1,154 573 581 6,341 3,449 2,892 Limbodi (CT)
3,741 1,922 1,819 579 316 263 5,676 3,428 2,248 Lasudiya Mori (CT)
2,274 1,158 1,116 1,081 572 509 6,013 3,373 2,640 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476340 Asakhedi 187 73 114 192 110 82 192 110 82
476341 Mundi 101 39 62 66 48 18 66 48 18
476342 Ankya 186 76 110 148 109 39 148 109 39
476343 Aranya 329 117 212 307 227 80 299 225 74
476344 Dhulet 231 95 136 288 160 128 287 159 128
476345 Bawalya Khurd 911 328 583 1,014 707 307 1,001 700 301
476346 Bawalya Buzurg 108 50 58 60 33 27 59 32 27
476347 Kaku Khedi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476348 Morodhat 448 165 283 422 304 118 379 287 92
476349 Lasudiya Anant 74 33 41 39 20 19 39 20 19
476350 Phali 347 128 219 328 203 125 208 179 29
476351 Gehli 656 272 384 593 400 193 581 396 185
476352 Digwal 464 186 278 274 218 56 267 215 52
476353 Shahdadeo 61 25 36 90 44 46 86 42 44
476354 Undal 447 193 254 594 299 295 580 290 290
476355 Pedmi 1,465 563 902 1,505 859 646 1,298 818 480
476356 Semalya Raimal 512 183 329 445 363 82 376 343 33
476357 Khandel 397 174 223 633 325 308 522 277 245
476358 Kharadia 223 67 156 310 211 99 217 201 16
476359 Bhingaria -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476360 Shiwni 2,850 1,249 1,601 2,590 1,614 976 2,250 1,543 707
476361 Badia Hat 612 284 328 500 253 247 484 248 236
476362 Panjarya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476363 Nahar Jhabua 253 117 136 149 80 69 77 75 2
476364 Nehru 130 55 75 156 103 53 111 97 14
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural 908 368 540 637 447 190 548 395 153
MDDS CODE:476112)
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 4,954 2,060 2,894 6,032 4,495 1,537 5,464 4,339 1,125
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS 1,227 494 733 1,105 709 396 907 641 266
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS 1,816 907 909 2,255 1,692 563 1,970 1,520 450
Talawali Chanda (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural 3,001 1,303 1,698 2,512 2,020 492 2,303 1,915 388
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS 2,475 945 1,530 2,409 1,612 797 2,298 1,540 758
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS 285 133 152 143 96 47 134 91 43
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural 3,078 1,317 1,761 2,923 2,206 717 2,849 2,178 671
MDDS CODE:476380)
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 15,932 7,111 8,821 22,619 18,565 4,054 21,546 17,899 3,647
476366 Bank (CT) 5,968 2,640 3,328 6,095 5,075 1,020 5,620 4,814 806
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 3,592 1,510 2,082 4,155 2,879 1,276 3,638 2,632 1,006
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 4,407 1,954 2,453 3,545 2,536 1,009 3,300 2,382 918
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 2,789 1,287 1,502 3,904 2,983 921 3,588 2,797 791
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 2,672 1,153 1,519 2,334 1,505 829 1,955 1,358 597
476371 Palda (CT) 6,979 3,044 3,935 7,347 5,390 1,957 6,530 4,930 1,600
476372 Limbodi (CT) 3,147 1,426 1,721 3,588 2,630 958 3,430 2,551 879
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 4,549 2,001 2,548 3,837 2,926 911 3,653 2,861 792
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 2,761 1,188 1,573 3,172 2,446 726 2,872 2,272 600


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
30 23 7 150 78 72 - - - 12 9 3 Asakhedi
25 23 2 33 18 15 - - - 8 7 1 Mundi
65 62 3 57 29 28 2 2 - 24 16 8 Ankya
80 78 2 109 52 57 6 5 1 104 90 14 Aranya
33 23 10 240 123 117 - - - 14 13 1 Dhulet
388 311 77 438 242 196 5 2 3 170 145 25 Bawalya Khurd
- - - 32 18 14 - - - 27 14 13 Bawalya Buzurg
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kaku Khedi
52 49 3 158 89 69 30 26 4 139 123 16 Morodhat
2 1 1 37 19 18 - - - - - - Lasudiya Anant
93 85 8 58 43 15 1 1 - 56 50 6 Phali
246 162 84 237 150 87 2 2 - 96 82 14 Gehli
148 142 6 79 39 40 19 18 1 21 16 5 Digwal
6 4 2 79 38 41 1 - 1 - - - Shahdadeo
- - - 578 289 289 - - - 2 1 1 Undal
422 253 169 681 433 248 83 36 47 112 96 16 Pedmi
267 259 8 90 69 21 1 1 - 18 14 4 Semalya Raimal
357 186 171 106 52 54 16 11 5 43 28 15 Khandel
195 183 12 7 5 2 - - - 15 13 2 Kharadia
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bhingaria
674 541 133 1,468 919 549 11 9 2 97 74 23 Shiwni
28 17 11 443 222 221 - - - 13 9 4 Badia Hat
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Panjarya
1 1 - 68 67 1 - - - 8 7 1 Nahar Jhabua
16 13 3 35 29 6 - - - 60 55 5 Nehru
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
54 46 8 173 118 55 12 8 4 309 223 86 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476112)
576 483 93 811 603 208 93 64 29 3,984 3,189 795 Bangarda Bada (CT)
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
18 13 5 163 112 51 17 3 14 709 513 196 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS
Nipanya (OG) WARD
112 107 5 26 20 6 33 25 8 1,799 1,368 431 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS
Talawali Chanda (OG)
15 15 - 84 62 22 65 49 16 2,139 1,789 350 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
773 470 303 529 283 246 44 29 15 952 758 194 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
- - - 16 6 10 - - - 118 85 33 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
269 247 22 353 202 151 68 59 9 2,159 1,670 489 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural
MDDS CODE:476380)
380 299 81 438 299 139 737 499 238 19,991 16,802 3,189 Bangarda Chhota (CT)
105 84 21 87 61 26 256 224 32 5,172 4,445 727 Bank (CT)
70 65 5 180 79 101 161 128 33 3,227 2,360 867 Hukmakhedi (CT)
73 60 13 183 85 98 59 49 10 2,985 2,188 797 Ahirkhedi (CT)
114 108 6 27 19 8 113 85 28 3,334 2,585 749 Piplya Kumar (CT)
152 114 38 455 240 215 54 36 18 1,294 968 326 Sinhasa (CT)
101 84 17 446 260 186 221 123 98 5,762 4,463 1,299 Palda (CT)
93 68 25 91 57 34 36 31 5 3,210 2,395 815 Limbodi (CT)
112 104 8 187 138 49 131 86 45 3,223 2,533 690 Lasudiya Mori (CT)
181 173 8 369 259 110 62 50 12 2,260 1,790 470 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476340 Asakhedi - - - - - - - - -
476341 Mundi - - - - - - - - -
476342 Ankya - - - - - - - - -
476343 Aranya 8 2 6 3 1 2 5 1 4
476344 Dhulet 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
476345 Bawalya Khurd 13 7 6 2 2 - 3 2 1
476346 Bawalya Buzurg 1 1 - - - - - - -
476347 Kaku Khedi -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476348 Morodhat 43 17 26 - - - 32 10 22
476349 Lasudiya Anant - - - - - - - - -
476350 Phali 120 24 96 62 4 58 51 16 35
476351 Gehli 12 4 8 8 2 6 - - -
476352 Digwal 7 3 4 - - - 5 1 4
476353 Shahdadeo 4 2 2 - - - 4 2 2
476354 Undal 14 9 5 11 7 4 3 2 1
476355 Pedmi 207 41 166 6 2 4 196 37 159
476356 Semalya Raimal 69 20 49 3 1 2 66 19 47
476357 Khandel 111 48 63 13 4 9 72 34 38
476358 Kharadia 93 10 83 15 4 11 1 - 1
476359 Bhingaria -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476360 Shiwni 340 71 269 28 4 24 190 50 140
476361 Badia Hat 16 5 11 1 - 1 14 4 10
476362 Panjarya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476363 Nahar Jhabua 72 5 67 - - - 70 5 65
476364 Nehru 45 6 39 1 - 1 44 6 38
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural 89 52 37 3 1 2 28 12 16
MDDS CODE:476112)
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 568 156 412 220 7 213 88 9 79
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS 198 68 130 12 4 8 35 13 22
Nipanya (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS 285 172 113 2 1 1 4 1 3
Talawali Chanda (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural 209 105 104 8 3 5 20 8 12
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS 111 72 39 3 1 2 15 10 5
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
802273 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS 9 5 4 - - - - - -
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
802273 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural 74 28 46 2 1 1 14 3 11
MDDS CODE:476380)
476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 1,073 666 407 33 18 15 37 21 16
476366 Bank (CT) 475 261 214 8 5 3 60 33 27
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 517 247 270 25 12 13 110 29 81
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 245 154 91 2 1 1 20 8 12
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 316 186 130 4 2 2 9 4 5
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 379 147 232 8 3 5 121 21 100
476371 Palda (CT) 817 460 357 41 9 32 35 16 19
476372 Limbodi (CT) 158 79 79 4 2 2 20 9 11
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 184 65 119 4 - 4 22 3 19
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 300 174 126 10 10 - 168 105 63


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - - - - 158 74 84 Asakhedi 476340
- - - - - - 130 53 77 Mundi 476341
- - - - - - 264 112 152 Ankya 476342
- - - - - - 478 181 297 Aranya 476343
- - - - - - 260 127 133 Dhulet 476344
1 - 1 7 3 4 1,460 544 916 Bawalya Khurd 476345
- - - 1 1 - 84 41 43 Bawalya Buzurg 476346
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Kaku Khedi 476347
2 - 2 9 7 2 668 264 404 Morodhat 476348
- - - - - - 51 24 27 Lasudiya Anant 476349
- - - 7 4 3 351 143 208 Phali 476350
- - - 4 2 2 807 327 480 Gehli 476351
- - - 2 2 - 491 152 339 Digwal 476352
- - - - - - 73 35 38 Shahdadeo 476353
- - - - - - 373 200 173 Undal 476354
2 1 1 3 1 2 1,592 700 892 Pedmi 476355
- - - - - - 937 339 598 Semalya Raimal 476356
6 - 6 20 10 10 666 345 321 Khandel 476357
1 - 1 76 6 70 296 101 195 Kharadia 476358
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Bhingaria 476359
7 4 3 115 13 102 2,974 1,239 1,735 Shiwni 476360
- - - 1 1 - 645 321 324 Badia Hat 476361
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Panjarya 476362
- - - 2 - 2 202 95 107 Nahar Jhabua 476363
- - - - - - 197 87 110 Nehru 476364
Tigaria Badshah (OG)
- - - 58 39 19 1,338 550 788 WARD NO.-0076 (Rural 802273
MDDS CODE:476112)
20 6 14 240 134 106 9,729 3,677 6,052 Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
Bhangarh (OG) WARD
22 4 18 129 47 82 1,393 559 834 NO.-0070 (Rural MDDS 802273
Nipanya (OG) WARD
3 - 3 276 170 106 2,940 1,133 1,807 NO.-0071 (Rural MDDS 802273
Talawali Chanda (OG)
9 4 5 172 90 82 4,703 1,809 2,894 WARD NO.-0072 (Rural 802273
MDDS CODE:476377)
Kanadia (OG) WARD
4 2 2 89 59 30 3,115 1,197 1,918 NO.-0073 (Rural MDDS 802273
Tigaria Rao (OG) WARD
- - - 9 5 4 246 111 135 NO.-0074 (Rural MDDS 802273
Bhicholi Mardana (OG)
6 1 5 52 23 29 4,592 1,714 2,878 WARD NO.-0075 (Rural 802273
MDDS CODE:476380)
53 13 40 950 614 336 41,594 15,356 26,238 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365
37 6 31 370 217 153 12,439 4,497 7,942 Bank (CT) 476366
19 9 10 363 197 166 6,010 2,304 3,706 Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
3 - 3 220 145 75 5,812 2,280 3,532 Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
17 15 2 286 165 121 6,780 2,552 4,228 Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
21 9 12 229 114 115 2,716 1,098 1,618 Sinhasa (CT) 476370
21 9 12 720 426 294 11,350 4,544 6,806 Palda (CT) 476371
5 3 2 129 65 64 5,900 2,245 3,655 Limbodi (CT) 476372
14 - 14 144 62 82 6,388 2,503 3,885 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
6 1 5 116 58 58 5,602 2,115 3,487 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0139 Mhow (Total) 76,679.39 46,208 242,602 125,402 117,200 36,408 18,892 17,516
0139 Mhow (Rural) 76,246.39 43,753 230,653 119,176 111,477 35,057 18,174 16,883
0139 Mhow (Urban) 433.00 2,455 11,949 6,226 5,723 1,351 718 633
476381 Umariya 301.06 638 3,355 1,729 1,626 481 229 252
476382 Nawada 344.87 178 958 476 482 124 68 56
476383 Panda 449.37 254 1,422 753 669 191 109 82
476384 Pigdambar 462.49 756 4,247 2,346 1,901 645 343 302
476385 Harnya Khedi 299.08 920 4,207 2,202 2,005 560 301 259
476386 Kawti 254.71 279 1,855 958 897 296 164 132
476387 Piplya Malhar 240.90 191 1,141 640 501 173 89 84
476388 Baradiya 114.97 17 117 66 51 26 10 16
476389 Bheslay 546.90 422 2,404 1,222 1,182 363 180 183
476390 Sonway 531.49 762 3,969 2,441 1,528 578 316 262
476391 Tihi 574.74 349 1,984 1,035 949 251 129 122
476392 Banjari 165.40 2,025 8,313 4,631 3,682 1,430 775 655
476393 Bhatkhedi 938.92 830 4,366 2,267 2,099 748 379 369
476394 Dongargaon 329.29 541 3,091 1,597 1,494 494 269 225
476395 Richhabardi 161.00 94 500 245 255 82 34 48
476396 Gopalpura 189.23 95 594 293 301 121 59 62
476397 Shahda 233.93 140 921 460 461 190 93 97
476398 Shrikhandi 313.20 173 863 454 409 138 81 57
476399 Akawi 407.30 105 566 270 296 86 36 50
476400 Kulamba 332.34 73 395 205 190 73 43 30
476401 Kesar Bardi 177.00 113 745 369 376 131 63 68
476402 Pipal Khut 137.59 88 517 259 258 97 47 50
476403 Bhardala 850.73 19 94 46 48 22 9 13
476404 Mahudiya Buzurg 310.82 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476405 Mahudiyapura 132.38 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476406 Karadiya 229.68 84 442 220 222 74 43 31
476407 Jamanya 307.00 117 621 327 294 104 62 42
476408 Panjariya 287.97 155 879 434 445 125 56 69
476409 Phafund 275.21 232 1,394 731 663 166 100 66
476410 Lalpura 134.72 8 28 15 13 8 4 4
476411 Silotiya 272.24 105 571 301 270 109 64 45
476412 Awlay 574.34 239 1,202 614 588 186 99 87
476413 Ahilyapur 390.94 26 169 94 75 56 36 20
476414 Kurada Khedi 106.98 73 470 225 245 73 37 36
476415 Thawlay 322.90 117 751 368 383 135 58 77
476416 Nanded 455.50 222 1,312 690 622 205 115 90
476417 Sitapat 368.32 215 1,208 623 585 149 82 67
476418 Kuwali 434.13 211 1,189 600 589 192 99 93
476419 Jamli 559.44 767 3,924 1,992 1,932 571 311 260
476420 Nandlai 418.80 35 174 85 89 37 16 21
476421 Badkuwa 701.41 128 617 314 303 118 55 63
476422 Bhicholi 595.04 232 1,315 640 675 224 117 107
476423 Ambada 321.60 81 444 228 216 67 34 33
476424 Anwaliya 161.18 13 85 45 40 16 12 4
476425 Biram 235.73 72 434 230 204 71 50 21
476426 Bhoj Karadiya 153.00 62 308 154 154 46 23 23
476427 Hasalpur 649.77 730 4,371 2,243 2,128 613 311 302
476428 Kamadpur 1,105.75 532 2,989 1,518 1,471 415 199 216
476429 Khudalpura 264.77 17 100 58 42 17 11 6
476430 Chenpura 429.97 126 775 381 394 149 70 79
476431 Matlabpura 282.00 112 684 357 327 99 52 47
476432 Kumti 344.55 139 975 495 480 164 88 76
476433 Khedi (Istmurar) 622.26 253 1,338 701 637 191 100 91
476434 Jakhu Khedi 202.18 148 1,209 610 599 218 110 108
476435 Sihod 911.74 352 1,815 946 869 270 130 140
476436 Kodiya 375.82 96 595 312 283 76 40 36



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
29,155 14,800 14,355 80,992 41,490 39,502 145,407 85,220 60,187 Mhow (Total)
27,238 13,807 13,431 80,080 41,032 39,048 136,004 80,101 55,903 Mhow (Rural)
1,917 993 924 912 458 454 9,403 5,119 4,284 Mhow (Urban)
565 275 290 401 202 199 2,364 1,320 1,044 Umariya
190 91 99 229 113 116 638 354 284 Nawada
303 158 145 149 86 63 925 545 380 Panda
389 199 190 674 350 324 2,899 1,757 1,142 Pigdambar
1,132 581 551 734 382 352 2,974 1,659 1,315 Harnya Khedi
46 19 27 122 64 58 894 574 320 Kawti
208 111 97 316 154 162 616 424 192 Piplya Malhar
- - - 7 2 5 46 36 10 Baradiya
797 384 413 160 89 71 1,455 872 583 Bheslay
385 209 176 702 413 289 2,443 1,791 652 Sonway
329 161 168 209 108 101 1,248 768 480 Tihi
477 259 218 586 314 272 6,171 3,630 2,541 Banjari
481 240 241 790 394 396 2,613 1,546 1,067 Bhatkhedi
521 259 262 650 332 318 1,778 1,023 755 Dongargaon
8 5 3 4 1 3 195 112 83 Richhabardi
39 21 18 135 73 62 318 179 139 Gopalpura
67 35 32 49 27 22 472 296 176 Shahda
64 32 32 376 204 172 580 331 249 Shrikhandi
273 131 142 103 47 56 328 195 133 Akawi
- - - 330 176 154 149 84 65 Kulamba
93 41 52 30 16 14 404 229 175 Kesar Bardi
1 1 - 173 90 83 188 112 76 Pipal Khut
- - - 28 14 14 34 24 10 Bhardala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiya Buzurg
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiyapura
49 24 25 80 43 37 227 132 95 Karadiya
100 56 44 234 120 114 351 220 131 Jamanya
173 78 95 275 132 143 515 305 210 Panjariya
171 94 77 97 49 48 944 557 387 Phafund
- - - 26 13 13 7 5 2 Lalpura
80 42 38 320 169 151 306 191 115 Silotiya
60 30 30 311 156 155 678 421 257 Awlay
- - - 169 94 75 35 24 11 Ahilyapur
132 58 74 28 13 15 279 161 118 Kurada Khedi
150 75 75 240 112 128 432 263 169 Thawlay
186 95 91 561 293 268 822 493 329 Nanded
170 85 85 185 95 90 737 456 281 Sitapat
36 19 17 518 259 259 724 439 285 Kuwali
578 287 291 1,562 793 769 2,407 1,337 1,070 Jamli
- - - 174 85 89 50 31 19 Nandlai
33 15 18 417 215 202 288 167 121 Badkuwa
69 30 39 543 265 278 720 418 302 Bhicholi
- - - 444 228 216 208 124 84 Ambada
- - - 54 27 27 41 23 18 Anwaliya
2 1 1 432 229 203 173 107 66 Biram
- - - 160 81 79 146 94 52 Bhoj Karadiya
224 115 109 640 338 302 2,738 1,622 1,116 Hasalpur
452 219 233 249 118 131 1,796 1,106 690 Kamadpur
- - - 46 25 21 58 37 21 Khudalpura
108 47 61 27 12 15 410 254 156 Chenpura
128 61 67 96 49 47 429 272 157 Matlabpura
44 18 26 180 99 81 628 355 273 Kumti
21 13 8 359 199 160 801 491 310 Khedi (Istmurar)
- - - - - - 791 450 341 Jakhu Khedi
338 175 163 187 106 81 967 606 361 Sihod
- - - 421 215 206 397 224 173 Kodiya


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0139 Mhow (Total) 97,195 40,182 57,013 109,196 67,904 41,292 89,700 60,383 29,317
0139 Mhow (Rural) 94,649 39,075 55,574 105,090 64,720 40,370 85,994 57,401 28,593
0139 Mhow (Urban) 2,546 1,107 1,439 4,106 3,184 922 3,706 2,982 724
476381 Umariya 991 409 582 1,132 898 234 1,082 865 217
476382 Nawada 320 122 198 476 271 205 464 267 197
476383 Panda 497 208 289 715 418 297 709 415 294
476384 Pigdambar 1,348 589 759 1,454 1,071 383 1,096 896 200
476385 Harnya Khedi 1,233 543 690 1,505 1,083 422 1,415 1,053 362
476386 Kawti 961 384 577 629 494 135 625 493 132
476387 Piplya Malhar 525 216 309 450 302 148 244 189 55
476388 Baradiya 71 30 41 38 33 5 38 33 5
476389 Bheslay 949 350 599 1,104 644 460 1,099 641 458
476390 Sonway 1,526 650 876 2,151 1,653 498 1,730 1,517 213
476391 Tihi 736 267 469 891 601 290 711 560 151
476392 Banjari 2,142 1,001 1,141 2,812 2,625 187 2,658 2,500 158
476393 Bhatkhedi 1,753 721 1,032 1,602 1,235 367 1,508 1,182 326
476394 Dongargaon 1,313 574 739 1,138 818 320 952 719 233
476395 Richhabardi 305 133 172 216 144 72 150 142 8
476396 Gopalpura 276 114 162 188 150 38 187 149 38
476397 Shahda 449 164 285 446 249 197 433 243 190
476398 Shrikhandi 283 123 160 490 258 232 294 228 66
476399 Akawi 238 75 163 341 180 161 131 106 25
476400 Kulamba 246 121 125 215 109 106 182 102 80
476401 Kesar Bardi 341 140 201 267 180 87 217 162 55
476402 Pipal Khut 329 147 182 203 145 58 184 143 41
476403 Bhardala 60 22 38 65 34 31 36 29 7
476404 Mahudiya Buzurg -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476405 Mahudiyapura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476406 Karadiya 215 88 127 273 137 136 145 114 31
476407 Jamanya 270 107 163 313 175 138 239 170 69
476408 Panjariya 364 129 235 513 267 246 252 131 121
476409 Phafund 450 174 276 783 409 374 677 361 316
476410 Lalpura 21 10 11 15 9 6 15 9 6
476411 Silotiya 265 110 155 171 163 8 159 152 7
476412 Awlay 524 193 331 509 348 161 332 269 63
476413 Ahilyapur 134 70 64 84 45 39 84 45 39
476414 Kurada Khedi 191 64 127 236 121 115 178 107 71
476415 Thawlay 319 105 214 495 250 245 268 208 60
476416 Nanded 490 197 293 534 378 156 495 372 123
476417 Sitapat 471 167 304 471 343 128 463 339 124
476418 Kuwali 465 161 304 676 363 313 581 325 256
476419 Jamli 1,517 655 862 1,645 1,151 494 1,383 1,093 290
476420 Nandlai 124 54 70 94 50 44 28 21 7
476421 Badkuwa 329 147 182 252 169 83 168 147 21
476422 Bhicholi 595 222 373 607 343 264 341 243 98
476423 Ambada 236 104 132 231 115 116 228 113 115
476424 Anwaliya 44 22 22 33 16 17 31 15 16
476425 Biram 261 123 138 199 104 95 197 103 94
476426 Bhoj Karadiya 162 60 102 161 76 85 159 74 85
476427 Hasalpur 1,633 621 1,012 1,950 1,263 687 1,697 1,185 512
476428 Kamadpur 1,193 412 781 1,611 859 752 1,321 747 574
476429 Khudalpura 42 21 21 54 28 26 54 28 26
476430 Chenpura 365 127 238 376 199 177 373 197 176
476431 Matlabpura 255 85 170 413 220 193 215 183 32
476432 Kumti 347 140 207 556 268 288 555 268 287
476433 Khedi (Istmurar) 537 210 327 793 409 384 731 392 339
476434 Jakhu Khedi 418 160 258 674 326 348 668 322 346
476435 Sihod 848 340 508 821 559 262 789 536 253
476436 Kodiya 198 88 110 331 161 170 331 161 170


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
26,260 17,565 8,695 37,044 20,776 16,268 1,204 832 372 25,192 21,210 3,982 Mhow (Total)
26,023 17,374 8,649 36,946 20,716 16,230 1,148 782 366 21,877 18,529 3,348 Mhow (Rural)
237 191 46 98 60 38 56 50 6 3,315 2,681 634 Mhow (Urban)
134 115 19 77 44 33 14 8 6 857 698 159 Umariya
206 111 95 152 66 86 6 3 3 100 87 13 Nawada
348 182 166 186 79 107 6 3 3 169 151 18 Panda
257 210 47 74 32 42 14 8 6 751 646 105 Pigdambar
71 48 23 243 144 99 14 10 4 1,087 851 236 Harnya Khedi
356 283 73 137 87 50 - - - 132 123 9 Kawti
131 86 45 15 8 7 - - - 98 95 3 Piplya Malhar
33 28 5 4 4 - - - - 1 1 - Baradiya
533 273 260 278 142 136 30 19 11 258 207 51 Bheslay
301 276 25 142 66 76 2 2 - 1,285 1,173 112 Sonway
371 257 114 144 113 31 2 1 1 194 189 5 Tihi
107 86 21 32 22 10 23 19 4 2,496 2,373 123 Banjari
328 302 26 472 281 191 31 23 8 677 576 101 Bhatkhedi
30 27 3 254 153 101 2 2 - 666 537 129 Dongargaon
3 3 - 97 91 6 - - - 50 48 2 Richhabardi
39 38 1 81 45 36 - - - 67 66 1 Gopalpura
209 103 106 108 35 73 - - - 116 105 11 Shahda
97 80 17 122 75 47 - - - 75 73 2 Shrikhandi
29 23 6 8 7 1 - - - 94 76 18 Akawi
13 11 2 27 11 16 - - - 142 80 62 Kulamba
29 25 4 127 78 49 - - - 61 59 2 Kesar Bardi
1 1 - 147 111 36 1 1 - 35 30 5 Pipal Khut
16 16 - 18 11 7 - - - 2 2 - Bhardala
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiya Buzurg
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiyapura
82 74 8 58 36 22 - - - 5 4 1 Karadiya
59 56 3 120 57 63 - - - 60 57 3 Jamanya
190 98 92 58 31 27 2 1 1 2 1 1 Panjariya
371 186 185 241 125 116 4 4 - 61 46 15 Phafund
1 1 - 13 7 6 - - - 1 1 - Lalpura
98 98 - 39 32 7 1 1 - 21 21 - Silotiya
168 131 37 142 117 25 - - - 22 21 1 Awlay
- - - 83 44 39 - - - 1 1 - Ahilyapur
82 62 20 68 20 48 6 4 2 22 21 1 Kurada Khedi
195 162 33 52 32 20 1 1 - 20 13 7 Thawlay
172 156 16 267 163 104 - - - 56 53 3 Nanded
218 209 9 211 98 113 - - - 34 32 2 Sitapat
301 170 131 234 118 116 - - - 46 37 9 Kuwali
438 416 22 759 522 237 40 28 12 146 127 19 Jamli
2 1 1 13 8 5 - - - 13 12 1 Nandlai
12 9 3 151 133 18 2 2 - 3 3 - Badkuwa
185 110 75 108 87 21 17 17 - 31 29 2 Bhicholi
41 20 21 185 92 93 - - - 2 1 1 Ambada
2 1 1 25 10 15 1 1 - 3 3 - Anwaliya
8 4 4 184 96 88 - - - 5 3 2 Biram
1 1 - 155 70 85 - - - 3 3 - Bhoj Karadiya
562 431 131 834 492 342 29 23 6 272 239 33 Hasalpur
666 384 282 542 270 272 19 12 7 94 81 13 Kamadpur
31 16 15 23 12 11 - - - - - - Khudalpura
280 144 136 62 28 34 - - - 31 25 6 Chenpura
89 80 9 43 25 18 3 3 - 80 75 5 Matlabpura
400 187 213 136 67 69 - - - 19 14 5 Kumti
518 275 243 179 89 90 10 5 5 24 23 1 Khedi (Istmurar)
636 320 316 28 1 27 1 - 1 3 1 2 Jakhu Khedi
235 171 64 373 212 161 17 11 6 164 142 22 Sihod
244 121 123 80 35 45 - - - 7 5 2 Kodiya


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0139 Mhow (Total) 19,496 7,521 11,975 2,517 636 1,881 15,163 5,707 9,456
0139 Mhow (Rural) 19,096 7,319 11,777 2,466 627 1,839 14,925 5,583 9,342
0139 Mhow (Urban) 400 202 198 51 9 42 238 124 114
476381 Umariya 50 33 17 4 2 2 21 8 13
476382 Nawada 12 4 8 2 - 2 8 2 6
476383 Panda 6 3 3 1 1 - 1 - 1
476384 Pigdambar 358 175 183 8 3 5 285 133 152
476385 Harnya Khedi 90 30 60 3 1 2 56 12 44
476386 Kawti 4 1 3 4 1 3 - - -
476387 Piplya Malhar 206 113 93 1 1 - 188 99 89
476388 Baradiya - - - - - - - - -
476389 Bheslay 5 3 2 1 1 - 1 - 1
476390 Sonway 421 136 285 193 23 170 185 74 111
476391 Tihi 180 41 139 6 1 5 170 37 133
476392 Banjari 154 125 29 7 3 4 98 83 15
476393 Bhatkhedi 94 53 41 15 6 9 36 18 18
476394 Dongargaon 186 99 87 2 2 - 151 77 74
476395 Richhabardi 66 2 64 - - - 66 2 64
476396 Gopalpura 1 1 - - - - - - -
476397 Shahda 13 6 7 3 1 2 6 1 5
476398 Shrikhandi 196 30 166 71 9 62 118 17 101
476399 Akawi 210 74 136 23 6 17 146 53 93
476400 Kulamba 33 7 26 7 1 6 23 5 18
476401 Kesar Bardi 50 18 32 - - - 46 16 30
476402 Pipal Khut 19 2 17 - - - 18 1 17
476403 Bhardala 29 5 24 22 5 17 7 - 7
476404 Mahudiya Buzurg -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476405 Mahudiyapura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476406 Karadiya 128 23 105 107 16 91 21 7 14
476407 Jamanya 74 5 69 49 1 48 24 3 21
476408 Panjariya 261 136 125 4 3 1 239 119 120
476409 Phafund 106 48 58 30 13 17 57 24 33
476410 Lalpura - - - - - - - - -
476411 Silotiya 12 11 1 2 2 - 10 9 1
476412 Awlay 177 79 98 5 1 4 169 77 92
476413 Ahilyapur - - - - - - - - -
476414 Kurada Khedi 58 14 44 - - - 52 10 42
476415 Thawlay 227 42 185 183 35 148 40 5 35
476416 Nanded 39 6 33 7 1 6 29 4 25
476417 Sitapat 8 4 4 1 1 - 4 1 3
476418 Kuwali 95 38 57 27 9 18 67 29 38
476419 Jamli 262 58 204 1 - 1 255 55 200
476420 Nandlai 66 29 37 - - - 61 26 35
476421 Badkuwa 84 22 62 - - - 84 22 62
476422 Bhicholi 266 100 166 15 - 15 240 98 142
476423 Ambada 3 2 1 1 - 1 2 2 -
476424 Anwaliya 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
476425 Biram 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
476426 Bhoj Karadiya 2 2 - - - - 2 2 -
476427 Hasalpur 253 78 175 87 15 72 147 48 99
476428 Kamadpur 290 112 178 109 37 72 158 60 98
476429 Khudalpura - - - - - - - - -
476430 Chenpura 3 2 1 2 1 1 - - -
476431 Matlabpura 198 37 161 116 15 101 57 14 43
476432 Kumti 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476433 Khedi (Istmurar) 62 17 45 38 10 28 23 6 17
476434 Jakhu Khedi 6 4 2 6 4 2 - - -
476435 Sihod 32 23 9 1 1 - 10 5 5
476436 Kodiya - - - - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
250 99 151 1,566 1,079 487 133,406 57,498 75,908 Mhow (Total) 0139
248 99 149 1,457 1,010 447 125,563 54,456 71,107 Mhow (Rural) 0139
2 - 2 109 69 40 7,843 3,042 4,801 Mhow (Urban) 0139
- - - 25 23 2 2,223 831 1,392 Umariya 476381
- - - 2 2 - 482 205 277 Nawada 476382
- - - 4 2 2 707 335 372 Panda 476383
1 - 1 64 39 25 2,793 1,275 1,518 Pigdambar 476384
2 2 - 29 15 14 2,702 1,119 1,583 Harnya Khedi 476385
- - - - - - 1,226 464 762 Kawti 476386
- - - 17 13 4 691 338 353 Piplya Malhar 476387
- - - - - - 79 33 46 Baradiya 476388
- - - 3 2 1 1,300 578 722 Bheslay 476389
- - - 43 39 4 1,818 788 1,030 Sonway 476390
- - - 4 3 1 1,093 434 659 Tihi 476391
5 5 - 44 34 10 5,501 2,006 3,495 Banjari 476392
4 1 3 39 28 11 2,764 1,032 1,732 Bhatkhedi 476393
- - - 33 20 13 1,953 779 1,174 Dongargaon 476394
- - - - - - 284 101 183 Richhabardi 476395
- - - 1 1 - 406 143 263 Gopalpura 476396
- - - 4 4 - 475 211 264 Shahda 476397
- - - 7 4 3 373 196 177 Shrikhandi 476398
- - - 41 15 26 225 90 135 Akawi 476399
- - - 3 1 2 180 96 84 Kulamba 476400
- - - 4 2 2 478 189 289 Kesar Bardi 476401
- - - 1 1 - 314 114 200 Pipal Khut 476402
- - - - - - 29 12 17 Bhardala 476403
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiya Buzurg 476404
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Mahudiyapura 476405
- - - - - - 169 83 86 Karadiya 476406
- - - 1 1 - 308 152 156 Jamanya 476407
- - - 18 14 4 366 167 199 Panjariya 476408
3 1 2 16 10 6 611 322 289 Phafund 476409
- - - - - - 13 6 7 Lalpura 476410
- - - - - - 400 138 262 Silotiya 476411
- - - 3 1 2 693 266 427 Awlay 476412
- - - - - - 85 49 36 Ahilyapur 476413
- - - 6 4 2 234 104 130 Kurada Khedi 476414
1 - 1 3 2 1 256 118 138 Thawlay 476415
- - - 3 1 2 778 312 466 Nanded 476416
- - - 3 2 1 737 280 457 Sitapat 476417
- - - 1 - 1 513 237 276 Kuwali 476418
1 1 - 5 2 3 2,279 841 1,438 Jamli 476419
5 3 2 - - - 80 35 45 Nandlai 476420
- - - - - - 365 145 220 Badkuwa 476421
7 - 7 4 2 2 708 297 411 Bhicholi 476422
- - - - - - 213 113 100 Ambada 476423
- - - - - - 52 29 23 Anwaliya 476424
- - - - - - 235 126 109 Biram 476425
- - - - - - 147 78 69 Bhoj Karadiya 476426
- - - 19 15 4 2,421 980 1,441 Hasalpur 476427
12 4 8 11 11 - 1,378 659 719 Kamadpur 476428
- - - - - - 46 30 16 Khudalpura 476429
- - - 1 1 - 399 182 217 Chenpura 476430
- - - 25 8 17 271 137 134 Matlabpura 476431
- - - - - - 419 227 192 Kumti 476432
1 1 - - - - 545 292 253 Khedi (Istmurar) 476433
- - - - - - 535 284 251 Jakhu Khedi 476434
1 - 1 20 17 3 994 387 607 Sihod 476435
- - - - - - 264 151 113 Kodiya 476436


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476437 Jafra Bad 233.04 182 1,068 539 529 198 114 84
476438 Julwaniya 207.36 133 794 422 372 141 70 71
476439 Durjanpura 606.25 284 1,376 700 676 170 95 75
476440 Malipura 202.95 99 433 230 203 51 26 25
476441 Sherpur 485.11 133 813 440 373 121 76 45
476442 Anwalipura 159.98 106 603 248 355 107 47 60
476443 Olani 237.27 130 687 360 327 99 45 54
476444 Kalikirai 684.54 173 821 415 406 143 78 65
476445 Kolani 442.36 84 531 268 263 96 51 45
476446 Gadaghat 250.52 29 166 78 88 21 16 5
476447 Phut Talab 239.61 105 511 272 239 66 31 35
476448 Rampuriya Khurd 201.93 107 499 275 224 62 35 27
476449 Kankriya 564.79 406 2,064 1,047 1,017 300 163 137
476450 Undawa 299.54 83 413 213 200 73 40 33
476451 Rampuriya Bujurg 305.73 80 411 206 205 81 37 44
476452 Kaneriya 1,333.07 288 1,406 700 706 282 132 150
476453 Khurda 195.00 168 652 302 350 72 31 41
476454 Gokanya Kund 542.43 108 510 244 266 95 46 49
476455 Chasya 321.52 71 335 168 167 67 34 33
476456 Nahar Khedi 333.55 220 1,194 632 562 263 151 112
476457 Nahar Khodra 265.92 159 813 413 400 159 76 83
476458 Sejgarh 1,068.58 182 938 503 435 194 110 84
476459 Sherkund 195.57 55 336 164 172 54 25 29
476460 Ambapura 26.51 1 4 3 1 - - -
476461 Kapar Kheda 242.00 119 622 322 300 113 61 52
476462 Khurdi 723.27 338 1,705 879 826 255 141 114
476463 Godkuwa 478.55 204 1,066 528 538 170 82 88
476464 Chhapariya 463.58 174 847 419 428 120 63 57
476465 Nandgaon 150.61 79 411 219 192 65 31 34
476466 Barkheda 460.92 103 514 257 257 95 41 54
476467 Bhilani 143.44 120 598 314 284 84 42 42
476468 Raikunda 359.56 221 1,036 559 477 150 87 63
476469 Golkheda 1,039.46 147 719 357 362 127 56 71
476470 Badgaon 654.64 53 208 103 105 34 14 20
476471 Yashwantnagar 943.31 441 2,233 1,139 1,094 338 181 157
476472 Rajpura 211.31 294 1,702 872 830 236 112 124
476473 Kadwali 599.00 116 615 309 306 96 43 53
476474 Jamanya 300.05 6 34 16 18 8 6 2
476475 Telanbardi 116.65 106 542 270 272 107 55 52
476476 Basipipri 889.27 459 2,254 1,166 1,088 392 210 182
476477 Mend 559.59 296 1,546 806 740 206 112 94
476478 Mend Mazra 1,418.72 196 988 505 483 190 89 101
476479 Rampuriya 275.67 171 838 421 417 199 105 94
476480 Ashapur 311.70 200 955 487 468 164 81 83
476481 Kekariya Dabri 10.63 6 31 14 17 2 1 1
476482 Tinchha 379.10 134 633 314 319 113 51 62
476483 Badgonda 1,851.21 384 1,816 926 890 202 102 100
476484 Borkhedi 173.20 22 99 51 48 18 7 11
476485 Malendi 1,092.18 281 1,453 766 687 190 95 95
476486 Kelod 546.87 589 3,283 1,690 1,593 399 216 183
476487 Khedli 269.58 18 93 49 44 13 5 8
476488 Badarkha 1,429.03 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476489 Berchha 564.20 269 972 508 464 116 57 59
476490 Gawali Palasya 1,303.08 1,809 9,288 4,785 4,503 1,253 678 575
476491 Gangaliya Khedi 353.58 569 2,612 1,316 1,296 384 195 189
476492 Kodriya 779.42 2,949 14,830 7,535 7,295 1,693 887 806
476493 Chordiya 519.75 208 1,157 606 551 144 81 63
476494 Sutar Khedi 153.03 464 2,306 1,189 1,117 276 148 128
476495 Patal Pani 124.63 32 200 117 83 33 18 15
476496 Badoda Sindh 219.90 44 233 114 119 32 15 17



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
1 - 1 714 362 352 524 323 201 Jafra Bad
4 3 1 789 418 371 518 313 205 Julwaniya
18 8 10 837 412 425 793 469 324 Durjanpura
122 66 56 153 82 71 294 185 109 Malipura
26 13 13 115 62 53 577 336 241 Sherpur
- - - 434 202 232 231 127 104 Anwalipura
- - - 687 360 327 263 167 96 Olani
- - - 810 406 404 452 280 172 Kalikirai
2 2 - 251 128 123 320 182 138 Kolani
- - - 166 78 88 72 39 33 Gadaghat
- - - 483 258 225 237 161 76 Phut Talab
117 63 54 323 177 146 251 176 75 Rampuriya Khurd
15 9 6 1,992 1,009 983 1,003 624 379 Kankriya
- - - 380 195 185 218 132 86 Undawa
5 3 2 391 195 196 134 87 47 Rampuriya Bujurg
- - - 1,285 640 645 596 356 240 Kaneriya
5 2 3 509 233 276 365 186 179 Khurda
- - - 509 243 266 181 112 69 Gokanya Kund
2 1 1 333 167 166 90 57 33 Chasya
1 1 - 1,169 620 549 505 310 195 Nahar Khedi
- - - 791 404 387 317 196 121 Nahar Khodra
- - - 933 501 432 202 119 83 Sejgarh
3 2 1 333 162 171 93 68 25 Sherkund
- - - - - - 4 3 1 Ambapura
- - - 601 313 288 284 174 110 Kapar Kheda
22 16 6 1,438 746 692 768 446 322 Khurdi
25 14 11 997 487 510 541 318 223 Godkuwa
1 1 - 841 416 425 450 266 184 Chhapariya
- - - 411 219 192 180 121 59 Nandgaon
- - - 379 192 187 244 149 95 Barkheda
1 1 - 594 311 283 291 186 105 Bhilani
1 - 1 941 507 434 447 284 163 Raikunda
1 1 - 717 356 361 266 175 91 Golkheda
1 - 1 207 103 104 85 53 32 Badgaon
85 40 45 1,427 715 712 1,271 729 542 Yashwantnagar
4 3 1 918 458 460 848 503 345 Rajpura
- - - 601 298 303 223 148 75 Kadwali
- - - 34 16 18 13 7 6 Jamanya
- - - 542 270 272 188 121 67 Telanbardi
29 12 17 1,301 676 625 1,062 649 413 Basipipri
20 10 10 940 490 450 792 490 302 Mend
1 - 1 886 449 437 413 259 154 Mend Mazra
6 3 3 343 178 165 347 209 138 Rampuriya
5 2 3 460 223 237 507 289 218 Ashapur
- - - 31 14 17 19 9 10 Kekariya Dabri
19 12 7 521 253 268 342 216 126 Tinchha
52 24 28 769 402 367 1,292 724 568 Badgonda
- - - 99 51 48 42 24 18 Borkhedi
47 20 27 242 123 119 822 521 301 Malendi
573 298 275 597 316 281 2,318 1,371 947 Kelod
- - - 8 3 5 47 30 17 Khedli
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Badarkha
343 179 164 158 88 70 611 378 233 Berchha
1,689 848 841 1,862 984 878 6,310 3,497 2,813 Gawali Palasya
386 184 202 514 263 251 1,664 925 739 Gangaliya Khedi
3,512 1,792 1,720 1,881 973 908 11,102 5,987 5,115 Kodriya
108 55 53 494 263 231 747 450 297 Chordiya
739 385 354 161 85 76 1,705 922 783 Sutar Khedi
31 16 15 114 72 42 139 91 48 Patal Pani
5 2 3 116 54 62 132 76 56 Badoda Sindh


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476437 Jafra Bad 544 216 328 590 290 300 412 234 178
476438 Julwaniya 276 109 167 364 193 171 241 168 73
476439 Durjanpura 583 231 352 601 347 254 486 297 189
476440 Malipura 139 45 94 257 135 122 256 135 121
476441 Sherpur 236 104 132 307 228 79 279 220 59
476442 Anwalipura 372 121 251 377 156 221 167 88 79
476443 Olani 424 193 231 420 226 194 115 59 56
476444 Kalikirai 369 135 234 268 183 85 254 179 75
476445 Kolani 211 86 125 311 171 140 133 105 28
476446 Gadaghat 94 39 55 125 55 70 63 45 18
476447 Phut Talab 274 111 163 246 146 100 117 104 13
476448 Rampuriya Khurd 248 99 149 275 162 113 271 160 111
476449 Kankriya 1,061 423 638 1,152 596 556 1,117 589 528
476450 Undawa 195 81 114 218 120 98 218 120 98
476451 Rampuriya Bujurg 277 119 158 220 112 108 212 107 105
476452 Kaneriya 810 344 466 673 331 342 442 232 210
476453 Khurda 287 116 171 364 168 196 185 129 56
476454 Gokanya Kund 329 132 197 240 117 123 154 84 70
476455 Chasya 245 111 134 179 91 88 92 85 7
476456 Nahar Khedi 689 322 367 483 259 224 482 259 223
476457 Nahar Khodra 496 217 279 411 200 211 410 200 210
476458 Sejgarh 736 384 352 492 256 236 491 256 235
476459 Sherkund 243 96 147 158 78 80 79 72 7
476460 Ambapura - - - 2 1 1 2 1 1
476461 Kapar Kheda 338 148 190 286 152 134 219 149 70
476462 Khurdi 937 433 504 874 473 401 726 399 327
476463 Godkuwa 525 210 315 566 287 279 132 117 15
476464 Chhapariya 397 153 244 401 194 207 2 2 -
476465 Nandgaon 231 98 133 207 107 100 55 37 18
476466 Barkheda 270 108 162 253 126 127 252 125 127
476467 Bhilani 307 128 179 296 149 147 9 6 3
476468 Raikunda 589 275 314 563 299 264 557 297 260
476469 Golkheda 453 182 271 442 228 214 170 158 12
476470 Badgaon 123 50 73 121 65 56 121 65 56
476471 Yashwantnagar 962 410 552 1,289 677 612 768 467 301
476472 Rajpura 854 369 485 870 517 353 579 448 131
476473 Kadwali 392 161 231 336 167 169 325 158 167
476474 Jamanya 21 9 12 13 6 7 7 6 1
476475 Telanbardi 354 149 205 244 123 121 181 109 72
476476 Basipipri 1,192 517 675 1,353 693 660 479 450 29
476477 Mend 754 316 438 677 407 270 521 372 149
476478 Mend Mazra 575 246 329 487 259 228 487 259 228
476479 Rampuriya 491 212 279 370 194 176 226 111 115
476480 Ashapur 448 198 250 407 261 146 217 148 69
476481 Kekariya Dabri 12 5 7 14 7 7 14 7 7
476482 Tinchha 291 98 193 257 133 124 143 82 61
476483 Badgonda 524 202 322 766 506 260 639 468 171
476484 Borkhedi 57 27 30 37 25 12 23 15 8
476485 Malendi 631 245 386 753 436 317 731 425 306
476486 Kelod 965 319 646 1,493 946 547 1,482 939 543
476487 Khedli 46 19 27 53 30 23 28 25 3
476488 Badarkha -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476489 Berchha 361 130 231 408 246 162 167 133 34
476490 Gawali Palasya 2,978 1,288 1,690 3,741 2,587 1,154 3,399 2,451 948
476491 Gangaliya Khedi 948 391 557 921 665 256 867 634 233
476492 Kodriya 3,728 1,548 2,180 4,962 3,758 1,204 4,798 3,664 1,134
476493 Chordiya 410 156 254 529 343 186 527 342 185
476494 Sutar Khedi 601 267 334 841 646 195 745 581 164
476495 Patal Pani 61 26 35 61 45 16 61 45 16
476496 Badoda Sindh 101 38 63 124 62 62 119 61 58


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
106 69 37 281 146 135 3 3 - 22 16 6 Jafra Bad
77 49 28 156 112 44 - - - 8 7 1 Julwaniya
141 135 6 323 143 180 - - - 22 19 3 Durjanpura
85 44 41 166 87 79 - - - 5 4 1 Malipura
164 152 12 82 39 43 2 2 - 31 27 4 Sherpur
39 26 13 49 14 35 24 5 19 55 43 12 Anwalipura
98 56 42 17 3 14 - - - - - - Olani
52 51 1 181 114 67 - - - 21 14 7 Kalikirai
103 89 14 14 3 11 - - - 16 13 3 Kolani
26 19 7 33 25 8 - - - 4 1 3 Gadaghat
63 59 4 50 42 8 - - - 4 3 1 Phut Talab
22 20 2 235 130 105 - - - 14 10 4 Rampuriya Khurd
95 71 24 978 480 498 1 1 - 43 37 6 Kankriya
20 15 5 193 102 91 - - - 5 3 2 Undawa
24 12 12 185 93 92 - - - 3 2 1 Rampuriya Bujurg
- - - 419 211 208 - - - 23 21 2 Kaneriya
137 106 31 36 18 18 - - - 12 5 7 Khurda
- - - 152 82 70 - - - 2 2 - Gokanya Kund
12 12 - 79 72 7 - - - 1 1 - Chasya
18 11 7 453 238 215 - - - 11 10 1 Nahar Khedi
2 1 1 408 199 209 - - - - - - Nahar Khodra
- - - 489 255 234 - - - 2 1 1 Sejgarh
25 23 2 52 48 4 - - - 2 1 1 Sherkund
- - - 2 1 1 - - - - - - Ambapura
45 44 1 159 92 67 - - - 15 13 2 Kapar Kheda
54 43 11 630 324 306 4 1 3 38 31 7 Khurdi
80 78 2 1 1 - - - - 51 38 13 Godkuwa
- - - - - - - - - 2 2 - Chhapariya
35 30 5 19 6 13 - - - 1 1 - Nandgaon
3 2 1 244 122 122 - - - 5 1 4 Barkheda
- - - 2 1 1 - - - 7 5 2 Bhilani
11 5 6 540 288 252 3 1 2 3 3 - Raikunda
11 10 1 151 141 10 - - - 8 7 1 Golkheda
- - - 117 61 56 - - - 4 4 - Badgaon
362 206 156 377 239 138 - - - 29 22 7 Yashwantnagar
163 133 30 339 248 91 3 3 - 74 64 10 Rajpura
259 123 136 52 27 25 3 2 1 11 6 5 Kadwali
- - - 7 6 1 - - - - - - Jamanya
8 8 - 172 101 71 - - - 1 - 1 Telanbardi
71 65 6 385 366 19 1 - 1 22 19 3 Basipipri
150 142 8 335 204 131 - - - 36 26 10 Mend
174 92 82 278 146 132 4 2 2 31 19 12 Mend Mazra
9 4 5 197 93 104 1 1 - 19 13 6 Rampuriya
113 72 41 43 28 15 5 2 3 56 46 10 Ashapur
3 2 1 11 5 6 - - - - - - Kekariya Dabri
13 11 2 118 62 56 1 - 1 11 9 2 Tinchha
126 115 11 390 243 147 22 19 3 101 91 10 Badgonda
- - - 23 15 8 - - - - - - Borkhedi
91 54 37 501 249 252 - - - 139 122 17 Malendi
608 412 196 655 334 321 4 4 - 215 189 26 Kelod
26 23 3 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - Khedli
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Badarkha
32 21 11 74 56 18 7 6 1 54 50 4 Berchha
794 697 97 1,666 979 687 37 29 8 902 746 156 Gawali Palasya
52 48 4 235 134 101 24 13 11 556 439 117 Gangaliya Khedi
642 512 130 1,228 730 498 173 150 23 2,755 2,272 483 Kodriya
148 114 34 261 122 139 4 2 2 114 104 10 Chordiya
108 87 21 79 37 42 9 6 3 549 451 98 Sutar Khedi
3 3 - 24 16 8 3 1 2 31 25 6 Patal Pani
55 29 26 60 28 32 - - - 4 4 - Badoda Sindh


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476437 Jafra Bad 178 56 122 13 12 1 158 42 116
476438 Julwaniya 123 25 98 22 6 16 100 18 82
476439 Durjanpura 115 50 65 13 1 12 98 49 49
476440 Malipura 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476441 Sherpur 28 8 20 18 6 12 7 - 7
476442 Anwalipura 210 68 142 33 13 20 124 38 86
476443 Olani 305 167 138 5 3 2 300 164 136
476444 Kalikirai 14 4 10 - - - 14 4 10
476445 Kolani 178 66 112 86 26 60 85 34 51
476446 Gadaghat 62 10 52 4 1 3 58 9 49
476447 Phut Talab 129 42 87 30 14 16 98 28 70
476448 Rampuriya Khurd 4 2 2 - - - 3 1 2
476449 Kankriya 35 7 28 3 - 3 30 5 25
476450 Undawa - - - - - - - - -
476451 Rampuriya Bujurg 8 5 3 2 2 - 6 3 3
476452 Kaneriya 231 99 132 - - - 231 99 132
476453 Khurda 179 39 140 8 8 - 168 29 139
476454 Gokanya Kund 86 33 53 - - - 86 33 53
476455 Chasya 87 6 81 - - - 86 5 81
476456 Nahar Khedi 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476457 Nahar Khodra 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476458 Sejgarh 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476459 Sherkund 79 6 73 3 2 1 76 4 72
476460 Ambapura - - - - - - - - -
476461 Kapar Kheda 67 3 64 2 - 2 63 3 60
476462 Khurdi 148 74 74 1 1 - 143 71 72
476463 Godkuwa 434 170 264 11 4 7 417 162 255
476464 Chhapariya 399 192 207 8 7 1 389 185 204
476465 Nandgaon 152 70 82 12 8 4 140 62 78
476466 Barkheda 1 1 - - - - - - -
476467 Bhilani 287 143 144 16 15 1 270 127 143
476468 Raikunda 6 2 4 - - - 5 1 4
476469 Golkheda 272 70 202 15 4 11 257 66 191
476470 Badgaon - - - - - - - - -
476471 Yashwantnagar 521 210 311 47 13 34 462 191 271
476472 Rajpura 291 69 222 49 11 38 227 48 179
476473 Kadwali 11 9 2 2 2 - 2 1 1
476474 Jamanya 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6
476475 Telanbardi 63 14 49 - - - 63 14 49
476476 Basipipri 874 243 631 8 3 5 864 240 624
476477 Mend 156 35 121 2 2 - 153 33 120
476478 Mend Mazra - - - - - - - - -
476479 Rampuriya 144 83 61 9 5 4 87 39 48
476480 Ashapur 190 113 77 6 3 3 156 87 69
476481 Kekariya Dabri - - - - - - - - -
476482 Tinchha 114 51 63 8 1 7 103 48 55
476483 Badgonda 127 38 89 7 5 2 116 30 86
476484 Borkhedi 14 10 4 - - - 10 6 4
476485 Malendi 22 11 11 1 - 1 16 7 9
476486 Kelod 11 7 4 2 1 1 8 6 2
476487 Khedli 25 5 20 17 2 15 8 3 5
476488 Badarkha -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476489 Berchha 241 113 128 8 4 4 210 90 120
476490 Gawali Palasya 342 136 206 32 3 29 268 105 163
476491 Gangaliya Khedi 54 31 23 4 2 2 18 6 12
476492 Kodriya 164 94 70 19 8 11 39 9 30
476493 Chordiya 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1
476494 Sutar Khedi 96 65 31 3 1 2 24 11 13
476495 Patal Pani - - - - - - - - -
476496 Badoda Sindh 5 1 4 - - - 5 1 4


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
- - - 7 2 5 478 249 229 Jafra Bad 476437
1 1 - - - - 430 229 201 Julwaniya 476438
2 - 2 2 - 2 775 353 422 Durjanpura 476439
- - - - - - 176 95 81 Malipura 476440
- - - 3 2 1 506 212 294 Sherpur 476441
37 11 26 16 6 10 226 92 134 Anwalipura 476442
- - - - - - 267 134 133 Olani 476443
- - - - - - 553 232 321 Kalikirai 476444
- - - 7 6 1 220 97 123 Kolani 476445
- - - - - - 41 23 18 Gadaghat 476446
1 - 1 - - - 265 126 139 Phut Talab 476447
- - - 1 1 - 224 113 111 Rampuriya Khurd 476448
- - - 2 2 - 912 451 461 Kankriya 476449
- - - - - - 195 93 102 Undawa 476450
- - - - - - 191 94 97 Rampuriya Bujurg 476451
- - - - - - 733 369 364 Kaneriya 476452
1 1 - 2 1 1 288 134 154 Khurda 476453
- - - - - - 270 127 143 Gokanya Kund 476454
- - - 1 1 - 156 77 79 Chasya 476455
- - - - - - 711 373 338 Nahar Khedi 476456
- - - - - - 402 213 189 Nahar Khodra 476457
- - - - - - 446 247 199 Sejgarh 476458
- - - - - - 178 86 92 Sherkund 476459
- - - - - - 2 2 - Ambapura 476460
- - - 2 - 2 336 170 166 Kapar Kheda 476461
2 - 2 2 2 - 831 406 425 Khurdi 476462
1 - 1 5 4 1 500 241 259 Godkuwa 476463
- - - 2 - 2 446 225 221 Chhapariya 476464
- - - - - - 204 112 92 Nandgaon 476465
- - - 1 1 - 261 131 130 Barkheda 476466
- - - 1 1 - 302 165 137 Bhilani 476467
- - - 1 1 - 473 260 213 Raikunda 476468
- - - - - - 277 129 148 Golkheda 476469
- - - - - - 87 38 49 Badgaon 476470
- - - 12 6 6 944 462 482 Yashwantnagar 476471
1 - 1 14 10 4 832 355 477 Rajpura 476472
- - - 7 6 1 279 142 137 Kadwali 476473
- - - - - - 21 10 11 Jamanya 476474
- - - - - - 298 147 151 Telanbardi 476475
- - - 2 - 2 901 473 428 Basipipri 476476
- - - 1 - 1 869 399 470 Mend 476477
- - - - - - 501 246 255 Mend Mazra 476478
1 1 - 47 38 9 468 227 241 Rampuriya 476479
1 1 - 27 22 5 548 226 322 Ashapur 476480
- - - - - - 17 7 10 Kekariya Dabri 476481
- - - 3 2 1 376 181 195 Tinchha 476482
- - - 4 3 1 1,050 420 630 Badgonda 476483
- - - 4 4 - 62 26 36 Borkhedi 476484
- - - 5 4 1 700 330 370 Malendi 476485
- - - 1 - 1 1,790 744 1,046 Kelod 476486
- - - - - - 40 19 21 Khedli 476487
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Badarkha 476488
1 - 1 22 19 3 564 262 302 Berchha 476489
2 1 1 40 27 13 5,547 2,198 3,349 Gawali Palasya 476490
- - - 32 23 9 1,691 651 1,040 Gangaliya Khedi 476491
27 21 6 79 56 23 9,868 3,777 6,091 Kodriya 476492
- - - - - - 628 263 365 Chordiya 476493
- - - 69 53 16 1,465 543 922 Sutar Khedi 476494
- - - - - - 139 72 67 Patal Pani 476495
- - - - - - 109 52 57 Badoda Sindh 476496


C D Block -
Total population (including
Location Area of institutional and houseless
code Village in Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Village hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476497 Bhagora 2,756.22 1,015 5,259 2,702 2,557 623 308 315
476498 Amba Chandan 1,619.73 580 3,185 1,621 1,564 517 260 257
476499 Neu Guradiya 416.57 419 2,292 1,205 1,087 318 155 163
476500 Harsola 2,841.45 1,539 8,690 4,474 4,216 1,127 606 521
476501 Borkhedi 348.00 210 1,254 637 617 230 110 120
476502 Datoda 3,116.05 1,912 11,224 5,757 5,467 1,770 902 868
476503 Memdi 924.62 528 2,708 1,407 1,301 423 227 196
476504 Simrol 1,846.22 1,956 9,856 4,984 4,872 1,580 805 775
476505 Kharda Kheda 253.08 3 7 4 3 3 1 2
476506 Gokanya 587.27 279 1,402 750 652 241 131 110
476507 Gosi Kheda 534.94 176 1,009 516 493 168 85 83
476508 Chikhli 884.00 203 1,168 602 566 217 112 105
476509 Joshi Guradiya 589.43 330 1,871 960 911 294 150 144
476510 Pathan Pipalya 225.00 81 480 246 234 82 40 42
476511 Pipalya Lohar 465.90 129 661 337 324 115 60 55
476512 Bardari 141.11 159 772 416 356 139 72 67
476513 Shivnagar 637.00 249 1,520 778 742 198 109 89
476514 Gavhalu 535.75 289 1,360 691 669 251 124 127
476515 Gajinda 296.75 239 1,326 647 679 263 129 134
476516 Choral 413.28 610 3,184 1,610 1,574 394 209 185
476517 Bai 196.50 238 1,047 547 500 132 69 63
476518 Bherughat 33.21 31 148 74 74 33 12 21
476519 Mendal 121.72 221 1,118 571 547 247 125 122
476520 Surtipura 96.91 140 731 373 358 137 73 64
476521 Sendal 304.65 128 735 363 372 128 55 73
476522 Imalipura 50.48 14 73 39 34 21 10 11
476523 Utediya 83.68 68 357 186 171 47 24 23
476524 Kulthana 364.84 161 896 454 442 91 46 45
476525 Gunjara 90.07 77 360 194 166 32 9 23
476526 Dhawadiya 27.23 42 250 118 132 64 30 34
476527 Nawadiya 19.18 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476528 Barkheda 33.43 64 310 175 135 35 21 14
476529 Baika 122.87 125 611 305 306 103 51 52
476530 Bhanbardi 79.64 20 110 55 55 12 6 6
476531 Ratwi 49.00 35 175 98 77 19 9 10
476532 Rajpura 107.46 108 573 296 277 89 55 34
476533 Lodhiya 53.12 60 312 158 154 64 30 34
476534 Sadalpura 137.19 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476535 Kushalgarh 155.82 63 344 183 161 58 23 35
476536 Guwadi 56.46 79 479 256 223 88 52 36
476537 Ghoda Khur 166.63 105 591 305 286 121 56 65
476538 Jam Buzurg 280.01 189 1,062 546 516 204 98 106
476539 Jam Khurd 657.34 106 505 260 245 72 37 35
476540 Jhikadiya Khedi 16.22 14 84 45 39 20 12 8
476541 Damali 82.19 96 665 356 309 114 61 53
476542 Nachanbor 146.66 25 137 72 65 21 13 8
476543 Pipalya 81.37 92 510 257 253 112 55 57
476544 Badiya 111.91 122 673 347 326 122 56 66
476545 Buraliya 776.28 98 536 280 256 81 40 41
476546 Borkhedi 55.00 45 246 123 123 47 23 24
476547 Madhawpura 405.81 30 150 70 80 33 16 17
476548 Mangalya 207.08 234 1,382 731 651 264 149 115
476549 Ramgarh Palasghat 590.28 83 511 260 251 104 59 45
476550 Umeth 117.51 109 615 301 314 147 65 82
476551 Telan Mal 64.82 -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476552 Ras Kundiya 62.98 57 300 149 151 66 32 34
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 130.00 1,128 5,409 2,865 2,544 600 315 285
476554 Santer (CT) 303.00 1,327 6,540 3,361 3,179 751 403 348



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
596 291 305 1,724 901 823 3,224 1,941 1,283 Bhagora
858 450 408 660 328 332 2,036 1,155 881 Amba Chandan
464 226 238 589 319 270 1,472 900 572 Neu Guradiya
1,508 762 746 526 278 248 5,804 3,344 2,460 Harsola
333 174 159 190 97 93 767 432 335 Borkhedi
2,024 1,048 976 567 292 275 6,744 4,072 2,672 Datoda
229 123 106 1,067 548 519 1,529 939 590 Memdi
1,552 776 776 2,763 1,352 1,411 5,620 3,191 2,429 Simrol
1 1 - 6 3 3 1 1 - Kharda Kheda
41 18 23 525 272 253 828 512 316 Gokanya
8 3 5 529 262 267 539 335 204 Gosi Kheda
27 11 16 673 353 320 567 340 227 Chikhli
185 98 87 705 359 346 1,100 640 460 Joshi Guradiya
- - - 287 151 136 234 132 102 Pathan Pipalya
191 91 100 177 94 83 363 202 161 Pipalya Lohar
29 15 14 437 232 205 385 233 152 Bardari
255 131 124 151 77 74 965 582 383 Shivnagar
230 114 116 383 193 190 652 392 260 Gavhalu
154 76 78 1,101 540 561 549 320 229 Gajinda
269 146 123 900 424 476 1,970 1,074 896 Choral
338 179 159 202 105 97 620 376 244 Bai
- - - 76 38 38 59 40 19 Bherughat
1 1 - 1,117 570 547 426 258 168 Mendal
- - - 728 372 356 241 145 96 Surtipura
27 12 15 553 263 290 275 172 103 Sendal
- - - 73 39 34 30 21 9 Imalipura
- - - 140 75 65 182 104 78 Utediya
20 9 11 647 326 321 333 207 126 Kulthana
- - - 261 142 119 258 165 93 Gunjara
- - - 249 117 132 103 59 44 Dhawadiya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nawadiya
15 9 6 230 133 97 211 134 77 Barkheda
14 6 8 597 299 298 282 159 123 Baika
1 1 - - - - 70 41 29 Bhanbardi
- - - 149 82 67 97 65 32 Ratwi
21 9 12 522 271 251 254 143 111 Rajpura
- - - 312 158 154 157 96 61 Lodhiya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sadalpura
46 26 20 279 149 130 168 115 53 Kushalgarh
- - - 477 254 223 153 87 66 Guwadi
- - - 591 305 286 345 207 138 Ghoda Khur
20 12 8 710 369 341 403 270 133 Jam Buzurg
64 37 27 40 24 16 270 167 103 Jam Khurd
- - - 84 45 39 46 24 22 Jhikadiya Khedi
- - - 665 356 309 255 160 95 Damali
- - - 129 68 61 58 36 22 Nachanbor
- - - 510 257 253 167 102 65 Pipalya
1 - 1 661 341 320 306 184 122 Badiya
3 3 - 533 277 256 223 146 77 Buraliya
- - - 128 62 66 133 69 64 Borkhedi
- - - 145 67 78 41 21 20 Madhawpura
8 5 3 1,370 725 645 423 273 150 Mangalya
6 4 2 505 256 249 156 89 67 Ramgarh Palasghat
- - - 614 300 314 211 122 89 Umeth
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telan Mal
- - - 299 148 151 110 56 54 Ras Kundiya
845 444 401 67 37 30 4,297 2,375 1,922 Gujarkheda (CT)
1,072 549 523 845 421 424 5,106 2,744 2,362 Santer (CT)


C D Block -

code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476497 Bhagora 2,035 761 1,274 2,622 1,562 1,060 2,595 1,543 1,052
476498 Amba Chandan 1,149 466 683 1,802 968 834 1,534 885 649
476499 Neu Guradiya 820 305 515 957 696 261 941 687 254
476500 Harsola 2,886 1,130 1,756 4,125 2,511 1,614 3,345 2,323 1,022
476501 Borkhedi 487 205 282 570 322 248 564 320 244
476502 Datoda 4,480 1,685 2,795 5,728 3,158 2,570 5,385 3,032 2,353
476503 Memdi 1,179 468 711 1,488 820 668 1,469 807 662
476504 Simrol 4,236 1,793 2,443 4,682 2,763 1,919 3,128 2,183 945
476505 Kharda Kheda 6 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 1
476506 Gokanya 574 238 336 628 375 253 393 261 132
476507 Gosi Kheda 470 181 289 478 285 193 470 281 189
476508 Chikhli 601 262 339 630 335 295 623 331 292
476509 Joshi Guradiya 771 320 451 1,095 559 536 1,095 559 536
476510 Pathan Pipalya 246 114 132 277 153 124 277 153 124
476511 Pipalya Lohar 298 135 163 334 182 152 167 121 46
476512 Bardari 387 183 204 371 223 148 357 220 137
476513 Shivnagar 555 196 359 818 399 419 690 334 356
476514 Gavhalu 708 299 409 667 382 285 321 290 31
476515 Gajinda 777 327 450 602 322 280 385 250 135
476516 Choral 1,214 536 678 1,124 826 298 743 576 167
476517 Bai 427 171 256 492 308 184 480 303 177
476518 Bherughat 89 34 55 78 41 37 78 41 37
476519 Mendal 692 313 379 555 308 247 393 233 160
476520 Surtipura 490 228 262 376 200 176 6 4 2
476521 Sendal 460 191 269 360 194 166 358 192 166
476522 Imalipura 43 18 25 34 20 14 26 14 12
476523 Utediya 175 82 93 181 95 86 1 - 1
476524 Kulthana 563 247 316 570 290 280 289 187 102
476525 Gunjara 102 29 73 158 101 57 137 90 47
476526 Dhawadiya 147 59 88 54 48 6 49 44 5
476527 Nawadiya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476528 Barkheda 99 41 58 141 83 58 112 62 50
476529 Baika 329 146 183 314 172 142 308 170 138
476530 Bhanbardi 40 14 26 28 28 - 27 27 -
476531 Ratwi 78 33 45 108 61 47 - - -
476532 Rajpura 319 153 166 300 149 151 298 149 149
476533 Lodhiya 155 62 93 165 88 77 6 5 1
476534 Sadalpura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476535 Kushalgarh 176 68 108 124 98 26 121 97 24
476536 Guwadi 326 169 157 208 112 96 180 109 71
476537 Ghoda Khur 246 98 148 325 169 156 222 117 105
476538 Jam Buzurg 659 276 383 527 272 255 273 167 106
476539 Jam Khurd 235 93 142 262 155 107 74 62 12
476540 Jhikadiya Khedi 38 21 17 36 21 15 35 20 15
476541 Damali 410 196 214 240 159 81 235 156 79
476542 Nachanbor 79 36 43 73 37 36 73 37 36
476543 Pipalya 343 155 188 126 121 5 97 94 3
476544 Badiya 367 163 204 327 183 144 321 179 142
476545 Buraliya 313 134 179 303 166 137 302 166 136
476546 Borkhedi 113 54 59 119 69 50 119 69 50
476547 Madhawpura 109 49 60 82 39 43 2 2 -
476548 Mangalya 959 458 501 475 332 143 470 329 141
476549 Ramgarh Palasghat 355 171 184 225 106 119 89 79 10
476550 Umeth 404 179 225 354 182 172 354 182 172
476551 Telan Mal -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476552 Ras Kundiya 190 93 97 218 110 108 217 109 108
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 1,112 490 622 1,691 1,448 243 1,638 1,415 223
476554 Santer (CT) 1,434 617 817 2,415 1,736 679 2,068 1,567 501


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
619 391 228 1,708 929 779 11 6 5 257 217 40 Bhagora
630 359 271 758 414 344 12 6 6 134 106 28 Amba Chandan
236 220 16 595 370 225 - - - 110 97 13 Neu Guradiya
1,726 1,178 548 958 572 386 23 15 8 638 558 80 Harsola
220 110 110 185 89 96 2 1 1 157 120 37 Borkhedi
2,195 1,190 1,005 2,298 1,134 1,164 77 48 29 815 660 155 Datoda
529 266 263 553 236 317 12 9 3 375 296 79 Memdi
782 542 240 1,235 703 532 85 70 15 1,026 868 158 Simrol
- - - 4 3 1 - - - - - - Kharda Kheda
117 72 45 78 45 33 1 1 - 197 143 54 Gokanya
172 98 74 233 127 106 2 2 - 63 54 9 Gosi Kheda
182 92 90 255 129 126 144 77 67 42 33 9 Chikhli
484 237 247 477 234 243 46 23 23 88 65 23 Joshi Guradiya
71 45 26 189 96 93 - - - 17 12 5 Pathan Pipalya
72 41 31 40 34 6 - - - 55 46 9 Pipalya Lohar
33 26 7 194 98 96 3 1 2 127 95 32 Bardari
368 175 193 250 112 138 1 1 - 71 46 25 Shivnagar
39 31 8 148 141 7 2 2 - 132 116 16 Gavhalu
57 39 18 314 202 112 - - - 14 9 5 Gajinda
122 90 32 181 121 60 83 51 32 357 314 43 Choral
78 57 21 305 162 143 - - - 97 84 13 Bai
32 17 15 39 20 19 - - - 7 4 3 Bherughat
292 167 125 84 55 29 - - - 17 11 6 Mendal
2 2 - 2 1 1 - - - 2 1 1 Surtipura
183 98 85 160 87 73 - - - 15 7 8 Sendal
25 13 12 - - - - - - 1 1 - Imalipura
- - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 Utediya
91 87 4 193 98 95 - - - 5 2 3 Kulthana
67 36 31 38 23 15 1 1 - 31 30 1 Gunjara
46 41 5 1 1 - - - - 2 2 - Dhawadiya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nawadiya
64 32 32 27 14 13 1 - 1 20 16 4 Barkheda
275 148 127 14 8 6 - - - 19 14 5 Baika
22 22 - 5 5 - - - - - - - Bhanbardi
- - - - - - - - - - - - Ratwi
7 4 3 284 142 142 - - - 7 3 4 Rajpura
- - - - - - - - - 6 5 1 Lodhiya
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sadalpura
55 52 3 58 40 18 - - - 8 5 3 Kushalgarh
26 26 - 148 80 68 2 1 1 4 2 2 Guwadi
2 2 - 219 114 105 - - - 1 1 - Ghoda Khur
152 106 46 77 49 28 2 1 1 42 11 31 Jam Buzurg
47 42 5 10 7 3 - - - 17 13 4 Jam Khurd
- - - 35 20 15 - - - - - - Jhikadiya Khedi
100 87 13 133 68 65 - - - 2 1 1 Damali
- - - 69 35 34 - - - 4 2 2 Nachanbor
92 90 2 1 1 - - - - 4 3 1 Pipalya
129 68 61 172 94 78 - - - 20 17 3 Badiya
- - - 296 163 133 2 1 1 4 2 2 Buraliya
13 11 2 61 29 32 - - - 45 29 16 Borkhedi
2 2 - - - - - - - - - - Madhawpura
69 68 1 400 260 140 - - - 1 1 - Mangalya
11 11 - 74 65 9 - - - 4 3 1 Ramgarh Palasghat
- - - 354 182 172 - - - - - - Umeth
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telan Mal
- - - 216 108 108 - - - 1 1 - Ras Kundiya
44 36 8 20 17 3 31 26 5 1,543 1,336 207 Gujarkheda (CT)
193 155 38 78 43 35 25 24 1 1,772 1,345 427 Santer (CT)


C D Block -
Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Village Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476497 Bhagora 27 19 8 1 1 - 16 11 5
476498 Amba Chandan 268 83 185 94 18 76 161 57 104
476499 Neu Guradiya 16 9 7 1 - 1 15 9 6
476500 Harsola 780 188 592 217 27 190 511 126 385
476501 Borkhedi 6 2 4 1 - 1 1 - 1
476502 Datoda 343 126 217 128 44 84 146 45 101
476503 Memdi 19 13 6 - - - 9 4 5
476504 Simrol 1,554 580 974 176 40 136 1,230 472 758
476505 Kharda Kheda - - - - - - - - -
476506 Gokanya 235 114 121 8 - 8 197 93 104
476507 Gosi Kheda 8 4 4 - - - 8 4 4
476508 Chikhli 7 4 3 - - - 6 3 3
476509 Joshi Guradiya - - - - - - - - -
476510 Pathan Pipalya - - - - - - - - -
476511 Pipalya Lohar 167 61 106 19 7 12 141 49 92
476512 Bardari 14 3 11 - - - 10 1 9
476513 Shivnagar 128 65 63 - - - 126 63 63
476514 Gavhalu 346 92 254 11 2 9 311 76 235
476515 Gajinda 217 72 145 29 13 16 187 58 129
476516 Choral 381 250 131 14 8 6 173 97 76
476517 Bai 12 5 7 - - - 11 4 7
476518 Bherughat - - - - - - - - -
476519 Mendal 162 75 87 - - - 153 68 85
476520 Surtipura 370 196 174 6 1 5 344 180 164
476521 Sendal 2 2 - - - - 1 1 -
476522 Imalipura 8 6 2 - - - 8 6 2
476523 Utediya 180 95 85 - - - 180 95 85
476524 Kulthana 281 103 178 12 7 5 262 95 167
476525 Gunjara 21 11 10 17 8 9 4 3 1
476526 Dhawadiya 5 4 1 1 - 1 - - -
476527 Nawadiya -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476528 Barkheda 29 21 8 10 7 3 8 6 2
476529 Baika 6 2 4 4 1 3 - - -
476530 Bhanbardi 1 1 - - - - - - -
476531 Ratwi 108 61 47 - - - 107 60 47
476532 Rajpura 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
476533 Lodhiya 159 83 76 - - - 159 83 76
476534 Sadalpura -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476535 Kushalgarh 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
476536 Guwadi 28 3 25 1 - 1 27 3 24
476537 Ghoda Khur 103 52 51 - - - 103 52 51
476538 Jam Buzurg 254 105 149 3 1 2 235 98 137
476539 Jam Khurd 188 93 95 6 4 2 180 87 93
476540 Jhikadiya Khedi 1 1 - - - - 1 1 -
476541 Damali 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 - 1
476542 Nachanbor - - - - - - - - -
476543 Pipalya 29 27 2 - - - 25 24 1
476544 Badiya 6 4 2 1 1 - 5 3 2
476545 Buraliya 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1
476546 Borkhedi - - - - - - - - -
476547 Madhawpura 80 37 43 1 - 1 79 37 42
476548 Mangalya 5 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 1
476549 Ramgarh Palasghat 136 27 109 5 3 2 129 23 106
476550 Umeth - - - - - - - - -
476551 Telan Mal -------------Un-inhabited--------------
476552 Ras Kundiya 1 1 - - - - - - -
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 53 33 20 - - - 2 - 2
476554 Santer (CT) 347 169 178 51 9 42 236 124 112


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
1 - 1 9 7 2 2,637 1,140 1,497 Bhagora 476497
- - - 13 8 5 1,383 653 730 Amba Chandan 476498
- - - - - - 1,335 509 826 Neu Guradiya 476499
3 - 3 49 35 14 4,565 1,963 2,602 Harsola 476500
- - - 4 2 2 684 315 369 Borkhedi 476501
3 - 3 66 37 29 5,496 2,599 2,897 Datoda 476502
- - - 10 9 1 1,220 587 633 Memdi 476503
66 11 55 82 57 25 5,174 2,221 2,953 Simrol 476504
- - - - - - 3 1 2 Kharda Kheda 476505
1 - 1 29 21 8 774 375 399 Gokanya 476506
- - - - - - 531 231 300 Gosi Kheda 476507
- - - 1 1 - 538 267 271 Chikhli 476508
- - - - - - 776 401 375 Joshi Guradiya 476509
- - - - - - 203 93 110 Pathan Pipalya 476510
- - - 7 5 2 327 155 172 Pipalya Lohar 476511
- - - 4 2 2 401 193 208 Bardari 476512
- - - 2 2 - 702 379 323 Shivnagar 476513
4 2 2 20 12 8 693 309 384 Gavhalu 476514
- - - 1 1 - 724 325 399 Gajinda 476515
44 26 18 150 119 31 2,060 784 1,276 Choral 476516
- - - 1 1 - 555 239 316 Bai 476517
- - - - - - 70 33 37 Bherughat 476518
3 3 - 6 4 2 563 263 300 Mendal 476519
- - - 20 15 5 355 173 182 Surtipura 476520
- - - 1 1 - 375 169 206 Sendal 476521
- - - - - - 39 19 20 Imalipura 476522
- - - - - - 176 91 85 Utediya 476523
- - - 7 1 6 326 164 162 Kulthana 476524
- - - - - - 202 93 109 Gunjara 476525
- - - 4 4 - 196 70 126 Dhawadiya 476526
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Nawadiya 476527
- - - 11 8 3 169 92 77 Barkheda 476528
- - - 2 1 1 297 133 164 Baika 476529
- - - 1 1 - 82 27 55 Bhanbardi 476530
1 1 - - - - 67 37 30 Ratwi 476531
- - - - - - 273 147 126 Rajpura 476532
- - - - - - 147 70 77 Lodhiya 476533
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Sadalpura 476534
- - - - - - 220 85 135 Kushalgarh 476535
- - - - - - 271 144 127 Guwadi 476536
- - - - - - 266 136 130 Ghoda Khur 476537
1 1 - 15 5 10 535 274 261 Jam Buzurg 476538
- - - 2 2 - 243 105 138 Jam Khurd 476539
- - - - - - 48 24 24 Jhikadiya Khedi 476540
- - - 2 2 - 425 197 228 Damali 476541
- - - - - - 64 35 29 Nachanbor 476542
- - - 4 3 1 384 136 248 Pipalya 476543
- - - - - - 346 164 182 Badiya 476544
- - - - - - 233 114 119 Buraliya 476545
- - - - - - 127 54 73 Borkhedi 476546
- - - - - - 68 31 37 Madhawpura 476547
- - - - - - 907 399 508 Mangalya 476548
- - - 2 1 1 286 154 132 Ramgarh Palasghat 476549
- - - - - - 261 119 142 Umeth 476550
-------------Un-inhabited-------------- Telan Mal 476551
- - - 1 1 - 82 39 43 Ras Kundiya 476552
2 - 2 49 33 16 3,718 1,417 2,301 Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
- - - 60 36 24 4,125 1,625 2,500 Santer (CT) 476554

Urban PCA-Town wise
Primary Census Abstract

Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) 0.29 2,674 14,584 7,507 7,077 1,989 1,064 925
0001 Ward No. 1 199 1,084 572 512 147 81 66
0002 Ward No. 2 265 1,362 735 627 189 99 90
0003 Ward No. 3 226 1,214 627 587 136 83 53
0004 Ward No. 4 168 758 394 364 94 53 41
0005 Ward No. 5 112 673 348 325 80 46 34
0006 Ward No. 6 122 706 340 366 109 50 59
0007 Ward No. 7 139 761 374 387 77 39 38
0008 Ward No. 8 126 782 404 378 97 53 44
0009 Ward No. 9 208 1,063 568 495 163 93 70
0010 Ward No. 10 164 952 491 461 134 72 62
0011 Ward No. 11 233 1,208 613 595 169 81 88
0012 Ward No. 12 184 965 477 488 181 88 93
0013 Ward No. 13 141 853 453 400 112 67 45
0014 Ward No. 14 184 1,072 542 530 147 72 75
0015 Ward No. 15 203 1,131 569 562 154 87 67
802269 Depalpur (NP) 0.73 2,953 17,474 8,973 8,501 2,466 1,281 1,185
0001 Ward No. 1 194 1,092 585 507 130 68 62
0002 Ward No. 2 160 882 448 434 115 67 48
0003 Ward No. 3 178 1,071 545 526 163 85 78
0004 Ward No. 4 186 1,132 588 544 159 85 74
0005 Ward No. 5 173 1,234 624 610 181 86 95
0006 Ward No. 6 173 958 484 474 167 83 84
0007 Ward No. 7 178 1,155 541 614 117 66 51
0008 Ward No. 8 206 1,093 534 559 174 84 90
0009 Ward No. 9 323 1,811 959 852 255 132 123
0010 Ward No. 10 338 1,814 968 846 275 140 135
0011 Ward No. 11 236 1,314 689 625 171 86 85
0012 Ward No. 12 97 693 340 353 79 33 46
0013 Ward No. 13 165 1,129 598 531 157 87 70
0014 Ward No. 14 125 877 461 416 137 79 58
0015 Ward No. 15 221 1,219 609 610 186 100 86
802270 Betma (NP) 8.08 3,032 15,999 8,208 7,791 2,156 1,171 985
0001 Ward No. 1 358 1,793 942 851 264 153 111
0002 Ward No. 2 320 1,590 778 812 213 117 96
0003 Ward No. 3 486 2,472 1,258 1,214 349 175 174
0004 Ward No. 4 165 858 432 426 125 70 55
0005 Ward No. 5 197 1,014 522 492 153 89 64
0006 Ward No. 6 130 812 416 396 107 47 60
0007 Ward No. 7 285 1,480 776 704 221 112 109
0008 Ward No. 8 91 468 237 231 61 36 25
0009 Ward No. 9 164 892 453 439 100 66 34
0010 Ward No. 10 130 719 360 359 82 43 39
0011 Ward No. 11 156 918 477 441 105 61 44
0012 Ward No. 12 204 1,002 523 479 122 67 55
0013 Ward No. 13 110 647 343 304 96 52 44
0014 Ward No. 14 135 752 389 363 80 42 38
0015 Ward No. 15 101 582 302 280 78 41 37
802271 Hatod (NP) 18.85 1,836 10,425 5,280 5,145 1,524 768 756
0001 Ward No. 1 109 655 339 316 112 58 54
0002 Ward No. 2 84 465 235 230 61 35 26
0003 Ward No. 3 119 637 302 335 97 41 56
0004 Ward No. 4 150 871 463 408 121 61 60
0005 Ward No. 5 105 500 249 251 59 27 32
0006 Ward No. 6 120 696 342 354 132 63 69
0007 Ward No. 7 277 1,380 693 687 224 105 119
0008 Ward No. 8 185 1,095 547 548 183 89 94
0009 Ward No. 9 143 710 360 350 99 55 44
0010 Ward No. 10 74 447 235 212 56 34 22
0011 Ward No. 11 72 526 269 257 62 34 28
0012 Ward No. 12 102 530 261 269 63 32 31
0013 Ward No. 13 132 787 420 367 99 53 46
0014 Ward No. 14 84 581 297 284 85 42 43



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

2,224 1,141 1,083 962 507 455 9,730 5,640 4,090 Runji-Gautampura (NP)
162 96 66 119 60 59 676 418 258 Ward No. 1
77 48 29 3 2 1 825 515 310 Ward No. 2
26 15 11 16 10 6 926 512 414 Ward No. 3
35 20 15 5 3 2 582 325 257 Ward No. 4
5 2 3 - - - 478 272 206 Ward No. 5
10 7 3 - - - 476 254 222 Ward No. 6
9 3 6 - - - 645 329 316 Ward No. 7
246 124 122 7 5 2 584 327 257 Ward No. 8
112 59 53 25 13 12 576 345 231 Ward No. 9
93 51 42 66 35 31 573 347 226 Ward No. 10
286 134 152 28 19 9 783 461 322 Ward No. 11
447 210 237 8 3 5 577 322 255 Ward No. 12
34 19 15 172 97 75 576 352 224 Ward No. 13
323 166 157 299 154 145 727 437 290 Ward No. 14
359 187 172 214 106 108 726 424 302 Ward No. 15
2,297 1,126 1,171 835 435 400 11,501 6,728 4,773 Depalpur (NP)
15 8 7 51 28 23 748 474 274 Ward No. 1
161 74 87 6 3 3 606 332 274 Ward No. 2
138 71 67 5 3 2 714 413 301 Ward No. 3
93 46 47 133 68 65 700 403 297 Ward No. 4
210 104 106 - - - 766 467 299 Ward No. 5
932 473 459 - - - 542 341 201 Ward No. 6
97 9 88 68 26 42 951 452 499 Ward No. 7
96 45 51 236 121 115 635 354 281 Ward No. 8
153 80 73 63 36 27 1,193 720 473 Ward No. 9
306 166 140 257 138 119 1,019 629 390 Ward No. 10
41 22 19 2 2 - 921 553 368 Ward No. 11
24 14 10 2 1 1 611 307 304 Ward No. 12
25 11 14 - - - 757 469 288 Ward No. 13
- - - - - - 590 358 232 Ward No. 14
6 3 3 12 9 3 748 456 292 Ward No. 15
1,680 836 844 952 487 465 11,336 6,336 5,000 Betma (NP)
107 51 56 327 173 154 1,232 702 530 Ward No. 1
148 58 90 249 112 137 1,090 569 521 Ward No. 2
310 158 152 92 51 41 1,702 961 741 Ward No. 3
127 61 66 9 7 2 607 330 277 Ward No. 4
252 122 130 6 2 4 662 372 290 Ward No. 5
- - - - - - 632 354 278 Ward No. 6
345 186 159 86 46 40 1,050 613 437 Ward No. 7
13 8 5 14 8 6 378 196 182 Ward No. 8
5 3 2 4 1 3 703 363 340 Ward No. 9
155 79 76 78 41 37 560 302 258 Ward No. 10
- - - 16 8 8 604 369 235 Ward No. 11
30 15 15 29 14 15 698 395 303 Ward No. 12
183 92 91 6 4 2 444 261 183 Ward No. 13
5 3 2 22 12 10 599 331 268 Ward No. 14
- - - 14 8 6 375 218 157 Ward No. 15
2,386 1,204 1,182 518 267 251 6,443 3,822 2,621 Hatod (NP)
430 231 199 26 12 14 399 232 167 Ward No. 1
182 92 90 - - - 324 181 143 Ward No. 2
619 292 327 2 1 1 287 179 108 Ward No. 3
160 87 73 215 117 98 599 356 243 Ward No. 4
112 59 53 - - - 349 198 151 Ward No. 5
5 3 2 4 2 2 342 218 124 Ward No. 6
697 354 343 123 63 60 601 386 215 Ward No. 7
82 37 45 90 43 47 689 395 294 Ward No. 8
17 7 10 17 8 9 475 281 194 Ward No. 9
- - - - - - 361 195 166 Ward No. 10
42 21 21 - - - 404 228 176 Ward No. 11
25 12 13 31 16 15 339 204 135 Ward No. 12
15 9 6 10 5 5 539 329 210 Ward No. 13
- - - - - - 337 222 115 Ward No. 14



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) 4,854 1,867 2,987 6,127 4,251 1,876 4,068 3,311 757
0001 Ward No. 1 408 154 254 572 338 234 318 269 49
0002 Ward No. 2 537 220 317 593 421 172 541 401 140
0003 Ward No. 3 288 115 173 496 370 126 344 282 62
0004 Ward No. 4 176 69 107 286 233 53 102 88 14
0005 Ward No. 5 195 76 119 232 199 33 134 124 10
0006 Ward No. 6 230 86 144 353 210 143 340 202 138
0007 Ward No. 7 116 45 71 228 204 24 213 193 20
0008 Ward No. 8 198 77 121 281 238 43 187 176 11
0009 Ward No. 9 487 223 264 464 319 145 349 287 62
0010 Ward No. 10 379 144 235 359 279 80 255 235 20
0011 Ward No. 11 425 152 273 435 336 99 268 233 35
0012 Ward No. 12 388 155 233 473 277 196 286 235 51
0013 Ward No. 13 277 101 176 374 235 139 274 222 52
0014 Ward No. 14 345 105 240 464 278 186 191 165 26
0015 Ward No. 15 405 145 260 517 314 203 266 199 67
802269 Depalpur (NP) 5,973 2,245 3,728 5,723 4,575 1,148 4,767 4,094 673
0001 Ward No. 1 344 111 233 412 297 115 352 284 68
0002 Ward No. 2 276 116 160 260 200 60 192 165 27
0003 Ward No. 3 357 132 225 359 281 78 338 273 65
0004 Ward No. 4 432 185 247 391 298 93 301 277 24
0005 Ward No. 5 468 157 311 384 292 92 334 260 74
0006 Ward No. 6 416 143 273 440 264 176 127 104 23
0007 Ward No. 7 204 89 115 299 277 22 294 274 20
0008 Ward No. 8 458 180 278 402 280 122 331 274 57
0009 Ward No. 9 618 239 379 504 442 62 499 439 60
0010 Ward No. 10 795 339 456 612 494 118 556 460 96
0011 Ward No. 11 393 136 257 498 400 98 353 284 69
0012 Ward No. 12 82 33 49 205 197 8 191 183 8
0013 Ward No. 13 372 129 243 284 271 13 280 268 12
0014 Ward No. 14 287 103 184 278 238 40 247 223 24
0015 Ward No. 15 471 153 318 395 344 51 372 326 46
802270 Betma (NP) 4,663 1,872 2,791 5,324 4,336 988 5,071 4,225 846
0001 Ward No. 1 561 240 321 629 494 135 519 448 71
0002 Ward No. 2 500 209 291 482 404 78 465 392 73
0003 Ward No. 3 770 297 473 743 631 112 736 631 105
0004 Ward No. 4 251 102 149 248 216 32 231 207 24
0005 Ward No. 5 352 150 202 322 273 49 321 272 49
0006 Ward No. 6 180 62 118 292 239 53 289 237 52
0007 Ward No. 7 430 163 267 494 420 74 489 416 73
0008 Ward No. 8 90 41 49 138 123 15 135 121 14
0009 Ward No. 9 189 90 99 280 236 44 276 232 44
0010 Ward No. 10 159 58 101 240 192 48 221 186 35
0011 Ward No. 11 314 108 206 374 254 120 341 240 101
0012 Ward No. 12 304 128 176 359 299 60 351 296 55
0013 Ward No. 13 203 82 121 216 164 52 213 164 49
0014 Ward No. 14 153 58 95 276 224 52 271 220 51
0015 Ward No. 15 207 84 123 231 167 64 213 163 50
802271 Hatod (NP) 3,982 1,458 2,524 4,297 2,845 1,452 2,584 2,027 557
0001 Ward No. 1 256 107 149 202 159 43 176 158 18
0002 Ward No. 2 141 54 87 167 128 39 160 123 37
0003 Ward No. 3 350 123 227 359 171 188 27 21 6
0004 Ward No. 4 272 107 165 346 225 121 267 189 78
0005 Ward No. 5 151 51 100 176 126 50 157 114 43
0006 Ward No. 6 354 124 230 303 195 108 69 56 13
0007 Ward No. 7 779 307 472 658 388 270 167 125 42
0008 Ward No. 8 406 152 254 439 286 153 257 235 22
0009 Ward No. 9 235 79 156 278 205 73 177 153 24
0010 Ward No. 10 86 40 46 161 131 30 159 129 30
0011 Ward No. 11 122 41 81 196 149 47 194 148 46
0012 Ward No. 12 191 57 134 237 145 92 189 124 65
0013 Ward No. 13 248 91 157 432 220 212 280 162 118
0014 Ward No. 14 244 75 169 188 177 11 186 176 10


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

577 501 76 653 371 282 257 178 79 2,581 2,261 320 Runji-Gautampura (NP)
41 28 13 32 22 10 37 20 17 208 199 9 Ward No. 1
89 66 23 176 87 89 16 16 - 260 232 28 Ward No. 2
20 16 4 23 4 19 7 6 1 294 256 38 Ward No. 3
9 7 2 - - - - - - 93 81 12 Ward No. 4
26 24 2 - - - 10 10 - 98 90 8 Ward No. 5
- - - 78 53 25 110 73 37 152 76 76 Ward No. 6
25 22 3 1 - 1 8 8 - 179 163 16 Ward No. 7
12 11 1 5 5 - 12 11 1 158 149 9 Ward No. 8
5 5 - 82 63 19 4 2 2 258 217 41 Ward No. 9
8 7 1 14 7 7 3 3 - 230 218 12 Ward No. 10
40 37 3 10 7 3 24 14 10 194 175 19 Ward No. 11
14 14 - 52 36 16 19 10 9 201 175 26 Ward No. 12
125 114 11 64 33 31 3 2 1 82 73 9 Ward No. 13
121 112 9 23 11 12 1 - 1 46 42 4 Ward No. 14
42 38 4 93 43 50 3 3 - 128 115 13 Ward No. 15
736 647 89 723 539 184 201 145 56 3,107 2,763 344 Depalpur (NP)
222 172 50 36 23 13 - - - 94 89 5 Ward No. 1
11 10 1 2 1 1 7 7 - 172 147 25 Ward No. 2
21 21 - 17 7 10 15 10 5 285 235 50 Ward No. 3
38 38 - 83 71 12 6 4 2 174 164 10 Ward No. 4
17 16 1 25 20 5 91 49 42 201 175 26 Ward No. 5
3 3 - 39 22 17 10 8 2 75 71 4 Ward No. 6
34 32 2 30 25 5 5 5 - 225 212 13 Ward No. 7
15 15 - 105 81 24 - - - 211 178 33 Ward No. 8
8 8 - 85 72 13 5 5 - 401 354 47 Ward No. 9
59 46 13 224 167 57 7 6 1 266 241 25 Ward No. 10
54 43 11 8 3 5 2 2 - 289 236 53 Ward No. 11
7 6 1 2 2 - 37 36 1 145 139 6 Ward No. 12
47 47 - 5 5 - 6 4 2 222 212 10 Ward No. 13
51 49 2 11 5 6 10 9 1 175 160 15 Ward No. 14
149 141 8 51 35 16 - - - 172 150 22 Ward No. 15
422 353 69 495 283 212 227 156 71 3,927 3,433 494 Betma (NP)
17 16 1 44 26 18 7 5 2 451 401 50 Ward No. 1
58 56 2 122 92 30 3 3 - 282 241 41 Ward No. 2
27 26 1 34 20 14 27 19 8 648 566 82 Ward No. 3
10 9 1 7 3 4 1 1 - 213 194 19 Ward No. 4
3 3 - 24 9 15 26 18 8 268 242 26 Ward No. 5
17 17 - 4 4 - 62 46 16 206 170 36 Ward No. 6
16 9 7 73 49 24 20 16 4 380 342 38 Ward No. 7
8 8 - - - - 2 1 1 125 112 13 Ward No. 8
12 11 1 27 14 13 8 5 3 229 202 27 Ward No. 9
11 11 - 28 13 15 1 1 - 181 161 20 Ward No. 10
94 56 38 58 24 34 1 - 1 188 160 28 Ward No. 11
84 78 6 24 10 14 1 - 1 242 208 34 Ward No. 12
25 18 7 3 1 2 16 8 8 169 137 32 Ward No. 13
17 17 - 23 10 13 26 23 3 205 170 35 Ward No. 14
23 18 5 24 8 16 26 10 16 140 127 13 Ward No. 15
706 525 181 481 291 190 133 110 23 1,264 1,101 163 Hatod (NP)
8 8 - 31 22 9 8 4 4 129 124 5 Ward No. 1
26 25 1 24 10 14 13 8 5 97 80 17 Ward No. 2
- - - 7 4 3 1 1 - 19 16 3 Ward No. 3
48 29 19 97 60 37 11 9 2 111 91 20 Ward No. 4
1 1 - 53 27 26 7 5 2 96 81 15 Ward No. 5
13 7 6 4 3 1 3 3 - 49 43 6 Ward No. 6
34 24 10 39 26 13 7 5 2 87 70 17 Ward No. 7
57 53 4 40 33 7 16 15 1 144 134 10 Ward No. 8
16 14 2 - - - 11 9 2 150 130 20 Ward No. 9
32 27 5 2 1 1 6 6 - 119 95 24 Ward No. 10
67 45 22 35 20 15 22 21 1 70 62 8 Ward No. 11
37 35 2 71 18 53 7 5 2 74 66 8 Ward No. 12
253 146 107 10 3 7 - - - 17 13 4 Ward No. 13
108 105 3 68 64 4 - - - 10 7 3 Ward No. 14


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

802268 Runji-Gautampura (NP) 2,059 940 1,119 218 42 176 1,028 316 712
0001 Ward No. 1 254 69 185 21 7 14 179 24 155
0002 Ward No. 2 52 20 32 8 2 6 20 5 15
0003 Ward No. 3 152 88 64 - - - 42 8 34
0004 Ward No. 4 184 145 39 - - - 16 1 15
0005 Ward No. 5 98 75 23 - - - 88 68 20
0006 Ward No. 6 13 8 5 1 1 - - - -
0007 Ward No. 7 15 11 4 - - - 1 - 1
0008 Ward No. 8 94 62 32 7 4 3 24 7 17
0009 Ward No. 9 115 32 83 6 2 4 75 16 59
0010 Ward No. 10 104 44 60 5 5 - 51 8 43
0011 Ward No. 11 167 103 64 6 2 4 61 22 39
0012 Ward No. 12 187 42 145 2 - 2 127 16 111
0013 Ward No. 13 100 13 87 50 3 47 36 2 34
0014 Ward No. 14 273 113 160 81 6 75 127 50 77
0015 Ward No. 15 251 115 136 31 10 21 181 89 92
802269 Depalpur (NP) 956 481 475 61 12 49 562 238 324
0001 Ward No. 1 60 13 47 40 2 38 - - -
0002 Ward No. 2 68 35 33 4 1 3 - - -
0003 Ward No. 3 21 8 13 - - - 5 1 4
0004 Ward No. 4 90 21 69 - - - 78 15 63
0005 Ward No. 5 50 32 18 1 - 1 16 9 7
0006 Ward No. 6 313 160 153 - - - 306 153 153
0007 Ward No. 7 5 3 2 - - - 3 2 1
0008 Ward No. 8 71 6 65 - - - 65 3 62
0009 Ward No. 9 5 3 2 - - - 2 - 2
0010 Ward No. 10 56 34 22 2 1 1 18 9 9
0011 Ward No. 11 145 116 29 8 6 2 47 34 13
0012 Ward No. 12 14 14 - - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 4 3 1 - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 31 15 16 5 1 4 8 2 6
0015 Ward No. 15 23 18 5 1 1 - 14 10 4
802270 Betma (NP) 253 111 142 1 - 1 114 21 93
0001 Ward No. 1 110 46 64 - - - 64 12 52
0002 Ward No. 2 17 12 5 - - - 5 1 4
0003 Ward No. 3 7 - 7 - - - 2 - 2
0004 Ward No. 4 17 9 8 - - - 3 - 3
0005 Ward No. 5 1 1 - - - - - - -
0006 Ward No. 6 3 2 1 - - - 1 1 -
0007 Ward No. 7 5 4 1 - - - 1 - 1
0008 Ward No. 8 3 2 1 - - - 1 - 1
0009 Ward No. 9 4 4 - - - - - - -
0010 Ward No. 10 19 6 13 - - - 9 - 9
0011 Ward No. 11 33 14 19 - - - 15 4 11
0012 Ward No. 12 8 3 5 - - - 5 2 3
0013 Ward No. 13 3 - 3 - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 5 4 1 - - - - - -
0015 Ward No. 15 18 4 14 1 - 1 8 1 7
802271 Hatod (NP) 1,713 818 895 105 14 91 1,142 493 649
0001 Ward No. 1 26 1 25 - - - 10 1 9
0002 Ward No. 2 7 5 2 - - - - - -
0003 Ward No. 3 332 150 182 2 - 2 321 146 175
0004 Ward No. 4 79 36 43 6 1 5 49 24 25
0005 Ward No. 5 19 12 7 - - - 1 1 -
0006 Ward No. 6 234 139 95 1 1 - 79 46 33
0007 Ward No. 7 491 263 228 2 1 1 339 129 210
0008 Ward No. 8 182 51 131 47 3 44 125 47 78
0009 Ward No. 9 101 52 49 - - - 89 43 46
0010 Ward No. 10 2 2 - - - - - - -
0011 Ward No. 11 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0012 Ward No. 12 48 21 27 1 - 1 29 6 23
0013 Ward No. 13 152 58 94 46 8 38 92 46 46
0014 Ward No. 14 2 1 1 - - - - - -


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

55 18 37 758 564 194 8,457 3,256 5,201 Runji-Gautampura (NP) 802268

12 6 6 42 32 10 512 234 278 Ward No. 1 0001
2 - 2 22 13 9 769 314 455 Ward No. 2 0002
6 3 3 104 77 27 718 257 461 Ward No. 3 0003
- - - 168 144 24 472 161 311 Ward No. 4 0004
3 3 - 7 4 3 441 149 292 Ward No. 5 0005
1 - 1 11 7 4 353 130 223 Ward No. 6 0006
- - - 14 11 3 533 170 363 Ward No. 7 0007
1 - 1 62 51 11 501 166 335 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 34 14 20 599 249 350 Ward No. 9 0009
4 1 3 44 30 14 593 212 381 Ward No. 10 0010
10 1 9 90 78 12 773 277 496 Ward No. 11 0011
12 3 9 46 23 23 492 200 292 Ward No. 12 0012
3 1 2 11 7 4 479 218 261 Ward No. 13 0013
1 - 1 64 57 7 608 264 344 Ward No. 14 0014
- - - 39 16 23 614 255 359 Ward No. 15 0015
38 23 15 295 208 87 11,751 4,398 7,353 Depalpur (NP) 802269
1 - 1 19 11 8 680 288 392 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 64 34 30 622 248 374 Ward No. 2 0002
10 3 7 6 4 2 712 264 448 Ward No. 3 0003
- - - 12 6 6 741 290 451 Ward No. 4 0004
11 7 4 22 16 6 850 332 518 Ward No. 5 0005
- - - 7 7 - 518 220 298 Ward No. 6 0006
- - - 2 1 1 856 264 592 Ward No. 7 0007
- - - 6 3 3 691 254 437 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 3 3 - 1,307 517 790 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 36 24 12 1,202 474 728 Ward No. 10 0010
4 1 3 86 75 11 816 289 527 Ward No. 11 0011
12 12 - 2 2 - 488 143 345 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - 4 3 1 845 327 518 Ward No. 13 0013
- - - 18 12 6 599 223 376 Ward No. 14 0014
- - - 8 7 1 824 265 559 Ward No. 15 0015
12 4 8 126 86 40 10,675 3,872 6,803 Betma (NP) 802270
1 1 - 45 33 12 1,164 448 716 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 12 11 1 1,108 374 734 Ward No. 2 0002
3 - 3 2 - 2 1,729 627 1,102 Ward No. 3 0003
- - - 14 9 5 610 216 394 Ward No. 4 0004
- - - 1 1 - 692 249 443 Ward No. 5 0005
- - - 2 1 1 520 177 343 Ward No. 6 0006
2 2 - 2 2 - 986 356 630 Ward No. 7 0007
- - - 2 2 - 330 114 216 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 4 4 - 612 217 395 Ward No. 9 0009
1 - 1 9 6 3 479 168 311 Ward No. 10 0010
- - - 18 10 8 544 223 321 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - 3 1 2 643 224 419 Ward No. 12 0012
1 - 1 2 - 2 431 179 252 Ward No. 13 0013
1 1 - 4 3 1 476 165 311 Ward No. 14 0014
3 - 3 6 3 3 351 135 216 Ward No. 15 0015
34 18 16 432 293 139 6,128 2,435 3,693 Hatod (NP) 802271
2 - 2 14 - 14 453 180 273 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 7 5 2 298 107 191 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - 9 4 5 278 131 147 Ward No. 3 0003
2 1 1 22 10 12 525 238 287 Ward No. 4 0004
2 1 1 16 10 6 324 123 201 Ward No. 5 0005
8 5 3 146 87 59 393 147 246 Ward No. 6 0006
9 5 4 141 128 13 722 305 417 Ward No. 7 0007
3 1 2 7 - 7 656 261 395 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 12 9 3 432 155 277 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 2 2 - 286 104 182 Ward No. 10 0010
- - - 2 1 1 330 120 210 Ward No. 11 0011
1 1 - 17 14 3 293 116 177 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - 14 4 10 355 200 155 Ward No. 13 0013
2 1 1 - - - 393 120 273 Ward No. 14 0014


Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0015 Ward No. 15 80 545 268 277 71 39 32
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 11.43 3,206 15,761 8,172 7,589 2,085 1,125 960
0001 Ward No. 1 3,206 15,761 8,172 7,589 2,085 1,125 960
802272 Sawer (NP) 8.00 2,798 16,150 8,295 7,855 2,263 1,165 1,098
0001 Ward No. 1 340 1,922 1,001 921 281 157 124
0002 Ward No. 2 264 1,373 719 654 223 110 113
0003 Ward No. 3 212 1,176 612 564 141 71 70
0004 Ward No. 4 151 948 489 459 134 58 76
0005 Ward No. 5 136 931 469 462 147 69 78
0006 Ward No. 6 126 816 416 400 106 70 36
0007 Ward No. 7 292 1,778 924 854 343 171 172
0008 Ward No. 8 102 749 444 305 87 40 47
0009 Ward No. 9 165 862 425 437 114 57 57
0010 Ward No. 10 142 753 380 373 78 38 40
0011 Ward No. 11 97 468 244 224 76 45 31
0012 Ward No. 12 140 794 422 372 96 57 39
0013 Ward No. 13 117 665 341 324 69 32 37
0014 Ward No. 14 218 1,218 601 617 161 78 83
0015 Ward No. 15 296 1,697 808 889 207 112 95
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 9.60 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
0001 Ward No. 1 2,245 10,393 5,568 4,825 1,578 847 731
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
802273 172.39 405,090 1,994,397 1,035,912 958,485 237,842 125,485 112,357
0001 Ward No. 1 7,055 34,702 18,186 16,516 4,970 2,641 2,329
0002 Ward No. 2 9,029 51,713 26,678 25,035 8,051 4,176 3,875
0003 Ward No. 3 4,092 20,047 10,460 9,587 2,279 1,221 1,058
0004 Ward No. 4 5,051 24,654 12,848 11,806 2,767 1,477 1,290
0005 Ward No. 5 6,459 31,658 16,580 15,078 3,963 2,034 1,929
0006 Ward No. 6 5,763 30,066 15,457 14,609 3,592 1,835 1,757
0007 Ward No. 7 3,661 18,929 9,784 9,145 2,090 1,102 988
0008 Ward No. 8 3,256 17,349 8,978 8,371 1,800 967 833
0009 Ward No. 9 3,084 17,076 8,700 8,376 1,531 786 745
0010 Ward No. 10 3,223 18,819 9,651 9,168 2,421 1,246 1,175
0011 Ward No. 11 2,509 13,258 6,804 6,454 1,328 703 625
0012 Ward No. 12 3,574 21,145 10,950 10,195 2,785 1,466 1,319
0013 Ward No. 13 6,004 32,096 17,499 14,597 3,159 1,667 1,492
0014 Ward No. 14 5,681 26,843 13,663 13,180 2,453 1,317 1,136
0015 Ward No. 15 4,413 23,663 12,305 11,358 2,807 1,531 1,276
0016 Ward No. 16 3,784 20,650 10,668 9,982 2,684 1,392 1,292
0017 Ward No. 17 6,186 30,152 15,984 14,168 3,570 1,894 1,676
0018 Ward No. 18 3,044 14,501 7,554 6,947 1,511 788 723
0019 Ward No. 19 9,087 43,900 23,247 20,653 5,546 2,999 2,547
0020 Ward No. 20 4,923 24,518 12,873 11,645 2,947 1,556 1,391
0021 Ward No. 21 5,872 26,926 14,455 12,471 3,900 2,061 1,839
0022 Ward No. 22 10,679 50,195 26,939 23,256 7,245 3,769 3,476
0023 Ward No. 23 6,456 31,659 16,726 14,933 4,238 2,189 2,049
0024 Ward No. 24 5,220 25,503 13,359 12,144 3,252 1,726 1,526
0025 Ward No. 25 4,798 23,544 12,144 11,400 2,397 1,288 1,109
0026 Ward No. 26 3,291 16,456 8,591 7,865 1,962 1,054 908
0027 Ward No. 27 4,257 20,819 10,582 10,237 1,796 915 881
0028 Ward No. 28 6,130 31,030 16,190 14,840 3,558 1,928 1,630
0029 Ward No. 29 5,269 25,624 13,251 12,373 2,513 1,345 1,168
0030 Ward No. 30 6,574 31,263 16,163 15,100 3,278 1,677 1,601
0031 Ward No. 31 6,022 28,734 14,826 13,908 3,032 1,567 1,465
0032 Ward No. 32 4,795 22,558 11,804 10,754 2,251 1,191 1,060
0033 Ward No. 33 6,163 29,188 15,404 13,784 3,433 1,824 1,609
0034 Ward No. 34 8,511 39,763 20,716 19,047 4,748 2,565 2,183
0035 Ward No. 35 5,043 22,368 11,581 10,787 2,272 1,241 1,031
0036 Ward No. 36 5,222 23,832 12,276 11,556 2,073 1,119 954
0037 Ward No. 37 8,387 38,291 20,250 18,041 4,346 2,320 2,026
0038 Ward No. 38 4,954 23,121 11,976 11,145 3,314 1,751 1,563
0039 Ward No. 39 4,430 19,446 10,513 8,933 2,219 1,195 1,024
0040 Ward No. 40 8,025 39,260 20,771 18,489 5,757 3,013 2,744
0041 Ward No. 41 6,910 34,208 18,026 16,182 4,658 2,450 2,208



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
- - - - - - 398 218 180 Ward No. 15
1,702 874 828 1,648 870 778 10,807 6,112 4,695 Bangarda Bada (CT)
1,702 874 828 1,648 870 778 10,807 6,112 4,695 Ward No. 1
3,123 1,576 1,547 364 209 155 11,334 6,378 4,956 Sawer (NP)
882 463 419 69 41 28 1,268 724 544 Ward No. 1
223 115 108 14 10 4 878 514 364 Ward No. 2
267 142 125 2 2 - 854 490 364 Ward No. 3
7 4 3 10 6 4 717 407 310 Ward No. 4
42 21 21 - - - 622 353 269 Ward No. 5
133 64 69 - - - 488 271 217 Ward No. 6
30 17 13 167 83 84 995 596 399 Ward No. 7
80 79 1 41 36 5 615 389 226 Ward No. 8
162 78 84 19 12 7 634 340 294 Ward No. 9
107 52 55 12 6 6 640 333 307 Ward No. 10
250 128 122 - - - 289 181 108 Ward No. 11
31 13 18 - - - 630 348 282 Ward No. 12
- - - 5 2 3 500 288 212 Ward No. 13
266 138 128 4 2 2 898 496 402 Ward No. 14
643 262 381 21 9 12 1,306 648 658 Ward No. 15
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Manglaya Sadak (CT)
2,257 1,206 1,051 724 377 347 6,813 4,001 2,812 Ward No. 1
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
310,080 160,035 150,045 54,217 28,607 25,610 1,503,842 817,237 686,605
6,190 3,200 2,990 1,758 924 834 23,129 13,131 9,998 Ward No. 1
3,859 2,012 1,847 618 323 295 31,247 17,205 14,042 Ward No. 2
2,593 1,316 1,277 299 164 135 15,948 8,657 7,291 Ward No. 3
1,568 821 747 417 212 205 19,968 10,690 9,278 Ward No. 4
4,840 2,471 2,369 399 213 186 22,981 12,983 9,998 Ward No. 5
3,996 1,991 2,005 1,166 602 564 22,218 12,166 10,052 Ward No. 6
2,108 1,069 1,039 98 48 50 15,021 8,002 7,019 Ward No. 7
352 175 177 123 57 66 13,949 7,408 6,541 Ward No. 8
51 28 23 22 9 13 14,466 7,493 6,973 Ward No. 9
590 314 276 9 5 4 13,896 7,441 6,455 Ward No. 10
1,560 808 752 145 73 72 10,830 5,675 5,155 Ward No. 11
3,367 1,749 1,618 314 181 133 15,320 8,243 7,077 Ward No. 12
5,255 2,820 2,435 875 753 122 24,859 13,814 11,045 Ward No. 13
2,924 1,482 1,442 1,090 581 509 22,210 11,594 10,616 Ward No. 14
499 245 254 515 262 253 18,638 9,920 8,718 Ward No. 15
1,752 877 875 56 26 30 15,509 8,315 7,194 Ward No. 16
2,580 1,336 1,244 906 496 410 23,609 13,082 10,527 Ward No. 17
692 365 327 231 114 117 12,245 6,512 5,733 Ward No. 18
4,308 2,239 2,069 758 388 370 32,996 18,509 14,487 Ward No. 19
3,925 2,058 1,867 529 290 239 18,286 10,144 8,142 Ward No. 20
2,446 1,274 1,172 524 289 235 19,203 11,130 8,073 Ward No. 21
10,493 5,517 4,976 2,321 1,229 1,092 32,731 19,372 13,359 Ward No. 22
4,869 2,572 2,297 618 334 284 22,613 12,885 9,728 Ward No. 23
5,667 2,973 2,694 434 227 207 18,735 10,392 8,343 Ward No. 24
5,464 2,776 2,688 308 165 143 18,715 10,033 8,682 Ward No. 25
8,302 4,293 4,009 226 121 105 11,743 6,658 5,085 Ward No. 26
3,424 1,789 1,635 345 169 176 17,405 9,158 8,247 Ward No. 27
23,104 11,980 11,124 341 190 151 22,176 12,635 9,541 Ward No. 28
7,660 3,866 3,794 345 179 166 20,701 11,262 9,439 Ward No. 29
6,018 3,102 2,916 356 170 186 24,647 13,372 11,275 Ward No. 30
6,913 3,510 3,403 323 163 160 22,977 12,394 10,583 Ward No. 31
1,885 970 915 213 108 105 18,877 10,166 8,711 Ward No. 32
3,881 2,015 1,866 196 98 98 22,738 12,566 10,172 Ward No. 33
4,538 2,316 2,222 1,051 528 523 31,986 17,138 14,848 Ward No. 34
1,668 833 835 432 236 196 18,708 9,875 8,833 Ward No. 35
1,861 948 913 449 241 208 20,532 10,695 9,837 Ward No. 36
4,997 2,565 2,432 1,082 566 516 30,817 16,900 13,917 Ward No. 37
6,077 3,133 2,944 862 433 429 15,314 8,578 6,736 Ward No. 38
2,931 1,530 1,401 751 399 352 14,962 8,375 6,587 Ward No. 39
9,365 4,906 4,459 1,390 749 641 26,745 15,341 11,404 Ward No. 40
10,521 5,468 5,053 442 225 217 24,336 13,833 10,503 Ward No. 41



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0015 Ward No. 15 147 50 97 155 140 15 119 114 5
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 4,954 2,060 2,894 6,032 4,495 1,537 5,464 4,339 1,125
0001 Ward No. 1 4,954 2,060 2,894 6,032 4,495 1,537 5,464 4,339 1,125
802272 Sawer (NP) 4,816 1,917 2,899 5,156 4,350 806 4,396 3,803 593
0001 Ward No. 1 654 277 377 618 542 76 594 526 68
0002 Ward No. 2 495 205 290 496 389 107 480 383 97
0003 Ward No. 3 322 122 200 390 342 48 381 337 44
0004 Ward No. 4 231 82 149 305 281 24 260 245 15
0005 Ward No. 5 309 116 193 286 266 20 234 216 18
0006 Ward No. 6 328 145 183 244 202 42 171 141 30
0007 Ward No. 7 783 328 455 514 445 69 324 296 28
0008 Ward No. 8 134 55 79 187 169 18 150 133 17
0009 Ward No. 9 228 85 143 295 243 52 294 242 52
0010 Ward No. 10 113 47 66 228 198 30 217 195 22
0011 Ward No. 11 179 63 116 234 140 94 194 137 57
0012 Ward No. 12 164 74 90 239 208 31 224 199 25
0013 Ward No. 13 165 53 112 207 188 19 202 186 16
0014 Ward No. 14 320 105 215 376 309 67 325 272 53
0015 Ward No. 15 391 160 231 537 428 109 346 295 51
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 3,580 1,567 2,013 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646
0001 Ward No. 1 3,580 1,567 2,013 3,759 3,052 707 3,613 2,967 646
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
802273 490,555 218,675 271,880 725,271 571,144 154,127 677,625 544,167 133,458
0001 Ward No. 1 11,573 5,055 6,518 13,638 10,043 3,595 12,168 9,290 2,878
0002 Ward No. 2 20,466 9,473 10,993 17,471 14,505 2,966 16,119 13,638 2,481
0003 Ward No. 3 4,099 1,803 2,296 7,589 6,085 1,504 7,197 5,883 1,314
0004 Ward No. 4 4,686 2,158 2,528 8,850 7,214 1,636 8,424 7,004 1,420
0005 Ward No. 5 8,677 3,597 5,080 12,116 9,291 2,825 11,507 8,964 2,543
0006 Ward No. 6 7,848 3,291 4,557 11,249 8,711 2,538 10,511 8,327 2,184
0007 Ward No. 7 3,908 1,782 2,126 6,814 5,538 1,276 6,268 5,204 1,064
0008 Ward No. 8 3,400 1,570 1,830 6,062 5,206 856 5,617 4,902 715
0009 Ward No. 9 2,610 1,207 1,403 5,986 5,098 888 5,717 4,891 826
0010 Ward No. 10 4,923 2,210 2,713 6,390 5,572 818 5,966 5,355 611
0011 Ward No. 11 2,428 1,129 1,299 4,762 3,864 898 4,510 3,739 771
0012 Ward No. 12 5,825 2,707 3,118 7,355 6,119 1,236 6,779 5,811 968
0013 Ward No. 13 7,237 3,685 3,552 12,541 9,910 2,631 11,974 9,542 2,432
0014 Ward No. 14 4,633 2,069 2,564 9,463 7,432 2,031 9,094 7,185 1,909
0015 Ward No. 15 5,025 2,385 2,640 8,077 6,840 1,237 7,710 6,599 1,111
0016 Ward No. 16 5,141 2,353 2,788 7,269 6,085 1,184 6,877 5,847 1,030
0017 Ward No. 17 6,543 2,902 3,641 10,575 8,810 1,765 9,696 8,228 1,468
0018 Ward No. 18 2,256 1,042 1,214 4,955 4,077 878 4,661 3,883 778
0019 Ward No. 19 10,904 4,738 6,166 15,880 12,978 2,902 14,703 12,258 2,445
0020 Ward No. 20 6,232 2,729 3,503 8,697 7,079 1,618 8,136 6,725 1,411
0021 Ward No. 21 7,723 3,325 4,398 9,538 7,937 1,601 8,921 7,576 1,345
0022 Ward No. 22 17,464 7,567 9,897 19,139 14,865 4,274 17,855 14,041 3,814
0023 Ward No. 23 9,046 3,841 5,205 11,269 9,159 2,110 10,181 8,516 1,665
0024 Ward No. 24 6,768 2,967 3,801 9,518 7,477 2,041 8,614 7,023 1,591
0025 Ward No. 25 4,829 2,111 2,718 8,846 6,906 1,940 8,394 6,669 1,725
0026 Ward No. 26 4,713 1,933 2,780 6,543 4,779 1,764 5,921 4,420 1,501
0027 Ward No. 27 3,414 1,424 1,990 7,880 6,212 1,668 7,204 5,898 1,306
0028 Ward No. 28 8,854 3,555 5,299 12,661 9,213 3,448 11,452 8,485 2,967
0029 Ward No. 29 4,923 1,989 2,934 9,314 6,976 2,338 8,556 6,541 2,015
0030 Ward No. 30 6,616 2,791 3,825 11,644 8,821 2,823 10,912 8,399 2,513
0031 Ward No. 31 5,757 2,432 3,325 10,637 8,231 2,406 9,961 7,867 2,094
0032 Ward No. 32 3,681 1,638 2,043 8,049 6,388 1,661 7,607 6,102 1,505
0033 Ward No. 33 6,450 2,838 3,612 11,059 8,784 2,275 10,196 8,210 1,986
0034 Ward No. 34 7,777 3,578 4,199 14,951 11,553 3,398 13,615 10,882 2,733
0035 Ward No. 35 3,660 1,706 1,954 8,355 6,376 1,979 7,780 6,081 1,699
0036 Ward No. 36 3,300 1,581 1,719 8,295 6,479 1,816 7,967 6,312 1,655
0037 Ward No. 37 7,474 3,350 4,124 13,640 11,049 2,591 12,885 10,580 2,305
0038 Ward No. 38 7,807 3,398 4,409 8,722 6,605 2,117 8,131 6,286 1,845
0039 Ward No. 39 4,484 2,138 2,346 6,912 5,485 1,427 6,542 5,227 1,315
0040 Ward No. 40 12,515 5,430 7,085 14,232 11,160 3,072 13,244 10,554 2,690
0041 Ward No. 41 9,872 4,193 5,679 12,415 9,811 2,604 11,672 9,426 2,246


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
6 6 - - - - 21 19 2 92 89 3 Ward No. 15
576 483 93 811 603 208 93 64 29 3,984 3,189 795 Bangarda Bada (CT)
576 483 93 811 603 208 93 64 29 3,984 3,189 795 Ward No. 1
338 330 8 241 152 89 309 245 64 3,508 3,076 432 Sawer (NP)
49 48 1 37 27 10 42 39 3 466 412 54 Ward No. 1
14 12 2 41 9 32 23 14 9 402 348 54 Ward No. 2
24 24 - 34 28 6 5 5 - 318 280 38 Ward No. 3
23 23 - 1 1 - 38 37 1 198 184 14 Ward No. 4
19 19 - 1 1 - - - - 214 196 18 Ward No. 5
16 15 1 1 1 - 8 6 2 146 119 27 Ward No. 6
17 17 - 64 44 20 5 5 - 238 230 8 Ward No. 7
12 12 - - - - 4 4 - 134 117 17 Ward No. 8
16 16 - - - - 16 15 1 262 211 51 Ward No. 9
9 9 - 1 1 - 3 3 - 204 182 22 Ward No. 10
3 3 - - - - 113 70 43 78 64 14 Ward No. 11
23 23 - - - - 15 13 2 186 163 23 Ward No. 12
47 46 1 11 6 5 - - - 144 134 10 Ward No. 13
33 31 2 24 18 6 27 25 2 241 198 43 Ward No. 14
33 32 1 26 16 10 10 9 1 277 238 39 Ward No. 15
104 89 15 129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Manglaya Sadak (CT)
104 89 15 129 87 42 168 131 37 3,212 2,660 552 Ward No. 1
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
6,330 4,966 1,364 7,212 5,169 2,043 29,046 22,498 6,548 635,037 511,534 123,503
46 36 10 94 77 17 538 332 206 11,490 8,845 2,645 Ward No. 1
79 62 17 126 106 20 927 701 226 14,987 12,769 2,218 Ward No. 2
19 14 5 64 55 9 346 257 89 6,768 5,557 1,211 Ward No. 3
45 32 13 55 46 9 677 574 103 7,647 6,352 1,295 Ward No. 4
25 17 8 145 115 30 485 335 150 10,852 8,497 2,355 Ward No. 5
55 39 16 51 41 10 245 186 59 10,160 8,061 2,099 Ward No. 6
34 27 7 43 37 6 596 500 96 5,595 4,640 955 Ward No. 7
25 22 3 17 13 4 443 379 64 5,132 4,488 644 Ward No. 8
26 22 4 18 16 2 791 684 107 4,882 4,169 713 Ward No. 9
26 22 4 9 3 6 321 270 51 5,610 5,060 550 Ward No. 10
34 24 10 31 29 2 336 280 56 4,109 3,406 703 Ward No. 11
58 51 7 18 16 2 417 369 48 6,286 5,375 911 Ward No. 12
22 20 2 30 23 7 385 276 109 11,537 9,223 2,314 Ward No. 13
39 34 5 25 19 6 263 219 44 8,767 6,913 1,854 Ward No. 14
38 37 1 75 61 14 776 653 123 6,821 5,848 973 Ward No. 15
31 29 2 8 7 1 201 164 37 6,637 5,647 990 Ward No. 16
40 31 9 78 59 19 564 460 104 9,014 7,678 1,336 Ward No. 17
14 13 1 14 10 4 138 108 30 4,495 3,752 743 Ward No. 18
63 49 14 101 82 19 981 771 210 13,558 11,356 2,202 Ward No. 19
46 40 6 123 99 24 375 273 102 7,592 6,313 1,279 Ward No. 20
142 96 46 146 117 29 210 156 54 8,423 7,207 1,216 Ward No. 21
83 67 16 272 208 64 652 460 192 16,848 13,306 3,542 Ward No. 22
266 243 23 290 214 76 258 177 81 9,367 7,882 1,485 Ward No. 23
38 29 9 105 83 22 423 290 133 8,048 6,621 1,427 Ward No. 24
25 21 4 41 34 7 341 232 109 7,987 6,382 1,605 Ward No. 25
13 10 3 25 15 10 212 98 114 5,671 4,297 1,374 Ward No. 26
18 13 5 40 28 12 527 405 122 6,619 5,452 1,167 Ward No. 27
14 10 4 35 26 9 254 171 83 11,149 8,278 2,871 Ward No. 28
35 20 15 50 44 6 266 197 69 8,205 6,280 1,925 Ward No. 29
29 24 5 27 19 8 624 501 123 10,232 7,855 2,377 Ward No. 30
28 19 9 42 32 10 421 299 122 9,470 7,517 1,953 Ward No. 31
25 17 8 36 31 5 502 379 123 7,044 5,675 1,369 Ward No. 32
75 69 6 40 32 8 265 187 78 9,816 7,922 1,894 Ward No. 33
68 56 12 167 122 45 268 201 67 13,112 10,503 2,609 Ward No. 34
37 26 11 38 26 12 262 207 55 7,443 5,822 1,621 Ward No. 35
48 35 13 41 21 20 278 231 47 7,600 6,025 1,575 Ward No. 36
23 18 5 68 53 15 396 317 79 12,398 10,192 2,206 Ward No. 37
245 202 43 630 430 200 260 177 83 6,996 5,477 1,519 Ward No. 38
24 19 5 53 44 9 415 316 99 6,050 4,848 1,202 Ward No. 39
361 340 21 222 158 64 257 189 68 12,404 9,867 2,537 Ward No. 40
28 19 9 82 64 18 340 224 116 11,222 9,119 2,103 Ward No. 41


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0015 Ward No. 15 36 26 10 - - - 8 4 4
476111 Bangarda Bada (CT) 568 156 412 220 7 213 88 9 79
0001 Ward No. 1 568 156 412 220 7 213 88 9 79
802272 Sawer (NP) 760 547 213 8 7 1 124 70 54
0001 Ward No. 1 24 16 8 4 4 - 5 - 5
0002 Ward No. 2 16 6 10 - - - 11 2 9
0003 Ward No. 3 9 5 4 - - - 3 1 2
0004 Ward No. 4 45 36 9 - - - 4 4 -
0005 Ward No. 5 52 50 2 1 1 - - - -
0006 Ward No. 6 73 61 12 - - - 18 13 5
0007 Ward No. 7 190 149 41 - - - 32 24 8
0008 Ward No. 8 37 36 1 - - - 1 1 -
0009 Ward No. 9 1 1 - - - - - - -
0010 Ward No. 10 11 3 8 - - - 1 - 1
0011 Ward No. 11 40 3 37 - - - - - -
0012 Ward No. 12 15 9 6 - - - 5 5 -
0013 Ward No. 13 5 2 3 - - - 3 - 3
0014 Ward No. 14 51 37 14 1 1 - 16 8 8
0015 Ward No. 15 191 133 58 2 1 1 25 12 13
476238 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
0001 Ward No. 1 146 85 61 1 1 - 13 8 5
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
802273 47,646 26,977 20,669 1,519 679 840 1,463 816 647
0001 Ward No. 1 1,470 753 717 20 9 11 52 12 40
0002 Ward No. 2 1,352 867 485 42 17 25 45 33 12
0003 Ward No. 3 392 202 190 13 10 3 5 3 2
0004 Ward No. 4 426 210 216 27 8 19 22 9 13
0005 Ward No. 5 609 327 282 8 5 3 5 3 2
0006 Ward No. 6 738 384 354 19 8 11 5 3 2
0007 Ward No. 7 546 334 212 21 8 13 6 5 1
0008 Ward No. 8 445 304 141 6 4 2 8 8 -
0009 Ward No. 9 269 207 62 1 1 - 3 - 3
0010 Ward No. 10 424 217 207 26 14 12 3 - 3
0011 Ward No. 11 252 125 127 6 - 6 4 1 3
0012 Ward No. 12 576 308 268 15 9 6 - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 567 368 199 13 7 6 4 2 2
0014 Ward No. 14 369 247 122 11 3 8 5 2 3
0015 Ward No. 15 367 241 126 7 3 4 5 3 2
0016 Ward No. 16 392 238 154 5 2 3 8 3 5
0017 Ward No. 17 879 582 297 7 6 1 13 10 3
0018 Ward No. 18 294 194 100 4 3 1 4 3 1
0019 Ward No. 19 1,177 720 457 8 6 2 30 19 11
0020 Ward No. 20 561 354 207 10 5 5 19 16 3
0021 Ward No. 21 617 361 256 14 6 8 18 13 5
0022 Ward No. 22 1,284 824 460 20 14 6 74 44 30
0023 Ward No. 23 1,088 643 445 11 5 6 56 29 27
0024 Ward No. 24 904 454 450 39 14 25 17 13 4
0025 Ward No. 25 452 237 215 12 9 3 7 4 3
0026 Ward No. 26 622 359 263 7 3 4 9 4 5
0027 Ward No. 27 676 314 362 28 13 15 11 4 7
0028 Ward No. 28 1,209 728 481 6 5 1 10 5 5
0029 Ward No. 29 758 435 323 53 30 23 8 4 4
0030 Ward No. 30 732 422 310 31 10 21 7 3 4
0031 Ward No. 31 676 364 312 12 6 6 5 - 5
0032 Ward No. 32 442 286 156 11 5 6 2 - 2
0033 Ward No. 33 863 574 289 19 12 7 12 8 4
0034 Ward No. 34 1,336 671 665 37 13 24 68 40 28
0035 Ward No. 35 575 295 280 14 7 7 9 3 6
0036 Ward No. 36 328 167 161 11 5 6 17 12 5
0037 Ward No. 37 755 469 286 29 19 10 7 4 3
0038 Ward No. 38 591 319 272 14 5 9 108 61 47
0039 Ward No. 39 370 258 112 8 5 3 6 5 1
0040 Ward No. 40 988 606 382 29 21 8 38 13 25
0041 Ward No. 41 743 385 358 63 28 35 6 2 4


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
5 3 2 23 19 4 390 128 262 Ward No. 15 0015
20 6 14 240 134 106 9,729 3,677 6,052 Bangarda Bada (CT) 476111
20 6 14 240 134 106 9,729 3,677 6,052 Ward No. 1 0001
98 63 35 530 407 123 10,994 3,945 7,049 Sawer (NP) 802272
- - - 15 12 3 1,304 459 845 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 5 4 1 877 330 547 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - 6 4 2 786 270 516 Ward No. 3 0003
29 27 2 12 5 7 643 208 435 Ward No. 4 0004
- - - 51 49 2 645 203 442 Ward No. 5 0005
26 26 - 29 22 7 572 214 358 Ward No. 6 0006
4 4 - 154 121 33 1,264 479 785 Ward No. 7 0007
3 3 - 33 32 1 562 275 287 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 1 1 - 567 182 385 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 10 3 7 525 182 343 Ward No. 10 0010
32 1 31 8 2 6 234 104 130 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - 10 4 6 555 214 341 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - 2 2 - 458 153 305 Ward No. 13 0013
1 - 1 33 28 5 842 292 550 Ward No. 14 0014
3 2 1 161 118 43 1,160 380 780 Ward No. 15 0015
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Manglaya Sadak (CT) 476238
14 3 11 118 73 45 6,634 2,516 4,118 Ward No. 1 0001
Indore (M Corp. + OG)
2,634 1,119 1,515 42,030 24,363 17,667 1,269,126 464,768 804,358 802273
74 30 44 1,324 702 622 21,064 8,143 12,921 Ward No. 1 0001
112 52 60 1,153 765 388 34,242 12,173 22,069 Ward No. 2 0002
41 12 29 333 177 156 12,458 4,375 8,083 Ward No. 3 0003
44 22 22 333 171 162 15,804 5,634 10,170 Ward No. 4 0004
29 7 22 567 312 255 19,542 7,289 12,253 Ward No. 5 0005
22 9 13 692 364 328 18,817 6,746 12,071 Ward No. 6 0006
51 24 27 468 297 171 12,115 4,246 7,869 Ward No. 7 0007
36 16 20 395 276 119 11,287 3,772 7,515 Ward No. 8 0008
25 17 8 240 189 51 11,090 3,602 7,488 Ward No. 9 0009
21 6 15 374 197 177 12,429 4,079 8,350 Ward No. 10 0010
30 15 15 212 109 103 8,496 2,940 5,556 Ward No. 11 0011
6 3 3 555 296 259 13,790 4,831 8,959 Ward No. 12 0012
28 21 7 522 338 184 19,555 7,589 11,966 Ward No. 13 0013
12 5 7 341 237 104 17,380 6,231 11,149 Ward No. 14 0014
40 23 17 315 212 103 15,586 5,465 10,121 Ward No. 15 0015
26 17 9 353 216 137 13,381 4,583 8,798 Ward No. 16 0016
55 27 28 804 539 265 19,577 7,174 12,403 Ward No. 17 0017
15 6 9 271 182 89 9,546 3,477 6,069 Ward No. 18 0018
59 35 24 1,080 660 420 28,020 10,269 17,751 Ward No. 19 0019
63 31 32 469 302 167 15,821 5,794 10,027 Ward No. 20 0020
14 9 5 571 333 238 17,388 6,518 10,870 Ward No. 21 0021
104 58 46 1,086 708 378 31,056 12,074 18,982 Ward No. 22 0022
44 28 16 977 581 396 20,390 7,567 12,823 Ward No. 23 0023
31 16 15 817 411 406 15,985 5,882 10,103 Ward No. 24 0024
28 7 21 405 217 188 14,698 5,238 9,460 Ward No. 25 0025
27 10 17 579 342 237 9,913 3,812 6,101 Ward No. 26 0026
47 21 26 590 276 314 12,939 4,370 8,569 Ward No. 27 0027
73 29 44 1,120 689 431 18,369 6,977 11,392 Ward No. 28 0028
22 9 13 675 392 283 16,310 6,275 10,035 Ward No. 29 0029
25 12 13 669 397 272 19,619 7,342 12,277 Ward No. 30 0030
51 22 29 608 336 272 18,097 6,595 11,502 Ward No. 31 0031
35 21 14 394 260 134 14,509 5,416 9,093 Ward No. 32 0032
36 12 24 796 542 254 18,129 6,620 11,509 Ward No. 33 0033
58 19 39 1,173 599 574 24,812 9,163 15,649 Ward No. 34 0034
21 11 10 531 274 257 14,013 5,205 8,808 Ward No. 35 0035
13 5 8 287 145 142 15,537 5,797 9,740 Ward No. 36 0036
10 4 6 709 442 267 24,651 9,201 15,450 Ward No. 37 0037
43 14 29 426 239 187 14,399 5,371 9,028 Ward No. 38 0038
17 12 5 339 236 103 12,534 5,028 7,506 Ward No. 39 0039
28 7 21 893 565 328 25,028 9,611 15,417 Ward No. 40 0040
30 7 23 644 348 296 21,793 8,215 13,578 Ward No. 41 0041


Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0042 Ward No. 42 11,561 65,888 34,073 31,815 10,942 5,622 5,320
0043 Ward No. 43 5,969 26,191 13,564 12,627 2,508 1,365 1,143
0044 Ward No. 44 6,029 27,334 13,694 13,640 2,390 1,307 1,083
0045 Ward No. 45 5,018 23,987 12,243 11,744 2,523 1,318 1,205
0046 Ward No. 46 3,822 18,819 9,448 9,371 1,401 755 646
0047 Ward No. 47 5,705 26,060 13,140 12,920 2,307 1,225 1,082
0048 Ward No. 48 7,670 33,954 17,591 16,363 3,862 2,038 1,824
0049 Ward No. 49 5,000 24,700 13,094 11,606 3,033 1,657 1,376
0050 Ward No. 50 11,341 55,116 29,260 25,856 8,099 4,321 3,778
0051 Ward No. 51 6,575 37,641 19,653 17,988 5,784 3,022 2,762
0052 Ward No. 52 4,889 24,703 12,852 11,851 2,876 1,531 1,345
0053 Ward No. 53 4,420 22,530 11,458 11,072 2,215 1,168 1,047
0054 Ward No. 54 6,140 30,213 15,497 14,716 2,889 1,570 1,319
0055 Ward No. 55 5,995 32,013 16,274 15,739 3,797 1,981 1,816
0056 Ward No. 56 7,079 33,950 17,483 16,467 3,620 1,882 1,738
0057 Ward No. 57 7,849 38,650 19,945 18,705 5,268 2,741 2,527
0058 Ward No. 58 8,017 34,048 17,252 16,796 3,325 1,803 1,522
0059 Ward No. 59 9,247 44,377 22,948 21,429 5,667 2,944 2,723
0060 Ward No. 60 5,116 24,324 12,486 11,838 2,235 1,217 1,018
0061 Ward No. 61 5,468 24,401 12,426 11,975 2,599 1,387 1,212
0062 Ward No. 62 4,720 22,466 11,430 11,036 2,123 1,117 1,006
0063 Ward No. 63 3,559 17,547 8,738 8,809 1,491 796 695
0064 Ward No. 64 4,629 24,322 12,380 11,942 3,233 1,689 1,544
0065 Ward No. 65 5,886 31,439 16,203 15,236 3,656 1,896 1,760
0066 Ward No. 66 3,098 16,755 8,641 8,114 1,754 921 833
0067 Ward No. 67 5,840 28,534 14,649 13,885 2,840 1,476 1,364
0068 Ward No. 68 4,183 19,694 10,111 9,583 1,958 1,061 897
0069 Ward No. 69 7,233 34,903 18,112 16,791 4,239 2,230 2,009
0070 Ward No. 70 476 2,498 1,268 1,230 443 229 214
0071 Ward No. 71 1,132 5,195 2,825 2,370 723 389 334
0072 Ward No. 72 1,598 7,215 3,829 3,386 1,264 652 612
0073 Ward No. 73 998 5,524 2,809 2,715 753 395 358
0074 Ward No. 74 69 389 207 182 71 37 34
0075 Ward No. 75 1,494 7,515 3,920 3,595 1,134 584 550
0076 Ward No. 76 379 1,975 997 978 324 173 151
802274 Rau (NP) 14.74 7,502 36,055 18,658 17,397 5,051 2,661 2,390
0001 Ward No. 1 237 1,380 730 650 150 90 60
0002 Ward No. 2 265 1,360 681 679 169 94 75
0003 Ward No. 3 745 3,762 1,998 1,764 585 307 278
0004 Ward No. 4 388 2,345 988 1,357 248 126 122
0005 Ward No. 5 595 2,784 1,451 1,333 423 213 210
0006 Ward No. 6 831 4,108 2,169 1,939 690 366 324
0007 Ward No. 7 377 1,945 1,028 917 292 160 132
0008 Ward No. 8 492 2,381 1,265 1,116 277 152 125
0009 Ward No. 9 350 1,757 893 864 238 127 111
0010 Ward No. 10 393 1,862 958 904 219 120 99
0011 Ward No. 11 631 2,676 1,440 1,236 384 207 177
0012 Ward No. 12 372 1,654 845 809 181 79 102
0013 Ward No. 13 699 3,006 1,590 1,416 475 246 229
0014 Ward No. 14 474 2,158 1,112 1,046 319 152 167
0015 Ward No. 15 653 2,877 1,510 1,367 401 222 179

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 11.19 13,345 64,213 33,921 30,292 8,717 4,622 4,095
0001 Ward No. 1 13,345 64,213 33,921 30,292 8,717 4,622 4,095
476366 Bank (CT) 4.65 3,325 18,534 9,572 8,962 2,877 1,525 1,352
0001 Ward No. 1 3,325 18,534 9,572 8,962 2,877 1,525 1,352
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 3.18 2,120 10,165 5,183 4,982 1,301 652 649
0001 Ward No. 1 2,120 10,165 5,183 4,982 1,301 652 649
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 5.86 1,867 9,357 4,816 4,541 1,631 841 790
0001 Ward No. 1 1,867 9,357 4,816 4,541 1,631 841 790
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 4.05 2,415 10,684 5,535 5,149 1,333 678 655
0001 Ward No. 1 2,415 10,684 5,535 5,149 1,333 678 655
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 5.33 978 5,050 2,603 2,447 798 394 404
0001 Ward No. 1 978 5,050 2,603 2,447 798 394 404



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
1,293 658 635 336 172 164 41,572 22,854 18,718 Ward No. 42
1,306 670 636 467 239 228 21,762 11,474 10,288 Ward No. 43
1,794 913 881 145 75 70 23,308 11,837 11,471 Ward No. 44
7,646 3,847 3,799 312 160 152 18,831 9,953 8,878 Ward No. 45
2,163 1,085 1,078 452 227 225 16,296 8,268 8,028 Ward No. 46
1,546 768 778 223 117 106 22,447 11,434 11,013 Ward No. 47
3,202 1,669 1,533 1,250 652 598 26,934 14,315 12,619 Ward No. 48
8,897 4,683 4,214 4,905 2,521 2,384 16,061 9,169 6,892 Ward No. 49
12,496 6,555 5,941 3,890 2,070 1,820 37,267 21,443 15,824 Ward No. 50
731 399 332 348 179 169 25,269 13,856 11,413 Ward No. 51
7,457 3,802 3,655 1,221 686 535 17,849 9,839 8,010 Ward No. 52
1,916 961 955 356 185 171 18,526 9,607 8,919 Ward No. 53
2,892 1,490 1,402 162 80 82 25,437 13,192 12,245 Ward No. 54
2,958 1,505 1,453 587 292 295 25,089 13,169 11,920 Ward No. 55
4,870 2,558 2,312 1,072 521 551 26,210 14,048 12,162 Ward No. 56
8,443 4,367 4,076 3,378 1,758 1,620 26,006 14,578 11,428 Ward No. 57
3,900 2,009 1,891 864 442 422 28,287 14,461 13,826 Ward No. 58
7,760 3,991 3,769 2,303 1,237 1,066 31,519 17,401 14,118 Ward No. 59
1,039 531 508 569 290 279 20,804 10,781 10,023 Ward No. 60
1,847 970 877 636 316 320 20,131 10,450 9,681 Ward No. 61
4,515 2,314 2,201 427 222 205 18,831 9,793 9,038 Ward No. 62
1,080 497 583 197 39 158 15,048 7,580 7,468 Ward No. 63
10,479 5,360 5,119 299 160 139 16,236 8,700 7,536 Ward No. 64
7,381 3,724 3,657 311 162 149 23,665 12,740 10,925 Ward No. 65
2,792 1,423 1,369 92 49 43 13,275 7,163 6,112 Ward No. 66
2,965 1,537 1,428 596 304 292 22,927 12,160 10,767 Ward No. 67
725 386 339 1,068 579 489 16,228 8,415 7,813 Ward No. 68
3,253 1,699 1,554 1,525 817 708 26,520 14,427 12,093 Ward No. 69
161 83 78 8 5 3 1,271 774 497 Ward No. 70
1,065 563 502 419 233 186 3,379 1,918 1,461 Ward No. 71
1,900 1,020 880 680 355 325 4,214 2,526 1,688 Ward No. 72
1,433 715 718 282 144 138 3,049 1,864 1,185 Ward No. 73
78 44 34 171 91 80 104 74 30 Ward No. 74
2,153 1,095 1,058 1,187 618 569 4,437 2,603 1,834 Ward No. 75
851 432 419 142 70 72 1,067 629 438 Ward No. 76
4,534 2,313 2,221 2,925 1,395 1,530 25,917 14,252 11,665 Rau (NP)
61 39 22 23 12 11 1,100 618 482 Ward No. 1
456 226 230 - - - 902 522 380 Ward No. 2
818 409 409 379 199 180 2,471 1,427 1,044 Ward No. 3
96 29 67 337 18 319 1,954 836 1,118 Ward No. 4
495 255 240 584 325 259 1,803 1,038 765 Ward No. 5
335 185 150 615 322 293 2,558 1,464 1,094 Ward No. 6
4 3 1 2 1 1 1,454 816 638 Ward No. 7
214 110 104 90 45 45 1,798 1,023 775 Ward No. 8
714 355 359 22 10 12 1,204 685 519 Ward No. 9
59 31 28 21 13 8 1,564 815 749 Ward No. 10
171 96 75 69 39 30 2,106 1,157 949 Ward No. 11
69 36 33 92 43 49 1,324 716 608 Ward No. 12
702 360 342 411 229 182 1,854 1,072 782 Ward No. 13
160 82 78 157 74 83 1,563 862 701 Ward No. 14
180 97 83 123 65 58 2,262 1,201 1,061 Ward No. 15

5,037 2,651 2,386 1,829 949 880 48,281 26,810 21,471 Bangarda Chhota (CT)
5,037 2,651 2,386 1,829 949 880 48,281 26,810 21,471 Ward No. 1
919 464 455 590 322 268 12,566 6,932 5,634 Bank (CT)
919 464 455 590 322 268 12,566 6,932 5,634 Ward No. 1
2,029 1,024 1,005 1,348 703 645 6,573 3,673 2,900 Hukmakhedi (CT)
2,029 1,024 1,005 1,348 703 645 6,573 3,673 2,900 Ward No. 1
3,284 1,702 1,582 1,302 651 651 4,950 2,862 2,088 Ahirkhedi (CT)
3,284 1,702 1,582 1,302 651 651 4,950 2,862 2,088 Ward No. 1
1,762 877 885 451 233 218 7,895 4,248 3,647 Piplya Kumar (CT)
1,762 877 885 451 233 218 7,895 4,248 3,647 Ward No. 1
1,464 743 721 1,131 578 553 2,378 1,450 928 Sinhasa (CT)
1,464 743 721 1,131 578 553 2,378 1,450 928 Ward No. 1



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
0042 Ward No. 42 24,316 11,219 13,097 20,588 17,715 2,873 18,964 16,661 2,303
0043 Ward No. 43 4,429 2,090 2,339 9,632 7,406 2,226 9,296 7,222 2,074
0044 Ward No. 44 4,026 1,857 2,169 9,865 7,577 2,288 9,293 7,285 2,008
0045 Ward No. 45 5,156 2,290 2,866 8,975 6,601 2,374 8,531 6,327 2,204
0046 Ward No. 46 2,523 1,180 1,343 7,630 5,427 2,203 6,734 5,102 1,632
0047 Ward No. 47 3,613 1,706 1,907 9,641 7,185 2,456 9,103 6,909 2,194
0048 Ward No. 48 7,020 3,276 3,744 12,850 9,642 3,208 12,030 9,188 2,842
0049 Ward No. 49 8,639 3,925 4,714 10,337 7,292 3,045 8,860 6,567 2,293
0050 Ward No. 50 17,849 7,817 10,032 18,643 15,431 3,212 17,234 14,523 2,711
0051 Ward No. 51 12,372 5,797 6,575 11,618 10,081 1,537 10,566 9,379 1,187
0052 Ward No. 52 6,854 3,013 3,841 8,971 6,874 2,097 8,643 6,678 1,965
0053 Ward No. 53 4,004 1,851 2,153 7,916 6,426 1,490 7,597 6,265 1,332
0054 Ward No. 54 4,776 2,305 2,471 10,554 8,760 1,794 10,247 8,612 1,635
0055 Ward No. 55 6,924 3,105 3,819 11,688 9,305 2,383 11,132 8,971 2,161
0056 Ward No. 56 7,740 3,435 4,305 12,365 9,264 3,101 11,607 8,973 2,634
0057 Ward No. 57 12,644 5,367 7,277 14,459 10,866 3,593 13,810 10,578 3,232
0058 Ward No. 58 5,761 2,791 2,970 12,474 9,053 3,421 11,821 8,680 3,141
0059 Ward No. 59 12,858 5,547 7,311 16,794 12,613 4,181 15,735 12,086 3,649
0060 Ward No. 60 3,520 1,705 1,815 8,595 6,652 1,943 8,247 6,460 1,787
0061 Ward No. 61 4,270 1,976 2,294 8,690 6,772 1,918 8,413 6,658 1,755
0062 Ward No. 62 3,635 1,637 1,998 8,233 6,449 1,784 7,582 6,052 1,530
0063 Ward No. 63 2,499 1,158 1,341 6,219 5,151 1,068 6,030 5,044 986
0064 Ward No. 64 8,086 3,680 4,406 9,804 7,182 2,622 8,814 6,604 2,210
0065 Ward No. 65 7,774 3,463 4,311 11,462 9,031 2,431 10,906 8,735 2,171
0066 Ward No. 66 3,480 1,478 2,002 5,834 4,840 994 5,623 4,717 906
0067 Ward No. 67 5,607 2,489 3,118 10,452 8,185 2,267 9,999 7,931 2,068
0068 Ward No. 68 3,466 1,696 1,770 7,018 5,699 1,319 6,834 5,604 1,230
0069 Ward No. 69 8,383 3,685 4,698 12,622 10,160 2,462 11,721 9,706 2,015
0070 Ward No. 70 1,227 494 733 1,105 709 396 907 641 266
0071 Ward No. 71 1,816 907 909 2,255 1,692 563 1,970 1,520 450
0072 Ward No. 72 3,001 1,303 1,698 2,512 2,020 492 2,303 1,915 388
0073 Ward No. 73 2,475 945 1,530 2,409 1,612 797 2,298 1,540 758
0074 Ward No. 74 285 133 152 143 96 47 134 91 43
0075 Ward No. 75 3,078 1,317 1,761 2,923 2,206 717 2,849 2,178 671
0076 Ward No. 76 908 368 540 637 447 190 548 395 153
802274 Rau (NP) 10,138 4,406 5,732 12,501 9,968 2,533 11,704 9,568 2,136
0001 Ward No. 1 280 112 168 547 412 135 536 405 131
0002 Ward No. 2 458 159 299 603 379 224 575 369 206
0003 Ward No. 3 1,291 571 720 1,172 900 272 1,118 876 242
0004 Ward No. 4 391 152 239 593 525 68 577 515 62
0005 Ward No. 5 981 413 568 1,099 795 304 889 703 186
0006 Ward No. 6 1,550 705 845 1,453 1,139 314 1,337 1,086 251
0007 Ward No. 7 491 212 279 607 528 79 570 506 64
0008 Ward No. 8 583 242 341 850 701 149 798 676 122
0009 Ward No. 9 553 208 345 671 488 183 602 469 133
0010 Ward No. 10 298 143 155 581 526 55 571 519 52
0011 Ward No. 11 570 283 287 872 761 111 796 696 100
0012 Ward No. 12 330 129 201 557 480 77 538 469 69
0013 Ward No. 13 1,152 518 634 1,180 865 315 1,123 837 286
0014 Ward No. 14 595 250 345 787 660 127 775 653 122
0015 Ward No. 15 615 309 306 929 809 120 899 789 110

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 15,932 7,111 8,821 22,619 18,565 4,054 21,546 17,899 3,647
0001 Ward No. 1 15,932 7,111 8,821 22,619 18,565 4,054 21,546 17,899 3,647
476366 Bank (CT) 5,968 2,640 3,328 6,095 5,075 1,020 5,620 4,814 806
0001 Ward No. 1 5,968 2,640 3,328 6,095 5,075 1,020 5,620 4,814 806
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 3,592 1,510 2,082 4,155 2,879 1,276 3,638 2,632 1,006
0001 Ward No. 1 3,592 1,510 2,082 4,155 2,879 1,276 3,638 2,632 1,006
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 4,407 1,954 2,453 3,545 2,536 1,009 3,300 2,382 918
0001 Ward No. 1 4,407 1,954 2,453 3,545 2,536 1,009 3,300 2,382 918
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 2,789 1,287 1,502 3,904 2,983 921 3,588 2,797 791
0001 Ward No. 1 2,789 1,287 1,502 3,904 2,983 921 3,588 2,797 791
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 2,672 1,153 1,519 2,334 1,505 829 1,955 1,358 597
0001 Ward No. 1 2,672 1,153 1,519 2,334 1,505 829 1,955 1,358 597


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
153 120 33 77 65 12 551 394 157 18,183 16,082 2,101 Ward No. 42
52 40 12 119 103 16 399 316 83 8,726 6,763 1,963 Ward No. 43
29 21 8 29 25 4 467 386 81 8,768 6,853 1,915 Ward No. 44
12 8 4 21 13 8 155 110 45 8,343 6,196 2,147 Ward No. 45
57 36 21 33 24 9 158 105 53 6,486 4,937 1,549 Ward No. 46
20 17 3 36 28 8 224 161 63 8,823 6,703 2,120 Ward No. 47
88 73 15 121 82 39 441 323 118 11,380 8,710 2,670 Ward No. 48
31 18 13 144 93 51 322 231 91 8,363 6,225 2,138 Ward No. 49
226 197 29 175 143 32 449 354 95 16,384 13,829 2,555 Ward No. 50
41 28 13 169 157 12 293 241 52 10,063 8,953 1,110 Ward No. 51
19 17 2 31 21 10 625 568 57 7,968 6,072 1,896 Ward No. 52
32 23 9 30 23 7 510 445 65 7,025 5,774 1,251 Ward No. 53
24 19 5 19 14 5 801 685 116 9,403 7,894 1,509 Ward No. 54
47 33 14 15 11 4 274 213 61 10,796 8,714 2,082 Ward No. 55
98 82 16 268 158 110 338 223 115 10,903 8,510 2,393 Ward No. 56
1,086 938 148 348 172 176 469 366 103 11,907 9,102 2,805 Ward No. 57
38 32 6 42 33 9 419 313 106 11,322 8,302 3,020 Ward No. 58
83 53 30 120 78 42 393 263 130 15,139 11,692 3,447 Ward No. 59
82 48 34 54 47 7 332 279 53 7,779 6,086 1,693 Ward No. 60
65 48 17 32 27 5 287 236 51 8,029 6,347 1,682 Ward No. 61
31 25 6 26 20 6 255 204 51 7,270 5,803 1,467 Ward No. 62
20 11 9 6 5 1 508 412 96 5,496 4,616 880 Ward No. 63
212 100 112 73 57 16 484 370 114 8,045 6,077 1,968 Ward No. 64
23 21 2 179 156 23 615 482 133 10,089 8,076 2,013 Ward No. 65
22 16 6 10 9 1 272 218 54 5,319 4,474 845 Ward No. 66
32 22 10 37 28 9 541 457 84 9,389 7,424 1,965 Ward No. 67
27 19 8 25 18 7 432 368 64 6,350 5,199 1,151 Ward No. 68
49 29 20 54 41 13 557 397 160 11,061 9,239 1,822 Ward No. 69
18 13 5 163 112 51 17 3 14 709 513 196 Ward No. 70
112 107 5 26 20 6 33 25 8 1,799 1,368 431 Ward No. 71
15 15 - 84 62 22 65 49 16 2,139 1,789 350 Ward No. 72
773 470 303 529 283 246 44 29 15 952 758 194 Ward No. 73
- - - 16 6 10 - - - 118 85 33 Ward No. 74
269 247 22 353 202 151 68 59 9 2,159 1,670 489 Ward No. 75
54 46 8 173 118 55 12 8 4 309 223 86 Ward No. 76
854 702 152 1,048 561 487 547 440 107 9,255 7,865 1,390 Rau (NP)
255 180 75 40 18 22 6 3 3 235 204 31 Ward No. 1
15 14 1 121 32 89 28 18 10 411 305 106 Ward No. 2
9 9 - 91 53 38 40 29 11 978 785 193 Ward No. 3
34 34 - 62 56 6 120 115 5 361 310 51 Ward No. 4
17 16 1 281 170 111 24 19 5 567 498 69 Ward No. 5
110 85 25 163 92 71 83 62 21 981 847 134 Ward No. 6
118 108 10 54 37 17 57 55 2 341 306 35 Ward No. 7
177 155 22 22 15 7 20 16 4 579 490 89 Ward No. 8
50 39 11 60 10 50 14 12 2 478 408 70 Ward No. 9
20 19 1 7 6 1 21 17 4 523 477 46 Ward No. 10
11 10 1 8 8 - 32 23 9 745 655 90 Ward No. 11
5 5 - 1 - 1 6 4 2 526 460 66 Ward No. 12
6 5 1 123 50 73 39 29 10 955 753 202 Ward No. 13
4 3 1 9 8 1 16 12 4 746 630 116 Ward No. 14
23 20 3 6 6 - 41 26 15 829 737 92 Ward No. 15

380 299 81 438 299 139 737 499 238 19,991 16,802 3,189 Bangarda Chhota (CT)
380 299 81 438 299 139 737 499 238 19,991 16,802 3,189 Ward No. 1
105 84 21 87 61 26 256 224 32 5,172 4,445 727 Bank (CT)
105 84 21 87 61 26 256 224 32 5,172 4,445 727 Ward No. 1
70 65 5 180 79 101 161 128 33 3,227 2,360 867 Hukmakhedi (CT)
70 65 5 180 79 101 161 128 33 3,227 2,360 867 Ward No. 1
73 60 13 183 85 98 59 49 10 2,985 2,188 797 Ahirkhedi (CT)
73 60 13 183 85 98 59 49 10 2,985 2,188 797 Ward No. 1
114 108 6 27 19 8 113 85 28 3,334 2,585 749 Piplya Kumar (CT)
114 108 6 27 19 8 113 85 28 3,334 2,585 749 Ward No. 1
152 114 38 455 240 215 54 36 18 1,294 968 326 Sinhasa (CT)
152 114 38 455 240 215 54 36 18 1,294 968 326 Ward No. 1


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
0042 Ward No. 42 1,624 1,054 570 46 21 25 27 17 10
0043 Ward No. 43 336 184 152 13 6 7 7 3 4
0044 Ward No. 44 572 292 280 18 9 9 4 3 1
0045 Ward No. 45 444 274 170 7 5 2 1 1 -
0046 Ward No. 46 896 325 571 14 4 10 11 9 2
0047 Ward No. 47 538 276 262 10 4 6 4 3 1
0048 Ward No. 48 820 454 366 7 2 5 61 45 16
0049 Ward No. 49 1,477 725 752 22 9 13 56 20 36
0050 Ward No. 50 1,409 908 501 59 28 31 62 45 17
0051 Ward No. 51 1,052 702 350 34 15 19 8 5 3
0052 Ward No. 52 328 196 132 6 3 3 4 2 2
0053 Ward No. 53 319 161 158 15 7 8 7 6 1
0054 Ward No. 54 307 148 159 12 5 7 6 4 2
0055 Ward No. 55 556 334 222 25 8 17 9 5 4
0056 Ward No. 56 758 291 467 30 12 18 61 29 32
0057 Ward No. 57 649 288 361 105 25 80 36 10 26
0058 Ward No. 58 653 373 280 16 9 7 10 6 4
0059 Ward No. 59 1,059 527 532 73 34 39 36 16 20
0060 Ward No. 60 348 192 156 49 18 31 8 5 3
0061 Ward No. 61 277 114 163 7 - 7 1 - 1
0062 Ward No. 62 651 397 254 23 15 8 132 99 33
0063 Ward No. 63 189 107 82 18 6 12 5 4 1
0064 Ward No. 64 990 578 412 40 14 26 8 4 4
0065 Ward No. 65 556 296 260 17 9 8 9 6 3
0066 Ward No. 66 211 123 88 12 8 4 3 2 1
0067 Ward No. 67 453 254 199 30 9 21 12 8 4
0068 Ward No. 68 184 95 89 12 8 4 2 - 2
0069 Ward No. 69 901 454 447 32 12 20 16 6 10
0070 Ward No. 70 198 68 130 12 4 8 35 13 22
0071 Ward No. 71 285 172 113 2 1 1 4 1 3
0072 Ward No. 72 209 105 104 8 3 5 20 8 12
0073 Ward No. 73 111 72 39 3 1 2 15 10 5
0074 Ward No. 74 9 5 4 - - - - - -
0075 Ward No. 75 74 28 46 2 1 1 14 3 11
0076 Ward No. 76 89 52 37 3 1 2 28 12 16
802274 Rau (NP) 797 400 397 26 13 13 246 54 192
0001 Ward No. 1 11 7 4 2 1 1 1 - 1
0002 Ward No. 2 28 10 18 - - - 9 - 9
0003 Ward No. 3 54 24 30 - - - 29 11 18
0004 Ward No. 4 16 10 6 4 2 2 1 - 1
0005 Ward No. 5 210 92 118 2 1 1 80 18 62
0006 Ward No. 6 116 53 63 3 2 1 46 11 35
0007 Ward No. 7 37 22 15 4 1 3 7 1 6
0008 Ward No. 8 52 25 27 3 - 3 6 1 5
0009 Ward No. 9 69 19 50 3 2 1 48 5 43
0010 Ward No. 10 10 7 3 - - - 3 3 -
0011 Ward No. 11 76 65 11 2 1 1 3 3 -
0012 Ward No. 12 19 11 8 - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 57 28 29 2 2 - 11 - 11
0014 Ward No. 14 12 7 5 1 1 - - - -
0015 Ward No. 15 30 20 10 - - - 2 1 1

476365 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 1,073 666 407 33 18 15 37 21 16

0001 Ward No. 1 1,073 666 407 33 18 15 37 21 16
476366 Bank (CT) 475 261 214 8 5 3 60 33 27
0001 Ward No. 1 475 261 214 8 5 3 60 33 27
476367 Hukmakhedi (CT) 517 247 270 25 12 13 110 29 81
0001 Ward No. 1 517 247 270 25 12 13 110 29 81
476368 Ahirkhedi (CT) 245 154 91 2 1 1 20 8 12
0001 Ward No. 1 245 154 91 2 1 1 20 8 12
476369 Piplya Kumar (CT) 316 186 130 4 2 2 9 4 5
0001 Ward No. 1 316 186 130 4 2 2 9 4 5
476370 Sinhasa (CT) 379 147 232 8 3 5 121 21 100
0001 Ward No. 1 379 147 232 8 3 5 121 21 100


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
71 21 50 1,480 995 485 45,300 16,358 28,942 Ward No. 42 0042
20 9 11 296 166 130 16,559 6,158 10,401 Ward No. 43 0043
25 11 14 525 269 256 17,469 6,117 11,352 Ward No. 44 0044
12 4 8 424 264 160 15,012 5,642 9,370 Ward No. 45 0045
6 2 4 865 310 555 11,189 4,021 7,168 Ward No. 46 0046
21 10 11 503 259 244 16,419 5,955 10,464 Ward No. 47 0047
65 26 39 687 381 306 21,104 7,949 13,155 Ward No. 48 0048
55 25 30 1,344 671 673 14,363 5,802 8,561 Ward No. 49 0049
59 28 31 1,229 807 422 36,473 13,829 22,644 Ward No. 50 0050
30 10 20 980 672 308 26,023 9,572 16,451 Ward No. 51 0051
7 7 - 311 184 127 15,732 5,978 9,754 Ward No. 52 0052
26 10 16 271 138 133 14,614 5,032 9,582 Ward No. 53 0053
30 10 20 259 129 130 19,659 6,737 12,922 Ward No. 54 0054
56 40 16 466 281 185 20,325 6,969 13,356 Ward No. 55 0055
157 14 143 510 236 274 21,585 8,219 13,366 Ward No. 56 0056
19 8 11 489 245 244 24,191 9,079 15,112 Ward No. 57 0057
23 10 13 604 348 256 21,574 8,199 13,375 Ward No. 58 0058
44 20 24 906 457 449 27,583 10,335 17,248 Ward No. 59 0059
16 10 6 275 159 116 15,729 5,834 9,895 Ward No. 60 0060
14 3 11 255 111 144 15,711 5,654 10,057 Ward No. 61 0061
21 7 14 475 276 199 14,233 4,981 9,252 Ward No. 62 0062
11 7 4 155 90 65 11,328 3,587 7,741 Ward No. 63 0063
104 56 48 838 504 334 14,518 5,198 9,320 Ward No. 64 0064
21 11 10 509 270 239 19,977 7,172 12,805 Ward No. 65 0065
5 3 2 191 110 81 10,921 3,801 7,120 Ward No. 66 0066
23 11 12 388 226 162 18,082 6,464 11,618 Ward No. 67 0067
27 11 16 143 76 67 12,676 4,412 8,264 Ward No. 68 0068
76 13 63 777 423 354 22,281 7,952 14,329 Ward No. 69 0069
22 4 18 129 47 82 1,393 559 834 Ward No. 70 0070
3 - 3 276 170 106 2,940 1,133 1,807 Ward No. 71 0071
9 4 5 172 90 82 4,703 1,809 2,894 Ward No. 72 0072
4 2 2 89 59 30 3,115 1,197 1,918 Ward No. 73 0073
- - - 9 5 4 246 111 135 Ward No. 74 0074
6 1 5 52 23 29 4,592 1,714 2,878 Ward No. 75 0075
- - - 58 39 19 1,338 550 788 Ward No. 76 0076
49 27 22 476 306 170 23,554 8,690 14,864 Rau (NP) 802274
4 2 2 4 4 - 833 318 515 Ward No. 1 0001
2 1 1 17 9 8 757 302 455 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - 25 13 12 2,590 1,098 1,492 Ward No. 3 0003
2 2 - 9 6 3 1,752 463 1,289 Ward No. 4 0004
1 1 - 127 72 55 1,685 656 1,029 Ward No. 5 0005
3 1 2 64 39 25 2,655 1,030 1,625 Ward No. 6 0006
12 10 2 14 10 4 1,338 500 838 Ward No. 7 0007
8 1 7 35 23 12 1,531 564 967 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 18 12 6 1,086 405 681 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 7 4 3 1,281 432 849 Ward No. 10 0010
1 1 - 70 60 10 1,804 679 1,125 Ward No. 11 0011
2 2 - 17 9 8 1,097 365 732 Ward No. 12 0012
7 - 7 37 26 11 1,826 725 1,101 Ward No. 13 0013
1 1 - 10 5 5 1,371 452 919 Ward No. 14 0014
6 5 1 22 14 8 1,948 701 1,247 Ward No. 15 0015

53 13 40 950 614 336 41,594 15,356 26,238 Bangarda Chhota (CT) 476365
53 13 40 950 614 336 41,594 15,356 26,238 Ward No. 1 0001
37 6 31 370 217 153 12,439 4,497 7,942 Bank (CT) 476366
37 6 31 370 217 153 12,439 4,497 7,942 Ward No. 1 0001
19 9 10 363 197 166 6,010 2,304 3,706 Hukmakhedi (CT) 476367
19 9 10 363 197 166 6,010 2,304 3,706 Ward No. 1 0001
3 - 3 220 145 75 5,812 2,280 3,532 Ahirkhedi (CT) 476368
3 - 3 220 145 75 5,812 2,280 3,532 Ward No. 1 0001
17 15 2 286 165 121 6,780 2,552 4,228 Piplya Kumar (CT) 476369
17 15 2 286 165 121 6,780 2,552 4,228 Ward No. 1 0001
21 9 12 229 114 115 2,716 1,098 1,618 Sinhasa (CT) 476370
21 9 12 229 114 115 2,716 1,098 1,618 Ward No. 1 0001


Total population (including
Location Area in institutional and houseless
code Square Number of population) Population in the age-group 0-6
number Name of Town/ Ward Kilometre households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
476371 Palda (CT) 4.72 3,910 18,697 9,934 8,763 2,903 1,489 1,414
0001 Ward No. 1 3,910 18,697 9,934 8,763 2,903 1,489 1,414
476372 Limbodi (CT) 3.93 1,961 9,488 4,875 4,613 1,375 740 635
0001 Ward No. 1 1,961 9,488 4,875 4,613 1,375 740 635
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 6.10 2,122 10,225 5,429 4,796 1,820 981 839
0001 Ward No. 1 2,122 10,225 5,429 4,796 1,820 981 839
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 6.10 1,800 8,774 4,561 4,213 1,180 601 579
0001 Ward No. 1 1,800 8,774 4,561 4,213 1,180 601 579
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) 18.93 14,757 81,702 43,888 37,814 9,308 4,879 4,429
0001 Ward No. 1 1,280 7,046 3,558 3,488 637 343 294
0002 Ward No. 2 1,294 7,638 3,929 3,709 722 403 319
0003 Ward No. 3 1,525 9,089 4,611 4,478 1,113 556 557
0004 Ward No. 4 1,412 8,274 4,195 4,079 935 463 472
0005 Ward No. 5 2,764 15,447 9,543 5,904 1,846 1,046 800
0006 Ward No. 6 2,728 12,951 7,142 5,809 1,524 761 763
0007 Ward No. 7 2,292 13,130 6,755 6,375 1,551 807 744
0008 Ward No. 8 1,462 8,127 4,155 3,972 980 500 480
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) 13.00 6,373 30,012 15,792 14,220 3,996 2,129 1,867
0001 Ward No. 1 400 1,830 949 881 241 121 120
0002 Ward No. 2 811 3,440 1,831 1,609 498 262 236
0003 Ward No. 3 303 1,614 819 795 177 94 83
0004 Ward No. 4 332 1,698 861 837 230 117 113
0005 Ward No. 5 483 2,127 1,118 1,009 310 170 140
0006 Ward No. 6 481 2,331 1,228 1,103 305 164 141
0007 Ward No. 7 276 1,274 666 608 158 79 79
0008 Ward No. 8 465 2,092 1,127 965 286 168 118
0009 Ward No. 9 393 2,017 1,027 990 249 127 122
0010 Ward No. 10 334 1,547 841 706 238 143 95
0011 Ward No. 11 648 2,874 1,535 1,339 379 203 176
0012 Ward No. 12 407 2,081 1,129 952 248 129 119
0013 Ward No. 13 527 2,613 1,347 1,266 404 201 203
0014 Ward No. 14 326 1,517 794 723 174 94 80
0015 Ward No. 15 187 957 520 437 99 57 42
802277 Manpur (NP) 13.66 1,376 7,621 3,964 3,657 932 466 466
0001 Ward No. 1 56 299 151 148 32 14 18
0002 Ward No. 2 89 455 248 207 54 37 17
0003 Ward No. 3 101 469 234 235 68 32 36
0004 Ward No. 4 134 679 352 327 111 49 62
0005 Ward No. 5 88 453 209 244 56 26 30
0006 Ward No. 6 77 464 237 227 61 27 34
0007 Ward No. 7 187 1,345 762 583 139 69 70
0008 Ward No. 8 78 428 226 202 63 32 31
0009 Ward No. 9 68 378 190 188 54 27 27
0010 Ward No. 10 89 528 272 256 66 36 30
0011 Ward No. 11 60 314 165 149 33 19 14
0012 Ward No. 12 59 309 158 151 27 17 10
0013 Ward No. 13 131 641 328 313 56 33 23
0014 Ward No. 14 59 325 161 164 42 19 23
0015 Ward No. 15 100 534 271 263 70 29 41
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 1.30 1,128 5,409 2,865 2,544 600 315 285
0001 Ward No. 1 1,128 5,409 2,865 2,544 600 315 285
476554 Santer (CT) 3.03 1,327 6,540 3,361 3,179 751 403 348
0001 Ward No. 1 1,327 6,540 3,361 3,179 751 403 348



Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
5,131 2,667 2,464 3,237 1,708 1,529 11,718 6,890 4,828 Palda (CT)
5,131 2,667 2,464 3,237 1,708 1,529 11,718 6,890 4,828 Ward No. 1
2,253 1,157 1,096 1,154 573 581 6,341 3,449 2,892 Limbodi (CT)
2,253 1,157 1,096 1,154 573 581 6,341 3,449 2,892 Ward No. 1
3,741 1,922 1,819 579 316 263 5,676 3,428 2,248 Lasudiya Mori (CT)
3,741 1,922 1,819 579 316 263 5,676 3,428 2,248 Ward No. 1
2,274 1,158 1,116 1,081 572 509 6,013 3,373 2,640 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
2,274 1,158 1,116 1,081 572 509 6,013 3,373 2,640 Ward No. 1
14,691 7,482 7,209 2,731 1,447 1,284 62,102 35,272 26,830 Mhow Cantt (CB)
1,659 828 831 250 124 126 5,697 2,949 2,748 Ward No. 1
467 238 229 106 49 57 6,178 3,241 2,937 Ward No. 2
1,714 855 859 453 239 214 6,638 3,540 3,098 Ward No. 3
1,258 645 613 91 48 43 6,280 3,360 2,920 Ward No. 4
1,716 881 835 765 424 341 11,807 7,837 3,970 Ward No. 5
2,011 1,038 973 443 242 201 9,940 5,901 4,039 Ward No. 6
3,990 2,036 1,954 256 129 127 9,434 5,171 4,263 Ward No. 7
1,876 961 915 367 192 175 6,128 3,273 2,855 Ward No. 8
5,250 2,732 2,518 1,815 936 879 22,737 12,536 10,201 Mhowgaon (NP)
241 120 121 80 42 38 1,457 795 662 Ward No. 1
298 141 157 199 97 102 2,765 1,498 1,267 Ward No. 2
220 114 106 179 73 106 1,196 666 530 Ward No. 3
489 251 238 75 35 40 1,203 677 526 Ward No. 4
354 181 173 258 134 124 1,608 877 731 Ward No. 5
215 119 96 100 51 49 1,648 904 744 Ward No. 6
301 155 146 52 28 24 996 556 440 Ward No. 7
706 375 331 86 47 39 1,701 923 778 Ward No. 8
783 403 380 74 39 35 1,546 835 711 Ward No. 9
159 83 76 63 33 30 1,215 677 538 Ward No. 10
388 204 184 101 51 50 2,304 1,269 1,035 Ward No. 11
504 266 238 214 131 83 1,610 894 716 Ward No. 12
93 45 48 239 123 116 1,730 978 752 Ward No. 13
105 60 45 67 33 34 1,058 592 466 Ward No. 14
394 215 179 28 19 9 700 395 305 Ward No. 15
739 401 338 1,672 860 812 5,637 3,184 2,453 Manpur (NP)
17 10 7 7 3 4 242 137 105 Ward No. 1
98 55 43 19 10 9 359 202 157 Ward No. 2
12 7 5 117 54 63 330 177 153 Ward No. 3
11 3 8 445 230 215 351 220 131 Ward No. 4
114 62 52 198 78 120 322 164 158 Ward No. 5
160 84 76 203 105 98 267 157 110 Ward No. 6
164 108 56 431 251 180 1,018 630 388 Ward No. 7
3 1 2 14 6 8 338 190 148 Ward No. 8
20 11 9 14 8 6 298 157 141 Ward No. 9
39 14 25 31 16 15 418 228 190 Ward No. 10
4 3 1 7 4 3 258 145 113 Ward No. 11
- - - 6 2 4 269 139 130 Ward No. 12
20 8 12 49 27 22 551 289 262 Ward No. 13
- - - - - - 257 139 118 Ward No. 14
77 35 42 131 66 65 359 210 149 Ward No. 15
845 444 401 67 37 30 4,297 2,375 1,922 Gujarkheda (CT)
845 444 401 67 37 30 4,297 2,375 1,922 Ward No. 1
1,072 549 523 845 421 424 5,106 2,744 2,362 Santer (CT)
1,072 549 523 845 421 424 5,106 2,744 2,362 Ward No. 1



code Illiterates Total workers Main workers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
476371 Palda (CT) 6,979 3,044 3,935 7,347 5,390 1,957 6,530 4,930 1,600
0001 Ward No. 1 6,979 3,044 3,935 7,347 5,390 1,957 6,530 4,930 1,600
476372 Limbodi (CT) 3,147 1,426 1,721 3,588 2,630 958 3,430 2,551 879
0001 Ward No. 1 3,147 1,426 1,721 3,588 2,630 958 3,430 2,551 879
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 4,549 2,001 2,548 3,837 2,926 911 3,653 2,861 792
0001 Ward No. 1 4,549 2,001 2,548 3,837 2,926 911 3,653 2,861 792
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 2,761 1,188 1,573 3,172 2,446 726 2,872 2,272 600
0001 Ward No. 1 2,761 1,188 1,573 3,172 2,446 726 2,872 2,272 600
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) 19,600 8,616 10,984 30,260 25,301 4,959 27,106 23,219 3,887
0001 Ward No. 1 1,349 609 740 2,373 2,001 372 2,209 1,886 323
0002 Ward No. 2 1,460 688 772 2,444 2,005 439 2,253 1,886 367
0003 Ward No. 3 2,451 1,071 1,380 3,116 2,497 619 2,574 2,144 430
0004 Ward No. 4 1,994 835 1,159 2,878 2,263 615 2,234 1,906 328
0005 Ward No. 5 3,640 1,706 1,934 7,372 6,600 772 6,551 5,968 583
0006 Ward No. 6 3,011 1,241 1,770 4,747 4,164 583 4,598 4,060 538
0007 Ward No. 7 3,696 1,584 2,112 4,801 3,724 1,077 4,389 3,469 920
0008 Ward No. 8 1,999 882 1,117 2,529 2,047 482 2,298 1,900 398
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) 7,275 3,256 4,019 9,571 8,267 1,304 8,654 7,611 1,043
0001 Ward No. 1 373 154 219 586 487 99 553 467 86
0002 Ward No. 2 675 333 342 1,054 949 105 995 916 79
0003 Ward No. 3 418 153 265 524 430 94 481 409 72
0004 Ward No. 4 495 184 311 582 469 113 547 444 103
0005 Ward No. 5 519 241 278 637 544 93 630 539 91
0006 Ward No. 6 683 324 359 686 636 50 658 615 43
0007 Ward No. 7 278 110 168 440 359 81 343 287 56
0008 Ward No. 8 391 204 187 657 574 83 637 560 77
0009 Ward No. 9 471 192 279 614 529 85 518 459 59
0010 Ward No. 10 332 164 168 522 458 64 516 456 60
0011 Ward No. 11 570 266 304 913 804 109 854 761 93
0012 Ward No. 12 471 235 236 740 640 100 613 543 70
0013 Ward No. 13 883 369 514 847 719 128 784 679 105
0014 Ward No. 14 459 202 257 491 413 78 253 224 29
0015 Ward No. 15 257 125 132 278 256 22 272 252 20
802277 Manpur (NP) 1,984 780 1,204 2,690 1,992 698 2,289 1,846 443
0001 Ward No. 1 57 14 43 106 80 26 92 77 15
0002 Ward No. 2 96 46 50 184 137 47 162 137 25
0003 Ward No. 3 139 57 82 168 126 42 162 124 38
0004 Ward No. 4 328 132 196 274 178 96 260 171 89
0005 Ward No. 5 131 45 86 141 103 38 88 79 9
0006 Ward No. 6 197 80 117 237 142 95 114 84 30
0007 Ward No. 7 327 132 195 399 249 150 317 234 83
0008 Ward No. 8 90 36 54 154 124 30 151 122 29
0009 Ward No. 9 80 33 47 109 97 12 98 89 9
0010 Ward No. 10 110 44 66 165 140 25 149 132 17
0011 Ward No. 11 56 20 36 118 98 20 108 92 16
0012 Ward No. 12 40 19 21 105 87 18 103 86 17
0013 Ward No. 13 90 39 51 233 198 35 232 198 34
0014 Ward No. 14 68 22 46 102 90 12 101 90 11
0015 Ward No. 15 175 61 114 195 143 52 152 131 21
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 1,112 490 622 1,691 1,448 243 1,638 1,415 223
0001 Ward No. 1 1,112 490 622 1,691 1,448 243 1,638 1,415 223
476554 Santer (CT) 1,434 617 817 2,415 1,736 679 2,068 1,567 501
0001 Ward No. 1 1,434 617 817 2,415 1,736 679 2,068 1,567 501


Industrial category of main workers
Household industry
Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2
101 84 17 446 260 186 221 123 98 5,762 4,463 1,299 Palda (CT)
101 84 17 446 260 186 221 123 98 5,762 4,463 1,299 Ward No. 1
93 68 25 91 57 34 36 31 5 3,210 2,395 815 Limbodi (CT)
93 68 25 91 57 34 36 31 5 3,210 2,395 815 Ward No. 1
112 104 8 187 138 49 131 86 45 3,223 2,533 690 Lasudiya Mori (CT)
112 104 8 187 138 49 131 86 45 3,223 2,533 690 Ward No. 1
181 173 8 369 259 110 62 50 12 2,260 1,790 470 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT)
181 173 8 369 259 110 62 50 12 2,260 1,790 470 Ward No. 1
156 136 20 197 133 64 744 608 136 26,009 22,342 3,667 Mhow Cantt (CB)
7 5 2 7 5 2 79 69 10 2,116 1,807 309 Ward No. 1
10 6 4 9 7 2 68 50 18 2,166 1,823 343 Ward No. 2
- - - 18 13 5 209 185 24 2,347 1,946 401 Ward No. 3
21 19 2 13 11 2 95 88 7 2,105 1,788 317 Ward No. 4
30 26 4 26 15 11 51 35 16 6,444 5,892 552 Ward No. 5
28 28 - 39 23 16 43 34 9 4,488 3,975 513 Ward No. 6
38 32 6 41 25 16 131 93 38 4,179 3,319 860 Ward No. 7
22 20 2 44 34 10 68 54 14 2,164 1,792 372 Ward No. 8
291 260 31 424 258 166 213 180 33 7,726 6,913 813 Mhowgaon (NP)
13 10 3 26 18 8 8 8 - 506 431 75 Ward No. 1
7 7 - 9 6 3 14 9 5 965 894 71 Ward No. 2
114 108 6 65 26 39 2 2 - 300 273 27 Ward No. 3
53 40 13 144 91 53 22 15 7 328 298 30 Ward No. 4
2 2 - 36 9 27 4 3 1 588 525 63 Ward No. 5
2 1 1 9 8 1 46 42 4 601 564 37 Ward No. 6
4 4 - 3 2 1 13 10 3 323 271 52 Ward No. 7
- - - 18 15 3 8 7 1 611 538 73 Ward No. 8
5 5 - 42 35 7 12 12 - 459 407 52 Ward No. 9
21 20 1 3 2 1 18 17 1 474 417 57 Ward No. 10
5 5 - 18 8 10 4 4 - 827 744 83 Ward No. 11
22 21 1 21 15 6 12 6 6 558 501 57 Ward No. 12
7 4 3 20 14 6 46 41 5 711 620 91 Ward No. 13
33 30 3 1 1 - 3 3 - 216 190 26 Ward No. 14
3 3 - 9 8 1 1 1 - 259 240 19 Ward No. 15
279 239 40 309 175 134 98 57 41 1,603 1,375 228 Manpur (NP)
20 17 3 4 2 2 1 - 1 67 58 9 Ward No. 1
30 26 4 5 2 3 4 2 2 123 107 16 Ward No. 2
14 11 3 18 12 6 7 2 5 123 99 24 Ward No. 3
16 14 2 147 76 71 1 1 - 96 80 16 Ward No. 4
1 1 - - - - - - - 87 78 9 Ward No. 5
- - - 8 7 1 23 8 15 83 69 14 Ward No. 6
35 29 6 67 30 37 - - - 215 175 40 Ward No. 7
31 19 12 - - - 11 10 1 109 93 16 Ward No. 8
12 11 1 - - - - - - 86 78 8 Ward No. 9
14 14 - 4 2 2 10 7 3 121 109 12 Ward No. 10
14 12 2 - - - 18 12 6 76 68 8 Ward No. 11
10 8 2 1 1 - 6 5 1 86 72 14 Ward No. 12
43 39 4 32 26 6 2 - 2 155 133 22 Ward No. 13
22 22 - 9 5 4 4 3 1 66 60 6 Ward No. 14
17 16 1 14 12 2 11 7 4 110 96 14 Ward No. 15
44 36 8 20 17 3 31 26 5 1,543 1,336 207 Gujarkheda (CT)
44 36 8 20 17 3 31 26 5 1,543 1,336 207 Ward No. 1
193 155 38 78 43 35 25 24 1 1,772 1,345 427 Santer (CT)
193 155 38 78 43 35 25 24 1 1,772 1,345 427 Ward No. 1


Industrial category
code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers
number Name of Town/ Ward Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females
1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
476371 Palda (CT) 817 460 357 41 9 32 35 16 19
0001 Ward No. 1 817 460 357 41 9 32 35 16 19
476372 Limbodi (CT) 158 79 79 4 2 2 20 9 11
0001 Ward No. 1 158 79 79 4 2 2 20 9 11
476373 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 184 65 119 4 - 4 22 3 19
0001 Ward No. 1 184 65 119 4 - 4 22 3 19
476374 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 300 174 126 10 10 - 168 105 63
0001 Ward No. 1 300 174 126 10 10 - 168 105 63
802275 Mhow Cantt (CB) 3,154 2,082 1,072 28 15 13 58 31 27
0001 Ward No. 1 164 115 49 2 1 1 7 6 1
0002 Ward No. 2 191 119 72 8 5 3 3 3 -
0003 Ward No. 3 542 353 189 6 4 2 4 3 1
0004 Ward No. 4 644 357 287 5 2 3 1 - 1
0005 Ward No. 5 821 632 189 1 - 1 24 13 11
0006 Ward No. 6 149 104 45 3 1 2 8 5 3
0007 Ward No. 7 412 255 157 - - - 10 1 9
0008 Ward No. 8 231 147 84 3 2 1 1 - 1
802276 Mhowgaon (NP) 917 656 261 12 10 2 102 45 57
0001 Ward No. 1 33 20 13 - - - 14 6 8
0002 Ward No. 2 59 33 26 - - - 2 2 -
0003 Ward No. 3 43 21 22 - - - 25 7 18
0004 Ward No. 4 35 25 10 1 1 - 8 7 1
0005 Ward No. 5 7 5 2 - - - - - -
0006 Ward No. 6 28 21 7 - - - - - -
0007 Ward No. 7 97 72 25 4 4 - 9 1 8
0008 Ward No. 8 20 14 6 - - - 1 1 -
0009 Ward No. 9 96 70 26 1 - 1 16 2 14
0010 Ward No. 10 6 2 4 - - - - - -
0011 Ward No. 11 59 43 16 - - - 4 2 2
0012 Ward No. 12 127 97 30 3 3 - 9 7 2
0013 Ward No. 13 63 40 23 2 1 1 11 7 4
0014 Ward No. 14 238 189 49 1 1 - 3 3 -
0015 Ward No. 15 6 4 2 - - - - - -
802277 Manpur (NP) 401 146 255 29 3 26 198 63 135
0001 Ward No. 1 14 3 11 3 2 1 4 - 4
0002 Ward No. 2 22 - 22 13 - 13 3 - 3
0003 Ward No. 3 6 2 4 - - - 2 - 2
0004 Ward No. 4 14 7 7 - - - 10 4 6
0005 Ward No. 5 53 24 29 - - - 14 7 7
0006 Ward No. 6 123 58 65 - - - 81 37 44
0007 Ward No. 7 82 15 67 12 - 12 49 7 42
0008 Ward No. 8 3 2 1 1 1 - - - -
0009 Ward No. 9 11 8 3 - - - - - -
0010 Ward No. 10 16 8 8 - - - 5 2 3
0011 Ward No. 11 10 6 4 - - - - - -
0012 Ward No. 12 2 1 1 - - - - - -
0013 Ward No. 13 1 - 1 - - - - - -
0014 Ward No. 14 1 - 1 - - - - - -
0015 Ward No. 15 43 12 31 - - - 30 6 24
476553 Gujarkheda (CT) 53 33 20 - - - 2 - 2
0001 Ward No. 1 53 33 20 - - - 2 - 2
476554 Santer (CT) 347 169 178 51 9 42 236 124 112
0001 Ward No. 1 347 169 178 51 9 42 236 124 112


of marginal workers
Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Town/ Ward number
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1
21 9 12 720 426 294 11,350 4,544 6,806 Palda (CT) 476371
21 9 12 720 426 294 11,350 4,544 6,806 Ward No. 1 0001
5 3 2 129 65 64 5,900 2,245 3,655 Limbodi (CT) 476372
5 3 2 129 65 64 5,900 2,245 3,655 Ward No. 1 0001
14 - 14 144 62 82 6,388 2,503 3,885 Lasudiya Mori (CT) 476373
14 - 14 144 62 82 6,388 2,503 3,885 Ward No. 1 0001
6 1 5 116 58 58 5,602 2,115 3,487 Bhicholi Hapsi (CT) 476374
6 1 5 116 58 58 5,602 2,115 3,487 Ward No. 1 0001
126 83 43 2,942 1,953 989 51,442 18,587 32,855 Mhow Cantt (CB) 802275
8 4 4 147 104 43 4,673 1,557 3,116 Ward No. 1 0001
15 12 3 165 99 66 5,194 1,924 3,270 Ward No. 2 0002
36 30 6 496 316 180 5,973 2,114 3,859 Ward No. 3 0003
26 10 16 612 345 267 5,396 1,932 3,464 Ward No. 4 0004
12 7 5 784 612 172 8,075 2,943 5,132 Ward No. 5 0005
16 11 5 122 87 35 8,204 2,978 5,226 Ward No. 6 0006
8 5 3 394 249 145 8,329 3,031 5,298 Ward No. 7 0007
5 4 1 222 141 81 5,598 2,108 3,490 Ward No. 8 0008
55 33 22 748 568 180 20,441 7,525 12,916 Mhowgaon (NP) 802276
- - - 19 14 5 1,244 462 782 Ward No. 1 0001
1 - 1 56 31 25 2,386 882 1,504 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - 18 14 4 1,090 389 701 Ward No. 3 0003
16 8 8 10 9 1 1,116 392 724 Ward No. 4 0004
- - - 7 5 2 1,490 574 916 Ward No. 5 0005
5 2 3 23 19 4 1,645 592 1,053 Ward No. 6 0006
20 13 7 64 54 10 834 307 527 Ward No. 7 0007
- - - 19 13 6 1,435 553 882 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 79 68 11 1,403 498 905 Ward No. 9 0009
- - - 6 2 4 1,025 383 642 Ward No. 10 0010
2 1 1 53 40 13 1,961 731 1,230 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - 115 87 28 1,341 489 852 Ward No. 12 0012
2 1 1 48 31 17 1,766 628 1,138 Ward No. 13 0013
9 8 1 225 177 48 1,026 381 645 Ward No. 14 0014
- - - 6 4 2 679 264 415 Ward No. 15 0015
43 14 29 131 66 65 4,931 1,972 2,959 Manpur (NP) 802277
1 1 - 6 - 6 193 71 122 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 6 - 6 271 111 160 Ward No. 2 0002
- - - 4 2 2 301 108 193 Ward No. 3 0003
- - - 4 3 1 405 174 231 Ward No. 4 0004
10 3 7 29 14 15 312 106 206 Ward No. 5 0005
17 5 12 25 16 9 227 95 132 Ward No. 6 0006
- - - 21 8 13 946 513 433 Ward No. 7 0007
- - - 2 1 1 274 102 172 Ward No. 8 0008
- - - 11 8 3 269 93 176 Ward No. 9 0009
2 - 2 9 6 3 363 132 231 Ward No. 10 0010
3 2 1 7 4 3 196 67 129 Ward No. 11 0011
- - - 2 1 1 204 71 133 Ward No. 12 0012
- - - 1 - 1 408 130 278 Ward No. 13 0013
1 - 1 - - - 223 71 152 Ward No. 14 0014
9 3 6 4 3 1 339 128 211 Ward No. 15 0015
2 - 2 49 33 16 3,718 1,417 2,301 Gujarkheda (CT) 476553
2 - 2 49 33 16 3,718 1,417 2,301 Ward No. 1 0001
- - - 60 36 24 4,125 1,625 2,500 Santer (CT) 476554
- - - 60 36 24 4,125 1,625 2,500 Ward No. 1 0001

Section – II
Tables based on Households
Amenities and Assets
(Rural /Urban) at District and
Sub-District level
Table -1: Households by Ownership Status and by Number of Dwelling rooms occupied in the District, 2011

Name of Ownership Number of dwelling Number of households

district status rooms Total Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Owned No exclusive room 5,931 2,743 3,188 1,248 619 629 849 671 178
One room 98,053 45,367 52,686 30,532 13,787 16,745 16,952 12,207 4,745
Two rooms 144,936 45,585 99,351 33,499 10,816 22,683 11,172 5,781 5,391
Three rooms 94,482 18,547 75,935 12,896 2,715 10,181 3,581 999 2,582
3+ rooms 113,885 23,676 90,209 10,769 2,244 8,525 2,695 629 2,066
Rented No exclusive room 2,312 258 2,054 301 37 264 167 34 133
One room 67,774 6,111 61,663 11,273 997 10,276 5,186 946 4,240
Two rooms 41,577 2,605 38,972 4,884 478 4,406 2,139 298 1,841
Three rooms 16,161 658 15,503 1,127 100 1,027 506 49 457
3+ rooms 7,008 285 6,723 434 45 389 201 22 179
Others No exclusive room 635 214 421 109 31 78 175 107 68
One room 11,593 4,474 7,119 2,278 658 1,620 3,710 2,226 1,484
Two rooms 6,408 1,468 4,940 1,157 248 909 1,051 494 557
Three rooms 3,053 781 2,272 413 90 323 337 136 201
3+ rooms 1,526 487 1,039 175 45 130 130 71 59
District - Total No exclusive room 8,878 3,215 5,663 1,658 687 971 1,191 812 379
Indore One room 177,420 55,952 121,468 44,083 15,442 28,641 25,848 15,379 10,469
Two rooms 192,921 49,658 143,263 39,540 11,542 27,998 14,362 6,573 7,789
Three rooms 113,696 19,986 93,710 14,436 2,905 11,531 4,424 1,184 3,240
3+ rooms 122,419 24,448 97,971 11,378 2,334 9,044 3,026 722 2,304

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table - 2 : Percentage distribution of Households living in Permanent,
Sl. No. Name of Sub - District Total
Permanent Semi permanent Temporary Permanent
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Sub-District - Depalpur (2343903540) 21,957 (52.59%) 17,591 (42.13%) 2,009 (4.81%) 16,438 (49.16%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541) 10,309 (57.29%) 6,781 (37.68%) 830 (4.61%) 6,527 (49.48%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542) 18,968 (53.57%) 14,947 (42.21%) 1,370 (3.87%) 15,605 (50.79%)
4 Sub-District - Indore (2343903543) 392,647 (86.01%) 54,116 (11.85%) 7,764 (1.7%) 18,424 (54.8%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow (2343903544) 37,471 (58.87%) 19,752 (31.03%) 5,683 (8.93%) 21,207 (50.15%)
District - Indore (23439) 481,352 (78.23%) 113,187 (18.39%) 17,656 (2.87%) 78,201 (51.03%)

1.Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.
Note :
Permanent : Permanent houses refer to those houses whose walls & roofs are made of pucca materials, i.e., where burnt bricks, G.I.
Sheets or other metal sheets, stone, cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles, slate, shingle, corrugated iron, zinc or other metal
sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, lime and stone and RBC/RCC concrete are used for roof.

Semi Permanent : Semi permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials.
Temporary : Temporary houses refer to those houses having wall and roofs made of Kutcha materials, i.e., where, grass, leaves,
reeds, bamboo, mud and unburnt bricks are used for the construction of walls and grass, leaves, reeds, bamboo thatch, mud, unburnt
bricks and wood etc. are used for roofs.

Semi permanent and Temporary Houses , 2011
Rural Urban Name of Sub-District
Semi permanent Temporary Permanent Semi permanent Temporary
7 8 9 10 11 2
15,135 (45.27%) 1,698 (5.08%) 5,519 (66.35%) 2,456 (29.53%) 311 (3.74%) Sub-District - Depalpur (2343903540)
5,900 (44.72%) 697 (5.28%) 3,782 (78.74%) 881 (18.34%) 133 (2.77%) Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541)
13,762 (44.79%) 1,244 (4.05%) 3,363 (71.78%) 1,185 (25.29%) 126 (2.69%) Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542)
12,375 (36.81%) 2,655 (7.9%) 374,223 (88.49%) 41,741 (9.87%) 5,109 (1.21%) Sub-District - Indore (2343903543)
15,524 (36.71%) 5,085 (12.02%) 16,264 (76.14%) 4,228 (19.79%) 598 (2.8%) Sub-District - Mhow (2343903544)
62,696 (40.91%) 11,379 (7.42%) 403,151 (87.25%) 50,491 (10.93%) 6,277 (1.36%) District - Indore (23439)

Table -3 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number Number and percentage of Household
No. Rural/ of households Tap water from Tap water from Covered well Un-covered well
Urban treated source untreated source
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Depalpur Total 41,753 4,053 (9.71%) 4,167 (9.98%) 132 (0.32%) 358 (0.86%)
(2343903540) Rural 33,435 1,490 (4.46%) 374 (1.12%) 107 (0.32%) 354 (1.06%)
Urban 8,318 2,563 (30.81%) 3,793 (45.6%) 25 (0.3%) 4 (0.05%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod Total 17,995 2,952 (16.4%) 480 (2.67%) 89 (0.49%) 148 (0.82%)
(2343903541) Rural 13,192 75 (0.57%) 213 (1.61%) 34 (0.26%) 46 (0.35%)
Urban 4,803 2,877 (59.9%) 267 (5.56%) 55 (1.15%) 102 (2.12%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer Total 35,409 3,827 (10.81%) 888 (2.51%) 133 (0.38%) 111 (0.31%)
(2343903542) Rural 30,724 1,702 (5.54%) 533 (1.73%) 111 (0.36%) 108 (0.35%)
Urban 4,685 2,125 (45.36%) 355 (7.58%) 22 (0.47%) 3 (0.06%)
4 Sub-District - Indore Total 456,527 226,221 (49.55%) 21,820 (4.78%) 4,676 (1.02%) 2,821 (0.62%)
(2343903543) Rural 33,620 3,975 (11.82%) 1,872 (5.57%) 224 (0.67%) 1,270 (3.78%)
Urban 422,907 222,246 (52.55%) 19,948 (4.72%) 4,452 (1.05%) 1,551 (0.37%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow Total 63,650 23,062 (36.23%) 3,600 (5.66%) 1,003 (1.58%) 5,171 (8.12%)
(2343903544) Rural 42,288 8,846 (20.92%) 2,362 (5.59%) 517 (1.22%) 4,399 (10.4%)
Urban 21,362 14,216 (66.55%) 1,238 (5.8%) 486 (2.28%) 772 (3.61%)
District - Indore (23439) Total 615,334 260,115 (42.27%) 30,955 (5.03%) 6,033 (0.98%) 8,609 (1.4%)
Rural 153,259 16,088 (10.5%) 5,354 (3.49%) 993 (0.65%) 6,177 (4.03%)
Urban 462,075 244,027 (52.81%) 25,601 (5.54%) 5,040 (1.09%) 2,432 (0.53%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by main source of Drinking water, 2011.
having following source of drinking water Total/ Name of Sub-District
Handpump Tubewell/borehol Spring River/ canal Tank/ pond/ Other Sources Rural/
e lake Urban
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
21,944 (52.56%) 10,722 (25.68%) 6 (0.01%) 30 (0.07%) 137 (0.33%) 204 (0.49%) Total Sub-District - Depalpur
20,785 (62.17%) 10,074 (30.13%) 5 (0.01%) 29 (0.09%) 101 (0.3%) 116 (0.35%) Rural (2343903540)
1,159 (13.93%) 648 (7.79%) 1 (0.01%) 1 (0.01%) 36 (0.43%) 88 (1.06%) Urban
7,930 (44.07%) 6,308 (35.05%) 1 (0.01%) 5 (0.03%) 2 (0.01%) 80 (0.44%) Total Sub-District - Hatod
7,109 (53.89%) 5,656 (42.87%) 0 (0%) 4 (0.03%) 2 (0.02%) 53 (0.4%) Rural (2343903541)
821 (17.09%) 652 (13.57%) 1 (0.02%) 1 (0.02%) 0 (0%) 27 (0.56%) Urban
16,637 (46.99%) 12,538 (35.41%) 13 (0.04%) 8 (0.02%) 674 (1.9%) 580 (1.64%) Total Sub-District - Sawer
16,141 (52.54%) 11,562 (37.63%) 12 (0.04%) 6 (0.02%) 272 (0.89%) 277 (0.9%) Rural (2343903542)
496 (10.59%) 976 (20.83%) 1 (0.02%) 2 (0.04%) 402 (8.58%) 303 (6.47%) Urban
25,964 (5.69%) 160,060 (35.06%) 160 (0.04%) 381 (0.08%) 3,565 (0.78%) 10,859 (2.38%) Total Sub-District - Indore
12,674 (37.7%) 12,696 (37.76%) 5 (0.01%) 13 (0.04%) 427 (1.27%) 464 (1.38%) Rural (2343903543)
13,290 (3.14%) 147,364 (34.85%) 155 (0.04%) 368 (0.09%) 3,138 (0.74%) 10,395 (2.46%) Urban
17,596 (27.64%) 12,279 (19.29%) 58 (0.09%) 166 (0.26%) 312 (0.49%) 403 (0.63%) Total Sub-District - Mhow
16,567 (39.18%) 8,899 (21.04%) 31 (0.07%) 161 (0.38%) 271 (0.64%) 235 (0.56%) Rural (2343903544)
1,029 (4.82%) 3,380 (15.82%) 27 (0.13%) 5 (0.02%) 41 (0.19%) 168 (0.79%) Urban
90,071 (14.64%) 201,907 (32.81%) 238 (0.04%) 590 (0.1%) 4,690 (0.76%) 12,126 (1.97%) Total District - Indore (23439)
73,276 (47.81%) 48,887 (31.9%) 53 (0.03%) 213 (0.14%) 1,073 (0.7%) 1,145 (0.75%) Rural
16,795 (3.63%) 153,020 (33.12%) 185 (0.04%) 377 (0.08%) 3,617 (0.78%) 10,981 (2.38%) Urban

Table- 4 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Electricity Kerosene Solar
Urban households
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Sub-District - Depalpur (2343903540) Total 41,753 37,245 (89.2%) 4,214 (10.09%) 91 (0.22%)
Rural 33,435 29,260 (87.51%) 3,926 (11.74%) 67 (0.2%)
Urban 8,318 7,985 (96%) 288 (3.46%) 24 (0.29%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541) Total 17,995 16,444 (91.38%) 1,450 (8.06%) 23 (0.13%)
Rural 13,192 11,898 (90.19%) 1,221 (9.26%) 14 (0.11%)
Urban 4,803 4,546 (94.65%) 229 (4.77%) 9 (0.19%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542) Total 35,409 32,740 (92.46%) 2,470 (6.98%) 52 (0.15%)
Rural 30,724 28,241 (91.92%) 2,315 (7.53%) 46 (0.15%)
Urban 4,685 4,499 (96.03%) 155 (3.31%) 6 (0.13%)
4 Sub-District - Indore (2343903543) Total 456,527 446,816 (97.87%) 6,982 (1.53%) 590 (0.13%)
Rural 33,620 31,137 (92.61%) 2,196 (6.53%) 119 (0.35%)
Urban 422,907 415,679 (98.29%) 4,786 (1.13%) 471 (0.11%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow (2343903544) Total 63,650 60,331 (94.79%) 3,060 (4.81%) 65 (0.1%)
Rural 42,288 39,597 (93.64%) 2,509 (5.93%) 46 (0.11%)
Urban 21,362 20,734 (97.06%) 551 (2.58%) 19 (0.09%)
District - Indore (23439) Total 615,334 593,576 (96.46%) 18,176 (2.95%) 821 (0.13%)
Rural 153,259 140,133 (91.44%) 12,167 (7.94%) 292 (0.19%)
Urban 462,075 453,443 (98.13%) 6,009 (1.3%) 529 (0.11%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by main source of Lighting, 2011.
having following main source of lighting Total/ Name of Sub-District
Other oil Any other No lighting Rural/
8 9 10 3 2
81 (0.19%) 31 (0.07%) 91 (0.22%) Total Sub-District - Depalpur (2343903540)
77 (0.23%) 25 (0.07%) 80 (0.24%) Rural
4 (0.05%) 6 (0.07%) 11 (0.13%) Urban
27 (0.15%) 9 (0.05%) 42 (0.23%) Total Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541)
20 (0.15%) 6 (0.05%) 33 (0.25%) Rural
7 (0.15%) 3 (0.06%) 9 (0.19%) Urban
61 (0.17%) 21 (0.06%) 65 (0.18%) Total Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542)
56 (0.18%) 17 (0.06%) 49 (0.16%) Rural
5 (0.11%) 4 (0.09%) 16 (0.34%) Urban
326 (0.07%) 599 (0.13%) 1,214 (0.27%) Total Sub-District - Indore (2343903543)
41 (0.12%) 37 (0.11%) 90 (0.27%) Rural
285 (0.07%) 562 (0.13%) 1,124 (0.27%) Urban
49 (0.08%) 39 (0.06%) 106 (0.17%) Total Sub-District - Mhow (2343903544)
27 (0.06%) 27 (0.06%) 82 (0.19%) Rural
22 (0.1%) 12 (0.06%) 24 (0.11%) Urban
544 (0.09%) 699 (0.11%) 1,518 (0.25%) Total District - Indore (23439)
221 (0.14%) 112 (0.07%) 334 (0.22%) Rural
323 (0.07%) 587 (0.13%) 1,184 (0.26%) Urban

Table -5 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households
No. Rural/ number of Flush/Pour latrine Pit
Urban households
Piped sewer system Septic tank Other system With
improved pit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Depalpur Total 41,753 1,097 (2.63%) 13,891 (33.27%) 873 (2.09%) 1,362 (3.26%)
(2343903540) Rural 33,435 704 (2.11%) 8,676 (25.95%) 543 (1.62%) 1,199 (3.59%)
Urban 8,318 393 (4.72%) 5,215 (62.7%) 330 (3.97%) 163 (1.96%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod Total 17,995 902 (5.01%) 5,864 (32.59%) 250 (1.39%) 257 (1.43%)
(2343903541) Rural 13,192 202 (1.53%) 3,648 (27.65%) 151 (1.14%) 186 (1.41%)
Urban 4,803 700 (14.57%) 2,216 (46.14%) 99 (2.06%) 71 (1.48%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer Total 35,409 986 (2.78%) 12,716 (35.91%) 533 (1.51%) 1,088 (3.07%)
(2343903542) Rural 30,724 507 (1.65%) 9,873 (32.13%) 470 (1.53%) 968 (3.15%)
Urban 4,685 479 (10.22%) 2,843 (60.68%) 63 (1.34%) 120 (2.56%)
4 Sub-District - Indore Total 456,527 266,035 (58.27%) 119,949 (26.27%) 5,113 (1.12%) 5,374 (1.18%)
(2343903543) Rural 33,620 1,876 (5.58%) 11,933 (35.49%) 665 (1.98%) 1,483 (4.41%)
Urban 422,907 264,159 (62.46%) 108,016 (25.54%) 4,448 (1.05%) 3,891 (0.92%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow Total 63,650 2,875 (4.52%) 29,544 (46.42%) 657 (1.03%) 622 (0.98%)
(2343903544) Rural 42,288 963 (2.28%) 17,301 (40.91%) 509 (1.2%) 481 (1.14%)
Urban 21,362 1,912 (8.95%) 12,243 (57.31%) 148 (0.69%) 141 (0.66%)
District - Indore (23439) Total 615,334 271,895 (44.19%) 181,964 (29.57%) 7,426 (1.21%) 8,703 (1.41%)
Rural 153,259 4,252 (2.77%) 51,431 (33.56%) 2,338 (1.53%) 4,317 (2.82%)
Urban 462,075 267,643 (57.92%) 130,533 (28.25%) 5,088 (1.1%) 4,386 (0.95%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by type of Latrine facility, 2011
having following type of latrine facility Total/ Name of Sub-District
Latrine Night Soil Service Latrine No latrine within premises Rural/
disposed into Urban
Without slab/open Night soil Night soil Public Latrine Open
pit open drain removed by serviced by
human animals

9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
134 (0.32%) 109 (0.26%) 0 (0%) 19 (0.05%) 169 (0.4%) 24,099 (57.72%) Total Sub-District - Depalpur
97 (0.29%) 40 (0.12%) 0 (0%) 18 (0.05%) 121 (0.36%) 22,037 (65.91%) Rural (2343903540)
37 (0.44%) 69 (0.83%) 0 (0%) 1 (0.01%) 48 (0.58%) 2,062 (24.79%) Urban
46 (0.26%) 14 (0.08%) 12 (0.07%) 13 (0.07%) 199 (1.11%) 10,438 (58.01%) Total Sub-District - Hatod
31 (0.23%) 4 (0.03%) 0 (0%) 13 (0.1%) 137 (1.04%) 8,820 (66.86%) Rural (2343903541)
15 (0.31%) 10 (0.21%) 12 (0.25%) 0 (0%) 62 (1.29%) 1,618 (33.69%) Urban
271 (0.77%) 49 (0.14%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.06%) 165 (0.47%) 19,580 (55.3%) Total Sub-District - Sawer
248 (0.81%) 32 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.07%) 137 (0.45%) 18,468 (60.11%) Rural (2343903542)
23 (0.49%) 17 (0.36%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 28 (0.6%) 1,112 (23.74%) Urban
1,898 (0.42%) 5,821 (1.28%) 119 (0.03%) 292 (0.06%) 13,522 (2.96%) 38,404 (8.41%) Total Sub-District - Indore
233 (0.69%) 49 (0.15%) 22 (0.07%) 87 (0.26%) 596 (1.77%) 16,676 (49.6%) Rural (2343903543)
1,665 (0.39%) 5,772 (1.36%) 97 (0.02%) 205 (0.05%) 12,926 (3.06%) 21,728 (5.14%) Urban
250 (0.39%) 1,549 (2.43%) 11 (0.02%) 17 (0.03%) 4,442 (6.98%) 23,683 (37.21%) Total Sub-District - Mhow
221 (0.52%) 129 (0.31%) 11 (0.03%) 9 (0.02%) 422 (1%) 22,242 (52.6%) Rural (2343903544)
29 (0.14%) 1,420 (6.65%) 0 (0%) 8 (0.04%) 4,020 (18.82%) 1,441 (6.75%) Urban
2,599 (0.42%) 7,542 (1.23%) 142 (0.02%) 362 (0.06%) 18,497 (3.01%) 116,204 (18.88%) Total District - Indore (23439)
830 (0.54%) 254 (0.17%) 33 (0.02%) 148 (0.1%) 1,413 (0.92%) 88,243 (57.58%) Rural
1,769 (0.38%) 7,288 (1.58%) 109 (0.02%) 214 (0.05%) 17,084 (3.7%) 27,961 (6.05%) Urban

Table -6 : Number and Percentage of Households by type of Drainage connectivity for waste water outlet , 2011
Sl. No. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households by type of
Rural/ number of drainage connectivity for waste water outlet
Urban households Closed drainage Open drainage No drainage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Total 41,753 2,111 (5.06%) 16,285 (39%) 23,357 (55.94%)
Sub-District - Depalpur (2343903540) Rural 33,435 1,286 (3.85%) 10,651 (31.86%) 21,498 (64.3%)
Urban 8,318 825 (9.92%) 5,634 (67.73%) 1,859 (22.35%)
2 Total 17,995 1,288 (7.16%) 6,365 (35.37%) 10,342 (57.47%)
Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541) Rural 13,192 369 (2.8%) 4,121 (31.24%) 8,702 (65.96%)
Urban 4,803 919 (19.13%) 2,244 (46.72%) 1,640 (34.15%)
3 Total 35,409 2,342 (6.61%) 13,195 (37.26%) 19,872 (56.12%)
Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542) Rural 30,724 1,389 (4.52%) 10,436 (33.97%) 18,899 (61.51%)
Urban 4,685 953 (20.34%) 2,759 (58.89%) 973 (20.77%)
4 Total 456,527 302,367 (66.23%) 97,503 (21.36%) 56,657 (12.41%)
Sub-District - Indore (2343903543) Rural 33,620 3,944 (11.73%) 13,642 (40.58%) 16,034 (47.69%)
Urban 422,907 298,423 (70.56%) 83,861 (19.83%) 40,623 (9.61%)
5 Total 63,650 11,211 (17.61%) 28,213 (44.33%) 24,226 (38.06%)
Sub-District - Mhow (2343903544) Rural 42,288 4,673 (11.05%) 15,673 (37.06%) 21,942 (51.89%)
Urban 21,362 6,538 (30.61%) 12,540 (58.7%) 2,284 (10.69%)
Total 615,334 319,319 (51.89%) 161,561 (26.26%) 134,454 (21.85%)
District - Indore (23439) Rural 153,259 11,661 (7.61%) 54,523 (35.58%) 87,075 (56.82%)
Urban 462,075 307,658 (66.58%) 107,038 (23.16%) 47,379 (10.25%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -7 : Number and Percentage of Households by availablity of Kitchen facility, 2011
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total Number and Percentage of households having kitchen
No. District Rural/ number of Cooking inside house Cooking outside house No cooking
Urban households
Has kitchen Does not have Has kitchen Does not have
kitchen kitchen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Sub-District - Total 41,753 23,041 (55.18%) 16,789 (40.21%) 1,156 (2.77%) 691 (1.65%) 76 (0.18%)
Depalpur Rural 33,435 17,362 (51.93%) 14,273 (42.69%) 1,122 (3.36%) 634 (1.9%) 44 (0.13%)
Urban 8,318 5,679 (68.27%) 2,516 (30.25%) 34 (0.41%) 57 (0.69%) 32 (0.38%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod Total 17,995 9,133 (50.75%) 8,067 (44.83%) 405 (2.25%) 361 (2.01%) 29 (0.16%)
(2343903541) Rural 13,192 6,183 (46.87%) 6,293 (47.7%) 355 (2.69%) 344 (2.61%) 17 (0.13%)
Urban 4,803 2,950 (61.42%) 1,774 (36.94%) 50 (1.04%) 17 (0.35%) 12 (0.25%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer Total 35,409 18,683 (52.76%) 15,146 (42.77%) 832 (2.35%) 676 (1.91%) 72 (0.2%)
(2343903542) Rural 30,724 15,518 (50.51%) 13,774 (44.83%) 732 (2.38%) 651 (2.12%) 49 (0.16%)
Urban 4,685 3,165 (67.56%) 1,372 (29.28%) 100 (2.13%) 25 (0.53%) 23 (0.49%)
4 Sub-District - Indore Total 456,527 363,183 (79.55%) 86,909 (19.04%) 1,748 (0.38%) 2,556 (0.56%) 2,131 (0.47%)
(2343903543) Rural 33,620 19,126 (56.89%) 12,480 (37.12%) 784 (2.33%) 1,137 (3.38%) 93 (0.28%)
Urban 422,907 344,057 (81.36%) 74,429 (17.6%) 964 (0.23%) 1,419 (0.34%) 2,038 (0.48%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow Total 63,650 39,525 (62.1%) 21,621 (33.97%) 849 (1.33%) 1,349 (2.12%) 306 (0.48%)
(2343903544) Rural 42,288 22,634 (53.52%) 17,703 (41.86%) 677 (1.6%) 1,153 (2.73%) 121 (0.29%)
Urban 21,362 16,891 (79.07%) 3,918 (18.34%) 172 (0.81%) 196 (0.92%) 185 (0.87%)
District - Indore Total 615,334 453,565 (73.71%) 148,532 (24.14%) 4,990 (0.81%) 5,633 (0.92%) 2,614 (0.42%)
(23439) Rural 153,259 80,823 (52.74%) 64,523 (42.1%) 3,670 (2.39%) 3,919 (2.56%) 324 (0.21%)
Urban 462,075 372,742 (80.67%) 84,009 (18.18%) 1,320 (0.29%) 1,714 (0.37%) 2,290 (0.5%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

Table -8 : Number and Percentage of Households
Sl. Name of Sub-District Total/ Total Number and percentage of households by
No. Rural/ number of Firewood Crop residue Cowdung cake Coal/ lignite/
Urban households charcoal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Sub-District - Depalpur Total 41,753 13,427 (32.16%) 880 (2.11%) 17,722 (42.44%) 12 (0.03%)
(2343903540) Rural 33,435 10,147 (30.35%) 666 (1.99%) 17,425 (52.12%) 7 (0.02%)
Urban 8,318 3,280 (39.43%) 214 (2.57%) 297 (3.57%) 5 (0.06%)
2 Sub-District - Hatod (2343903541) Total 17,995 6,398 (35.55%) 249 (1.38%) 6,760 (37.57%) 15 (0.08%)
Rural 13,192 4,802 (36.4%) 190 (1.44%) 6,433 (48.76%) 5 (0.04%)
Urban 4,803 1,596 (33.23%) 59 (1.23%) 327 (6.81%) 10 (0.21%)
3 Sub-District - Sawer (2343903542) Total 35,409 12,039 (34%) 785 (2.22%) 12,544 (35.43%) 25 (0.07%)
Rural 30,724 10,700 (34.83%) 664 (2.16%) 12,436 (40.48%) 19 (0.06%)
Urban 4,685 1,339 (28.58%) 121 (2.58%) 108 (2.31%) 6 (0.13%)
4 Sub-District - Indore (2343903543) Total 456,527 54,014 (11.83%) 2,307 (0.51%) 6,351 (1.39%) 3,014 (0.66%)
Rural 33,620 16,045 (47.72%) 564 (1.68%) 5,298 (15.76%) 26 (0.08%)
Urban 422,907 37,969 (8.98%) 1,743 (0.41%) 1,053 (0.25%) 2,988 (0.71%)
5 Sub-District - Mhow Total 63,650 29,045 (45.63%) 649 (1.02%) 2,790 (4.38%) 97 (0.15%)
(2343903544) Rural 42,288 25,622 (60.59%) 525 (1.24%) 2,646 (6.26%) 79 (0.19%)
Urban 21,362 3,423 (16.02%) 124 (0.58%) 144 (0.67%) 18 (0.08%)
District - Indore (23439) Total 615,334 114,923 (18.68%) 4,870 (0.79%) 46,167 (7.5%) 3,163 (0.51%)
Rural 153,259 67,316 (43.92%) 2,609 (1.7%) 44,238 (28.86%) 136 (0.09%)
Urban 462,075 47,607 (10.3%) 2,261 (0.49%) 1,929 (0.42%) 3,027 (0.66%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

by type of fuel used for Cooking, 2011
availability of fuel used for cooking Total/ Name of Sub-District
Kerosene LPG/ PNG Electricity Bio-gas Any other No cooking Rural/
9 10 11 12 13 14 3 2
661 (1.58%) 8,666 (20.76%) 8 (0.02%) 258 (0.62%) 43 (0.1%) 76 (0.18%) Total Sub-District - Depalpur
455 (1.36%) 4,399 (13.16%) 5 (0.01%) 245 (0.73%) 42 (0.13%) 44 (0.13%) Rural (2343903540)
206 (2.48%) 4,267 (51.3%) 3 (0.04%) 13 (0.16%) 1 (0.01%) 32 (0.38%) Urban
280 (1.56%) 4,216 (23.43%) 7 (0.04%) 38 (0.21%) 3 (0.02%) 29 (0.16%) Total Sub-District - Hatod
67 (0.51%) 1,638 (12.42%) 5 (0.04%) 34 (0.26%) 1 (0.01%) 17 (0.13%) Rural (2343903541)
213 (4.43%) 2,578 (53.67%) 2 (0.04%) 4 (0.08%) 2 (0.04%) 12 (0.25%) Urban
699 (1.97%) 9,052 (25.56%) 11 (0.03%) 155 (0.44%) 27 (0.08%) 72 (0.2%) Total Sub-District - Sawer
421 (1.37%) 6,246 (20.33%) 10 (0.03%) 154 (0.5%) 25 (0.08%) 49 (0.16%) Rural (2343903542)
278 (5.93%) 2,806 (59.89%) 1 (0.02%) 1 (0.02%) 2 (0.04%) 23 (0.49%) Urban
21,718 (4.76%) 365,846 (80.14%) 129 (0.03%) 751 (0.16%) 266 (0.06%) 2,131 (0.47%) Total Sub-District - Indore
619 (1.84%) 10,711 (31.86%) 11 (0.03%) 229 (0.68%) 24 (0.07%) 93 (0.28%) Rural (2343903543)
21,099 (4.99%) 355,135 (83.97%) 118 (0.03%) 522 (0.12%) 242 (0.06%) 2,038 (0.48%) Urban
1,158 (1.82%) 29,390 (46.17%) 20 (0.03%) 178 (0.28%) 17 (0.03%) 306 (0.48%) Total Sub-District - Mhow
531 (1.26%) 12,573 (29.73%) 19 (0.04%) 161 (0.38%) 11 (0.03%) 121 (0.29%) Rural (2343903544)
627 (2.94%) 16,817 (78.72%) 1 (0%) 17 (0.08%) 6 (0.03%) 185 (0.87%) Urban
24,516 (3.98%) 417,170 (67.8%) 175 (0.03%) 1,380 (0.22%) 356 (0.06%) 2,614 (0.42%) Total District - Indore (23439)
2,093 (1.37%) 35,567 (23.21%) 50 (0.03%) 823 (0.54%) 103 (0.07%) 324 (0.21%) Rural
22,423 (4.85%) 381,603 (82.58%) 125 (0.03%) 557 (0.12%) 253 (0.05%) 2,290 (0.5%) Urban

Table -9 : Number and Percentage of Households availing Banking services and number of Households having each
Sl. Name of Sub- Total/ Total number Total number of Number and percentage of households having each of the following specified as
No. District Rural/ of households households availing Radio/ Transistor Television Computer/ laptop- Computer/ laptop- Land line
Urban banking services With Internet Without Internet Telephone

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Sub-District - Total 41,753 21,041 (50.39%) 6,325 (15.15%) 20,884 (50.02%) 240 (0.57%) 2,190 (5.25%) 1,165 (2.79%)
Depalpur Rural 33,435 15,968 (47.76%) 4,987 (14.92%) 14,804 (44.28%) 121 (0.36%) 1,731 (5.18%) 901 (2.69%)
Urban 8,318 5,073 (60.99%) 1,338 (16.09%) 6,080 (73.09%) 119 (1.43%) 459 (5.52%) 264 (3.17%)
2 Sub-District - Total 17,995 8,663 (48.14%) 6,593 (36.64%) 9,545 (53.04%) 218 (1.21%) 671 (3.73%) 519 (2.88%)
Hatod Rural 13,192 5,950 (45.1%) 4,893 (37.09%) 6,278 (47.59%) 54 (0.41%) 420 (3.18%) 274 (2.08%)
Urban 4,803 2,713 (56.49%) 1,700 (35.39%) 3,267 (68.02%) 164 (3.41%) 251 (5.23%) 245 (5.1%)
3 Sub-District - Total 35,409 16,478 (46.54%) 5,235 (14.78%) 19,140 (54.05%) 364 (1.03%) 1,391 (3.93%) 1,272 (3.59%)
Sawer Rural 30,724 13,966 (45.46%) 4,039 (13.15%) 15,856 (51.61%) 256 (0.83%) 1,048 (3.41%) 1,114 (3.63%)
Urban 4,685 2,512 (53.62%) 1,196 (25.53%) 3,284 (70.1%) 108 (2.31%) 343 (7.32%) 158 (3.37%)
4 Sub-District - Total 456,527 298,650 (65.42%) 167,456 (36.68%) 376,395 (82.45%) 46,277 (10.14%) 53,703 (11.76%) 30,012 (6.57%)
Indore Rural 33,620 15,545 (46.24%) 7,317 (21.76%) 19,024 (56.59%) 759 (2.26%) 1,803 (5.36%) 1,194 (3.55%)
Urban 422,907 283,105 (66.94%) 160,139 (37.87%) 357,371 (84.5%) 45,518 (10.76%) 51,900 (12.27%) 28,818 (6.81%)
5 Sub-District - Total 63,650 35,699 (56.09%) 14,257 (22.4%) 38,373 (60.29%) 1,592 (2.5%) 4,832 (7.59%) 2,499 (3.93%)
Mhow Rural 42,288 20,478 (48.43%) 7,255 (17.16%) 20,889 (49.4%) 530 (1.25%) 2,352 (5.56%) 1,228 (2.9%)
Urban 21,362 15,221 (71.25%) 7,002 (32.78%) 17,484 (81.85%) 1,062 (4.97%) 2,480 (11.61%) 1,271 (5.95%)
District - Indore Total 615,334 380,531 (61.84%) 199,866 (32.48%) 464,337 (75.46%) 48,691 (7.91%) 62,787 (10.2%) 35,467 (5.76%)
(23439) Rural 153,259 71,907 (46.92%) 28,491 (18.59%) 76,851 (50.14%) 1,720 (1.12%) 7,354 (4.8%) 4,711 (3.07%)
Urban 462,075 308,624 (66.79%) 171,375 (37.09%) 387,486 (83.86%) 46,971 (10.17%) 55,433 (12%) 30,756 (6.66%)

Note: Percentage is given in brackets after the number of households.

Data Source:-Census of India, 2011, HH- series Tables on Houses, Household amenities and assets.

number of Households having each of the specified assets in, 2011
aving each of the following specified assets Total/ Name of Sub-
Mobile Telephone Both Land line and Bicycle Scooter/ Motor Cycle/ Car/ Jeep/ Van None of the specified Rural/ District
MobileTelephone Moped asset Urban

11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2
26,494 (63.45%) 643 (1.54%) 16,463 (39.43%) 14,426 (34.55%) 1,446 (3.46%) 7,458 (17.86%) Total Sub-District -
20,420 (61.07%) 395 (1.18%) 13,228 (39.56%) 11,521 (34.46%) 981 (2.93%) 6,644 (19.87%) Rural Depalpur
6,074 (73.02%) 248 (2.98%) 3,235 (38.89%) 2,905 (34.92%) 465 (5.59%) 814 (9.79%) Urban
10,721 (59.58%) 425 (2.36%) 8,409 (46.73%) 6,753 (37.53%) 707 (3.93%) 3,092 (17.18%) Total Sub-District - Hatod
7,964 (60.37%) 148 (1.12%) 5,956 (45.15%) 4,851 (36.77%) 451 (3.42%) 2,501 (18.96%) Rural (2343903541)
2,757 (57.4%) 277 (5.77%) 2,453 (51.07%) 1,902 (39.6%) 256 (5.33%) 591 (12.3%) Urban
22,213 (62.73%) 779 (2.2%) 16,828 (47.52%) 13,050 (36.86%) 1,562 (4.41%) 5,635 (15.91%) Total Sub-District - Sawer
18,953 (61.69%) 578 (1.88%) 14,826 (48.26%) 11,400 (37.1%) 1,269 (4.13%) 5,189 (16.89%) Rural (2343903542)
3,260 (69.58%) 201 (4.29%) 2,002 (42.73%) 1,650 (35.22%) 293 (6.25%) 446 (9.52%) Urban
287,777 (63.04%) 56,914 (12.47%) 248,259 (54.38%) 229,510 (50.27%) 57,616 (12.62%) 21,987 (4.82%) Total Sub-District - Indore
19,535 (58.11%) 1,298 (3.86%) 16,652 (49.53%) 13,452 (40.01%) 2,165 (6.44%) 5,767 (17.15%) Rural (2343903543)
268,242 (63.43%) 55,616 (13.15%) 231,607 (54.77%) 216,058 (51.09%) 55,451 (13.11%) 16,220 (3.84%) Urban
35,214 (55.32%) 3,115 (4.89%) 28,922 (45.44%) 23,234 (36.5%) 3,534 (5.55%) 11,633 (18.28%) Total Sub-District - Mhow
21,212 (50.16%) 1,223 (2.89%) 17,720 (41.9%) 13,663 (32.31%) 1,973 (4.67%) 10,461 (24.74%) Rural (2343903544)
14,002 (65.55%) 1,892 (8.86%) 11,202 (52.44%) 9,571 (44.8%) 1,561 (7.31%) 1,172 (5.49%) Urban
382,419 (62.15%) 61,876 (10.06%) 318,881 (51.82%) 286,973 (46.64%) 64,865 (10.54%) 49,805 (8.09%) Total District - Indore
88,084 (57.47%) 3,642 (2.38%) 68,382 (44.62%) 54,887 (35.81%) 6,839 (4.46%) 30,562 (19.94%) Rural (23439)
294,335 (63.7%) 58,234 (12.6%) 250,499 (54.21%) 232,086 (50.23%) 58,026 (12.56%) 19,243 (4.16%) Urban

English - (10-2011)

Directorate of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh

Ministry of Home Affairs,
Janganana Bhavan,
Area Hills, Jail Road, Bhopal - 462004


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