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Madeline Brandley

Professor Jaynes
MUSC 1010
December 4, 2019

Intro to Classical Music – Reflection

When I originally signed up for this class, I wasn’t aware it was a classical music class

specifically. I have to say, I was not disappointed to say the least. My music taste has been

forever changed and my knowledge of music increased as well. Throughout this course I was

able to learn about different musical cultures and backgrounds that made me realize where the

true foundation of music comes from. If we didn’t have composers like Bach and Beethoven, we

wouldn’t have many of the different styles and musical techniques that we use now. I especially

liked the last final presentation assignment because we were forced to really dive in deep in a

certain artist. Its quite easy to just enjoy an artist and not know anything about them. Now, I see

how much personality comes out in music and how important it can be to know more about the

artists you like, to understand why they made what they made. To really understand where their

passion and musical intention comes from. I would recommend this class for someone but, I

would recommend changing the teaching form. It felt very tedious when there was no

significance to the content, just a bit rushed through slide by slide. If its set up to be an online

class it should be an online class or altered to me more interactive during class and the content be
a bit more interesting and memorable. I enjoyed Professor Jaynes as my teacher, she is very

friendly and overall pretty relaxed. You’re expected to do your work but she is willing to work

with you and it is a pleasant professor to take a class from. She is very educated in her field and

shows great passion for music and the logistics. It has been inspiring to be around someone so

passionate about what they do and love. This class will make a lasting impact and will leave me

with knowledge Ill always remember and apply.

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