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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Agriculture
Sugar Center Bldg., North Ave., Diliman, Quezon City
Philippines 1101
TIN 000-784-336



1. Section 3, Article IX-B of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates the Civil Service
Commission, as the central human resource agency of the government, to establish a career
service and adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness,
progressiveness, and courtesy in the civil service. It shall strengthen the merits and rewards
system, integrate all human resources development programs for all levels and ranks, and
institutionalize a management climate conducive to public accountability.

2. Pursuant to the provision of Section 32, Book V of Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive
Order No. 292) CSC Memorandum Circular No. 3, series of 1979 as amended by CSC
Memorandum Circular No. 18, series of 1983 and Memorandum Circular No. 24, series
2017 re: 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions
(ORAORHA), a 2017 MERIT SELECTION PLAN (MSP) is therefore created which shall
provide for the guidelines, policies and procedures, rules and regulations governing the
appropriate legal qualifications and competency requirements in the deep selection,
evaluation and assessment, hiring, recruitment, and promotion processes of the Human
Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Boards (HRMPSBs) for both first (1') and second
(2"d ) level positions including executive/managerial positions that include the original
appointments who are not presidential appointees, in the career service and to those
appointed to the non-career service.

3. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 14, series of 2014, re: Policies for Executive/Managerial
Positions; Amendment to CSC MC No. 13, s. 2011. This is a CSC policy which governs the
training requirements appropriate for appointment to executive/managerial positions (SG 26
and above) in the Second Level.

4. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 01, s. 2013, re: Amendment to CSC MC No. 19, s. 2007,
Qualification Standards for Agriculturist Positions.

5. CSC Memorandum Circular No. 5, series of 2016 re: Revised Qualification Standards for
Division Chief and Executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Level.

Compliance to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 30, series of
2014, re: Adoption of the Human Resource (HR) Maturity Levels for the Human Resource
Management Systems in the Public Sector. The System which enhances the Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-
HRM). It assesses the agency's human resource management competencies, systems, and
practices toward HR excellence. It also presents a more progressive system of assessment as
it entails greater engagement not just of the human resource management officer (HRMO)
but also of the officials and the rank-and-file employees of the agency. The program aims to:

Website: http:/ E 2 l Address: rahead • sr. •ov • h/e No.: (632) 455-3 -76, (632) 45 , (632) 455-7402, (632) 455-2135
6.1 serve as search mechanism for best practices in human resource management;
6.2 serve as a venue for exchange and development of expertise in the area of human
resource management between and among government agencies;
6.3 empower agencies in the performance of human resource management functions; and
6.4 promote and reward excellent human resource management practices.
Item (D) of Section 6, Functions of the Sugar Board, Executive Order No. 18, Creating a
Sugar Regulatory Administration, which states that "To fix the compensation of the
Administrator and the other officers and employees of the Sugar Regulatory Administration,
subject to the approval of the Office of the President of the Philippines."

Section 7, Appointment and Promotions, Executive Order No. 18, Creating a Sugar
Regulatory Administration, which states that "In the appointment and promotion of officers
and employees, merit and efficiency shall serve as basis, and no political test or other
qualifications shall be prescribed and considered for such appointments or promotions. Any
person appointed by the Sugar Regulatory Administration in violation of this prohibition,
shall be removed from office by the Office of the President of the Philippines."

Section 8, Application of Civil Service Law and Regulation and Compensation and
Position Classification, Executive Order No. 18, Creating a Sugar Regulatory
Administration, which states that "All officers and employees of the Sugar Regulatory
Administration shall be subject to the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations, except those
whose positions may be declared by the Board as policy-determining, primarily confidential
or technical in nature. The rules and regulations issued by the Office of Compensation and
Position Classification shall be applicable to all officers and employees of the Sugar
Regulatory Administration."

10. Item (v) of paragraph (a), Governing Principles of Good Governance of SRA, Section 7
(D), Commitment to Principles of Good Corporate Governance, of SRA Manual of
Corporate Governance, which states that "Elect and or employ only personnel who are fit
and proper to hold such office with due regard to their qualifications, competence,
experience and integrity."

11 Item 10, Section I2.a, Sugar Board Member Directly Vested With Corporate Powers,
Part E, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states
that "Adopt a competitive selection and promotion process, a professional development
program, and succession plan to ensure that the Officers of SRA have the necessary
motivation, integrity, competence and professionalism."

12. Item 5, Section 12.b, Mandate and Responsibility of the Board for SRA's Performance,
Part E, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states
that "Ensure that personnel selection and promotion shall be on the basis of merit and fitness
and that all personnel action shall be based on applicable laws, rules and regulations.

13. Compliance to the SRA Quality Management System (QMS) Processes and Quality
Manuals of Operations and Procedures.

14. This approved SRA 20] 7 Revised MSP shall become a valid contract binding among the
Administrator, the employees and the CSC. It shall adhere, abide, adopt, comply and
implement the minimum qualification standards for merit and fitness, and competency
requirements set and enforced by the CSC. As such, non-compliance by SRA with the
policies and procedures provided therein shall be considered as a grind for
2 UI

disapproval/invalidation of appointment, and for administrative disciplinary action against
the official or employee who caused the violation.


1. Government Agency — refers to the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) created under
Executive Order No. 18 dated May 28, 1986.

2. Appointing Authority — refers to the SRA Sugar Board and the Administrator pursuant to
the SRA Manual of Corporate Governance.

3. Careers Service- refers to the positions in the civil service characterized by (1) entrance
based on Merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by competitive examination,
or based on highly technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to higher career
positions; and (3) security of tenure.

4. Change in item number- the adjustment or shifting of item number of a position per agency
plantilla or personnel.

5. Civil Service- is the generic term which refers to all official and employees in all branches,
subdivisions, instrumentalities and agencies of the Government, including government-
owned or controlled corporations with original charters.

6. Civil Service Commission Field Offices (CSC FOs) refer to the Civil Service Commission
Field Offices under the direct supervision of the Civil Service Commission Regional Office
each headed by a Field Director.

7. Civil Service Commission Regional Offices (CSC ROs) refer to the Civil Service
Commission Regional Offices, each headed by a Regional Director. (CSC RACCS 2017).

8. Commission- refers to the Civil Service Commission composed of the

Chairperson/Chairman and two (2) Commissioners.

9. Comparable Position- is determined based not solely on salary grade but also on the duties
and responsibilities of the positions and level of position in the organizational structure or
plantilla of the agency. (CSC MC No. 03, s. 2014)

10. Comparative at Par- predetermined reasonable difference or gap between point

scores of candidates for appointment established by the PSB.

11 Permanent Appointment - an appointment issued to a person who meets all the

qualification requirements of the position to which he/she is being appointed to, including
the appropriate eligibility, in accordance with the provisions of law, rules and standards
promulgated in pursuance thereof.

12. Coterminous appointment- an appointment issued to a person whose tenure is limited to a

period specified by law or whose continuity in the service is based on the trust and
confidence of the appointing officer/authority or of the head of the organizational unit where
assigned. Specifically, the categories of coterminous appointments are:

12.1 Coterminous with the appointing officer/authority — an appointment is coexistent with
the term/tenure of the appointing officer/authority.
12.2 Coterminous with the head of the organizational unit where assigned — an
appointment is coexistent with the term/tenure of the head of the organizational unit
to which he/she is assigned, who is not the appointing officer/authority.
12.3 Coterminous (primarily confidential in nature) — an appointment to positions
determined by law or declared by the Commission to be primarily confidential in
nature, the duties and responsibilities of which imply not only confidence in the
aptitude of the appointees but primarily close intimacy which insures freedom of
discussion, delegation and reporting without embarrassment or freedom from
misgivings or betrayals of personal trust. Appointees to primarily confidential
positions are exempt from the qualification requirements, except those whose duties
involve the practice of profession regulated by the Philippine Bar/Board or special
laws and/or require licenses.

13. Positions marked as coterminous with the incumbent (CTI) as a result of

rationalization or reorganization of the agency - a person issued with permanent
appointment whose position is marked as CTI as a result of rationalization or reorganization
of his/her agency shall retain his/her permanent status until he/she is appointed/promoted to
another position, or resigns or retires from the service. In case of promotion or separation
from the service through retirement, resignation, transfer, death of the incumbent, the
position marked as CTI shall automatically be abolished.

14. Probationary Employee - refers to an employee who is required to undergo a thorough

character investigation and assessment of capability to perform the duties of the position
enumerated in the Position Description Form (PDF) during the probationary period
which is generally six (6) months or depending on the duration of the probationary period as
required by the position or by law.

15 Probationary Period - refers to the period of actual service following the issuance of a
permanent appointment wherein the appointee undergoes a thorough character investigation
and assessment of capability to perform the duties of the position enumerated in the Position
Description Form (PDF).

16. Contract of Service - refers to the engagement of the services of an individual, private
Firm or government agency, non-governmental agency or international organization as
consultant. Learning service provider or technical expert is to undertake special project or
job within a specific period.

17 Contractor or Service Provider - refers to an individual, a government agency.

government or non-government entity, duly registered and recognized by authorized
government agencies to provide consultancy services such as janitorial, security,
consultancy services in their respective field of expertise.

18. Institutional Contract - refers to the agreement between the government agency and
contractor or service provider or duly registered and recognized authorized government
agencies to provide services such as janitorial, security, consultancy, and other support

19. Job Order - refers to piece of work (pakyaw) or intermittent or emergency jobs such as
clearing of debris on the roads, canals, waterways, etc. after natura -made

disasters/occurrences and other manual/trades and crafts services such as carpentry,
plumbing, electrical and the like. These jobs are of short duration and for specific piece of

20. Support Service - may include janitorial, security, driving, data encoding, equipment and
grounds maintenance and other services that support the day to day operation of the agency.

21. Deep Selection- the process of selecting a candidate for appointment who is not next-in-
rank but possess superior qualifications and competence.

22. Department/Agency/Government-Owned and/or Controlled Corporation (GOCC)-

refers to departments, agencies, bureaus of the national government, government owned and
controlled corporations with original charters, state universities and colleges and local
government units.

23. Disciplining Authority - refers to the person or body duly authorized by law to impose the
penalty provided for by law or rule.

24. Discrimination- is a situation wherein a qualified applicant is not included in the selection
line-up on account of gender, age, civil status, pregnancy, disability, religion, ethnicity, or
political affiliation.

25. Dismissal — is the termination or the act of being discharged from employment or service
for cause. It is the definite severance of an officer or employee from government service on
the initiative of the agency or office, CSC, Ombudsman, or regular courts.

26. Employee- refers to the person who works for an agency and occupies a position in either
the first and second level whose functions are not managerial in nature.

27. Ex-parte- refers to the act or manner of conducting a proceeding where only one party is
present without representation from or to other parties.

28. Human Resource- refers to the people including their qualifications, competencies,
talents and potentials. HR as a function pertains to the management, development and
utilization of the people towards the excellent and ethical achievement of vision of the

29. Human Resource Action- refers to any action denoting the movement or progress of
officials and employees in the civil service which shall include appointment, promotion,
transfer, reappointment, reinstatement, reemployment, reclassification, detail, designation,
reassignment, secondment, demotion and separation from the service.

30. Executive/Managerial Positions- refer to the position belongs to the 3'd level of hierarchy
in the organization, but are not presidential appointees, in the career service and to those
appointed to the non-career service. This includes professional, technical and scientific
positions, the functions of which are managerial in character, exercising management over
people, resource, and/or policy and exercising functions such as planning, organizing,
directing, coordinating, controlling and overseeing the activities of an organization, a unit
thereof or of a group, requiring some degree of professional, technical or scientific
knowledge and experience, application of managerial skills required to carry Qut basic


A )„
duties and responsibilities involving leadership, functional guidance and control. These
positions require intensive and thorough knowledge of a specialized field.

31. First Level Positions- shall include clerical, trades and crafts, and custodial service which
involve sub-professional work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity (Salary Grade 1
to Salary Grade 10).

32. Second Level Positions - involve professional, technical and scientific work in a non-
supervisory or supervisory capacity up to Division Chief level or its equivalent (Salary
Grade 11 to Salary Grade 25).

33. Fixed Term- an appointment issued to a person with a specified term of office, subject to
reappointment as provided by law, such as Chairperson and Members of Commission and
Boards, SUC President, and Head of Agency appointed by the Board.

34. Job Requirements- requisites not limited to the qualification standards of the position,
but may include skills, competencies, potential, physical and psycho-social attributes
necessary for the successful performance of the duties required of the position.

35. Next-in-Rank Position- refers to a position which by reason of the hierarchical

arrangement of positions in the agency or in the government is determined to be in the
nearest degree of relationship to a higher position as contained in the agency's System of
Ranking Position (SRP).

36. Non-Career Service- positions expressly declared by law to be in the non-career service; or
those whose entrance in s characterized by (1) entrance on bases other than those of the usual
tests of merit and fitness utilized for the career service; and (2) tenure which is limited to the
duration of a particular project for which purpose employment was made.

37. Non-supervisory- this includes professional, technical and scientific positions performing
work requiring the practice of profession or application of knowledge acquired through
formal training in a particular field or the exercise of a natural, creative and artistic ability or
talent in arts and letters. Also included in this category are positions involved in research and
application of professional knowledge and methods to a variety of technological, economic,
industrial and governmental functions.

38. Original appointment- the initial entry into the career or non-career service.

39. Reappointment — the issuance of an appointment as a result of reorganization, devolution,

salary standardization, re-nationalization, recategorization, rationalization or similar events.

40. Reassignment- movement of an employee across the organizational structure within the
same department or agency, which does not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.

41.Reemployment appointment- the appointment of a person who has been previously

appointed to a position in the government service but was separated therefrom as a result of
reduction in force, reorganization, retirement, voluntary resignation, or any non-disciplinary
action such as dropping from the rolls and other modes of separation. Reemployment
presupposes a gap in the service.
42.Reinstatement (to comparable position) - the restoration of a person as a result of a
decision, to a career position from which he/she has, through no delinquency or misconduct,
been separated but subject position is already abolished, requiring the issuance of an
appointment to a comparable position to the separated employee.

43. Reinstatement (to the same position/item)- the restoration, as a result of a decision, of a
person to a career position from which he/she has, through no delinquency or misconduct,
been separated therefrom. The employee has a vested right to his/her former item, hence,
she/he is deemed not to have left the service and therefore has no gap in the service. He/she
shall be entitled to payment of back salaries including allowances and all benefits which
would have accrued if he/she has not been separated. However, reinstatement (to the same
position/item), which involves the restoration of a person, as a result of a decision, to a
career position from which he/she has through delinquency or misconduct, been separated
from the service and subject position is still available, does not need the issuance of an

44. Designation - movement that involves the imposition of additional and/or higher duties to
be performed by a public official/employee which is temporary and can be terminated
anytime at the pleasure of the appointing authority/officer. Designation may involve the
performance of the duties of another position on a concurrent capacity or full-time basis.

45. Detail - temporary movement of an employee from one department or agency to another
which does not involve a reduction in rank, status or salary.

46. Personnel Actions- any action denoting the movement of progress of personnel in the
civil service such as original appointment, promotion, transfer, reinstatement, reemployment,
detail, reassignment, secondment and demotion.

47. Promotion- is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with
increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an
increase in salary.

48. Promotion appointment- the advancement of a career employee from one position to
another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually
accompanied by an increase in salary.

49. Protest — refers to an action filed by a qualified next-in-rank official or employee

questioning the issuance of an appointment in favour or another on the basis of lack of
qualifications of the appointee.

50. Psycho-Social Attributes- refer to the characteristics or traits of a person which involved
both psychological and social-psychological includes the way he/she perceive things, ideas,
beliefs and understanding and how he/she acts and relates these things to others and in social

51. Qualification Standards- is a statement of the minimum qualifications for a position

which shall include education, experience, training, civil service eligibility, and physical
characteristics and personality traits required in the performance of the job.

52. CSC Qualification Standards - refers to the 1997 revised CSC Qualification tandards

and other latest CSC Memorandum Circulars.

53. SRA Qualification Standards - refers to CSC approved QS for SRA Regulation Officers.

54. Merit and Fitness - shall be determined based on the relevant education, experience,
training, performance/accomplishment, eligibility and competitive examinations, however,
this does not apply to appointments to positions which are officially declared by the CSC as
policy determining, primarily confidential, or highly technical in nature.

55. Posting - refers to the simultaneous posting of the lists of vacant positions, qualified
candidates, filled-up positions and appointments in SRA Bulletin Boards in Quezon City and
Bacolod City.

56. Qualified Next-in-Rank - refers to a permanent employee whose position was

previously determined to be a next-in-rank to the vacancy and who meets the requirement for
appointment thereto as previously determined by the appointing authority and approved by
the Commission.

57. Selection- is the systematic method of determining the merit and fitness of a person on
the basis of qualifications and ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the

58. Selection Line-up- is a listing of qualified and competent Applicants for consideration to
a vacancy which includes, but not limited to, the comparative information of their education,
experience, training, civil service eligibility, performance rating (if applicable), relevant
work accomplishments, physical characteristics, psycho-social attributes, personality traits
and potential.

59. Superior Qualifications- shall mean outstanding relevant work accomplishments,

education attainment and training appropriate for the position to be filled. It shall include
demonstration of exceptional job mastery and potential in major areas of responsibility.

60. Supervisory- this includes professional, technical and scientific positions in a department or
agency or local government, which have the responsibility of overseeing the work of an
organizational unit charged with a major and specialized activity.

61. System of Ranking Positions- is the hierarchical arrangement of positions from highest to
lowest, which shall be a guide in determining which position is next-in-rank, taking into
consideration the following: (a) organizational structure; (b) salary grade allocation; (c)
classification and functional relationship of positions; and (d) geographical location.

62. Transfer appointment- the movement of employee from one position to another which is of
equivalent rank, level or salary without gap in the service involving the issuance of

63. Alternate representatives to the HRMPSB— refer to the officers or employees designated as
in lieu of the Principal Member during his/her absence in the meeting or deliberation. He/she
shall only attend/participate the HRMPSB deliberation or meeting in the absence of the
principal/official member. Likewise, he/she only signs the minutes of the
deliberation/meeting and the recommendation during the time/period of delib- ion she


H fi
Tj X:/

1. Vacant plantilla positions in the 1' and 2nd level including executive/managerial positions
shall be filled up by the competent and qualified applicants who possess and equip with the
required competency requirements and appropriate CSC and/or Career Executive Service
Board (CESB) eligibility.

2. The selection, evaluation and assessment, hiring, recruitment, promotion and appointment of
SRA employees shall be open to all qualified men and women in accordance with the
established principle of merit and fitness, and competency requirements of the positions
corresponding to the competency-based Job Description of each position.

2.1 The merit and fitness shall be determined, as far as practicable, by the competitive
examinations, however, this does not apply to appointments to positions which are
officially declared by the CSC as policy determining, primarily confidential, or highly
technical in nature.

2.2 SRA also adheres to the principle that there shall be an equal employment opportunity
for men and women at all level of position, provided they have met the minimum and
competency requirements of the position. There shall be no discrimination in the
selection, evaluation and assessment, hiring, recruitment, and promotion of the qualified
and competent men and women on account of their gender, age, civil status, disability,
religion, ethnicity or political affiliations.



1. Prior to the filling up of the vacant positions, SRA through Human Resource Unit shall
submit a list of its vacant positions authorized to be filled and their qualification standards
and plantilla item numbers (CS Form No. Revised 2017) in electronic and printed copies to
the CSC Field Office concerned. The printed copy shall be posted by the CSCFO in its
bulletin board. The electronic copy shall be forwarded to the CSCRO concerned which
shall publish the same in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant Positions in the Government in the
CSC website.

Pursuant to the provisions and implementing guidelines of Republic Act No. 7041 re:
publication Law, vacant positions in the career service shall be published and posted in at
SRA Bulletin Boards for a period of at least (10) calendar days. Filling of vacant positions
shall be made after the last day of publication or posting whichever comes last.

Any incorrect information in the publication of vacant positions, i.e., item number, position
title or qualification standards shall be a ground for the disapproval/invalidation of the
particular appointment by the CSC.

2. The following positions are exempt from the publication and posting requirements:

2.1 Primarily confidential;

2.2 Policy-determining;
2.3 Highly technical which include the faculty and academic staff of state/local colleges and
universities, and scientific and technical positions in scientific and research institutions
with established merit systems;

2.4 Coterminous with that of the appointing officer/authority, including other non-career
positions such as contractual and casual identified under Section 9, Subtitle A, Title I,
Book V of EO No. 292;
2.5 Reappointment (change of status to permanent) of those appointed on temporary status
for Category II positions under CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as amended; or
2.6Those to be filled by the existing regular employees in SRA in case of
reorganization/rationalization; provided, the approved staffing pattern is posted in the
SRA bulletin boards and other conspicuous places in its Quezon City Office and
Bacolod City Office and field offices.

3. Vacant executive/managerial positions in the second level that are authorized to be filled up,
together with their corresponding qualification standards and plantilla item numbers, shall be
posted in SRA offices and submitted to the CSC-Examination, Recruitment and Placement
Office (ERPO) for publication in the CSC website as provided for under CSC MC No. 11, s.

4. In case of the positions occupied by the holders of temporary appointments, except positions
under Category II of CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as amended, shall be continuously posted in
the SRA bulletin boards and published in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant Positions until filled up
by permanent appointees.

5. The publication of a particular vacant position shall be valid until filled up but not to extend
beyond nine (9) months reckoned from the date the vacant position was published. Should
there be no appointment issued within the nine-month period, SRA has to cause the re-
publication and re-posting of the vacant position.

6. Anticipated vacancies based on SRA's succession plan may be published. In case of

retirement, resignation, or transfer, the publication should not be earlier than 60 days prior to
retirement, resignation or transfer.



1. The Administrator shall issue a Special Order (SO) designating the principal members of the
HRMPSB and their designated alternates. The CSCRO and CSCFO should be furnished with
a copy of the Special Order.

2. The Administrator shall, as far as practicable, ensure equal opportunity for men and women to
be represented in the HRMPSB for all levels of positions.

3. The HRMPSB members must be duly designated and their names posted in SRA bulletin
board. Any change in the composition of SRA HRMPSB should be reported to the CSC
Regional or Field Office concerned.

4. HRMPSB shall serve as the recommending body for appointment. However, the final
decision on who to appoint shall be with the appointing authority.

3. HRMPSB shall be represented by at least a majority of its members during the deliberation of
a candidate's selection, promotion and appointment.
6. HRMPSB shall be primarily responsible for the judicious and objective selection of
candidates for appointment in accordance with the CSC approved SRA MSP and shall
recommend to the appointing authority the top five (5) ranking candidates deemed qualified
for appointment to the vacant position.

7. HRMPSB members including alternate representatives for first, second and

executive/managerial positions shall undergo orientation and workshop on SRA's
selection/promotion process and CSC policies on appointments to be conducted by the CSC.

8. HRMPSB shall be fair, objective and impartial in the evaluation of candidates for
appointment. It may employ the assistance of external or independent resource persons and
may initiate innovative schemes in determining the best and most qualified candidate.

9. HRMPSB shall issue a certification that all appointees were properly screened and evaluated
by them. As proof thereof, a certification signed by the Chairperson of the HRMPSB at the
back of the appointment specifying that the majority of the HRMPSB members were present
during the deliberation or alternatively, a copy of the proceedings/minutes of the HRMPSB
deliberation shall be submitted together with the appointment.

10.The deliberation by the HRMPSB shall be made ten (10) calendar days after the date of
publication and posting of vacant positions. An appointment issued in violation of these rules
shall be disapproved/invalidated by the CSC.

11. The appointing authority shall assess the merits of the HRMPSB's recommendation for
appointment and in the exercise of sound discretion, select from among the top five ranking
applicants deemed most qualified for appointment to the vacant position.

12. The composition of the SRA-HRMPSB for the and 2"d Level Positions is as follows:

a. The membership of the HRMPSB can be modified, provided it conforms to the

prescribed composition. SRA may add a reasonable number of members, but the
prescribed composition shall not be reduced.

b. Item 10, Section 12.a, Sugar Board Member Directly Vested With Corporate Powers, Part
E, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states that
"Adopt a competitive selection cmd promotion process, a professional development
program, and succession plan to ensure that the Officers of SRA have the necessary
motivation, integrity, competence and professionalism."

c. Item 5, Section 12.b, Mandate and Responsibility of the Board for SI?A's Performance,
Part E, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states
that "Ensure that personnel selection and promotion shall be on the basis of merit and
fitness and that all personnel action shall be based on applicable laws, rules and


12.1 Chairperson — Board Member

12.2 Deputy Administrator for Administration and Finance or his alternate.

12.3 Regular Members:

12.3.1 Head of organizational unit/department/division/office where vacancy exists, i.e.

Deputy Administrator, Department Manager, Division Chief, or their designated

12.3.2 Human Resource Management Officer (HRMO) or the career service employee
directly responsible for recruitment, selection and placement, e.g. Human
Resource Management Officer III or IV, or his/her designated alternate.

12.3.3 Two (2) regular and alternate representatives of the rank and file career
employees, from the first level and from the second level, who shall all be chosen
by the Sugar Employees Association of the Philippines (SUGAREAP), e.g.
President of the SUGAREAP or his/her authorized alternate, and One (1)
SUGAREAP Board Member representing the first level position, or his/her
authorized representative.

The first level representative shall participate during the screening of candidates
for vacancies in the first level; the second level representative shall participate in
the screening of candidates for vacancies in the second level. Both rank and file
representatives shall serve for a period of two (2) years. For continuity of
operation, SUGAREAP shall designate an alternate.

13. The composition of the SRA-HRMPSB for the 2nd Level Positions- Executive/Managerial
Positions is as follows:

a. The membership of the HRMPSB can be modified, provided it conforms to the

prescribed composition. SRA may add a reasonable number of members, but the
prescribed composition shall not be reduced.

Item 10, Section 12.a, Sugar Board Member Directly Vested With Corporate Powers,
Part E, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states
that "Adopt a competitive selection and promotion process, a prgfessional development
program, and succession plan to ensure that the Officers of SRA have the necessary
motivation, integrity, competence and professionalism."

c. Item 5, Section 12.b, Mandate and Responsibility of the Board for SRA's Performance,
Part F, The SRA Governing Board, SRA Manual of Corporate Governance, which states
that "Ensure that personnel selection and promotion shall be on the basis of merit and
_fitness and that all personnel action shall be based on applicable laws, rules and


13.1 Chairperson: Chairman of the Board or his alternate.

13.2 Regular Members:

12 I
13.2.1 The Administrator, Board Member representing Millers, and Board Member
representing Planters

13.2.2 The Deputy Administrator of the organizational unit/department/division/office

where the vacancy exists.

14. The HRM Office/Unit shall perform the secretariat and technical support functions to the
HRMPSBs for the comparative assessment and final evaluation of potential candidates. It
shall also evaluate and analyse the results of structured background investigation for second
level, supervisory, and executive/managerial positions. It shall also be the primarily
responsible for the preparation, filing, retrieving and safekeeping of the Minutes of the
Meetings, Resolutions, records of evaluations, screening and assessments, and other

15. For the structured background investigation, the Administrator shall designate, through a
Special Order (SO), the employees who are in-charge for the conduct of the background
investigation. The designated investigator shall be trained on the proper procedures in the
conduct of background investigation.

16 The Administrator, in consultation with the Human Resource Unit, shall come up with
prescribed guidelines to ensure a judicious conduct of investigation.

17 The HRM Officer as member of the HRMPSB shall not act as secretariat to the HRMPSB.

18. Alternate representatives shall only attend/participate the HRMPSB deliberation or meeting
in the absence of the principal/official member. Likewise, he/she only signs the minutes of
the deliberation/meeting and the recommendation during the time/period of deliberation she

To ensure the integrity of the proceedings and the sanctity of documents during
deliberations, members of the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board, as
well as their designated alternates, shall be strictly bound by the rules on confidentiality.
Violation of this rule shall be sternly dealt with administrative sanctions, in accordance with
existing laws.


1. The Competency-Based Qualification Standards (QS) are the minimum and basic requirements
for positions in the government in terms of education, training, experience, Civil
Service/Career Executive Service Board Eligibility, physical fitness and other qualities
required for the successful performance of the functions, duties and responsibilities of the
position. These shall also serve as the basic guide in the selection of the employees and in the
evaluation of appointments to all positions in SRA.
2. The establishment, administration and maintenance of the approved CSC competency-based
QS shall be the responsibility of SRA. The request for approval of SRA's QS shall comply
with the requirements of and be in accordance with the provisions of Section 41, Part I,
General Policies, Rule VIII, Qualification Standards of the CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 re: 2017
ORAORHA and CSC Memorandum Circular No. 5, series of 2016 re: Revised Qualification
joR Standards for Division Chief and Executive/Managerial Positions in the Second Lev
13 I

3. SRA, through the Board, shall also set specific or higher standards for its plantilla positions,
including the required competencies. These standards shall be submitted to CSC for approval,
and once approved, SRA shall uniformly and consistently adopt these in the selection and
appointment of employees. The approved qualification standards shall be adopted by the CSC
in the attestation of appointments of SRA.

4. SRA's Qualification standards shall be established for all positions in the Index of
Occupational Service (I0S), Position Titles and Salary Grades or positions subsequently
created and approved by the Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) and in accordance
with existing laws, policies, rules and regulations.

5. All plantilla positions should be included in the approved Qualification Standards Manual of
SRA. If unique to SRA, the same should have the qualification standards approved by the

6. The Qualification Standards for Deputy Administrators and Department Managers which are
classified as executive/managerial positions, where the Sugar Board is the Appointing
Authority over these positions, shall be in accordance with the standards set by the CSC.

7. SRA appointees to casual, contractual and coterminous positions that are not primarily
confidential in nature must meet the education, training and experience requirements of the
positions as approved by the CSC. Pending the submission and approval of the agency
qualification standards, the qualification requirements provided under the CSC QS Manual
shall be used as basis in the attestation of these non-career appointments. Eligibility is not
required for appointment to casual, contractual, and coterminous positions but preference
should be given to civil service eligible. However, if the duties of the position involve the
practice of a profession regulated by the Philippine Bar/Board or special laws, and/or require
licenses such as those required for positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC No. 11, s.
1996, as amended, the corresponding professional license and/or certificate of registration shall
be required.



1. All potential candidates for evaluation, assessments and promotion in the 1st and 2"d level
positions including the executive/managerial positions shall pass through and be properly
screened by the HRMPSBs. At the initial stage of screening, evaluation and assessment, the
potential candidates shall possess qualification standards, skills requirements and
competencies for the position as provided for under Chapter VI and paragraph 5 of this
Chapter of the herein MSP.

Candidates for the following appointments shall no longer be subject to the screening of the

1.1 Reappointment to change the employments status from temporary to permanent upon
meeting the deficiency or to renew the appointment of a temporary employee, if upon
publication there are no qualified applicants and his/her performance rating is at least
Very Satisfactory for two (2) rating periods, or


A,- of— 144

1.2 Appointment to primarily confidential positions.

2. An employee should have obtained at least Very Satisfactory performance rating for one (1)
year in the present position before being considered for promotion.

3. Positions left vacant by an incumbent shall not be filled up until the promotional
appointments have been approved/ validated by the CSC, except in meritorious cases, as
may be authorized by the Commission.

4. For vacancies in the 1" and 2nd levels including executive/managerial positions, all qualified
next-in-rank employees based on SRA's System Ranking of Positions (SRPs) shall be
automatically considered candidates for promotion to the next higher position.

5. The deep selection, screening, evaluation and comparative assessments of the required
professional and technical qualifications, skills and competence of potential candidates shall
be determined on the following bases and/or criteria, to wit:

5.1 Education

5.1.1 Refers to the formal or non-formal education, technical, or vocational studies

that will enable the candidate to successfully perform the duties and
responsibilities indicated in the Position/Job Description Form as DBM-CSC
Form No.1 Revised 2017 of the position to be filled.
5.1.2 Certificates of completion of non-formal education issued by the Department of
Education shall he considered valid documents for appointment to positions
requiring completion of elementary or high school education, provided, that
other requirements of the positions are met.
5.1.3 For one to meet the two years studies in college requirement in the QS Manual,
one must have earned from a CHED-recognized institution at least 72 academic
units leading to a degree or has completed a relevant two-year
collegiate/technical course.
5.1.4 Certificates issued by the schools deputized by the CHED having completed a
bachelor's degree under the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and
Accreditation Program shall be considered valid documents for meeting the
education requirement for positions requiring completion of a bachelor's degree.
5.1.5 Certifications issued by the schools deputized by CHED showing completion of
at least 72 academic units leading to a degree under the Expanded Tertiary
Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program shall be considered valid
documents for meeting the education requirement for positions requiring
completion of two years studies in college.
5.1.6 Certification issued by CHED that a one-year diploma post-graduate course
acquired from foreign or local institutions is equivalent to a master's degree shall
be appropriate for meeting the education requirement for appointment to division
chief and executive/managerial position.
5.1.7 Certification issued by CHED that a degree obtained from foreign schools is
equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree shall be considered valid document
for meeting the education requirement for positions requiring completion of a
bachelor's or master's degree.
5.1.8 To meet the relevant bachelor's degree requirement in the QS Manual, the
appointee must have completed from a CHED-recognized college or university a
15 I
bachelor's degree whose curriculum either includes, or is suppleme -d b 12
academic units of the subject or course, which will enable the candidate to
successfully perform the duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled in
the Jon/Position Description Form.
5.1.9 A graduate of the Master's degree or Certificate in Leadership and Management
(C-Pro) from the CSC shall be considered to have met the master's degree
requirement for purposes of meeting the education requirement for division chief
and executive/managerial positions.
5.1.10 Completion of the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Doctor of Medicine from a
CHED-recognized institution shall be considered appropriate education for
appointment to division chief and executive/managerial positions or other
positions requiring a master's degree, the duties of which do not involve practice
of profession covered by bar/board laws.
5.1.11 RA No. 1080 eligible shall be exempt from the master's degree requirement for
division chief and executive/managerial positions the duties and responsibilities
of which involve practice of profession or belong to the same occupational group
or functionally related positions as that of the professions regulated by Bar or
Board laws. However, a master's degree shall be required if the
executive/managerial or division chief position does not involve practice of
profession or does not belong to the same occupational group or functionally
related positions as that of the professions regulated by Bar/Board laws,
provided that, this does not apply to lawyers and doctors.
5.1.12 Career Executive Service (CES) or Career Service Executive (CSE) eligible
shall likewise be considered to have met the master's degree requirement for
purposes of meeting the education requirement for division chief and
executive/managerial positions.
5.1.13 Those who have been allowed to register and are issued certificate of registration
or valid professional license of a specific board law shall be considered as
having met the educational requirements for appointments to positions covered
by the corresponding board law or other functionally related positions that do not
involve the practice of other professions covered by bar/board laws.
5.1.14 Those who were allowed to take the Career Service Professional and Sub-
professional Examinations on or before November 29, 1992 shall be considered
as having met the education requirement for appointment to corresponding level
of position not covered by bar/board laws.

5.2 Experience

5.2.1 Refers to the previous jobs in either the government or private sector, whether
full-time or part-time, which, as certified by the Human Resource Management
Officer or authorized officials of the previous employer, are functionally related
to the duties in the PDF of the position to be filled.
5.2.2 Relevant experience acquired through a Job order or Contract of Service covered
by a contract or a Memorandum of Agreement may be considered for meeting
the experience requirement.
5.2.3 Relevant experience acquired through volunteer work, on full time basis, as
certified by the Human Resource Management Officer or authorized officials,
may be considered for meeting the experience requirement.
5.2.4 Experience in first level positions may be considered for meeting the experience
requirement of second level positions when acquired in the same occupational
group or functionally related positions.

5.2.5 Relevant experience acquired through a designation covered by an Office or
Memorandum Order may be considered for meeting the experience requirement.

5.3 Training

5.3.1 Refers to formal or non-formal training courses and 1-RD interventions such as
coaching, mentoring, job rotation, reassignment, seminars, workshops, and
others that are part of the employee's Individual Development Plan/Career
Development Plan. These trainings/learning and development interventions are
intended to enable the candidate to successfully perform the duties and
responsibilities as indicated in the PDF or Job Description (JD) of the position to
be filled. These are evidenced by the Learning and Development Plan/Coaching
and Mentoring Program approved by the Administrator and Certificates issued
by the HRMO or authorized official from the government or private sector.
5.3.2 Continuous learning and development shall be espoused by the Civil Service
Commission. The Administrator shall ensure that each employee shall have
undergone at least one planned human resource development intervention during
the year. A minimum of forty (40) hours supervisory/management training or
learning and development intervention per year based on the Learning and
Development Plan of SRA should be provided by the latter to incumbents of
supervisory and managerial positions.
5.3.3 Training may be acquired from any of the following institutions: Any CSC accredited learning and development institutions; Government Training Institutions; Non-accredited private training institution offering training of highly
technical/specialized nature; Local training institution that is internationally acclaimed for meeting
the global standards of excellence in training; Institution recognized by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as
Center of Excellence (COE) or Development (COD); Foreign institution that offers training for scholarship purposes or for
personal advancement of participants; or Other institutions that partner with the Civil Service Commission in
building capabilities of civil servants.
5.3.4 Training acquired from any of the afore-mentioned institutions must be relevant
to the position to be filled and aligned with the strategy map or development
goal of the institution or organization.
5.3.5 Attendance to annual agency planning sessions/workshops/conferences as a
requirement for operations and/or services rendered as facilitator/resource person
in seminars/workshops/trainings shall not be considered for meeting the training
5.3.6 The learning and development/training required for Division Chief and
comparable positions shall be 40 hours of supervisory/management learning and
development intervention undertaken within the last five (5) years reckoned
from the date of issuance of appointment.
5.3.7 Generally, the training required for executive/managerial positions in the second
level shall be 120 hours of supervisory/management learning and development
intervention undertaken within the last five (5) years reckoned from the date of
issuance of appointment.
5.3.8 Management training includes, courses, workshops, seminars and other learning
and development interventions that develop and/or enhance knowledge, skills
and attitude to enable successful performance of management functions such as
planning, organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating and overseeing the
activities of an organization, a unit thereof or a group. It is intended to
develop/enhance leadership competencies to prepare managers in managing
people and work.
5.3.9 For executive/managerial positions in the second level with duties and
responsibilities involving practice of profession, the Mandatory Continuing
Legal Education (MOLE) for Bar passers, the Continuing Professional
Education/Development (CPE/CPD) for licensed professionals or trainings
relevant to practice of profession may constitute for a maximum of 40 hours of
technical training and the remaining 80 hours shall be management trainings
taken within the last five (5) years reckoned from the date of issuance of
5.3.10 Executive/managerial positions in the second level with duties and
responsibilities which are highly-specialized in nature as shown in the PDF/JD
may require trainings which are highly-technical and/or highly-specialized.
These highly technical/highly-specialized trainings shall make up for the 120
hours of management and technical training where a maximum of 80 hours shall
be for technical training and the minimum of 40 hours shall be management
trainings taken within the last five (5) years reckoned from the date of issuance
of appointment.

5.4 Eligibility

5.4.1 It refers to the result of passing a merit and fitness test which may be determined
as far as practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly technical
qualifications or other tests of merit and fitness conducted by the CSC, or other
examinations jointly designed and coordinated by the departments or agencies
with the assistance of or in coordination with the CSC, and other examinations
such as the PRC-conducted board examinations, SC-conducted bar examinations
or the CESB-conducted CES examinations.
5.4.2 First level eligibilities are appropriate for appointment to positions in the first
level. They do not apply to those covered by bar/board/special laws, and other
special eligibilities as may be determined by the Commission or those that
require licenses such as those positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC
No. 11, s. 1996, as amended.
5.4.3 Second level eligibilities are appropriate for appointment to positions in the
second and first level. They do not apply to those covered by board/bar/special
laws, and other special eligibilities as may be determined by the Commission or
those that require licences such as those positions listed under Category IV of
CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as amended.
5.4.4 Eligibilities resulting from passing the bar/board examinations shall be required
for appointment to positions the duties of which constitute the practice of
profession(s) regulated by the Philippine Bar/board laws.
5.4.5 Eligibilities resulting from passing the bar/board examinations which require
completion of at least a bachelor's degree shall be considered appropriate to
positions for which the examinations were given, and to other first and second
level positions not covered by bar/board/special laws and/or those that require

18I :
licenses such as those positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC No. 11, s.
1996, as amended.
5.4.6 Eligibilities resulting from passing the board examinations which require
completion of at least a bachelor's degree shall be considered appropriate to
positions for which the examinations were given, and to other first level
positions not covered by board/special laws and/or those that require licenses
such as those positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as
5.4.7 Eligibilities resulting from passing the Unassembled, Testimonial or special
examinations conducted by the CSC or by the departments or agencies with the
assistance of or in coordination with the CSC shall only be appropriate for
appointment to the positions for which they were given, to other functionally
related positions, and other positions as may be determined by the Commission.
5.4.8 Incumbents of positions who were issued permanent appointments using
eligibilities resulting from these examinations shall retain their permanent status
but may only be promoted to positions belonging to the same occupational group
or functionally related positions for which the examinations were given or other
positions as may be determined by the Commission.
5.4.9 Eligibilities granted after one year of Very Satisfactory actual work performance
under temporary status for positions listed under Category II or CSC MC No. 11,
s. 1996, as amended, shall only be appropriate for appointment to highly skilled
positions within the same occupational group or functionally related positions.
5.4.10Eligibilities previously issued under Category I (SCEP) shall continue to be
appropriate for permanent appointment to corresponding positions re-
categorized under Category II and other functionally-related positions without
undergoing one (1) year employment under temporary status, provided the other
requirements are met.
5.4.11Licenses issued by authorized government agencies shall be required for
appointment to positions listed under Category IV of CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996,
as amended.

5.5 Performance

5.5.1 Refers to the performance ratings for two (2) consecutive performance appraisal
periods for one (1) year performance.

For appointment by promotion and transfer, the Performance Rating/s of the

appointee in the present position for one (1) year prior to the date of assessment
or screening, which should be at least Very Satisfactory, shall be required. The
performance rating in the present position for one year prior to the scholarship
grant, which should be at least Very Satisfactory, shall be used as basis for
promotion of an appointee-scholar.

5.5.2 Potential candidates must have at least a Very Satisfactory Performance Ratings
to be included in the roster of qualified applicants for the positions to be filled.
5.5.3 The Very Satisfactory Performance Ratings in the CESPES and Strategic
Performance Management System (SPMS) — OPCR/DPCR and IPCR shall be
the exclusive source or basis of the ratings to be used in the screening,
evaluation and comparative assessments.
5.5.4 In case where a potential candidate/applicant is under the official scholarship
study for a year or more, either local or foreign, and are not regularly(reporting
to SRA office for work, his/her previous two (2) consecutive performance
ratings prior to the commencement of his/her official scholarship study will be
used as basis of his/her ratings for purposes of screening, evaluation and
5.5.5 For appointment by transfer, the performance rating for one (1) year
immediately preceding the transfer from former office or agency should be at
least Very Satisfactory.

5.6 Behavioural Events Interview Assessment Test

5.6.1 Refers to a panel interview to be conducted by the HRMPSBs with the potential
candidates for hiring and promotion.
5.6.2 Potential candidates/interviewees shall be asked certain questions, situational
experiences, circumstances and issues, and on how they managed, resolved and
controlled those situations and circumstances.

5.7 Psychological and Mental Aptitude Tests

5.7.1 Refers to the characteristics or traits of a person which involved both

psychological and social aspects. Psychological includes the way he/she
perceives things, ideas, beliefs and understanding and how he/she acts and
relates these things to others and in social situations.

5.7.2 The Human Resource Section, through its HRMO- registered Psychometrician
shall conduct the tests to determine and measure the levels of IQ, EQ and the
emotional maturity and stability of the potential candidates. In the absence of an
SRA Registered Psychometrician, it shall outsource conduct of testing with a
service provider or hire a job order for this specific purpose.

5.8 Distribution of Point Scores on the Evaluation and Assessment Criteria

Formula of Maximum
Criteria Description! Particulars Computation Point Score
Education- relevant 1. Bachelor's Degree 160 Units
to the position Graduate x 5.00
160 Units
2. College Units Earned
Undergraduate x 5.00
160 Units

3. Master's Degree
4. Doctoral Degree
Units Earned
5. Undergraduate x 1.00 1.00
Masteral/Doctoral 42 Units

Certificate of Course
6. Graduate Completion 2.00
Certificate Course

7. Honors/Awards
Received/ Distinctions:
6.a Summa Cum Laude 2.00
6.b Magna Cum Laude 1.00
6.c Cum Laude! With
Honors 3.00
6.d Presidential
Awardee 3.00
Awardee 3.00
6.8 Top 10 on
government licensure
administered exams
Experience CSC QS Manual and Full Compliance of
CSC MC No. 5, s. 2016, the CSC QS Manual,
re: Revised Qualification or CSC MC No. 5, s.
Standards and 2016 and/or SRA Job 20.00
Requirements for Description
Division Chiefs, Competency-based
Departments Managers QS
and/or Executive
Managerial Positions, and

21 I
Formula of Maximum
Criteria Description/ Particulars Computation Point Score
SRA Job Description
Competency-based QS
Training CSC QS Manual and Full Compliance of
CSC MC No. 5, s. 2016, the CSC QS Manual,
re: Revised Qualification or CSC MC No. 5, s. 10.00
Standards and 2016 and/or SRA Job
Requirements for Description
Division Chiefs, Competency-based
Departments Managers QS
and/or Executive
Managerial Positions, and
SRA Job Description
Competency- based QS

Eligibility 1. First Level (Sub- 5.00

Professional) or its
equivalent RA 1080
2. Second Level
(Professional) or its
equivalent RA 1080

3. Second Level/
Executive Managerial
Positions: Division
Chiefs, Department
Managers and/or
Executive Managerial
Positions: CSC MC No.
5, s. 2016, re: Revised
Qualification Standards
and Requirements for
Division Chiefs,
Departments Managers
and/or Executive
Managerial Positions,
and SRA Job
Competency- based QS

Behavioural Events Point Score

Interview HRMPSBs Panel x 13.00 13.00
Assessment (BETA) Interview 5

Work attitude

Formula of Maximum
Criteria Description/ Particulars Computation Point Score

Psychological and HRMO- Psychometrician Point Score 5.00

Mental Aptitude Examination x 5.00
Tests 100



5.9 No employee may be promoted to a position not more than three (3) salary grade,
higher than the employee's present position, except when the promotional
appointment falls within the purview of any of the following exceptions:

5.9.1 The position occupied by the person is next-in-rank to the vacant position as
identified in the Merit Selection Plan and the System of Ranking Positions (SRP) of
5.9.2 The vacant position is a lone or entrance position, as indicated in SRA staffing
5.9.3 The vacant position is hard to fill up, such as but not limited to Accountant, Medical
Officer/Specialist, Attorney, or Information Technology Officer/Computer
Programmer positions.
5.9.4 The vacant position is unique and/or highly specialized, such as Actuarial, Airways
Communicator positions.
5.9.5 The candidates passed through a deep selection process, taking into consideration
the candidates' superior qualifications in regard to: Educational Achievements Highly specialized trainings Relevant work experience Consistent high performance rating/ranking The vacant position belongs to the closed career system, i.e.those that
are scientific, or highly technical in nature that include the faculty and
academic staff of state colleges and universities, and the scientific and
technical positions in scientific or research institutions, all of which
establish and maintain their own merit systems. Other meritorious cases, such as: When the appointee is the lone applicant who meets all the
requirements of the position and passed through the deep
selection process When the qualified next-in-rank employees waived their right
over the vacant position in writing When the qualified next-in-rank position, as identified in the
agency SRP is vacant When the next-in-rank employee/s is/are not qualified When the qualified next-in-rank employees did not .ly

23 I
5.10.6 The three (3) salary grade limitation shall apply only to promotion within the agency.
This prohibition shall not apply to the following human resource actions which involve
issuance of an appointment: Transfer incidental to promotion provided that the appointee was subjected to
deep selection
5 10 6.2 Reappointment involving promotion from non-career to career provided the
appointee was subjected to deep selection Reappointment from career to non-career position
5.10 6 4 Reemployment
5.10 6.5 Reclassification of position

5.10.7 An employee who is on local or foreign scholarship or training grant or on maternity

leave may be considered for promotion. For this purpose, performance rating to be
considered shall be the one (1) year rating immediately prior to the scholarship or
training or maternity leave. If promoted, the effectivity date of the promotional
appointment shall be on the assumption to duty.

5.10.8 Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory retirement shall not be allowed
except as otherwise provided by law.


Original or Newly hired appointees in the career service with permanent status of
appointment, shall undergo probationary period for a thorough assessment of his/her
performance and character. The duration of probationary period is generally six (6) months
or depending on the duration of the probationary period as required by the position.

The probationary period shall cover the following employees:

1.1 Those who are issued original appointments under permanent status in the career service
and who meet all the requirements of the positions;
1.2 Non-career service employees who are reappointed/reemployed to a career position
under permanent status;
1.3 Temporary appointees who after meeting the eligibility requirements for a permanent
appointment in the career service are reappointed (change of status to permanent);
1.4 Those who are reemployed under permanent status;
1.5 Appointees to Category III positions as provided in CSC MC No. 11, s. 1996, as
amended shall be under probation for a period of one (1) year; and
1.6 Appointees whose positions require probationary period as may be provided by law.
1.7 Appointees to positions exempted from the probationary period as may be provided by

A notation that the appointee is under probation for a specified period shall be indicated in
the appointment issued.

To facilitate the review and monitoring of employee performance, the performance targets
and work output standards of a probationer shall he set, agreed upon and duly signed by the
probationer, the immediate supervisor (rater), and the head of agency within five (5) days
upon appointee's assumption to duty.


ir )fQ X
The appointee's performance during the probationary period shall be reviewed as follows:

2.1 The immediate supervisor (rater) shall regularly gather feedback on the appointee's
performance, and conduct feedback sessions to determine appropriate interventions to
improve the appointee's performance,
2.2 The performance appraisal/evaluation shall be done at least twice during the
probationary period and within every three (3) months or six (6) months, depending on
the duration of the probationary period, as required by the position;
2.3 The performance review shall be conducted within 10 days before the end of every
rating period during the probationary period.
2.4 Illustrative example:

Employee A
Date of Appointment : July 7, 2016
Assumption to duty: July 14, 2016
Probationary period: 6 months
Duration: July 14, 2016 - January 13, 2017
Setting of performance July 14, 2016 July 18, 2016
Performance periods:
1st to 3rd month: July 14, 2016 - October 13, 2016
Evaluation period: September 24, 2016 - October 4, 2016

4th to 6th months: October 14, 2016 January 13, 2017

Evaluation period: December 20, 2016 - December 29, 2016

Employee B
Date of appointment: August 22, 2016
Assumption to duty: August 23, 2016
Probationary period: 12 months
Duration: August 23, 2016 August 22, 2017
Setting of performance targets: August 23, 2016 - August 27, 2016
Performance periods:
1st to 6th month: August 23, 2016 - February 22, 2017
Evaluation period: February 2, 2017 - February 12, 2017

7th to 12th month: February 23, 2017 - August 22, 2017

Evaluation period: July 28, 2017 August 7, 2017


An appointment issued in accordance with pertinent laws and rules shall take effect
immediately on the date it was signed by the appointing authority. The date of signing shall
be indicated below the signature of the appointing authority in the appointment form.

2. The date of the appointment shall not fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, except in cases
where the date of issuance is specifically provided in a special law such as in the
appointment of personal and confidential staff of Constitutional officials ,:nd elective
officials and where the service should not constitute a gap such as in transfer and

3. If the appointee has taken his/her oath of office and assumed the duties of the position,
he/she shall be entitled to receive his/her salary at once without awaiting the
approval/validation of his/her appointment by the Commission. The appointment shall
remain effective until disapproved/invalidated by the Commission. In no case shall an
appointment take effect earlier than the date it was signed except in cases authorized by law.

4. No official or employee shall be required to assume the duties and responsibilities of the
position without being furnished with a copy of his/her appointment by the HRMO after it is
signed by the appointing officer/authority. The appointee shall acknowledge receipt of the
appointment by signing on the acknowledgment portion at the back of the appointment

The appointment of officials or employees who are on official leave of absence, training or
scholarship grant, shall be effective upon assumption or upon return from official leave of
absence, scholarship or training.

6. An appointment shall be submitted to the Commission within thirty (30) calendar days from
the date of the issuance of the appointment paper. In case of appointments issued by
accredited/deregulated agencies, the Report on Appointments Issued (RAI) together with the
original CSC copy of appointments issued during the month and the required attachments
shall be submitted on or before the 30th day of the succeeding month.

The delay in the submission of appointment or RAI to the CSCFO or CSCRO shall not be
taken against the appointee. The effective date of appointment shall not be adjusted based on
the delay, thus the original date of appointment shall be retained. However, the responsible
official/s who caused the delay in the submission or non-submission of the appointment may
be held administratively liable for neglect of duty.

Furthermore, the delay in the submission or non-submission of RAI may be reflected by the
CSC Field Director concerned as a critical incident in the Agency Capability Evaluation
Card (ACEC) and may result in the revocation of the accredited/deregulated status of the

The appointee, whose appointment was submitted to the Commission beyond the prescribed
30-day period shall be entitled to the payment of salary from the government immediately
following the effectivity of the appointment and assumption to duty. The services rendered
by the appointee shall be credited as government service.

An appointment issued by the appointing authority may be cancelled if the appointee does
not assume office or report within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the written notice
of the appointment.

The cancellation of the appointment shall be reported to the Commission for record
purposes. The position is automatically deemed vacant upon cancellation of the
appointment by the appointing officer/authority without the need for an approval or
declaration by the Commission. The appointing officer/authority may select from among the
top ranking candidates for the position or order the re-publication of the vacar position
pursuant to RA No. 7041.
26I :

Officials or employees who are on official leave of absence, training or scholarship grant,
whose appointment shall be effective upon assumption or upon return from official leave of
absence, scholarship or training, shall be exempt from this provision.

If the appointee is not allowed to assume office by the appointing officer/authority or other
officials concerned despite his/her receipt of the appointment, or submission thereof to the
Commission for approval, the official/s or employee/s who caused the non-assumption of
the appointee shall be held administratively liable therefor.

The services rendered by any person who was required to assume the duties and
responsibilities of any position without an appointment having been issued by the
appointing officer/authority shall not be credited nor recognized by the Commission and the
payment of salaries and other benefits shall be the personal liability of the person who made
him/her assume office.

10. The date of the actual assumption of duties of the appointee, as indicated in the Certification
of Assumption to Duty (CS Form No. 4, Series of 2017), shall be the basis for the payment
of his/her salary and determination of service rendered in government. This shall be
submitted to the CSCFO concerned for proper notation in the service card of the appointee.

Illustrative Examples:
a) A Transfer appointment was issued on April 15, 2016. Employee's service in the
previous agency was until May 15, 2016. Assumption to duty in the new agency was on
May 16, 2016. The payment of .salary in the new agency shall he reckoned on the day of
the assumption, which was on May 16, 2016. The service record should likewise reflect
May 16, 2016 as the first day in the new agency. The service record in the previous
agency should reflect May 15, 2016 as the last day of service prior to transfer.

I)) Promotional appointment was issued on June 1, 2016. The employee assumed the
function of his her position on July 1, 2016. The payment of salary to the new position
shall he reckoned on the day of the assumption. The service record should likewise
reflect July 1, 2016 as the reckoning date of service to the said position.


Any aggrieved party may file a Verified Protest with the Appointing Authority within fifteen
(15) days from the time of posting of list of appointments, invoking the following grounds,
among others, to wit:

1. Non-compliance with the procedure on selection process;

2. Discrimination on account of gender, civil status, age, disability, pregnancy, religion,
ethnicity or political affiliation;
3. Disqualification of applicant to a career position for reason of lack of confidence of the
appointing authority;
4. Other violations of the provisions of this Merit Selection Plan; and
5. Such other grounds as may be deemed just and equitable.

The Appointing Authority shall have a period of fifteen (15) days within which to act or
resolve the Protest. Any Resolution of Decision rendered by the Appointing Authority shall
become final and executory after fifteen (15) days from receipt of the decision o resolution

27 I

unless a Motion for Reconsideration (MR) is seasonably filed, or further appealed by the
aggrieved party to the CSC.


1. No appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the government unless
otherwise allowed by law or by the primary functions of his/her position.
2. No elective official shall be eligible for appointment in any capacity to any public office or
position during his/her tenure.
3. No elective or appointive public officer or employee shall receive additional, double or
indirect compensation, unless specifically authorized by law, nor accept without the consent
of Congress, any present, emolument, office or title of any kind from any foreign
government. Pensions and gratuities shall not be considered as additional, double or indirect
4. A person who lost in an election, except Barangay election, shall not be eligible for
appointment or reemployment to any office in the government or government-owned or
controlled corporation within one year following such election.
5. A person holding a public appointive officer or position, including active members of the
armed forces, shall be considered ipso facto resigned from his/her office upon filing of the
certificate of candidacy. He/she must vacate the same at the start of the day of the filing of
the certificate of candidacy with the COMELEC, even if later on disqualified or has
withdrawn the certificate for candidacy. This prohibition extends to private citizens
appointed as board members in public offices representing the private sector.
6. NO employee who resigned from the government service during the three (3)-month period
before any election to promote the candidacy of another shall be reemployed during the six-
month period following such election.
7. No appointment in the national government or any branch or instrumentality thereof,
including government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters shall be made
in favour of a relative of the appointing or recommending officer/authority, or the chief of
the bureau or office or of the person exercising immediate supervision over the appointee.
Unless otherwise provided by law, the word "relative" and the members of the family
referred to are those related within the third degree either or consanguinity or of affinity.

The following are exempted from the operation of the rules on nepotism:

7.1 Persons employed in a confidential capacity

7.2 Teachers
7.3 Physicians
7.4 Members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
7.5 Science and technology personnel under RA No. 8439
7.6 Other positions as may be provided by law

The nepotism rule covers all kinds of appointments whether original, promotion, transfer,
and reemployment regardless of status, including casual, contractual and coterminous but
are not primarily confidential. This rule shall also apply to designation.

The appointing officer/authority shall not withdraw or revoke an appointment already

accepted by the appointee. Such appointment shall remain in full force and effect until
disapproved/invalidated by the Commission. However, in case an appointment is void
from the beginning due to fraud on the part of the appointee or because it was ued in
violation of law, the proper appointing officer/authority may request the Commis on for
28 I
its withdrawal or revocation. Provided that if a protest on the appointment is filed, the
Rules on Protest under the 2017 RACCS shall apply.
9. No person who has been dismissed or perpetually excluded/disqualified from government
service shall be appointed or reemployed unless he/she has been granted executive
clemency by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Commission.
10. Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory retirement shall not be allowed
except as otherwise provided by law.
11. No person who has reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 years can be appointed to
any position in the government, except to a primarily confidential position.
12. No person who has reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 years can be appointed to
any position in the government, except to a primarily confidential position.
13. A person appointed to a primarily confidential position who reaches the age of 65 is
considered automatically extended in the service until the expiry date of his/her
appointment or until his/her services are earlier terminated.
14. Unless allowed by the Commission in meritorious cases, heads of oversight agencies and
their staff are prohibited from transferring or being appointed to any position in the
department/agency/office/local government unit which their unit is assigned or designated
to oversee within one year after the termination of such assignment or designation.
15. No person appointed to a position in the non-career service shall perform the duties
properly belonging to any position in the career service.
16. No consultant, contractual, non-career or detailed employee shall be designated to a
position exercising control or supervision over regular and career employees, except as
may be provided by law.
17 No discrimination shall he exercised, threatened or promised against or in favor of any
person examined or to be examined or employed by reason of his/her political or religious
opinions or affiliations, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity, civil status, age,
disability, or ethnicity.
18. No changes in designation or nomenclature of positions resulting in promotion or
demotion in rank or increase or decrease in compensation shall he allowed in LGUs,
except when the position is actually vacant.
19. A person with dual citizenship shall not be appointed in the government unless he/she
renounces his/her foreign citizenship pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 9225.
However, even if he/she has renounced his/her foreign citizenship, but continues to use
his/her foreign passport in travelling after renunciation, he/she shall not be considered for
appointment in the government service. This rule shall not apply to Filipino citizens
whose foreign citizenship was acquired by birth.
20. The right to be appointed to any public office in the Philippines cannot be exercised by, or
extended to, those who are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the
country of which they are naturalized citizens and/or are in active service as
commissioned or non-commissioned officers in the armed forces of the country of which
they are naturalized citizens."


This amended Merit Selection Plan shall take effect immediately upon approval by the Civil
Service Commission.

29 I

We hereby commit to implement and abide by the provisions of this Merit Selection Plan.
It is understood that this MSP shall be the basis for the expeditious approval of


Should any provision of this Merit Selection Plan or any part thereof be declared invalid or
inoperative, the other provisions, so far as they are separable from the invalid or inoperative
one, shall remain in full force and effect.

Endorsed by:


Board Member and Chairperson, MSP OIC, Depu "Admin trator and
Vice Chair

OIC, Assistant Admin Pr
. 2 OIC, Research Development and
Extension Department & Manager III,
Planning & Policy Department

.L l
anager III, Inte Audit Department Manager I, Regulation Department


OIC, Research Development & Extension OIC, Legal Department


OIC, Regulation Department President, GAREAP


Secretariat Secretari t
30 I

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