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Topics 1-6 Assessment Practice


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Marking Scheme





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Examiner's Comments

1. A number of candidates did not seem to understand the concept of 'least common
multiple' in part (b). A common incorrect answer was 5.
In part (b) after initial divisions a number of candidates stopped at '117', thinking this is
a prime number. It is not, as when you add the digits you get a multiple of 3, hence the
number is divisible by 3.

This comment originally referred to question 8 on paper 4370/05 (11/06/2013)

2. In part (a) the most common error was incorrectly connecting 1 with prime numbers.

In part (b), a number of candidates did not look at odd number of factors, instead misinterpreted the question

as odd or even square numbers. This simplified the question.

This comment originally referred to question 6 on paper 4363/02 (09/06/2014)

3. The cumulative table was often correct. The drawing of a cumulative frequency diagram is not well understood
by many candidates, with bars drawn when not necessary and plotting of points at mid intervals even though
the cumulative frequency table clearly showed upper bounds.

Part (d) was answered reasonably well by many candidates, either from their cumulative frequency diagram or
from the frequency table.

This comment originally referred to question 13 on paper 4370/05 (21/05/2015)

4. The statement 'to the nearest 2 km' is important in this question. Quite a number of candidates ignored this
and found only average speeds using the figures given in the question. Of those candidates looking at

bounds, the greatest average speed for Ben was more often correct than the least average speed for Sara.

This comment originally referred to question 17 on paper 4370/05 (04/11/2015)

5. Although a few candidates had ideas for solving the simultaneous equations, many candidates did not have a
correct method. The subtraction of a negative term caused candidates attempting the correct method some

This comment originally referred to question 8 on paper 4364/02 (16/01/2017)

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6. (a) A lot of partial factorisation was seen here.

(b) Answers of 15 seen from −32 written as −9. It was disappointing to see some candidates being unaware
of BIDMAS with 60 + 9 × 5 calculated incorrectly.

(c) Either candidates knew what to do here or not.

(d) Some movements of the terms were not done correctly resulting in wrong answers, but generally follow
through marks were awarded.

This comment originally referred to question 1 on paper 4353/02 (01/08/2015)

7. In this question, candidates needed to realise that the 130° angle was between the two sides given in the
question. By cutting the kite into two congruent triangles, it was therefore possible to immediately calculate the

area of one of the triangles and hence the kite. An example of an unsuccessful method was one where
candidates cut the kite into two isosceles triangles and incorrectly assumed that the angles between the equal
sides in both triangles were 50°.

This comment originally referred to question 17 on paper 4353/02 (01/07/2016)

8. (a) This was well answered, with candidates often gaining full marks. The vast majority found the angle in the
centre of the circle and then considered the isosceles triangle. Very occasionally there was a successful
alternative solution given, where a tangent to the circle was drawn at A and the alternate segment
theorem applied so that the required angle became 90⁰ - 67⁰ = 23⁰.

(b) This part of the question should have involved a straightforward application of the alternate segment

theorem, but many candidates failed to identify the correct angle. Their reason was often given as
'alternate angles' rather than the required 'alternate segment theorem'.

This comment originally referred to question 13 on paper 4352/02 (01/02/2016)

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9. Q7 Part (a) was well answered, with the majority of candidates using the method of scale factors.

A number of candidates clearly had good knowledge of congruent triangles. Unfortunately, a number of
candidates did not have any understanding of what makes one triangle congruent to another triangle

This comment originally referred to question 7 on paper 4352/02 (06/05/2014)

10. This polygon question seemed to work well, with many candidates giving a correct response. Although a few
candidates labelled interior and exterior angles incorrectly, hence contradicting their answers. There are
always a number of candidates who show little understanding of angles in polygons.

This comment originally referred to question 6 on paper 4370/05 (04/11/2015)

11. Q2 Candidates have better skills of drawing given bearing information, than reading bearings for themselves.

Although a number of candidates did not engage with all the angles to be found in part (d), many candidates
found most angles correctly

This comment originally referred to question 2 on paper 4361/02 (06/02/2014)

12. This question was not well answered. Candidates appeared to have little knowledge of

This comment originally referred to question 4 on paper 4370/06 (04/11/2016)

13. A number of candidates are uncertain of circle theorems. However, the 'angle at the circumference is half the
angle at the centre' is known by many candidates

This comment originally referred to question 16 on paper 4363/02 (01/10/2014)

14. This question was answered well in general, but there was still evidence of candidates being unaware of the
need to provide proof of their solution by trying values between 2·3 and 2·4.

This comment originally referred to question 5 on paper 4353/02 (01/07/2016)

15. It was important for candidates to engage with the information given in the table to start. For example, to
calculate the taxable income and state the amount of the taxable income on which 40% is payable. Only
following this would the calculations of 20% or 40% become applicable.

This comment originally referred to question 5 on paper 4370/06 (06/05/2015)

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16. There were many correct responses in part (a), although there were also a few numerical errors seen.

In part (b) a common error was to write the product given on the numerator incorrectly as 2.7

Part (c) was generally well answered.

This comment originally referred to question 2 on paper 4363/02 (26/05/2016)

17. A number of candidates showed they understood what the information in part (a)(i) told them, by annotating
the histogram. However, this did not always lead to unpicking the product to find the value on the frequency
density axis. A number of candidates demonstrated weak or no knowledge of histograms. In part (b) many
candidates drew connecting bars using frequencies on the vertical axis up to 36, having not engaged at all

with the idea of a histogram

This comment originally referred to question 11 on paper 4361/02 (01/03/2014)

18. Those candidates who gave a correct expression for the nth term usually went on to evaluate the 600th term
and gain full marks for this question.

This comment originally referred to question 8 on paper 4352/02 (11/01/2017)

19. Part (a) was answered correctly if an efficient method was used. These candidates working out each year
individually often were left with a slightly inaccurate answer due to rounding prematurely.

Part (b) was correctly answered by candidates with the understanding that '£451.36 represents 124%'. Those
candidates not understanding this, answered incorrectly.

This comment originally referred to question 8 on paper 4364/02 (08/06/2015)

20. A few candidates seem to have no knowledge of vectors.

A common error was in the understanding of negatives within the simplification.

This comment originally referred to question 15 on paper 4364/02 (08/06/2015)

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21. (a) This question was well answered (with very small number of candidates reversing the coordinates of the
centre of rotation).

(b) Very well answered.

This comment originally referred to question 3 on paper 4352/02 (01/02/2016)

22. This question was very well answered, with only a few candidates wrongly reflecting the triangle in the x-axis
or in the line with equation x = -2 rather than the required y = -2.

This comment originally referred to question 1 on paper 4352/02 (04/06/2015)

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