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First Amendment Statement

The first amendment reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting

an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the

freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,

and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

This statement applies to my personal life because I use my work as my

expression and interpretation of my freedom of speech and press. This freedom allows

me to bend and shape the world to fit my artistic vision without placing limitations on the

type of content I produce.

My department applies the first amendment on a daily basis by encouraging us

to use the amendment to report and create accurate depictions of the things that affect

us on a daily basis. As well as giving us opportunities to show of such expressions,

whether for employer, award, or classroom assignment. My department does the job of

helping us grow and find our voices that are then empowered by the first amendment.

As a student, the amendment shows up in my work in multiple ways, such as

allowing me to be my most creative self in my assignments and prohibiting barriers

being placed on the type of content I’m allowed to turn in.

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