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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

Negative consequences of
Priority areas Challenges currently faced challenges
1. Economic framework for efficient (i) Inefficient market signals (ia) 'Poor modal choices'
transportation marketplace

(ib) Externalities 'not properly costed'

(ii) Stagnating transport productivity (iia) Higher tansport costs
(iib) reduced investment
(iii) Inadequate governance of governent (iiia) Confused enterprise objectives
trading transport enterprises
(iiib) 'Poor public transport outcomes'

(iv) COAG Road reform agenda 'does not (iva) Sub optimal economic decision
fully reflect Porductivity Commission making
(2006) report.
(ivb) Potential cross subsidisaton
across tranport modes
(v) Inadequate governance arrangements
(i) No real linkages to a national policy
framework in AusLink initiatives.

2. Infrastructure Planning and

(ii) AusLink does not adress urban
transport, public transport
(ii) No current measures to optimise 'the
safe use of existing infrastructure (e.g.
'last mile' investments)
(iv) Lack of alignment of Commonwealth, (iva) 'Poor outcomes e.g. airport
State or local government infrastructure planning laws, delays related to
investment proposals approval processes,.
(v) 'No agreed pipeline for investments (v) Lack of certainty as to what will be
for significant projects' built, when and source of funding'.

3. Capacity Constraints and Supply (i) Expensive to build new infrastructure equal emphasis should be placed on
Chain performance better use of existing assets.'

(ii) How to most efficiently meet

'increasing public transport demand
driven by population growth and fuel
(iii) 'Failure to coordinate investment
across the supply chain and anticipate
forecast demand'
(iv) Freight bottlenecks (iva) 'Constrain capacity
(ivb) 'drive up export costs'.
4. Urban congestion (i) 'if not addressed [urban
(i) 'Australia has no coordinated action congestion] will cost $20.4 billion a
plan to adress growing urban congestion' year by 2020.'

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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

(ii) Lack of adequate price signals to

manage demand. Some taxes and
subsidies create incentives thyat
increase car use (NTC 2008 p. 4)
(iii) Substantial increase in Light
commercial vehicle use caused by Just-
in-time distribution.
(iv) National population growth forecast
to continue to be concentrated in capital
cities where 65% of population already
(v) Urban transport tasks dominated by
private road vehicles (va) Increased congestion
(vb) environmental damage
(vc) Accidents and negative health
Negative consequences of
Priority areas Challenges currently faced challenges
5. Environment and Energy (i) Transport sector is one of largest
generators of greenhouse gas emissions
in Australia (NTC 2008 p. 4)
(ii) Transport greenhouse gas emissions
'continue to grow 2% annually' (NTC
2008 p. 4)
(iii) 'Increasing reliance on imported oil' (iiia) 'expected to have a significant
(NTC 2008 p. 4) impact on balance of trade' (NTC
2008 p. 4)
(iv) No substantive plans to make better (iva) Continunig reliance on fossil fuel
use of alternative fuels' (NTC 2008 p. 4) supplies: pressure on balance of
trade + costs increases and potential
loss of inernational trade advantages.

6. Safety and Security (i) 'The transport and logistics sector is

Australia's most hazardous workplace'
(NTC 2008 p. 5).
(ii) Safety cost to the community is $17
billion per year' (NTC 2008 p. 5).
(iii) 'Reforms poorly aligned with
infrastructure programs' (NTC 2008 p. 5).

(iv) Evidence of wage payment methods

leading to dangerous safety outcomes'
(NTC 2008 p. 5).
(v) Transportation is the most common
target of terrorists' (NTC 2008 p. 5).
7. Strategic Research and (i) Current research inadequacies include
Technology that it is 'largely modal fcused, technical
and unco-ordinated' (NTC 2008 p. 5).

(ii) Research 'lacks a strategic national (iia) Transport policy making is

focus' constrained (NTC 2008 p. 5).
(iii) Poor coordination between existing (iii) Waste and duplication' (NTC
research bodies 2008 p. 5).

8. Workforce Planning and Skills (i) Australia's transport sector has an There will be a shortfall of 10,000
ageing workforce and an acute skills transport workers in 5 years if no
shortage' (NTC 2008 p. 5). immediate action is taken' (NTC 2008
p. 5).

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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

(ii) Low involvement (of transport sector (ii) '(Negative) impacts on the
workforce) in higher education. industry's long-term capability' (NTC
2008 p. 5).
(iii) 'Poor workplace conditions' (NTC (iii) Lower productivity; reduced
2008 p. 5). attractvieness as a career; possible
increase in inhury and accident rates

9. Social inclusion (i) Decades of urban sprawl have left (ia) 'Unemployment and social
large areas poorly serviced' (NTC 2008 disadvantage tends to be higher in
p.6). poorly serviced areas' (NTC 2008
(ib) 'Many Australians cannot access
employment, education, health and
other services' (NTC 2008 p. 6).

Negative consequences of
Priority areas Challenges currently faced challenges
10. Governance (i) 'Inconsistent national reform Stronger inter-governmental
implementation and lack of incentives to mechanisms for a 'New Model of Co-
comply' (NTC 2008 p.6). operation' between Commonwealth,
State./ Territory and local
governments are needed' (NTC 2008

(ii) 'Poor accountabilities and failures to (Iii) 'Patch-protection and

co-ordinate policy formulation in the bureaucratic processes are blocking
national interest' (NTC 2008 p.6). meaningful transport reform' (NTC
2008 p.6).
(iii) Government structures have grown
over time and have not been rationalised'
(NTC 2008 p. 6).
National Transport Commission (2008). National Transport Policy Framework: a New Beginning Volume 1. Advice to
the Commonwealth Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, National
Transport Commission, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Desired outcomes from pp. 14-15

1. Economic framework for efficient transportation marketplace

2. Infrastructure Planning and Investment
3. Capacity Constraints and Supply Chain performance
4. Urban congestion
5. Environment and Energy
6. Safety and Security
7. Strategic Research and Technology
8. Workforce Planning and Skills
9. Social inclusion
10. Governance

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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

Priority areas Desired Outcomes

1. Economic framework for
efficient transportation

2. Infrastructure Planning
and Investment

3. Capacity Constraints
and Supply Chain

4. Urban congestion

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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

Priority areas
5. Environment and Energy

6. Safety and Security

7. Strategic Research and


8. Workforce Planning and Skills

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NTC (2008) Key reform challenges

9. Social inclusion

Priority areas
10. Governance

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