Mindtree HR

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 1--Introduce Yourself.

 2--3State any three of your strengths.

 3--Who is the Prime minister of Japan?
 4--What has been your biggest regret and achievement till now?
 5--What does success mean to you?
In my opinion success mean to work satisfaction
6--How was the previous interviews?
No sir I have attained many exam but I didinot get in to the interview round of any company
 7--What is one of your weaknesses which you’d like to improve upon
There are some area of improvements ,which I am trying to get improved.
I have to work upon my handwriting issue because sometimes it creats problem but I think
this will not create any problem for your company because maximum no of jobs in companies
done on systems .
And out of quoricity I spend a lot of times in internet to gather informations which makes me
engaged in internet for a long time which seems to be a problem mostly during exams.so I am
giving my best to overcome this.
 8--Would you like to change your domain, if yes why?
Yes sir if there will be any requirement for changing my domain and it is from the company
end than definitely I wiil go for this.and even I will be happy with that because I will get to know
many new things in terms of culture ,language,festivals ,people many such interestings from
different places.As India is famous for its diversity , i am sure if my domain will get changed it
will definitely make sense in a meaningfull manner .
 9--Tell me an experience wherein you were asked to do something which wasn’t as per your
liking. How did you handle it?
 I have never say no to the work which I don’t like and a yes neither ,moreover I will ask for
some time to know about the work and how it is done then after that I am well go performer.
 10--What are you expecting from the company?
It is the first interview for me and I am thinking of more opportunity virtue of which I grow my
knowledge skills in this industry.
 11--Are you comfortable shifting base?
Yes 8888888888888
12--How was the previous interviews?
 13--What is one of your weaknesses which you’d like to improve upon
 14--Would you like to change your domain, if yes why?
 15--Tell me an experience wherein you were asked to do something which wasn’t as per your
liking. How did you handle it?
 16--What are you expecting from the company?
10 10
 17--Are you comfortable shifting base?
18--Tell me something about yourself.
 19--What all programming languages do you know?
Java ,matlab
 20--Why should we select you
Sir I am a fresher seeking for any kind of opportunities in your company to let me grow in my
carrier with my skills .along with my studies what ever projects that I have done ,I have done it
with ,my team.So I can cope myself during any team play for better performance.i am flexible in
respecting every indivisual perception and their opinions in addition to that I have prepared my
self for many thing that will align me to your requirements.how ever after all if you find me
deserving than only I can get selected.
 21--How long will you work in our company?
As long as I feel that it was a challenging work for me & I can utilize my skiills for company
 22--Why do you want to join Mindtree?
Your company is a platform where I can work and deliver exeptional results ,and also I can
posses a combination of my skills & experience
 23--State some of your strengths and weaknesses?
 24--What parameterswould you use for comparing if you had two jobs with similar profiles from
two companies?
I will consider both the job allings with my long term carrer goals //
25--What is debugging?
 26--What are the various strategies adopted in debugging?
 27--What do you know about test cases?
 28--Why do you want to join our company?
 29--Do you have an offer from any other company? If yes, then why Mindtree and not that
 30--Are you willing to work for long hours?
21 21
 31--Some confusing puzzles related to speed and time
32--Why are you not pursuing dance or basketball as your career? (I mentioned dance &
basketball as my hobbies)
 33--Tell me one real time situation where you have evolved as a Leader?
Inn our college
 34--Some basic puzzles.
 35--Introduce yourself
 36--Why a sudden decline in score keeping in view your 10th and 12th score.?
I was discipline with my studies in 10 th and 12 th as well.however because of missuse of
sourses during my 12 I failed to get good score compaired to 10.missuse of sourses means
,because of the lack of guideance of good faculty I was unable to allign my study material &
sourses in porper manner.sir there might be some other reasons but this is the main reason
which came to my mind after your question.

 37--Some discussion about my hobbies

 38--Tell me about your family.
 39--Some questions were asked about the projects that I had undertaken.
 40--What would you describe your strength as in terms of knowledge of programming
languages like JAVA, C, C++?
 41--What is inheritance? What are its different types?
 42--Latest trend in IT industry?
 43--What is the difference between C++ and Java? Give any two points?
44--Tell me about yourself.
 45--Why should we hire you?
20 20
 46--Why do you want to work for our company?
 47--Would you like to work in software developing or software testing?
 48--List out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively?
 49--What is the difference between white box, black box, and gray box testing?
 50--Describe the three levels of data abstraction? Which layer is at the user end?
 51--What are the different types of software model? Which model is best amongst them?
 52--Which software model is most efficient?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class vowel
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("entert some string");
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
String str=sc.nextLine();
char []chars=str.toCharArray();
int count=0;
for(char c: chars)
case 'a':
case 'e':
case 'i':
case 'o':
case 'u':
System.out.println("number of vowels in the string"+count);

import java.util.*;

class max

public static void main(String args[])

Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("enter the no of element in the array");

int x=sc.nextInt();

int a[]=new int[x];

for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)

System.out.println("enter the"+(i+1)+"element");

int ele=sc.nextInt();


System.out.println("the element are");


for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++)

System.out.print(a[i]+" ");


System.out.println("enter the no of position");

int n=sc.nextInt();

int max=a[0];


for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)



System.out.println("max is"+max);


System.out.println("invalid input");

2) What are the differences between C++ and Java?

The differences between C++ and Java are given in the following table.

Comparison Index C++ Java

Platform- C++ is platform- Java is platform-independent.

independent dependent.

Mainly used for C++ is mainly used for Java is mainly used for application
system programming. programming. It is widely used in
window, web-based, enterprise and
mobile applications.
Design Goal C++ was designed for Java was designed and created as an
systems and applications interpreter for printing systems but
programming. It was an later extended as a support network
extension of C computing. It was designed with a
programming language. goal of being easy to use and
accessible to a broader audience.

Goto C++ supports the goto Java doesn't support the goto
statement. statement.

Multiple C++ supports multiple Java doesn't support multiple

inheritance inheritance. inheritance through class. It can be
achieved by interfaces in java.

Operator C++ supports operator Java doesn't support operator

Overloading overloading. overloading.

Pointers C++ supports pointers. Java supports pointer internally.

You can write pointer However, you can't write the pointer
program in C++. program in java. It means java has
restricted pointer support in java.

Compiler and C++ uses compiler only. Java uses compiler and interpreter
Interpreter C++ is compiled and run both. Java source code is converted
using the compiler which into bytecode at compilation time.
converts source code into The interpreter executes this
machine code so, C++ is bytecode at runtime and produces
platform dependent. output. Java is interpreted that is why
it is platform independent.

Call by Value C++ supports both call by Java supports call by value only.
and Call by value and call by reference. There is no call by reference in java.

Structure and C++ supports structures Java doesn't support structures and
Union and unions. unions.

Thread Support C++ doesn't have built-in Java has built-in thread support.
support for threads. It
relies on third-party
libraries for thread support.
Documentation C++ doesn't support Java supports documentation
comment documentation comment. comment (/** ... */) to create
documentation for java source code.

Virtual Keyword C++ supports virtual Java has no virtual keyword. We can
keyword so that we can override all non-static methods by
decide whether or not default. In other words, non-static
override a function. methods are virtual by default.

unsigned right C++ doesn't support >>> Java supports unsigned right shift
shift >>> operator. >>> operator that fills zero at the
top for the negative numbers. For
positive numbers, it works same like
>> operator.

Inheritance Tree C++ creates a new Java uses a single inheritance tree
inheritance tree always. always because all classes are the
child of Object class in java. The
object class is the root of the
inheritance tree in java.

Hardware C++ is nearer to hardware. Java is not so interactive with


Object-oriented C++ is an object-oriented Java is also an object-oriented

language. However, in C language. However, everything
language, single root (except fundamental types) is an
hierarchy is not possible. object in Java. It is a single root
hierarchy as everything gets derived
from java.lang.Object.

When anyone(caller-e.g. you) tries to call anybody (e.g.your friend or receiver)in another area which is
also covered by another cell of the network by typing/dialing the mobile number of that person, mobile
number data is then constantly transmitted to network computer of the nearest mobile base station of the
caller. Immediately after verification of the number, the network computer tries to locate the person/your
friend to whom you are calling via the nearest cell and base station. When your friend is traced by the
nearest base station of your friend and When you dial that number and the corresponding ring is rung on
receiver/your friend's phone.

Mobile phone conversation and its transmission process

When the receiver/friend picks up the call, a base station of the receiver and transmitter creates a unique
channel between them. When the caller/you speak, your/caller's voice is converted to analog form by a
microphone of the mobile. This analog signal is then converted to digital form and is being sent to the
nearest mobile base station through microwave signals. When the nearest mobile base station of the
caller receives microwave signals, it converts it immediately to digital electrical form and it sends it to the
receiver's nearest mobile phone base station via a unique channel that was created before.

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