Coil Correlation

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Cooling Coil as One Region


Chilled-water C.C

Dx- C.C

Chilled-water C.C

Dx- C.C
Cooling Tower Equations

Q  mw Cp w (Tw,in  Tw,out )  ma ( ha ,out  ha ,in )

hs = 4.793+2.568*Tw -0.0298*T2w+0.001666 T3w

Using the Chebyshev numerical method:


∆h1= value of (hs-ha) at Tw=Tw2+0.1(Tw1-Tw2)

∆h2= value of (hs-ha) at Tw=Tw2+0.4(Tw1-Tw2)

∆h3= value of (hs-ha) at Tw=Tw1 -0.4(Tw1-Tw2)

∆h4= value of (hs-ha) at Tw=Tw1-0.1(Tw1-Tw2)

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