Repair of Corrosion Damaged Concrete Beams With Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites

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Repair of Corrosion Damaged Concrete Beams

with Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites

M. P. Kutarba, The Haskell Company
J. R. Brown, Hope College
H. R. Hamilton, University of Florida

The post-repair performance of corrosion damaged reinforced concrete beams repaired with
Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strengthening systems was evaluated. Thirty RC beams,
20.5cm x 30cm x 292cm (8"x12"x114"), were first subjected to flexural loading sufficient to cause
cracking. Salt solution was then ponded over the high moment region. An electric potential of 5 volts
was also applied to further accelerate the corrosion process. The process was completed after 28
weeks of exposure and resulted in severe concrete cover delamination.

Damaged concrete was then removed from around the corroded reinforcing steel and any remain-
ing corrosion product was cleaned from the bars. A plain concrete patch material was used to
restore each specimen to its original dimensions. To complete the rehabilitation process, various CFRP
strengthening systems were applied to 20 specimens. Half of the specimens were load tested to fail-
ure immediately (4-point loading) to evaluate the structural capacity of the repair beams. The
remainder of the beams were exposed to additional accelerated corrosion and were then load test-
ed to failure after exposure.

Jeff Brown is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering at Hope College in Holland,
Michigan. His research interests include repair of concrete structures using FRP composites and
nondestructive evaluation using infrared thermography. E-mail:
Trey Hamilton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the
University of Florida. His teaching and research interests include structural concrete design and
durability, and the use of FRP composites to repair and strengthen existing structures.
Markus Kutarba, The Haskell Company

Introduction damage on bridges is estimated at $8.3 billion

(Virmani 2002).
The United States transportation infrastructure con-
tinues to age and deteriorate. Approximately 15% of Until recently, the most common repair and strength-
the nation’s 583,000 bridges are structurally defi- ening methods were replacement of the damaged ele-
cient due to corrosion of steel sections and steel ment, steel plate bonding, or installation of additional
reinforcement. The annual direct cost for corrosion supports. The introduction of fiber-reinforced polymer

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 36

degree of damage, a concrete repair in conjunction
with strengthening method such as bonded FRP com-
posites can improve the strength and serviceability
(ACI 546R 2001).

Testing has shown that corrosion damaged beams

strengthened with an FRP system are stiffer and have
a higher load carrying capacity than unstrengthened
beams (Bonacci and Maalej 2000, Soudki et al. 2003).
It has also been shown that FRP reduces corrosion
rates of reinforcing steel in concrete by minimizing
the diffusion of chlorides (Berver et al. 2001, Soudki,
Figure 1: Application of FRP on bridge Girder
et al. 1999). However, very little information is avail-
(Chaffee Rd, Jacksonville)
able on the durability of repaired corrosion damaged
structures. Remaining questions concerning the syner-
(FRP) composite systems into construction is a prom- gistic effects of continued corrosion on the repaired
ising alternative for the rehabilitation of weakened system performance need to be answered.
and deficient concrete members. Figure 1 shows the
application of FRP on an existing bridge structure. Experimental Program
The bridge girder was strengthened for flexure and
shear using a wet lay-up system. The objective of this research was to investigate the
long-term behavior of repaired reinforced concrete
Repair of reinforced concrete beams in which the beams that have been strengthened with FRP compos-
steel reinforcement has been damaged by corrosion is ites. Thirty test specimens were fabricated to investi-
one area of particular interest in marine environments gate the long-term behavior of repaired reinforced
and in locations where deicing salts are used. Figure 2 concrete beams strengthened with FRP. First, the
shows the two-fold result of severe corrosion damage beams were subjected to a corrosion process for initial
to a concrete beam. In the initial stages of corrosion, damage. They were then repaired and strengthened
there is little loss of steel cross-section. The corrosion and exposed to a second corrosion process.
product, however, is many times the original volume
of the iron, causing bursting stresses in the concrete. Each rectangular beam was 203 mm x 305 mm (8" x
This eventually results in concrete spalling which is 12") in cross section and 2900 mm (9 ft - 6") long
unsightly and may be a hazard to bystanders or vehi- (Figure 3). The internal longitudinal steel reinforcement
cles. Eventually, corrosion will cause enough steel consisted of two 19 mm (#6), 414 MPa (60 ksi) bars at
cross section loss that the structural capacity of the the bottom and two 9.5 mm (#3), 276 MPa (40 ksi) bars
element is significantly impaired. Depending on the at the top of the beam. The reinforcing steel was
extended 76 mm (3") beyond the end of the concrete
for the purpose of making external electrical connec-
tions. The clear concrete cover was 51 mm (2") on all
aspects of the specimen. Three different batches of con-

Figure 2: Corrosion damage of a concrete beam

reinforced with prestressing strands. Figure 3: Specimen construction details

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 37

To restore the beams’ original shape after the corro-
sion repair, a concrete mixture with a 46.2 MPa (6700
psi) 28 day-strength was used. The maximum aggre-
gate size was limited to 10 mm (0.375"). In addition,
a super plasticizer was mixed with the concrete to
reduce the water-cement ratio.

Figure 4: Ponding area on beam

crete mixtures were used for the construction of the

beams. The average compression strength ranged
between 29.6 MPa and 37.9 MPa (4300 psi – 5500 psi).

Corrosion and Repair

Twenty-six of the thirty beams were subjected to
accelerated corrosion. Before starting the initial
accelerated corrosion, the beams were loaded at cen-
ter-point until a minimum crack width of 0.33 mm
(0.013") was reached at midspan. Next, salt solution
(5% NaCl by weight) was continuously dripped over
the side and bottom of the beam in the cracked region
(Figure 4). The ponding was cycled at one week wet
and one week dry. A 5-volt constant potential was
applied to accelerate the corrosion process. Half-cell
potential readings were taken at the beginning and
the end of each cycle to determine the corrosion
activity. The corrosion process lasted 18 weeks
(9 wet and dry cycles) and resulted in severe corro-
sion damage to the beams.

ACI repair procedures (ACI 546R 2001) were fol-

lowed in repairing the corrosion damage. All damaged
material was carefully separated from sound concrete
without causing further damage. Undamaged concrete
behind the reinforcing steel was removed to create a
clear space of 25.4 mm (1"). At the perimeter of the
removal area, 25.4 mm (1") deep saw cuts were made.
This prevented the formation of feathered edges and
provided adequate spacing for repair material. After
the concrete was removed, all corroded areas on the
reinforcement were sandblasted to white metal. The Figure 5: Beam 7 B-S, a) splitting caused by
repair and cleaning process is documented in Figure corrosion, b) after removal of damaged
5. A schematic picture of the repair layout is shown in concrete; saw cuts can be seen at the
Figure 6. perimeter edges; c) corroded reinforcement
before sandblasting and d) beam repair details

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 38

to saturate and bond the mat to the surface. The com-
posite material properties as given by the manufactur-
er are shown in Table 1.

After the specimens were strengthened, eight beams

were load tested to failure. These tests were done to
study the beam behavior under loading conditions and
to collect reference data for future testing.

Post-Repair Accelerated Corrosion

For the post-repair (PR) corrosion process, 16 beams,
4 repaired only (R), 10 repaired and strengthened
(RS) and 2 unrepaired and strengthened (URS) speci-
mens were pre-cracked under a load of 44.48 kN (10
kip) which simulated service load conditions for the
control beams. Crack widths could not be measured
due to the FRP composite. The PR accelerated corro-
sion cycling consisted of one week of ponding with a
3.5% salt solution under a constant 5-volts followed
by one week of drying. Half-cell readings were taken
after each wet and dry cycle. After 22 weeks (11 wet
and dry cycles) eight beams were taken from the PR
Figure 6: Repair schemes corrosion process and load tested. The last eight
beams are still undergoing the corrosion process.

Load Testing
After preparing the concrete surface by a light sand-
blasting, three FRP composite strengthening schemes After each corrosion process, eight beams were tested
were applied to the beams (Figure 6). The first in four-point loading to failure. All beams were sim-
scheme (scheme I) involved strengthening the speci- ply supported; the distance between the load point and
men with separate FRP sheets for flexure and shear. A the end supports was set at 1219 mm (48") except for
typical flexural sheet was 2740 mm (108") long and beams C 1 and 2 A-D. The distance between the load
203 mm (8") wide. The shear strips were 152 mm x point and the end supports for beams C 1 and
305 mm (6" x 12"). On each side eight sheets were 2 A-D was 914 mm (36"). This resulted in a constant
used with a center-to-center spacing of 305 mm (12"). moment zone at mid-span of 914 mm (36") for C 1
At mid-span a 305 mm (12") wide area was left and 2 A-D, and 305 mm (12") for all other beams.
unstrengthened to allow for development of corrosion The beams were tested in three or four stages of load-
cracks. Beam strengthening by the second scheme ing. Deflection was measured with two Linear
(scheme II) used the same FRP layout as scheme I Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDT) at mid-
except that the shear sheets were used as anchors for span. A hydraulic jack applied the load on the test
the flexural sheet. This sheet was fixed either at the specimens at a load rate of 222 N/sec (50 lbf/sec).
ends only or over the entire length using all shear FRP The data were collected using an automated data
sheets. The third group was strengthened with a single acquisition system.
FRP sheet used as a full wrap (scheme III). This sheet
was 2740 mm x 610 mm (108" x 24") and covered the Two sets of beams have been load tested thus far. The
bottom of the specimens as well as 203 mm (8") of first group consisted of control, repaired only (R), and
each side. repaired and strengthened (RS) beams. These tests
were performed after the initial accelerated corrosion,
A unidirectional carbon fabric (with glass veil backing repair and strengthening process. Beams from the sec-
for added fabric stability during installation) was used ond group were tested after PR accelerated corrosion.
for strengthening. A two-component epoxy was used All beams except for one (3 B-D) have been repaired

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 39

as described earlier. Beam 3 B-D was strengthened
without a corrosion repair (URS) by scheme III. The
test grouping is shown in Table 2.

Load Test Results

Table 3 shows the results from tests after the initial
corrosion and Table 4 shows the results from tests
after PR corrosion. The post cracking slope (PC) was
calculated using load and deflection values between
44.5 kN (10 kip) and 66.7 kN (15 kip) and was used
as an indication of the beam stiffness under service
load conditions. Typically, all corroded R beams had
lower capacities than that of the control beam. RS and Figure 8: Load-deflection diagram
URS beams had higher capacities than that of the con- for beam C 2 and 2 B-S
trol beams. Post-cracking stiffness was always less
than the control beam’s stiffness, except for beams
strengthened by scheme III. The stiffness of beams The load deflection plots for PR corroded specimens
strengthened by scheme III were almost identical to (1 A-S and 4 A-D) are shown in Figure 9. Both
the control beam stiffness. beams were tested after the initial corrosion, repair,
and PR corrosion process. It can be seen that the
Control Beams load capacities and stiffness are less than that of
the control beam. The ultimate capacities were 8%
Figure 7 shows the load versus mid-span deflection (4 A-D) and 15% (1 A-S) lower; the post-cracking
plot. The maximum load capacity was 96 kN (21.6 stiffness was 29% (4 A-D) and 11% (1 A-S) lower.
kip) at a deflection of 20 mm (0.79"). The reinforce-
ment yielded at approximately 62.3 kN (14 kip). It is likely that the lower stiffness and load capacities
were caused by the corrosion process. Typically,
R Beams steel cross section area loss and bond failure
between the reinforcement and concrete occur during
Beam 2 B-S was tested to failure after the initial cor- corrosion. A reduced steel cross section area results
rosion and repair process. The ultimate load capacity in a lower load carrying capability. The loss of bond
was 8% lower than the control beam’s capacity. The allows the reinforcing steel to yield without any
PC stiffness was reduced by about 20%. Figure 8 restraint and results in a lower stiffness as well as
shows the load-deflection diagram for beam C 2 and load capacity.
2 B-S.

Figure 7: Load-deflection Figure 9: Load-deflection diagram

diagram for beam C 2 or beams C 2, 1 A-S, and 4 A-D

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 40

Figure 10: Load-deflection diagram Figure 12: Load-deflection diagram
for beams C 1 and 2 A-D for beams C 2 and 3 B-S

The concrete repairs performed well in the load tests face completely, while the sheet on beam 7 B-S
with no significant cracking, debonding, or spalling of was 102 mm (4") wide and covered only 50%. The
the repair material noted. Beams C 1 and 2 A-D both increase in capacity over the control beam was
failed in shear with diagonal cracks forming in the 14% for beam 7 B-D and 30% for beam 5 A-D.
existing concrete and passing through the interface The PC stiffness increased slightly (13%) for beam
into the repair material. Figure 10 shows the load 5 A-D; for beam 7 B-S it did not change.
deflection diagram for both beams. It can be seen that
beam 2 A-D has the same post corrosion loss in stiff- Beam 3 B-D was tested unrepaired after the re-
ness as those of the other specimen that had been corrosion process. The ultimate capacity increased
through the accelerated corrosion. by 27%; the stiffness did not change within the
limits. Figure 12 shows the load-deflection plot
Scheme I Specimens for the re-corroded beam compared to the control
The load-deflection response for strengthened beams
(5 A-D and 7 B-S) tested after the initial corrosion During testing, prior to failure, signs of debonding
process is shown in Figure 11. Both beams have been were observed on the beams. Several loud cracking
repaired before FRP application and testing. The flex- sounds indicated that epoxy was cracking at multiple
ural FRP sheet on beam 5 A-D covered the tension locations. However, epoxy cracking was limited to

Figure 11: Load-deflection diagram Figure 13: Load-deflection diagram

for beams C 2, 5 A-D, and 7 B-S for beams C 2 and 7 A-S

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 41

very small areas. Concrete crushed on beams
strengthened by scheme I before FRP debonding.

The change in post cracking stiffness was very small

for beam 5 A-D and 7 B-S compared to the control
beam. The same performance was observed on beam
3 B-S. Since the degree of corrosion damage was
small too, this behavior was expected.

Scheme II Specimens
Figure 13 shows the load-deflection diagram for beam
7 A-S. The flexural sheet on this beam was anchored Figure 15: Failure mode for beam 4 B-D
with U-wraps at multiple points leaving an at mid-span, view from the north side
unstrengthened length of 305 mm (12") at mid-span.
Beam 7 A-S was load tested after the initial corrosion
and a repair procedure. The load capacity was 47% beams 7 A-S and 5 B-S debonding started at mid-span
higher than the capacity of the control beam; the post and was limited on the area between the first anchors
cracking stiffness increased only slightly. (U-wraps).

Beam 5 B-S was strengthened by the same FRP lay- FRP on beam 4 B-D debonded at the east end and
out as beam 7 A-S. The load capacity after the re-cor- ripped out the concrete cover over the reinforcement
rosion process was 30% higher than the control at mid-span. No corrosion damage was spotted before
beam’s capacity. The stiffness decreased at the same testing in this area; however, an investigation after
time by about 20% (see Figure 14). testing found some rust traces. Figure 15 shows beam
4 B-D after testing; concrete delamination can be seen
The flexural FRP sheet on beam 4 B-D was anchored at the level of corrosion cracks.
at each end by a single U-wrap. The load capacity
increased by 31%, while the stiffness dropped by Scheme III Specimens
17%. Figure 14 shows the load-deflection diagram for
beams 5 B-S and 4 B-D compared to beam C 2. Figure 16 shows the load-deflection diagram for beam
4 B-S tested after the initial corrosion compared to the
Cracking sounds were observed on all three beams control beam. It can be seen that the load capacity
during testing. At ultimate load, shortly after concrete increased by 44% without any loss in stiffness.
crushing started, FRP debonded from the beams. On

Figure 14: Load-deflection plot Figure 16: Load-deflection diagram

for beams C2, 5 B-S and 4 B-D for beams C 2 and 4 B-S

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 42

Figure 17: Load-deflection diagram Figure 18: Load-deflection diagram
for beams 4 A-S, 5 B-D, and C2 for beams C2 and 3 B-D

The PR corroded beams 4 A-S and 5 B-D showed an after one and two cycles of accelerated corrosion. The
almost identical load deflection behavior during test- first group consisted of eight specimens tested after
ing. The ultimate load capacities were 30% (4 A-S) the initial corrosion process. Beams out of the second
and 32% (5 B-D) higher than the capacity of the con- group were repaired after the initial corrosion process,
trol beams. No loss in stiffness was observed. The exposed to the second cycle of accelerated corrosion,
load-deflection diagram for these beams can be seen and then load tested. The following conclusions can
in Figure 17. be drawn from the test program:
• Unstrengthened test specimen lost between 8%
Throughout all tests several cracking sounds were and 15% of their load capacity due to corrosion
heard. Like on the other strengthened beams, the compared to the control beam.
source was epoxy cracking. However, no debonded • Beams strengthened by scheme I had an in-
areas were found at any point of testing. At ultimate crease in load capacity after PR-corrosion of
load, all beams strengthened by scheme III failed sud- 27% over the control beam. The post-repair per-
denly by concrete crushing without any previous formance of specimen strengthened by scheme I
warning. tested before and after PR-corrosion showed
almost no decrease of ultimate load capacity
Beam 3 B-D was strengthened by scheme III with- (-3%).
out a concrete repair after the initial corrosion • Beams strengthened by scheme II had an in-
(URS). The strengthening FRP sheet was used to crease in load capacity after PR-corrosion of
cover all corrosion cracks. After the PR corrosion 30% and 31% over the control beam. The post-
program, several large debonded areas at multiple repair performance of specimen strengthened by
points on the specimen were found. Figure 18 shows scheme II tested before and after PR-corrosion
the load-deflection diagram for beam 3 B-D com- showed a decrease in ultimate load capacity
pared to the control beam. The load capacity was of 12%.
18% higher, while the stiffness did not change. Like • Beams strengthened by scheme III had an
the other beams strengthened by scheme III this increase in load capacity after PR-corrosion by
beam failed suddenly by concrete crushing without 30% and 32% over the control beam. The post-
any previous warning. repair performance of specimen strengthened by
scheme III tested before and after PR-corrosion
Conclusions showed a decrease in ultimate load capacity
between 9% and 12%.
The experimental set-up was designed to evaluate the • Unrepaired beams strengthened by scheme III had
long-term durability of externally bonded FRP rein- an increase in load capacity after continuing cor-
forcement for concrete structures and to develop mod- rosion by 18% over the control beam. The post-
els to predict their service life. Thus far, two test repair performance of unrepaired specimen com-
groups, with a total of 16 beams, were investigated pared to repaired specimen decreased by 9%.

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 3 Summer 2007 Page 43

• Corrosion caused a loss of stiffness on test speci-
men. Stiffness can be regained by FRP applica- 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee
tion. 546 (2001). “Concrete repair guide.” American
• FRP applications decreased corrosion rates during Concrete Institute, ACI 556R-96 (Reapproved
post-repair corrosion by minimizing chloride dif- 2001), Farmington Hills, Michigan.
fusion. 2. Berver, E. W., Fowler, D. W., and King, J. J.
(2001). “Corrosion in FRP-wrapped concrete
Acknowledgements members.” Structural Faults and Repair 2001.
3. Bonacci, J. F. and Maalej, M. (2000). “Externally
The authors would like thank the National Science bonded fiber-reinforced polymer for rehabilitation
Foundation (grant # 9734227) for funding. We would of corrosion damaged concrete beams.” ACI
also like to thank Sarah Witt and The Fyfe Structural Journal, Volume 97, Issue 5 (September/
Corporation for the FRP composite materials that October 2000), 703-711.
were donated. 4. Soudki, K. A., Zeng, J. S., Meise, B. and
Sherwood, E. G. (1999). “ Durability of repaired
Others deserving thanks for contributions of resources concrete beams with CFRP laminates subjected to
and knowledge are John Levar and Chuck Broward. wet-dry cycles.” CDCC 98, 499-512
Mario Paredes and Mitch Langley (Florida 5. Soudki, K. A., Sherwood, T., and Masoud, S.
Department of Transportation, State Materials Office) (2003). “FRP repair of corrosion-damaged rein-
are also to be thanked for technical assistance and forced concrete.” University of Waterloo, Canada,
support. Department of Civil Engineering.
6. Virmani, P. Y. (2002). “Corrosion costs and pre-
The views expressed in this paper are those of the ventive strategies in the United States.” FHWA-
authors and not necessarily those of the sponsor. RD-01-156

See Tables next two pages

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 44

Table 1: Material properties for strengthening system

Table 2: Test specimen description

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 45

Table 3: Results load test after initial corrosion

Table 4: Results load test after PR corrosion

Composites Research Journal Volume 1, Issue 4 Fall 2007 Page 46

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