Sport Injuries

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Sports Injuries

Corey Joseph and Caroline F Finch, Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP), Federation
University Australia, Ballarat, VIC, Australia
Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article is an updated version of the previous edition article by Rebecca Dennis, Caroline F. Finch, volume 6, pp. 206–211, Ó 2008, Elsevier Inc.

Sports Injury as an International Public Health Issue which is arguably the most important context. In these commu-
nity participation settings, the main sources of sports injury
Participation in sport and physical activity is a global priority data come from hospital admissions, emergency department
and encouraged by government agencies worldwide. The bene- presentations, and insurance claims (Fridman et al., 2013; Cas-
fits that physical activity provides include general health, non- sell et al., 2003; Åman et al., 2014). However, only 30% of
communicable disease, physical fitness, psychological, social, sports injuries actually present to these healthcare settings,
and economic effects, and these impact the individual as well making the true burden of sports injury difficult to ascertain
as the community (Oldridge, 2008; Penedo and Dahn, 2005; (Cassell et al., 2003; Mitchell et al., 2010). There are, therefore,
Reiner et al., 2013; Warburton et al., 2006). However, partici- concerns around the best way to record sports injuries, with the
pation is not without risk, and injuries can occur to those need to be consistent and employ standardized reporting
who partake in sport and physical activity. Unfortunately, these to be able to make accurate comparisons with other
sports injuries can have both long- and short-term adverse population-based data, and also to provide information in
effects by economically burdening the individual, causing a form to best influence public health policies (Finch, 2012).
permanent physical damage or disability, affecting quality of A lack of clear definitions of sports injuries have also made
life, impacting time at work, and leading to time away from it difficult to report accurate injury rates and make compari-
physical activity (Cook and Finch, 2011; Lyons et al., 2010). sons between studies. While clear definitions of sports injuries
It has been found that even minor sports injuries can affect that represent the holistic views of clinicians, athletes, and
the ability to perform daily routine activities and the participa- sporting institutions have been suggested (Timpka et al.,
tion or performance in any subsequent activity (Finch and 2014), there is no consistency or standardized definition of
Cassell, 2006). Previous injury or disability is also a barrier to what a sports injury is, and several injury definitions have
sports participation, resulting in a reduction in participation been proposed from time loss, to medical attention, to any
levels (Finch et al., 2001; Askling et al., 2008; State Government physical complaint (Clarsen et al., 2013). For example,
of Victoria, 2013). Sports injuries can be associated with signif- some sports injury studies define an injury as “an event occur-
icant injury-related morbidity, and in the European Union, it ring during a match or training session that required medical
has been estimated that 4.6% of all sports-related injuries result attention (including self-treatment), or caused the player to
in temporary disabilities, with 0.5% of these being permanent miss at least one scheduled match or team training session”
(Kisser and Bauer, 2012). Considering the significant impacts (McNoe and Chalmers, 2010), others define it as “any injury
of sports injury on healthcare delivery systems, and individual that prevents a player from taking a full part in all training and
health and well-being, sports injury and its prevention is match play activities typically planned for that day, where the
a major public health issue. injury has been there for a period greater than 24 h from
midnight at the end of the day that the injury was sustained”
(Blake et al., 2014). As a result of this lack of consensus, and
Epidemiology of Sports Injury the intricacies of different sports, specific injury definitions
have been developed for particular sports, such as cricket
Sports injuries have long been recognized as a global health (Orchard et al., 2005) and soccer (Fuller et al., 2006). The
problem requiring a public health approach to reduce their concept of defining injury has also been applied to particular
impact (Timpka et al., 2008). Sports injuries have been injury types, such as concussion (McCrory et al., 2009). A new
reported to burden 5.2 million Australians and cost definition that takes into account the International Classifica-
AU$2 billion to the Australian healthcare system (Medibank, tion of Functioning, Disability, and Health proposed by the
2006). In Europe, 20% of all nonfatal injuries are sports World Health Organization has been suggested (Timpka
injuries and cost V2.4 billion (Kisser and Bauer, 2012). More et al., 2014; Table 1). Another issue impacting on compara-
than US$1.58 billion is spent on sports injuries in the United bility of study findings is the manner in which rates have
States (Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2004, 2005). been standardized (i.e., per ’000 participants, per 1000 h,
There is recent evidence that the incidence of sports injuries, time lost from participation) also vary widely, and often
and its associated burdens, is increasing (Finch et al., 2014). population-based data are not reported annually making it
A concern from a global perspective, however, is that most difficult to fully understand the current-date impact of sports
population-based sports injury rates are based on data reported injuries or monitor trends over time.
in developed countries, and little is known about sports
injuries in undeveloped nations.
Most information about the incidence of, and risk factors Sports Most Commonly Associate with Injury
for, sports injuries comes from elite, semielite, or professional
sporting environments. Limited data exist on grassroots or Generally, there is a greater risk of injury associated with
community-level sports injuries, at the broad population level, contact versus noncontact sports because of the high potential

International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd edition, Volume 7 79

80 Sports Injuries

Table 1 Sports injury definition incorporating impairment injury rates (Eurosafe, n.d.). Team ball sports account for
40% of all sports injuries in Europe, with soccer (74%), basket-
Clinical examination ball (8%), volleyball (7%), and handball (3%) resulting in the
Sports injury
majority of injuries (Kisser and Bauer, 2012).
Loss or abnormality of bodily structure or functioning resulting from an
isolated exposure to physical energy during sports training or
competition that following examination is diagnosed by a clinical
professional as a medically recognized injury Categories of Sports Injuries
Sports disease (overuse syndrome)
Loss or abnormality of bodily structure or functioning resulting from Sports injuries affect all structures that make up the musculo-
repeated bouts of physical load without adequate recovery periods in skeletal system and include muscle, bone, tendon, ligament,
association with sports training or competition that following and cartilage. They result when a load applied to a body tissue
examination is diagnosed by a clinical professional as a medically exceeds its failure tolerance (Bussey, 2002). Each tissue within
recognized disease or syndrome the body displays its own biomechanical properties and
Athlete self-report
responds differently to loading, and not all injuries occur as
Sports trauma
the result of acute energy transfer. Where sports participation
An immediate sensation of pain, discomfort, or loss of functioning
associated, by an athlete, with an isolated exposure to physical energy is concerned, the loading applied to, and by, the body often
during sports training or competition having an intensity and quality results in nonacute or overuse injury, particularly when the
making the sensation being interpreted by the athlete as discordant stresses or loads the body undergoes during movement reach
with normal body functioning a threshold at which adaptations no longer take place and
Sports illness rest is required (Bussey, 2002). Therefore, it is important to
A progressively developing sensation of pain, discomfort, or loss of understand the mechanisms that cause injury so that they can
functioning associated, by an athlete, with repeated bouts of physical be prevented.
load during sports training or competition without adequate recovery Sports injuries can be categorized into acute or overuse
periods that reach an intensity and quality making the sensation being
depending on the mechanism of their occurrence, or subse-
interpreted by the athlete as discordant with normal body functioning
quent injuries dependent on their relatedness and temporal
Sports performance
Sports incapacity sequence. Acute injures can be defined by the type and loca-
Sidelining of athlete by a sports authority (the athlete her/himself, coach, tion, or by the mechanism causing the injury (Brukner and
manager, sports committee) due to reduced ability to perform Khan, 2012). For example, an acute injury could be a muscle
a planned sports activity following an isolated exposure to physical or ligament strain, and such injuries generally occur suddenly
energy during sports training or competition from a single inciting event or mechanism. An overuse injury
Sports sickness is generally one that occurs as a result of repeated,
Sidelining of athlete by a sports authority (the athlete her/himself, coach, low-magnitude musculoskeletal loading combined with
manager, sports committee) due to reduced ability to perform suboptimal recovery (Bussey, 2002; Cook and Finch, 2011).
a planned sports activity following repeated bouts of physical load
Examples of overuse injuries are tendinopathies and stress frac-
without adequate recovery periods in association with sports training or
tures. Many people will sustain more than one injury over their
playing career, or a sporting season, and subsequent injuries are
Reproduced with permission from Timpka, T., Jacobsson, J., Bickenbach, J., et al., therefore those that are repeat, recurrences, or multiple injuries
2014. What is a sports injury? Sports Med. 44, 423–428. (Finch and Cook, 2013; Fuller et al., 2006; Hamilton et al.,
2011; Hammond et al., 2011). Improved understanding of
subsequent injuries will ensure that the risk of new injuries is
for impact-related mechanisms of injury. This is evidenced not overestimated and/or recurrent injuries are not underre-
by the high rates of injuries in Australian football (Cassell ported (Finch and Cook, 2013).
et al., 2003), American football (Consumer Product Safety Classification systems have been developed to categorize
Commission, 2004, 2005), and soccer (Eurosafe, n.d.). sports injuries with reasonable success (National Centre for
However, there are also relatively high risks associated with Classification in Health, 2006; Rae et al., 2005; Finch and Bou-
noncontact sports such as basketball, bicycling, gymnastics fous, 2008; Orchard et al., 2010). Injuries that occur during
and aerobics, horse riding, and ski sports (Cassell et al., sports participation can be categorized into a range of injury
2003; Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2004, 2005; types (Australian Sports Injury Database Working Party,
Eurosafe, n.d.). Commonly, injury rates are also higher in 1997). The most common injury types are bruising, sprains,
participants of team sports (e.g., American football, Australian strains, fractures, and concussions (Cassell et al., 2003; Kisser
football, basketball, soccer) rather than individual sports (e.g., and Bauer, 2012).
equestrian, gymnastics, running) because of the greater phys- As alluded to previously, it is difficult to know the true
ical requirements and opportunities for direct interactions incidence of sports injuries due to the limited
with other athletes. In Australia, the top five sports where community-level data. However, based on hospital emer-
injuries occur are Australian football, basketball, netball, gency department records and insurance claimant data,
running, and tennis (Cassell et al., 2012). In the United States, most sports injuries at the population level are fractures, intra-
the top five are basketball, bicycling, American football, exer- cranial injuries, sprains, strains, or bruises (Burt and Over-
cise or exercise equipment, and baseball (Consumer Product peck, 2001; Cassell et al., 2003, 2012; Finch et al., 1998;
Safety Commission, 2012). In Europe, soccer, gymnastics, aero- Forssblad et al., 2005; Fridman et al., 2013; Kisser and
bics, handball, horse riding, and ski sports yield the highest Bauer, 2012; Schneider et al., 2006; Söderman et al., 2002;
Sports Injuries 81

de Loes et al., 2000; Otago and Peake, 2007; Boyce and that are modifiable and those that are nonmodifiable (Bahr
Quigley, 2004). It must be noted, however, that it is likely and Krosshaug, 2005; Figure 1). Much of the clinical sports
that the majority of sprains and strains do not lead to an emer- medicine focus to date has been on modifying relevant intrinsic
gency department presentation and, therefore, go unrecorded risk factors. There has been less attention given to extrinsic risk
in hospital-based data collections. Furthermore, the majority factors, though this trend is undergoing some reversal
of overuse injuries and other minor musculoskeletal injuries following recognition that it greatly impacts on the implemen-
are likely to be treated in nonemergency, nonhospital settings, tation of preventive programs. It has been argued that partic-
such as private physiotherapy clinics, and there is very scant ular preventive focus should now be on developing programs
information worldwide on their occurrence. that target modifiable risk factors (although age and gender
are important, also). Recently, Meeuwisse’s model of sports
injury was further refined to describe sports injury as a cyclic,
Sports Injury Risk Factors dynamic model whereby an individual can cycle through the
model without an outcome (i.e., injury) (Meeuwisse et al.,
Both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors directly influence the 2007). This updated model still allows for interplay between
occurrence and frequency of sports injury. These factors can injury risk factors, but it also recognizes that these can still
either act individually or jointly in increasing injury risk. increase an individual’s injury susceptibility even when they
A model of injury prevention to identify causation based on do not directly lead to injury.
risk factors was initially developed by Meeuwisse (1994). As mentioned previously, the majority of research around
This model emphasized the interaction between extrinsic and sports injuries has been undertaken in elite or subelite sport,
intrinsic risk factors, and an update is provided in Figure 1. and what is known about risk factors applies mainly to these
Intrinsic factors can be categorized as being biological or populations. While the number of participants in
psychological in nature and individually make up and distin- community-level sport by far outnumber their professional
guish one person from another. Extrinsic factors are more counterparts, in terms of both participation levels and injury
related to external, environmental (physical or social) condi- rates, what is known about risk factors from elite sport still
tions and the manner in which external loads are applied to provides valuable information to inform risk factors at the
the human body (Bahr and Krosshaug, 2005). Most common community-level. The majority of research into sports injury
risk factors are age (intrinsic), sex (intrinsic), previous injury risk factors involves adults, and lesser is known about pediatric
(intrinsic), and type of sport (extrinsic). Meeuwisse’s (1994) and adolescent sports injuries. This is despite the large
model has since been further developed to consider risk factors emphasis on children and adolescents spending increased

External risk factors Repeat participation in activity

• Weather conditions
• Playing surface
• Opposition players

• Type of sport
• Level of play
• Position played
• Exposure within the
sport (match training)
• Preseason training
• Size of area of play
Internal risk factors • Time of day No injury
Non-modifiable • Rules of play
• Age • Coaches
• Gender • Sports equipment
• Previous injury • Protective equipment
Modifiable • Footwear
• Body composition Events Recovery
• Muscle strength
• Joint range of motion
• Balance
• Nutritional status Predisposed Susceptible
• Limb dominance athlete athlete
Inciting event Injury
• Athletic technique
• Knowledge of the rules • Playing situation
• Skill level • Player/opponent No recovery
• Motivation
• Biomechanical
• Risk taking
description (joint &
• Coping strategies whole body) Removed from
Risk factors for injury Mechanisms of injury
(distant from outcome) (proximal to outcome)

Figure 1 Injury causation model. Adapted from Bahr, R., Krosshaug, T., 2005. Understanding injury mechanisms: a key component of preventing
injuries in sport. Br. J. Sports Med. 39, 324–329; Meeuwisse, W.H., Tyreman, H., Hagel, B., Emery, C., 2007. A dynamic model of etiology in sport
injury: the recursive nature of risk and causation. Clin. J. Sport Med. 17, 215–219.
82 Sports Injuries

time being physically active (Finch and Twomey, 2012). Interestingly, contrary to popular belief, stretching programs
However, there are complexities around injuries during the have now been shown to be ineffective at reducing injury
years of growth with risk factors for injury such as adolescent (Leppänen et al., 2013).
growth spurt, age, biologic maturity, body size, coaching, While the development of injury prevention programs is
gender, previous injury, and psychological characteristics being highly important, the uptake of these programs by coaches,
a concern (Caine et al., 2008; Shanmugam and Maffulli, 2008). trainers, and athletes is equally important. A large body of
There is also evidence to suggest that specialization in sports evidence exists for the efficacy of programs that prevent sports
during adolescence or childhood leads to burnout and impacts injuries; however, this research is usually conducted under
physical growth, biological maturation, and psychobehavioral ‘perfect world’ conditions, and limited research exists in the
development, and all of these can increase injury risk (Malina, evaluation of programs that have been developed in contrived,
2010; Nyland, 2014). lab-based settings, and how effective they are when tested in
In children and adolescents in the United States, the highest the ‘real world’ (Klügl et al., 2010). There has been much less
incidence rates of injury occur in ice hockey, rugby, soccer, foot- attention in the literature on the implementation of sports
ball, and cross country for boys, and in soccer, basketball, injury prevention programs (Finch, 2011).
gymnastics, and cross country for girls (Caine et al., 2008). The Translating Research into Injury Prevention Practice
The majority of injuries occur to the lower extremity, with the framework (TRIPP) was developed to consider the context in
knee and ankle predominating; however, this can be dependent which injury prevention programs are to be applied, taking
on the type of sport played (Gottschalk and Andrish, 2011; into account the behavioral aspects of individuals involved in
Caine et al., 2006). For example, a high rate of upper extremity the implementation, participants, and uptake of the prevention
injuries occur in baseball, judo, and gymnastics (Caine et al., program (Finch, 2006). Though extending the seminal model
2006). Ligament and tendon sprains, muscle strains, disloca- of sports injury prevention (van Mechelen et al., 1992), the
tions, and fractures are common injuries (Frisch et al., 2009), TRIPP framework aims to facilitate the implementation of
and high levels of overuse injuries have also been reported effective and efficient injury prevention programs in their
(Caine et al., 2006). Injury prevention programs for children ‘real world’ context (Table 2).
and adolescents have been shown to be effective for reducing There are many different models or approaches to imple-
injury risk in sports such as soccer (Emery and Meeuwisse, menting health promotion programs that could be extrapo-
2010), Australian football (Scase et al., 2006; Romiti et al., lated to sports injury prevention, and recent research has
2008), handball (Wedderkopp et al., 2003), basketball (Emery started to do this (Finch, 2011). For example, to comprehen-
et al., 2007), and cricket (Shaw and Finch, 2008; White et al., sively evaluate the impact of a particular intervention, the
2011). However, the majority of evidence relates only to lower Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Mainte-
limb injuries and team sports, and more focus needs to be nance (RE-AIM) framework was developed to take into
placed on individual sports and upper extremity injury risk account the multilevel nature of interventions (i.e.,
(Maffulli et al., 2010). There are some good examples of how individual, environmental, policy, etc.) and considers the
this evidence has been used to inform policy and strategies RE-AIM of an intervention in order to determine the
have been put in place to prevent sports injuries in sports effectiveness of translating the evidence into practice
such as karate (Macan et al., 2006) and ice hockey (Emery (Glasgow et al., 1999). In the context of sporting injuries, the
et al., 2010). RE-AIM framework can be used to evaluate intervention
impact, which is important because an intervention will not
work without high-quality implementation (Finch and
Sports Injury Prevention Donaldson, 2010; O’Brien and Finch, 2014a). Understanding
the limitations of program implementation, and strategizing
Over much of the past two decades, sports injury research has the delivery, enables the effect of the intervention to be
predominantly focused on diagnosis, treatment, and rehabili- maximized.
tation programs; however, efforts are now being shifted toward
the prevention of injuries. Some injury prevention programs
have been developed to reduce the occurrence of sports injuries Table 2 Stages and stage description of the Translating
(Lauersen et al., 2013) and examples include warm-up Research into Injury Prevention Practice framework
programs focusing on neuromuscular control that include
specific exercises aimed at reducing overall injuries, severe Model
injuries, overuse injuries, knee injuries, and general lower stages Description
extremity injuries (Emery and Meeuwisse, 2010; Longo et al., 1 Injury surveillance
2013; Soligard et al., 2008; Andrew et al., 2013; Herman 2 Establish etiology and mechanisms
et al., 2012), as well as eccentric hamstring programs (Arnason 3 Develop preventative measures
et al., 2008; Askling et al., 2003; Petersen et al., 2011). Sports 4 ‘Idea conditions’/scientific evaluation
injury prevention programs employing footwear, shoe insoles, 5 Describe intervention context to inform implementation
externally worn braces, protective headwear, mouth guards, strategies
training and stretching programs have been reviewed and their 6 Evaluate effectiveness of preventative measures in
effectiveness evaluated (Leppänen et al., 2013). It has been implementation context
shown that many musculoskeletal sports injuries can be pre- Source: Finch, C., 2006. A new framework for research leading to sports injury
vented via the use of insoles, braces, and training programs. prevention. J. Sci. Med. Sport 9, 3–9.
Sports Injuries 83

Table 3 The Sports Setting Matrix extension of the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance framework

Level of assessment/intervention setting or target

National sporting organization State/provincial sporting organization Regional association or league Club Team Participant


Reproduced with permission from Finch, C., Donaldson, A., 2010. A sports setting matrix for understanding the implementation context for community sport. Br. J. Sports
Med. 44, 973–978.

To complement the RE-AIM framework and assist in the

implementation of prevention programs, the Sports Setting
Matrix (SSM) has been proposed. The SSM was developed to Table 4 Overview of knowledge transfer scheme (KTS)
assist in targeting explicit levels of a sporting organization
Scheme steps Description
when attempting to implement an injury prevention program
(Finch and Donaldson, 2010; Table 3). In this matrix, focus Step 1: problem statement Describe the problem as encountered in
can be placed on the overarching, national organization level practice in terms of:
all the way down to an individual participant level. The SSM l Problem magnitude
has the ability to be applied at multiple levels, which is l Problem severity
important given most community-level sport is hierarchal in l Societal burden
l Problem context
nature, and therefore, enhancing the effectiveness of delivery.
Step 2: evidence synthesis For all available evidence, describe:
Taking into account that an intervention will not work
and description l The gain for the individual
without high-quality implementation, a review assessed the
l The gain for the society
use of the RE-AIM framework in the reporting of injury l The context of the evidence
prevention interventions in team sports (O’Brien and Finch, l Contemporary views and practices
2014b). This review highlighted a clear absence of detail of practice and practitioners
outlining who instructed and observed the individuals Step 3: KTG Establish a KTG consisting of
undertaking the injury prevention program (i.e., researchers), representativeness of key
whether ‘delivery agents’ were educated about the intervention stakeholders, practitioners, and
(whether the researchers educate independent individuals researchers with expertise on the
such as coaches), and if agents were used to deliver the injury or evidence at hand. Within the
KTG, discuss:
program (O’Brien and Finch, 2014a,b). It is important that
l The problem statement (KTS step 1)
these details are provided to clearly define the intended end
l The evidence description (KTS
users (e.g., athletes, coaches, trainers), and the necessity to step 2)
provide these details to others wanting to replicate the l Completeness of group
program for the benefit of preventing injuries, or further l In the event that the group identifies
research. Additionally, to further optimize implementation, it that some key stakeholders or
is imperative to outline the components that, as a minimum, experts are missing, they can be
must be covered and delivered for the program to be effective. added to the KTG
Reporting these implementation points will be of huge Step 4: product development For the KTS product to be developed,
importance in closing the gap between evidence and practice. describe the:
l Product goal
While a top-down approach to prevention programs (i.e.,
l Target group(s)
scientifically develop effective prevention programs and then,
l Product context
implement them) can work to an extent, it is also important Step 5: evaluation Evaluate the KTS product within the
to consider the alternative, bottom-up approach, and consider RE-AIM framework (Glasgow et al.,
the barriers that exist in the science filtering to the end user. In 1999):
order to bridge the gap between research and practice, the l Reach
Knowledge Transfer Scheme was developed that is a five-stage l Effectiveness
process which can adopt either a top-down or bottom-up l Adoption
approach (Verhagen et al., 2013). The stages from the l Implementation
l Maintenance
bottom-up are (1) problem statement; (2) evidence synthesis
and description; (3) knowledge transfer group; (4) product RE-AIM, Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance; KTG,
development; and (5) evaluation (Table 4). knowledge transfer group.
Keeping all this in mind, there are still further challenges for Reproduced with permission from Verhagen, E., Voogt, N., Bruinsma, A., Finch,
C.F., 2013. A knowledge transfer scheme to bridge the gap between science and
preventing injuries in sport. Ensuring that individuals continue practice: an integration of existing research frameworks into a tool for practice. Br. J.
to perform and comply with any sports injury prevention Sports Med. 48, 698–701.
84 Sports Injuries

program is a challenge to coaches and trainers (Engebretsen Cassell, E., Kerr, E., Clapperton, A., 2012. Adult Sports Injury Hospitalisations in 16
et al., 2008; Finch et al., 2013a; Soligard et al., 2010). Compli- Sports: The Football Codes, Other Team Ball Sports, Team Bat and Stick Sports
and Racquet Sports. Hazard (Edition No. 74). Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit,
ance can range from high (Finch et al., 2013a; Soligard et al.,
Monash University.
2010) to low (Engebretsen et al., 2008) and be highest during home-sport-and-leisure-safety/visu/hazard/haz74.pdf.
preseason, compared to the end of a season (Finch et al., Cassell, E.P., Finch, C.F., Stathakis, V.Z., 2003. Epidemiology of medically treated
2013a; Sugimoto et al., 2012; Steffen et al., 2013a,b; McKay sport and active recreation injuries in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia. Br. J.
et al., 2014). Importantly, players and coaches can all provide Sports Med. 37, 405–409.
Clarsen, B., Myklebust, G., Bahr, R., 2013. Development and validation of a new
valuable feedback in improving the implementation and method for the registration of overuse injuries in sports injury epidemiology: the
adherence of these programs (Finch et al., 2013b; Saunders Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre (OSTRC) Overuse Injury Questionnaire. Br. J.
et al., 2010). Sports Med. 47, 495–502.
The uptake of effective sports injury prevention strategies Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2004. Team Sports. Hazard Screening Report.
Consumer Product Safety Commission, United States of America. https://www.
can be enhanced through policy implementation support and
reinforcement (Timpka et al., 2006, 2008). However, for policy Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2005. Sports Activities and Equipment
to be effectively implemented, there needs to be strong support (Excluding Major Team Sports). Hazard Screening Report. Consumer Product Safety
for injury prevention measures by individuals, parents, clubs, Commission, United States of America.
associations, and organizations. As well as a dedicated hazard_sports.pdf.
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2012. NEISS Data Highlights. Consumer
committee to coordinate putting the intervention in place, clear Product Safety Commission, Rockville, MD, USA.
guidelines outlining the requirements of the program, clear, Neiss_prod/2012NeissDataHighlights.pdf.
simple, and easy to access injury prevention and management Cook, J., Finch, C., 2011. The Long-term Impact of Overuse Injuries on Life-long
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NY, pp. 85–104.
of Victoria, 2013).
Emery, C., Meeuwisse, W., 2010. The effectiveness of a neuromuscular prevention
strategy to reduce injuries in youth soccer: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Br.
J. Sports Med. 44, 555–562.
See also: Head Trauma; Spinal Injury; Young People and Emery, C., Rose, M., Mcallister, J., Meeuwisse, W.H., 2007. A prevention strategy to
Violence. reduce the incidence of injury in high school basketball: a cluster randomized
controlled trial. Clin. J. Sport Med. 17, 17–24.
Emery, C.A., Hagel, B., Decloe, M., Carly, M., 2010. Risk factors for injury and severe injury
in youth ice hockey: a systematic review of the literature. Injury Prev. 16, 113–118.
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