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Optimal Power Flow (OPF) with different Objective Function based on modern heuristic Objective Function

Chapter 1


1.1 Optimal Power Flow (OPF)

Complicated and growing the power system with smart grid contribution and different
source of power generation via classical and renewable energy make the controlling and
optimization some parameters in power system is necessary and very important. Optimal
Power Flow is a re-distribution for the active and reactive power by optimize the control
variables of the power system like the generator voltage magnitude, transformer tap
changing, shunt injection capacitance, generator active power at generator bus etc.
(independent variables). The aim of optimize the control variables in OPF is to minimize the
Objective Function like the transmission line active power losses, the Fuel Cost, the voltage
Deviation, Voltage stability etc. with satisfying the limit of other state variables (dependent
variables) like the generator reactive power, the load voltage, the slack active power etc. OPF
is used to avoid the risk limit of over lapping some of the parameters in power system that
may be lead in some times to blackout according to the sudden increase of the load demand
or occurring the fault etc. Although OPF is necessary and useful for reliable system, it has
been used for economical system. It performs the Economic Dispatch for the generation units
to saving the fuel cost measured by the units ($/h).
Many papers and books are written to solve the problem of OPF. The mainly
difference between these paper are according to the type of Objective Function, type and
number of control variables and the optimization techniques that used to solve this problem.
Some papers deals with one, two, three,…,etc. as a single Objective Function, while others
papers deals with multi Objective Function. Some papers deals with one, two, three or four
control variables depending on the problem and researcher.
OPF that was initially developed by Carpentier in 1962 and used to find the minimum
generation cost of generator units in case of normal operation conditions holding classical
power flow results within operation limits [1].
A problem with more number of controllable parameters makes the system non-linear
and discontinues. So, classical solution methodologies failed to give an optimized global
solution [2]. In order to explain more about this problem, we present the following
Generally two mainly types of optimization techniques have been used to solve the
problem of OPF. The first one is known the classical optimization techniques. A different
classical optimization techniques have been applied in solving the OPF problems such as
‒ Gradient base.
‒ Linear programming.
‒ Non linear program.
‒ Quadratic programming.
‒ Newton-Raphson .
‒ Interior Point.

Optimal Power Flow (OPF) with different Objective Function based on modern heuristic Objective Function

‒ Sequential unconstrained minimization technique.

However all of these methods suffer from main problems such as:
 They may not be able to provide an optimal solution and usually getting stuck at a
local optimal. OPF problem is a multimodal optimization techniques, i.e. there exist
more than local optimum point. Hence, local optimization techniques are not suitable
to solve OPF problem.
 To simplify the problem, all these methods are based on assumption of linearity
,continuity and differentiability of Objective Function which is not actually allowed in
a practical system.
 Also these methods depend on the assumption of convex system of the Objective
Function while OPF problem is an optimization problem with a highly non linear ,
non convex system, non-smooth Objective Function.
 Some of these methods can find only a single optimized solution in a single
simulation run.
 They become too slow if the number of variables are large.
 They are computationally expensive for the solution of a large system.
 They have poor convergence.
 They are weak in handling qualitative constraints.
 All these methods can not be deals with discrete variables likes the transformer taps
changing and shunt injection capacitances that exists in the real power system.
In order to overcome the limitations of the classical (conventional) optimization
techniques, the second type of optimization techniques which known the heuristic
optimization techniques has been used. This type of optimization technique simulate the
natural phenomena or the social behavior of humans or animals [1,2 3].
A wide variety of these advanced optimization techniques (modern heuristic
optimization) have been applied in solving the OPF problems such as:
‒ Artificial Neural Network.
‒ Simulated annealing.
‒ Tabu Search.
‒ Genetic Algorithm.
‒ Evolutionary Programming.
‒ Ant Colony Optimization.
‒ Particle Swarm Optimization.
‒ Differential Evolution.
‒ Chaos optimization.
The major advantage of the heuristic optimization techniques are
 They can deal with complex problems that cannot be solved by conventional methods.
 They are relatively flexible for handling various qualitative constraints.
 They can find multiple optimal solutions in a single simulation run. So they are quite
suitable in solving multi-objective optimization problems.
 In most cases, they can find the global optimum solution.
 These methods are easy to apply due to their simple mathematical structure.

Optimal Power Flow (OPF) with different Objective Function based on modern heuristic Objective Function

 They are easy to combine with techniques to hybrid systems adding the strengths of
each single technique.
In general, the modern heuristic optimization techniques are continuously developed
further for other application in different power system optimization [4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
1.2 Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch (ORPD) or Reactive Power
Optimization (RPO)
Optimal Power Flow is an optimization tool used to schedule the control parameters
of power system in such a manner that the Objective Function is minimized or maximized
[9]. The Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch and Reactive Power Optimization have the same
meaning. They are a sub-problem of Optimal Power Flow. ORPD or RPO is one of the
important tasks in the operation and control of power system. It is re-distribution and
controlling the reactive power source associated with minimize the Objective Function. This
goal is achieved by proper adjustment of the reactive power variables like generators voltage
magnitude, transformers tap changing and shunt injection capacitances which are the sources
of reactive power in the power system. The Objective Function can be either the active power
losses or voltage deviation or voltage stability etc. The theory and the optimization
techniques that are used in Optimal Power Flow are also used in Reactive Power
Optimization with the same details. The only difference between OPF and RPO is according
to the control variables. RPO use the control variables that directly related and control the
reactive power dispatch such as the generators voltage magnitude, transformer taps changing
and shunt injection capacitances while OPF use the same control variables that used in RPO
with the addition of generators active power at PU buses. The Objective Function for OPF
and RPO is the same but in most applications of power system, the Objective Function in
RPO are the power losses or voltage deviation or voltage stability or multi of them while the
main Objective Function in OPF is the fuel cost with the addition of the Objective Function
of RPO [10, 11, 12].
Increasing the complexity of power systems, the continuous high loading of network
components and abnormal operating conditions make the optimal reactive power and voltage
control of power system are necessary and very important.
It is important to mention that RPO or ORPD affect the security and economically
operation of the power system. It is clear that RPO or ORPD improve the system voltage
profile, minimize system losses and increasing the voltage stability margin which affect and
control the security margin [13, 14, 15, 16].
Although the reactive power generation itself has no directly affect on the Fuel Cost
($/h) because the Fuel Cost is a function of the generator active power but optimization the
reactive power with its control variables reduce the Fuel Cost as Objective Function by little
percentage [17].
1.3 Economic dispatch (ED)
The basic objective of economic power dispatch of electric power generation is to
determines the optimal real power outputs for the generating units so as to meet the load
demand at minimum operating fuel cost while satisfying all unit and system equality and
inequality constraints [18, 19].

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