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GGR337: Environmental Remote sensing

Tutorial 3: Image registration and resampling

• n-bit has 2n combinations
• 8-bit: 28 =256, so the DN value of this image has the range from 0 to 255
Registration& resampling
• Registration (Georeference):
• Find the relationship between geographic coordinates of original
image and reference image/map

• Resample:
• Find the relationship between the DN value of geo-corrected image
and original image
Registration (example)
• X and Y is longitude and latitude value of original image
• X’ and Y’ is longitude and latitude value after geo-correction

• We need to build relationship between X and X’, Y and Y’

• For example:
• Linear relationship: Y’=a+b×Y
• 2nd polynomial relationship: Y’=c+d×Y+e×Y2
• 3rd polynomial relationship: Y’=f+g×Y+h×Y2+i×Y3
• ……
illustration on assignment 3
• There are 2 ways to find GCPs (Assignment instruction)
• 1. Geo-coded images
• 2. Vectors

• Ground control points (GCPs)

• Find the relationship between the value of geo-corrected image and
original image
Three methods of resampling
• Nearest neighbor
• Bilinear interpolation
• Cubic convolution
Due Day
• Deadline of Assignment 3: Nov. 12th 4 p.m.

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